Happy people are around happy people. Physics of the city: what floor should you not live above and why?


We all want to be happy and want to be surrounded only by happy people. However, happiness is a subjective concept. For some it is new car, for some, healthy relatives are nearby. But you can notice that if a person is truly happy, then there is more positivity around him.

What can you do to make sure there are happy people around you?

Your life directly depends on what kind of people surround you. And your life also depends on the happiness of these people. Next to happy man- happy people.

You don't need to surround yourself with happy people in order to be happy yourself. On the contrary - start with yourself! If you are happy, then the people around you will be happy.
You can, of course, surround yourself with happy people, but still feel like a failure. They just won’t stay around you for long. For example, everyone is having a party. And he sits alone, like at a funeral. How many people will want to communicate with him? Well, maybe one of them will come up and ask why he’s so gloomy.
This doesn't mean that it doesn't matter who's around you. Important! Surround yourself with people who are successful, talented, and developed. If you came to me, then you are already moving in the right direction.
Back in the 19th century, Tolstoy said: “To be happy, you must constantly strive for this happiness and understand it. It depends not on circumstances, but on yourself.”

How to become happy? Make yourself one! Your life is completely up to you. By making a decision right in the morning to live the day fully, brightly, you are already setting yourself a vector of direction.
Always remember the boomerang principle. If you want to be happy, then make someone happy. If you want love, start loving yourself. All these are actions. We need to do something, slowly, little by little, but do it.
Think about what makes you happy. Perhaps you have long wanted to start drawing or dancing. Go to a drawing club, you will meet like-minded people. And in a group, most likely, you will all get a buzz from the classes and will be happy at the moment of creation.
It is important to look at yourself from the outside. Are you happy with what you have in your life now? If not, then what prevents you from achieving what you want and being happy? Sometimes we have enough resources and opportunities, but we don’t notice them, we only complain. The feeling of dissatisfaction makes us negatively evaluate what we have. And dissatisfaction only comes from comparison with others.

How to start moving towards happiness now?

Start to perceive what you have as sufficient for happiness. Set new goals for yourself, achieve them and move forward. If you achieve your goals using the experience of other people, then along the way you will certainly meet helpful, wonderful and happy people.
Be sure to pay attention to your relationships with family and friends. This is one of the most important components of your happiness. For example, you've probably heard the common phrase “happy mother, happy child.” This is truly the basis of the family. Happy people, thanks to their happiness, make other people happy.

Just try to make every day special. I think you will notice changes both in yourself and around you.

I've been meaning to write this post for many years... and finally it happened. It's high time to clean up the bones of Moscow architecture. Today I will show you 10 buildings that disfigure my Moscow. Of course, the list of such buildings can be made very long, but we will limit ourselves to modern Moscow, after the collapse of the Union.

Moscow is generally very unlucky with its capital status. Due to the proximity of power, the city constantly experiences barbarian raids. Each leader who seized power tried to leave his mark on the city. The ones who distinguished themselves the most were Stalin, who demolished half of the center (the war prevented the complete destruction of Moscow), and Luzhkov, who decided to invent his own style in architecture. There was even such a thing as the “Luzhkov style.”

What is the "Luzhkov style"? This is the style of the barbarians. He is characterized by a contemptuous attitude towards history and culture. The interests of the owner come first, and the role of the architect is often quite insignificant. Luzhkov's style is the architecture of money and greed, the architecture of super-profits. Luzhkov's team swooped down on the city like a swarm of locusts and began to destroy it, like sailors who robbed the Winter Palace and urinated in vases. Luzhkov's Moscow is completely false and ridiculous. In place of the historical environment, plastic boxes of business centers appeared, Peter’s scarecrow was stuck in the Moscow River, squares were destroyed, and they were built up with shopping and entertainment centers.

Luzhkov's style spills out of the mirrored windows of plastic sheds onto the streets in the form of carnivals of mummers, painted curbs, excavator buckets, and the relocation of Muscovites from the outskirts. Luzhkovskaya Moscow is fabulously gingerbread, it is an ongoing celebration of bad taste, vulgarity and rudeness with Gazmanov on stage and Posokhin in Mosproekt. This is Moscow, uninhabitable. Luzhkov's style is not so much about architecture. This is a reflection of the lawlessness of the 90s and a demonstration that one ignorant tyrant can destroy a city if he is not stopped in time. He was stopped, but too late.

Mayor of Moscow Yu. M. Luzhkov:

"This modern style architecture, and I can dream that this style is the development of Moscow traditions. In general, Moscow is different in its architecture; it is the so-called Russian eclecticism, which means an uncertainty of styles. But it is also good for what I call not uncertainty, but variety of styles."

So, the 10 ugliest buildings in Moscow:

1. "Nautilus"

This is what the place where the Nautilus now stands looked like in the early 30s of the last century:

In just a few years, both the gate and the Church of the Healer Panteleimon of Athos, on the site of which the Nautilus now stands, will be demolished.

On the site of the wonderful building of the Rossiya insurance company, a faceless box for security officers was built. Luzhkov could not help but mark the square. He lets his friend, court architect Alexei Vorontsov, build the Nautilus shopping complex here.

The building is made in best traditions Luzhkov style. A crazy combination of ridiculous elements. Vulgarity and bad taste. Some kind of sails, marine theme, colored tiles and a mess of metal structures.

After everything that happened in this place, “Nautilus” looks like a spit in the face of all Muscovites. “Look how we can ruin Moscow!” - he shouts. He screams loudly, everyone hears and turns away in horror. “Nautilus” is like an animator from a Turkish hotel who suddenly turns out to be the host of a Viennese ball. The respectable audience gasped, the ladies covered their faces with their hands, and in response, stupid jokes and vulgar anecdotes flew into the hall. Who let this barbarian into my city? Yuri Mikhailovich, clean up after yourself!

2. Shopping complex "Okhotny Ryad"

There is an urban legend about Okhotny Ryad. They say that Yeltsin was so afraid of a repeat of the half-million rally at Manezhka that he ordered Luzhkov to build up the square with something. Without thinking twice, Luzhkov called his friends, who successfully destroyed the square. Opposite the Kremlin, near the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, near the Alexander Garden, a shopping center with collective farm amenities appeared. And so that no one would doubt how much these barbarians hated Moscow, a cascade of fountains with fabulous figures by Mr. Tsereteli was built next to the shopping center. Yes, they placed some bronze monsters right opposite the Kremlin, which could still be tolerated in a provincial zoo, but not in the heart of Moscow.

I look at this horror and cry! What the hell did you do! How can you walk around my Moscow after this! If it were possible to burn out of shame, Moscow would burn down, leaving neither this shit, nor Luzhkov, nor his friends.

Okhotny Ryad maintains the level of a city sewer. Fast food tents, pubs, various shops and a food court attract provincial gopotas, business travelers and package tourists. Not a single self-respecting Muscovite will go for a walk at Manezhka; for a Muscovite to appear here is indecent. People go to Okhotny Ryad in a drunken stupor to swim in the fountains. Caucasians love to come here to meet affordable provincial girls.

To build something like this in a holy place is a crime.

3. Monument to Peter I

The monument to Peter I is not exactly a building, but its harm to the city is so great that I cannot help but mention it in my anti-rating. Let's start with the fact that he is simply mediocre. The 98-meter statue on the banks of the Moscow River was even included in the top ten ugliest buildings and monuments in the world according to VirtualTourist.com.

The author of the monument, Tsereteli, was a very bad sculptor. Everything he did was bad. I could scatter dozens of epithets in front of you so that all facets of his work shine brighter, but I will limit myself only to the fact that it is bad. His monuments are like pimples on the body of my beloved Moscow. You look at this beauty, and she has a purulent boil on her cheek. How did this happen? Baby, why don't you get rid of him?

The appearance of Peter I in the very heart of the capital is also shrouded in the fog of legends. According to one version, Tsereteli was making a monument to Columbus and wanted to sell it to the USA, Spain and other countries in the early 90s. But no one took the monument; they don’t need other people’s shit. "Don't let the goodness go to waste!" – Tsereteli thought and stuck Peter’s head on Columbus. By the way, it is known that Peter I hated Moscow, so a monument to him in the very center of the capital looks at least strange.

This cyclopean statue disfigured the panorama of Moscow. He constantly goes out into the most unexpected places, he screams and bawls, disturbing the majestic calm of the beautiful city. The monument was erected in 1997. I have a bottle of wine from the 1997 vintage at home. I'll open it when this shit is demolished.

Peter I has one advantage: thank you for not putting it in St. Petersburg.

4. "Atrium"

Luzhkov really didn’t like the space, but he really liked the money. Thus, Moscow lost its most valuable asset – space. The square is the most important element of urban space. But the barbarians do not understand this. For barbarians, the square is a wasteland that can be developed. So they began to appear on the body of Moscow shopping centers. "Atrium" appeared on the square of Kursky Station. A shopping and entertainment colossus in the best traditions of Luzhkov’s style. This is either an amusement park or an inexpensive Turkish hotel. A jumble of some turrets and primitive volumes.

5. "European"

Just as "Atrium" killed the square in front of the Kursk station, so "European" killed the square in front of Kievsky. Huge! No, the giant, cyclopean barn took up an entire block. It devoured not only the square, it devoured the Kievsky station building, it devoured Dorogomilovskaya Street and all the neighboring houses. Like a black hole, "European" sucked in the entire surrounding space. Not even light can escape a black hole.

"European" is ugly. I see no point in discussing its architecture. Another scar on the body of Moscow, which was left by the barbarians from Luzhkov’s team. Who are the authors of the project? Oh, our friend Zurab Tsereteli had a hand in it.

6. Central Bank and "Balchug Plaza"

In sixth place we have a whole complex of buildings opposite the Kremlin. Such a reserve for freaks who grew up in Zamoskvorechye. Here again, an interesting fact is that Stalin did not have time to destroy Zamoskvorechye, and Luzhkov could not pass by. This is how sheds of office centers appeared on the site of historical buildings.

7. Et Cetera Theater on Chistye Prudy

The theater building is terrible from all sides, it does not fit into its surroundings at all, it is poorly designed, it is simply ugly. I don’t understand how this freak could have been born in the historical district of Moscow. You have to dislike the city so much to approve the construction of this shit! But under Luzhkov, such tawdry, incompetent buildings multiplied in Moscow like pimples on the face of a 16-year-old teenager.

The building for Alexander Kalyagin’s troupe was built in 2005. Kalyagin himself emphasized in one interview that he wanted to combine in the theater “all the best that he saw in the theaters of the world.”

As a result, everything looks as if the circus tent was decorated with everything that could be found on the construction market: decorative columns, an incomprehensible washer on top, assorted windows, portals “like in Italy.”

Architect A. Velikanov, who began working on the building, got tired of the customer’s constant edits, accused Kalyagin of bad taste and renounced his authorship in the project. And then Kalyagin went wild.

8. "Chaika Plaza" on Novoslobodskaya

This freak was born in 2000. Don't try to explain its architecture, it's impossible. Some kind of ridiculous combination of columns, portals and domes. It seems as if parts of the building were dumped out of a bag onto a Moscow street, and they were placed in random order.

9. Complex on Paveletskaya next to the House of Music

Another reserve of Luzhkov architecture. On the left are strange buildings from a film about the future of the 70s. There are strange structures on the roofs: either some kind of space weapons, or platforms for sacrifice, like those that crowned the Mayan pyramids. On the right is the architectural cartoon "Don Quixote and Sancho Panza". A hotel skyscraper with a cup on the roof and an absurdly plump barrel of the House of Music.

10. Mercury Tower

In general, I like Moscow City, but, as they say, every family has its black sheep. In the case of Moscow City, the Mercury Tower is a monster. Firstly, its architecture itself is poor and primitive, as if copied from Sim City. Secondly, for some reason they decided to make it orange color! How? For what? Why? Nobody knows. This rusty tower now stands and is not pleasing to the eye.

00. New Voentorg

I can’t help but mention a few more buildings... As a bonus, so to speak...

New Voentorg. One of the main losses of Moscow in the 2000s... A striking example life activity of the barbarians from Luzhkov’s team. In the center of Moscow, on Vozdvizhenka, stood a real masterpiece in the Art Nouveau style with Art Deco elements. It was built in 1910.

But almost 100 years later, in 2003, Luzhkov decided to demolish it. Muscovites protested, Mikhail Shvydkoy (then Minister of Culture) even sent a telegram to President Putin asking him to stop the act of vandalism, but nothing helped. So that you understand the level of these barbarians, here are some quotes.

Mayor of Moscow Yu. M. Luzhkov:

"Voentorg turned out great. And there is underground parking. same place at the entrance there are warriors with shields."

Head of the Moscow construction complex V. I. Resin:

"It's like choosing a wife: some like blondes, some like brunettes. The legs are long or short, the ears are this and that, but overall it's cute. A remake? Yes, a remake. You can't say that it's old. But in the center The city has made 35 thousand square meters of parking, 47 thousand underground spaces.

Despite criticism from some media outlets regarding appearance and the general parameters of the new Voentorg building, I think that this is a completely normal building, overall it turned out very nice.”

First Vice President public organization"Association of Builders of Russia", advisor to V.I. Resin L.A. Kazinets:

"What about Voentorg? Who decided that it was interesting building? There must be clear classifiers of objects that are truly monuments. Such as the UNESCO list. Why does a city have to die like Venice? Why don't we build new beautiful houses?<…>In the center, 70 percent of the buildings are of no interest. Why support these huts? With what funds? I am in favor of cleaning out all the old things in the city."

In fact, nothing remains of the old Voentorg. In its place they put an absurd parody, ugly and illiterate. The barbarians mocked Moscow, no matter what. For example, the Voentorg site is part of the Kremlin security zone, where a regeneration regime is in effect, excluding original creativity. But this did not bother anyone. The new building was built one and a half times larger, at original project it is similar only in name.

It would be better not to put anything at all. But the barbarians wanted to make fun of them. It’s as if your beloved dog was killed, and then they brought you a crooked stuffed animal as a sign of apology.

MSU Library

In 2005, for the 250th anniversary of the main university of Russia, a new library. Everything was done in the best traditions of Brezhnev’s “monumental shit” style. To make it at least somehow correspond to the spirit of the times, the monumental shit was faced with cheap porcelain stoneware and gold windows were inserted into it. The result is a gel chest with legs. The building has only one advantage: it is not located in the city center, and few people see it.

Furniture center "Grand"

Illustration: Olga Denisova

Moscow, like most modern megacities, is growing upward. Every year, more and more high-rise buildings shoot into the sky, many of which are intended for housing. Apartment buyers often choose higher floors for the views and feeling of flying when looking out the window. But isn't it dangerous for us to live on the 30th floor? Colleagues from the popular science magazine "Schrödinger's Cat" helped to understand the topic.

Strictly speaking, there is virtually no such floor on which life would be impossible. However, environmentalists do not advise climbing higher than the fifth or sixth floor. Above eight is not recommended by immunologists. Above the 25th there are firefighters. It turns out that the air above the sixth floor is not as clean as it seems. The "genies" of tall factory chimneys fumigate the city precisely at this level and above. Therefore, those who like to charge on the balcony are advised to first find out the strength and direction of the wind.

Every third earthling suffers from claustrophobia (fear of closed spaces) and agoraphobia (fear of open spaces). People begin to suffer if some external factors awaken these sleeping illnesses. Constantly staying at a bird's eye view is one of the options for such awakening. If a person is too high from the ground, the body perceives the location as unnatural, and therefore it is difficult for it to relax and feel safe.

Another nuance: the higher the number of storeys, the thinner the structure. The difference in the thickness of the walls on the first and 21st floors is needed to lighten the top of the building. Therefore, audibility “at the top” is very high. The result is accumulated psychological stress and a lack of privacy. Plus, due to their “refinement”, the tops of skyscrapers tend to vibrate. These micro-oscillations are not audible to the human ear, but are annoying nervous system. A person may experience anxiety to the point of terror without visible reasons for panic.

In 2013, researchers from the University of Bern, Switzerland, published an article in the European Journal of Epidemiology, which analyzed mortality statistics for Swiss people depending on which floor they lived on. The sample on which the researchers conducted their work was one and a half million people - scientists were allowed to access census data for 2000–2008.

The verdict is this: the statistical mortality rate for residents of high-rise buildings decreases with increasing height of residence. Residents on the first floor are 22 percent more likely to die than their neighbors on the eighth floor or higher. They are 40 percent more likely to die from respiratory diseases, 35 percent more likely to die from heart failure, and the risk of lung cancer for a person living on the first floor is 22 percent higher than for a person living on the eighth floor.

The only thing in which city dwellers living at heights are inferior to their neighbors below is the frequency of deaths resulting from “going out the window.” Among those living above the tops of trees, there are 41 percent more “ejected” suicides.

In 2007, social psychologist Robert Gifford wrote a long review article for the journal Architectural Science Review on the psychological and sociological specifics of life in skyscrapers. It turned out that the average resident of a high-rise building has fewer friends than someone who lives in a low-rise building.

Residents of low buildings are more likely to be satisfied with their lives than residents of tall buildings. Children living on the upper floors are less likely to be allowed to play outside, as it is difficult to keep track of them through the window. In addition, neighbors multi-storey building communicate with each other least of all existing forms dormitories.

In general, unfortunately, there is no clear advice on which floor to choose for housing. Stay on top, preventing the most negative consequences for you.

Marina Lubenko, Ivan Shunin

About "City Physics"

Every day, when we wake up in the morning, we are immersed in a city full of textures, sounds and colors. While we go to work and walk in the park, a million questions come to our minds about how everything around us works in this huge metropolis. Why don't skyscrapers fall? How is it different from the blood of a villager? What floor should you not live above and why?

We invited our colleagues from the magazine "Schrödinger's Cat" to give answers to our questions and explain why abundance is dangerous, how our breath is to others, etc. This is how the “Physics of the City” project appeared. Look for new questions and new answers on our website on Mondays and Thursdays.

Let's see what role the environment of the house plays according to Feng Shui. Before the chi enters the apartment, it passes through our front doors. It is desirable that the courtyards and entrances of houses are well lit, and the stairs are clean, since qi, passing into the apartment, is saturated with relevant information that it brings into the house. It is beneficial if elevators, staircases and corridors are well lit and spacious, so that two people oncoming can easily separate without touching each other. It is very important that the doors of apartments located on opposite sides of the corridor or hall are exactly opposite each other. If they are shifted, conflicts are possible between neighbors. It's unfavorable when it's the opposite front door There is an elevator to the apartment: it is believed that the elevator can carry away your wealth. It is also not good when there is a staircase leading down opposite or very close to your door; this can bring losses and decline in business.

Will help clear the energy coming into the apartment bright light. It is very favorable to install a lamp above the entrance door to the apartment. An ordinary rug, preferably round or semicircular, at the door is energy protection for an apartment, since not only ordinary dirt brought from the street remains on it, but also energy dirt. Be sure to look at the buildings that surround the house. You have to understand what kind of energy they have. It is favorable if schools, kindergartens, playgrounds, development centers, cultural centers, and sports facilities are located near the house. Parks and forest parks will give your home positive energy. It’s good if there is a pond in front of the house, but certainly with clean water.

The environment of the house according to Feng Shui. Buildings such as hospitals, prisons, morgues, crematoria, slaughterhouses, etc. are enveloped in a huge ball of energy of pain, tears and suffering. The fact is that when a person experiences some kind of emotion, the energy of the emotion does not disappear without a trace, but remains in this place. If such buildings are located near the house in which you live, and you can see them from your windows, then their negative energy will also affect you. Destroyed, abandoned, burnt buildings are also a source of destructive and destructive energy. Government institutions such as the police or tax office, also emit tension energy.

It is unfavorable if the house faces the church or temple. These are places with very strong energy, and people need calm energy. If you live in a small house that is surrounded by tall buildings, this also complicates the situation. The fact is that tall houses take almost all the vital energy, while a small house will get practically nothing, and what’s more big houses exert energetic pressure on small house, and its inhabitants will often be depressed. Nearby cemeteries are also dangerous objects for the home. They represent the energy of peace, the energy of another world, the energy of death, which is incompatible with the energy necessary for human life.

It is also dangerous when some intimidating monuments are pointed towards the house, such as fighting soldiers, a tank, an anti-aircraft gun or a cannon. It is unfavorable when there is an acute angle from another building in front of the windows of a house or in front of its door. It sends out a stream of negative sha energy. A negative factor is the angle of the roof of the neighbor's house, which points to the facade of your home. It is not advisable to have a factory next to your house. Firstly, factories pollute the surrounding atmosphere and have an adverse effect on the environment. And secondly, the grinding of metal and the fire in the furnaces create negative energy.

The environment of the house according to Feng Shui. Pipes, tall lamps, telegraph poles, and power lines located opposite the windows and doors of the house also have an unfavorable influence. All this sends negative energy. A destructive sha can also be sent by a tree trunk that is located opposite a door or window. It is very bad when there is a pile of garbage or garbage containers in front of the entrance to the house or entrance, as well as to the apartment. Unfortunately, in cities you can often find garbage containers placed at the entrance to the yard or at the gate. I still can’t understand why they arrange garbage dumps in the courtyards so that this garbage can be seen from almost every window. I think you will agree that this is a rather unpleasant sight.

The external environment is the most important thing in Feng Shui. If there are no poisonous Sha nearby, then you can sleep peacefully - the overall Feng Shui of your home is healthy. But if they are nearby, be careful - it’s like you’re sitting on a powder keg!

So, how to detect threats to the Sha house and find out whether yours is favorable or not?

Explore the surroundings of your home - are there such objects nearby:

1. Government institutions, especially prisons, police stations, courts, and tax authorities are places of humiliation and violence. They absorb all nearby chi energy, leaving nothing for the surrounding residential buildings.

2. Places associated with funerals - cemetery, funeral home, morgue, crematorium - emit the energy of death.

3. Unfinished abandoned building or old dilapidated building

4. Hospital

5. A garbage dump, a garbage dump, or a waste processing plant have the energies of decomposition and decay.

6. Skyscrapers that are much larger than your home. They suppress it with their excessive energy.

7. Groundwater is a stream or river that flows under a house. Especially if they are enclosed in pipes.

8. Fast, stormy rivers, as well as expressways, bridges, and overpasses. If cars move along the road in a smooth flow, then this is favorable.

9. A straight road aimed directly at a house means a flow of harmful Sha-qi attacking your home. The road that curves towards the building is no less unfavorable.

10 . Lonely tall tree, construction crane.

11. Any large object opposite the front door - it blocks the flow of Qi and contributes to various obstacles on your life path.

12 . Power plant, high-voltage power lines.

13. Buildings with aggressive sharp corners and pointed roofs. If they look at your house, they seem to “stick” into it.

14. Pedestals with tanks, guns, and airplanes have an extremely destructive effect. Especially if they are looking directly at the house! Even posters with their images are harmful.

15. Airports, railways, tram lines - they emit a destructive Sha of sound.

If any of the above is present, then this may cause problems. And perhaps it has already led to them.

Most effective way Eliminate the influence of poisonous Sha on your life - move to another area. Unfortunately, in reality this is difficult to achieve, so try to at least apply correction means against unfavorable Sha objects.

In such cases, you should pay more attention to the internal feng shui of the house, namely, stick to your personal favorable directions, pay closer attention to movement