Scenario for the reading competition: “and I love my native places.... Educational portal "nika" Competition I love my hometown


Maria Polzunova

Project"I I love my city

Relevance: children know little about their native city.

Goals: expand children’s knowledge about their native city, its attractions.


1. Shape general idea about the main architectural structures, monuments.

2. Form children’s understanding of their native land city.

3. To consolidate children’s knowledge about familiar streets where the house is located, kindergarten.

4. Cultivate the ability to see the beauty of one’s native cities, love him, be proud of him and take care of him.

Implementation deadlines: 1 month

Participants project: older children preschool age(5-6 years old, teachers, parents of pupils.

Implementation stages project:

Stage 1 - preparatory

Studying methodological literature;

Drawing up a long-term plan;

Creation of a developmental environment;

Selection of games and equipment.

Stage 2 - implementation project.

Event plan:

1) Looking at photographs of your loved one city, its attractions.

2) "Getting to know your family city» : game travel around native city.

3) D/i "Tell me about your city»

4) Working with parents: consultation "Streets of my native cities»

1) Examination of the map - diagrams cities(check the boxes for the most interesting places cities, places where children have been).

2) Children talk about the places they have been to city.

3) Drawing up a map of the street where the kindergarten is located.

4)Design "Streets cities»

5)Working with parents: suggest finding poems about city ​​of Likino-Dulyovo.

1)Learning a song about city"Likino-Dulyove"

2) Children talk about their favorite places in city.

3) Drawing the home yard where the children live.

4) Working with parents: offer to find information about history cities.

1) Role-playing game "We are builders"

2)D/i "Lay down the monument"

3)View the presentation "Likino-Dulyovo"

4)Working with parents: invite parents to show their children the sights of our cities.

1)Manufacturing « cities» in technology "collage" And "origami".

2) Reading poems about your native city.

3) D/i “Name the street where you live”.

1) Conduct a quiz “Happy holiday, Likino-Dulyovo”

Expected results:

Children have formed ideas about their native city, about architectural buildings, monuments;

Ability to navigate using a map cities;

The ability to see the beauty of a loved one cities, rejoice and take care of it;


Parents and educators were convinced of how relevant the topic of studying native language is. cities. Project interested children and adults, rallied parents and children in educating future citizens of their cities and countries. Knowledge gained during project, helped to increase the importance of patriotic education of children and the formation of patriotic feelings among preschoolers.

All stages project went through different types activities, a developmental, integrated approach to each child was used.

list of literature:

1. A. V. Peregudov "In those distant years"

2. “Likino-Dulyovo. Essays on history cities

3. Dulevsky’s website porcelain factory (

Publications on the topic:

“Do you know your hometown” (from work experience)"Do you know your hometown"(from work experience)

The past 2015 became an anniversary year for the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, which turned 85 years old. Connection of generations, love for the Fatherland.

On the Angara River, in December, 60 years ago, the construction of the Bratsk hydroelectric power station began. Multinational youth from all over the country went to explore Siberia.

Summary of OD “Love and know your city” Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution“Child development center - kindergarten No. 7 “Yaroslavna” in the city of Rubtsovsk, Altai.

Summary of the OD “Love and know your city!” Abstract of the OD “Love and Know Your City” Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution “Child Development Center - Kindergarten.

Summary of OOD “I Know My City” Goal: 1. To introduce children to the past and present of our city. 2. Develop an educational interest in the history of your hometown. 3. Educate.

Educational portal"NIKA" invites you to take part in All-Russian creative competition"My favorite city" carried out within the framework All-Russian creative marathon "Love and know your native land!" .

Any creative work performed on the topic is accepted for the Competition "My favorite city" in any performance technique.

A favorite city is a city in which you spent your childhood and youth. And for some, a favorite city is the city of their dreams, the city in which a person wants to live.

Each city is unique in its own way, and each has its own highlight. Share your impressions of your favorite city. Tell us how the beauty of this city surprised you!

Creative works performed on the stated topic are accepted for the Competition. These are illustrations of landmarks, natural monuments, and significant places in the native land.

Tell everyone about your favorite city!

Preschoolers, schoolchildren without age restrictions and adults can take part in the competition.

Participants may be:

Individual(one person participates) - the name of the author is indicated.

Group(classroom, family, etc.) - indicate the name of the team.

You cannot enter multiple full names. different authors.

The results of the Competition will be summed up as follows: nominations:

Drawing - artistic works made in any technique;
Photo - staged, story photographs (this does not include photographs of crafts);
Craft - all types of decorative and applied arts (applique, embroidery, burning, wood carving, painting on various materials, products made of wood, clay, etc.);

Presentation- presentation, collage of photographs
Poem- a story in poetic form about your favorite city;
Essay- Description of your favorite city, individual impressions and thoughts of the author (no more than 2 pages).

In each nomination, the results are summed up by age group:

From 3 to 6 years (preschoolers);
from 7 to 11 years ( junior schoolchildren);
from 12 to 15 years old (schoolchildren);
from 16 to 18 years old (high school students);
19 years and older (adults).
mixed groups (adults or older students may participate).

The results of the competition are summed up MONTHLY- strong>10th of next month.


Imagine! Draw! Create!

How to participate in the competition?

1) Submit as an electronic document (photo or scan).


1) Fill application necessary after registering and logging into the site.

2) Graphic works(drawings, photographs, photographs of crafts) give all their best in the form of graphic files in formats JPG, PNG or GIF.

Photos and drawings posted on the site in text formats DOC, DOCX,PDF and etc. NOT EVALUATED.
3) File size - no more than 2 MB.

4) You can only post the work the author of which is the participant. It is also not allowed to post works that have already been presented in other competitions on our website.

5) The application is processed in within 24 hours. The work is published on the website in the menu tab WORKS. You can look in your personal account in the tab "My works".

Participation in the competition is FREE

You are given the opportunity to publish your creative work on the all-Russian educational portal "NIKA" (electronic media).

Participants of the competition can order electronic or paper versions of documents for an additional fee:

Thanksletter addressed to the manager Winner or Prizewinner Diploma
Electronic variant:

Voting is completed 777

I love my hometown, school, street, house, because it's mine small Motherland. There are many wonderful places to live outstanding people. I would like to tell you about one such place - this is Upper Hava.

This place is dear to me and my family, because my great-great-grandfather, a man of whom all of us and others are proud, was born and lived there.

The countdown of the years of Upper Hawa dates back to 1690 - it was then that it was first mentioned in a written source geographical name.
The village got its name thanks to the Khava River, along the banks of which it is located.

In this picturesque corner, my great-great-grandfather Vasily Andreevich Popov was born in 1902. His childhood passed in the difficult pre-revolutionary years. There was no money for studying and, having completed only two classes, he left to earn a piece of bread.

After October revolution life went differently. In 1929, having organized MTS at the Zarya collective farm, he was one of the first to become a tractor driver. But the country needs competent agricultural specialists, and my great-great-grandfather sits down to study textbooks. At the age of 30, he entered the Agricultural Institute. It's not easy to learn, but it's necessary. And he is learning. He studies in the evenings and goes out into the field during the day.

The years go by, and Vasily Andreevich, an agronomist at the Verkhnekhava machine and tractor station, walks with them.

1939 The best grain growers of the Voronezh region go to Moscow for the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition, and among them was my great-great-grandfather. He received a small gold medal for growing a new variety of sugar beet.

In 1940, at a general meeting of collective farmers, he was elected chairman of the collective farm “Zavety Ilyich”. But he did not have to preside for long. The enemy attacked native land. - and the farmer’s hands took up weapons.

My great-great-grandfather took an active part in the defense and liberation of Voronezh. After the liberation of the city of Voronezh, he was sent to officer courses and assigned to the 333rd Infantry Division, to command a platoon of the 129th Infantry Regiment.

With this regiment he crossed the Dnieper. During the liberation of the village of Novo-Petrovka, Kherson region, on March 8, 1944, he died during the capture of the railway track.

In 1983, at the invitation of the administration, my mother sat down with her parents and was in the village of Novo-Petrovka, where a monument to my great-great-grandfather, Vasily Andreevich Popov, was erected. The battalion commander who fought with him tells how he died. His son, my great-grandfather, wrote a poem about the feat of my great-great-grandfather.

In the steppe near Petrovka there is a plain all around.

Brick booth above the canvas.

A wounded regiment, the rear in the distance beyond the Dnieper.

Machine guns are firing from the booth, and there is a plain all around.

The soldiers gathered at the battalion headquarters.

“What are we going to do, dear guys?”

So said the commander with a broken arm, and Salnikov came out so stern

“We’ll attack the booth at night, friends.

We will put an end to the fascist and save our regiment.

Otherwise we won’t be able to take the damned booth

We don’t have enough cartridges, where can we expect them from!”

“I’m coming too,” came the sound from the corner.

And the soldiers' eyes turned there.

So said the lieutenant, who was already half gray.

Not a war, near Voronezh he was the grandfather in the family.

An agronomist by profession, he loved the fields with his heart,

And he suffered as the earth shook from explosions.

Vanya Ivlev jumped up: “Uncle Vasya, dear,

There are six people waiting for you to go home near Voronezh.

I’m only a Komsomol member - this is my direct duty!”

“Okay, Lieutenant, come with me.”

And here is a handful of soldiers, dashing volunteers,

We went out into the night to meet the enemy, and the headquarters immediately fell silent.

In March the nights are dark, there is mud and puddles all around.

Why are you squelching, mud, under my boot?

Now the booth is visible, 300 meters away.

We divided into groups. “You, Popov, will go with her” -

He didn’t say anything, but the commander whispered in his ear.

"For success!" - and he shook everyone’s hands firmly.

The soldiers crawled over the embankment.

Silence, darkness, as if there was no life around.

They quietly ran to the booth.

Ugh, damn it, rocket, but we almost didn’t get there.

A shot from the booth rang out like thunder into the silence,

A barrage of fire and missiles rained down on the fighters

You can’t hesitate any longer, and Salnikov stood up to his full height.

"Behind Soviet Motherland! And rushed to the post.

Without finishing the sentence, combat lieutenant

He covered his mouth with his bloody free hand.

A grenade fragment pierced his mouth:

He damaged his tongue and licked off three teeth.

But to leave the guys at this fighting moment -

This means that all thirty will not return home.

Here our Popov fell face down, as if kissing the ground.

Vanya Ivlev is lying down, but we won’t sing hallelujah to them.

We have to get to the booth, we need to beat the enemy,

And the enemy will take revenge for the dead with interest.

Our guys entered the booth with a loud shout of “HURRAY!”

There were eleven of them left, and they all died.

The enemy came to his senses and immediately went on the attack.

Only here he was not the only one who found his death.

And with dawn, “Hurray” flashed across the field.

The regiment went on the offensive on the outskirts of the village.

And the residents of Peter the Great remember and honor this day.

A bust on a mass grave, like a shadow of these days

Let this shadow stand, but it is because the war did not pass anyone by.

Completed by Daria Dmitrievna Gorshkova, born in 2000.

Want to earn some money? Take part in our new competition. Its conditions are very simple and will not require much of your time. Just tell us about your favorite city and get paid for it. Details of the competition are below:

Some time ago I wrote about what I was planning. After that, I received a parcel from one of the blog readers, whose name is Vladimir Sergeevich Dmitrienko. He lives in Smolensk. He invited me to his place, and included in the parcel a tourist map of the city, as well as photographs of noteworthy places.

I really liked this gift and Smolensk in the photo and I thought: “Why not combine business with pleasure?”

I decided to hold a competition, the goal of which is to collect as much information as possible about interesting cities where I could live. I’ve been wanting to move somewhere for a long time, but I haven’t decided where exactly yet. Ideally, I would like to live in different cities for several years, 3-4 months in each, in order to ultimately decide on permanent place residence.

But who can better tell about nice city if not a resident of this very city?

So, to take part in the competition you need:

  1. Record video
  2. Or write an email

What should be in this video or letter?

You need to describe your favorite city. And not necessarily the one in which you live. It could be any city, but you should know it well. That is, if you went somewhere on vacation for 2 weeks or even a month and you really liked it, this does not mean that you know the city well.

You can know a city well if you have lived in it for some time. Then you can know how the good side, and bad ones.

There are no strict requirements for the content of your presentation. You can tell:

  • About why you love your city;
  • Where do you like to be in this city;
  • Talk about memorable places;
  • About the residents (what they are like - kind, evil, sympathetic, indifferent, etc.)
  • About nature;
  • About the weather;
  • Etc.

The winners will be determined by the so-called “Wow” effect. That is, when, after hearing or reading something, you want to say a surprised and meaningful “Wow.”

Based on the presentations of cities received from you, I will draw up a plan of visits. First on the list of visits I will put the city that is presented best. That is, after watching your video or reading your letter, I should have a desire to definitely visit your city.

Accordingly, the winner will be selected according to the priorities I have set in the visit schedule. The city that I want to visit first will take Grand Prize, second – the next prize, etc.

The competition is held until August 1, 2013. The winners will be determined and awarded from August 1 to August 10. The most interesting presentations will be posted on the “My Ruble” blog. Send your work to emai: myrouble dog

I want to benefit from of this competition received not only me and those who will take top places. I would like other people who dream of moving to another place to benefit, but have not yet decided where. Let's learn together about the most beautiful cities of our Motherland!