The ugliest photos. People with the most shocking physical anomalies. The scariest celebrities


The world is huge and diverse. And among the crowd of millions you can see both beautiful and not so pretty people. But if someone is “lucky” to meet one of the characters that will be discussed below, there is no need to be scared, he is just a very scary person. Here are the top 10 creepiest people in the world.

1st place - scary Godfrey Bagume (Africa)

Godfrey Bagume is the most terrible man on earth. This ugly 47-year-old man, despite his external ugliness, has already managed to get married 2 times and give birth to 8 children. He lives in Uganda, a small country located in the eastern part of Africa, has a beautiful wife who is 17 years younger than him, earns money by performing in the comedy genre, singing and dancing.

A former shoemaker, Godfrey Bagume managed to navigate the situation and make the most of his unenviable situation. He took part in the “anti-beauty” competition and won the main prize. The man spent the monetary reward on promoting himself as a singer. The PR was a success and Godfrey, taking the pseudonym Ssebabi, began performing. Soon the strange and unusual artist became known far beyond the borders of his country. Now he earns good money and is considered a fairly wealthy person in his homeland.

Godfrey Bagume is a living example of how a person’s persistent character, willpower and innate love of life, even with his external deformity, give him something that completely ordinary and absolutely healthy people do not have. The reason for Godfrey's pathological appearance is a congenital anomaly caused by a rare and unknown disease. He was examined in the world's best clinics, but they could not establish a diagnosis for him.

2nd place - old boy Ali Hussain Khan (India)

The second honorable place in the ranking of the most terrible people is occupied by an “ordinary” Indian boy, from whose face it is impossible to take your eyes off. Looking at him from the side, people think that in front of them is a small, wizened old man. But that's not true. Ali is only 14 years old, a teenager who was born with a rare genetic defect - progeria. This is an anomaly that causes premature aging.

All Ali Hussain Khan's brothers and sister suffered from the same pathology. For a long time, local doctors could not determine the reason why such strange children were born in a completely ordinary family. Only in 1995, having had an appointment with an experienced professor, the boy’s parents learned that he actually had an incurable disease, and was not just born that way.

Before the public learned about the boy and his family, their life was not sweet. The children were constantly seriously ill with various “senile” ailments, no one wanted to play with them, and the family tried not to leave their home again. When information about unusual children leaked outside the settlement in which they lived, everything changed dramatically:

  • the children were examined and an accurate diagnosis was made;
  • they began to be supported by charitable foundations and organizations;
  • they moved to a larger city;
  • the father of the family was helped to get a job;
  • and the children began to have normal human communication with other children.

This is a rare case when the publication of not very pleasant information radically turned people's lives for the better.

3rd place - scary Rick Genest (Canada)

When you look at this man, goosebumps involuntarily run down your skin. And the thought of meeting him by chance on the street late at night or seeing him next to you when you open your eyes in the morning makes your hair quietly begin to move. Rick Genest rightfully takes third place in the ranking of the ugliest people on earth.

The body and head of this man are completely tattooed with drawings that repeat in detail the anatomical features of the insides of a person. He looks like a living skeleton from a horror movie. Which, however, does not prevent him from earning a lot of money from his appearance and enjoying enormous popularity in modeling and show business.

The strange hobby of a once quite ordinary boy from an average family attracted the attention of masses of people to him. They picked up the zombie monster image and began painting themselves in Rick's likeness. Surprisingly, but true, he had so many followers that today you can meet a walking skeleton in almost any country in the world. So you need to be on alert!

Features of Rick Genest's biography:

  • at the age of 15 he had a brain tumor removed;
  • he spent more than $17,000 on tattoos;
  • Rick is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the person with the largest number of tattoos - 178 pieces.

Today, Rick Genest demonstrates himself in films, modeling shows, and appears in videos under the pseudonym Zombie Boy. He is well off for many years to come and dreams, according to his friends, of creating a separate community where all the people close to him will live. In general, this is a rather strange character, leading a nocturnal lifestyle, fond of smoking and alcohol.

4th place - Lizzie Velasquez (USA)

American Lizzie Velasquez is the most terrible woman in the world, who does not consider herself one and is quite optimistic about life. This is a kind and open girl with an active social position, a good family and a higher education.

Lizzie Velasquez actively participates in various television shows, writes books and maintains a blog on the Internet. Her weight, with a height of 153 cm, barely reaches 29 kilograms, she is blind in one eye and can barely see in the other. She is forced to eat at least 60 times a day to prevent her powerful metabolism from destroying her own body. The healthiest food for her is food rich in fat and calories - chips, chocolate, baked goods and ice cream.

Lizzie Velasquez suffers from a disease unknown to science that prevents her body from gaining weight and storing fat. The girl was examined in the best clinics in the world, but they could not establish a diagnosis for her. What is known is that she was born premature, weighing 1 kg. Doctors told her parents that the child would not only be able to walk, but also not think. Fortunately, she was able to, but life had a completely different test in store for her.

5th place with the hairy Gomez brothers (Mexico)

Two blood brothers from the Gomez family suffer from hypertrichosis, which causes excess hair growth. Their bodies are 98% covered with thick hair and hide everything except the feet and palms.

Victor and Gabriel, as the heroes are called, faced all the hardships of their unusual appearance and managed to use it to their advantage. They began working in the circus and participating in various reality shows. This not only made them more financially wealthy, but also mitigated negative public reaction to their appearance. As a result, men were able to start families and have children.

6th place - terrible Vernan Davis (USA)

Vernan Davis is the most terrible person on earth in the truest sense of the word. He not only has an unpleasant and ugly appearance, but also has the same psyche. This man is a serial criminal who killed his own grandparents at the age of 15.

He didn't stop there. He has 6 more victims tormented by him, after killing whom he dismembered their bodies. All of them belonged to female tourists traveling around America. When Davis's crimes were revealed and he was sent to prison, he continued his bloody experiments. The murderer made his way into the cells and tried to strangle his victims, committing various violent acts. Now he is isolated and serving a life sentence in one of the best prisons in the United States, whiling away his days in a solitary cell equipped with such soundproofing that not a single sound can be heard in it.

Vernan Davis was born with plagiocephaly, characterized by a pathological curvature of the skull. In addition to external deformity, the disease also caused damage to the boy’s mental state. He was a cruel child, loved to torture animals and bullied children weaker than him.

7th place - huge Pauline Potter (California)

Polly Potter weighs 330 kg. This is the most horrifyingly fat woman in the world. She is even listed in the Guinness Book of Records, which made her famous in her time. Due to her weight, she cannot walk, wash herself, or do anything without assistance. Pauline's main support is her adult 19-year-old son, who took legal guardianship of his mother and devoted his life to caring for her.

Despite this sad situation with her figure and appearance, Pauline has a husband, whom she met while weighing 200 kg. This is a thin and delicate man who, in his words, feels sincere love for his wife.

Today, Pauline is trying to fight her weight - she goes on diets and goes to the pool, into which she is immersed by a crane specially adjusted for this purpose. She is full of hope for success and plans to lose weight to 90 kg. The woman took on herself in order to fulfill her most cherished dream - the birth of another child. The reason for Pauline Potter's excess weight was poor nutrition, too high-calorie and fatty foods.

8th place - cat-man Denis Avner (USA)

Denis Avner is the creepiest freak woman in the form of a cat. Her face is covered with colorful tattoos, and to further resemble the cat family, her lip is cut into 2 parts. In addition, to fully match the image, Denis sharpened her teeth in the manner of fangs, implanted implants in the forehead area and “decorated” the nasolabial triangle with metal tunnels. She screws artificial mustaches into them, and inserts cat lenses into her eyes.

9th place - bald Melanie Gaydos (USA)

Melanie Gaydos is a famous model who has become popular because of her rare disease - ectodermal dysplasia. This is one of the ugliest, but kindest girls, on whose body there is not a single hair.

She is practically blind. The disease that affects the girl affects the condition of her bones, disrupting their formation.

10th place - Valeria Levitina (Russia)

The top of the most terrible people on earth is closed by Russian Valeria Levitina. Her weight barely reaches 23 kg. She looks like a skeleton covered in skin. Valeria suffers from anorexia, a complex eating disorder, the causes of which are not fully understood.

The woman provoked the disease by striving for ideal slimness and dreaming of losing weight.

Man is an amazing creature. Just let him change something. Often the object of change is the person's own appearance, who believes that he suffers from a lack of self-realization. The concept of beauty is very abstract, because everyone has different tastes, and most people form them solely under the pressure of beauty magazines and stereotypes that are common in society. Nevertheless, there are characters who, in their desire to be different from the rest, deliberately disfigure themselves. Sometimes a person loses his beauty by chance, including an accident.

One way or another, the site decided to talk about the most terrible people, with whom the parable that appearance is only a wrapper works with difficulty.

1. Tom Leppard

In 2016, the most tattooed pensioner on the planet died at the age of 80. His name was Tom Leppard, and 99% of his body was covered with a cheetah tattoo. It is not known what prompted Tom to disfigure his body so much, but he still received some fame. Over the years, he has appeared on magazine covers and was able to gain a moment of fame. Tom Leppard also loved to imitate his cheetah inspiration, so he was often photographed on all fours in predatory poses.

2. Etienne Dumont

We already had the Cheetah Man, so meet the Supposedly Bull Man, or simply Etienne Dumont, a literary critic from Switzerland who believes that his life is so boring that another implant tattoo on his face makes it brighter and more colorful.

His bizarre tattoo, implanted horns and ear tunnels make him one of the scariest people on the planet, and stereotypes have nothing to do with it.

3. Rick Genest

Compared to his tattooed colleagues, Rick Genest was able to build a very successful career in show business and is one of the most popular models for famous brands. “Zombie Boy,” as his fans lovingly call him, has covered his entire body with terrifying tattoos that make him look like a corpse. In principle, it suits him.

4. Julia Gnuse

If everything is clear with men, because since ancient times they have been striving to stand out from other males, including with the help of tattoos, then no one expected this from a sweet girl named Yulia Gnuse. The most tattooed woman in the world took such a step not so much out of self-expression, but in order to hide traces of a genetic disease - porphyria. In this way, Julia killed two birds with one stone: she became more relaxed about her appearance, and found fame in the media.

5. Elaine Davidson

Unlike Julia Gnuse, a Brazilian named Elaine Davidson does not suffer from skin diseases. However, it is even difficult to determine her gender based on her everyday appearance. Despite the fact that there are up to 2,500 tattoos on her body, they are not what make this woman the most terrible person. The fact is that Elaine really loves piercings, to some extent even too much. The total weight of the jewelry on her face is about three kilograms. Apparently, the desire to shock the public is much stronger than common sense.

6. Kala Kaivi

Kala Kaivi is famous throughout the world as the man who has the largest tunnels in his ears. In fact, this detail is not the strangest thing in this man’s body, because he managed to cover 75% of his body with tattoos, implant a bunch of implants under his skin in the form of horns, get piercings in various places, and then cut his tongue in half to it looked more like a snake's. Kalu is saved by the fact that he is the owner of a tattoo parlor in Hawaii, so he has no end to clients.

7. Paulie Unstoppable

Another handsome guy named Paulie Unstappable (yes, he took a pseudonym), covered his face with tattoos, made holes in his nose, cheeks and ears, inserted tunnels there and is enjoying life. Pauly complemented his appearance with an upset tongue, which he likes to scare passers-by. However, the guy’s friends speak of him exclusively as a kind and sweet person. Let's believe them.

8. Eric Sprague

Snake-lizard man Eric Sprague also found a way to distinguish himself from the gray mass of people living by standards. The man covered his skin with a tattoo stylized as the scales of snakes and lizards, but this seemed not enough to him. He also cut his tongue, making it similar to that of reptiles, and also sharpened his teeth. It’s scary to imagine how this man, whom many consider the most terrible in the world, is having dinner.

9. Lucky Diamond Rich

Meet the most tattooed man in the world, whom even his colleagues recognize as scary. He is so scary that he does not dare appear in public under his real name, preferring the pseudonym Lucky Diamond Rich. Do you think getting a small tattoo on your arm is painful? Imagine what this guy had to endure to shock his friends and people on the street. He even managed to get tattoos on his gums and inside his ears.

The modern world is frighteningly diverse. It contains manifestations of the beautiful and the ugly, the divine and the devil. Truly strange subcultures are born, whose adherents mutilate themselves beyond recognition in order to become... recognizable. Others become victims of image or genetic mutations. Today's selection includes the most terrible people in the world.

Donatella Versace - a victim of plastic surgery

The representative of the fashion house might not have been included in this list, since she was born as a cute Italian girl from Calabria. But now no one remembers her natural beauty due to dozens of plastic surgeries, some of which were very unsuccessful. The sister of the late Gianni Versace is proof that too much plastic surgery can lead to deformity. The Italian doesn't just have big lips and nose. she is unnaturally thin, and the remnants of her skin hang treacherously. A sad sight.

Marilyn Manson is a freak by nature

The shock rocker from the USA holds the lead in the category " The most terrible person on the stage" Moreover, he wants to appear ugly. It’s rare that an outsider has seen a rock star without “fighting colors,” since the flamboyant showman appears in public in frightening costumes and with a ton of makeup on his face.

They say about Manson: “If you don’t know this guy and, God forbid, you see him on the street at night, you’ll think that a fiend has broken through to Earth.”

Clint Howard is not Eastwood

The American actor completes the group of the most terrible people on the planet from show business. Clint Howard's success is proof that beauty doesn't matter in the Hollywood Hills as long as you have talent. The comedian has dozens of memorable roles to his credit, which brought him fame and millions of dollars. Scary Clint even won an MTV award. Not an Oscar, but not bad either.

The Leopard Man Tom Leppard

The next participant in the "Circus of Freaks" is Tom Leppard, who covered his entire body with spotted patterns imitating the skin of a leopard. A strange man moves gracefully on four “legs”, imitating a predator. Tom, like other most terrible people on the planet, became a celebrity. He can often be seen on television. Leopard Man leads an active life, participating in various show programs and photo shoots.

Reptile Man Eric Sprague

This member of the list of the most terrible people on the planet gravitates towards reptiles. Eric Sprague chose the image of a lizard for himself. His entire body is covered with tattoos that imitate scales, and false incisor teeth complement his ugly image. In addition, Eric had implants placed above his eyes to emphasize his resemblance to reptiles. As the freak himself admits, he has to stretch the halves of his cut tongue every day so that they do not grow together.

Bull Man Etienne Dumont

Etienne Dumont is no different from the other strange people on this list. Etienne, having a higher education and working as a literary critic in Geneva, completely covered himself with tattoos. And he seems happy. Journalists compare his image to a bull. Only the ungulate has two powerful horns, Etienne has only one, and even then sharpened. It's funny to see a bull man reading Haruki Murakami's new novel in a coffee shop in the center of Geneva, isn't it?

The most terrible people on earth are not only freaks, victims of plastic surgery and genes. It was not at all by choice that the following participants were included in our rating.

Jason Shechterly - fire victim

A former police officer from the United States received fourth-degree burns as a result of a traffic accident. A taxi crashed into a police car at full speed. A fire broke out, but Jason was unable to get out on his own. At the hospital, doctors had to literally tear off the burnt skin from the policeman’s face. Despite significant changes in appearance, the officer's wife did not leave him. The support of his beautiful wife and family helped Jason climb out of the psychological hole and start a new life.

Yu Junchan is the hairiest man in the world

Chinese Yu Junchan looks like the hero of “Planet of the Apes.” Being suffering from a rare genetic disease, the poor fellow resembles an animal. 96% of Junchan's body is covered in dense vegetation. After a terrible childhood, the Chinese decided to start a new life and loudly declared himself. Instantly he became famous for his extraordinary appearance. Now Yu Junchan is a local celebrity. He is invited to a talk show and interviewed. The guy says he is happy about his new life. The only thing is that he has not yet met a girl who will love him for who he is.

Tree Man Dede Kosvara

It's time to feel sorry for the Indonesian Dede Koswar. At the age of 10, the boy injured himself in the forest. From then on, his life became like a bad dream. Probably, an unknown infection got into the wound, and ulcers began to appear around it. After that they struck the whole leg and even the arms. For several years, Dede watched himself turn into a monster.

Having become a tree, the guy lost the ability to walk. A mysterious infection deprived him of his marriage, his job, the happiness of fatherhood and independence. To support himself, he began traveling with a circus of freaks.

Indonesian doctors used a laser to remove the warts on Dede's body, but they soon reappeared. The young man lost faith in healing and became despondent.

As you can see, the most terrible people in the world have personal stories. Some people want to be like an animal, others dream of being no different from their peers. But each of them assures that external attractiveness is a shell, and it is more important to recognize the inner beauty of a person.

As old Hugo said, no outer beauty is complete unless it is enlivened by inner beauty. It spreads over bodily beauty like light.

There are different ways to achieve popularity. Some work on works of art, some work day and night, and some simply change their appearance. The most terrible people in the world today include those who mutilated themselves, and those unfortunate people who were not lucky enough to be born with an ordinary appearance.

As a child, the sister of the late J. Versace was distinguished by her cuteness. She was a cheerful Italian girl from Calabria. But beauty is a thing of the past, since the passion for plastic transformations has changed Donatella so much that not only those around her, but she herself no longer really remembers what she was like in her natural form.

Terrible, hypertrophied lips, strange nose. Thinness is off the charts, and what can be called skin hangs lifeless. This is such a sad sight presented by one of the very wealthy ladies of Italy.

Marilyn Manson - pop freak

Frightened ordinary people call the American shock rocker a fiend of hell. He is a recognized leader in the category “The most terrible on the stage.” In addition, Marilyn is obsessed with the idea of ​​being ugly, of appearing nastier than she actually is. Always painted in such a way that it would make a normal person’s head spin.

It seems that a man in such combat makeup is going to bed. The public, who often attend performances, have gotten used to the tons of paint on his face. Meeting him on the street at night is, of course, not realistic, but if this does happen to someone, then life and psyche may be in serious danger.

Expressing his immense love for spotted predators, and perhaps even greater love for fame, Tom turned his skin into something resembling a leopard skin. He's covered in patterned spots. He walks strangely, sometimes on all fours, like a beloved cat.

Thanks to such features, he is famous enough to be invited to all sorts of shows. The leopard is active and enjoys photo shoots.

Eric Sprague - reptile

To attract increased attention, Sprague began to get used to the image of a lizard. He not only covered himself all over with scale tattoos, but also inserted special incisors into his mouth. The view turned out to be unpleasant and frightening.

In addition, Eric has special implants above his eyes to give him a reptilian look. He also cut his own tongue in half, imitating the tailed idol. However, a man has to not only do exercises in the morning, but also stretch the halves of his tongue to the sides to avoid them merging.

It would seem that a serious specialist with a higher education, a Genevan literary critic, is covered in tattoos. Why bull? He's just horned too. Only the quadruped has two appendages, and the strange writer has one.

And imagine, Etienne Dumont is quite happy. Visitors to cafes in the city center sometimes see this creature, culturally reading the latest press. Some people are shocked by the meeting, while others simply shrug their shoulders.

Jason Shechterly - fire victim

Sometimes the worst people make it to the top despite their wishes, but simply because life turned out that way. This refers to former police officer J. Shechterly. There was an accident: a taxi crashed into an official car while it was moving. The car caught fire, but he couldn’t get out himself. Result: 4th degree burns, the face was left without skin.

The victim was lucky with his wife. She is always there, despite her husband's ugly appearance. She loves and cares for him, helped him overcome psychological difficulties. Relatives and friends also actively supported me. Now the man lives his life to the fullest.

Samaf hairy personality

All fans of the film “Planet of the Apes” would be pleased to see the Chinese Junchan live. He resembles his favorite hero, and is also recognized as the hairiest on the planet. Such abundance is not a joy; he has a rare disease that cannot be fought. Not only the face is covered in hair, but almost the entire body (96%).

It is difficult to imagine what the boy experienced with such a gift from nature. Having matured, he was no longer shy, but showed everyone his shortcomings, which helped him start a new life. He is a local TV star, gives interviews to journalists and dreams of meeting his one and only companion.

One day, a little boy from Indonesia accidentally scratched himself while walking through the forest. From that moment on, Dede Kosvar lost peace. He caught some strange infection, and the wound began to become covered with strange ulcers and growths. Over time, all this was transferred to my hands. The guy was powerless, only realizing with horror that his once pure and flexible body would soon resemble tree bark.

The man made an attempt to recover. The warts were removed by local doctors using a laser, but they began to appear again, causing the circus performer to completely hang his head and lower his hands.

The boy Rick Genest knows how to prepare for the apocalypse and avoid death from monsters. When zombies descend on our planet, he will simply disappear into their crowd and pass for one of his own. He probably carefully modifies his body for this purpose. I must say, it turns out great.

  • The surface of the skin is completely tattooed.
  • An artificial jaw imitates the smile of a skeleton.

If you look more closely, you will find that he appears to be skinless. Not only bones and muscles are drawn, but even the brain on the head. You can also study the structure of internal organs, each located in its place. Such a vision at night can give an unprepared person a heart attack.

Thanks to such beauty, the guy even starred in a movie.

Metal detector nightmare

Airports, no matter what they are, do not like Elaine Davidson for one simple but significant reason: 3 kg of piercing. The lady from Edinburgh is covered in it. The face is especially decorated, it is difficult to find a place without a metal thing.

To the great joy of lovers of horror stories, Elaine also implanted silicone implants in her tongue; it became like an overcooked dumpling. All this in an overall composition with a couple of thousand tattoos of very different content.

The painted beauty lives in the UK, and returning to her home in Brazil could be dangerous. Not every fellow countryman is able to appreciate its man-made metallic beauty. Not many people are interested in why Davidson looks like this, but a lot of people ask how she rests at night with such a set of rings on her skin. It is clear that they spend the night with their mistress, so that every time she goes to bed, the woman would have to spend several hours taking them off, and then it’s already morning!

The strangest of the strangest freaks was nicknamed Paulie Unstoppable. The name alone is worth it! Translated as the one you can't stop. So it is, but his passion is not tattoos, there are just not enough of them, but the tunnels cannot be counted.

  • On the ears 4.
  • There's a hole right through my nose.
  • The bridge of the nose is pierced, and the breathing resembles the sound of an average vacuum cleaner.

The experimenter's language simply puts the outsider in a stupor. It is cut into 3 strips, which, when combined with other transformations, sends unpleasant goosebumps throughout the viewer’s body.

It’s hard to call a guy named Lucky Diamond Rich anything else. This is the most tattooed of all living on earth. His body served as a canvas for an entire army of artists and craftsmen. If you look for a piece of clean skin on it, you will hardly find it. Even places such as gums and ears are decorated with patterns.

There are a great many drawings, but they are two-color. Lucky is crazy about red and blue. The result is the effect of coming out of volcanic lava, which is still boiling on the skin. A peculiar glow emanates from the eyes. Horrible, in a word.

Many people like cats. Some people love them. But one gentleman literally reincarnated as a royal tiger. The visual likeness of the world's scariest man leaves a lasting impression. Not only is the whole body covered in striped tattoos, but the face is indistinguishable from a cat’s. The upper lip was redone by the surgeon and split in the middle. The head and face are so stuffed with implants that the guy has a skull completely shaped like a tiger’s. Moreover, the eyes are narrowed.

Not without the teeth and claws of a predator. Well, his teeth are real fangs of a predatory beast. Coming from a tribe where the tiger is a sacred animal, the man is confident that he is doing the right thing. In addition to the historical component, the material one comes as a pleasant bonus. Tigerman is the holder of the title of champion among the most terrible people on the planet.

There is a common saying that beauty is a relative concept. It is impossible to please absolutely everyone and meet ideals of beauty that are acceptable to everyone. However, there are many people on our planet who have very real problems with their appearance. For some, this happened due to congenital, genetic diseases, while others became victims of an accident. There are even those who deliberately mutilate themselves. Who are they, the ugliest people on Earth?

World famous freaks
N Human Country Ugliness
1 USA Wiedemann-Rautenstrauch syndrome
2 USA Cat Man
3 Mexico Vampire woman
4 USA Lizard Man
5 Switzerland
6 China Hairy man
7 USA Burn
8 USA Unsuccessful plastic surgery
9 USA Ectodermal dysplasia
10 Italy Plastic
11 USA Puzzle Man
12 England Leopard Man

This American woman did not become one of the ugliest inhabitants of the Earth by her own choice. She has a congenital disease that affects the development of bone tissue, facial muscles, tissues of internal organs and heart muscle. Today the girl weighs less than 30 kilograms, it’s truly scary to look at her! At the same time, Elizabeth became a very kind girl, with a sympathetic soul. She endures life's hardships very steadfastly and does not respond with anger and rudeness to the ridicule of the people around her. She learned public speaking and, despite her appearance, spoke a lot in public. With her entire life and behavior, she encourages people to abandon the stereotypes that are imposed by education and public opinion.

This man mutilated himself at his own request. In the USA he became widely known under the pseudonym “Cat Man”. An Indian by origin, he spent a lot of effort and money on various modifications of his own body, pursuing the goal of becoming like some kind of tiger. The number of modifications to which he subjected his own body is recognized as a record. He worked as a programmer, which allowed him to have the funds for all these tricks. In addition, remote work allowed Dennis to avoid communicating with people and not being visible to them. Anver died in 2012, at the age of 58.

As a child, this Mexican woman was subjected to domestic violence, which had a lasting impact on the rest of her life. Apparently, the events of early childhood had a negative impact on the woman’s psyche, as a result of which she became obsessed with the passion of changing her own appearance. Numerous manipulations made the girl more like a vampire than a normal person. For a long time she covered her body with tattoos, dark drawings, colored implants were inserted under the skin in different places, and numerous piercings were made. The picture is completed by false fangs, which make the girl’s appearance truly terrifying.

This man acquired the frightening nickname “reptile man.” He also became a freak of his own free will, long and persistently covering his own body with tattoos in the form of snake scales. In order to make the resemblance to a snake as reliable as possible, Eric cut his own tongue into two halves, which he stretches every day to prevent them from merging. For added intimidation, he inserted subdermal implants into the area above the eyebrows. All this taken together helped Eric Sprague take his rightful place among the most terrible subjects in the world.

This young man also mutilated himself for a long time and purposefully. It is interesting that he is quite socially adapted, graduated from a higher educational institution, and has long held a high and prestigious position. However, this did not stop him from a certain moment from starting to actively decorate his body with tattoos, making large quantities of tunnels under the skin, and implanting multi-colored implants there. The result was a great external resemblance of this man to a representative of an extraterrestrial civilization, a frightening appearance and a worthy place in the list of the most terrible people on Earth.

A Chinese native suffers from an extremely rare genetic disease. This disease causes uncontrolled hair growth in different parts of the body, due to which the young man has a strong physical resemblance to a primate. As a child, the boy was severely teased by his peers, calling him a hairy monkey. When Junchan grew up, he no longer became ashamed of his appearance, on the contrary, he began to make attempts to become famous in this way. Currently, the hairy Chinese man is a frequent guest at press conferences, attends various public events and television shows. His frightening appearance no longer worries the young man.

Not all scary people become scary people of their own free will. American Jason Shechterly was a policeman and before the misfortune that happened to him, he was an absolutely normal person. A young man was involved in a traffic accident and suffered fourth degree burns over most of his body. In a very real sense, this man has lost his face! The resulting psychological trauma was so strong that Jason coped with it solely thanks to his own wife. The woman did not abandon her husband who was in trouble and helped him cope with the most difficult ordeal that befell him. The young man was able to gradually return to a full life.

This woman was the victim of a plastic surgery procedure gone wrong. She was the wife of a billionaire and one fine day began to suspect her own husband of infidelity. To regain his affection, Jocelyn performed plastic surgery, with the goal of giving her an external resemblance to a cat. The choice was not accidental, since the husband was a passionate supporter of hunting. During the operation, something went wrong, resulting in irreparable damage to the woman’s appearance. She did not achieve her husband’s favor, as a result of which the couple divorced in 1997. Having received a significant part of her husband's fortune, the woman became a celebrity because of her appearance.

The American actress and model rightfully occupies a place on the list of the most terrible people on the planet. The girl suffers from a rare, congenital genetic disease called ectodermal dysplasia. There is no hair on Melanie's body, and over time all her teeth have fallen out. As a child, her peers subjected her to ridicule and bullying, which is why the girl grew up withdrawn and unsociable. She often suffered from depression and nervous disorders. Growing up, she tried to use her appearance to become famous and she succeeded. She entered into a contract agreement with a famous modeling agency, which was the beginning of her career. Now Melanie is thriving and never remembers her childhood and the ridicule of her peers.

The sister of the world-famous fashion designer was quite beautiful from childhood. She was born this way and remained this way until the age of 45. It was then that she decided to undergo the first plastic surgery in her life to change her appearance. Subsequently, the operations began to follow one after another and the woman went under the surgeon’s knife more than once. All this became the reason for repeated changes in the woman’s appearance, and her appearance did not get better from this. Now her nose and lips have become unnaturally large, Donatella has lost a lot of weight, her skin has sagged and lost its natural color. She tries to leave the house less so as not to frighten passers-by with her appearance.

This man made a name for himself as the Enigma Sword Swallower, performing tricks of swallowing swords and other sharp objects. He shoved a rotating drill into his mouth and mouth and swallowed large quantities of liquid, which then had to be sucked out of his stomach. He also gained fame as a musician. From a certain point, Paul began to cover his body with numerous tattoos until there was no living space left on him. His hobby is shared by his wife, who decorates herself as best she can and has gained fame under the pseudonym “tiger woman.”

Tom Leppard

He became widely known as the "leopard man" due to the characteristic pattern covering his body. Some time ago he was even listed in the Guinness Book of Records. He began tattooing himself at the age of 67, spending a total of £5,500 on them. Tom lived on an island in Scotland and walked around his territory on four paws, as befits a wild animal. With age, seclusion became difficult for him and he moved to live in a small building on the same island, where he lived with a friend until his last days. Leppard died in 2016, aged 81.

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