The fastest tanks in World of Tanks. The fastest tank in the game World of Tanks


    I played the game World of Tanks for a long time and therefore I don’t know for sure whether there is such a tank as the T-50-2 or not. Previously, before the game update, this type of vehicle was considered a sprinter and the tank was the fastest.

    You can read in great detail about all the high-speed tanks in the World of Tanks game on this page. page official website.

    Each country has its own high-speed tanks. The USSR has the T-50-2, it is very fast, it picks up speed easily, but it has weak armor. The Germans have the VK 2801, which develops the same speed as the T-50-2, but it does it much slower due to its weight, and it turns worse. The French have the AMX 13 90, its speed is up to 64 km/h, it’s an excellent tank, because... Thanks to its good speed and dynamics, as well as a good gun, it is an excellent killing weapon, but, again, it has poor armor. In general, the fastest tank is the T-50-2.

    When I was still playing this game, I chose the T-50 and A-20 tank. By that time, more than six months had passed, they were trumps and reached speeds of up to 70-76 kilometers per hour. I often played bottom races with friends, it was so much fun.

    The fastest tank in game World of Tanks - this is the T-50-2.

    Regarding the answer to this question, opinions differ greatly. Everyone thinks differently and believes that one particular tank is faster in the World of Tanks game.

    You can read more on the forum -; 0%B9-%D0%B1%D1%8B%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D1%8B%D0%B9-%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BA/

    At level 3 it is, of course, pz1 s, at 4 t-50, at level 5 I can recommend the AMX or, among common people, the Christmas tree, at 6 I also like the French tank AMX 12t in terms of speed, at 7 AMX 13-75 plus a 6 charging gun, at level 8 it’s AMX 13-90 without hesitation, and at level 10 there’s a baht chat.

    Before you find the fastest tank in World of Tanks, it is necessary to divide high-speed cars into sprinters, stayers and everyone else.

    Sprinters literally from the start they develop high speed and become a very difficult target. Among this class the favorite is T-50-2.

    Stayers They accelerate slowly, but once they pick up speed, they fly like a rocket. The leader is here ELC AMX.

    Among the rest, heavy French tanks stand out, which can successfully perform the functions of fireflies.

    Taking into account the initial speed, acceleration time, speed at a distance, maneuverability and other characteristics that influence the outcome of the battle, it can be called the fastest tank Bat Chatillon 25 t.

    Read more about fast tanks here.

    In this game, everyone drives fast, but not you. 🙂 And the French are fast, T-50-2, that’s why they call them fireflies. Some people like them, some get a kick out of the heavy metal, some play with the art. I like the art, and the French one is both fast and rapid-fire.

    The fastest tank on this moment in Game World of Tanks, in my personal opinion, this is Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. C(79 km/h). There are a lot of tanks with similar speed, for example, tank destroyers M18 Hellcat(74 km/h), or ART-SAU FV304(72.4 km/h). The speed of the tank also depends on the terrain and surface. Previously, the clear champion was the T-50-2, which didn’t care whether it went uphill or downhill, the bike was interesting and very small, which you couldn’t hit. Fortunately, or unfortunately, he was removed from the game, and his replacement MT-25 not so impressive. You can also note T2 Light Tank, the same flea that is difficult to catch.

For successful bending in World of Tanks, a good maximum speed has always been necessary, allowing the tank to move quickly across the battlefield and surprise the enemy with its sudden appearances.

We present to your attention the five fastest tanks in the game, capable of spinning any enemy and surprising them by coming from a completely different direction.

Ru 251

Spähpanzer Ru 251

Ru 251 is a German light tank, which is located on the eighth level. His maximum speed reaches 80 km/h, making him the fastest in the game. The specific power of the German LT is more than 25 hp. per ton, which allows you to reach the maximum speed almost instantly. Ru 251 is also famous for its gun with an average armor penetration of BB - 190 mm, and KS - 250 mm. Basic visibility is 400 meters, which, together with equipment and perks, easily gives maximum rate in Game.

Pz. 1 C (Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. C)

The German is again in second place, located on the third level. Its maximum speed is 79 km/h.

The main advantages of Pz. 1 C became his weapon - a powerful machine gun with an amazing rate of fire. His machine gun does only 11 damage, but can deal more than 300 damage from one reel.

T-54 lightweight

The third place is already occupied by the Soviet LT-8 - T-54 lightweight. The maximum speed of the Soviet firefly reaches 69 km/h, which is lower than that of the German, but this figure is more than compensated by better maneuverability.

Review of T-54 region. – not perfect – 390 meters, but it can also be improved to the maximum without any problems.

The most important advantage of the council, which other LTs do not have, is the presence of ricochet armor. The forehead of the hull will most often receive a damaging projectile, but ricochets often fly off the 160 mm thick turret, even from the top guns in the game.

LT AMX ELC bis (Christmas tree)

AMX ELC bis can be called the most complex and unusual LT in the game. The fact is that this nimble Frenchman of the fifth level does not have a tower. Its maximum speed is 65 km/h.

The “Christmas tree” can’t boast of an overview – only 360 meters, no turrets, so what’s so cool about this tank?

Firstly, its gun has a 170 mm armor-piercing shell and a 248 mm gold-piercing shell. The one-time damage is 240 units and this is at the fifth level. Almost the best camouflage rate in the game as a whole will also be a nice bonus.

Chinese LT 59-16

And finally, we can mention the Chinese LT, which is located at the sixth level and also has solid indicators of maneuverability and dynamics. The maximum speed of the cart reaches 60 km/h, and its maneuverability is almost the best in the game. Among the advantages, one cannot fail to note excellent camouflage. The tank's armament is mediocre, but its accuracy is still quite good. The Chinese bites only 85 units. Basic armor penetration - 112 mm - is not much, but sub-calibers solve all problems - 189 mm.


This was the list of the fastest tanks in the game. Looking at the characteristics, we can conclude that it is German LT-8 – Ru 251– the fastest tank in the game. In addition, the German “handle” can also shine well and even play damage, which makes it one of the best lungs tanks throughout the game.

The world of World of Tanks is rapidly developing, conquering new regions and platforms. Having successfully conquered the CIS gaming market, Wargaming began to fight for users in Europe and the USA by announcing WOT Xbox Edition. In addition, the company decided to compete for mobile users by releasing WOT Blitz, available, however, only on iOS. But nothing prevents Wargaming from porting the game to Android. During this year, the company has not added a single tank to the game, so we can confidently say that at the moment the fastest WoT tank- this is the German Pz. I C.

Pz. I C - light tank for the Airborne Forces

But the German “groove” is not the only representative of the “fast tank” family. Each class and nation has its own sprinters whose speed exceeds 60 km/h. Undoubtedly, Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. C is the fastest in the game. Its maximum speed is 79 kilometers per hour. However, if this light “groove” of the third level is lowered down the hill, you will be able to pick up speed up to 100 km/h.

In Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. C has everything it takes to become a top-notch firefly. Firstly, its light weight of 8 tons and excellent maneuverability, coupled with breakneck speed, allow it to set up carousels, break through to enemy bases and shine artillery. Secondly, the excellent range of the radio station of 700 meters and excellent visibility of 350 meters for the third level make it possible to passively shine from behind the bushes and engage in active lighting. Thirdly, the top 7.92 mm machine gun with 320 damage from the drum will tear apart any lightly armored tank.

But the main disadvantage of the “groove” is its weak armor penetration with 33/39 mm shells. Still, this is not enough for a war with heavy tanks, like the Pz. I C is throwing more and more often after the last patch.

Other fast tanks

Of course, the fastest tank in World of Tanks is the light tank Pz. I C. But other classes of tanks also have their sprinters. For example, the fastest art in the game is considered to be the British little FV304, which reaches a speed of 72.4 kilometers per hour. The compact art of the sixth level, the size of the above-mentioned German LT, quickly gains top speed. The disadvantages of the art are considered to be a weak weapon with an alpha of 450 units and its “short range” (500 meters).

In addition to this self-propelled gun, the fastest artillery includes the top level 10 self-propelled gun of the French nation - Bat.-Châtillon 155 58, the maximum speed of which reaches 62 km/h.

By the way, French tanks are rightfully considered the fastest tanks in the game. Thus, one of the fastest medium tanks in the game is the Bat.-Châtillon 25t, on the chassis of which the “155 58” artillery is built. The famous and popular Batchat reaches a speed of 65 kilometers per hour and has the dynamics characteristic of light tank, and a drum-type weapon that produces almost 2 thousand damage in 10 seconds.

In addition to Batchat, the French have the fastest heavy tank - the AMX 50B level 10 and the light tank ELC AMX (level 5) with a maximum speed of 65 kilometers per hour. If you prefer fast tanks, then first of all you should pay attention to the French tank development tree.

However, not only the French have a fast medium tank. Thus, the German branch of medium tanks is crowned by Leopard 1 with a top speed of 65 km/h. A level 10 vehicle has an excellent rapid-fire and accurate weapon, excellent dynamics and maneuverability. But the Leopard’s weak armor reduces the vehicle’s “survivability” on the battlefield.

There was once a Soviet light tank T50-2 in the game with excellent dynamics and a high maximum speed of 72 km/h. But in patch 0.8.7 it was removed and replaced with the MT-25, which, even in terms of its dynamic characteristics, is in no way similar to its “removed” classmate. Of course, the MT-25 kept the maximum speed at 72 km/h, but the dynamics became much worse.

The fastest tank destroyer in the game is the American M18 Hellcat tank destroyer. Nicknamed "The Witch", the Hellcat has a top speed of 72 km/h. Moreover, this is the only tank in the game whose speed was significantly reduced for the sake of gameplay. In reality, the M18 reached speeds of 100 km/h on the highway and was considered the fastest tank of World War II. The Witch is very popular in the game due to its high speed, accurate and penetrating weapon, and stealth.

Among premium tanks, the T2 Light Tank is considered the fastest. The American Tier 2 tank, nicknamed “The Flea,” reaches a speed of 72 km/h. Its characteristics are similar to the German Pz. I C, but the visibility and range of the radio station of the “Flea” is much worse than that of the “Pazik”.

Undoubtedly, over time, new tanks will appear in the game that can break the Pz.Kpfw record. I Ausf. C in speed. But, judging by Wargaming’s statements, this will not happen soon. In the meantime, watch a video review of the fastest tank in the game:

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What are the fastest tanks in World of Tanks?


Speed ​​and maneuverability are very important parameters for light tanks. It cannot compete with other equipment in firepower, so it is necessary to survive in other ways. World of Tanks is a game in which any tank can be used. Light and fast tanks are not well suited for inflicting serious damage on the enemy, but for detecting and exposing enemy positions this is what is needed. The main thing is not to stay in one place, because one hit can destroy such a tank. Let's look at the fastest tanks in World of Tanks - there are only five of them. This list includes:

  • American T2 Light Tank with a maximum speed of 72 km/h
  • Soviet A-20 with a maximum speed of 72 km/h
  • Soviet MT-25 with a maximum speed of 72 km/h
  • German VK 28.01 with a maximum speed of 68 km/h
  • German Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. C with a maximum speed of 79 km/h

We can say with confidence that the Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. The C is the fastest tank in World of Tanks, but its power-to-weight ratio and agility make it slightly worse than the T2 Light Tank. T2 picks up speed many times faster and maneuvers better. Therefore, it is better to use the T2 Light Tank as a scout.

As you all know, there are several types of vehicles in World of Tanks, and each type has its own characteristics, some have stronger armor, some have less light, and some have excellent mobility. Naturally, light tanks, or as they are commonly called, fireflies, are rightfully considered the most mobile type of equipment. Yes, most of them have rather mediocre weapons, and there’s nothing to talk about armor, but all these shortcomings are compensated by one of the most important characteristics games - speed. So let's talk about the most mobile tanks in World of Tanks, highlight 5 favorites among them and find out which tank is the fastest.

Top 5 fast tanks

So, the fact that light tanks are the fastest and most mobile in the game is undeniable. However, speed is not the only feature that I want to talk about. Let's make the top 5 tanks, the main parameter of which will be maximum speed, but we will also pay attention to other features of the vehicles that are no less important in battle.

Among the five under consideration, let us pay attention to the following fireflies:
RU 251;
T-54 lightweight;
Pz. 1 C;
AMX ELC bis;

Each of the tanks listed has excellent mobility indicators, they are indeed very fast, but what else is special about them and what maximum speed they can develop, let's talk in more detail.

This light tank, located at the eighth level in the German development tree, is not in vain in first place on our list. The fact is that it is capable of reaching a maximum speed when moving forward up to 80 km/h. No one has a higher figure than this. The specific engine power of this firefly is almost 20 Horse power per ton, and it weighs only 25.7 tons in the top configuration.

One of the notable things about this tank is also worth noting the gun, it is simply magnificent, because its damage per minute is 2323 units and this is the best indicator at the level among light tanks. Penetration here is also okay, the gun is capable of penetrating armor 190 mm thick, and if we load gold shells, then we won’t even care about a metal thickness of 250 mm.

Otherwise, all that remains to be said is that with camouflage this firefly is doing just fine, visibility of 400 meters without taking into account equipment is enough for the eyes, but in maneuverability it loses to the other eight, that is, the chassis of the RU 251 rotates at a speed of 38 degrees per second.

The Pz.Kpfv takes second place in the World of Tanks racer rankings. 1 Ausf. C, or simply Pz. 1 C. What does a tier 3 tank do on this list, you ask. The thing is that this German firefly accelerates to 79 km/h, and this figure is the second among all vehicles in the game.

Otherwise, it is worth noting that this machine is a lot of fun, because in addition to its speed, it received not a cannon, but an entire machine gun, spitting out shells one after another at breakneck speed. Yes, the damage of each shot is small, but the rate of fire in this case decides a lot, especially if you are shooting at an enemy of your level.

This is where the fun and pleasant aspects of this machine end, because it throws it into battles of the 3rd, 4th and 5th levels, and the penetration of 33 mm is not enough against large opponents, so all that remains is to use the enormous speed, driving into the enemy stern, shine and hunt artillery.

T-54 lightweight

And again we return to a serious conversation, because now in front of you is a light tank of the 8th level of the USSR - the T-54 lightweight. This car will be called the best firefly many and in some ways they will be right. The tank is capable of reaching a speed of 69 km/h. The indicator, of course, does not reach the top value, but the maneuverability of the T-54 region. significantly higher than the RU 251, as much as 48 degrees per second, the rotation speed of the chassis. This means that it will be much easier to spin the enemy, sharply change the direction of movement, practically without slowing down, which is very important for a real firefly.

This vehicle's camouflage is also very good, but the gun and visibility are a little less than perfect, the latter figure being 390 meters.

By the way, from the features and advantages, the T-54 region. got a very well armored firefly turret. The frontal armor of the turret is 160 mm, and this sometimes allows you to catch ricochets even from medium and heavy tanks Level 8.


Another bright representative class of light tanks, but from the French research tree, located at the fifth level. Yes, this car can reach a speed of 65 km/h, there are higher figures, but the AMX ELC bis, or just a Christmas tree, made it to this top not only because of its speed, the car is truly unique.

The visibility of the tree is 360 meters, the rotation speed of the chassis is 38 degrees per second, even the turret does not rotate, so what is special about this tank? And it’s all about incredible camouflage and a brilliant top gun, the average one-time damage of which is as much as 240 units, when penetrating 170 mm with a standard shell and 248 with a gold one.

Remembering camouflage, if you install a camouflage net on a tank and stand somewhere in the bushes, then you can shine without fear of being discovered, even if they approach you almost closely, just don’t even think about shooting. Thus, taking into account the indicators of speed, acceleration, camouflage and lethal weapon, we can safely say that the Christmas tree deservedly takes 4th place in this top.

And the last firefly in our top proudly wears the flag of China on its body. The sixth tier light tank called 59-16 is not very popular, like this entire branch of Chinese light vehicles, but there is something to see here. The fact is that this vehicle has a maximum speed of 60 km/h, it picks it up quite quickly, but the main criterion for quality is the maneuverability of the tank, since the turning speed of the 59-16 chassis is as much as 52 degrees per second. This figure is almost a record among all the equipment in the game, and this inspires respect.

Otherwise, the vehicle is not the best; the armament installed here is rather mediocre, while the top gun is worse than the pre-top gun in terms of penetration and accuracy. But there is one more plus - camouflage, which the fast Chinese can also boast of.

We draw a conclusion

To summarize, I would like to say that the fastest tank in terms of maximum speed is the RU-251; this vehicle is really very interesting and comfortable in battle if you learn to take advantage of its advantages. However, each tank from our five has its own outstanding characteristics and features, so fans of fast driving and the class of light tanks are recommended to try out all these vehicles, it will not be surprising if some of them remain in your hangar forever.