The most terrible deaths of people in the world. The most terrible deaths in history: list, description and interesting facts


Does death have its own plan?..

Death from exhaustion at the screen. All its unusualness lies in its surprise.

2005 year. A 28-year-old Korean video game fan collapsed to the floor and died in an Internet bar after playing for 50 hours non-stop.

From the claw of a lioness

2007 45-year-old Oktay Makhmudov from Azerbaijan climbed down a rope into a lion's cage at the Kiev Zoo and shouted to the numb visitors:

God will save me if he exists!

A few seconds later the lioness jumped on him and severed his artery, killing him. uninvited guest instantly.

The unusual death of a little girl

2008 Seven-year-old Abigail Taylor died after being internal organs were partially sucked in by the powerful pump of the swimming pool, on which she had the imprudence to sit down. Surgeons replaced her intestines and pancreas with donor organs. The baby died from cancer caused by one of the transplanted organs.

In 207 BC e. Greek philosopher Grisippus died laughing watching his drunken donkey try to eat figs.

121 BC, Gaius Gracchus, a Roman general, according to Plutarch, was killed for a reward of gold equal to the weight of his head. One of the conspirators in his murder beheaded Guy, cleared his skull of brains and filled its cavity with molten lead. When the lead hardened, the head was taken to the Roman Senate and weighed. The murderer was rewarded with seventeen pounds of gold.

And you will die from the eagle and the turtle

458 BC Aeschylus was killed... by an eagle! He dropped a turtle on Aeschylus's head, confusing the playwright's bald head with a stone.

Hotter coals!

42 BC Portia Cato, wife of Marcus Brutus, died after swallowing hot coals after learning of her husband's death.

1927 Isadora Duncan died of suffocation and a broken neck when her long scarf got caught in the wheel of the car she was riding in with the driver. He immediately noticed that Isadora’s body was dragging behind the car (the driving was terribly noisy then). The screams of the crowd helped the driver wake up, but it was too late. Duncan's heart stopped.

The Unusual and Unsightly Death of Herod

4 BC King Herod fell ill with a fever, became covered in a rash, and became ill with inflammation abdominal cavity. Herod's genitals rotted. Before his death, convulsions became more frequent and Herod found it difficult to breathe. During his death throes, many worms swarmed in Herod’s body, as evidenced by the court doctors.

The death of his grandson Herod Agrippa in 44 was surprisingly similar: abdominal pain, worms. This happened shortly after he put the Apostle Peter in prison.

Crucified upside down

64 - 67 years. The Apostle Peter was crucified on an inverted cross, upside down, because he considered himself unworthy to die like Christ.

Brutal death by shells

415 The world has too often been cruel to extraordinary women. The Greek mathematician and philosopher Hepatia was killed by a mob who skinned her alive with sharp shells. All that was left of the unfortunate woman was burned at the stake.

The king who drank himself to death

771 The King of Sweden, Adolf Fredrik, died of indigestion. He ate for lunch: crayfish, caviar, sauerkraut, smoked herring, drank a lot of champagne. He ate all this with his usual dessert of 14 servings of sweet pie with hot milk. In Sweden they still call him “the king who drank himself to death.”

Death of an Explorer

1928 Doctor Alexander Bogdanov died after one of his experiments in which the blood of students suffering from malaria and tuberculosis was transfused to him.

1911 Jack Daniel, the founder of the Jack Daniel whiskey company, died of blood poisoning, six years after he injured his leg when he kicked it in anger over forgetting the combination to a safe.

Grigory Rasputin drowned in a hole under the ice. Although the details of his murder are disputed, he was allegedly drowned in an ice hole after being poisoned with prussic acid, beaten, mutilated, and suffering several gunshot wounds to the head, lungs, and liver. Strange, but he died precisely because he suffocated under water.

1927 Parry-Thomas, an English racing driver, was decapitated by a chain that flew off his own car. He was trying to beat his own record from last year. Despite the fact that he was already dead, he still managed to establish new record- 171 miles per hour!

1943 Critic Alexander Woolcott died of a heart attack while discussing Adolf Hitler.

Naked facts

Most people pass into another world quite prosaically - from illness or old age, a few - tragically. But sometimes the “old woman with a scythe” mercilessly mocks a person, preparing for him a cruel and unusual death. The circumstances of the death of such people seem so incredible that they are difficult to believe. Here is a chronological list of the most unusual deaths, ranging from 270 BC to the present day.
In 270 BC, while trying to solve the Liar paradox (this is the so-called liar paradox formulated by Eubulides), the poet Philetas died of insomnia.
In 207 BC. e. The philosopher Chrysippus, who lived in Greece, died of laughter while watching a drunken donkey try to eat figs. This is one of the most ridiculous deaths in history.
In 121 BC. For the murder of the Roman commander Gaius Gracchus, a reward was promised in gold, the weight of which should be equal to the weight of Gaius's head. According to Plutarch, one of the participants in the murder, Septimuleius, beheaded Gracchus, removed the brains from his skull and filled the cavity with molten lead. The head was presented to the Roman Senate and weighed. The murderers received seventeen pounds of gold.
In 260, the Roman emperor Valerian was defeated in battle with the Persians and was captured. The Persian king Shapur used him as a stool, and then, in response to a request for release for a ransom, poured molten gold down his throat. But this was not enough for the king. He skinned Valerian and made a stuffed animal, filling it with straw and dung. And only three and a half centuries later, Valerian’s remains were buried.
In 668, the Roman Emperor of the Byzantine Empire, Constants II, was killed in a bath by a eunuch, Andreas. According to Theophanes the Confessor, the eunuch serving the emperor while washing hit him on the head with a marble soap dish, the stunned Constant fell into the water and choked.
In 1277, Pope John XXI, famous for his learning, was mortally wounded by the collapse of his own roof. scientific laboratory.
In 1327, Edward II, the first heir to the English throne, suffered one of the cruelest and most unusual deaths. Overthrown from the throne with the help of his own wife Isabella, the king was executed in a sophisticated way - he was stuck in the anus hot iron.
In 1478 in an unusual way Duke of Clarence George Plantagenet was executed. He was drowned in a barrel of table wine, and according to legend, the Duke chose this death himself. The volume of the barrel in which malvasia was usually stored was 477.3 liters - quite enough to drown.
In 1514, one of the most martyrdoms was suffered by Gyorgy Dozsa, the leader of the peasant uprising in Hungary. He was seated on a white-hot throne, and his associates were forced to eat his meat.
In 1559, the French king Henry II, participating in a knight's duel to celebrate his daughter's wedding, was killed. His visor, which had a soft golden lattice, pierced the enemy’s spear, which hit him right in the eye and struck the brain.
In 1573, in the Kingdom of Croatia, after the defeat of the peasant uprising, its leader Matja Hubek was captured and brutally executed. They put a crown of hot iron on his head and then quartered him.
In 1671 the cook Louis XIV, whose name was François Vatel, committed suicide. He could not bear the shame of not receiving the fish ordered for the king’s table on time. The body of the unfortunate cook was discovered when his assistant came to inform him that the order had been delivered. Vatel's name became a symbol of the chef's professional honor.
In 1791 or 1793, composer and guitarist František Kotzvara died of suffocation after having too much sex with a prostitute. It was not only the most unusual death, but also the most unenviable one - to convince yourself respectful attitude It’s difficult to treat such a dead person.
In 1834, Scottish botanist David Douglas, who was studying plants, died from an animal. He fell into a pit trap, where the bull pursuing him fell after him. The animal, naturally, attacked the man, and Douglas died from the horns of the bull.
In 1850, the President of the United States of America, Zachary Taylor, died from eating too much ice cream after an Independence Day ceremony on a very hot day. The President fell ill with indigestion and died five days later. The version of poisoning was not confirmed - in 1991, Taylor’s body was exhumed and doctors did not find any poison in it.
In 1884, the famous detective Allan Pinkerton, the prototype of the famous literary hero Nat Pinkerton, the “King of Detectives,” died of gangrene. He bit his tongue when he tripped on the sidewalk while walking. Antiseptics were not known in those days, and a simple wound became the cause of death.
In 1899, the French President of France, Felix Faure, died in his office from a stroke that happened to him while a 30-year-old beauty was giving him a blowjob. Truly, you need to know moderation in everything!
In 1911, Jack Daniel, the founder of the Jack Daniel whiskey brand, died of blood poisoning. This death was listed as unusual due to the fact that sepsis was caused by an injury six years ago - once Daniel could not remember the code combination for his safe and kicked an iron cabinet in anger.
In 1916, Grigory Rasputin, considered a prophet and healer and a friend of the family of Emperor Nicholas II, died. It was truly the most unusual death: Rasputin was poisoned potassium cyanide, shot at point-blank range, and then thrown into an ice hole. And although the details of the murder are still controversial, it is believed that he died from suffocation underwater.
In 1927, English racing driver Parry Thomas died while trying to break his own record. He was beheaded by a chain that flew off his own car. Thomas managed to set a new record posthumously - the car with the already dead driver reached a speed of 171 miles per hour.
In 1927, the famous dancer Isadora Duncan suffered a fractured cervical vertebrae and died of suffocation. While she was driving in a car, her scarf accidentally hit the car wheel and spun around it, instantly squeezing the woman’s neck.
In 1928, the Russian doctor Alexander Bogdanov, the organizer and director of the world's first Institute of Blood Transfusion, working with the pathogens of malaria and tuberculosis, died after an experiment performed on himself - he was transfused with contaminated blood. The life and death of the great Russian scientist and thinker is an example of service to science.
In 1941 American writer Sherwood Anderson, going on a trip with his wife South America, accidentally swallowed a toothpick at a party. Developed peritonitis led to death - to carry out difficult work on the ship surgery it was not possible.
In 1943, the American military bomber Lady be Good went off course and made an emergency landing in the Libyan desert. The crew members died of dehydration, and their mummified remains were found in 1960.
In 1943, critic Alexander Woolcott died of a heart attack while discussing Adolf Hitler too temperamentally.
In 1944, the most unusual death befell the inventor Thomas Midgley - he invented a mechanical bed of a special design, and accidentally strangled himself in this bed. In such cases they say “death is the quintessence of life.”
In 1960, while performing an aria from Verdi's opera, he died of a stroke right on stage. famous singer Leonard Warren. It's amazing, but last words there were words from the opera with the title “Force of Destiny”, so symbolic for the singer: “Die? Great honor!"
In 1981, 25-year-old Renee Hartevelt, studying in Paris, was invited to lunch by fellow Japanese student Issei Sagawa. As it turned out, as a dish, the man killed her and ate her. The killer was sent to Japan, and there he was safely released from custody.
In 1993, Bruce Lee's son Brandon Lee died during the filming of The Crow. In the pistol, from which, according to the plot, the hero was supposed to be shot, there was one live cartridge among the blank cartridges.
In 2003, 21-year-old American Brandon Vedas died of a drug overdose while participating in a virtual marathon organized by fellow drug addicts. The webcam broadcast the process of taking drugs and their effect, and thousands of people also saw the death of the guy in live.
In 2003, American zoologist Timothy Treadwell died after living in Alaska for thirteen years alone with bears. One day, for some reason, the friendship between man and wild animals was broken, and Treadwell suffered the most terrible and unusual death - he was eaten alive by one of these predatory animals.
In 2006, Alexander Litvinenko, a KGB officer who was investigating the murder of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya, was poisoned. The poison was an extremely rare radioactive element - polonium-210.
In 2007, 28-year-old Jennifer Strange died from water intoxication. She took part in a competition in which the prize was a Nintendo Wii game console. According to the terms of the competition, you had to drink the most water, but you were not allowed to go to the toilet.
Tatiana Kondratyuk, Samogo.Net
The most unusual deaths: TOP-33 © 2012

Death is something that no one has ever been able to avoid. All living things die sooner or later, the only difference is in the circumstances.

Many people believe that the most terrible phenomenon is death itself. But the pages of human history tell us that the death throes can be much more terrible than death itself. To convince you of this, we suggest reading a selection of the most terrible and painful deaths in history.

The most painful human deaths in history

Death of Joram

The Bible is full of stories not only about love and kindness, but also about justice, which is often cruel. One of these is the parable of Jehoram. According to legend, he was once the ruler of Judea and considered Beelzebub the main deity, which aroused the wrath of Yahweh. Joram was severely punished: he was struck by a strange disease, from which his flesh began to decay from the inside. Before he died, the king suffered for 2 years.

How Herod was punished

Another biblical creepy story dedicated to King Herod, who ruled Caesarea in Palestine. The name of Herod is well known to everyone who has read New Testament- It was he who, having learned about the impending birth of the true king of Judea, ordered the destruction of all the newborns of Bethlehem. Subsequently, he organized the persecution of the first Christians, executed John the Baptist and the Apostle James. The Bible lists Herod's cause of death as being eaten alive by worms.

Murder of Grigory Rasputin

Many close to the court were wary of the mysterious friend of Nicholas II - there were rumors that Rasputin was an insidious sorcerer associated with black magic. Less superstitious courtiers saw him as a dangerous political rival who had too much influence on the emperor.

On December 29, 1916, Prince Felix Yusupov invited Rasputin to dinner, during which he treated the guest to poisoned wine. The poison did not work, then the conspirators, the prince and his accomplice Vladimir Purishkevich, shot him in the back.

The killers thought that Gregory was dead and carried him out of the palace. But he unexpectedly not only showed signs of life, but also began to strangle one of the conspirators. Then another bullet was fired at Rasputin, but after that he did not die, but tried to escape. They caught up with him, beat him, and then threw him, still alive, into the icy waters of the Moika.

Total for dead body The emperor's favorite was found to have three wounds, all fatal: to the head, kidney and liver.

61 days of nightmares by Hiro Syauchi

In 1999, Japanese man Hiro Shauchi received a huge dose of radiation while performing his work duties at a plant where nuclear fuel was reprocessed. The next two months after the accident became a real nightmare for Hiro.

On the 45th day, the skin completely peeled off Syauti’s flesh, after which the internal organs began to rapidly deteriorate. On the 59th day, his heart failed three times in a row. Doctors managed to pump him out until the 61st day arrived, which brought Syauti the long-awaited deliverance. Willy-nilly, you will think about legalizing euthanasia.

The Tragedy of Deborah Gayle Stone

Many people are afraid of rides, and for good reason. Ignoring safety rules often leads to disastrous consequences.

In 1974, American Disneyland delighted visitors with a new attraction - the “America Sings” attraction. It was one of the first entertainments using animatronics, in other words, singing and dancing robots.

The attraction created a sensation: from the first minutes of the working day until the park closed, dozens of people crowded around the robots. But for some reason, 18-year-old Disneyland employee Deborah Stone was frightened by these “electronics” - she could not explain the reason for her strange phobia, but every time she ran past them, she felt uneasy.

And as luck would have it, she was appointed the caretaker of this attraction! And so, before the start of the next performance, she was instructed to check the rotating mechanism. The girl got stuck in the hole, and then the show began. The robots began to sing, the stage began to rotate, and the girl found herself ground into bloody pieces between the rotating part and the stationary concrete wall. While she uttered inhuman screams of pain, visitors thought it was part of the performance.

David Kirwan and the thermal springs

In 1981, David Kirwan was walking through Yellowstone National Park with his bosom friend and his dog. The purpose of the visit was typical - young people wanted to see the beauty thermal springs, for which this beautiful reserve is famous.

Everything was going well until the pet, breaking off the leash, jumped into the water. David decided to save his friend's dog and went into the pool, instantly realizing what a stupid thing he had done.

A small note: Yellowstone is at the same time one of the most beautiful and dangerous places on our planet. Prohibition signs are posted throughout the park - going down to the natural pools may be the last thing an unlucky visitor to Yellowstone will do in his life. The fact is that in some springs in the park, the water temperature can reach up to 121 degrees Celsius and have extremely high acidity.

With difficulty, David got out of the water, receiving a burn on 90% of the surface of his body. When the owner of the dog, whose body never surfaced, took off the shoes of the scalded rescuer, pieces of the skin were torn off along with them. The next day, David died from painful shock.

Execution of György Dozsa

The Inquisition, wars, and diseases left a terrible mark on the history of the Middle Ages. There were many terrible deaths at that time, but the mention of one of them still makes the blood run cold. It's about about the execution of György Dozsa.

Gyorgy Dozsa led a peasant uprising in Hungary. It was quickly suppressed, after which its wounded leader was captured by the government. So that other peasants would no longer have the thought of rebelling against the feudal lords, the most severe execution was invented for Gyorgy Dozsa.

The leader of the uprising wanted to become king of Hungary. To cause him not only physical pain, but also to ridicule his hopes, György was seated on a metal throne with a hearth hidden inside, handing him a scepter and an orb that were as hot as the seat. A red-hot crown was placed on the head of the leader of the uprising.

Then Brother György and those who took part in the riot with him were brought into the hall. The brother was publicly cut into pieces, and like-minded rebels suffering from a long hunger strike were forced to bite off the flesh of the still living Doji in a circle. “Eat it whole and you will live,” they were promised. Everyone who refused to eat human flesh was killed. Those who agreed to cannibalism too, but only after Dozha was eaten.

The Torment of Junku Furuta

Human cruelty towards one's own kind often knows no bounds. And, unfortunately, references to terrible torture and murder are not only associated with the Middle Ages.

In 1988, 17-year-old Japanese girl Junka Furuta was kidnapped by a group of sadistic minors: Hiroshi Miyano, Jo Ogura, Shinji Minato and Yasushi Watanabe. They held the girl captive for 44 days in the house of one of the gang members.

Miyano's parents were big shots in the Japanese Yakuza mafia, so young man It was not difficult to intimidate the girl and his own friends. Under threat of death, she called her parents and told them that she was fine so that the police would not look for her.

On the very first day of her captivity, she was raped repeatedly, forced to eat insects and drink urine, smoldering cigarettes were stuck into her flesh and the girl was set on fire with a lighter.

On the eleventh day, her limbs were broken and she was hung from the ceiling, using the girl’s body as a punching bag. She tried to escape, but the escape failed, for which her legs were doused with firelighting fluid and set on fire. Furuta was then tortured by having a broken bottle inserted into his anus.

On the twentieth day, firecrackers were shoved into the girl, and then red-hot knitting needles.

A month of imprisonment passed, and the bored rapists came up with new methods of torture. The unfortunate Japanese woman was doused with hot wax on her face, her breasts were pierced with needles, her nipples were pinched in a vice, while at the same time a light bulb was shoved inside the girl.

On the forty-fourth day, Junku Furuta died from painful shock after two hours of torture by fire. The next day, the teenagers cemented the girl's body in a barrel and threw it away at a construction site.

The police managed to find the body and the killers. But the punishment did not correspond to the crime - the attackers were sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 4 to 17 years, depending on the degree of guilt. According to the law on the protection of the rights of minors, their names were not publicly disclosed. Hiroshi Miyano, the leader of a gang of sadists, was released in 2007.

Fatal Christmas

On Christmas Eve 2002, 25-year-old bartender Doyle decided to celebrate the holiday with his friend Michael Wright and his girlfriend. In an alcoholic fervor, Wright thought that Doyle was harassing his girlfriend and beat the poor man. He broke the bartender's legs and threw him into an open hatch. The distance to the bottom was about 5.5 meters.

Wright wanted to scare Doyle, but did not suspect that the bottom of the sewer was flooded with boiling water from a broken pipe. The bartender fell into boiling water with a temperature of 150 degrees Celsius, and his injuries prevented him from getting out. He was still alive when help arrived, but neither firefighters nor paramedics dared to go down.

Having opened the guy's body, doctors noted that he looked like a lobster cooked by a chef - the internal organs were boiled, and the skin came off the bones. The worst thing is that while his body was being boiled alive, Doyle remained conscious.
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Vladimir Likhonos, a student at the Konotop Polytechnic Institute, died on Tuesday from a chewing gum explosion.

According to the Blik newspaper, Vladimir lost half of his face from the explosion and died almost immediately from painful shock and suffocation.

A saucer with citric acid was found on the deceased’s table, as well as a bag of chemical, four times the power of TNT.

Apparently, Vladimir wanted, as usual, to dip his gum in citric acid, but made a mistake and dipped it in explosives. And as soon as this “chewing bomb” hit the mouth, an explosion occurred.

2. 2009 Sergei Tuganov - Death from Viagra.

Sergei Tuganov fainted and died after a 12-hour orgy.

Sergei bet two women $4,300 that he could last the entire 12-hour sex marathon with both of them.

In order not to lose, the Moscow mechanic swallowed many Viagra pills. However, within a minute of those fateful 12 hours, after he was declared the winner, the 28-year-old man suffered a heart attack, collapsed and died.

One of the women, who gave her name as Alina, told Moscow police: “We called an ambulance, but it was too late, they couldn’t do anything.”

Well, by at least he died happy.

3. 2009 Taylor Mitchell - death by coyotes

Taylor Mitchell - Canadian pop singer of the ball is mauled to death by two coyotes. The incident occurred on October 27 on a popular tourist route in national park Cape Breton Islands. Doctors who arrived at the scene after a call from eyewitnesses saw two coyotes attacking the girl. One of them was wounded, the second ran away into the forest - park employees began searching for him, and as a result of the search, the animal was shot.

Taylor Mitchell was taken to a hospital in Cheticamp with numerous injuries, from where she was flown by helicopter to the provincial capital of Nova Scotia, Halifax. Doctors were unable to save the girl - she died early in the morning of October 28.

It should be noted that coyotes are very cowardly animals and never attack people.

18-year-old Taylor Mitchell released one album, For Your Consideration, which earned her a nomination for a Canadian Folk Music Award in the Young Artist of the Year category.

4. 2008 Gerald Mellin - death by rope, tree and car

Gerald Mellin, a British businessman, committed suicide by putting his head in a noose and tying the other end of the rope to a tree. He then jumped into his Aston Martin DB7 and drove down the road to Swansea before being decapitated by a rope. He allegedly took revenge in this way on his ex-wife because she left him.

5. 2008 David Phyall - death due to eviction

David Phyall, 50, who lives in one of the houses slated for demolition near Southampton (Hampshire, UK), cut off his own head with a chainsaw to protest against eviction.

6. 2008 Nordin Bin Montong - death by white tigers.

Nordin Bin Montong, a janitor at the Singapore Zoo, for unknown reasons, climbed over the fence of the enclosure with white tigers. The animals immediately attacked the zoo employee. A couple of minutes later, his colleagues came running to help Monting and were able to distract the animals, after which they pulled the victim out of the enclosure.

The man died from his injuries on the way to the hospital.

Police are still investigating the circumstances surrounding Monting's death.

7. 2008 Isaiah Otieno - death by helicopter

This terrible incident occurred in the quiet small Canadian town of Cranbrook, British Columbia. 23-year-old student Isaiah Otieno from Kenya was crossing the road and listening to loud music on his headphones. At this time, a helicopter crashed right above him, which tried to stay in the air for some time, but then lost control and crashed directly onto the unsuspecting Isaiah.

Can you imagine how loud the sound must be or how unobservant this late young (already forever) man was so as not to hear or notice the helicopter circling overhead and in distress?

8. 2008 Mike Warner - Anal Alcoholism

Texan Mike Warner died, so to speak, from “anal alcoholism.” Unable to drink alcohol due to a throat disease, the man poured it into himself rectally. Mike died from an overdose after pouring into himself two 1.5-liter bottles of sherry, which brought his blood alcohol level to six times the legal limit.

9. 2008 Abigail Taylor - death in the pool

Abigail Taylor died at the age of 6, nine months after her internal organs were partially sucked into the powerful swimming pool pump she was careless to sit on. Surgeons replaced her intestines and pancreas with donor organs. Unfortunately, despite all the doctors' attempts to save the girl's life, she died from a rare type of cancer caused by one of the transplanted organs.

10. 2008. James Mason - death by wife

James Mason, 73, of Chardon, Ohio, died of heart failure after his wife virtually killed him in a public swimming pool. Christina Newton-John was captured on video camera. The film showed her dragging her husband by the arms and legs around the pool and preventing all his attempts to get out of the water. In total, James tried unsuccessfully to get out 43 times. Newton-John (who changed her last name as part of her gender reassignment) later “pleaded” guilty to murder.

11. 2007. Jennifer Strange - Killer Prize.

A California woman died immediately after participating in a competition on a local radio station. She drank the most bottles of water for the game console. The mother of three children gave the toy to the children, after which she died from intoxication.

According to the BBC, the Californian radio station KDND 107.9 offered its listeners a task: drink as much as possible mineral water. The winner was to receive a Nintendo Wii game console. The competition was called “Hold Your Wee for a Wii,” which roughly translates to “Hold your wee-wee - get the Wee console.”

Before the start of the game, those who volunteered were advised not to risk their health and not to participate in the competition if they are not completely confident in their abilities. At the first stage of the competition, private participants had to drink a quarter liter of water every 15 minutes. Some competitors quit after five bottles, while others switched to larger containers. In the end, 28-year-old mother of three Jennifer Strange won. Exactly how much liquid the competition participant drank is not reported. However, according to one of her rivals, he left after the fifth bottle of water, while Jennifer Strange was still drinking water. Having become the winner, she told the radio hosts about her family and claimed that she won the new product from Nintendo just for their sake. After that, Strange took the prize and went home.

Meeting one of her colleagues on the way, she told him “she felt really bad.” “She was crying, complaining of a severe headache, and that’s the last we heard from her,” says an eyewitness. Strange was found dead at her ranch Friday. Doctors determined death from “water intoxication” - the woman was poisoned by what she drank. Now by this fact trial is underway.

12. 2007. Kevin Whitrick - Death on the Internet

42-year-old Kevin Whitrick hanged himself. His suicide was broadcast in an Internet chat via a webcam.

13. 2007. Couple in love - orgasm in flight

A naked couple (each 21 years old) fell from a roof while having sex in Columbia, South Carolina. Their bodies were discovered by a taxi driver.

14. 2007. Unknown woman - death by camel

An Australian woman was killed by her own pet camel on the family ranch near Mitchell in Queensland, police say.
The camel was given to a woman for her 60th birthday. Now he is only 10 months old, but he already weighs 152 kg. On Saturday, a camel knocked its owner to the ground and apparently attempted to have sexual intercourse. The woman died.

15. 2006. Russia - 20 liters of vodka.

In May 2006, the vodka drinking championship in Volgodonsk ended with the death of the winner. According to Reuters, the competition was organized by the owner of a local grocery store. He “supplied” 10 liters of vodka to the championship participants. Six people took part in the competition. Five of them left the race early. The leader lasted 40 minutes, drinking one and a half liters of vodka during this time. Satisfied with the victory, the participant was taken by taxi home, where he died 20 minutes later. The silver and bronze medalists ended up in a coma. And the store manager was charged with murder.

16. 2006. Mariesa Weber - death behind the bookcase

One October day in 2006, thirty-eight-year-old Marisha Weber returned home after work, said hello to her mother, and from that moment no one saw her. The family believed she had been kidnapped and contacted the police, which led to an intensive eleven-day search.

But after some time, the sister of the missing Marisha began to be annoyed by some strange bad smell, spreading throughout the house. He led the family to a bookcase from under which a piece of a leg was peeking out.

Her relatives suggest that Marisha tried to plug in new TV, lost her balance and fell headfirst behind a bookcase. Because in her case we were talking about a thin woman, and the bookcase was very large, she had no chance of getting back out. “I slept in this house all those eleven days when we were looking for her. And she was in her bedroom,” said her unhappy mother Connie Weber.

17. 2005. Kenneth Pinyan - love for stallions

Kenneth Pinyan - porn actor who starred in unusual genre- Zoo. He, from Seattle, died of peritonitis (inflammation of the parietal and visceral layers of the peritoneum) after anal intercourse with a stallion in Enumclaw, Washington. Pinyan had done this before, but this time he did not make another visit to the hospital so as not to attract the attention of law enforcement agencies. This case led to the ban on bestiality in Washington State.

18. 2003. Dr. Hitoshi Nikaidoh - death by elevator

Dr. Christopher Hitoshi Nikaidoh, a surgeon, was beheaded as he entered an elevator at St. Joseph's Hospital in Houston, Texas, on August 16, 2003. According to one of the witnesses, when Nikaidoh entered the elevator, the doors slammed shut, trapping his head and the elevator slowly went up. His body was found in front of the elevator doors on the first floor, and the top of his head, severed just above lower jaw, was found in the elevator. Further investigation revealed that this was the result of an electrical fault in the elevator. Surprisingly, a repairman was called to check the elevator the day before this incident, but for some reason he could not come.

19. 2002. Richard Sumner - the last “masterpiece”
Richard Sumner - British artist suffering from schizophrenia, disappeared and was found three years later. His skeleton was found handcuffed to a tree in deep forest Wells. During the investigation, police determined that the cause of death was suicide. Richard handcuffed himself and threw away the key.

20. 2001. Gregory Biggs - death by nurse

A truly horrific death befell homeless man Gregory Biggs from Texas in 2001. On his way home, he was hit by a drunk and drugged-up Chante Jawan Mallard. Gregory's body flew into the windshield, broke and got stuck there.

The driver, a former nurse, however, was not brought to her senses by the tragedy and she simply, as if nothing had happened, drove home to the garage with the body of the unfortunate man sticking out in the windshield. Without bothering to call for help, she simply went to have sex with her boyfriend. She later reported that she apologized several times to the dying man, but it didn’t occur to her to help him. Considering that the man's injuries were serious but not fatal, it is quite plausible that he died within a few hours. Her friend found the dead body early in the morning, and the court sent Mallard herself to fifty years in a place not so remote.

Several generations of people have already grown up with the idea that nature (our mother) should be protected. We cut down virgin forests, kill animals for fun and food - well, what good is this! Organizations like Greenpeace are even willing to commit murder just to leave our little brothers a little more time on this planet.

The funny thing is that all this is completely wrong. Nature does not need human protection at all. The planet lived without us and will live without us, perfectly digesting all the toxic and other wastes of civilization. We are fighting for our existence as a species, and to think otherwise is simply stupid. Don't believe me? Here are just a few of the terrible opportunities to meet our forefathers that Nature has carefully prepared for us.

Cassowary attack

Imagine, you suddenly meet a bird slowly emerging from the thickets, more like a modern replica of a dinosaur. She looks at you without stopping and - damn, maybe she should be fed? As if having heard these thoughts, the bird tilts its head to the side and you think that you simply have to throw something tasty to this handsome guy. But instead of standing quietly and waiting for handouts, the cassowary (meet the future dead man - the cassowary, the cassowary is your victim) rushes towards you at the speed of a locomotive. Locomotive with claws. A couple of blows are guaranteed to sever several major arteries - and now you are dying peacefully in a pool of your own blood, under the attentive gaze of this feathered velociraptor.

Meeting with a bear

In fact, it is quite rare for bears to attack people - but it does happen. You won’t be able to run away from an angry and hungry animal: it clearly has more strength and agility (there was no point in spending so much time in front of the TV). The bear crushes you under itself, mercilessly tearing off your skin with huge, crooked and blunt claws. You'll be lucky if the creature decides to bite its throat right away - comparatively easy death. Otherwise, the animal may well begin to bite you, not paying attention to the screams. And you will scream for a long time!

Swimming with an octopus

You decide to touch this cute bluish octopus you met in the depths. One touch - and then you notice a small drop of blood on your hand. Congratulations: the blue-ringed octopus, whose venom is 1,000 times more dangerous than cyanide, has just given you its mark. Over the next few minutes, your mouth goes dry. The face and tongue go numb. The ambulance doctors cannot understand what is happening. You lose control of your body, but you are still conscious. The neurotoxin causes complete paralysis, but until a fatal spasm seizes your throat muscles, you will have another 15 minutes. Think about the eternal. There's nothing more to talk about.

Walk with a snail

The beach is littered with shells, but you decide to pick the prettiest one - its smoky, rusty cone looks just cool. Put the cone in your pocket and start praying almost immediately. You are lucky to pick up a sea cone - the most poisonous snail on the planet. The sting site looks like a bee sting, no big deal. But the leg hurts more and more and... what is this, blood? My head starts to hurt. Vomiting makes it impossible to breathe. The poison blocks the central nervous system, which leads to paralysis. But there is also good news: You still have almost a day before death. A day during which consciousness will be locked in a paralyzed body. Days of fear and pain. An eternity of loneliness.

Flying with a bee

Death begins with a quiet rumble. One more bite. You look up - damn it, hive! Attracted by the pheromones of the first stings, the bees rush to attack. The lethal dose of poison for an adult is only 500 bites. Up to several million bees live in one hive. Hospital. Doctors are doing everything possible and - lo and behold! - put you on your feet. The end of the adventure? Hardly. Within a week, the remaining poison will dissolve the blood cells, filling the body with toxins, which are usually eliminated by the kidneys. But not at this time. Your kidneys simply can't handle the load and you'll die of kidney failure before you even know what the hell is going on.