Drawing of daffodils in a vase. How to draw a daffodil, a bouquet of daffodils with a pencil and paints step by step? More difficult lessons


How to draw a daffodil?

Step by step?


From life?

YES! Step by step, in pencil and best of all from life.

If possible, then the best thing is to draw everything you NEED or just want to draw from life.

Draw from a photograph or according to a written lesson step by step drawing– this, you see, is not creativity, but routine learning, like how to solve problems from a textbook. The work is useful, artistic skill is trained and increased. But truly artistic work is working with nature. This is not a textbook with a solution book, but life itself.

So, I went to the garden and, after bargaining with myself a little, I chose one daffodil. Although the bush itself does not die and probably does not suffer much, I always feel awkward about picking flowers. Well, that's not what they bloom for. They open their petals for life to produce seeds, feed insects with nectar and delight everyone with their living beauty.

In general, I felt sorry for ruining a whole bouquet, and I decided to let it be just one. In my “bouquet” he will play ALL the roles.

Flowers and leaves grow from the bulb. I also grabbed one leaf, but since it was not on a peduncle, but separately, while I was walking home, I somehow lost it. I won’t draw it from memory, I’ll just say that it was narrow and ribbon-shaped.

Narcissus is a monocot (relative of amaryllis). I won’t describe it in scientific terms, I’ll simply say that among monocots it is fashionable for the number of flower parts to be a multiple of three. My narcissus has six petals and six stamens - three longer, three shorter. The petals are not separate, but grow together at their bases into a tube. They are separated from the stamens by a yellow crown.

I'm starting to draw.

First, a pencil sketch of a long stem and a wheel-shaped flower. I divide the corolla into six parts - petals. My flower has rounded-diamond petals, but they are concave and their edges are wavy. What to do?

And draw as I see it! I note that children not only often, but as a rule, mentally straighten, smooth out and simplify their nature.

Lyrical digression: I really remember an incident: the theme was “portrait”. And here I am standing in front of the class - the children are drawing, when suddenly one girl asks: should I draw glasses?

If you see that I am wearing glasses, then draw as is.

It’s the same with leafy flowers. If you see that the petals are tortuous and curved, it means that you need to draw them similar from life as accurately as possible.

While talking, a flower appeared.

Let's turn it around and draw it in a different position.

I have provided enough space, and my daffodil does an excellent job - posing both in profile and frontal.

The narcissist was not chosen by chance for educational purposes. Firstly, he is one of the first spring flowers. Secondly, having a very peculiar different shapes and characteristic design, it attracts with its unusualness. Pay attention to the plasticity of the stem itself, to its bend, from which the main shape of the flower “flows,” consisting of two laconic parts: large corolla petals (located symmetrically), an expressive, simple-shaped peduncle and a cup-shaped middle. Draw easily and consistently, building up the shapes step by step, clarifying and transforming the image. First, decide in what angle the flower will be turned towards you, how the main axes go (and in this case there will be two of them: one - vertically along the stem, the second - at a certain angle, passing along the peduncle, through the center of the corolla and determining the direction of the flower). Mark on the sheet the location of the depicted object, taking into account the proportions of the flower.

Draw its main shapes. Pay attention to how the petals are located in space, draw them with plastic lines, taking into account the laws of perspective (outline what is closer to you with clear, expressive strokes). Having completed the linear drawing, start working on the tone. Outline the shadow parts of nature with shading. Understand the tonal relationships, taking into account that the stem, petals and middle of the flower are different in color, and therefore in tone. The tone of the stem will be much darker than the middle of the flower, and the petals, due to the fact that they are almost white, will only be barely emphasized by light shading. At the end of the work, check the drawing with nature to see if the proportions and tone are correct, draw the details, giving the image expressiveness.

Stage one

Compositional placement in a sheet. Determination of the axis of direction of the flower.

Stage two

Construction of basic forms. Determination of proportional relationships of elements.

Stage three

Clarification of the plastic forms of a flower by drawing contours.

Stage four

Working out the light and shade. Determination of tonal relationships of elements.

Stage five.

Drawing details. Completion of the work by generalizing the shape of the flower.

Penova V.P. - "Draw with a pencil. Trees. Flowers. Animals" - 2008

There will be no difficulties with a gift card

Every child usually wants to please his mother with something special, made with his own hands. That's why option for a gift, spring card will be very relevant for teachers who will probably be making gifts for March 8th, or primary school with students, or in kindergarten groups.

  • Difficulty in accomplishing your plans may occur with the narcissus flower itself, which has no simple form- an inflorescence of petals, a convex bell located in the center of the petal “plate”. Therefore, first I suggest draw the daffodil cup itself, so that in our drawing it begins to resemble a real flower.
  • The second stage will be to attach narrow leaves to the flower cup to complete the integrity of the single plant specimen.

Two “roads” of drawing a daffodil flower

1 option for drawing a daffodil is to start from the very center of the bell. A zigzag random "circle" is the first step. The original lines in the figure are shown purple, If pay attention to the 2nd picture, then you can see that the “body” of the bell is added to the previously drawn circle cut along the edges (it has become blue) and the middle of the daffodil is drawn out.

The third picture shows how the petals frame the middle of the daffodil. Arrange the petals randomly, do not try to make all the petals the same, this does not happen in nature.

The 4th stage of the drawn daffodil is the strokes, which complement the petal “saucer-plate”. If you draw several of these flowers step by step, without leaves yet, it will already resemble a bouquet of daffodils.

Separate picture in the figure demonstrates, another one pencil drawn daffodil method, where you can see that the process begins with a circle in which the petals of the flower are located, the center is drawn and then we add the leaves of the plant themselves. Which method is easier is up to you to decide. But both methods seem to me easy enough to be performed with children’s fingers.

How to draw daffodil leaves

This image shows how to start drawing our flowers, starting with the petals. Those. First we draw the arrow-leaf of the narcissus, and then we draw out the stem and the flower itself.

The good thing about this drawing is that you can draw something like this daffodils in the amount of three to five pieces, placing them either in a pile or separately standing in different levels or on different plans: foreground and background, in single copies.

It will work out either bouquet on a postcard for mom, or a clearing dotted with spring primroses - daffodils. All drawings can be made using various available drawing/visual media: paint: watercolor, oil or gouache, pencils: simple (black) or colored, multi-colored pastels, felt-tip pen, and finally, marker.

I'll guess what the job is, how to learn to draw flowers step by step, and even as a gift, should please and amuse a child who wants to do something on his own.

  1. How to draw Masha and the bear step by step?
  2. How to draw a horse step by step

In spring, daffodils are one of the first to delight us with their blooms. Despite the fact that this plant is extremely unpretentious, it has quite unusual shape. The leaves are thin, straight, pointed, and the flower itself has a yellow tube-core and a cap of white or yellow petals. Do you know how to draw daffodils? It's actually quite easy to do.

How to draw daffodils step by step?

  1. We make a sketch with a thin pencil, without pressure. Let's start with an oval for the core and a cup that holds it. Let's carry out thin line stalk.
  2. Now we draw the terry edges of the oval and do not forget about a small arc in the middle, which will add volume to it.
  3. We give it a more natural, slightly irregular shape elongated part of the core, draw the petals. They all differ in size and inclination.
  4. Now we add small details: stamens, petals along the edges of the core; outline the stem.
  5. Carefully remove the sketch lines and color the finished picture.

How to draw daffodils with children?

You will only need one regular pencil and four colored pencils to get this drawing.

Operating procedure:

  1. We spend two long curved lines, which meet at one end. Add a vein in the middle. We do not connect the lines at the bottom.
  2. Our second leaf naturally bent towards the ground, so for it we first draw an L-shaped vein, below it and in parallel we make another letter G, but larger. From the beginning of the bend of the first line, we make a small arc, closing the contour.
  3. The third sheet is simpler, it is even and straight. Do not overlap the finished parts of the drawing. Add a vein at the bottom of the second leaf.
  4. Draw a long thin stem with a thickening on top.
  5. Let's move on to the petals. In nature, they may have slightly different shapes and volumes, so it is not necessary to try to make them identical. Make 5 petals, do not close the circle.
  6. In the remaining free space, draw an oval with wavy edges. This will be the middle of the flower. Add an arc inside the shape to make it three-dimensional.
  7. Draw the core in the form of half an oval, draw the earth - and you can color the picture.

More difficult lessons

Realistic Pencil Drawings of Daffodils is a project for more experienced drawing enthusiasts as it will require you to be good with shadow work.

Let's try to figure out how this is done:

Composition of several flowers

We have already figured out how to portray an individual narcissist. But most often it grows in a bunch: the bulb sends out babies, and over time it turns out small. How to draw daffodils that are located nearby? Of course, you can compose a composition based on previous lessons, but here is material that will make the task easier:

Now you know how to draw daffodils, from the very simple options to more complex ones. We wish you pleasant creativity.