The most mysterious archaeological finds. The most terrible finds of archaeologists


Unusual Finds archaeologists

We have been told since school that previous civilizations living on our land were backward compared to us. But sometimes archaeologists make sensational discoveries that are very difficult to explain by our official science and history. The findings go against what they are trying to push into our heads. This article presents several interesting finds, the existence of which cannot be explained by pundits. And you can read about what they lie to us or don’t tell us

Stone balls of Costa Rica.

Absolutely round stone balls were found by workers who were clearing a banana plantation in the 30s of the last century.

The balls were of different sizes from 10 cm to 2 meters in diameter; it later turned out that the largest balls weighed up to 16 tons. Made from igneous sedimentary rocks.

Scientists still cannot explain the origin of these balls, nor the manufacturing technology, much less why they were made.

Genetic drive.

One of the most incredible archaeological finds. A disk-shaped object was found in Colombia.

The disc has a diameter of 27 centimeters and is made of lydite stone, it has exceptional strength, but at the same time has a layered structure. There is very little information about a certain “lidit” stone on the Internet, so I won’t tell you in detail about it.

But the most interesting thing about this disc is not the structure of the stone, but the image printed on it. The disk depicts processes that we can now only examine under a microscope. The disc depicts the process of human emergence: from a cell in the body of a man and a woman to the gradual transformation into a full-fledged child.

Scientists cannot explain how ancient people knew such things.

Prehistoric battery.

In 1936, during excavations in the vicinity of Baghdad, an interesting vessel about 14 cm high was found. The neck of the vessel was filled with bitumen, through which a metal stick with traces of corrosion passed.

And the second end of the stick was hidden in a copper cylinder hidden inside the vessel. One of the scientists suggested that this is nothing more than an ancient battery. He even managed to create an exact copy of the vessel, fill it with five percent wine vinegar and obtain a voltage of 0.5 volts.

It turned out that with the help of ten such batteries and a saline solution, gold can be coated in a few hours. precious metal small item. Thanks to this experience, it became clear that the ancient people living in Baghdad knew the method of galvanization.

Swiss Watches.

But this item recently shocked everyone. An object that surprised archaeologists was found in a Ming Dynasty tomb in China in 2008. During the autopsy - this was filmed documentary, so during the excavations in the tomb, in addition to archaeologists, journalists were present.

To everyone's surprise, the first discovery was Swiss Watches. According to Jiang Yanyou, curator of the Guangxi Museum, who participated in the excavations: “When we began to remove natural deposits from the surface of the coffin, a piece of rock suddenly jumped to the side and hit the stone floor with a metallic sound. The fallen object turned out to be a ring. But imagine our surprise when, having cleared the ring of soil, we discovered a dial on its surface.”

But even more surprising was the engraved inscription on the dial - “Swiss” (Switzerland). The tomb dates from the 15th century. The fact that a similar mechanism was created at that time, and with the engraving “Switzerland”, which did not yet exist at that time, is out of the question. But Chinese scientists claim that the tomb has never been opened in the last 400 years. So where did such a thing come from?

Antique computer.

In 1900, a shipwreck dating back to around the 80s BC was found off the coast of the Greek island of Antikythera. Many interesting artifacts were recovered from the sunken ship: gold jewelry, marble and bronze figurines, amphorae, ceramics and parts of a very strange, inexplicable object.

In 1902, archaeologist Valerios Stais took a closer look at the find and noticed that some bronze objects reminded him of gears. The largest gear is 10-12cm in diameter, two are 5-7cm each and there are many small ones. The archaeologist suggested that all these were parts of some kind of astronomical device. But his colleagues only laughed at him; it was unrealistic for them to build such a gear item in such an early age.

Only in the late 50s, the British historian Derek de Solla Price proved that all these parts were of one mechanism and suggested that they were all housed in a wooden box measuring 31x19x10. And in 1971, a detailed diagram of the device was drawn up and watchmaker John Gleave assembled a working copy of the machine based on it. The device consisted of 32 parts and simulated the movement of the Sun and Moon, displaying the results on two dials. But more recently, in 2002, another discovery was made regarding this mechanism. Specialist London Museum Science Michael Wright said that the ancient mechanism can still simulate the movement of five planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

And in 2005, using modern X-ray techniques, scientists were able to examine about two thousand Greek symbols on the gears. The missing parts of the mechanism were also recreated, thanks to them it became clear that the mechanism could still perform the operations of addition, subtraction and division. And also maintain an astronomical calendar of 365 days, adjusted by one day every four years. Since then, the Antikythera mechanism has been called the ancient computer.



Creativity, work on modern idea world knowledge and constant search for answers

In the article about the most terrible finds, we posted such exhibits that at first shocked the members of the expeditions that found them, and after the publication of the facts, they shocked the world community.

Virgin of Llullaillaco

The mummy of a girl, who was 13-14 years old at the time of her death, was found in the Andes at an altitude of 6,700 meters by German archaeologist Johann Reinhard.

After research, it became clear that the Incas sacrificed the girl; before that, she was fed high-quality food for a year, and at the same time pumped up narcotic substances. Rather, the terrible death occurred as a result of an overabundance of drugs in the child’s body.

We judge this from the standpoint of the morality of today, but at that time, creepy morals, as it seems to us, were commonplace, fueled religious ideas. By the way, on our website you can look at the site interesting article about the most unusual in the world.

Cemetery of Babies

What could be worse than infanticide? In 1988, work was carried out to study the aqueducts of the Roman Empire near the Israeli city of Ashkelon. As a result of their work, scientists stumbled upon a terrible burial ground in which only infants were buried.

Historians have found out that in ancient times there was an establishment where children were killed at this place. The fact is that according to Roman law, if the father did not recognize the child before the age of 2, he was killed.

Thus, they also got rid of illegitimate children. The boys were killed immediately, but the girls could be saved, and, having matured, they joined the ranks of the priestesses of the most ancient profession.

In 1886, while exploring the pyramids of Egypt, Egyptologist Gaston Maspero found an unusual mummy not of royal origin at all. The buried person was wrapped in sheep's clothing, and the accompanying grave goods were completely absent.

But something else surprised the researchers. Having unwound the mummy, they saw that the hands of the deceased were tied, and his face was frozen as if distorted by a scream. He was given the name " Unknown person E”, and later several more similar burials were discovered.

Scientists' opinions are divided. Some talked about terrible death which befell these people, and some scientific society Now I agree that an open mouth is a consequence of natural causes.

Six month old baby

This find is scary simply because of the age of the buried Inuit boy. At the time of his death, which happened around 1475, he was only 6 months old.

It was discovered during archaeological research on the island of Greenland, and 7 other adults were buried next to it. Permafrost allowed not only the clothing, but also the skin of those buried to be well preserved.

This discovery allowed archaeologists and ethnographers to learn a lot about the way of life of the tribes of Greenland, what they ate, what they were sick with, and what caused their death.

According to the site, the “most terrible finds” category also included the cemetery of headless Vikings, discovered in 2010 as a result of archaeological research in the English county of Dorset.

The worst thing was that the bodies of 54 warriors were beheaded, and their heads lay to the side of the bodies. In addition, several skulls were missing, and people were killed by a sword blow to the neck from the front.

Perhaps it was a mass demonstration execution, or a sacrifice to the Gods, and the missing skulls were taken as trophies, or put on display for the edification of their comrades.

Thanks to archeology, it was possible to solve a murder committed almost 3 thousand years ago. But it is possible that the man discovered in Denmark was strangled as a ritual sacrifice.

Living in the 3rd century BC, after being strangled, he was thrown into a swamp, so his body and face were well preserved, since peat is an excellent preservative. It was even possible to take a fingerprint.

Local boys discovered the body in 1950, and at first they thought it was their friend who had drowned earlier in these marshy swamps. The terrible discovery provided rich material for understanding the history of the very beginning of the Iron Age.

This discovery, made in 1952, also in the marshes of Denmark, shocked archaeologists not only with the hair preserved on the skull, but also with the causes of death.

According to scientists, he was stabbed to death, most likely by fellow villagers, and thrown into a swamp. In addition, his leg was broken, but it is impossible to determine whether the injury was sustained during life or during the fall.

Still, in the 3rd century BC there were cruel morals, and an innocent man of about 30 years of age, was blamed for a crop failure, and possibly some other trouble, and was killed in cold blood.

That's not all…

We have collected so much interesting material, shaking this topic, that we simply cannot complete it here.

We continue the topic of archeology with an article about. It is very interesting!

Very often, questions generated by archaeological finds remain unanswered. Revealed from the darkness of oblivion, witnesses of the distant past keep their secrets. Sometimes they only perplex researchers, and sometimes they terrify, striking with their cruelty that goes beyond the limits of reason. Some archaeological finds, photos of which are presented in the article, belong specifically to this category.

frozen cry

The Egyptian Antiquities Service is a serious organization where all archaeological finds that come into its field of view are scrupulously entered into the appropriate accounting registers. Mr. Gaston Maspero, who worked in this department for a considerable number of years, saw everyone, and when a new batch of artifacts arrived in November 1886, he got down to business as usual.

The day was already approaching evening, when he had to register the last figure, still hidden under a layer of ancient materials. The official, with his usual movement, cut and moved to the sides the ancient shroud that tightly hugged the mummy. What he saw made him recoil. In the crimson rays of the sun sinking beyond the horizon, a body bent in convulsions with arms and legs stretched like a prisoner’s appeared before him.

But this was not what horrified the seasoned official. The wide open mouth of the mummy was twisted in a silent scream that had frozen several millennia ago. The head was thrown back, and seemed to be looking at Mr. Maspero with bottomless eye sockets full of suffering.

Having come to his senses, the official realized that he had unwittingly become a witness last act, a tragedy that took place in the distant past, and perhaps a crime. There was no doubt that this unfortunate man, whose body was now lying on the table of one of the offices of the Antiquities Service, was buried alive. What caused such cruelty will forever remain a mystery.

The ancient Egyptians, sending loved ones on journeys through the afterlife, great importance they handed him over to the mouth, since it was believed that he should be locked forever, otherwise the deceased would not find peace. Nevertheless, these screaming dead appear before archaeologists to this day. They are sometimes found among the American Indians, the Celts, and other peoples. It seems that they stand guard in the depths of ancient burials, scaring away with their screams uninvited guests- treasure hunters.

Headless Skeletons

Several years ago, many British newspapers came out with screaming headlines - “The Nightmare of Dorset County”, “The Horror of Dorset County” and other variations on this theme. What alarmed the journalists so much and made ordinary people forget about other newspaper news for a while? And this is what happened.

In those days, on one of the oldest roads in Dorset, which is located in the south-west of the country and washed by the waters of the English Channel, renovation work. They dismantled the old pavement, which had long since outlived its usefulness, and in its place a modern road surface was laid. Suddenly, a bulldozer, working slightly to the side of the road, moved the top layer of earth with its knife, revealing what was hidden underneath from human eyes.

Many human bones, darkened by time, appeared before the eyes of the astonished workers. The find was reported to the police. Those, having arrived and completed all the formalities necessary in such cases, informed the employees of the Royal Archaeological Society.

When the scientists arrived at the place and began to study the burial ground, the first thing that caught their eye was the absence of skulls. They were discovered a little later, after additional excavations. The skulls were buried nearby, and it seemed as if they had been deliberately laid out in an even pyramid.

Remains were also found here ancient weapons- swords and shields, by characteristic features which were determined that their owners were undoubtedly Vikings. But the main sensation lay ahead. When they began to study each of the skeletons in detail, it turned out that their position indicated that those unfortunate people to whom they once belonged were first buried in the ground standing up to shoulder level, and only after that they lost their heads.

These terrible archaeological finds have received the most likely explanation. In the ninth century, the Vikings launched devastating raids into Britain. The county of Dorset, located on the shore of the strait, became their next prey. Obviously, at some point, military luck turned against these robbers, and fifty-four thugs (this is exactly the number of human remains that scientists counted) fell into the hands of local residents.

The times were barbaric, and one should not be surprised at the imagination with which the aggressors were punished. They were buried up to their necks and their heads were cut off, apparently with some kind of peasant sickles or scythes. The peculiarities of the soil in this part of the country have allowed evidence of this terrible massacre to survive to this day.

"Matryoshka" from hell

In 2009, something was added to the category of “unexplained archaeological finds” for which even the most approximate explanation could not be found. This year, in Sweden, in Motala, on the territory where there was once a lake, excavations were carried out. Suddenly, a strange object fell into the hands of scientists; it looked like a stone, but turned out to be a human skull.

Such archaeological finds are by no means uncommon, but in this case something alerted the researchers. The reason was the unusual weight of the skull - undoubtedly, it contained something that was still hidden from prying eyes. The X-ray results amazed scientists. It turned out that their find consisted of eleven (!) human skulls nested inside each other. In front of them was some kind of creepy “matryoshka”, which appeared from the dark depths of the underworld.

It’s hard to even imagine how many people, from babies to very old people, paid with their lives for the sake of this hellish souvenir, where the skulls were driven into each other with amazing precision. Unusual archaeological finds always excite the minds of researchers and give rise to many hypotheses. So it was this time. However, no convincing explanation for the discovery was made. Whether it was an element of some ancient ritual or simply the product of someone’s sick fantasy - forever remained a mystery.

Swiss watch from an ancient tomb

Behind Lately are increasingly mentioned in media mass media mysterious archaeological finds, identified in a special group called “anomalous artifacts”. It's about attributes modern life, discovered during excavations of cultural layers dating back to long-gone eras. Let's give a few examples.

Several years ago, Chinese scientists, while excavating an ancient tomb in the Guangxi region, unexpectedly discovered an object that resembled a ring. Having cleared it of dust, the scientists discovered that they were holding a watch in their hands. Yes, yes, elegant Ladies Watch, and besides, they are also Swiss. The age of the tomb where this find was discovered was four hundred years old, and it had never been opened - there was no doubt about that. How did modern watches get into it?

A hammer made before humans appeared on Earth

In 1936, in the US state of Texas, scientists were presented with a puzzle that has remained unsolved to this day. In layers of limestone that are one hundred and forty million years old, a hammer was discovered that was literally embedded in the rock. Its handle has petrified and turned into coal, which confirms its multi-million-year-old age. The metal from which the hammer was made was something unique. According to experts, such pure iron has never been obtained in the entire history of world metallurgy.

Scientists around the world recognize that such mysterious archaeological finds are by no means uncommon. There are many cases where certain objects of our modern life are discovered in rocks dating back many millions of years and formed long before the appearance of the first people. Official science cannot give any explanation for this phenomenon and therefore simply ignores such facts.

Time travel - technology of the future

Let's give another example. In Texas, during scientific research, one of the surprises awaited archaeologists, which also had no rational explanation. Human footprints were discovered under a layer of rock, and next to them were dinosaur footprints. The improbability of this combination lies in the fact that ancient reptiles lived on Earth many millions of years before the appearance of the first people. This fact has long been established by science and is beyond doubt.

Archaeological finds of this kind, due to their mystery, give rise to the most daring and sometimes incredible hypotheses. How, other than time travel, can one explain such a combination of attributes of different eras, sometimes lagging behind each other by millions of years? In our modern life, things that until recently seemed fantastic have become commonplace. Who knows, maybe time travel is a very real technology that is not yet known to us.

Siberian finds

But let’s return from the realm of hypotheses to the realm where there are fully recognized scientific community archaeological finds. IN local history museum Novosibirsk, for example, presents exhibitions that undoubtedly deserve the closest attention. And although they do not shock, like those artifacts discussed above, they can nevertheless serve as food for the richest imagination.

Interesting archaeological finds were included in the museum's exhibits after excavations carried out in the Moshkovsky district near Novosibirsk. We are talking about a cult site where ritual sacrifices were performed for at least seven centuries. No, no, no charred human bones were found, and the representatives of the Kulai tribes who left us this monument were not distinguished by wild morals, but these finds are unique in their own way.

The point is that on this sacred place were discovered, except large quantity ancient jewelry, arrowheads and elements of combat and everyday clothing, two burials placed in stone sarcophagi made of monolithic granite slabs. Considering that they are at least two thousand years old, one can only speculate as to how these ancient Siberian tribes managed to mine granite, process it, and construct geometrically perfect structures from it. Where did they get these technologies and where did they disappear to?

Exhibits of the Omsk Museum

You can also see unusually interesting archaeological finds in the Omsk Local History Museum. Everything that was brought here from scientific expeditions became not just exhibits of the exhibition, but also elements on the basis of which reconstructions of dwellings belonging to the most different eras were created. Among them is a plague made from animal skins, related to stone age, and a dugout - the dwelling of people of the Middle Ages.

The earliest site of ancient people in this area is fourteen and a half thousand years old. In science, this period is considered the end of the Early Stone Age. He presented scientists with many interesting archaeological finds. Artifacts obtained by Omsk archaeologists irrefutably prove that already in those days their fellow countrymen used bows, sailed in boats, knew weaving and mastered the art of pottery. In harsh and snowy winters for transportation they used skis, which other peoples developed only many centuries later.

Alpine find

It is also interesting to recall the latest archaeological finds, which were widely covered in the media. Among them, the greatest interest is in scientific world caused by the oldest mummy of a European man, discovered in the Alps in the nineties last century. It was discovered on the border of Italy and Austria. Its age is more than five thousand years.

Research has shown that the mummy belongs to a forty-six-year-old man who was engaged in cattle breeding and died from an arrow. In addition, deciphering the genome helped establish that he had Brown eyes, and was in many ways similar to the modern inhabitants of Corsica and Sardinia.

Priestess from the Scythian steppes

Another mummy, found during the same period on the border of Mongolia, was called the “Princess of Ukok.” This mummy got its name from the plateau where it was discovered in one of the burial mounds of the Scythian period. After a comprehensive study of the find, it was determined that the “princess,” whom the Mongols consider their ancestor, died while still a very young woman. She was no more than twenty-six years old.

It is curious that during her burial she was dressed in rich silk clothes, and her body was decorated with a tattoo depicting griffin figures. In addition, six horses were buried with her in the mound. All these details indicate that the found mummy, in all likelihood, belonged to one of the Scythian priestesses.

Amulet from the Moscow region

Remembering famous archaeological finds recent years, we cannot fail to mention the most interesting artifacts discovered quite recently during excavations in the area of ​​the village of Myakinino not far from Moscow. Among them, the so-called serpentine amulet deserves special attention. Archaeological finds in Russia often represent a variety of amulets, amulets and other sacred objects, the purpose of which is to protect their owners from various dark forces.

The peculiarity of this find is that it can rightfully be called an intermediate element in the transition from paganism to Christianity. On one side of this cast bronze amulet there is a relief image of the scene of the baptism of Jesus Christ, and on the other there is a mythical figure of a woman whose legs turn into the bodies of eleven writhing snakes.

Archaeological ancient finds like this are often striking in their complete inconsistency with the current Christian canons, and testify to the naive and, in part, childish attitude of our distant ancestors To higher powers who guided their lives. One gets the impression that the ancient master placed both images, so incompatible with each other, on the amulet, guided by simple logic - maybe someone will help.

Some of the discoveries that have shocked the world

Listing the most interesting archaeological finds that caused the greatest public outcry, one can list the discoveries made by scientists in various parts of the planet. Their great amount. Among them, we will definitely remember the skull of the so-called “Venetian vampire”. Unlike his brothers, who ended their nightly feasts with a stake in their chest, this native of the world of shadows had his mouth filled with cement. With this stone gag in his mouth, his skull was found in the vicinity of Venice.

Reports of excavations carried out in 2006 in the area of ​​the Mexican capital horrified the public with the number of mutilated human and animal remains removed from the ground. Much was already known about the bloody sacrifices of the Aztecs, but these excavations demonstrated the scale of such actions, and the satanic imagination of their performers. All the horror of that era appeared before humanity in full.

Sometimes researchers await sensational discoveries in the most unexpected places. For example, while studying the sewerage system of ancient Roman-Byzantine baths in Israel, archaeologists unexpectedly stumbled upon a huge accumulation of children's remains. How they got there, and what prompted someone to commit such a barbaric act by throwing them into the sewer, will forever remain a dark mystery of past centuries.

Discovery of Heinrich Schliemann

Which archaeological finds received the most world fame and influenced further development Sciences? Probably the most significant of them was the discovery made in 1865 by Heinrich Schliemann. Yes, yes, we are talking about the discovery of the legendary Troy. Having read Homer and becoming his connoisseur and admirer, Schliemann could not imagine that the description of Troy was given by his favorite author only as a poetic fiction. Contrary to the prevailing opinion at that time, he wholeheartedly believed in the historicity of everything that the ancient poet described.

He believed and searched. Thanks to this man's obsession, he and his colleagues discovered the ruins ancient city, and Troy itself ceased to be a legend. Heinrich Schliemann went down in history not only as an outstanding researcher, but also as a symbol of determination, capable of accomplishing what is generally considered impossible. Many archaeological finds, photos of which are given in this article, were discovered by the followers of this remarkable German scientist. It was he who inspired entire generations of archaeologists to work, the crown of which was new discoveries.

When it comes to the world around us, most, as a rule, believe that man has already known it completely: since the Enlightenment, science has been studying it. Nevertheless, even in the 21st century, many secrets of the Universe still remain under seven locks, and as evidence we present the top 10 interesting finds of archaeologists that science still cannot explain.

Stone balls of Costa Rica

Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, these stone balls have long continued to haunt the minds of scientists. The balls were made from igneous sedimentary rocks, but their purpose remains a mystery.

The pyramid of the first emperor of China and his terracotta army

The tomb of China's first emperor, Qin Shi Huang Di, discovered in 1974, has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Many believe that his body may be located in deeper underground chambers, but archaeologists have no plans to go there yet.
This is what Qin Shihuang's pyramid looks like now.

Amazing Puma Punku Stones
Although these ancient structures are not included in the list of wonders of the world, they are certainly some of the most ancient ruins on our planet.

Most of these structures consist of granite and diorite, which is interesting - on Earth only diamond surpasses them in strength. Thus, the people who created these monuments must have used tools made from diamonds.

Another interesting fact is that the weight of each such monolith is about 800 tons. This is surprising, since the nearest quarry from here is 10 kilometers away. Even when using modern technologies it would be incredibly difficult to lift and move them that distance.

Shroud of Turin
The Shroud of Turin is one of the most famous Christian relics in the world. It is believed that the body of Jesus Christ was wrapped in it during burial.

Great Pyramid in Giza
Considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Great Pyramid of Giza continues to attract the attention of many archaeologists, physicists and astrologers who, over the centuries, have tried to unravel the mystery it hides.

Undoubtedly, Stonehenge is considered the most popular ancient monument located in Europe. It consists of stone blocks of incredible size, which amaze not so much with their appearance as with the mystery of their origin.

In the center is a stone altar surrounded by a horseshoe-shaped circle of stones. The true purpose of Stonehenge remains a mystery today. There are three main theories, one of which suggests that the site was used for ritual ceremonies and funerals.
Computer reconstruction

Nazca Lines
The Nazca Lines are ancient patterns drawn onto the surface of the earth in the Nazca Desert in Peru. They were discovered in 1927 and became the most unusual legacy of the past.
Nazca Lines, monkey

The lines and numbers traced on the plateau form a complex sequence of patterns reaching several kilometers in length, and they can only be seen from the air.
Nazca Lines, spider

Experts rule out the possibility that the Nazca people had the technology to allow them to fly, but this only raises more questions about how and why these lines were drawn?
Nazca Lines, parrot and astronaut

Traces of cocaine and tobacco found on mummies
In 1992, a team of German researchers found traces of cocaine and nicotine on parts of Egyptian mummies as part of a study called "Studying the Use of Hallucinogenic Substances in Ancient Societies."

Genetic drive
The so-called genetic disk is one of the most incredible artifacts found in Colombia. The disk with a diameter of 27 cm is made of a durable stone called lydite, it is surprising that, despite its exceptional strength, this stone has a layered structure, and it is difficult to make something like this ancient artifact, both practically and theoretically impossible.

Bas-reliefs in the Temple of Hathor
Almost every schoolchild knows the history of the creation of the modern light bulb, but historians say that the ancient Egyptians were most likely also familiar with this subject. On bas-reliefs discovered in 1969 in the temple of the goddess Hathor, scientists found images of objects, the structure and shape of which strikingly reminded them of electric lamps. They immediately remembered that no traces of soot were found in the tombs...

The bas-relief depicting ancient lamps is located in a difficult-to-reach place, accessible only through a narrow passage. According to scientists, this room was not intended for frequent visits; the presence of something mystical is truly felt in the Temple of Hathor. What is actually depicted on Egyptian bas-reliefs is still unknown.

reconstruction of an “ancient lamp”.

Lizard in a space suit
Not long ago, the world was shocked by an amazing discovery, which especially appealed to fans of theories about extraterrestrial civilizations and their presence on our planet. In addition to three skeletons and ritual amulets, a collection of figurines was discovered in the Egyptian tomb at Tel El-Tabila (Dakahlia), one of which particularly attracted the attention of archaeologists. It was a lizard in a space suit; this figurine did not look like anything else. What is this? Who is this? Not yet known.

Three-blade disc
An amazing three-lobed disk was discovered by Egyptologist Walter Bryan. Who and what this disk served for has not yet been established. This artifact is made of very fragile material, so, despite its shape, this object cannot be an ancient wheel. Someone suggested that this disk could be the leg of an oil lamp, but in its shape the disk is more similar to a functional device than a decorative item.

Metal spheres
On the origin and purpose of the mysterious metal spheres discovered by miners South America, scientific world is still arguing. These balls do not exceed three centimeters in diameter; on some of them one can discern parallel lines running along the circumference of the sphere.

Archaeological discoveries never cease to amaze us.

Sometimes finds are so fantastic that they cause long-term disputes between scientists and acquire ambiguous assessments.

1. Rosetta Stone

The Rosetta Stone is a stone slab. Usually it is taller in size than it is wider. IN Ancient Egypt the slabs were popular as ritual markers for the deceased.

2. Dead Sea Scrolls

For several years, historians have believed in the existence of biblical and non-biblical documents relating to the ancient Jewish sect of the Essenes. Concrete evidence emerged in the 1950s. The manuscripts are written in Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic.

The fury of Mount Vesuvius buried the ancient Roman city of Pompeii in 79 AD. e. Volcanic eruption was so powerful that over time, memories of the city were erased from public consciousness, like the city itself.

Altamira was discovered by amateur archaeologist Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola. True Paleolithic art was born in the cave.

“Gold... There was a glitter of gold everywhere... I was amazed and speechless with amazement,” these are the words of Howard Carter, the man who discovered the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun.

One of the oldest man-made human figurines depicts an obese woman with full, pendulous breasts. The figurine symbolizes fertility, pregnancy and roundness female figure. The statue is approximately 26,000 years old.

7. City of Knossos

Archaeological site Bronze Age was in Knossos important point in the restoration of Greek civilization almost 3500-4000 years ago. The city, built around the city of Crete, reflects references to ancient Roman texts and coins.

When this mechanism was discovered among the usual shipwrecks off the coast of Greece in 1901, it did not seem important. However, today he is considered the father of modern computing devices.

The Pilate Stone may be the first reliable evidence of a biblical reference to Pontius Pilate. Discovered in the area of ​​Caesarea (Judea), the stone was allegedly used as material for a staircase built in the 4th century. n. e.

10. Olduvai Gorge

Oldülvai Gorge may be one of the oldest known human creations. It was inhabited primitive people millions of years ago and contains tools and hunting items.

While the oldest of the Egyptian pyramids dates back to around 2670 BC. e., the megalithic temples of Hagar-Kim (Malta) anticipate it by almost 600-1000 years.

The funeral army of Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China, includes a massive collection of terracotta statues. It was created as a tribute to one of the most influential figures in history.

13. Tomb of Philip II of Macedon

In 1977, Greek archeology expert Manolis Andronix announced the discovery of the burial site of Macedonian kings in Vergina (Northern Greece). Later, in 1990, tombs were also found. One of the burials belongs to Philip II, the father of Alexander the Great.

In July 2009, a collection of gold, silver and metal objects from the Anglo-Saxon collection of the 7th-8th centuries was found in the village of Hammerwich in Lichfield (Staffordshire, UK).

Jars found from the Parthian era during the Sassanid period (1st-3rd centuries AD) have a cylindrical iron shell with a copper peak enclosed inside. The electrochemical steam in the jars generated a voltage potential.

The Roman dodecahedron is a small hollow object with twelve flat pentagonal faces, each of which accommodates a circular hole of different diameters. The item approximately dates back to the 2nd and 3rd centuries. n. e. Its purpose is still unclear.

Early evidence of tetracycline use was found in bones excavated in Nubia (Sudan). Tetracycline-producing yeast may have been an ingredient in ancient Nubian alcoholic beverages.

Sharp spear tips were found in South Africa. They have been made for almost 200,000 years. This forced the history of human hunting to be attributed to an earlier period.

19. Ancient chemical warfare

In 1933, Robert du Mesnil du Buisson discovered a stunning archaeological fact. The excavation contained the remains of 19 Roman soldiers and several Persian soldiers. The Persians set a trap for the hordes of Romans - the enemy was met with sulfur vapors.

Located in Costa Rica, the perfectly round spheres were carved from stone. They date back to 600-1000 BC. n. e. Banana plantation workers discovered the bizarre figures in 1930.

Sanxingdui (China) contains artifacts from the Bronze Age (c. 2800-800 BC). The finds are considered one of the most important due to their enormous size and long period existence.

22. Rapa Nui

Better known as Easter Island, it is located thousands of kilometers off the Chilean coast, in the southern part Pacific Ocean. However, the most incomprehensible thing is not how people found it and developed it, but that the inhabitants erected huge stone heads around the island.

Dating back to the early 1500s, this map shows the coastlines of South America, Europe and Africa with amazing accuracy. Apparently, it was created by general and cartographer Piri Reis from fragments of dozens of other maps.

Although the Nazca Lines have been the subject of study by archaeologists for hundreds of years, they are almost impossible to see unless you are directly above them. Geoglyphs in the desert remain a mystery to this day and depict the Inca city of Machu Picchu in Peru.

25. Mount Owen Moa

In 1986, a New Zealand expedition stumbled upon a huge claw in Owen Moa Cave. During excavations and inspection, it was determined that the find belonged to a large prehistoric bird.

This mysterious manuscript dates back to the beginning. XV century Italy. Although most of the pages are filled with herbal recipes, none of the plants match known species, and the language remains illegible.

The ancient settlement was discovered in 1994. It was built approximately 9,000 years ago. The building predates the Egyptian pyramids by thousands of years.

The walled complex, located near Cusco, Peru, is part of what was once the capital of the Inca Empire. The stone slabs fit together so tightly that it is impossible for even a hair to slip between them.

Digging railway by workers in Dorset led to the discovery of a small contingent of Viking warriors buried in the ground. They were all beheaded. The work is done delicately, and from the front, and not from the back.

30. Tomb of Sunken Skulls

While excavating a dry lake in Motala, Swedish archaeologists came across several skulls. As if nothing surprising, one of them was stuffed inside with parts of other skulls. Whatever happened 8,000 years ago, the picture looked terrible.

Marcahuasi is a plateau in the Andes, located east of Lima (Peru). In 1952, Daniel Ruzo made a remarkable discovery in this area. He found hundreds of stone figures that resembled human faces and animals. Many argue that they were formed by natural erosion.

The Galilean boat is an ancient fishing vessel from the 1st century. n. e. (the time of Jesus Christ), discovered in 1986 on the northwestern shore of the Sea of ​​Galilee in Israel. The remains of the ship were found by amateur archaeologists, brothers Moshe and Yuval Lufan.

In the summer of 1923, archaeologist Roy Chapman Andrews began his third Asian expedition to the Gobi Desert in Mongolia. One of his team members discovered a huge skull of an unidentified mammal. Lower jaw the creature was not found. The animal was named Andrewsarchus.

34. Sacrifice of Teotihuacan

Although the Aztecs had been known to perform numerous shocking sacrifices for many years, in 2004 a grisly discovery was made outside of modern-day Mexico City. Numerous beheaded and mutilated bodies of people and animals shed light on just how horrific the rituals were.

Although nowadays the surest method used to kill a vampire is a stake driven through the heart, hundreds of years ago this was considered insufficient. An ancient alternative is a brick through the mouth. The skull was discovered by archaeologists near Venice in a mass grave.

36. Shipwreck in Uluburun

The Uluburun shipwreck is a tragic Late Bronze Age event dating back to the 14th century BC. The sunken ship was discovered in southwestern Turkey. It carried a cargo of nine cultures of the world.
