Sponge painting with children. Original drawing techniques for children. Hand and foot prints


Monotype is a print with paints: applying spots of paint (with or without water) on a sheet of paper, placing another one on top Blank sheet, press and smooth. It turns out two sheets with an unusual spotted pattern. It can be used either as a background for a future drawing, or it can be modified, adding details, turning a shapeless spot into a full-fledged drawing.

If you take not two sheets, but one folded in half, the paint will print almost like a mirror image. In this version, the techniques work out very well watercolor landscapes: the clearer half is, say, a forest, and the blurrier half is the reflection of the forest in some body of water. All that remains is to finalize the details.

Watercolor and drawing ink

Since watercolor and ink are transparent, fluid paints that require a lot of water, monotype using them can be done in two ways. First, you can moisten a sheet of paper with water, and then apply paint with a wide brush or drops. Secondly, you can apply paint to a dry sheet and then dilute it with drops of water. The results in both cases will be noticeably different.

Don't use too much paint and not enough water - the prints will be too bright. If, on the contrary, it is necessary to get rid of excess liquid, blot the sheet with a crumpled paper napkin or sprinkle coarse salt on the paper. This will also create unusual textures. After the paint has dried, you can simply shake off the salt.

Acrylic and gouache

These paints, unlike watercolors and inks, are dense and opaque. The prints are also different: they are textured and textured (especially when using acrylic). By the way, absolutely any acrylic is suitable for monotype. If you use thick, undiluted paint, when you remove the second sheet (if you remove without moving) you will get beautiful tree-like or coral-like structures. If you move or rotate it slightly when removing the top sheet, you will get a beautiful and textured smearing effect.

Aging paper with lemon and milk

This is a "pre-drawing" technique used to give paper the appearance of an old yellowed page. Place drops on a blank sheet of paper lemon juice, some can be smudged. Lime juice will also work. When the juice dries, iron the sheet with an iron. The lemon juice will darken, creating an aging effect. In addition, the sheet will also wrinkle slightly, which will give it an even greater resemblance to old paper.

Instead of lemon juice, you can use full-fat milk or cream. This method dates back to ancient times when milk was used as invisible ink. Apply milk with a brush to a piece of paper and let dry. Then iron the sheet or heat it in another way. The milk will turn brown and tint the leaf in an antiqued manner.

Washing off black mascara

Another way to tint paper in an original way (attention, the process is very messy). You will need sheets of paper, white gouache, drawing ink, and a large brush. The paper must be very thick so that it does not tear when washed. We paint over the central part of the sheet with white gouache (you don’t have to try to make the outline even, chaotic strokes will do). We wait until the paint dries. Now carefully paint over the entire sheet with black ink. Let it dry again.

Now we take the dried sheet and go to the bathroom. Gently wash off the mascara from the sheet under running water (you can lightly rub it with your hands). Wash the middle part of the sheet (the mascara on top of the gouache should wash off easily). And the edges of the sheet, since the ink has been absorbed into the paper, will remain black. Place the washed sheet on a stack of newspapers and leave to dry. While you wait, wash the bathtub, otherwise the mascara will become very stubborn.

Drawing with shaving foam and ink

You can get very beautiful stains this way. You need shaving foam or gel and colored mascara. Squeeze the foam onto a plastic palette (if it’s a gel, add a little water to it and beat it with a brush), spread it in an even layer over the palette and add a few drops of drawing ink. Using the handle of the brush, make streaks of mascara on the foam. Now place a sheet of paper on top, press lightly, remove. Remove any remaining foam with paper napkins.

Drawing with threads

A very unconventional way of drawing that gives amazing results. You will need paper, ink and thick knitting threads. Dip a piece of thread in ink and lay it out beautifully on a sheet of paper (but the tip of the thread should extend beyond the edge). Cover with another sheet of paper, place a book on top and press down lightly with your hand. Now slowly pull the thread out. When you remove the book and separate the pages, you will see that both sheets of paper are covered with a beautiful intricate design. The pattern can be further developed into a full-fledged drawing.

Blot spots

Such ink stains can become a preparation for a full-fledged work: they can be a background, or they can be the basis of a drawing, which needs to be supplemented with details. Apply a few drops of colored ink to a dry sheet of paper (if you want a lot, it’s better not to apply them all at once). Take a cocktail straw and inflate the drop. You can simply blow, trying to stretch the blot as far as possible, or you can try to give the spot some shape so that you can then use it to create a drawing.

"Crumpled" drawing

Interesting effect gives paint on crumpled paper. You will need paper wax crayons and gouache (watercolor). Using crayons, draw the desired object (outline) on the sheet, and also fill in the space around the object with crayons. Now the sheet must be carefully crumpled, then straightened. We paint over it with gouache, and then, using a sponge and water, quickly wash off the paint. The paint should only remain in the folds of the paper in the unpainted area.

Technology in action

You can paint with a regular toothbrush. Or you can draw with an electric one. A massage brush will also work. The result is unusual concentric patterns that can be used as a background for a drawing (especially if you take more than one color). The required paint is gouache or acrylic.


With the help of various stamps (which, by the way, can be almost all small and not very small objects), you can create an interesting background for drawings, the drawings themselves, and even decorate clothes and interiors. You can use both improvised objects with an interesting texture and stamps you made yourself: cut them out of an eraser or from a potato (at a time). Then all you have to do is dip the stamp in paint and start creating.


There are two ways to spray paint on a sheet. The first is stencil spraying, when an object is placed on a sheet of paper and its outline is imprinted with splashes. The second is targeted spraying, with different intensities, paint concentrations, and droplet sizes. This way you can create entire drawings that are quite presentable and not “childish”.

Point technique

Similar to stamping. In addition to the fact that the technique gives a rather unusual result, it is also a great way to relieve your stress. You will need cotton swabs, sheets of paper, and paint of your choice. Dip cotton swab paint and start rhythmic movements put a drawing on paper. It is very interesting to try to mix colors and shades in this technique.

Drawing with foam rubber

A textured background or “fluffiness” in a drawing can be created using an ordinary sponge. You can try this technique with soft foil or a thin cellophane bag: dip a small piece of sponge (if the foil or bag is a small lump) into the paint and dip it over the surface of the sheet.

"Combing the Paint"

To create texture, try running a scalloped comb or a regular fork over the still-wet paint. The lines can be made both straight and wavy. Just be careful not to overdo it to avoid damaging the paper.


This is also scratching with a sharp object, only here it is not the texture that is created, but the pattern itself. Rub a thick sheet of paper with a candle, apply mascara or gouache on top of the wax layer (so that it completely covers the sheet, without gaps). You need to add a few drops of liquid soap to the mascara, so it will fit better. When the paint dries, take a sharp object and scratch the design.

Drawing using cling film

Apply large spots of paint onto a sheet of paper and cover it on top. cling film. But you don’t need to smooth it out; on the contrary, slightly scrunch it up. When the paint is completely dry, remove the film. Thin lines and bubbles will remain on the sheet, which cover the sheet like a cobweb.

Believe me, these are not all the methods, methods and techniques of drawing that you can try if you want something unusual in your creativity. In the end, no one is stopping you from using your imagination and trying to come up with something new!

Unconventional sponge painting

What will we draw? A duck floating on the water. In drawing we will use unconventional technology drawing. It's very interesting to use children's creativity the most unusual items. Today we have a regular sponge for washing dishes.

Painting "Duck"

What do we need for the picture?

  • paper

  • duck stencil

  • paints

  • tassels

  • sponge for washing dishes

First we decided to draw a pond. In this work, I tried to give my son space. This is how he used a brush with blue paint:

The remaining space was painted over with green paint. This is a reed by the pond.

And when the paint dried, the fun part came.

On the Internet, I downloaded a coloring book with a picture of a duck. I cut it out and we have a ready-to-use template. We have placed a template on our drawing.

Arseny “armed himself” with a dishwashing sponge and, applying yellow paint to it, painted the entire space inside the template with it.

This is the duck we got:

Holding my son’s hand, together we drew a wing, a beak and an eye. That's it, the picture is ready :)

Unconventional sponge painting technique all children like it. After all, with its help you can give an object a special texture. In addition, she paints large spaces quite quickly (this is if the kids are fidgety and want to do everything as quickly as possible :))

My kids were delighted with how, using a dish sponge, you could literally draw... a rainbow with one movement! To be honest, this process fascinated me too.

How to draw a rainbow

To draw a rainbow we need very little:

  • new dish sponge

  • paint of seven colors of the rainbow

  • tassel

  • paper

Using a brush, apply stripes of all the colors of the rainbow onto a clean dishwashing sponge. Be sure to keep order! Children always enjoy a well-known phrase that helps them learn the order of colors in the rainbow:

Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Goes!

And let's move on to the most interesting part. Applying the sponge to the edge of a sheet of paper, you need to, without lifting the sponge, draw a semicircle, forming a rainbow arc.

The result is a magnificent bright rainbow. The color transitions are smooth and harmonious. The main thing is not to forget that the bottom color of the rainbow is red! This is the rainbow Alyosha created:

And this one is with Arseny and I :)

How do you feel about unconventional technology sponge painting for dish washing? Have you drawn like this? Share your impressions in the comments!

How to draw?

Together with the children, we cut the fellings: we got different sizes and shapes. The older child even cut out some letters!

I suggested the children try different techniques drawing:

Dip sponges into paint and paint with them, pressing them to the paper like a brush;

Absorb as much paint as possible with a sponge, and then “stamp” figures on a piece of paper with it;

Pour some paint onto the paper and smear it with sponges;

Draw not only on paper, but also on your own body;

Combine different techniques - for example, apply different “stamps” with sponges, and finish the rest with brushes or fingers.

Benefits of sponge painting:

Self-expression and development of creative abilities;

Development of eye-hand coordination;

Development of fine motor skills;

Encouragement for experimentation and out-of-the-box thinking;

Development of taste and sense of color;

Teaching shapes, colors, letters, etc.

Helpful advice:

To make cleaning up after this activity easier, I recommend giving each child a rag to wipe their hands on as needed. I also advise you to cover the area (table or floor) on which the children will draw with an oilcloth tablecloth or newspapers, and either undress the children as much as possible or put special robes on them.


You will need:
sponge, colored cardboard, gouache or acrylic paint

DO NOT WET THE SPONGE! Everything is done without water!

1. Cut the sponge so that you get several shapes: a circle or oval, rectangles of similar size and small triangles.

2. Draw a large oval on the base paper, then dip a round sponge in white paint and, pressing the sponge onto the paper, draw the body. Do not press the sponge too hard along the edges of the oval - then the bear’s skin will turn out fluffy.
3. Dip the base of the small triangles into black paint and make clear prints depicting the ears and spots around the eyes.
4. Using rectangular pieces of sponge and black paint, create four paws.
5. Apply paint to the tip of a triangular sponge and create claws.

6. Use a thin brush to paint white eye, the black pupil can be depicted using a toothpick.
7. Cut out a small oval or circle from black paper and glue the resulting nose in place.

You can also draw using this technique:

Non-traditional drawing techniques for preschoolers. Drawing from a stencil.

Master class on drawing “These are the kind of chickens we have!”

Author of the work:
This material will be useful for preschool teachers in work on visual arts with children aged 2-4 years, for parents.

Goal and tasks: introduce children to an unconventional drawing technique - stencil printing using foam rubber; develop artistic and creative abilities; evoke an emotional response to new way drawing.
Materials and tools:
- album sheet

- foam rubber (sponge)
- gouache ( yellow)
- brushes for painting
- watercolor
- water jar
- cloth for brush
- wet wipes for hands

To develop the imagination and artistic and creative abilities of children preschool age it is necessary to introduce children to a variety of visual materials and funds as early as possible. A foam sponge is an excellent tool for children's drawing. Drawing with foam rubber is accessible to kids, as it allows you to quickly get an expressive image. Imprinting with a sponge makes it possible to obtain unusual images: various furry animals, toys, birds and more. Important condition: do not soak the sponge in water.

Progress of the master class:

1. First, prepare a stencil from a sheet of cardboard: cut out two circles (the large one is the body of a chicken (sparrow), the smaller one is the head)). The color of the cardboard must be chosen in a contrasting color to the future image (the sparrow is brown, the cardboard for the template is yellow, green; the chicken is yellow, the cardboard for the template is blue...). We do this so that when applying a stencil to a landscape sheet, the child can clearly see where to apply the paint. If we place the template as in the photo, it will turn out that the chicken (sparrow) is looking for grains or a worm.

2. If we put the template like this, then... our bird is looking up, or has seen someone...

3. Place the template on a sheet of paper and secure it with paper clips so that the template does not move while working. Use dry foam rubber to scoop up the gouache and paint the circles with rhythmic movements.

4. Carefully remove the stencil.

5. Draw the details (beak, legs - draw with a brush, technique - dipping; eyes, grains - draw with your finger), using watercolor paints.

6. The background of our drawing is grass, we paint with a brush, the technique is dipping. Our chicken is ready!!!

Let's do the same job "Happy Sparrow"

Master class on drawing “Cheerful Sparrow”.

Author of the work: Shakleina Irina Yurievna, teacher of the Central Regional Educational Institution, kindergarten No. 110 Kaliningrad region city ​​of Kaliningrad.
Materials and tools:
- album sheet
- stencil of the torso and head (two circles)
- large paper clips
- foam rubber (sponge)
- gouache ( Brown color)
- brushes for painting
- watercolor
- water jar
- cloth for brush
- wet wipes for hands
1. Place the stencil on a sheet of paper and secure it with paper clips so that the template does not move while working.

2. Use dry foam rubber to scoop up the gouache and paint the circles with rhythmic movements.

3. Carefully remove the stencil.

4. Apply brown paint to the Palm with a brush and make an imprint on a large circle (these are wings). Use your middle and index fingers to draw a tail.

5. Draw the details (beak, eyes, paws, grains, worm) with a brush or fingers using watercolor paints.

6. The background of our work is grass, the technique is brushing, the sky. Our sparrow is ready!!!
Sparrow jumps from a birch tree onto the path,
No more frost! CHICK - CHIRK!
Here's a fast stream babbling in a ditch,
And your paws don't get cold! JUMP, JUMP, JUMP!
The ravines dry up, jump, jump, jump!
Bugs will come out - CHICK - THIRIK!