Picking white flowers in a dream. Flowers dream book


In the article you will find a detailed description of dreams in which flowers appear and you will find out why they are dreamed of and what such a dream means.

Dream Interpretation white flowers, in pots, blooming, if given as a gift, indoors, give, plant, collect, paper

Seeing white flowers blooming in pots in a dream is a sign of purity and strength of relationships in reality. If you water or plant them, the family will be strong.

If you had a dream in which you were given white flowers, it means that a noble person will appear in your life who will bring you many moments of joy.

A dream in which you admire white indoor flowers means that in real life you attach too much importance to the fact that your neighbors and acquaintances may envy you. Pink and red tulips can symbolize failure in your personal life, as well as accepting them from an ex-boyfriend or cutting them off. If they have a black ribbon, then expect a serious illness of a loved one. A flower tattoo means that something will happen in life that will leave a mark for many years.

A dream in which you give flowers to a person of the opposite sex means that in real life you will meet the person of your dreams. Giving flowers to a person of the same sex means finding a true friend or girlfriend. If you are given home flowers, certain hopes are placed on you. Meadow flowers that have to be broken are on the window, field flowers bloom and grow, or a bouquet is made from them, then you don’t have to worry about your undertakings in the coming days, because they can give a good return. If you fell or were stolen on the street, then expect difficulties in communication.

If you had a dream in which you plant flowers, it means that in real life you are laying the foundation for your further prosperity. The same dream, seen by a lonely person, denotes a significant meeting with a person who may later become your life partner.

Collecting (trampling) flowers in a dream (in a forest, field, snow, under the snow, in a meadow) means new and interesting encounters in reality. Cornflowers have a similar interpretation.

Paper flowers seen in a dream predict that you may be deceived in your feelings. The iron ones say that a difficult decision will have to be made.

Dream Interpretation yellow flowers, roses, artificial, in a flower bed, lilies, geraniums, Decembrists, irises, callas, bells, lilies of the valley

Yellow flowers or marigolds dream of an upcoming separation. Artificial (decorative, piece, exotic) - to deception. Flowers seen growing in a flowerbed in a dream mean that in reality you will not be able to realize your full potential due to time constraints. Planting in the ground online dream interpretation considers how to manage your own life on your own. The money tree is a dream of prosperity.

Dreaming of white lilies symbolizes the desire to explore the world. Red lilies are a sign of destructive affection. Fall from the sky, then you will have many love relationships. If they are in the church or will have thorns, you need to beware of envious people.

If you dreamed of geranium, then in reality you are too attached to home, so you are often forced to be alone.

A Decembrist flower, seen blooming in a dream, foreshadows a period of love and mutual understanding.

If you dream of an iris, in real life you will meet an old acquaintance.

Calla lilies dream of meeting a respectable person or purchasing an expensive item.

If you dreamed of bells, you will have a meeting and a long conversation with friends.

Dreaming about lilies of the valley means meeting childhood friends in real life.

Dream book flowers pansies, acacias, orchids, gladioli, carnations, dahlias, gerberas, hyacinths

If you dreamed of pansies or asters, someone is closely interested in your life. Accepting a flower from a deceased person promises well-being and a solution to all problems.

Acacia flowers dream of small but pleasant surprises life has in store for you.

A dream about an orchid means a meeting with an intelligent person or an unexpected victory in a risky event.

The gladiolus flower foreshadows that in reality you will attend the celebration of a noble person.

Carnations dream of finding a new and reliable friend. Dahlias - the acquisition of a high patron.

Dreaming of gerberas symbolizes that happiness has come into your life, hyacinths - you will again experience a wonderful feeling of love. If they are bright, huge, scarlet, burning and an even number of them are given by your beloved guy, then expect a romantic relationship with a new boyfriend or a new girl.

Dream Interpretation flowers on a grave (funeral), cemetery, on trees (tree), windowsill, garden bed

If in a dream you saw a well-kept cemetery with flowers on the graves, it means that in real life you should not stir up the past. It will be more beneficial for you if you can consign everything to oblivion and start a new life. Narcissists mean that you should stop paying all attention only to yourself, because those around you need you.

A dream about flowers blooming on trees symbolizes that in reality joyful events await you. This dream also means that your good endeavors will bear fruit. Growing from the body - expect illness.

The flowers that you saw on the windowsill in your dream mean that in real life you flaunt your feelings too openly. If you dream of flowers for planting in winter, made of fabric or beads, you should make every effort to solve the problems that have arisen, otherwise the situation will be very difficult. Taking photographs or seeing them in photos is always a sign of well-being in the family, as is seeing crystal or fantastic flowers.

Dreaming of flowers in a garden bed is a sign of stability in real life. Gifted from a loved one, this marks the blossoming of a relationship, but with a new partner.

Flowers Islamic dream book

The interpretation is given according to the Koran and Sunnah. If you smell them, it is always a sign of goodness and warm family relationships. If you can see not only them, but also butterflies, then you should expect guests.

Flowers Vanga's dream book

Vanga believed that fresh and beautiful flowers seen in a dream could not be a bad sign. They symbolize harmony, continuation of life and the awakening of the best qualities of a person in real life.

Miller's dream book of flowers

Flowers in Miller's dream book symbolize a person's desire to enjoy life.

Flowers dream book according to Freud

An unopened flower, according to Freud's dream book, symbolizes innocence.
A dream of an opening bud is a symbol of inexperience, but a desire to experience the joys of life.

Flowers Tsvetkov's dream book

Flowers seen in a dream are a cause for concern in real life. If a patient dreams of them, a protracted illness awaits him. Gifts given out of season symbolize difficulties and obstacles.

For a man, a dream in which he gives his beloved a bouquet means their separation in real life.

Flowers dream book of Felomena

In this dream book, to see flowers in bloom means to increase your fortune in reality. Finding a snowdrop means meeting long-forgotten people.

Just like wilted flowers are a reason not to take the initiative in the near future.

Flowers dream book of Juno

A woman’s dream in which she sees many different colors means that she will be surrounded by numerous admirers.

For men, this same dream means that in real life he will have to take on various, perhaps not even “male”, tasks that will ensure his material well-being. Plants on a tree, road, flooded with water from Thursday to Friday may mean that you need to change your approach to the people around you and make an effort to achieve mutual understanding. There are flowers for an unhappy marriage.

Flowers dream book esoteric

According to the dream book, flowers (aloe flower, anthurium, white asters, without buds) symbolize acquaintance and are a harbinger of prosperity. A dream in which you see a wilted bouquet or apricot tree foreshadows sadness and melancholy after some joyful events. Transfer this to a move to a new place of residence or a change of job.

Flowers Muslim dream book

In this case, we are talking about peace of mind and meeting with someone whom you have not been able to see for a long time and whom you love with all your heart.

If you dream of linden trees, lavender, lotus, buttercups, lavenders, leis, magnolias, poppies, mother and stepmother, dandelions, jasmine, women's happiness, peonies, hydrangea, daisies, lilacs, phlox, ficus, lilacs, chrysanthemums, bird cherries, peonies, oak trees , mimosas, live tulips, violets, poisonous flowers, cherry blossoms, daisies, majors, wilted or wilted (withered), frozen, frozen or standing in a vase, hair, water, blue, blue, red, green, yellow, orange, purple , lilac, black, multi-colored, growing, blooming and large buds, rose hips, pumpkins, grass, chestnut, strawberries, potted flowers, it is recommended to pay attention to the proposed interpretation of sleep in this article.

According to dreamers, flowers appear quite often in dreams. They cannot be ignored, because in real life they occupy a place of honor among people.

In general, flowers seen in night dreams can be associated with a symbol of beauty, happiness and health. But some dream plots with flowers can warn of possible dangers in real life.

Why do you dream about fresh flowers?

The most common question is why we dream of fresh flowers. Plants that have not withered in a dream carry only positive things. Such a dream foreshadows joyful events and positive emotions in reality, which can be associated with a variety of events in the real world. A dream in which many flowers appear is especially favorable for a woman. It is a symbol of the blossoming of femininity and sexuality.

Blooming flowers

If you see blooming flowers in a dream, then life provides you with exceptional opportunities. Try to take advantage of this and don’t miss your chance on the way to achieving your goal.

Floral scent

When the appearance of flowers in a dream is accompanied by a pleasant smell, it means that positive changes are coming in real life. But if you smell a cloying, irritating floral aroma, this indicates that you will have to become a victim of temptation in reality. An aroma that is not typical for a certain type of flower should also alert you. Such a sign warns that in reality you are mistaken in your feelings for a person.

Different flowers - interpretation of sleep

The types of flowering plants are very important when interpreting dreams with flowers. It is important to know what different flowers mean in dreams in order to understand what a certain dream indicates or warns about. Many bouquets composed of different flowers indicate that you are surrounded by good people. Therefore, you should not be afraid of anything in life in the near future.

Indoor flowers

Indoor flowers in pots are interpreted differently in dream books. The seer Vanga believed that receiving an indoor flower as a gift in a dream was not a very good sign. Such a dream may be a harbinger of illness in the dreamer himself or in someone close to him. But you should not worry, as healing will most likely occur very quickly.

I dreamed about home flowers

If you see home flowers in very beautiful pots, then in real life a period of prosperity and prosperity begins. But at the same time, an important condition for well-being is that the dreamer in reality does not think about money and how it can be earned.


When you dream of wild flowers, a person needs to prepare in reality for a renewal of feelings in real life. Unforeseen joyful events may soon occur that will lead to sensual pleasures. Sometimes a dream with wildflowers may indicate that your happiness is next to you in reality, but you simply do not notice it.

Roses - dream book

Different types of fresh flowers can have specific meanings. Very often rose flowers appear in dream scenes.

In night dreams they can be interpreted in accordance with their color shade as follows:

    Scarlet roses foretell the fulfillment of a cherished dream in the near future; Orange roses predict a joyful event in reality; Pink roses symbolize the beginning of a romantic relationship, on the basis of which a happy and strong family can be created in the future; Yellow roses warn of the deceit and cunning of loved ones, they can become a harbinger of betrayal of a loved one; Blue roses symbolize cooling of feelings between partners; Black roses foreshadow a sad event in real life; Burgundy roses give hope that the faded feelings of a loved one will be reborn again.

Types of flowers - deciphering dreams

The interpretations of other types of flowers seen in dreams can be as follows:

    Chrysanthemums may indicate that one of the people in your environment needs help; Lilies of the valley symbolize purity and a cloudless life, sometimes they foreshadow a fun time in the near future; Calla lilies symbolize a person’s closeness, which leads to loneliness; Daisies emphasize that it is very important in reality to learn to enjoy simple human joys; Lilies or irises indicate the need for spiritual cleansing; Magnolia portends a temptation in life or a strong passion; Bells portend dangers in reality, so in real life you should be careful.

It is very important to remember what shade the flowers seen in the dream were. This will help you correctly interpret the dream and make decisions about your behavior in reality.

White flowers

White flowers seen in a dream can have a variety of interpretations. Thus, white flowers in night dreams are very widely interpreted in Freud’s dream book. The main interpretation indicates that in real life there will soon be a period of melancholy and loneliness.

But at the same time, there are the following variations of plot transcripts:

    For a man, a dream on Thursday in which he saw white flowers promises a meeting with a beautiful woman; Many white flowers emphasize the fact of falling in love in real life; Withered flowers portend illness and loss in reality.

See yellow flowers

Yellow flowers in a dream are always a warning:

    Holding them in your hands in a dream means that in reality you will encounter many difficulties on the way to achieving your goal; For people in love, they are a harbinger of separation.

Why do you dream about red flowers?

Red flowers in many dream books are deciphered as a symbol of passionate love relationships. According to Vanga’s dream book, such flowers can be about a thirst for familiarization with a new world and a desire to gain new knowledge.

Picking flowers

Dreams in which actions are performed with certain living flowers are interpreted differently. Picking flowers in a dream means you will soon meet a person who will become a true friend for life. The fact that a happy period has begun in life, filled with joy and pleasant chores, is evidenced by the plot of a dream in which you were collecting a bouquet of flowers.

Giving or buying flowers in a dream

Another common question is why one dreams of giving flowers in a dream. Such actions in a dream promise in reality an acquaintance with a person who deserves respect. And if you have to buy flowers in a dream, then in real life you should expect a romantic date.

Flowers on graves

It is considered a good sign to see flowers on graves in a dream. After such a dream, you can be sure that a period of life has arrived in which there are no dangers.

Planting flowers - the answer to dreams

If you had to plant flowers in a dream, then such an action can be interpreted in different ways. Most often, such a dream foreshadows a prosperous and successful period of life. Soon the dreamer can expect to meet his soulmate, with whom a strong and happy family will be created in real life.

But if you have to plant flowers in wet and dirty soil, then this portends difficulties in business. But you should not despair, since the problems that arise will be completely surmountable.

Replant flowers

A dream in which you had to replant flowers indicates that it is unlikely that you will be able to relax in real life soon. You should prepare for significant changes, both in your personal and business life. Very often such a dream foreshadows a move or a long trip.

Flowers grow before our eyes

A very good sign are the flowers that grow before your eyes in your night dreams. This portends the successful implementation of your plans in real life. If one of the partners had such a dream during the period of falling in love, then it indicates the creation of a happy family and the birth of healthy children.

Watering flowers in night dreams

It is very good to water flowers in a dream. In accordance with the interpretation of Miller’s dream book, such a plot foreshadows rapid career growth. Also, such a dream may mean receiving an unscheduled bonus or reward.

Buy flowers

Dreams in which the dreamer buys flowers can foreshadow a variety of events in real life. It is very important to try to remember the place where flowers are purchased. If you buy flowers at a cemetery, this portends a long and happy life. Perhaps such a dream is a harbinger that the disease that has been tormenting you for a long time has subsided.

For a man, a dream in which he buys flowers means that he will soon have a romantic date. Moreover, after the first acquaintance, he will be completely enchanted by his chosen one. For a young girl, such a dream foreshadows financial expenses. Most likely, she will have to spend money on gifts for loved ones for some significant date. When in the plot of a dream you see a stranger buying flowers, then in the near future in real life you will meet your soulmate. But at the same time, you cannot get hung up on this, otherwise the meeting will not take place.

Buy flowers in pots

A good sign is the acquisition of flowers in pots in a dream with strong and large buds opening. This portends that your relationship with your loved one is going well. You can be sure that this person will be your true support in life.

Artificial flowers

Artificial flowers in a dream always foreshadow unpleasant events in real life. Such dreams are always associated with failures and losses in reality. Dried flowers in night dreams have a similar interpretation.

Miller's Dream Book

In accordance with the decoding according to Miller’s dream book, in the near future in reality one should expect grief associated with interpersonal relationships. But if such flowers were made of paper, then the negative consequences from this will be minimal, since disagreements and problems will soon be resolved. If a girl dreamed of artificially created flowers, then this indicates that the dark past of her chosen one may affect future relationships . Even if her lover manages to dispel her suspicions in reality, soon the secret will still be revealed, which will certainly affect the relationship.

It is very important to know why you dream of a bouquet of dried flowers, because it symbolizes the aging of the body or the withering away of feelings. Try to change your lifestyle and bring new positive emotions into your life that will raise your tone. When you dream that you are buying artificially created flowers, this is a symbol of deception. After such a dream, it is important to take a closer look at the people around you in real life. Most likely, they are not as sincere towards you as you thought. Some dream books associate the plot of a dream with the purchase of artificial flowers as the occurrence of health problems in real life. An even more dangerous sign is the purchase of dried flowers in a dream. Such night dreams foreshadow real trouble that can affect any area of ​​the dreamer’s life.

Making artificial flowers

If you dream that one of your friends is engaged in making artificial flowers, then you can suspect him of insincerity in reality. If the person seen in the dream doing this activity is a stranger, then in real life one should be wary of new acquaintances.

Burn flowers

If you dream that you are not burning real flowers, then this means that the time has come to change your life. In addition, such a dream may indicate that a loved one does not need you, but the material benefit that you can provide him. Therefore, the sooner your paths diverge in different directions, the faster your life will be filled with bright, pure feelings.

Broken flowers

I wonder why you dream of broken flowers? If you see in a dream not real flowers, the branches of which are broken, then this means that your feelings for your partner have faded due to his unseemly actions. The number of broken branches indicates how likely it is that love can be revived. The variety of scenes with flowers described in various dream books is enormous. But it is not always possible to find an explanation for your own dream. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to what emotions were in the dream when you saw the dream and listen to your own intuition.

Some people do not have dreams, but those who, after waking up, begin to be puzzled by what they saw, may be curious about what white flowers mean in dreams. Visions in which such symbols appear can have different meanings. But the main thing that will help you more accurately interpret the dream is your own feelings after what you saw.

According to Miller's dream book

Dreaming of expressive house plants or plants blooming on the site, according to this dream book, foreshadows the purchase of property in the very near future and the feeling of pleasure associated with this fact. Why do you dream of white flowers that have lost their freshness? They predict feelings of sadness and heartbreak.

If a young woman is given a dazzling bouquet or a house plant in a dream, this means that she will soon be surrounded by a huge number of admirers. If you see flowers growing from dry soil, you should be concerned about an upcoming unpleasant incident. If you do not take such a dream to heart, but, on the contrary, become inspired and filled with a cheerful attitude, a person will be able to reach certain heights in society.

To receive flowers as a gift in your dream and accidentally injure yourself from them means that the dreamer will experience heartfelt experiences, the fault of which will be the nature of the actions of a loved one. Collecting individual branches of flowers into a bouquet is interpreted as a desire to immerse oneself in self-knowledge and knowledge of all things.

A large flower bed destroyed in a garden plot means that the enemies will do everything in their power to mislead the dreamer.

According to Freud's dream book

Observing the stages of plant growth in a vision is a spiritual transformation and hints at a meeting that was not previously expected, and can also speak of good news and income. Good signs are characteristic of dreams where flowers are natural, growing naturally, without any hint of fading. Freud believed that white flowers in a dream foreshadow sadness and torment. But if such flowers were seen on Thursday night, this marks the appearance of an attractive and exciting woman in the dreamer’s life.

Seeing many snow-white flowers in a dream explains that in reality a person feels a feeling of love.

According to the dream book of Nostradamus

A wonderful piece of land in a dream, on which plants grow in size and exude a wonderful aroma, foreshadows a love rendezvous.

Why do you dream of white flowers that have lost their former freshness? They indicate an imminent separation from loved ones and a weakening of the body.

Planting the ground with white flowers means getting out of a difficult situation with knowledge of the matter.

White lilies dream that a person will begin to feel a surge of strength and energy. In general, white flowers are a sign of innocence and pristineness. Seeing them in a dream means that in the near future you will come into contact with something pure and bright, no matter what exactly the situation is connected with. The white orchid usually dreams of sensual pleasures. But there is an exception: white lilac can dream of illness.

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Dream Interpretation - Color

This is a reflection of your obvious or hidden emotions.

Different colors and color combinations: have their own special meaning.

Red: This is a sign of increased activity.

Seeing red objects in a dream: foretells you emotional arousal in one area or another.

White color: a sign of spiritual openness and purity.

So, white lights on a dark background in a dream: portend hope.

At the same time, if the white color looks too pale: such dreams indicate that you may be defenseless before some difficult test.

Black color: symbolizes concentration on your deep experiences.

Seeing black objects on a white background: this is a sign of mourning and severe sadness.

Gray: the color of disappointment.

A gray object on a colored background: suggests that you risk being deceived in some of your expectations.

If you have gray dreams: in reality you are on the verge of depression, and you urgently need to bring a fresh stream into your life.

Orange and warm shades of yellow: portend you joy and good mood.

Cold yellow, light green and pale green: they speak of self-doubt.

Such colors are poisonous green: they mean nervous tension and nervousness.

Such dreams warn that your irritability can become a source of big trouble.

Calm and warm shades of green: bring satisfaction and calm joy.

Such dreams “foretell you pleasant days without unnecessary worries.

Warm shades of brown: symbolize efficiency, composure and determination.

This is the color of reliable success and good progress in your affairs.

Cool brown color: a sign of concern about the state of affairs.

This color portends troubles and discontent.

Swamp color: means deep dissatisfaction and unpleasant experiences. After such a dream, it is difficult for you to count on a successful outcome of your affairs and normal relationships with others.

Blue, pink and silver colors: reflect your dreaminess and penchant for all kinds of fantasies.

Blue color: this is detachment and coldness.

For example, if in your dream you meet someone dressed in a bright blue suit, then the dream tells you that in reality you should not count on a close or trusting relationship with this person.

Violet: the color of deep and all-consuming passion. Alas, he suggests that some of your desires will cause you a lot of trouble.

Gold color: reflects your desire for harmony and happiness.

Seeing golden objects: a sign of your extremely strong desires and a tendency towards some idealism.

Interpretation of dreams from

according to Ayurvedic dream book

If in a dream you pick flowers, then this is a harbinger of prosperity. You will be successful in all your endeavors.

I dreamed about flowers

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing flowers in a garden in a dream foretells you pleasure and gain, if only the flowers are bright and fresh; white means sadness. Withered and dried flowers promise trouble. If a young lady receives a bouquet of various flowers in a dream, this predicts that she will have many admirers. Seeing flowers growing on infertile land foreshadows a sad event. However, the dream also promises that, thanks to your energy and optimism, you will be able to pave the way to a prominent position and happiness.

Seeing flowers in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Flowers are a universal symbol of beauty. For an accurate interpretation, it is important to analyze the color of the flower. This especially applies to dreams in which flowers appear with uncharacteristic colors, for example, green roses. Don't be surprised if in your dream your boyfriend/girlfriend gives you green roses. This means that in real life you are either dating your boyfriend/girlfriend's crush, or they are jealous of your romantic affections. A certain experience with flowers has been recorded in your consciousness, which the subconscious is now trying to use to represent the situation. This particularly applies when you give flowers to someone or someone gives flowers to you. Do you have specific memories associated with certain flowers—for example, your favorite childhood flowers, the death of a loved one, a school date, or a love affair? Here are the interpretations for some of the flowers appearing in dreams: lilac - poison, disease, death; daisy – indecision in feelings; the one who gives is the object of interest; orchid – sexuality, sensuality; rose - red - love, yellow - friendship, white - purity, black - death; lily – renewal, spring freshness, rebirth; narcissist – self-love, a reflection of one’s own Self.

Why do you have a dream about flowers?

according to Vanga's dream book

If in a dream you pick flowers to make a bouquet of them, in real life this dream means your introduction to knowledge and understanding of the world. A dream in which you pricked your hand on flowers given to you means that in reality you will experience severe mental and heart pain due to the betrayal of a loved one. If you dreamed that someone trampled flowers in your garden, this foreshadows the machinations of enemies who will do everything possible to prevent you from receiving the information you need. In a dream, you saw a large number of indoor flowers in your house - this symbolizes the secrecy of feelings. You dreamed of a beautiful garden full of unusually beautiful flowers, you inhale their wonderful aroma. This dream foreshadows an unusual, romantic meeting for you in reality. Withered flowers in a dream predict health problems and separation. A dream in which you plant flowers in your garden means that in reality you will perform a noble and wise act. If in a dream you see fans literally showering you with flowers, in real life this indicates that your mental loneliness may drag on. Your inflated claims will most likely remain unrealized. In a dream, you are weaving a wreath of wildflowers for yourself - this dream indicates that you will soon meet your love and create a happy family. A dream in which you receive a flower as a gift in an indoor pot means that you will receive news of a deceased person.

Why do you dream about flowers?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

sadness (if there are a lot of bouquets); one flower - joy; white - for a wedding, a new business; sniff - comfort, help; for patients - a protracted illness, especially roses; for criminals, smelling flowers means capture; flowers are out of season, in winter - obstacles, worries; flower garden, flower bed - (for a woman) hope for personal happiness; (for a man) beautiful woman, proposal; giving - to separation; in pots - unexpected acquisitions.

Why do you dream about a cemetery?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

see - long life; stones on graves, reading inscriptions - many friends; neglected - alienation.

I dreamed about a cemetery

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are walking through a cemetery or churchyard in winter foretells a long and desperate struggle against poverty; Perhaps you will live far from your home, separated from friends. But if you notice any signs of spring, then you will find a pleasant environment and enjoyment of the company of friends. For lovers to see themselves in a cemetery or churchyard in a dream means that they will never get married, but will see their beloved ones married to others. Seeing yourself in a dream in a beautiful and well-kept cemetery means that you will receive unexpected news about the recovery of someone you have already mourned. Your right to the land taken from you will be recognized. Seeing an old, neglected cemetery means that you will live to see a time when everyone you loved will leave you and you will be left in the care of strangers. For young people to dream that they are wandering through the silent alleys of the dead, signifies the tender and loving attitude of friends. But they will also face sorrow and grief, in which their friends will be powerless to help. Brides who dream that their wedding procession is crossing a cemetery will lose their husbands as a result of accidents. For a mother, bringing fresh flowers to the cemetery means long-term good health for the whole family. If a young widow dreams that she visited a cemetery, it means that she will soon change her mourning clothes to wedding clothes. If she sees herself sad, new worries and regrets await her. Old people who see a cemetery in a dream will soon have their last journey to the land of eternal peace. The sight of small children picking flowers and catching butterflies among the graves promises favorable changes. For the one who sees this dream, health will allow him to enjoy life for a long time, and his friends will not leave him in the middle of life’s journey.

Why do you dream about water lilies?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to see on the water - rest; collecting is unnecessary.

Why do you dream about lilies?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to illness, shame; for the engaged - to the disruption of the wedding.

I dreamed of a blue violet

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes modesty

I dreamed of a white violet

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes - sincerity White violet - the emblem of the Virgin Mary and St. Fin.

Dreamed about dahlias

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing fresh bright dahlias in a dream means good fortune for the one who sees this dream.

I dreamed of a violet

according to the dream book of plants

Hidden virtues and beauty, modesty. In Christianity, it symbolizes humility and, in particular, the humility of Christ as the Son of God. In Greek mythology it is the flower of Io and Ares. Violets grow where Attis's blood fell.

The meaning of a dream about a violet

according to Freud's dream book

If a woman saw these flowers in a dream, it means that she needs to be more careful about her own safety, otherwise the dream from symbolic can become quite real, and the violet promises an encounter with violence. A man who has such a dream should be more caring towards his partner. You may think that you are giving her everything she needs, but believe me, in reality this is not enough at all. Receiving violets as a gift means a quarrel. It can be prevented if you do not pay attention to the bad mood of a person close to you. Perhaps the reason for this behavior lies only in minor troubles at work or in the affairs of your partner. Please be understanding about this.

I dreamed about a dahlia

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes dignity

Why do you dream about bird cherry?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

rejected love.

I dreamed about an orchid

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes beauty. Represents magnificence, favor and luxury. In Chinese symbolism, this is a perfect person, harmony, sophistication, love, beauty, feminine charm, the reclusiveness of a scientist.

I dreamed about pansies

according to the dream book of plants

In Europe, these flowers symbolize memory, reflection and thought. In Christianity they represent the celebration of the Trinity.

I dreamed about an anemone

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes fragility

I dreamed about an aster

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes passing beauty In the Chinese it means beauty, charm, modesty, humility and elegance. Among the ancient Greeks it symbolizes love and is dedicated to Aphrodite.

The meaning of a dream about an aster

according to Freud's dream book

Asters symbolize simplicity, modesty, tenderness. So, if you dreamed that you were picking asters, it means that in reality you find your happiness and find harmony only in alliance with unambitious people who are modest and treat you with tenderness. Therefore, your sex sessions are sometimes characterized by excessive caution and trepidation. Haven't you ever wanted to experience an explosion of passion?

The meaning of a dream about cornflower

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a cornflower, this indicates that having sex with your partner fits the definition: simple, but tasteful. Picking cornflowers in a dream - a dream means that changes will soon begin in your life. They will be associated with a new partner (partner), who will be distinguished by simplicity and naivety.

Dreamed of a water lily

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes purity of heart

I dreamed of a wreath

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself wearing a wreath of fresh flowers means that you will soon have great opportunities for enrichment. A withered wreath is a sign of illness and dying love. Seeing the bride's wreath portends a happy end to an uncertain and difficult situation.

Why do you dream about a wreath?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

wear - the love of others.

I dreamed about a peony

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes boasting. In China it means masculinity, light, glory, love, luck, wealth, spring, youth, happiness, the yang principle is one of the few yang flowers. The peony is the flower of the emperor because it was believed that no insect except the bee could touch it. Often associated with the peacock. In Greece it meant healing. In Japan, the peony is a symbol of wedding, fertility, spring, fame, wealth and joy.

The meaning of a dream about peony

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing peonies in a dream - the dream suggests that you subconsciously expect much more emotionality and warmth from your partner than you receive today. Try to talk frankly with your partner and explain what does not satisfy you in bed. In addition, if you are offended by his behavior, think about whether he has a feeling of love for you or is he driven by elementary lust? Giving peonies to someone in a dream - such a dream promises you an intimate relationship with a person who most likely will not appreciate it. He will take everything for granted and you are unlikely to expect warmth and tenderness from him. Picking peonies in a dream - the dream suggests that a period is beginning in your life when the undesirable consequences of the sweet life will not be long in coming.

I dreamed about hyacinth

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes the game

I dreamed about St. John's wort

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes hostility

I dreamed about lavender

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes - recognition

I dreamed about a narcissist

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes - selfishness, deceptive hope. This flower received its name from the Greek god Narcissus. Narcissus was distinguished by his extraordinary beauty. One day he saw his reflection in the water and died unable to take his eyes off. Narcissus is a symbol of selfishness. Narcissus is a flower of spring, a symbol of death in youth. Narcissus blooms and fades quickly. Persephone was picking daffodils when the chariot of the god Hades burst out of the ground and took her to the underworld. The Greek name for the flower Narcissus has a common root with the word "narcosis". Daffodils are also called the “herb of oblivion” because of their narcotic properties. In China, the daffodil xu-jian, or water immortelle, symbolizes a happy marriage for a couple in love, and if it blooms on New Year's Eve, happiness in the coming year. In Persia, the smell of narcissus was called the scent of youth. Its straight and strong stem has made it an emblem of devotion and faith in Islam. The daffodil is the national emblem of the Welsh. In the language of flowers, narcissus is a symbol of deceptive hopes, desire, and selfishness. Narcissus is the flower of timid lovers.

I dreamed about forget-me-not

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes - true love

I dreamed about a buttercup

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes disposition In the Greco-Roman tradition it means banter, ill will, madness. Is the emblem of Ares Mars.

The meaning of the dream about edelweiss

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing edelweiss in a dream - expect a quarrel with your partner in the very near future. Reconciliation will come only after you yourself take the first step towards it. Picking edelweiss - if until now you have enjoyed making love, then soon something out of the ordinary will happen and you will understand what true pleasure means in comparison with what you experienced before. Receiving edelweiss as a gift means that you enjoy a special favor with one of your acquaintances, and, as you understand, this disposition is of a special kind: the acquaintance has a far from platonic passion for you.

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to see is a pleasant acquaintance; to receive is constancy in love.

I dreamed about marigolds

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes - anxiety. Means fidelity. In Chinese symbolism, the symbol of longevity is a flower of ten thousand years. In Hinduism it is the flower of Krishna.

I dreamed about magnolia

according to the dream book of plants

In China it means self-respect, demonstrativeness, spring, feminine charm and beauty.

I dreamed about a lily

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing lilies in a dream means severe punishment by illness or sorrow. Seeing lilies in lush foliage means early marriage at a young age and a quick subsequent separation. Seeing small children among lilies is an indication of their weakness and fragility. For a young woman, collecting lilies or admiring them means deep sadness combined with joy, since the one she loves will suffer greatly physically. If a woman sees the lilies withered, sadness is closer than she might imagine. To dream that you are inhaling the scent of these flowers means that sadness will cleanse your soul and sharpen your mind unusually.

I dreamed about a lily

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes modesty Symbolizes purity, peace, resurrection and royalty. Dedicated to all Virgin Goddesses, Mother, One. In addition, the lily personified the fertility of the Earth Goddess, and subsequently the Sky gods. In the West, the lily has the same symbolism as the lotus in the East. Several lilies on one stem mean virginity, rebirth and immortality. In alchemy, the white lily symbolizes the feminine principle. In Christianity, the lily represents purity and innocence; symbol of the Virgin Mary. The straight stem of the lily represents her Divine mind; its drooping leaves - modesty; aroma - Divinity; white color - purity. The lily is a symbol of the Annunciation and the holy virgins, emphasizing their purity. Flower of the East. Dante called it the "lily of faith." The lily surrounded by thorns signifies the Immaculate Conception, purity amid the sins of our world. It is the emblem of Saints Anthony of Padua, Francis of Assisi, Casimir, Catherine of Siena, Clara, Dominic, Euthynia, Francis Xavier, Joseph. In art, a lily depicted on one side and a sword on the other signify innocence and guilt, respectively. For the Egyptians, the lily is a symbol of fertility, but the lotus is more often found in this capacity. In Greco-Roman mythology, the lily signifies purity. The lily grew from Hera's milk and is the emblem of Hera Juno and Diana as a sign of virginity. Among the Jews, the lily signifies trust in the Lord and is the emblem of the tribe of Judah. In Islamic symbolism, the lily can be replaced by hyacinth. In Minoan culture, the lily is the main attribute of the goddess Britomartis. In the Sumerian-Semitic tradition, the lily signifies fertility and fertility.