Drawing a crocodile using letters. How to quickly and easily draw a crocodile with a pencil for a child. Outline of the head and body of a crocodile


Drawing a crocodile

This is an average difficulty lesson. It can be difficult for adults to repeat this lesson, so I don’t recommend drawing a crocodile using this lesson for young children, but if you really want to, you can try. I also want to note the lesson “” - be sure to try it again if you still have time and desire to draw today.

What you will need

In order to draw a crocodile we may need:

  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

It is difficult to draw a crocodile - it is a representative of wild animals; not everyone can afford to draw from life professional artist. But still, you need to try to know as much as possible about this animal before drawing. You can read Wikipedia and study various photographs, of which there are simply tons on the Internet.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

In this lesson, let's try to draw a crocodile together - the oldest and most dangerous animal on our planet. The drawing of a crocodile is actually quite simple, you just need to draw a huge predatory “toothy” mouth and it will already be clear that it is a crocodile. But, in order to draw a crocodile that looks like a real one, and not like the crocodile Gena, it is better to draw in stages, first with a simple pencil, and then color with colored pencils. The crocodile is a very dangerous and predatory animal, and in order to convey its character in the picture, first of all you need to draw an open long mouth, widely spaced paws and a tail bent from tension. The crocodile seems to be preparing to jump from the picture and grab its prey.

1. Initial contours of the crocodile’s body

Start drawing a crocodile with a sketch of the body - an elongated oval. Draw a small circle for this oval - it will be a crocodile. Draw three legs for the crocodile, since the fourth is not visible, and, of course, a bent tail. You can draw the oval of the crocodile’s body a little thinner than in my drawing. It’s just that “my” crocodile has already had a good “bite”.

2. Head and tail of a crocodile

Perhaps this stage will be the most difficult. Need to draw initial contours shape of the crocodile's tail, mark additional paws, and most importantly, draw the outline of the crocodile's open mouth. The crocodile looks almost directly at the viewer and therefore the outline of the mouth should not be too long. Try to copy this element of the crocodile drawing exactly as in my drawing.

3. Open mouth of a crocodile

Now that you remove the extra ones contour lines from the crocodile's head and draw the inner line of the open mouth, the crocodile will immediately seem to come to life. At this stage of the drawing you still need to draw general outline paws and add a few folds near the crocodile's head.

4. Drawing of a crocodile in detail

Check that all the proportions of the crocodile picture are accurate, and if necessary, correct inaccurate details in your drawing. Now you need to draw the entire tail in the picture. This is quite easy to do; you just need to draw two more tapering lines parallel to the primary contour. You also need to draw the claws on the paws and head. The skin of a crocodile is covered on top with horny, pointed growths; don’t forget to draw them too. In the open mouth you need to draw fangs; you can’t call them teeth.

5. Final stage crocodile drawing

It is not necessary to color a drawing of a crocodile with a simple pencil. The crocodile will look much more impressive in the picture “in color”. Just keep in mind that green only the crocodile Gena from the cartoon has skins. They are usually less cute. To make the drawing of a crocodile more realistic, draw it not on the river bank among the bushes. It is in such places that crocodiles live.

So you learned how to draw a crocodile, I hope it was interesting and informative. Now you can pay attention to the lesson “” - it is just as interesting and exciting. Well, the buttons social networks It's not just like that =)

The topic of our next article is “How to draw a crocodile.” Of course, we have heard about caimans and alligators, but, friends, these animals are also varieties of crocodiles.

Crocodiles are one of the most ancient creatures on earth, their ancestors appeared approximately 250 million years ago. Oddly enough, their closest relatives are birds. The crocodile lives in water, all its species are predators. They can reach 5-6 meters in length, but, as a rule, they are still smaller. However, let's start drawing. Let's agree that he is well-fed today and communication with him does not threaten us in any way - we can turn him this way and that.

How can we draw a crocodile? There are not very many options: a crocodile crawls along the shore or swims in the water.

Let's say, first, let's figure out how to draw a crawling crocodile.

Drawing a crocodile - side view

For this drawing, I found an amazing prototype on the Internet - an albino crocodile:

First, draw a sketch with a pencil:

A fairly flat cylindrical body, a powerful, comb-like tail that is strongly curved - this crocodile can take photogenic poses:

The neck is also very powerful.

The hind legs are bent with the knees forward, the front legs with the elbows back. Notice how different the toes are on the hind and front paws:

The head is long and conical. Eyes and nostrils on the top. The line of the mouth is quite sinuous and very long - this is understandable - a crocodile can open its mouth surprisingly wide.

And here is our first drawing - Crocodile:

The second lesson is how to draw a crocodile crawling right at the viewer!

Drawing a crocodile from the front

Here's the picture I was inspired by:

As you can see, he is not crawling in a perfect straight line, what I mean is that children are very prone to drawing animals at attention. No, in nature animals behave freely.

So, having examined the prototype picture, I draw a sketch with a pencil.

Wow, that's a sketch - I scribbled a lot. But I’ll tell you what, if you’re just learning to draw, this is exactly what your sketches will look like. I immediately learned to draw a contour with absolutely confident, absolutely unambiguous lines, but for this I had to study for years and years and years and draw crossed-out sketches on which the diagram would be indicated internal structure animal, the proportions and all additional construction lines are indicated. Children, again, perceive this approach... with hostility. No need, let’s be patient.

Let's draw a long C-shaped line. This is a ridge and, so to speak, an axis of symmetry, relative to which we will check the correspondence of the right and left sides of the crocodile.

Let's outline the location of the paws. Although the animal’s paws are curved, they still grow from the body in pairs, with the right one opposite the left. It would seem that what to talk about here is self-explanatory, but in reality many try to place the paws according to the curves of the body, and not according to the actual structure of the reptile’s skeleton.

The paws were outlined, the sides were marked - our crocodile is well-fed, steep-sided. The tail is powerful, slightly flattened, like a fin.

The long pike-like mouth was also outlined.

The head has a large mouth dotted with sharp deadly teeth, the eyes are also located symmetrically - here again you need to be vigilant - place the eyes and nostrils correctly, they are located on the top of the head and protrude strongly, so that when sitting in ambush under water, the animal can look out for the victim and fully breathe. The skin of the animal is dotted with horny growths and ossified tuberous protrusions.

Let's color and draw a picture of crocodile skin:

Okay, today the crocodile is well-fed and complacent, but I strongly urge you: don’t put your finger in the crocodile’s mouth!

Yes, by the way! What is this mouth like? Let's look a crocodile in the mouth.

Let's draw the head of a crocodile in profile

When I decided to learn how to draw a crocodile’s mouth and began looking at profiles of the predator on the Internet, I was first of all surprised by the tortuosity and somehow bumpiness of the jaws. Sine waves, by God. But, looking closer, I saw that the lines of the top and mandible are clearly combined. The mouth opens much further than the eye - almost to the neck. True, there are membranes there that prevent food from falling out of the gaping mouth. .

Even today, modern fathers and mothers read poems from their distant childhood to their children. The memorable and fascinating works that Korney Chukovsky wrote about 100 years ago do not lose their relevance and are still interesting to growing children.

Many people remember: “Once upon a time there was a crocodile. He walked the streets...”

Children love fairy tales and animals, so they will be very happy to agree with you to draw a crocodile with pencils about which they recently read a fairy tale. If you think this idea is interesting, then you can safely start creating. Portion good mood guaranteed for you! In terms of difficulty level, this instruction is considered simple.


Everything is quite simple - to get the body you need to draw a slightly flattened horizontal oval. Preferably, try to place it in the center of the sheet.


One smooth movement is enough and the crocodile has a tail. Before you draw it, carefully pay attention to the bends in the picture, and with a light touch of the pencil, repeat a similar line. When the arc matches the desired one, you can make it a little thicker.


After successfully sketching the previous elements, you can confidently begin drawing the crocodile’s head. To depict it, you need to repeat the shape of the line almost identical to the tail. Its only difference will be its location, that is, it will be directed in the other direction.


Now we see the likeness of our crocodile better and better. Distinctive feature This animal has small paws on the sides. So we draw them! We need to display only two of them, since the others will not be visible from this angle. Everything should work out for you!

To remove unnecessary auxiliary lines, use the eraser.

Making the tail longer

As we know, crocodiles have a fairly long and powerful tail, so that’s what it should look like in the picture. To do this, it needs to be lengthened a little, and thereby we will show where our beast of prey is heading.

Yes, don't forget to use an eraser to correct any inaccuracies in the drawing.

Adding volume to the body

Crocodiles are not small lizards, but large predators with impressive sizes and a fairly spacious belly. As K. Chukovsky wrote:

"The Crocodile grinned
And he swallowed the poor guy,
Swallowed it with boots and a saber.”

Therefore, to make it more realistic you need to add volume by drawing a line along the entire length, as in the image below.

Adding relief to the back

The presence of special scales on the crocodile's back is mandatory. In some ways, these horny plates are even similar to small teeth, which in once again emphasizes the waywardness of this reptile.


If you pay attention, you will notice that the crocodile is not the owner of excessive big eyes. Therefore, to depict the eye sockets, you need to draw a couple of small circles on the top of the head (see figure) and shade the pupil on one side with black.


A green predator would have a more believable appearance with small protruding fangs.


All that remains is to apply the finishing touch. To do this, we need to depict the likeness of small scaly humps throughout his huge body, which will add even more believability.


You worked hard! We think your crocodile turned out decent and you can hardly distinguish it from the real thing.

This good way take your personal time and your child’s time, teach him something useful and developmental. By mastering even such simple and uncomplicated sketches, the child gains enormous experience in the field fine arts and develops creative thinking. But, years later, he will definitely remember how you taught him to draw a crocodile step by step and will be grateful for the attention paid to him in childhood.


To learn how to draw, you should take the most various items and objects. Learn to draw a table, chair, room, tree, leaves, kitten, deer, crocodile, horse, human face and body, etc., and then a drawing or painting of any complexity will be within your grasp. Here we will look at the process drawing a crocodile. The lesson is step-by-step with a description of each stage. This way you will be able to depict every detail of the crocodile step by step and subsequently draw it without any difficulty.

Crocodiles are semi-aquatic predators, large reptiles. Crocodiles are considered dangerous predators for people, but here we will draw a “good” crocodile, which is somewhat cartoonish. This lesson may appeal to children and their parents. A crocodile can be drawn with both simple and colored pencils.

How to draw a crocodile step by step with a pencil

Pencils that we will need. As mentioned above, you can use one simple pencil if you do not want to fill the image with color.

Let's start with the head. Draw an oval and outline two curved center lines. We need these lines in order to correctly construct the elements of the head without distortions and inconsistencies. It is worth noting that the head is presented here large for clarity, almost the entire sheet, but you should leave room to fit the rest of the crocodile.

Following this sketch, draw the shape of the crocodile's head.

Now let's get into detail. Add lines for the shape of the head, eyes, nostrils.

We continue to add details. We finish drawing the lower part of the head, adding pupils to the eyes.

At this stage we draw the outline of the crocodile’s body: torso, paws and tail.

After the main lines are completed, we erase all the contour lines that were necessary for construction, but are now not needed and will only get in the way.

Let's move on to the sketch. Use the colored pencils shown here or similar ones. Green Let's sketch the lower part of the crocodile. We also paint over the eyes here.

The upper part of the crocodile's body is painted in a darker green color.

After the entire crocodile is painted over, take a dark pencil and make the previously drawn lines clear, since due to the drawing of color they have become invisible.

Finished drawing of a crocodile.

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    Here I found a drawing diagram of one kind and toothy crocodile:

    Drawing a crocodile is not so difficult, but it is very important to be able to highlight the details with appropriate colors, so that it is clear that this skin belongs to a crocodile.

    To draw a crocodile, you can use several methods.

    First, watch this video:

    And if you want to pretend to be kind little crocodile in a sombrero, you can do it like this:

    In order to draw a crocodile using pencils or paints step by step, first we need pencils or paints, white paper and, most importantly, a photo diagram.

    I have attached a photo diagram below so that it is convenient for you to draw a crocodile with pencils step by step.

    At the beginning you need draw a crocodile head.

    Then you need draw the body of a crocodile, that is, the back and tail.

    At the end we paint it as seen in the diagram and we get a very beautiful crocodile.

    You can draw a crocodile like this as a cartoon, following the diagram:

    And if something more believable is required, then first we outline with lines what position the crocodile will be in.

    Let's draw the lines of the back and tail, outline the head and so on.

    Blue lines - workpiece in the first stages. Red final stage.

    It is important that the proportions are respected. The crocodile can be drawn with its mouth open or in the water.

    When schematic image Once it's ready, let's start drawing. The crocodile has unusual skin and jaw. And all this can be conveyed in a drawing.

    Draw a little crocodile:

    Draw two ovals as shown in the picture:

    Draw the main lines of the crocodile's muzzle:

    Now let's draw his paws:

    Draw the crocodile's tail. Adding small details and shadows:

    Draw a crocodile It is quite difficult, especially to convey its realism, which is achieved by shading, which requires experience or talent. But it’s still worth a try, first let’s schematically outline the boundaries of the mouth, body, tail and paws, then the most important stage - we begin to draw the mouth with teeth and scales, do not forget to draw the claws to the paws, in the end you will get a very ominous beast. Everything looks like this:

    Does Gen's crocodile count? After all, he is also green! And your question doesn’t say that he should be both real and evil. Draw a crocodile according to this step-by-step scheme using a simple pencil for free with your own hands:

    I think such a cute crocodile can be drawn with paints and pencil. True, he looks more like a cartoon character than a real predator. I think even children will be able to draw it.

    A crocodile is very dangerous, it can easily kill a person by biting off his arm or leg, so we won’t draw it from life, but we will draw it in the zoo or from TV or with the help of good video on YouTube.