Scenario for the birthday of a Cossack village. Scenario "Cossacks and Cossacks. Business card for the Festival of Friendship of Peoples"


Part 1 “Morning”

(A Cossack woman - a teacher and a Cossack on a horse - a child, travel in groups and give out an order - a scroll from the Ataman.)

Scroll background in the form of a map of the Kuban region, a seal of the Kuban Cossacks and a Cossack badge on a string.

Track number 13. The song “The Cossacks were riding…” (with a tape recorder, to music)

Cossack woman: Come out, honest people!

No dust, path!

The Cossacks are coming to you

Stay a little.

Cossack: I am a daring Cossack,

I brought a small order.

Accept us and receive documents.

Cossack woman:(reads out the text)

Text: Attention! Attention!

Today is the day of the Kuban Cossacks!

Accept the envelope and complete the tasks.

There are games and coloring pages,

There are presentations and fairy tales.

We invite you to the mini-museum,

We reveal the secret of the Cossack words.

And we meet middle groups at Cossack festivities.

Envelope with the task:

1. Games of the Kuban Cossacks.

2. Tales of the Cossacks.

3. Cossack coloring pages

4. Ancient Cossack (dialects) words.

5. Presentations about the life of the Cossacks.

6. Didactic game: “Cossack clothes”

7. Invitation to the mini-museum “Kuban Cossacks”

8. Invitation to middle groups to “Cossack festivities”

part 2

"Cossack festivities"

(event scenario in kindergarten for children of middle groups.)

Program content:

To acquaint children with the traditions of the Kuban people, to form their spiritual and aesthetic culture.

Preliminary work:

Reading literature, looking at illustrations and photographs, presentations with portraits of Cossacks, clothing, dishes and other things, listening to Kuban Cossack songs, holding conversations.

Decoration of the music room:

The hall is elegantly decorated in the style of a Kuban village, a hut: a stove with attributes, a mini-museum, a mill, presentations on the screen, a fence, benches, teachers and children in Cossack costumes.

Material and equipment:

1. Music tracks.

2. Presentation

3. A large book with drawings and a decree.

4. Whips 2 pcs., 2 hoops, 10 pins.

5. Towels: 1 large and small (according to the number of girls)

6. Drawing handkerchiefs for children (6,9,7,5 groups)

7. Ataman costume

8. Horse costume for a child

9. Breast horses (by number of boys)

10. ribbon carousel

(Children of middle groups enter the hall, sit on chairs. Group 6: children walk to the music, walk in a circle with the leaders, stand in a semicircle.)

Cossack 1: Hello welcome guests,

invited and welcome!

According to Kuban customs

Our deepest bow to all guests!

WITH kind words and love,

With bread and salt! With bread and salt!

(children and presenters bow and children sit on chairs)

Cossack 2: Hello guys! Dear adults!

Today we have gathered in our cozy room to talk about the Kuban Cossacks. Kuban Cossacks live in Kuban.

Cossack 1: Mighty mountains, steppe expanses,

The edge of the seaside coast.

Forests and glades, gardens and estuaries -

All this is our native Kuban!

Native villages, wheat spills,

The harvester floats behind the harvester.

City lights, factory horns -

All this is our native Kuban!

Give your gifts generously

They opened up the depths for us,

Bread spilled over the seas.

Great work here

Associated with fame -

All this is our native Kuban!

Funny songs

Flying into the sky

Open height, depth.

And there is nothing more beautiful

Regions in Russia,

What is our native Kuban!

(during the reading of the poem, presentation of Kuban)

Cossack 2: Look in my hands amazing book, a book about the history of our region. Let's open it ( a big book with pictures on it and a presentation repeats pictures) and let's see how the Kuban region appeared? A long time ago, Tsarina Catherine II gave the Cossacks the Kuban region for their faithful service and ordered them to live here and guard the borders of their kingdom.

(Reads a book)

“Where the river bends its bed,

Like a horseshoe on a clay cliff,

The royal scroll was unrolled

And read under the hum of reeds:

“Keep the border here,

Protect from enemies

And plant wheat

And raise the Cossacks... “”

Cossack 1: This is how the first Cossack villages appeared. The houses in the villages were plastered with clay, the walls were whitewashed with lime, and the roofs were covered with thatch. Each farmstead had a well and a summer stove, a barn for livestock, a stable and a cellar. A wealthy owner had one or more wind and water mills.

(presentation in progress)

Cossack 2: And our guys will now tell and show how Cossacks live, work and relax.

(3 children stand in the middle of the hall and read poetry)

1. We live in Kuban,

In my native Kuban.

We sing sonorous songs,

We glorify the region with our deeds.

2. You bloom, my Kuban,

Become more and more beautiful.

Cossack honor will not be compromised

Our generation!

3. You won’t find anyone more beautiful,

A more blessed land.

Oh, Kuban is a nurse.

Oh, Kuban, beauty.

Dear to my heart!

Child: Come out, honest people!

No dust, path!

The Cossacks are coming now

Dance a little!

Cossack 1: And you friends, look at the dance and appreciate the outfits. Which beautiful clothes among the Cossacks and Cossack women, and how merrily they dance.

(video - dance of the Kuban Cossacks)

Cossack 2: To dance like this, you need to develop dexterity.

And you and I will train and play.

Cossack 1: Only instead of a jump rope we will take a whip.

Track No. 2. The song “Kuban Polka” is played. Dance “Kuban Polka”

Game: "Fishing Rod"

Cossack 2: In Cossack families, the head of the family was always the Cossack. Translated from Turkic language the word "Cossack" means a free person. He guards the border from enemies, brings food to the house, works in the field. Our Cossacks are also dexterous and brave. Come on, Cossacks, show your skills.

Game:Game "The Most Accurate"

Track No. 3. The song “Yes, a tree blooms in the garden” sounds

(Invite guests to try to play) (Presentation of Cossacks, sabers, whips)

Cossack 1: And the house was owned by a Cossack woman. In addition to household chores, Cossack women’s favorite pastime was decorating their clothes with embroidery, lace, and embroidering tablecloths and towels. And what patterns did you choose? These were flowers, animals, birds. Towels had their own special purpose. They decorated the house and hung it in the corner above the icons.

Track No. 4. The song “Chernyava, curly” sounds dance of girls with towels.

(presentation patterns, towels, Cossacks)

Cossack 2: You can also play with a towel. Let's try!

Cossack 1: We'll take a big towel,

And let's start the game now.

Track No. 4. The song “Chernyava, curly” sounds

game: “Walk under the towel”

Cossack 2: Now we will show you how you can paint a handkerchief yourself, and you will work in a group.

(Master class “Painting scarves” - distributed to groups, and the presentation repeats the painting)

Track No. 5. The song “You and I are Cossacks - backing track” plays in the background

Child: Hey, laughing girls,

Start some ditties,

Sing quickly

To make it more fun!

Ditties (4 children)

Track number 6. music “ditty-backing track”

I'm a daring Cossack woman

Radom is a dashing Cossack,

We'll sing ditties for you

You clap with interest.

Cossacks we are anywhere

Everyone in the area likes us

We invite you to our village

Tell me, we'll stay.

And we are not simple Cossacks

Kind and fighting.

We will host you

But you won’t see any Cossacks!

Our ditties are good,

And their tune is simple.

Let's finish singing for today -

We put a semicolon. All together.

Cossack 1: And the Cossack women’s dishes are notable, the things are good quality! (Presentation and girls show things. Cossack women call the old name)

Cossack 2: Let's try it guys again.

(and parents are asked to name objects in Kuban)

Track No. 7. The song “Either brothers, nor any other” is played.

(Ataman exits, and the boys meet)

Ataman: Hello, Cossacks, are you ready to defend the Motherland?

Boys: Yes, Ataman. I serve the Fatherland!

(The chieftain puts the swords in the middle, the boys take the swords and stand in a circle)

Track No. 8. The song “Road” plays,

boys dance.

Ataman: Ay, well done. Glory to the Cossack! Now let's go on a hike.

Cossack 1: Ataman, our horses are stagnant, and in order to go on a hike, they need to warm up.

Cossack 2: Well, friends, we are ready,

Everyone get up and play the game "Riders."

Track number 10. The song “Cossacks” plays

game: "Riders"

(Ataman, to the music, takes the horse-suit and puts it on the boy)

Track No. 9. The song “Oh in the meadow...” plays and they put on a horse costume.

(The Cossack on the horse waves his hand, and the boys take the chest horses and line up one after another behind the Ataman)

Track No. 10. The song “Cossacks” sounds, marching dance

(the boys go out the door)

Cossack 2: In the meantime, the Cossacks are gone on a campaign, we won’t be bored.

We will sing songs, dance and play a little.

Cossack 1: Well, girls, invite us to play in the stream.

(Girls invite boys from other groups)

Track No. 11. The song “Get Gritso out on the street” is played.

game "Stream"

(the children return to their places. A child enters with a horse suit)

Track No. 12. The song “Only the horse and I” plays dramatization based on the song.

(stops and waves his hand to the covenant of all Cossacks)

Track No. 13. The song “The Cossacks were riding...” plays. a detachment of Cossacks enters.

(The boys move in a circle and stop)

Track No. 14. The song “Unharness the horses, lads...” plays.

(the boys put the horses aside, the child removes the horse and take their places on the chairs)

Cossack 2: And what kind of treats do Cossack women prepare? ( presentation) Most of all, Cossacks love to eat borscht. WITH sauerkraut, yes beans, with meat, lard! No one can do this! And what dumplings they have! With potatoes and cottage cheese, cherries, mushrooms!

Cossack 1: Oh, and we'll have a tea party. In the meantime, come in and start a round dance.

Cossack 2: Come on, Cossacks, invite a Cossack and start a round dance.

(Girls invite boys to dance.)

Track number 15. The song “Oh dear, do you want some Varenechkov?” round dance

Cossack 1: (addresses the boys) Well, Cossacks... I wish you to be good Cossacks and love your Motherland! May you have warm hearts, cool minds and kind souls! Defend your home, defend the Russian land!

Cossack 2: And you Cossacks, be good, kind housewives.

And peace and happiness to all of you.

Cossack 1: And now we will put together a big puzzle - our Russia. Where is Kuban, let's find its place on the map.

Track No. 1. The song “You and I are Cossacks” sounds

Song "Wider Circle"

Scenario of Cossack gatherings.


Get to know the historical past native land, with the history of the emergence of the Cossacks on the Don, the culture and worldview of the Cossacks

Instill love for your native land

1 READER: My land, where the birch brides are

Green braids are weaving,

Where are the first spring thunderstorms?

Sabers cut the sky,

A humpbacked bridge over the river

And the month that fell in the grass -

All this is so sacred since childhood

I call you my dear homeland.

1 PRESENTER: Hello, dear guests! We invite you to Cossack gatherings! Each of us who lives in the glorious Don region should know its history, be proud of it, and deeply and devotedly love the great quiet Don.

2 READER: We are a proud tribe! We are free birds!

Our blood is hotter than fire -

For our mounds and our villages

And woe to the neighbors, if in a frenzied dispute

In spring the steppe will sway.

And the wave will foam to the wide sea

Feather grass is our white mold!

2 PRESENTER: The Don steppes were called a wild field five centuries ago. Armed Tatar detachments roamed here, often attacking Russian soil, foreign merchant and ambassadorial caravans. Since the end of the 15th century, the vast expanses of the Don steppes increasingly attracted determined and courageous Russian people who dreamed of freeing themselves from the serfdom that was advancing on them. The brave souls who fled from the Moscow state to the Don united in detachments and led a dangerous and full of anxiety life. The Turkic name was assigned to them - Cossacks - free, free people, lightly armed warriors.

3 READER: Sabers, pikes, curled forelocks -

The brave watch according to their strength.

Astrakhan began with the Cossacks -

Fortress of southern Russia.

Having strengthened myself with villages,

A handsome city grew over the Volga,

And its grassroots capital

Cossacks were called proudly.

1 PRESENTER: The Cossacks arrived here in families. Kalmyk herders lived here. The Cossacks began to settle in the Don lands: they built houses and raised livestock, plowed the land and planted gardens.

2 PRESENTER: The descendants of those Cossacks - the Shiryaevs, Smirnovs, Derevyagins, Bagaevs, Abakumovs - still live in these places.

(The presenters leave. COSSACK and COSSACK WOMAN enter the stage)

COSSACK: The harvest is in the bins, the horses are in free herds, now you can have fun and sing songs.

COSSACK: The song is born from an excess of feelings where there is a lot of sun, where there is a free wind, where the girls are smart and beautiful!

(A song performed by students is heard).

COSSACK: And now, dear guests, guess the Cossack riddles!

1) Strong, ringing and sharpened. (Arrow)

2) Six legs, two heads, one tail. (Rider on a horse)

3) What kind of shoes are made in the fire and are not removed from the feet? (Horseshoe)

4) Yellow pig without bristles

She lay down on a hillock, covered in grass all over. (Melon).

5) Catfish with one whisker. (Whip)

6) Who will have a family in prison? (At the potatoes)

7) Ten brothers in two houses, in different apartments. (Gloved fingers).

8) Teeth like a pike, horns like a bull.

From time immemorial it has served man. (Saw)

COSSACK: Cossacks, first of all, were warriors. Therefore, they raised courage, dexterity, resourcefulness, and ingenuity in their sons. According to custom, when a son was born in a family, relatives and friends brought him a gift of an arrow, a cartridge, a bullet, a bow, and a gun. All this was hung on the wall. When the son grew up, a ceremony of initiation into the Cossacks was performed. The father took his son in his arms, put a saber on him, put him on a horse, cut his hair into a circle, and then returned it to his mother, congratulating her on becoming a Cossack.

From childhood, the Cossack was taught to feel like a military man. His mother sang to him in his cradle about the battles, his grandfather and father told him about the service. At the age of 3, the Cossack boy rode a horse around the yard, at 7-8 he fearlessly rode bareback down the street, across the steppe, boldly swam across the Don, and shot with a gun. A favorite pastime was horse racing, which resulted in a festive celebration. Cossack war games developed dexterity and courage and prepared them for future difficult military service.

COSSACK: Sending off to the service was done as follows: at a certain time, relatives and friends gathered in the recruit’s kuren for a farewell dinner. People were gathering at the gate. The father took the icon in his hands and blessed the warrior.

(Sketch performed by students “Seeing Away”. Characters: father, mother, son, daughter-in-law).

FATHER: Here is the holy icon, dear son. Remember God in the beginning and do not forget his commandments. Serve the Tsar faithfully, obey your superiors, remember your parents and do not forget that they fed and watered you to serve the Tsar and the Fatherland. Here is a blessing for you from me and your mother, and know that with faith in God and his Most Pure Mother, you will not be afraid of either enemy bullets or enemy swords. Serve the father the king, just as your grandfathers and fathers served.

SON: Forgive me, dear father! Forgive me, dear mother! Forgive me dear friend (to my wife). God willing, we'll see you!

COSSACK: According to custom, Cossacks who went to war always took a handful of their native land, sewed it into a special bag and hung it on their chest to the cross. If he was destined to die in a foreign land, his native land fell first on his coffin. It was believed that although he was buried in a foreign land, he was buried in his native land. And crossing the Don, the Cossacks drew the sacred water of their native river, saying goodbye to it, perhaps forever.

(Continuation of the scene)

SON: They impatiently awaited my return home from the campaign, they arranged a ceremonial welcome for me, and a messenger was sent to notify the village ataman of my arrival. They greeted me with gunfire. Three times I bowed at my parents’ feet and kissed them.

BRIDE: I bowed at my husband’s feet in gratitude for my husband’s safe return.


COSSACK: A Cossack is a special philosophy and way of thinking. Cossack proverbs and sayings know no boundaries; they live for centuries. Guys, who knows Cossack proverbs? Come on, help, give out proverbs!

(Help from students from the audience).

COSSACK: Well done, you remembered!

Do you know where the proverb “They baked and cooked like Malanya’s wedding!” came from? After all, it is connected with the real historical fact. The military chieftain, Stepan Efremov, one day walking through the bazaar, saw behind the counter a young beautiful Cossack woman, Malanya, who attracted his attention with her lively speech and rare resourcefulness. The chieftain ordered her to marry him, and there was a lot of food and drink at that wedding.

COSSACK: And the proverbs: “Be patient with the Cossack, you will become an ataman,” “where our Cossack property was not lost,” “a dog’s life, but glory to the Cossack!” - they talked about the difficult fate of an ordinary Cossack, who spent his whole life on difficult campaigns, and about how hard it was for him to gain Cossack glory.

And now we will visit the Cossack fair.

(Scene “Fair”)

Cossacks and Cossack women take the stage.


Attention! Attention! Attention!
A fun party is starting!
Hurry up, honest people,
The fair is calling you!


Don't go anywhere, come here everyone!
A wonderful miracle, a wonderful miracle, not a product!
Look, don't blink, don't open your mouth!
Don't count the crows, buy the goods!
These are good products! Anything for the soul!
Taras - bars - rastabars,
We will sell all items!

1 COSSACK: And look, the peddlers have come to us!


Tambourines, rumbas, rattles, spoons!
Who wants to play a little?
Get in line! Choose in a row!
It’s beautiful – it’s nice, and it’s fun for everyone!

Game “Carousel”: Children, holding ribbons, walk in a circle to the music, speeding up the pace of movement. And then the carousel stops.

The song “Where have you been, Ivanushka?”

(Staging of a Russian folk song.)

Where have you been, Ivanushka?
- At the fair.
- What did you buy, Ivanushka?
- Chicken.

- Where have you been, Ivanushka?
- At the fair.
- What did you buy, Ivanushka?
- A duck.
The chicken pecks at the seeds.

Ivanushka sings songs in the little house.
- Where have you been, Ivanushka?
- At the fair.
- What did you buy, Ivanushka?
- Lamb.
The chicken pecks at the seeds.
The duck walks back and forth through the puddles.
A lamb is chewing grass in a meadow.
Ivanushka sings songs in the little house.
- Where have you been, Ivanushka?
- At the fair.
- What did you buy, Ivanushka?
- A little cow.
The chicken pecks at the seeds.
The duck walks back and forth through the puddles.
A lamb is chewing grass in a meadow.
The cow gives milk to children.
Ivanushka sings songs in the little house.

(Everyone leaves. The Cossack and the Cossack woman enter the stage again.)

COSSACK: Well, Cossacks, it remains to tell the legend how in the time of Ermak the royal salary was sent to the Don: money, bread, wine, gunpowder, saltpeter and red cloth blue. Having gathered in a circle for the division, the Cossacks discovered a shortage of red cloth. The circle made noise. The chieftain frowned. And the Cossacks decided to divide everything equally. It was necessary to trim the blue clothes with narrow strips of red cloth, and so it was customary on the Don to have clothes made of blue cloth with bright red trim.

COSSACK: Gatherings are gatherings, but they forgot about fun. Come on, accordion player! Ditties!

(Performance of ditties on a Cossack theme.)

We are friends with a cheerful song,

We speak Cossack

We live well, don’t worry,

We eat bread with sour cream.

Eh! Don State!

Near the Don there is a kuren.

How beautiful you are

Dear side!

(1 HOST comes out)

1 PRESENTER: We can talk about the Cossacks endlessly, just as our steppes are endless. Let us not forget now about our legends and songs, about Don traditions, about daring and campaigns, about the difficult life of the Cossacks and love for the Don.


Now the moment of farewell has come,

Our speech will be short

We say “Goodbye!”

See you again!

Tatiana Gerasimova

There's a song playing "Oh yeah Krasnodar region» in Spanish KKH. At the entrance to the hall, designed in the form of a gate, there is a presenter with bread and salt.

HOST: Hello, invited and welcome guests! You are welcome to

to us on Cossack holiday!

Guest, come in! We will not break traditions

And we’ll always pour some tea -

Everyone knows Cossacks' cordiality,

Hospitality and open house!

Guests enter the hall. The presenter stands in the center near the curtain.

HOST: We are gathered at Cossack holiday... Who are they?

Cossacks? You know?. In ancient times, when you and I

there was no light yet, our grandparents weren’t even there,

People came here to our region from different places. They

escaped from a hard life and loved freedom very much. These

freedom-loving people called themselves Cossacks. Cossack -

this means: "free man". Life there were Cossacks

not easy. If suddenly a war started - the Cossack sat on

his faithful horse, took the saber in his hands and went to war,

defend your homeland, your land and your family. Home

Cossack commandment -“Love your Motherland, for she is your mother!”

Every Cossack from childhood I knew this commandment and followed it

true. How many of you know what your main calling is? Cossack?

CHILDREN: Be a military man!

HOST: Military service for a Cossack is his life, his honor,

pride and shrine. Cossack - brave, brave,

fearless warrior: fought on horseback with a saber and pike in

hand... But what about accompanied the Cossack to the service, do you want

There's a song playing "At dawn, at dawn". The curtain opens. The stage is designed as« Cossack house» . Father, Mother are sitting, with a son between them.

FATHER: Listen, mother, the chieftain is walking through the yard!

To the hall with a song « There is no translation for the Cossack family» ataman and Cossacks, the presenter introduces everyone. The Cossacks are approaching"home".

FATHER: We wish you good health, Mr. Ataman! You live well


COSSACKS: Great, if you're not joking!

MOTHER: Please, guests, sit down!

COSSACK: We came to you with something important business: it’s my son’s turn

to your Andrey in the ranks of the Kuban Cossack army

join and serve To the Fatherland as it should be.

MOTHER: Oh, you, my dear child,

Why are you hurrying away from your home!

The bright upper room will darken, the courtyard house will be empty.

equipment from the chest, let's dress our son with dignity for the holy

matter, on military service!

While the mother takes out equipment and the parents dress their son, a song plays quietly « I saw off my son's mother from the soldiers» .

The presenter explains:

HOST: As we have already said, military service for the Cossack -

this is his life, his honor, pride and shrine. Not serve in

army was considered a misfortune. TO the non-servant was treated with

with sympathy and sometimes with contempt.

FATHER: Well... brave Cossack. Mother, bring our family icon,

our great-grandfathers and grandfathers, let us bless our son on


MOTHER: Go, Andreika, under your parent’s blessing!

The mother hands the icon to the father and takes the bread and salt herself. Cossack throws a fur coat with the fur out, on which the boy kneels.

COSSACK: So as not to be naked to serve him!

FATHER: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit we bless you,

our beloved son military service. Remember us

your parents, your native land, do not disgrace our race

and fellow countrymen - village residents. Be true to glorious traditions

Cossack army. Amen.

The son kisses the icon, the bread and the hands of his parents, and gets up. Mother puts on a cross (or the image of Nicholas the saint) and three times speaks: “Lord bless!”

HOST: What kind of a military man should he be? Come on guys

let's sing so that Andreyka doesn't forget! Come here

SONG "IF YOU WANT TO BE A MILITARY" preparation group

The mother takes 2 towels and ties them crosswise with words:

MOTHER: I’ll tie you up with a towel so that you don’t forget your father’s house!

Serve - don't worry!

Then the girls come up and pin scarves to the Circassian coat.

HOST: Let’s gather the Andreikins’ friends for service!


Girls collect Cossacks: cereals, flour, a bag of native soil, a pouch of tobacco.

CHILD 1: In Kuban we have strong people,

Celebrate the land of abundance!

CHILD 2: Kuban Cossack grip, rich in strength and prowess!

Let the enemy know - Cossack's father's land is dear!

HOST: Come on, Cossacks, show combat training and strength

your own ingenuity! Cornet, command! And you girls

Keep an eye on your suitors!

The girls take their seats, and the boys line up behind Andrey. The cornet stands in front of them.

DRILL (execute commands): 1. Become... 2. Be equal, at attention! 3 Pay off the first or second! 4. First numbers, step forward - one or two... 5. Second numbers, step forward - one or two... 6. To the right... march in a step... 7. Through the middle in a column of 3 marches...

8. At ease. Go your separate ways...

The boys take their seats.

HOST: Ataman, are they any good? Cossacks?. Guys, is ours any good?

ataman?. Do you know who the ataman is? ... What’s his name

choose?. (children's free answers) Yes, this is the most

the eldest and most experienced Cossack, his word, his decision for

everyone Cossack law. Ataman - Cossack commander, he has

stored Cossack banner, with him Cossacks went into battle. Ataman

always ahead, he is responsible for military discipline and

It happened before, and even now among Cossacks have something like this

expression: if a boy falls and breaks his knee, then he

talked: "Don't cry, Cossack, you will be an ataman!” Any of

boys - Cossacks dreams of becoming an ataman! About the chieftain

there are a lot of songs, let's listen!

SONG "ATAMAN" ans. Cossack song"Bratina"

After the song, the chieftain speaks. Then he asks if the children know Cossack commandments.

HOST: ABOUT Cossacks glory always floated across Rus'.

On the Don and Kuban Cossacks still praise

Their will, the power of the people... They strictly observe

10 commandments of the saints... Tell them, Andreika!

7 children approach Andrey.


ANDREY: Honor and name Cossack in life the main ones are always!

CHILD 1: From childhood, cherish honor and maintain dignity.

If you are wrong, then admit it, don’t let anger in your heart.

ANDREY: Everyone has rights - there is neither prince nor slave.

CHILD 2: Everyone is equal in their rights, but are responsible for their own affairs.

ANDREY: On matters of only one Cossacks in total

All honest people judge. So remember first d:

CHILD 3: Be honest Cossacks, pure in actions and deeds.

Always be an example to everyone - that’s your destiny Cossack!

ANDREY: For Russia, it is not a sin to give honor to your life in battle!

You gave your word - keep it, Treasure the Cossack word!

CHILD 4: Remember the word the Cossack was always true.

It is better to remain silent wisely than to promise in vain.

ANDREY: Respect old age everywhere, don't hurt old people!

CHILD 5: Elderly honor a Cossack as a father.

An elderly Cossack woman Consider her your mother.

ANDREY: Preserve the memory of your ancestors, decide according to customs!

If it’s difficult, die, but save your comrade!

CHILD 6: In battle, in service, at work, at home or hunting

Help your friend everywhere, if necessary, help out!

ANDREY: Do not be proud of other people's goods, but live by your own labor.

Take care of your family, honor your relatives.

CHILD 7: Respect the elders in the house, don’t offend the younger ones.

The children take their seats. Ataman praises.

HOST: And who is Cossack's first friend?. Of course, a horse!

Cossack without a horse, What….

CHILDREN: A soldier without a gun!

HOST: The Cossack won’t eat by himself...

CHILDREN: And he will feed the horse!

HOST: It’s not the horse that paints Cossack, A…

CHILDREN: A Cossack horse!

HOST: Ataman, at what age did the father put his son on a horse? WITH

In early childhood, fathers taught their sons to ride horses -

first they taught how to care for a horse, then how to ride a horse,

taught to sit in the saddle and without it, to stand on a horse on its feet,

crawl under the saddle. It was very difficult to do,

because the horse rushes very fast, like the wind. And when

they could shoot on the move. From the age of 3 a boy

confidently stayed in the saddle, he was taught to shoot from the age of 7, and

chop with a saber - from 10. Let's now listen to songs about

true friend Cossack performed by our kids!



HOST: Well then, Cossacks, the time has come for you to show off your prowess and

dexterity show, ride fast horses!

GAME "Agile Riders"

2 teams are participating. At the signal, the first players "on horseback" They jump to a stretched rope on which handkerchiefs are hung with clothespins. You need to tear off your scarf, return to your team and hand over "horse". Whose team will collect the most scarves? Near each team there is a girl who collects these scarves and counts them at the end of the game.


HOST: Bye ours Cossacks and their horses are resting, let's listen to how

sing senior Cossacks!

SONG "ESAUL" ans. Cossack song"Bratina"

HOST: Cossack songs listen, What sweet honey eat! Well, what about us?

We'll sing ditties for you, army guys!

ARMY DITS with d.m.i., handkerchiefs

HOST: Who looks gloomy there? The music starts again!

Come out and dance, our people Cossack kuragod!


While the children sit down, a song plays quietly "Rus yes Cossack will» .

HOST: Where the song flows, life is easier there. And in the war Cossacks

they sing, they remember the house - they remember the family... They wait Cossacks, when

the war will end, will they return home alive?

unharmed... Let the song sound, our soul


SONG "TWO EAGLES" ans. Cossack song"Bratina"

After the song, Mother, Father and Son stand up.

FATHER: Stanichniki! Thank you for coming to our son service

conduct. And to you, father - ataman, thank you! (bow)

Our recruit’s horse is saddled, he’s already been waiting outside the outskirts,

it's time to hit the road faithful service.

MOTHER: Let's go, kids, Let's escort Andreyka out of the yard!

There's a song playing “Oh yes Krasnodar region”. Coming out: Andreika comes first, then the parents, then the children. At the entrance to the hall Andrey "remembers" I forgot my pouch at home. Goes to "house", takes the pouch. The mother comes up to him, hands him one end of the scarf, holds the other herself, and so takes her son out completely.

HOST: We ask the Ataman-father and the village residents to come to our kuren

to have a little dinner, drink tea and give a gift.

(celebratory music sounds)

Presenter 1:

-Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen.

-Today we want to introduce such a people as “Cossacks”. The Cossacks originated in

marginal lands of the Russian and Polish states in the 15th -17th centuries.

They originally lived in the steppes and forest-steppes of Eastern Europe,

mainly on the territory of modern Ukraine and Russia; subsequently

also settled in the territory of the Middle and Lower Volga region, Cis-Urals,

southern Urals (now northern Kazakhstan), Siberia and the Far East.

Cossacks - a brotherhood of people united by a special state of mind,

morality and ethics. Cossacks are a people with their own culture, history and

memory. Cossacks have always served their native land - Holy Rus', their People and their

To the state. Above all else in the Cossacks there was always the Cossack will and people's plunder.

Here are just some of the Cossack commandments:

1. Honor and good name for a Cossack it is more valuable than life.

2. Cossacks are all equal in rights.

3. All Cossacks and your people are judged by you.

4. Serve loyally to your people, not to leaders.

5. Keep your word, a Cossack’s word is precious.

Presenter 1:

U Cossacks have their own customs, morals and traditions.

and honoring the elder obliges the younger, first of all, to show care,

restraint and readiness to provide assistance and demand compliance with certain

etiquette (when the old man appeared, everyone had to stand up - Cossacks in uniform

put your hand on the headdress, and without a uniform - take off your hat and bow).

The second important custom is to honor a woman, just as a woman

is the future continuation of the family.

The Cossacks took an active part in all peasant wars and many

popular uprisings. Since the 18th century, Cossacks have been directly involved in

all wars of Russia. Cossacks on a massive scale heroically fought the enemy in

period of the Great Patriotic War.

Thus, the merits of the Cossacks in the development of Russian history and culture are enormous:

they expanded and guarded the borders Russian state, distributed

high moral ideals, traditional values, were an example for

the majority, forming unshakable fortitude, love of freedom, honor, and courage. Their

the special Cossack spirit had a great influence on the formation of the Russian mentality.

It is no coincidence that by the beginning of the twentieth century the Cossacks began to symbolize the Russian

(during the story about national costumes dressed up come on stage

participants showing clothes)

Presenter 1:

The Cossacks also have a national uniform.

For men it is:


Bloomers, like the shirt, were the main parts men's clothing. These clothes were

both on and off at the same time.

In the literature, trousers are called: “wide trousers”, “simple trousers”, “wide

trousers" (among the lower Cossacks), trousers - trousers. They usually refueled at

Bloomers differed in color. On weekdays they wore only blue (kinda) ones, and on

holidays and wedding days dressed up in red (kyrmyz).

The look was completed with a shirt, boots and a hat - Papakha.

Shirts, depending on their purpose, were sewn from canvas of different quality, silk,

motley; with the spread of factory fabrics - from chintz, calico.

Papakha is a lamb hat with a cloth top. In ancient times the Slavs called

hat with a hood, modern name came into use later, as well as

Trukhmenka or Kabardian.

There were a great variety of boots - without boots, riding is impossible, and even

You can’t walk through the dry steppe barefoot. Soft boots without

heels - ichigi.

Presenter 2:

Costume married women consisted of a white canvas shirt, poneva(view

loincloth) and apron- curtains

I don't have married girls light sundresses with short sleeves.

Usually the colors of such sundresses are bright.

As a rule, sundresses were made of silk, and sleeves were made of nylon.

The Lower Don prefers to see colorful dresses on Cossack women, but not colorful ones.

Folklore script Cossack holiday V senior group

The progress of the holiday

1 Cossack girl: Hello, good people. Dear guests!

Should you sit at home today?

Yes, look out the window,

Be sad and grieve!

We are glad to see you as our guest.

In our upper room of a Russian house!

2 Cossack woman: Here for you dear guests

There will be a big holiday

The holiday is joyful.

Autumn Festival

Let's have fun and rejoice.

1. Autumn walks through the gardens,

He walks and smiles.

Just like in a fairy tale - here and there

All colors change!

2. Autumn gives miracles,

And what kind!

The forests are depleted

Gold hats.

3. Leaves fall while playing,

And they cover everything around.

And we, walking around the kindergarten,

Let's collect leaves into a bouquet.

4. The hot summer has fled into the distance,

Warm days dissolve somewhere,

Somewhere there are forests and oak groves,

Berries, fruits, trees and herbs.

Well, now only the leaves are turning yellow

And they fall as soon as they can.

5. It rains all over the earth,

wet road.

Lots of drops on the glass

and a little heat.

Birch trees sleep in silver,

brighter than the green of the pine trees,

Because autumn has come

6. Once again the autumn season began to swirl with the wind.

She captivated everyone with her wonderful colors!

Look at the carpet of leaves at the doorstep!

It’s just a pity that there are few bright days in autumn...

7. It's autumn time, it's your turn!

Everywhere in autumn we feel the breath.

And leaf fall and bird flight,

Both the forest and the garden are full of charm.

8. In the autumn forest, every bush is cute.

Everything froze, as if in a wonderful fairy tale.

And a fine rain sprinkled from above

Foliage changing colors

9. The clusters of ripe rowan trees turn red,

The mushroom will show us its hat.

And the gold of birches and aspens

I really want to take it with me!

10 . Beautiful autumn! Alternate days

Yours are flying towards the gray winter.

But we will preserve every magical moment,

He will be marked in our memory.

11. How many leaves:

Yellow, red.

The breeze blows and they fly.

And in a beautiful waltz it spins

Leaves are falling overhead.

12. So that the little earth can spend the winter without hassle,

Autumn sews a patchwork blanket for her.

Carefully sews the leaf to the leaf,

Use a pine needle to adjust the stitch.

13.We said goodbye to the warm summer

Autumn has come to us again

She painted everything golden-red.

14. Everything around is as in the picture: birches and aspen trees,

In golden outfits, it means autumn is somewhere nearby.

15.Yellow leaves are circling in the air

The raindrops are merrily knocking on the glass.

16. Summer quickly flew away, like a migratory bird into the distance.

Autumn has spread wonderfully

A fading shawl!

17. Spun above me, a mischievous rain of leaves

How good is he?

Where else can you find one like this?

18. Suddenly it became twice as bright

The yard is like in the sun's rays

This dress is golden with a birch tree on the shoulders.

19. Someone painted the forests with yellow paint,

For some reason the skies became lower,

The rowan tassels glowed brighter,

All the flowers have faded, only the wormwood is fresh.

20 . Autumn, you can be sad and laugh,

Cry with rain, then smile.

Make us happy with bright colors!

The sky threatens with gloominess every time,

Autumn, do you want to surprise us all?

Children in chorus: We will love any Autumn!

Song« Golden autumn»

1 Cossack woman:

Let’s sit down, Cossacks, in a tight circle. Let's sit, talk, and remember the past.

They sit down.

2 Cossack woman:

Let's sit side by side and chat together about the Cossack holiday

October came to us - father, and before that we worked hard. We grew vegetables in the garden, fruit in the gardens, bread in the field. We worked hard, we collected the whole harvest, now we can relax, have fun, play, have fun, play ditties and have fun dancing.

Children sing ditties.

1. We are Cossack girls

We don't know how to push.
Without ditties, jokes

Oh, I can't live in this world.

2. Don't look at me

You'll break your eyes.

I'm not from your village

Don't you know?

3. There are a lot of guys, there are a lot of guys,

The guys have nowhere to go.

When the horses get tired -

We will harness them.

4. I’ll go out, I’ll go out and dance
In new shoes,
All the guys say
That I'm like a picture!

5. I love singing ditties
I love to dance.
And young girls
In the dance, hug gently.

6. We have a good harmonica player
And he plays well.
Stretch the accordion wider -
I'll dance with you ishsho!

7. Let me dance,
Allow me to stomp
Is it really in this house?
Will the floorboards burst?

8. Accordionist - for the game,
Well, for me - for dancing,
To the harmonist - rolls,
I want a bunch of bagels!

9. They say that I blush
They say I'm whitening
I'll wash myself in the river in front of everyone -
But I won’t change my face

10. How I broke it in the fall
Red viburnum,
Knitted sheaves in the fields
Broke my back.

2 Cossack woman:

We've been sitting too long. Isn't it time for us to play?

Game " Wattle"

: Cossacks are a daring and cheerful, mischievous people

Come out, Cossacks, and play with me!

And also for you the game you will like it.

The game "Papakha" is being played

1 Cossack woman:

And you, Cossacks, proverbs Do you know the Cossacks?

Children: Yes!

1 Cossack girl: Then I'll start, and you continue. Love?

Children: Love! Love!

1 Cossack girl: Ataman without mustache and beard...

Children: Like a fish without water.

1 Cossack girl: Talent from God. Children: And success comes from work.

1 Cossack girl: Good housewife... Children: More valuable than gold.

1 Cossack girl: A Cossack warrior is in the field...

Children: And the owner of the house is hospitable.

1 Cossack girl: Both in the field and in war... .

Children: The Cossack is on horseback everywhere.

2 Cossack woman:

Song:"Oh, Don Cossacks"

1 Cossack girl: The Cossacks sing gloriously, but they are also prowess in dancing

they know how to show.


My dear Cossack, he is famous everywhere

He is famous both at work and at a party...

dance"Cossack quadrille"

2 Cossack woman:

I really want to know, Cossacks, do you understand what they are saying at our festival? I will speak Russian, and you will speak Cossack.

Talking - humming; Complain – complain; Sing - play; Round dance - kuragod; House-kuren

People are the world; Today – none; The rooster crows; Have dinner - have an evening;

A little - a little; Doll - kundubochka; Hello – we had a great day.

2 Cossack woman: Gutari please, Cossacks!

1 Cossack girl: We fell in love with your sonorous songs and cheerful dances, but our holiday is coming to an end

Song“How the Cossacks walk beyond the Don”

2Cossack woman:-The autumn holiday is over...

I think it lifted your spirits!

I want to sing, always smile...

Children, do you agree with me?