Birthday script in gangster style. Mafia style party


“I’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse...”

(Vito Corleone)

Dress code for a Chicago-style party. Silk dresses, diamonds, retro hairstyles with large cold waves, fur capes or feather boas. It would be great if you could get some cigarette holders, even if you don't smoke. On the head are small hats with feathers or a ribbon headband with a feather attached to the side. Fishnet tights and stiletto heels will complement the look. The look of a gangster for a man will be created by a striped suit, white shirt, suspenders, hat, tie and cigars. Canes and bowler hats are also welcome, and especially revolvers and Thomson machine guns.

Interior in American style of the 30s. Views of New York, photographs of musicians, famous personalities of the time, gangsters and photographs of people dressed in the style of the 30s. You can also download Chicago-themed photo templates with the caption "Wanted" and insert your guests' faces into them. A samovar for dispensing alcohol would look great and fit in with the theme (“Prohibition” after all). If you place bottles of alcohol on the table, then stick other labels on them with the words “tincture”, “potion”, “contraband”, or even pour the alcohol into coffee pots, teapots, jugs, juice or kefir bottles. Instead of glasses there are coffee and tea cups.

Music creates the mood. And it doesn’t have to strictly correspond to the era of the 30s. Perhaps it would be wiser to partially use music that we associate with “old America.” It could be rock and roll, Argentine tango, jive, foxtrot, Charleston, swing, even the Bravo group will do. A DJ at a gangster party cannot be dressed in a T-shirt and faded jeans. It must also “match.” So take care of his appearance and gangster look.

The host monitors the mood of the guests, delivering a joke at the right time, organizing a competition and drawing the guests into a new dizzying plot. After all, literally half an hour or an hour after the start of the party, people had already admired other people’s suits, showed off their own, drank a glass or two and off they went: ties were loosened, boas were thrown on the backs of chairs, hats fell under the table, and “revolvers” went from hand to hand. Therefore, the presenter must constantly keep his finger on the pulse. Start the next competition or game on time and gently encourage participants not to lose their accessories: “Lady, haven’t you put on your hat? This is a shame!”, “Sir! A true gangster doesn't leave his weapon anywhere!"

Progress of the evening:


Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, respected gangsters and their charming companions, welcome to Chicago!!!
Only here will you feel truly free!

You will hear delightful melodies of the ultra-modern style of music - jazz, and, of course, I kindly ask you to under no circumstances disclose the place and time of our underground party!

If you see stylish and fashionable people in pinstripe suits, hats pulled down over their eyes, with cigars, ladies in silk dresses, with fans, feathers, and the tart aroma of cigar smoke and the smell of whiskey mixed with light jazz - know that you have come to the right place. address!

So, settle in and don’t deny yourself anything. Pour some whiskey, don’t be shy, help yourself with confidence - this is “real” contraband!

And, of course, if you really wish, girls from the variety show will perform for you! And our respected jazzman will act as a musical entertainer for you!

All that remains is to add: WELCOME to a Chicago-style party!


Remember all the epithets that have been given to this era of American history: the police and the FBI called it the “Lawless Years,” musicians called it the “Jazz Age,” ordinary citizens called it the “Era of Prohibition,” industrialists called it the “Era of Prosperity,” doctors called it the “Age of Aspirin.” ”, and the rest are simply “The Crazy 30s”.

The true romance of that time amazes the imagination and awakens excitement in the soul.

So take a tour of these times, feel like a part of them, try on the customs and traditions and plunge into Chicago of the 30s!

First toast:

Success is changeable and fickle, like the weather. Luck is a tricky thing, it comes when it wants. But work is predictable, constant and unchanged from Monday to Friday. It's not fair!

Let's drink so that success and good luck, as well as a great mood, will always accompany us to work, never leave us at work, and see us home from work!

Be richer in success and good luck every day!

(drink, eat)

Host: let me announce the rules of our underground gangster party:

We must not forget throughout the entire festivities: why we are all at this underground gangster party.

Today we are against prohibition, so all guests should be cheerful and resourceful, that is, find a drink when everything has already been drunk.

Breaking dishes is only for luck.

Before standing up, look under the table to avoid stepping on your neighbor's hands.

If you can't get your fork into a piece of meat, don't be discouraged and grab it with your hands.

Remind yourself more often by shouting “The Mafia is immortal” and volleys of your gangster pistols.

It is forbidden to say the words: “Where are you getting into so much?”, “Don’t drink!”, “Don’t yell!”, “Let’s go home...”.

It is allowed to say: “I respect you!”, “Pour!”, “Let’s go fight!”.

Be cheerful, appreciate humor, avoid insults, sing and joke, remember - you are at a meeting of a large mafia clan.

Anyone in favor of these rules, please raise your tea glasses.


I want to wish you today

Good health, happiness,

Start each day with a sincere smile.

Let the world rush in an endless race,

Let lives be wasted for coins,

We are like on an old black and white film

Without words we will understand all the good covenants.

We are like the mafia: we are many, we are united

The connection of our hearts is unshakable -

And in our unity our strength:

Our temple of love, our dream palace.

Toast: I propose to raise a glass to unity and connection of hearts!


And now the floor is given to our godfather……………….. to present the “Breakthrough of the Year” award!!! Stormy applause!

(the head of the department congratulates employees, presents bonuses and gifts, including for sporting achievements).

The host makes a toast:

Friends! I wish everyone good luck,
Working, friendly mood!
I wish that money flies like birds
Into our hands, and so that our faces are joyful!
May everything everyone wishes come true!
Let's raise a nice glass to that!

Music block 20-25 min. (you can play a game while dancing)

Presenter: Tell me the main component of the American hot dog. (Participants name). Right. And now the game

“Sauce, ketchup, sausage.”

The more participants, the more fun the game is.

Those present must stand one after another. At the command of the “Sauce” leader, everyone must take a step forward with their right foot; “Ketchup” - with the left foot; “Sausage” - rotational movement of the waist. After the rehearsal, the task becomes more difficult. First, the presenter suggests taking each other by the waist and repeating the movements in different combinations, then wrapping your arms around each other.


One cannot but agree: the greatest joy is when like-minded people gather around, those with whom work is shared, with whom it is cozy and comfortable not only on weekdays, but also to celebrate holidays!

I offer a game

What to do if...
Participants are presented with difficult situations related to their work, in which they need to find an original way out.

Example situations:
. What to do if you lost your employees' salaries or public money in a casino?
. What to do if you are accidentally locked in the office late at night?
. What should you do if your dog ate an important report that you have to present to your department head in the morning?
. What to do if you are stuck in an elevator with the CEO of your company?

What to do if you accidentally knocked over a cup of coffee on the director's desk with important papers.

Presenter: Once again we are convinced that the most resourceful, original-minded, cheerful and witty people have gathered here!

Let your company strengthen and grow,

Let everyone have a bank account!

Let the house be full of love!

Good luck to you in 2012!

Presenter: (while people are sitting at the table).

Dear friends!

On the eve of the New Year, I suggest filling out a large sheet of wishes. And wish the fulfillment of some specific or abstract desires to your colleague, your neighbor at the feast. I think that at your next New Year’s corporate party you will be very interested to know whether the wishes you wrote today have come true.

(The A3 sheet is divided into small segments, in which wishes are written from bottom to top; after the wish is written, the sheet is folded and the next wish is written on top. And so on until the very end. When the entire sheet is filled, it is sealed and left for the next New Year's corporate party, i.e. for 2013.)


On New Year's Eve, all the colors of existence are mixed and a fountain of Happiness, Joy and Hope is obtained. Splashes of champagne fly, sparklers flash. Explosions of fireworks illuminate the windows. The New Year's carnival is rolling across the planet. And every person has the right to his own “piece” of happiness and fun. And everyone hopes to maintain the festive feeling throughout the year.
Let's drink to the New Year's fireworks of our desires. May all your dreams come true next year. (drink, have a snack)


Ladies and gentlemen! Today John Travolta and Uma Thurman were supposed to come to us and perform their famous gangster dance. But they were detained at customs for smuggling. But don't be upset. We have the opportunity to watch Latin American dance in our cabaret show. Greet us with thunderous applause!!!

(dance group performance)

Wow!!! This is class!!! Stormy applause!

And now I suggest you warm up a little and show off your prowess!

(Competition winners can be celebrated on a “WANTED” poster.)

Game "Card Sharper".

Players are given a deck of cards. They are given the task of hiding the cards on themselves, but not in one place (that is, they cannot put a whole deck in one pocket). When the participants lay out the cards, the presenter will announce that this was only the first part of the task. And the winner is the one who finds and gives the queen of spades (or any other card) to the leader faster than others. Participants will have to take out the carefully laid out cards in search of only one. Whoever is first wins.

Game "Money down the drain."

Participants (6 people) stand in a line at some distance from each other.

A real man should be able to earn money, and also waste money beautifully. Here’s your money, fold the bill into a “house”, and let the wind be under your nose. At the command “start!” you need to blow on the bill, letting it go into the wind. The one who is closer loses. Get ready! Let's start! (players blow on the bills, someone’s is closer). Oh, how unlucky you are! Well, it doesn’t matter, you’re just a little more economical than the rest! Thank you and applause! Meanwhile, there are fewer fighters left. Let's continue!

Game "Shoot and steal!"

Participants are given a toy gun with bullets. The targets are plastic cups placed on a specially prepared table. Each cup contains a dollar, with a color written on the back of each one. Participants shoot in turns. The presenter takes out a dollar from the downed target and names the color. Whoever misses the target is eliminated. The sharp shooters, having decided on the color, are given the task of going to work, namely, to “rob” the guests, bringing the presenter three things of the chosen color. Whichever shooter is the fastest to find and bring three things of the right color wins.

Game "Money Smells".

The participant is blindfolded and given any banknote (it must be real money). The participant can smell it, touch it, rub it. His task is to determine her dignity. If you guess right, you get a prize. Well, if you didn’t guess correctly, you must complete a romantic task: the number on the bill is divisible by ten. The resulting result is the number of kisses that the loser must immediately give to guests of the opposite sex. Any number of people can participate in the “Money Smells” game.

Tell about yourself.

4 players participate, who are seated on chairs, and signs with the inscriptions: “Bank”, “Maternity Hospital”, “Police”, “Casino” are attached to their backs. Players should not know what is written on their signs. They take turns answering the host’s pre-prepared questions. For example:

Do you like being here?

How often do you come here?

Do you go there alone?

Who do you usually take with you?

What three essential items will you take with you to avoid getting into a difficult situation if necessary?

What are you doing there?

Why did you choose this place?

Music block 20-25 min.

"Hat Dance"

Slow music plays, a leader is chosen, couples dance, and the leader in a hat chooses a partner from among the dancers. Having chosen a pair, he puts the hat on the person left without a pair. Now he is looking for a mate. Etc.

Competition - "Chicago Shot".

The purpose of our competition is to bring together all representatives of our clan. The guests stand in a circle in the order “gangster - gangster” and begin to pass a kiss in a circle to the music. The music stops. Whoever the music stops on is eliminated from the circle. The goal of the players is to survive as long as possible in this unstoppable battle of Chicago passion.


Dear friends! We continue our fun feast. 8 days left until many people's favorite holiday - New Year's Eve!

Winter has come, playing with snowstorms.

The frost is cracking and summer is far away.

And I wish you a Happy New Year.

May the New Year give you warmth!

The warmth of luck, the joy of the first meeting,

Warmth of love, family warmth.

And let it ring on New Year's Eve

Glasses of New Year's glass!

Host: I want to give you “A Song about a Good Mood.”

(song plays)


The Metal Dragon simply loves the shine of metal, be it gold or silver, so the coming 2012 will be the year of financiers, lawyers, and scammers! What does he have in store for each of you?

(The presenter reads a comic individual horoscope by numbers, what will happen to everyone in 20-12.)

1. Run for president - that's where you belong.

2. Your place is next to the director - you look better.

3. RUR 3 will be enough for lunch in a restaurant and bowling.

4. Business trip to space from the company.

5. The car is not for you, but the helicopter is.

6. Gather your household for tea and read aloud “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” - the year will bring good luck.

7. Live as long as you want and with whomever you want.

8. A sea of ​​luck and a dacha by the sea.

9. Earn money as best you can, and if you can, do it honestly.

10. Drink a can of beer every day, you will live happily all year.

11. Many incidents and interesting journeys await you

12. You will continue to burn with creative work.

13. You will join the cream of society, perhaps you will find a sponsor.

14. Many adventures and many thrills await you.

15. Love will brighten your days and make them bright.

16. The Year of the Child awaits you! To whom, what tests - birth or upbringing.

17. Fate will gild your pen and send you a handsome paycheck.

18. Your health will become stronger, your second youth will come.

19. You are the darling of fate, which means. Success and good luck await you.

20. You are used to living in the thick of things, work is your main destiny.

21. You have a lot of friends and acquaintances, and everyone will come to visit you soon.

22. A treat for your heart awaits you: a big increase in salary.

23. You will be cheerful and energetic, and therefore the whole year will go perfectly.

24. You are destined to live up to a hundred years without any storms and troubles.

25. Fate will throw a wallet, and all this in the near future.

26. Your whole life, winter and summer, will be illuminated with magical light.

27. On courses, on vacation, abroad - wherever fate decides.

28. You won’t burn your wings, take care of your health.

29. From now on, you will continue to get prettier and younger.

30. As you celebrate your good fortune, stock up on plenty of tea.

31. Everything will work out great for you in your family and personal life.

32. Once the money issue is resolved, you will buy an apartment.

Presenter: They sang, drank, performed,

They played different roles.

I'll give you time to rest.

Anyone who wants can drink

Who will eat and who will smoke?

Music block, competitions.

"Chicago Dance"

Today, the famous dance competition “Chicago Dance” will take place here and now. We ask for 5 men on stage, preferably the most lively ones. (sit down on chairs)

Like many stars, and you will certainly become one, let's come up with pseudonyms for you. Everyone introduces themselves with a name.

Excerpts of music are included.

Task 1. sitting on a chair, dancing with our feet (to rock and roll)

Task 2. dance with our hands (Lezginka)

Task 3. dance with lips, eyes, ears, facial expressions (Russian folk)

Task 4. everything dances: head, torso, legs (gypsy girl).

Fanfares and applause sound for all participants!

Natural selection

Participants stand in a circle and dance. During the dance, they pass each other an object (an orange or a small balloon). Suddenly the music stops, and the one who still has the object in his hands drops out of the circle. Then the music plays again and the dance continues. The last participant remaining in the circle receives a prize.

It is advisable to involve everyone present in this game. At first, the musical pauses are quite large, then the intervals between turning off the music decrease.

Participants become trains one after another and “ride” around the hall between other dancers. “Locomotive” begins with two or three participants, and gradually other dancers are added to them.


Please split into two teams.

Game "Rubathlon".

Each participant (it is better to compete in teams) must walk from the start to the goal (a plastic cup), carrying a coin on the toe of his foot. Then you need to kick the coin into the cup. If hit, take out the coin and return to the team, pass it to the next player. The team that finishes the distance and throws before the other will win.

Game "Bombers"

To play, you need two or three glass jars and metal money (it is advisable to prepare small change in advance, without hoping that the participants will find it themselves).

Each team receives a glass jar and the same number of coins (at least three for each participant).

The presenter marks the starting line, at a distance of 5 meters from which the cans are placed. The participants' task is to hold a coin between their thighs, walk to their jar and, without using their hands, place the coin into the jar. The team that throws the most coins into the jar wins a prize.

Dear friends! People say: “The best song that has not yet been sung, the best city that has not yet been built, the best year that has not yet been lived.” So may the new year bring us more sunny days, an abundance of good meetings and smiles. May your wishes come true dreams and plans! Happy New Year!

And now the combined choir of our collective will perform a New Year’s song that has not yet been sung by anyone, and therefore the best! Maestro, music! Let's sing more fun!

How can you not have fun now?

From pleasant things, from troubles,

The snow outside is sparkling,

New Year is coming!

We have been waiting for the holiday for a long time

And the house is full of guests,

He walks through the darkness and distance,

Others have melancholy and boredom,

We don't need sadness

I don’t understand how to be sad here!

A fairy tale brings us joy,

He gets everyone around playing,

This glorious New Year!

Those who don't like holidays

They're resting, so be it

But this evening we

Let's drive away sadness forever!

I sing for you today,

And believe me friends,

This New Year's Eve,

You came here for a reason!

You can end the evening with these words:
May the New Year dawn on you,
Will give you success.
And let it sound in your home
Cheerful, ringing laughter.
Let a true friend be nearby
Both on holiday and in bad weather.
And let it come to your home,
Like a snowball
Happiness always comes!
We say to everyone: "Goodbye" -
The time has come to part.
And at this late winter hour -
The last dance is for you!

Let's love each other!
And cherish our feelings!
Adversity and bitterness, resentment and pain
May the passing year take with it,
And in the New let there be luck and happiness,
And the joy of communication even in rain and bad weather.

Don't drink water if you can drink wine!
Don't drink wine if you can drink good wine!
Don't drink good wine when you can drink very good wine!
And most importantly, don’t forget to drink so that you always have money for something better!

God molded a man out of clay, and he was left with a small piece of clay.
- What else do you need to make, man? - asked God.
The man thought: everything seems to be there - arms, legs, head - and said:
- Make me happy.
But God, although he saw everything and knew everything, did not know what happiness was. He gave the clay to the man and said:
- Make your own happiness.
For our success in this matter!

One wise man said: “Don’t be so dry that you become brittle and break. But don’t be so wet that they wring you out like a rag.” Let's drink to the fact that our sky will be partly cloudy, but without precipitation, with the air temperature around zero and the temperature of the water in the bottle 40 degrees!
Excellent forecast, may it always fall on holidays!

I would like to wish the guys present here romantic madness, sweet pranks, plus an adequate command staff, and, without hesitation, I want to wish many flowers and smiles.

(to the tune of “Our Neighbor” in Spanish by Edita Piekha)

How can you not have fun now?

From pleasant things, from troubles,

The snow outside is sparkling,

New Year is coming!

We have been waiting for the holiday for a long time

And the house is full of guests,

He walks through the darkness and distance,

The one that we have known since childhood!

Others have melancholy and boredom,

We don't need sadness

So much light, so much sound

I don’t understand how to be sad here!

At midnight he comes,

A fairy tale brings us joy,

He gets everyone around playing,

This glorious New Year!

Those who don't like holidays

They're resting, so be it

But this evening we

Let's drive away sadness forever!

I sing for you today,

And believe me friends,

This New Year's Eve,

You came here for a reason!

Themed parties, which require specific outfits and allow guests to appear in some form, are always extremely popular. But even among them, several of the most popular themes stand out - “The Addams Family”, “90s”, “Rock and Roll”, “Harry Potter” and, of course, a Chicago-style party.

America in the 1930s excites the imagination of guests and provides a lot of opportunities for organizers. Such an evening can be successfully held at home in close company and gather a record number of guests in the largest and most expensive nightclub.

It is the venue that dictates the restrictions on what exactly a 1930s Chicago style party will be and what it will require.

Is it possible to organize at home and how?

You can plunge into the world of gangsters and prohibition anywhere, and a city apartment is no exception. However, before you start organizing, you need to objectively evaluate your own home. If this is a two-story country mansion with an entrance for cars, then the possibilities for holding an evening, the requirements for the surroundings and other aspects will be the same, but when holding an event in a one-room “Khrushchev” - completely different.

First of all, you need to decide not on the number of guests or decor, but on whether the existing room will be divided into zones, or whether the event will take place in a “single” large room. All subsequent ones depend on this moment.

When dividing the party space, you need to design each corner according to its purpose. If it is not just one person who is organizing a home event, but spouses or friends, then this should be used. One can become a “bartender” and sell alcohol “under the counter”, the other can “work” as a croupier. If you have karaoke, you can set up a club stage area and give someone the role of a “singer”. Of course, you will need to learn the repertoire. In general, each corner that implies a specific purpose should be designed in accordance with it so that it is immediately clear what it is.

You can decorate a single room with a few touches, turning it into something specific, for example, into a casino or a stage with a hall.

After the design issues, you need to think about the number of guests and the availability of the necessary utensils. The tableware determines the design of the area where the Chicago-style party will take place. If it's an Italian mafia family dinner, you'll need a large pot filled with pasta and rough plates. If this is a casino, you will need conical glasses and wine glasses with thick legs.

After resolving this issue, you need to issue invitations for guests. Invitations can prescribe a person a certain image and style of behavior, for example:

“Olga, we invite you to a party in Chicago style. Your image is of a cabaret singer in love with a bank robber. Starts at 18:00. Don’t be late, otherwise your robber will rob our cash register out of boredom.”

However, when prescribing a style of behavior and image for guests of such an event, one must proceed from their capabilities and desires. You should not turn a shy and uncommunicative friend into a dealer. He would be better suited as an undercover FBI agent.

Or invitations can be sent without specifying images, and at the entrance ask each guest to draw lots. In this case, you can make badges with the name of the role and a brief essence.

After the questions regarding the guests, the choice of decoration and the main core of the evening are over, you need to think about the music. If the design is sparse and there are not enough surrounding objects, then it is quite possible to turn on a video selection of “gangster chronicles” or films on this topic without sound.

To have a successful home party in the style of Chicago of the 30s, photos from which can then be printed, placed in albums in the appropriate style and presented to each guest, we must not forget about the little things.

There should be enough space in the hallway for guests to change their shoes, for example, this is important in winter, and calmly undress. That is, there should be enough hangers; it makes sense to purchase an inexpensive shoe rack so that shoes and boots do not take up all the space on the floor. And so that people do not interfere with each other, invitations must indicate their waiting time with an interval of 10-15 minutes.

In rooms reserved for the event, windows must be tightly curtained. Unnecessary details of modern life can spoil the atmosphere, but in addition, on the window sills you can put away everything that is not needed in the room where the party is taking place in the style of Chicago of the 1930s.

The event should be emphasized based on what it is dedicated to. For example, on New Year’s Day, you can announce the abolition of Prohibition along with the chiming clock, and if it’s someone’s birthday, then announce a lottery win and present this “winning.”

It can be quite interesting if guests have printed “toy dollars” with them, which they use to pay, give bribes and, in principle, manage according to the content of the evening.

Also, when planning to throw a house party, you need to choose a day and time suitable for the fun, for example, Friday evening, and warn your neighbors about your plans. This is necessary, since audibility in most apartment buildings is very high.

How can you divide the room?

You can divide the place where you are planning a party in the style of Chicago of the 30s into the following zones:

  • Casino.
  • Stage.
  • A dressing room, next to which “gangsters solve their problems” or simply play billiards.
  • The bank, if there is such a “corner”, you need to organize its robbery.
  • FBI office or police station.
  • A retail outlet, here you should “sell” oranges, flowers, apples, decorative cigarettes or cigarettes, bottles of cider or cola and many other little things.

Of course, this is not a complete list of places that can be in the room where a Chicago-style party is held. Photos posted from such events contain, as a background, “Italian cuisine”, and the union meeting hall, and even cellars with the production of underground wine, which guests pour into bottles labeled “Olive Oil”. That is, the organizer’s imagination is limited only by his knowledge of the subculture of the American 30s, associations, room capabilities and budget.

How to apply?

The decoration of the room where the Chicago-style party will take place, the clothing for this event, its program and even the utensils used are subordinated to only one word - vintage. It is this style direction that determines everything - from the interior to the color of the nail polish.

Oddly enough, it is much easier to decorate a large club for a “Party in Chicago style” event than an ordinary apartment. In a small room where people live, that is, there is furniture, a rug, and so on, there is too much stuff that interferes with the creation of the desired atmosphere.

Moreover, in apartments there is such an eternal problem as lighting. Rarely anyone has side lamps with dim light, capable of “shading out” unnecessary details, but not plunging them into darkness.

Of course, this moment is played out, something like this is announced to the guests: “The trade unions representing the interests of the city power plant workers have decided that they need a day off.” After which candles or “disposable” lamps imitating them are lit.

All the desired items and decor usually simply do not fit in apartments. The most common mistake when decorating a home is too much decor. There is no point in playing toy roulette if there is no place to set up a casino.

To decorate residential premises, you need to choose several large, recognizable details that clearly refer specifically to Chicago of the 30s. A good option is to decorate the wall with a large photo collage depicting a Chicago street at that time. In the absence of an empty wall, the collage can be mounted on curtains.

The most recognizable images should be chosen; in order to create an atmosphere of originality, guests should see where they are. The same applies to clubs. Of course, we must not forget such a classic option as Wanted posters. No Chicago-themed party would be complete without them. Photos of guests should be placed on posters, having previously been processed in the desired style. However, when using this design technique, you need to be careful and hang posters made specifically for the 30s, without confusing them with the “cowboy times” of the Wild West.

How to dress?

If there is a Chicago-style party coming up, how to dress is a question that interests everyone going to the event. The clothing style that governs the external image of those years is vintage. Accordingly, suitable items can be found in vintage stores or ordered online. However, when choosing, you must not make a mistake. After all, vintage is not just about Chicago during Prohibition. This is also the 20s, 40s and even the 50s.

In order not to “get lost” in a series of seemingly similar photographs from different decades and in numerous pieces of advice, it makes sense to watch films about those times. For example, you can very well see the clothes, shoes, hairstyles, makeup, table decorations, other details and even the behavior style of various “thematic characters” in the film “Johnny D”. Looking through documentary chronicles, if there is a Chicago-style party, how to dress will not help you decide. In such shots, not a single detail of the costumes is visible, it is impossible to make out the makeup technique, and so on.

Where can I get clothes?

You don't have to buy a costume for a Chicago-themed party. As a rule, in every major city there is a company that provides rental items.

Such an agency is definitely worth visiting and getting acquainted with what is offered. As a rule, only a dress or a men's three-piece suit is rented; accessories for a Chicago-style party will have to be purchased independently, as well as shoes.

What details will create the image?

Even a real 1930s movie star dress or suit from Universal Studios will be completely useless with a ponytail or sneakers on your feet. When attending a “Party in Chicago style” event, how to dress is not the most important thing; any thematic image is created by details - hairstyle, makeup, accessories.

The easiest way is to visit a vintage store, a 30s accessories department, real or virtual. If you are not satisfied with the prices or assortment, then you should simply remember what jewelry, bags, gloves look like, and go in search of analogues.

Accessories that create a feminine look:

  • long beads, preferably pearl;
  • thread bracelet combined with beads;
  • a hoop, not to be confused with a headband, with a lush bird feather on the side;
  • elbow-length fabric gloves;
  • silk clutch bag with thin hoops;
  • head-shaped hats made of fabric or crocheted, knitwear is not acceptable;
  • small watch on a narrow leather strap;
  • mouthpiece;
  • stockings with a mandatory seam at the back;
  • shoes with stable heels no higher than 7 cm, with a slightly blunt toe or round toe, with a narrow fastener in front.

The dress material is silk. At that time, other fabrics were also worn, but all evening dresses for ladies were made of silk. The cut of the dress is rectangle. Often the emphasis was placed on the hips with a belt; there was no waist in this style.

Sometimes in "Chicago Style" events the script implies a lack of authenticity. In this case, the accessories should be left appropriate to the time, but the dress can be worn from “scales” and according to the silhouette.

Men's accessories:

  • flower in buttonhole;
  • "real gangster" hat;
  • dark leather gloves;
  • Thompson revolver or machine gun;
  • pocket watch on a chain;
  • gasoline lighter;
  • cigars or cigarillos, you can use black or brown thick cigarettes;
  • cufflinks or rolled up sleeves;
  • tie;
  • muffler;
  • classic men's shoes with an oval toe.

“Event “Party in Chicago style”, how to dress, a photo to make it look like a gangster” - this is how men most often turn to salespeople in themed costume stores or to consultants in rental stores.

The most photogenic gangster will be a man in a three-piece suit, dark in color - blue or chocolate, but not black. The look should be completed with a hat and tie without a pin, and if there is a photo shoot on the street, a long light cashmere coat and muffler.

How to comb your hair?

A Chicago-style gangster party requires not only clothes and accessories, but also period-appropriate hairstyles.

With men, everything is simple - short haircut or “classic”, hair combed back, the use of wax or gel is allowed, which does not create a wet effect.

But ladies will have to visit a hairdresser, moreover, find a hairdresser who not only remembers from the training course what “cold waves” are, but can also do them. You can try styling your hair yourself by reading all about the cold wave method, but then you should practice first.

There is no need to lay out waves all over your head; it is enough to make two spreading out from the parting. As a last resort, you can use a hat.

What's with the makeup?

The classic look of the time was pale skin, dark eyeliner, winged wings, full eyelashes and a bright, shiny mouth.

There is no need to draw your lips in a “bow” and make them thin - this remained in the 20s. In the 30s, the shape of the lips was outlined with a thick line along the natural contour, powdered and lipstick applied on top. The mouth was the main focus of the makeup, and all colors were allowed except for delicate shades, very dark and pink tones. That is, ruby, cherry, classic red will be ideal. You can use burgundy and brick-brown tones.

The eyes should not be overloaded with shadows. Colored shadows are not useful at all. The look stood out with black shadows and an arrow-like outline drawn with a soft pencil. Particular attention should be paid to eyelashes; there should be a lot of mascara. The eyebrows didn't stand out.

What kind of music should I choose?

The best music for a Chicago-style party is that which was performed in those years in local eateries and entertainment places, but in a modern arrangement. The style is jazz and blues. They were at the peak of popularity in the USA in the 30s of the last century.

There is no point in looking for individual compositions, unless, of course, there is such a desire. You can find ready-made thematic multi-hour collections on any music website. Of course, you should first listen to the entire audio track in order to avoid embarrassment and unpleasant surprises.

What should you think about?

As a rule, when planning a Chicago-style home party, in the preliminary stages the organizers want to afford many times more than is possible in the existing premises. This applies to the content of the evening, the number of guests, the musical design, the surroundings, and many other aspects.

Very often people get upset and give up on the idea of ​​such a holiday altogether. Meanwhile, there is a fairly good way out of this situation. In every city there are small cafes that, in today's realities, literally “make ends meet.” Cafes that are empty in the evenings are everywhere. It makes sense to find such an establishment and talk to the management.

There is no question of renting an establishment; an agreement can only be made for the fact of bringing guests who will buy drinks and snacks. As a rule, a mutually beneficial solution is always found and the event takes place not in an apartment, but in a small establishment.

It’s worth thinking about this way of holding a party if the number of guests is at least ten. You also need to choose a day when the invitees have time and funds. Since we are talking about an evening where you will have to spend money, the time of receiving an advance or salary should be taken into account by the organizer.

If some of the invitations have already been sent out, then in no case should you say that “plans have changed” and so on. This approach to information will devalue the party in the eyes of guests.

You should send a beautifully designed notification, with approximately the following text:

“Olga, we learned that the police are preparing a raid. But you don't have to worry - all the necessary measures have been taken. Your meeting with the bank robber will take place at (name of place, description of directions), at 18:00, date and signature.”

That is, a change of venue should become part of the evening’s scenario; there is no need to notify guests that the organizer doubts the size of his own home and its suitability for the holiday.

There is no need to be too picky about the elements of the surroundings, the appearance of the guests and other similar moments; complete authenticity will still not be achieved.

Script "One Night in Chicago"

At the entrance there are two people, in black suits and hats, asking for the password.

Girls come on stage and perform the song “HittheroadJack” 1st verse

Shots are heard (screaming, noise, everyone falls to the floor with their hands behind their heads)

The presenter appears with a machine gun.


Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, respected gangsters and their charming companions, welcome to Chicago!!!

The girls finish with "HittheroadJack".

Leading: So, it's Chicago time! Delightful romance, light Jazz, underground parties and sparkling outfits!

The soundtrack “Main Loss” plays. 28s.

Only here will you feel truly free! But I kindly ask you not to disclose under any circumstances the place and time of our underground party!

The phonogram sounds . 28-47s.


So, settle in and don’t deny yourself anything. Dance as if no one is watching you, don’t be shy, move boldly. And today you and I are a big clan.

Let's greet the head of our clan, Donna Olga Anatolyevna.

“Tango” (Start) 25s.

Director's speech.

All that remains is to add: WELCOME to a Chicago-style party!(The main loss sounds) 1.15 – 1.40

Leading: There is a photo booth for you today where you can take unforgettable photos. We also have a certain currency - Chigel, each clan will receive it for their performance. And then, at the end of the holiday, the class teachers can exchange the ladies and donnas for memorable souvenirs at the currency exchange office of the Don Frost Syndicate.

And now our party is opened by the incomparable Marilyn Monroe.

(1 verse)


So let's take a tour of these times, feel like a part of them, try on the morals and traditions and plunge into Chicago of the 30s!

We meet beautiful girls from the variety show....

And we invite clan 7b (11) to the stage

Leading: I know that you were interested in the topic of Chicago, and I’m sure that you watched a lot of films, let’s remember the Heroes of that time, people’s hobbies, and in general the Traditions of that era

Don't forget to earn Chigeli.

For each correct answer, my assistants will give you 10 chigels.


    What musical direction was dominant at that time? (Jazz)

    What was the name of Chicago in the 1930s? (Raging 30s, Age of Prosperity).

    What kind of gambling existed at that time? (Casino, cards).

    What were the fashionable men of that time called? (Gangsters).

    What movie made Chicago famous? (Godfather)

Leading: Thank you very much!

Leading: The true romance of that time amazes the imagination and awakens excitement in the soul.

All attention to the stage, loud applause ____7a (9a)___ clan.

Leading: Meet the 8a clan. Loud applause.

Host: Thank you for your amazing performance!

Leading: Well, now we invite you, our dear guests, to show your dancing talents! The famous dancing competition with the stars will take place here and now. John Travolta and Uma Thurman were supposed to come to us and perform their famous gangster dance. But they were detained due to unclear circumstances. Let's choose their deputies - those who will dance the best gangster dance! The winners will be determined by the applause of the guests. (1 pair from each class). (chigeli 10 each)


Loud applause for our gangsters and their stunning ladies.

And now we greet the __7v (10)___ clan with loud applause.

Presenter: Our gangster party is dictated by the theme itself: the three oldest mafia clans of the school, grades 9, 10, 11, became related. Let's call the main characters of the New Year as a sign of our strong union! After all, a party is a party, and traditions are traditions!

Let's call Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden on the count of three!

Together: One-two-three! De-du-shka Mo-oro-zu-shka! De-du-shka Mo-oro-zu-shka!!!

Light music is playing. Gradually it subsides. And Father Frost stumbles into the hall, panting, leaning on the exhausted Snow Maiden.

Father Frost: (falling on a chair) - I’m tired, Snow Maiden! Oh, I'm tired! Where have I been today! (unfolds a sheet of paper) I was at the North Pole, I was at the South Pole... the penguins, you know, went completely crazy with this New Year! They demand gifts, they dance in circles, I barely escaped... I was in Africa..., the monkeys almost plucked my entire beard... Here I was, here I was (looks through the list)

Snow Maiden: - And in this village, grandfather! Here it is!

Father Frost: (irritated) - Yes, I was! Was! And in the fifth grades, and in the sixth, and kindergartens! Sang and danced with everyone! You can also rest...

Snow Maiden: - Grandfather! And here are some more guys...

Father Frost: (frightened) - Where?

Snow Maiden: - Yes, that’s it! Here!

Father Frost: - No, no, excuse me, I can’t. Yes, they are already big. I can’t do round dances with them!

Snow Maiden: - And that’s true. So no justice. People are having a holiday, and we are like horses in soap, with round dances and gifts. We entertain them... I’ll sit here and won’t leave my seat!

Father Frost: - Let them entertain us now!

Young woman: But we don’t need to be entertained! We ourselves can entertain anyone!

Gangster: We're having our own party! It was hot here even without you!

Well, since you’ve arrived, keep your eyes peeled!

Performance by grade 8b (9b).

Snow Maiden: Grandfather! Grandfather! Cool! Stunning! I want to be Marilyn Monroe.
Father Frost:
Cool off already!(Gives a slap on the head) I have my own scores to settle with these people!(Song from the film The Godfather) Takes off his fur coat (Shirt, bow tie and fur)

On the screen the film "Gangsters Steal Gifts"

The phonogram “Shooting” plays. Bandits run onto the stage.

They take the Snow Maiden hostage and run away

Young woman:
She is Here...She Came...Mafia in Koelga.... She has come, she is already here. Mafia in Koelga! It covers everyone and everything like a web, and now the mafia has come to our Koelga.

They stole the Snow Maiden! What should we do?!

Father Frost: Negotiation!

Bandit (voice from backstage) : The mafia is immortal!

The mafia enters the stage to the soundtrack of “Bandito - gangsterito”

Bandit 1: Yes, we are here! And we stole the Snow Maiden... Close the party, New Year is cancelled!

Listen... The organizer of our party is old Don Frost.(points to Santa Claus) He has great connections in our village... And he has a grudge against you... For stolen gifts.

Bandit 2: We returned them.

Father Frost: Only after I became the Godfather of one of you and, by the way, not of my own free will!

The main bandit (girl) comes on stage to the soundtrack “Enter the Bandits.” She is seated on a chair and covered with a blanket. The bandits stand near her. The presenter simply hands Santa Claus a chair

(in a slow and calm voice) : I have known you for many years, but you have never turned to me for advice or help. I can't remember the last time you invited me to your house for a cup of coffee. Although his sister(points to the bandit) , godmother to your only granddaughter. Let's be honest now: you never sought my friendship, and you were afraid of being in my debt.

Father Frost: I didn't want to get into trouble.

Bandit : I understand. You found heaven in this school: your New Year's business was going well, the administration protected you, and you didn't need friends like me. And now you come and say: “Donna Alina, I need justice.” But you don’t ask with respect, you don’t offer friendship, you don’t even think of turning to me: “Godmother.” No, you come to me on New Year’s and ask me for your granddaughter when I want to be with her. And you don't even invite me to the party.

Father Frost: I have an offer you can't refuse. Stay tuned.

The phonogram “Italian folk – Tarantella” plays. The Snow Maiden runs onto the stage and hugs Grandfather Frost.

Bandit: That would be right away.

Young woman: They say miracles happen on New Year's...

Father Frost: Do you believe in miracles? We believe!

Bandit 1 : Winter is always magic!

Snow Maiden : And the New Year is a fairy tale!

Bandit 2 : The fairy tale is nearby, it is very close.

Presenter : Let's believe in a fairy tale together!

Gangster : Let's believe in miracles!

Father Frost: And now we're all together

Together: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

10th grade Happy New Year song.

The main track plays in the background

Leading : What epithets were given to this era of American history: the police and the FBI called it the “Lawless Years,” musicians called it the “Jazz Age,” industrialists called it the “Era of Prosperity,” and the rest simply called it the “Raging 30s.”

And that's all us - ladies and gentlemen of the Chicago party! But before we start dancing, I would like to tell you something. Throughout the evening, let each of you choose the best lady and the best gentleman! Our people will come up to you, you will write down two names on a piece of paper and throw them in the trash bin. This will determine the king and queen of the evening, namely Bonnie and Clyde! Don't miss this opportunity!

The main loss.

Leading : Thank you for your attention and participation in our party! And now dance, dear friends.


Reception of guests at a gangster party in the style of the 30s

If the owners have teenage children, you can dress up the boys as newspaper delivery boys or shoe shiners. Guys in caps and short pants, greeting guests, “sell” newspapers for a nominal fee, shine shoes and confidentially inform those entering which of the important people have already entered the hall, when they are waiting for the arrival of the “godfather”, what the “gathering” is dedicated to. It is better to “publish” a newspaper (sheet) yourself.

Call it “Workdays of a Gangster” or “Gangster News”, describe the pseudo-heroic exploits of the invited guests in a humorous style. Such a “newspaper sheet” can be easily created on a computer and printed on a printer using slightly yellowish, “aged” paper.

Instead of boys, guests may be greeted by a photographer armed with an ancient camera on a tripod or a girl with a tray selling cigars.

Install a checkpoint in the hall through which guests will be able to enter the hall only after the guards have assessed their dress code.

The guards must be a man and a woman. In their hands they can hold photos of real gangsters and their girlfriends. A female security guard evaluates men's outfits, comparing them with the standard, and a man evaluates women's outfits. Set a three-point rating scale: excellent, satisfactory, bad. Great - that means the guest exchanges the invitation card for five roulette chips. Satisfactory - the guest receives three chips. These gangsters and their girlfriends have passed the dress code and are heading into the hall.

“F students” whose clothes do not comply with the dress code return to the hall, where there is a table with the necessary props (we already wrote about this in the first part). They select everything they need, adjust their equipment and go through a second face control procedure.

A comic photo session has already been organized in the hall. Come up with photo shoot scenes for men, for example, with cabaret dancers, and for women - with the most “real” gangster, dressed according to the rules, armed with a Thompson submachine gun.

Music at a gangster party

Naturally, the musical accompaniment should be jazz. Jazz greets guests and sounds throughout the party, recreating the atmosphere of Chicago at the beginning of the last century. It would be good if they played compositions from the movie “The Godfather”, songs by Frank Sinatra, Ennio Marricone, George Gershwin, Ryan Cohan, Louis Armstrong.

It’s worth remembering about dance music: Charleston, rock and roll, foxtrot, swing, and the good old Argentine tango should definitely be heard at a gangster party.

If you plan to invite a DJ, take care of his equipment. Jeans, shorts, T-shirts, T-shirts, bandanas, and neck scarves are not allowed at a gangster party.

Fun at a gangster party

The main thing at a gangster party is thematic entertainment. There are plenty of opportunities here to show your own imagination, uniqueness, and originality in order to truly feel the spirit of Chicago in the twenties.

All self-respecting gangsters at that time had nicknames. Come up with a little entertainment for your guests: have the host give each person a paper card. Each guest must come up with a “gangster” nickname for himself and write it on a card, along with his own first and last name. Only for others these nicknames remain a big secret. The presenter collects the cards, shuffles them and reads the nickname from the card. Guests must determine who decided to christen themselves Tricky Johnny, Little Freddy, Predator Fanny and other funny names. If one of those present guesses who the nickname belongs to, he receives a prize. During a gangster party, all guests can call themselves by the names of fictional characters.

Since our casino gaming room is already prepared, the roulette is installed, you can start the game. In the casino, of course, there are cheaters who are “brought to light” by offended players. In this case, you can even shoot at the ceiling, expressing indignation at the swindlers. But not everyone loves poker and roulette. Themed games can be arranged for other guests.

Gangster themed party games

Game 1. Card sharper

The presenter hands out several decks of playing cards to the players.

Each of the participants must hide the cards on themselves, but not all together, but separately. Next, the presenter demands that he be shown a specific card, for example, an ace of hearts. Whichever player finds it faster among the carefully hidden cards wins.

Game 2. Hide the common fund

The presenter selects volunteers and gives them boxes of money - fake dollars. This is a mafia common fund. It is necessary to hide it on yourself as quickly as possible, because there was a rumor that a police raid would be coming any minute. Whichever gangster deals with the money the fastest, hiding the money the safest of all, wins.

The presenter lines up the participants and draws the finish line at a distance of a meter from them. Money is laid out at the feet of each participant, one bill at a time. At the leader’s command, the participants bend down and begin to blow heavily on their bill.

Game 4. What do banknotes smell like?

The presenter blindfolds one of the participants. He gives him a real banknote of any denomination.

The participant is allowed to touch the bill, smell it, even rub it. The main thing is that he must guess the denomination of this bill. In case of victory, the participant receives a banknote as a prize; in case of loss, the presenter gives him a romantic task: to kiss the lady present as many times as the said banknote is “worth”.

Game 5. Division of looted wealth

Gangsters robbed a bank, now they have to divide the proceeds among themselves.

The presenter shows the gangsters a lidded jar, in which money of different denominations is poured to the top. Participants must determine how many dollars each of them will get without opening the jar. You can, of course, name any number at random, you can think based on the approximate number of bills. The gangster who names the number closest to the truth wins.

Game 6. Shooting and robbery

Weapons must be distributed to guests. These could be toy machines that shoot balls or darts. There are plastic cups - targets - on a separate table. Each cup contains a banknote. The one who hits the target receives a prize - a banknote, and a new task. The presenter points to some guest whom the marksman must rob. The winner is the one who manages to bring the maximum amount of stolen items faster than others.
Props: cigars, lighters. Smokers simultaneously light their cigars and begin to release smoke in rings. Whoever manages to “create” more smoke rings becomes the winner. You can also arrange a competition to see who can smoke the fastest cigar.

Menu at a gangster party

We have already written about the main feature of a gangster party - prohibition. Serve alcoholic drinks with fresh vegetable salad, French fries, and steak. You can use the menus of Chicago restaurants of the time, but is it worth it? The main thing is that the dishes are tasty and beautifully presented. There is no need to place special emphasis on refreshments, because gangsters and their girlfriends came to private parties to drink, violating Prohibition.

Recipe for mini della sicilia

Step 1. Preparing the dough

Ingredients: 400 g flour, 40 g margarine, 1 glass of water, 1 tsp. salt. Sift the flour into a mound onto a wooden surface, make a hole in the middle of the mound, into which we pour a glass of ice water and salt. Carefully combine water with flour and knead into a stiff dough. Place it in the refrigerator for 1.5 hours. Soften the margarine, give it a longitudinal shape, and also put it in the refrigerator for an hour. Then we roll out the dough, giving it the same shape as the frozen margarine, only twice as large in size, put the margarine on top, and pinch the dough into an envelope. On a floured surface, roll out the envelope thinly, fold the resulting dough into thirds, and roll out thinly again. Fold the dough into thirds again and place in the refrigerator for an hour.

Step 2. Filling

Ingredients: 3-4 apples, 2 celery roots, 2-3 tomatoes, half a jar of mayonnaise, 50 g olives, 100 g pickled mushrooms, a head of garlic, salt and pepper to taste. Apples need to be peeled and cored and cut into small cubes. Lightly fry the celery and cut into cubes. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin, cut into slices. Remove the seeds. Finely chop the pickled mushrooms. Now the resulting filling needs to be mixed well, add ground black pepper, mayonnaise, salt, and grated garlic. The filling can be very varied. You can use spinach, tomatoes, onions, artichokes, pickled zucchini, eggplant, and shrimp. Feel free to experiment and combine with ingredients.

Step 3. Cooking mini pizza

Divide the dough into small pieces, roll it out, put it in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for 20 minutes. Before serving, decorate the finished mini-pizzas with olives.

Drinks - camouflaged bottles of gin, whiskey, rum, martinis, poured into coffee cups. Don't forget the soda. For dessert, serve fresh fruit. And for dessert - a huge cake, as in old films, is wheeled in on a cart by the chef and his assistants. There may be a surprise in the cake - a cancan dancer.

And what gangster party would be complete without gunfire? End the “gathering” with a wonderful fireworks display! The mafia doesn't give up!

A sparkling, fun gangster party in Chicago is the most effective way to leave problems at the door and plunge into another world full of excitement, passion, fire and jazz.

... you can arrange a buffet type menu, or you can diversify the treat with Sicilian cuisine by serving mini della sicilia.

Want to throw an amazing gangster themed birthday or anniversary party? The gangster party scenario will help you with this!

Competition No. 1 “Creative”

Everyone present takes turns drawing a card. Each card has a simple, funny gangster nickname written on it.

The task of each guest is to show the nickname without words using an action, and the task of the guests is to guess it.The one who names the closest value gets 1 point. And so on until all the nicknames are guessed.

At the end of the competition, the winner receives the title Don of the Corleone clan and is given a prize to the person who scores the most points.

Possible nicknames

1) Hromulya (lame),
2) Lucky,
4) Dog,
5) Shorty,
6) Silent
7) Macho,
8) Shooter,
9) Cobra,
10) Dragon,
11) Nimble,
12) Senior,
13) Best,
14) Velcro;
15) Bat;
16) Jaguar;
17) Jumper;
18) Mad;
19) Heartbreaker;
20) Nomad

Competition No. 2 “Bonnie and Clyde”

The roles of Bonnie and Clyde can be played by any couple at your party; if there is none, you can create it yourself by choosing a girl and a guy.

All guests present are given cards in advance; on 5 (10) cards the amount of money is indicated, on the remaining cards are written the tasks that Bonnie and Clyde must complete. You can also have the actions come up with those present themselves.

Bonnie and Clyde's task is to rob each guest present in turn, using the gangsters' favorite words: “Everyone stay in their places! This is a robbery! Hands up!" and collect all the money cards, completing .

Action Cards

1) Together congratulate the hero of the occasion in gangster slang.

2) Take a special group photo in gangsta style. To do this, you need to arrange all the guests in unusual poses and photograph them.

3) Draw a gift for the Jubilee in this way: one of you will take a felt-tip pen in your hands and close your eyes, and the other will guide his hand.

4) Sing the chorus of any song together: one meowing, the other grunting, so naturally that the guests will not guess the song.

Competition No. 3 “Game fast gangster”

To play you will need regular cards (but you can make your own cards). The presenter will pull out one card at a time.

The task of all players, when they see the card - pictures from jack to king, is to shout out the word “Gangster” faster than others. The last one to shout is out of the game. The last remaining participant receives a prize.

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Pair competition No. 4 “Dancing the 30s”

For this competition several young couples will be needed. Each couple in turn needs to dance as best they can to a short excerpt from different gangster songs from the 1930s.

Sinatra songs, jazz and rock and roll music are suitable for the competition.

Uninvolved guests will act as a jury. To do this, they are given cards with the numbers 4 or 5. They must evaluate each performance to determine the winner of the competition.

The pair with the most points wins and receives a prize.

Competition No. 5 “Dead Eye”

Any self-respecting gangster should be able to shoot straight. Therefore, each participant is given 10 bullets (these can be candies) and the task is to hit an inverted gangster’s hat or another container from a certain distance.

Include these competitions for real gangsters in your gangster party, and your birthday, anniversary and any other holiday will be fun and exciting!

I wish you a lot of fun,
Ekaterina Akhmetzyanova, scriptwriter.