Drawings on a spring theme. We draw spring with children step by step with paints. How to draw early spring, spring in the forest with paints step by step for beginners


Spring time is a time of renewal and new beginnings. Nature is waking up from hibernation, snowdrifts are melting, spring rain can be heard from the roofs outside the window, buds are blooming on the trees.

I would like to capture all this beauty in my memory, so that later I can remember it with rapture and admiration. It’s a wonderful time – beautiful things turn out literally at every time.

Desktop pictures are now very popular, where you can see the beauty of spring in the photo. Or, for example, download a high-quality picture to your phone. You can also use the services of an artist and hang drawings and paintings on the theme of spring in your home.

High-quality photos about spring on your desktop

Beautiful spring photos for your desktop can be downloaded from our website. Nowadays there are many photographers who photograph landscapes and the nature around us. Beautiful photos on the theme of spring can be downloaded for free and set as spring wallpaper on your desktop.

Thanks to high resolution And large sizes, such an image will look great on a computer or tablet screen.

Pictures about spring often include small details, such as drops, small buds, snowdrops peeking out from under the snow, and the first small berries. All this tenderness and beauty can be conveyed by a photograph on your desktop.

Beautiful images of spring on your phone

You can admire the spring season not only on your computer or tablet screen, but also on your phone. Various images, even of small resolution, are suitable for this. Even small pictures of spring on your phone will look impressive and advantageous.

There can be both city landscapes with houses with drop-dropping icicles hanging from the roofs, and pictures of wide, open fields and forests with trees shedding a blanket of snow from their branches.

It would also be an excellent solution to opt for images of small details, for example, small rivers formed from melting snow covers, peeking buds or the first birch leaf that appears.

Spring, pictures for your phone: they make you wake up and come out of hibernation, start acting, fulfill your plans, make your dreams come true.

Drawn beautiful spring in pictures

Many artists glorify this time and depict it in their paintings. The beginning of a new era, the renewal of the earth, inspires them to create something new, affectionate and bright.

The variety of landscapes gives wide scope for ideas and fantasies. Artists who were born in places far from noisy cities love to depict in their paintings how spring comes to the village.

These rivers, melting glaciers on them, symbolize a thaw, the release of accumulated negativity and the beginning of a new life in a new channel. Houses decorated with melting icicles look like they were from old good fairy tales that our grandmothers told us before going to bed.

Spring in the forest is no less beautiful! These mighty trees awaken from sleep and shed the snow from their branches, like people who throw off the burden of the old and are ready for everything new.

It’s nice to hang such paintings on the wall at home and admire them while enjoying the nature of the world around us.

A beautiful spring, pictures and photos of which will always lift your spirits and push you to new beginnings and the embodiment of old ideas, is worth capturing it and enjoying these views in rare moments of sadness and sadness, lifting your spirits.

Drawing is one of the few things available to small child ways to express yourself and demonstrate to others your inner world. In the process of creating an image on paper, the baby learns to concentrate, concentrate and carefully draw fine lines, which, of course, has a beneficial effect on the development of his intellect, as well as spatial-figurative and abstract thinking.

In addition, it is in drawings that little boys and girls express their attitudes, emotions and associations that this or that phenomenon evokes in them. It is often much easier for children to reflect their thoughts on paper than to formulate and convey them in words.

It is for these reasons that children’s activities fine arts encouraged in all schools and kindergartens. These institutions often hold exhibitions and competitions of works by pupils and students dedicated to a specific topic. In particular, a favorite theme for creating handmade masterpieces is the seasons.

With the arrival of each of them, boys and girls are very often given the task of drawing how the child sees the changes occurring in nature. This can be done in various ways. In this article we will tell you what children’s drawings on the theme “Spring” can be like with paints and pencils, and what associations this time of year most often evokes in children and adults.

Children's drawings about spring with pencil and paints

Of course, in such drawings, children try to reflect what they see on the street while walking. Children most often associate the arrival of spring with the appearance of a bright sun in the sky, the melting of snow and ice, the appearance of the first green leaves and grass, the return of migratory birds to their native places, and so on.

As a rule, children's drawings on the theme “Early spring has come” represent a landscape in which the transition from the cold snowy winter to warmer times of the year. At the same time, the bright sun is shining in the sky, the first snowdrops are breaking through from under the snow, and fast river, which is no longer bound by a thick layer of ice, takes with it the remaining small ice floes.

In addition, children may associate the arrival of spring with the Maslenitsa holiday, since on the last day Maslenitsa week adults and children accompany cold winter and meet next time year. Although this holiday is mostly celebrated in February, it is inextricably linked with the onset of spring and can be used as the main idea for children's drawings.

At the beginning of spring, International Women's Day is also celebrated - March 8th. On this day, it is customary to give women beautiful flowers and gifts, so a child can create a beautiful one with his own hands and hand it over or you can draw it using pencils, paints or any other tools directly on a sheet of cardboard or on paper, which should subsequently be glued to a cardboard base postcards.

In general, the “flower” theme is the main idea of ​​all such drawings. It is in spring that nature begins to play with new colors, and all plants come to life. The vast majority of flowers bloom and bring great joy to adults and children.

A drawing about spring in kindergarten can be an image of a single flower, bouquet or composition, as well as any plot situation associated with the onset of this time of year. So, a child can depict himself while walking with his mother and describe everything that is happening in nature at this time.

In our photo gallery you can see examples of drawings made by children on a spring theme.

Spring is an unusually beautiful and romantic time of year, when the first flowers bloom, thawed patches appear in the snow and the raindrops ring cheerfully. Professional landscape artists, of course, know everything about how to paint spring. Therefore, before drawing spring yourself, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with creativity famous painters. And to understand how to draw spring, you can try sketching from life.
Before you draw spring, you need to prepare it step by step the following items:
1). Paper;
2). Pencil;
3). An eraser;
4). Colored pencils;
5). Black liner.

The easiest way to understand how to draw spring with a pencil is to divide this process into several stages:
1. Without pressing too hard on the pencil, make a preliminary sketch of the spring landscape. Mark the trees and stone on foreground. Draw a horizon line;
2. Draw the birch branches a little more clearly. Draw snowdrifts;
3. In the background, draw a house and the outlines of the forest in the distance;
4. Draw the windows of the house, draw its roof, draw a door and a path leading from it;
5. Draw a tree that grows behind the house;
6. Using a black liner, outline the image. Add small details, such as snowdrops growing in a thawed area;
7. Use an eraser to remove pencil sketch;
8. Blue pencil carefully shade the skies;
9. Use colored pencils to color the house, as well as the tree that grows behind it;
10. Paint the forest in the background with a soft green tint. Shade the birches that are in the foreground a little gray tint. Use a black pencil to draw stripes on the birch trees and use it to color the branches;
11. Yellow pencil draw reflections on the snow, which are located under the windows of the house. Lightly shade the snowdrifts with blue and light purple pencils;
12. Use gray, green and brown pencils to color the stone. Color the thawed areas with brown and green pencils.
The spring drawing is now ready! Knowing how to draw spring with a pencil step by step, you can color the pencil sketch with any paints. For example, watercolor is ideal for such purposes, the colors of which are distinguished by their purity and brightness! Such a spring landscape will look great on the wall if it is carefully framed and matted.

Abstract of GCD using non-traditional drawing technique "Spring Meadow"

Shalnova Elena Vladimirovna, teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 391" Samara
Description: this material is intended for preschool teachers, preschool teachers. The lesson is integrated, in addition to artistic creativity, finger games and physical education are used.
Notes of NOTES using an unconventional drawing technique "Spring Meadow"
Target: continue to develop children's imagination, creative interest and abilities using unconventional techniques drawing.
- improve children’s skills in various visual techniques;
- consolidate the genre of art - landscape;
- cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards nature and its depiction;
- to instill in children a love of nature and careful attitude to her;
- to arouse the desire of children to convey their impressions of the perception of objects in artistic activities, to lead them to the creation of an expressive image;
- cultivate accuracy in painting with paints.
Techniques: surprise moment, literary word, conversation, didactic game
Dictionary enrichment: completing the missing elements.
Equipment and materials: equipment for demonstrating presentations and listening to phonograms, phonograms: S. Maykapar “In Spring” and “Spring” from the cycle “The Seasons” by Antonio Vivaldi; d/i “Assemble a landscape”, tinted A4 paper, gouache, palette, two brushes (one hard, the other squirrel), a piece of paper for checking color, oilcloths, napkins for wiping brushes, presentation, musical accompaniment.
Preliminary work:
- conversation about spring, memorizing poems and proverbs about spring;
- a walk in the park, observing nature in the spring.
- examination of spring “landscapes”, illustrations of spring flowers;
- preparation of tinted paper, A4 size;
Progress of the lesson.
Educator: Hello guys! Today an unusual letter arrived at our kindergarten (shows an envelope), let's read it! (on the board is the 1st slide of the presentation)
Dear guys!
I invite you for a walk in the forest and ask you to help me awaken nature. I will be very glad if you respond, guess who I am...
It gets light early in the morning.
Thaws here and there
The stream roars like a waterfall
Starlings fly to the birdhouse,
Drops are ringing under the roofs,
The bear got up from the spruce tree,
The sun caresses everyone with warmth.
When does this happen?
Children: In the spring.
Educator: Well, guys, shall we accept the invitation? Then let's go! (show 2nd slide)
And the “Path” will lead us to the forest.
Let's hold hands together and walk along the path. (walk through the group like a snake)
We all walk slowly, we place our feet on the toe.
We will go along the path and start stamping. (go in small steps)
Keep your back straight, just like a reed!
And now we’ll hurry up and run on our tiptoes. (easy running on toes)
And now, as light as a ball, we’ll jump in hops (children do hops)
We walk slowly again, we place our feet on the toes
Now stand together, we are already here with you! (children stop, forming a circle.
Educator: How nice it is in the spring forest, how easy it is to breathe here, the air is clean and fresh. Guys, close your eyes and listen! Do you hear any sounds here? (S. Maykapar’s play “In Spring” is played). What picture do you see? (children's answers)
Educator: The warm spring sun warmed up and nature awakened, everything came to life: streams ran, birds flew in and sang, the first birds appeared spring flowers. This is how music can depict a picture of nature with sounds.
Educator: Here we are in the forest! (3rd slide is shown) Look around, what a beautiful forest clearing. Let's sit down and rest here (sit on the carpet).
(Suddenly the sound of a woodpecker is heard (phonogram).
Educator: Guys, what is this strange knocking noise? Have you guessed it? Yes, this is a woodpecker sending a spring telegram to his migratory friends, (the 4th slide is shown) inviting them to return to their native places as soon as possible. Let's help him (the children clenched their hands into fists and straightened their index fingers to beat out the rhythm).
Voiceover of the poem “Spring Telegram”
A woodpecker sat on a thick branch

To all my friends to the south
Knock and knock (knock fingers)
Sends an urgent telegram

That spring is already coming
Knock-knock-knock (knock fingers)
That the snow around has melted
Knock-knock-knock (knock fingers)
What snowdrops are around
Knock-knock-knock (knock fingers)
The woodpecker spent the winter hibernating
Here and there. (tapping fingers)
Haven’t been to hot countries
Here and there. (tapping fingers)
And it's clear why
The woodpecker is bored alone!
Knock-knock-knock (knock fingers)
The birds heard our spring telegram and returned to their native forest (demonstration of the 5th slide with a recording of the birds’ voices), listen to how joyfully they sing, rejoice in the sun and their native land.
Educator: Spring... How beautiful nature is at this time of year. How much joy she brings to people and all living things. Poets dedicated their poems to spring. Guys, I suggest you read poems about spring. (Children read poetry at will). Composers dedicated their music to spring. Artists wrote pictures about spring (demonstration of the 6th slide).
Educator: Today we saw spring in different ways: through the eyes of an artist, through the eyes of a composer, through the eyes of a poet, and each spring was beautiful in its own way...
And by what signs do we know about the coming of spring? (children's answers) Now I'll tell you some riddles for you guys. They are also about signs of spring.
Spring sings, drops ring,
The sparrow cleaned its wings.
He shouts to the starling:
- Don't be shy! Go swimming
Here... (Stream)
Well done! Here's another riddle:
Finally the river woke up
turned from side to side -
The ice crackled, breaking -
So, soon... (Ice drift)
I kept getting thinner and thinner,
Are you really sick?
The sun is shining gently,
A tear flows from her. (Icicle)
Educator: Guys, we have been walking in the forest for a long time. What do you think, have we coped with Spring’s task? (Children's answers)
Then our journey into the spring forest came to an end. Let's go back to our favorite kindergarten. And our path will lead us there. (Let’s hold hands together, we’ll walk along the path (they walk through the group like a snake). (Demonstration of the 7th slide)
Educator: So we found ourselves back in kindergarten. Did you enjoy traveling?
(children's answers).
Educator: Let's remember what we saw on our journey (children's answers)
Educator: I suggest playing the game “Assemble a spring meadow” (children need to use color images to create a spring meadow according to their own ideas or according to the plot given by the teacher).
Educator: We have a picture. What genre of art does it belong to?
Children: Scenery.
Educator: How did you guess that this is a landscape?
Children: The painting depicts nature.
Educator: Do you want to draw such a landscape? Then take your seats at the tables. And we will draw our landscape using the poking method. The main rule: the brush must be held vertically, the gouache must be thick. We don’t use too much paint on the brush; after each wash, the brush should be wiped thoroughly.. And with a thin brush we will complement our spring landscape. Let's try to start...
- We have the background ready, we prepared it in the last lesson. In order to draw a fairy meadow we need different colors and shades.
- Where do we mix paints? (on palette)
- Paint should only be taken with a clean brush, in small portions and mixed on the palette.
- Take water into the palette with a brush and add white paint. Dip a dry, hard brush into white paint and print clouds on the sheet as you like.
- Next, we also draw the grass with pokes. But the grass is not the same everywhere, some are lighter, some are darker. The crown of trees is also not the same everywhere, where it is lighter, where it is darker. Draw the trunk with a brush.
Educator: Before you get to work, I suggest stretching our fingers.
Physical education minute.
I will build a house for Spring, (fold your hands like a house and raise them above your head)
So that there is a window in it, (join the fingers of both hands into a circle)
So that the house has a door, (We connect the palms of our hands together vertically) So that a pine tree grows nearby. (We raise one hand up and “spread” our fingers)
So that there is a fence around, The dog guards the gate, (We join our hands in a lock and make a circle in front of us)
It was sunny, it was raining, (First, we raise our hands up, our fingers are spread out. Then we lower our fingers down, making “shaking” movements)
And the tulip bloomed in the garden! (put your palms together and slowly open your fingers - “tulip bud”)
Independent artistic activity children.
At the stage of practical work, it is important for the teacher to pay attention to the children’s posture, correct seating at the table, ability to hold a brush, elements of accuracy and attentiveness.
Lesson summary:
Educator: Remember what drawing technique we used? (children's answers). In what genre are our paintings made?
Children: Scenery.
Educator: How well you all worked today and you turned out wonderful spring pictures that will decorate our group, and we will always be in a spring mood.

List of used literature
1) Kovalko V.I. ABC of physical education minutes for preschoolers: Secondary, senior, preparatory group– Moscow: VAKO, 2011.
2) A. Volobuev “500 riddles and poems about animals for children” – Sfera, 2014. – 96 p. ISBN: 978-5-99490-2615
3) Hello, finger! How are you living? : card index of thematic finger games/ comp. L.M. Kalmykova. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2015. – 247 p. ISBN 978-5-7057-3585-3
4) Physical education minutes in verse
5) Exercises, physical education minutes
6) 1000 riddles about nature, man and much more. For children and not only - part 2.
7) for preschoolers about painting.

Municipal preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten of a combined type No. 23 Alyonushka” Balakhonovskoye village

Synopsis of direct educational activities in high school speech therapy group By educational field“Artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing"

on the theme “Spring landscape”

Educator: Lyashova N.M.



« Artistic creativity" - develop artistic perception landscape paintings, color combinations spring nature; continue to develop the ability to depict different trees; strengthen children’s watercolor painting skills and their ability to use a brush; develop the ability to come up with a plot for an image.

“Communication” - develop coherent speech, the ability to maintain a conversation; encourage children to express their point of view; activate children's vocabulary (names of the colors of the spectrum).

“Cognition” - continue to expand children’s understanding of the diversity of the world around them; develop the ability to distinguish the main colors of the spectrum and the ability to differentiate them; expand children's knowledge about spring changes in nature.

"Reading fiction“- continue to develop the ability to listen to poems carefully and with interest; cultivate sensitivity to artistic expression.

“Health” - watch your posture and motor activity children.

“Socialization” - develop children’s ability to divide into teams to solve didactic problems; strengthen the ability to follow the rules of the game.

“Music” - to develop the ability to listen (sounds of the spring forest).

Materials and equipment: photographs of spring landscapes, audio recording “sounds of the spring forest”, envelopes with arcs made of colored cardboard, images of the Snowman and the Sun, color cards of cold and warm shades, sheets of white paper (landscape sheet), brushes, watercolor paints, glasses of water, napkins.

Educator: - Today I will tell you a story that happened to a little girl Masha from our kindergarten. Mom read it to her interesting book"Spring Forest". Masha wanted to see what this amazing forest looks like, but, unfortunately, there were no illustrations in the book. She turned to me for help. Children, let's draw spring landscapes that will become illustrations for a book and show what the forest looks like in spring. In order to draw a spring landscape, we need to visit the forest. Before you get there, I suggest you solve the riddle about the “four artists”:

Four artists

So many paintings.

Painted it with white paint

All in a row one.

The forest and field are white,

White meadows.

Near the snow-covered aspens

Branches like horns.

The second one is blue

Sky and streams

Splashing in blue puddles

A flock of sparrows.

Transparent in the snow

Ice floes - lace,

The first thawed patches,

First grass...

In the picture of the third

There are so many colors to count:

Yellow, green,

There is a blue one...

Forest and field in greenery,

Blue River,

White fluffy

There are clouds in the sky.

And the fourth is gold

Painted the gardens

The fields are productive,

Ripe fruits...

There are beads everywhere - berries

Ripening through the forests

Who are those artists?

Guess for yourself!

(E. Trutneva)

Children:- Seasons: summer, autumn, winter, spring.

Educator:- Yes, the seasons are the “artists” of our nature and the world around us. What artist is painting outside the window now?

Children:- Spring.

Educator:- That’s right, spring controls the colors and works wonders, creates “ spring fairy tale" Now we will find ourselves in the spring forest and admire its beauty...

(slide – show “Photos of spring landscapes”,

accompanied by the sounds of the spring forest)

Educator:- What happens in nature in spring?

Children:- The sun is shining brighter, it is getting warmer, the snow is melting, thawed patches are appearing, the first flowers are appearing, birds are flying in...

Educator:- Name the paints that the artist Vesna uses.

Children:- blue, green, yellow, purple, red...

Educator:- Can we say that the colors of Spring are similar to the colors of the rainbow? Let's look at the picture, try to remember and name the order in which the colors of the rainbow are located. Now take the envelope, take out the colored arcs and fold each one into its own rainbow.

(The game “Collect the Rainbow” is played, children check each other)

Educator:- How did the rainbow turn out?

Children:- The colors are terribly tired today

They painted a rainbow in the sky.

We worked for a long time on the rainbow of colors

The rainbow came out as beautiful as in a fairy tale.

All colorful - what a beauty!

Just admire the colors!


A red radish grew in the garden bed, next to it were tomatoes - red kids.

There are red tulips on the window, red banners outside the window are burning.


The orange fox dreams of carrots all night -

It looks like a fox's tail: orange too.


The yellow sun looks at the earth, the yellow sunflower watches the sun.

Yellow pears hang on the branches, yellow leaves fly from the trees.


Ours is growing green onions and green cucumbers, and outside the window there is a green meadow

And the houses are whitewashed. Every house has a green roof,

And lives in it cheerful gnome in new green trousers made from maple leaves.


My doll has blue eyes, and the sky above us is still bluer.

It is blue, like a thousand eyes. We look at the sky, and the sky looks at us.


There is an island in the blue sea, the path to the island is long.

And on it grows a flower - a blue, blue cornflower.


The purple violet is tired of living in the forest.

I'll pick it and bring it to my mom on her birthday.

She will live with purple lilacs -

On the table in beautiful vase near the window.

Educator:- In spring we say goodbye to snow and cold and welcome warmth and sun. You know that colors can be cold and warm. Now we will select colors for the Snowman and the Sun. What colors does the Snowman like? And Sunny?

(The didactic game “Favorite colors of the Snowman and the Sun” is taking place)

Educator:- Why did you still have white and black?

Children:- These colors are neutral.

Educator:- I saw green colors in the Snowman and the Sun. Why?

Children: - Green It can be both cold and warm.

Educator:- Children, look carefully, what is the picture of Spring?

Children:- The picture turned out to be multi-colored.

Educator:- Guys, now we know exactly what nature looks like in spring, a spring forest and what colors Spring uses and we will be able to paint our own landscapes. Now close your eyes and imagine the landscape you want to draw. What kind of trees grow there? How are they located? How bright is the sun? Are there flowers in thawed patches? What are they? Maybe the birds have already arrived? Introduced? Then draw what you have in mind and we will collect your drawings in the album “Spring Forest” and show it to the girl Masha.

(While the children are working, the teacher quietly approaches each child and helps with questions, explanations and clarifications)

Educator:- Our drawings are ready. What did we draw today? What was difficult for you to accomplish? Do you think our girl will understand what a spring forest looks like? Why?

(Finished works collected in the album "Spring Forest")