Russian Lotto 636 check your ticket. Checking Russian Lotto lottery tickets by number. Is it possible to win Russian Lotto and how?


How to win at Russian lotto: chances of winning the lottery + 7 convenient ways to buy a ticket + 13 theories of winning + 5 ways to check a ticket.

The ancient Russian game of playing lotto has now come to the fore new level and allows you not only to have a good time, but also to excitedly expect to win.

Of course, most of the prizes are of a consolation nature, which, you see, is also nice. But still, everyone plays Russian Lotto for one reason -.

The essence of the modern television gambling game Russian Lotto is no different from the home version. On the cards (tickets) there is a table with numbers, the presenter randomly selects the barrels, if the number matches, it is crossed out - and so on until all are crossed out.

The one who runs out of numbers on the card the fastest wins.

How to play is clear. And here how to win Russian Lotto– we will tell you in our article.

Where to buy a lottery ticket to play Russian Lotto?

The lottery organizers made sure that purchasing a ticket was as simple and convenient as possible. Moreover, now in the Internet era this process takes a matter of minutes.

Places where you can buy a ticket for Russian Lotto:

Is it possible to win the Russian Lotto and how?

Many people believe that it is not random people who can win the Russian Lotto, but fake people or relatives of the organizers.

Actually this is not true. Of course, the lottery system is built in such a way that the organizers always remain in the black, and not by a small one.

However, there are lucky ones who actually win big cash prizes, apartments and cars, and this is absolutely different people, not related to each other in any way.

According to statistics, every fourth ticket in the Russian Lotto lottery is a winner!

13 tactics and tricks on how to win Russian Lotto

Millions, but not everyone takes the matter seriously, even when they wonder how to win the Russian Lotto.

We believe that in the game, just like in everything else, you need preparation and the right approach. Of course, the most important thing in Russian Lotto is luck and lucky chance.

But following our advice will definitely bring you closer to victory.

Tactics and techniques for winning Russian Lotto:

    Set up to win and positive thinking.

    Before purchasing a ticket and starting the lottery, please bring your emotional condition in a calm and pleasant direction, imagine how you rejoice at your winnings, how you take the prize and how you dispose of it.

    It is important to feel positive emotions, and not just see the picture. And you shouldn’t take this for nothing; psychologists confirm the effectiveness of this method.

    Several tickets.

    It is clear that a pair of Russian Lotto tickets will double your chances of winning. If you can't wait to get rich quickly, take more tickets.

    Organized play.

    Create a group of like-minded people to play Russian Lotto. If you buy tickets as a team and split the winnings equally, you have a much better chance of making money from the lottery.

    Proponents of this tactic advise approaching this process as if it were work and not allowing personal relationships, that is, not buying a ticket for a friend or lending money. And divide the winnings strictly according to the principle: whoever invested how much gets that percentage.

  1. Joseph Grenwell's theory.

    The principle of this famous analyst's theory is systematization and symmetry. So, in a ticket with a higher probability of winning, the number of even and odd, small and large numbers should be approximately the same.

    And the numbers must end in different numbers from 1 to 9, and their number would also better strive for equality.

    Leonard Tippett's theory.

    If we apply the theory of this statistician to the Russian Lotto lottery, it turns out that the ticket should contain more numbers averages between 1 and 90, that is, close to 45. During the lottery, there is a high probability that most of the numbers will be average.

    By the way, neither the first nor the second extra hit the jackpot. Although a scientific approach was used in developing theories, in practice it turned out that luck still has a more significant weight in playing the lottery than science.

  2. Doug Myrock Method.

    Unlike the previous two respected people, Dak's method brought very big win, although it took a lot of time to wait for him. The essence of the method is simple - Dak bet on the same number all the time. That is, you need to choose a ticket that contains the number you specified.

    Advice from Russian Lotto players.

    Choose tickets that do not repeat the same number combinations than more variety, all the better.


    Nowadays, not just newspaper horoscopes, but the services of a personal astrologer are becoming very popular. Oddly enough, those who use this service believe that it helps them a lot in life.

    The advantage of this science is its versatility. That is, at your request, the astrologer can calculate your lucky numbers, days and circumstances in order to buy a ticket with the maximum probability of winning.

    If you don’t have the opportunity to contact an astrologer, then just follow your horoscope. Just choose a reliable source of information, indicating exactly who compiled the horoscope.

    Computer programs.

    Special programs have been created to calculate statistics in lotteries. They take into account the history of previous draws and have many more filters for customizing the program for a specific lottery and the features of your game.

    For example, one of these programs can be found on the website

    This program allows you to use 60 types of statistical calculations, generate data using the results of previous draws, track the effectiveness of certain solutions and many more useful functions.


    Let's face it, this science is not as popular as astrology, for example, and there is not much evidence of its effectiveness. But it’s simply impossible not to mention it in a game where everything is tied to numbers. There are specialists who can calculate for you lucky number.

    It can also be calculated at home. You need to add up your date of birth (day, month, year). The resulting number is the number of luck. You can also add the numbers corresponding to the letters of your name. You will also receive a lucky number.

    Klaus Joule method.

    Non-standard method non-standard person, based on appealing to a person’s subconscious, a kind of hypnosis or meditation. This is what the writer suggests: sit in a comfortable position and completely relax, let go of all thoughts and imagine how you are riding in a train carriage.

    The stations where the train stops are the days before the drawing. You need to get off at the stop that corresponds to the day of the lottery. Once on the platform, look for a kiosk selling newspapers, buy a newspaper and find in it the results of your lottery draw.

    Look carefully at the numbers written in the newspaper and remember them. Then take the return train. When buying a lottery ticket, focus on the numbers that your subconscious told you.

    Ritual clothes.

    There is a version that affects luck appearance person. Following this version, when going to buy a lottery ticket, choose discreet clothes of a soft color, without red and yellow tones, checks and stripes. The only decorations are costume jewelry.


    Pay attention to various events in your life as signs of fate. After all, it is a known fact that a plane that crashes always ends up with fewer passengers than expected.

    Somehow fate or a guardian angel protects people. Perhaps your fate also wants to tell you a winning combination of numbers.

How to check a Russian Lotto ticket for winning?

You can find out if you were able to win the Russian Lotto immediately after the drawing on the NTV channel on Sundays!

There are several ways to check a lottery ticket:

  • Watch the live broadcast of the “Russian Lotto” program on the NTV channel next Sunday after purchasing a ticket. The broadcast starts at 8:15 Moscow time.
  • Watch a recording of a TV show on the Internet.
  • You can check your ticket on the official website To check, you need to know the ticket number and circulation number.
  • If the purchase of a lottery ticket was made through a Qiwi e-wallet, the results of the drawing can be received on the phone number linked to the wallet.
  • The results of the lottery are published in the newspapers: “Sportloto”, “Evening Moscow”, “Moskovskaya Pravda”, “Trud”, “Sudarushka”, “Work in Moscow”.

How much money can you win by buying 5 Russian Lotto tickets?

The answer to this question is in the following educational video:

Choose two or more methods at once how to win Russian Lotto which seemed most effective to you, believe in victory - and everything will definitely work out for you...

Hello, friends.

Today, each of us would like to win some kind of lottery or draw a large amount money. However, many, as a rule, do not believe in their strength and luck, and therefore do not even try to purchase, perhaps, a lucky ticket.

IN Russian Federation The game “Russian Lotto” is very popular and always has been. It was interesting for both children and adults. Whole families played it, especially since the rules were absolutely simple.

All you need to do is cover all the fields with numbers on the card with barrels with the corresponding numbers. In this case, the winner was the one who covered all the fields with barrels first.

In addition, there were intermediate winners in the game, who completed the entire line faster than anyone else. But this is child's play, and what about the television lottery, where, as the organizers assure, every third ticket is a winner, and the money that you can ultimately get will be enough for the rest of not only your life, but also your children, and even grandchildren?

Today we will figure out whether it is possible to win the Russian lotto, what ordinary citizens write in reviews about this game and what are the chances that we will end up with millions of rubles in our hands.

A means of enrichment or a waste of nerves

On this moment This fun is no longer an ordinary children's entertainment. Years later she turned into television program intended for earning money.

But a completely logical question arises: who makes money from this? Are they really ordinary people who just want to get their tidbit of the pie and finally live happily?

Or maybe the organizers of the show themselves, who are happy to receive an endless amount of profit, consisting of tickets sold for the money of ordinary residents of the country?

In my opinion, the second option can be confidently considered the correct answer. And indeed, how long ago have you seen a report where some journalist talks about incredible luck a simple worker from the outskirts who received a check for a tidy sum?

For example, I don’t even remember, and this is while people continue to buy lotteries and hope for luck. Now imagine what an incredible income this is for the show owners.

At the same time, there are other lotteries in Russia that also promise fabulous winnings, which, of course, leads to a wide variety of reviews about them, both positive and negative.

IN currently society is divided into two large camps: some still believe that this is a real chance to raise their capital, albeit a very illusory one, others are confident that this is nothing more than fleecing honest citizens and there is no point in playing it.

However, some people continue to search for certain systems and algorithms that would allow them to determine with high accuracy which of the tickets will bring wealth and which should be avoided.

How things really are

At this point, it's generally believed that winning this show is just luck and nothing else. In addition, the organizers themselves swear by the honesty and impartiality of the given draws.

In addition, as I said above, they claim that every third ticket can bring its owner a large reward. Some people believe in it, some don't.

On the other hand, according to conservative mathematical calculations, the probability of hitting the jackpot is no more than 5%, but most often it is even less. Therefore, the probability of success in our particular case sharply approaches zero.

But the same psychologists claim that they exist. The instructions they give are simple and straightforward and consist of getting a good night’s sleep, having a hearty breakfast and thinking only in an optimistic direction before purchasing.

What’s most interesting is that various kinds of mystics agree with them. They emphasize the importance of these recommendations, and also supplement them with their own advice, for example, when shopping, wear something green, because this color is a symbol of money and prosperity.

In addition, they advise you to eat on the day of the lottery certain products and do not allow yourself anything that is not on the recommended list.

Of course, I’m not a supporter of this approach and I’m not advocating for you to engage in this nonsense, since often all these tips only give an additional attitude towards victory, but they most likely are not able to really influence the result, especially since they even contradict each other, and sometimes they even smack of absurdity.


Based on all of the above, the only the right decision will remain in a neutral position. Of course, out of curiosity, you can try to buy a ticket and try your luck, who knows, maybe your stars will align as needed.

On the other hand, it is better to buy the tabletop version of the game and plunge into it with your friends and relatives and, with adequate competition, have fun with them. Believe me, emotions will overflow.

Ultimately, each of us has the right to choose what is more important to him: our nerves and money or the opportunity to feel the excitement and have the opportunity to be among the owners of the coveted jackpot.

Personally, I adhere to the first position, which I advise you too, because on my website there are articles where I describe in detail ways to make money. Moreover, some of them can be implemented without leaving your home, while others will require only a minimal investment from you.


In general, we figured out what the Russian Lotto is and what is the probability of winning in this show. In addition, I conveyed to you the sentiments of large masses of the Russian population on this matter, citing reviews on the Internet in various forums and groups on social networks.

You can also dig into global network and find for yourself the answer to the question of whether it’s worth starting and, if so, how to do it so as not to get into trouble, but to come out of the game only as a winner.

I hope that my article turned out to be extremely useful and informative for you, in addition, you can read about both our level and foreign ones, for example, European or American.

In it you will recognize some Interesting Facts, and useful instructions, which, as many claim, have already helped them in life and turned them into real rich people.

All the best to you and see you again!

In the hope of winning money or valuable prize many people . The program with the draw goes out on live every Sunday. But for those who do not have the opportunity to watch the program at 08.30 on NTV and note winning numbers, it is possible to check your ticket in several ways.

How to check Russian Lotto by ticket number via the Internet

  • One of the convenient and fast services for checking a ticket is the use of Internet resources. To do this you need to go to official page state lotteries Russia at the address – This site allows you to check your winnings for free, and you do not need to register or enter any codes. The results of the game become known immediately after the live broadcast.
  • After you have visited the main page of the site, in the upper right corner, select “Check tickets and draw results.”

  • Or go to the “Russian Lotto” tab and check the number there.

  • Scroll down the page. Here you will see a form in which you need to fill in the blank fields. Place the ticket in front of you and carefully enter the numbers on it.

  • But first, choose what you want to check. There is an option to check tickets: by number and by combination. For Russian Lotto there is no verification by combination of numbers, so you will not need this section.
  • If you want to check your ticket, then click on the appropriate section. Then, in the “Lottery” cell, select “Russian Lotto”.

  • In the “Start circulation No.” box, enter the circulation number. In the bottom cell is the ticket number. To find out the results, click "Check".

  • If you have multiple tickets, then click on the additional “Add ticket” button, where you will have the option to check another lottery entry.

  • You can also mark the numbers on the ticket yourself. Scroll further down this page for results from latest draws. Find the “Russian Lotto” icon and you will see the numbers that did not appear during the game.

  • Here you can also view the archives of circulation, for those who missed several episodes of the program. To do this, click the “Circation Archive” icon at the bottom. A window will open in front of you where you can find the old circulation by its number or date.

  • If you do not have the opportunity to use a computer, then go to the official website via your smartphone. The site has mobile version for easy browsing.
  • Or install mobile applications Stoloto for Android and iOS. To check your ticket, you just need to go into it and indicate the number.

How to check Russian lotto by ticket number without the Internet

If you do not have access to the Internet, then use other methods of checking your ticket.

  • Branches of Russian Post. Each post office has information about the Russian Lotto draws. Do you need circulation tables, where the lottery results are indicated. The data is the same as on the Internet on the official website, but only in printed form. If on the website you can check the circulation after the broadcast, then at the post office you will have to wait until information about it arrives.
  • Printed publications. For your convenience, the game results are published in newspapers such as: “Moskovskaya Pravda”, “Trud”, “Sportloto” and others. Some regional newspaper editions also indicate the results of the drawings.
  • Points of sale. You can conveniently check the results of the game in sales departments lottery tickets. Here you can get your winnings if you play successfully.

subscribe to the group.

  • You can also watch the video on the pages in

“Russian Lotto” is the permanent presenter Mikhail Borisov, the legendary “Stop, game!” and drawings every weekend since 1994. What other arguments are needed?

Where can I buy?

    Website website

    Select tickets on the lottery page and pay in any convenient way.

    Please note: tickets selected on the site are saved for you for 5 minutes. During this time, you must move them to the “Cart” or pay for the order.

    Mobile application "Stoloto"

    Install and buy tickets whenever it is convenient for you.

    Mobile version of the site

    Go to the page and select any tickets for the upcoming circulation.

    Via SMS

    Send a message with text RL to number 9999.

    If you want to take part in the lottery via SMS, follow.

    Retail outlets and networks

    You can buy tickets in branches, bookmaker's office, lottery network, offices
    " " , supermarkets " " and stores " " .

    Lottery kiosks

    Chances are there are tickets available at a store near you.
    . Check with sellers for their availability.

    Lottery machines

    Use self-service machines. Bank cards are accepted for payment, banknotes and coins. Terminal addresses
    on this page .

    Lottery center"Stoloto"

    You can buy tickets, learn everything about lotteries and see with your own eyes the lottery machines used to draw six lotteries! Read more about live broadcasts on a special page.

    How to choose?

    Any Russian Lotto ticket has two playing fields, each with 15 numbers ranging from 1 to 90.

    The combinations of numbers in the tickets have already been formed.

    Please note: in some cases you will be asked to provide a phone number when purchasing a ticket, in others you will not. What is the difference? Let's explain.

    Tickets for which you provide your mobile phone number

    Sample tickets:

    On the site you can choose a ticket with your favorite numbers or tickets with all numbers from 1 to 90

    At a retail outlet, select a coupon and give it to the seller. Then give your phone number and pay. When the ticket is registered, you will receive a notification with all the necessary information about the registered electronic lottery ticket. If you win, you will receive an SMS with a winning code.

    Important! You issue such tickets only for the next lottery draw.


    To receive your winnings, tell the seller the phone number to which the ticket was issued via SMS and (indicated on the notification).

    For sale:

    On the site, including;
    . in the application for iPhone and ;
    . ;
    . in communication shops;
    . in the networks "" and "";
    . offices "";
    . stores "";
    . branches;
    . others retail outlets sales

    Tickets for which you do not provide a mobile phone number when purchasing

    Sample ticket:


    When purchasing such tickets, you do not receive additional notifications (SMS, receipts) - the basis for paying out your winnings is the ticket itself.

    Important! You can buy tickets for different editions.

    For sale:

    . at Stoloto retail outlets.

    How to increase your chances?

    The rule is simple: the more tickets you purchase per circulation, the higher your chances will be.

    Stoloto Council. If you decide to purchase multiple tickets for the same draw, if possible, avoid repeating numbers on the tickets you purchase. Diversity is among the main criteria for success.

    If you buy tickets online, you can select many tickets at once; tickets with all numbers from 1 to 90; tickets with your favorite numbers.

    . « 3 barrels left“- the phrase means that the game will be played one more move, that is, up to the 87th move inclusive. This increases the likelihood that a participant's ticket will match more numbers and increases the chances of winning. In such draws there are always more winners than usual.

    . « 2 barrels left" - the phrase means; that the game will be played two more moves than usual, that is, up to and including the 88th move. This increases the likelihood that a participant's ticket will match more numbers and increases the chances of winning. There are even more winners in such draws than usual.

    . « Kubyshka" - the name of an additional draw when tickets are won in which all the numbers not drawn in the draw are either in the upper or lower playing field

    The pot with coins depicted on the ticket is the sign “Eggs”

    Additional drawing by ticket number - the winners are tickets whose last digits match (from left to right) with the winning combination formed from the last digits of the last barrel numbers drawn in the last three rounds.

    What is closing a sale?

    How are the draws done?


    Draws are held on weekends after the size of the prize fund has been calculated.


    The broadcast of the drawing begins on Sunday, at 8:20, in the program “They are winning!” on the NTV channel.

    You can find a video of each draw in “” on the website

    The start time of the broadcast in your region may differ from the specified one. Follow the TV program.


    The drawing takes place in a television studio, in the presence of spectators and a circulation commission. The circulation commission checks the availability complete set kegs. After all rounds are completed, the drawing commission confirms that the drawing was carried out according to all the rules and signs the protocol.


    Barrels numbered from 1 to 90 are loaded into the bag. The presenter takes out the barrels one at a time and calls out their numbers. You cross out these numbers on your tickets. Each draw is held in several rounds.

    In the 1st round, the winning tickets are those in which 5 numbers in any of the six horizontal lines matched the numbers of the barrels taken from the bag before others.
    The phrase “before others” means that in this ticket winning combination formed earlier than in other tickets participating in the draw.

    In the 2nd round, the winners are the tickets in which all 15 numbers in any of the fields matched the numbers of the barrels taken from the bag before others. If on the fifteenth move, all fifteen numbers of one of the two playing fields of the ticket (top or bottom) match the numbers of the kegs taken from the bag, you have won the Jackpot.

    In the 3rd and subsequent rounds, the winners are the tickets in which all 30 numbers matched the numbers of the barrels taken from the bag before others.

    Tickets that win in the 1st and 2nd rounds are eligible to participate in the subsequent drawing. Tickets that win in the 3rd round do not participate in the further drawing.

    Sometimes, after the main drawing is completed, an additional drawing is held called the "Kubyshka". In this case, the winning tickets are those in which all the numbers not drawn in the draw are either in the upper or lower playing field.

    What can you win?

    The winnings of the first few rounds are the largest and can range from several tens and hundreds of thousands to several million rubles. In addition to cash prizes, the lottery often awards in-kind prizes: cars, country houses, travel and much more.

    You can choose in what form to receive such winnings - in kind or in cash.

    The prize fund is 50% of each ticket sold.

    Attention, Jackpot! It accumulates from circulation to circulation and reaches tens of millions of rubles. The winning tickets are those in which, on the fifteenth move, all fifteen numbers of one of the two playing fields of the ticket (top or bottom) match the numbers of the barrels taken from the bag.

    Where can I find out the results?

    • The results of the draw are published on the websites and within 10 days after the draw. Check the data in

As you know, many participants in sweepstakes try to watch the game broadcast in person. There are many reasons for this. For example, live broadcasting makes it possible to find out as early as possible how successful a player was in a given draw. You also need to understand that in many families, watching a game broadcast is a kind of tradition, when all family members gather around the TV screen to spend a fun, exciting and interesting day off. In addition, each participant knows that the presenter in the studio makes a real show out of the prank. It is so interesting that even those people who do not have game receipts watch it.

Lottery – the most accurate way to count the number of optimists.

However, cases vary, so players do not always have the opportunity to turn on the TV on the designated day and at the designated time. Thus, game pass holders miss the live broadcast of the game. In many situations, this happens because the person is simply “overloaded” with work. Of course, everyone has the opportunity to use our service to find out. At the same time, we understand that a busy person needs to be able to check a ticket as quickly as possible. It was for such people that the ability to check a game ticket by its number was invented.

How to check a Russian Lotto ticket by ticket number?

On this page you will see a special form that is designed to enter the number of your Russian Lotto game ticket. After its introduction, you will instantly get results. For example, if you are unlucky this time, you will know about it immediately. If the ticket is successful, its owner will be instantly informed. At the same time, he will be able to find out exactly what prize he was lucky enough to win, or how much money he became the owner of. Initially, it was believed that there was no need to create a function for checking a ticket by number. However, statistics show that thousands of lottery fans use this feature every week. This is additional proof that the organizers of the lottery have made life even easier for many participants.

The room is located with reverse side ticket, above two playing fields.