Plural gender of adjectives. French adjectives also have a plural form


Adjectives vary according to number. In the plural, they answer the question “which ones?”

Mountains (what?) high

Only in singular adjectives change according to gender. In the plural, this part of speech does not change according to gender.

As in the singular, plural adjectives change by case, that is, they are declined.

Here is a table showing the declension of plural adjectives:

Find examples in this table that support your conclusions about the declension of plural adjectives:

1) Question: what? - this is a question of plural adjectives in I and V. p

2) Compare the adjectives in I and V.p. Noticed that they may have different endings: -s –s; -s –their

It depends on which noun the plural adjective is used with: if with an inanimate, then the ending will be – е –и; if with an animate, then the ending will be -yh -their.

3) In I.p and in V.p (with inanimate nouns) the endings of plural adjectives are –е –и. It’s not hard to guess that –е is written after hard consonants, and –е after soft consonants.

4) The table clearly shows that in R.V.P.p the plural adjectives answer one question: which ones? And the endings in these cases are also the same

5) In the first column of examples of the table, adjectives with a stressed ending are declined, and in the second, with an unstressed ending. If you compare them, you can see that unstressed endings plural adjectives are written the same way as stressed

6) How to determine the case of plural adjectives? It’s very simple: the case of plural adjectives depends on the case of the nouns with which the adjective is associated. This means that the plural adjective will be in the same case as the noun it refers to.

All these conclusions are needed in order to correctly structure your speech and write correctly.

Discuss the results of the work in pairs. What was the text about?

What new things did you learn from this text?

Was everything clear? What questions did you have?

Let's return to the game "Danetka". Read questions that you doubted the answers to and didn’t know how to answer.

Did you answer the questions that were causing us difficulties?

How should you proceed to determine the case of an adjective? Try to create an algorithm for determining the plural case of adj.

Now discuss it in pairs.

Let's check the algorithm

On the desk:

1) I find a noun...

2) I pose a question...

3) I will determine the case...

4) I call...

Let's evaluate our work on the algorithm.

On the desk:

1) Task?

2) Result?

3) Right?

4) On your own?

5) Mark?

1.What needed to be done in the task?

2.Did you manage to get the result? Found the answer?

3.Did you complete the task correctly? Or were there mistakes?

4.Did you complete the task completely on your own or did a friend help you? In what matters?

5. What mark do you give yourself?

Why do we need these skills?

1) Insert adjectives into phraseological units.

crow in... feathers, professor ... cabbage soup, Find ... language

Words for reference: sour, common, peacock

Explain the meaning of each phraseological unit.

Find mutual language- agree I. p

Crow in peacock feathers - upstart P. p.

Professor sour cabbage soup– unlucky bad master R.P

Determine the case of adjectives using the algorithm.

2) Find the plural adjective in the sentences, write it down, highlight the ending and write in which case it appears

There are a lot of branchy trees growing under our windows → (what?) trees (what?) branchy RP

We approached wooden houses → (to whom?) to (what?) wooden houses DP

Airplanes flew over the fluffy clouds → (over what?) over the clouds (what?) fluffy TP

There are tall houses → (what?) houses (what?) tall IP plural.

3) Solving the teaword.

Each word here is an adj in the singular or plural case. You need, using our T, placing adj in the necessary case

1) Scarlet – d.p., singular.

2) Percussion – tv.p., units. h.

3) Mighty – im.p., singular, s.r.

4) Single – v.p., singular, f.r.

5) Young – r.p., units.

6) Experienced – tv.p., plural.

7) Interesting – r.p., plural.

8) Good – d.p., plural.

9) Mirny – r.p., units.

10) Excellent – ​​d.p., plural.

What topic have we studied?

Let's try to reflect the knowledge gained in a diagram called “FISHBONE” - a fish skeleton.

This is our first time creating such a diagram, so we’ll learn how to do it together. This diagram is similar to a fish: this is the head, these are the ribs, and this is the tail. The main question and topic are written in the head. On the ribs there are conclusions. They should consist of sentences structured like this: if...then...And the tail is the main conclusion of the lesson, the summary of the topic

If... Then...

Who will repeat our main conclusions on the topic?

Complete the sentences - evaluate the results of the work in the lesson.

I managed...

I was surprised...

I like it…

I was happy for...

I want to thank...for...

I can praise myself for...

I think that I...

What do you think the conversation will be about in class? Language tomorrow?

Maybe we can study new part speeches? Or should we continue talking about the adjective?

Why did we get knowledge about adj plural numbers today? Will it be useful to us somewhere else? Where?

Differentiated work.

1 task.

Match the adjectives given in brackets with the nouns, indicate the case, highlight the endings.

Winter has come with (bitter) frosts and (deep) snowdrifts. The sorceress dressed the pine trees and spruce trees in (heavy, snowy) fur coats. She pulled their (snow-white) hats down to their eyebrows.

Task 2.

Complete the sentences with appropriate adjectives. Determine the case, highlight the endings

Covered with snow... birch trees The trunks are cracking from... frost. Their …. branches look like ...., .... lace.

Words for reference: strong, flexible, slender, scared, thin, beautiful, fancy.

3 task.

Mini-essay on the topic “Caring for birds”

1 sentence – red-breasted bullfinches (I.p.), snow (T.p.)

Sentence 2 – trees (P.p.)

Sentence 3 – winter park (P.p.), caring guys (P.p.)

4th sentence – hungry birds (D.p.), food (V.p.)

Greetings to all lovers of the French language. Today we will talk about the plural of French adjectives.

As you remember, we discussed the feminine gender of adjectives in French. So, French adjectives also have a number. Usually plural adjectives are formed by adding the ending s to the singular form (petit - petits). This ending is not pronounced except in cases of binding (les grands amis).

But there are also special cases of forming the plural of adjectives, which we will talk about today.

So, Le pluriel des adjectifs.

The basic rule for forming the plural of adjectives If a singular adjective ends in s, -x, then it does not change when forming the plural. IN oral speech

  • the ending is not pronounced, so the plural determiner is most often the article. For example:
  • Un vieux plafond – des vieux amis – old ceiling – old friends

Un sourire faux – des billets faux – fake smile – fake tickets

– main problems Exceptions:, banalfatalglacialnatal,finalpascal– these adjectives take on an ending s in plural:

  • Un conflict banal – des conflicts banals – banal conflict – banal conflicts
  • Un concours final – des concours finals – final competition – final competitions

If singular adjectives end in eau, in the plural they add the ending –x:

Adjectives in the form female form, accordingly, the plural. In this case, the plural of the same adjectives in the feminine and masculine genders may not coincide. For example:

  • Masculine: Faux – plural faux
  • Feminine: Fausse – plural of fausses

If in the context of the above some adjectives refer to the masculine and feminine gender at the same time, then in the plural they take the masculine form. For example:

  • Paul et sa soeur Anne sont blondes. – Paul and his sister Anna are fair-haired.
  • Michel et Marie sont bons amis. – Michelle and Marie are good friends.

If we use the pronoun in speech on in the meaning of “we”, “they”, “you”, the plural is implied. In this case, we use the appropriate form of the plural adjective, which in meaning refers to this pronoun. For example:

  • André et moi, on est jumeaux. – Andrey and I are twins.
  • Nadine et moi, on est jumelles (moi – feminine gender is implied). – Nadya and I are twins.

But if the pronoun on is used in the meaning of “everyone”, “people”, then in this case the adjective is used in the masculine singular:

  • On est satisfait de tout cela. – People (they) are happy with all this.
  • On est bien aise de vous voir. Everyone is glad to see you.

If the pronoun on is used in the meaning of “man” or “woman”, then we use the masculine or feminine form, respectively, but in the singular.

  • Quand on est belle, on est capricieuse et coquette. – When you are beautiful, you are capricious and flirtatious.
  • Quand on est mère, on est heureuse. – When you are a mother, you are happy.

And a few more important rules...

Some color adjectives remain the same. In most cases, these are adjectives that come from nouns. Eg:

  • Un pullover marron – des pullovers marron – des chaussures marron – brown pullover – brown pullovers – brown shoes
  • Un pantalon orange - des bas orange - des blouses orange - orange pants - orange socks - orange blouses

But there are exceptions:

  • Ecarlate-écarlates (crimson)
  • Rose-roses (pink)
  • Fauve-fauves (fawn)
  • Mauve-mauves (purple)
  • Pourpre-pourpres (purple)

Compound adjectives, which consist of two, both agree in number and gender with the noun referring to them:

  • Sourd-muet – sourds-muets – deaf-mute – deaf-mutes

Compound adjectives, which consist of two, if the first ends in -i or -o, only the second agrees in number and gender with the noun referring to them, and the first does not change:

  • Un cas tragi-comique – des cas tragi-comiques – tragicomic case – tragicomic cases

Compound adjectives denoting colors, both adjectives remain unchanged.

  • Une blouse bleu foncé – des blouses bleu foncé – dark blue blouse – dark blue blouses

Try to remember these rules, they will be needed in implementation practical exercises, as well as in speech.

Kalinina O.P.

6th grade Topic: Declension of plural adjectives. number.


Introduce students to the peculiarities of declension of adjectives
in plural.

Develop speech, attention, memory, fine motor skills, lexicon.

Cultivate positive motivation for learning.

During the classes

1. Updating knowledge and difficulty in individual activities


Update educational knowledge and skills necessary for perception
new material

– What do you know about adjectives? (Adjectives are
part of speech that denotes the attribute of an object and answers the questions what?,
which one?, which one?, which ones? Adjectives change according to number, gender and

1.Add to noun. Adj. Apple - cucumber - sky - mother - friendship - table - hair -

Add to adj. Noun Smooth - soft - round - hard - sweet - juicy

2. On the board, decline the adjectives: tasty tomato, cheerful baby,

– What do these adjectives have in common? (Singular, masculine)

– What are the endings? (The same)

– So how do singular adjectives change? (IN
singular adjectives change according to gender and case)

– How to determine the case of an adjective in the singular? (Case
the adjective is determined by the case of the noun to which
it applies)

- Put in phrases interesting lesson in the nominative case

– Is it possible to determine the gender of adjectives in the plural? What
difficulty? (Gender not determined)

This means that the gender of plural adjectives cannot be determined.

2.New material

Agree on the purpose and topic of the lesson.

– Can we say that plural adjectives change?
by cases? (Not really-?)

– What do you think we will work on in class today? Who
formulate the topic of the lesson? (Plural declension of adjectives

Let's bow now

Option I – Interesting books

Option II – Happy days

Those who want to try their hand go to the board on their own.

– In which cases do plural adjectives have the same

– How can you determine the plural case of an adjective?
(The plural case of an adjective can be recognized by the case of the name

– What new things have you learned about plural adjectives? Draw a conclusion.

3. Primary consolidation Working with the textbook (exercises)

– Read the rules silently and out loud.

– What did you learn about changing adjectives in the plural?

4. Physical education minute

I will name phrases that contain nouns and
adjectives. If I say plural adjectives
then you squat. If in units. including raising your hands

True friends, oh forest ones plants, in the wilderness steppes, in the dense
forests, warm April, bright stars, by deep rivers, blue pencil,
V huge cities, fragrant flower, in dark
caves, small village, kind hearts, bright sun.

5.Work in groups

There are cards on your table. Read
task and explain in your own words what needs to be done. (Paste and highlight
endings, determine case)

On the blue sofa

To the old house

With a red ball

By a tall tree

In the wide open spaces

Along a country road

– How to determine the plural case of adjectives?

Make up a sentence using these words.

South, with, flew, with, birds, spring, offensive.

– Underline the main parts of the sentence. Determine gender and case of names

6. Differentiated task

Green card.

Write down the text, inserting appropriate adjectives. Determine case

Spring has arrived with...birds,...streams, In...the forest, patterns of...footprints are visible on the snow.

Streams are running.


Write down the text adding appropriate words. Determine case
plural adjectives.

Winter has come with... frosts,... blizzards,... snowdrifts. In... the forest on the snow are visible
patterns... traces. Streams are running.

Blue card.

Copy the text by inserting the missing endings of adjectives. Determine case
plural adjectives.

Spring has come with singing...birds, with ringing...streams, with In spring...
in the forest in the snow you can see patterns of animals... footprints. The bell is running... streams.

7. Reflection educational activities

– How do adjectives change in the plural? (Only by

– How do plural adjectives not change? (Not
vary by gender).

Let's reveal the secret of the ending options -y, ee. To do this, you need to determine what sound the stem of the adjective ends with. A stem is a part of a word without an ending.

Roads are happy, sad,

Now near, now far,

Both light and thick,

Winding, mountainous.(S. Mikhalkov)

(Tough means smooth, even)

In words funny, sad, rough, winding, mountainous stem ends with solid sound l, n, T.

In words near, far, light the stem ends in a soft consonant n", To" .

If the stem of an adjective ends in a hard sound, the ending is written: е.

If the stem ends in soft sound, the ending is different: ie.

There are exception words. Let's find them in riddles.

In the summer they are fresh and green in the garden, and in the winter they are salted in a barrel.(Cucumbers)

When she looks into the garden,

The grapes will become more transparent

Big apples are redder

And late pears taste better.(Autumn) (I. Kulskaya)

Fresh, large, green, salty - the stem ends in a hard consonant, but write zhi-shi with the letter I, so the ending is written -ee.

Late - the stem ends in a soft consonant, ending -i. Another spelling is an unpronounceable consonant sound, a test word to be late.

Let's select adjectives and write them down, following the commands for nouns.

Birds of paradise.

Bird feathers…,…. , …., ….. In shape they are…. : some - ..., others - .... with tassels on the wings, the third - .... Legs …. and..., because they live in trees. …. birds!

Information desk: yellow, orange, green, black, unusual, wide, narrow, fluffy, strong, tenacious, fabulous. (see Fig. 2)

Birds of paradise.

Bird feathers (what?) are yellow, orange, green, black. They are (what?) unusual in shape: some are wide, others are narrow with tassels on the wings, and others are fluffy. Legs (what kind?) are strong and tenacious, because they live in trees. Fairytale birds!

People, admiring the beauty of birds of paradise, are often surprised by their croaking. But there is nothing surprising: these birds are close relatives of our common crow.

What nouns can be used with an adjective? delicious?



Delicious oranges, zucchini, candies, cucumbers, pies, salads.

Nouns from the first column do not change by number. Nouns bread, butter, milk, jam, chocolate, vermicelli have a singular form.

Fun guys.

In distant... times in Rus' there lived cheerful... people - amusements. Holidays, folk celebrations would not be complete without these people. Buffoons staged puppet shows right on the streets. Friendly gangs could be seen in villages and cities. The amuse-bouches carried multi-colored balls... and boxes of carvings..., mummers walked nearby... goats and bears on chains. The musicians carried their musical instruments.(According to I. Nikitina)

What times? distant people, what kind of people? Merry, what kind of festivities? What folk ideas? What kind of puppet gangs (these are noisy crowds)? friendly, what kind of balls? What kind of multi-colored boxes are they? carved, what kind of goats? mummers, what instruments? musical.


Matryoshka is a (wooden) doll. (Russian) masters endowed the nesting dolls with beauty. The nesting doll has a (ruddy) face, (blue) eyes, (scarlet) lips, (sable) eyebrows. The (dressy) shawl and (bright) dress complement the beauty of the toy. (Russian) matryoshka is the (best) gift.

What doll(s) is it? wooden, unit, liquid

What kind of masters? Russians, plural

What is the face like? ruddy, singular, average

What kind of eyes? blue, plural

What kind of sponges? scarlet, plural

What eyebrows? sable, plural

What kind of shawl is it? elegant, singular, female

What kind of dress is it? bright, singular, average

What is Matryoshka (she)? Russian, singular, female

What is the gift? best, singular, m.r.


Matryoshka is a wooden doll. Russian craftsmen endowed the nesting dolls with beauty. The nesting doll has a ruddy face, blue eyes, scarlet lips, and sable eyebrows. An elegant shawl and a bright dress complement the beauty of the toy. Russian matryoshka is the best gift.

Put the adjectives into the correct form. Determine the number of adjectives and gender in the singular.

Tundra in summer.

Multicolored summer tundra. On the melt water there is a motley... of birds. There are bright flowers on the hummocks. The deer lie lazily, well fed. Their branches... horns against the golden sunset are like a fabulous... bone forest. And there is endless silence all around.(According to N. Sladkov)

Tundra in summer.

The summer (what?) tundra is multicolored (l.r.ed.h.). On the melt water there are colorful (what?) birds (plural). On the hummocks there are bright (what?) flowers (plural). Well-fed (what?) deer lie lazily (plural). Their branchy (what?) horns (plural) against the golden sunset are like a fabulous (what?) bone forest (plural). And there is endless (what?) silence all around. (l.r.ed.h.) (According to N. Sladkov)

During the lesson, you learned that a plural adjective always has the same command - which ones? The adjective, obeying this command, is used in the plural. Adjectives in the plural do not differ in gender, since the endings are always the same: -y or ee.

  1. M.S. Soloveychik, N.S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Textbook. Grade 3: in 2 parts. Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  2. M.S. Soloveychik, N.S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Workbook. 3rd grade: in 3 parts. Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  3. T. V. Koreshkova Test tasks In Russian. Grade 3: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  4. T.V. Koreshkova Practice! Notebook for independent work in Russian for grade 3: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  5. L.V. Mashevskaya, L.V. Danbitskaya Creative tasks in the Russian language. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2003
  6. G.T Dyachkova Olympic tasks in Russian. 3-4 grades. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008
  1. ().
  2. ().
  3. Festival pedagogical ideas "Public lesson" ().
  • Insert letters. Guess on what basis the words are combined. Find the “extra” combination of words.

fast... rivers

far away... mountains

fragrant... lilies of the valley

mighty... pine trees

rarely... forest


  • Write the phrases in the plural.

Friendly team - …

Friendly family - …

Friendly link -...

City Park - …

Town Square - …

City building -…

  • Solve spelling problems in the endings of adjectives.

Walk of Chuk and Gek.

The children walked to the spring along a narrow... path. The cold blue sky shone above them. How fabulous... castles, high... cliffs rose to the sky. In frosty... curious magpies chirped sharply in the silence. Gray... brambling... squirrels were jumping between the cedar branches.