Giraffe drawing. Detailed instructions: How to draw a giraffe. Initial outlines of a giraffe


Lyudmila Nemtsova
GCD for drawing “Giraffe”

" Drawing animals of hot countries. Giraffe. "


Teach children draw a giraffe using simple geometric shapes. Improve technical skills drawing using familiar image techniques, paint in a certain sequence.

Develop aesthetic perception, color perception, and the ability to convey the characteristics of animals in work.

Promote the manifestation of creative initiative, individuality, originality in the choice of plot.

Develop imagination.

Develop visual, imaginative and logical thinking.


multimedia equipment, circuits giraffe drawing.


A green sheet of paper, two types of brushes, watercolor paints, containers with water, wet wipes, rags.

Preliminary work:

Conversation about animals of hot countries. Learning riddles. Examination of reproductions and photographs of African landscapes. Getting to know appearance exotic animals (photos, illustrations, visual teaching aids, atlases, encyclopedias, etc.).

Progress of educational activities:

Screensaver. Music is playing.

Educator: Today, children, we will go to Africa. (slide 2) This is an amazing continent where it is always sunny and warm (slide 3) and it doesn't happen cold winter and snow. But before we go there, we need to remember what animals live in Africa. Who you can get to know closely, who you should be careful with, and who you need to be wary of and avoid.

Quietly swam to the shore,

He hid and froze.

Whoever falls into the mouth

Will swallow it instantly...


He is proud of his mane,

No one is afraid here.

It is not in vain that he is the king of beasts,

Approaching him is dangerous.


When he is in a cage, he is pleasant,

There are many black spots on the skin.

He beast of prey, although a little,

Like a lion and a tiger, similar to a cat.


Gets you with the top of your head

At the trees to the top,

Neck like a tall wardrobe

Kind, in spots...


Who alone has a horn?

Guess it!


A desert ship sails on the sand,

There is a bottle of water in each hump.

They serve him thorns for lunch,

Carrying goods in caravans...


The well-known slug,

She's running errands,

Hiding in a shell from fear

Long-lived (Turtle)

He loves among the savannah

Take baths in lakes.

only the nostrils are visible

Above the water, outside.

The beast is big, but harmless,

Very clumsy.


Hose-nosed giant

It washes like in the shower.

This resident of hot countries

The largest on land.


I'm a horse, but not the one

What runs in a harness.

I'm from nose to tail

In a fur vest.


Whose antics are effortless

Is the child repeating?

Who lives among the vines?

A pack of wild ones.


Educator: That's how many animals we saw!

During our trip, we met one amazing animal that cannot be confused with anyone else. Now I’ll check how attentive you were and whether you can name him.

He is gigantic in height

Not in the desert, not in the mountains

Along the African savannah

Walks slowly. (Giraffe) Slide 15

Children. Giraffe.

Educator: Well done, you guessed right. Today we will study draw a giraffe.

Of course you know that giraffe the tallest animal on Earth. He has a very long neck and high legs. Why do you think nature awarded such a giraffe long neck ?

Children: Reach the tallest plants.

Educator: Long neck helps giraffe reach tall plants (slide16)- acacias, from which he picks branches with his long tongue (slide 17). His height and good eyesight also help him spot a predator in time - from such a height he can see everything perfectly!

Spotted (slide 18) coloring helps it camouflage in the shade of trees. And on their own long legs giraffe easily escapes from predators (slide 19)

Educator: A long neck crowned by a small head (slide 20) which has horns covered with leather, as well as big ears. Strong legs with (slide 21) hooves at the ends help giraffe protect yourself from predators and run fast. The front legs are longer and thinner, while the hind legs are shorter than the front legs. Skin giraffe sandy orange color with brown spots all over the body.

Educator: (slide 22) Look carefully at the next slide. Stages ahead of you giraffe drawing. With the help of which geometric shapes Can draw the body and head of a giraffe?

Children: Ovalov

Educator: Correct in the second stage draw out the muzzle, ears, horns, eyes, mouth. Add a tail, draw legs. We add mane, spots, hooves, pay attention to the spots on the skin giraffe on my feet small size. (slides 23,24,25.26) I want to show you what kind of work other children did. I think that our work will be interesting too.

Educator: Guys, come to my table, stand in a semicircle one step away from me. For that, draw a giraffe, we will need green leaf paper, paint, brushes,

At the beginning drawing we always choose correct location leaf. What do you guys think is the best way to lay the sheet - vertically or horizontally?

Children: vertical

Educator: Why?

Children: Giraffe tall.

Educator: That's right, guys, because giraffe the tallest animal on earth. Giraffe It can grow up to 6 meters in height and half of this height is due to its long, very long neck. We begin to graphically depict giraffe, take a thin brush and orange paint.

1 found the middle of the sheet, drew an oval - body

2 from the oval up, draw two parallel lines - the neck

3 drew smaller oval - head

4 from the large oval down drew four broken lines - legs

Educator: Now let's begin transformations: on the head we draw ears and horns. We round off the transitions from the neck to the body, draw a thin tail at the end with a brush, draw legs and hooves. Coloring giraffe with orange paint. Then take a thicker brush and brown paint make spots on the body giraffe. We draw plants, here is a manifestation of your imagination.

Educator: Take your seats. (Recording sounds “Sounds of living nature. African savanna." children work independently)

.Educator: And now I suggest you take a little rest while your work is drying. Let's play together?

Physical education minute

Children stand in a circle. The teacher turns on the musical accompaniment.

U giraffes - spots

U giraffes - spots, spots, spots, spots everywhere.

(Pat themselves).

(Show body parts).

Elephants have folds, folds, folds, folds everywhere,

(Pinch themselves).

On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,

There are on the nose, bellies, knees and socks.

(Show body parts).

Kittens have fur, fur, fur, fur everywhere.

(Make shaking movements).

On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,

There are on the nose, bellies, knees and socks.

(Show body parts).

And the zebra has stripes, there are stripes everywhere,

And the zebra has stripes, there are stripes everywhere.

(Show stripes).

On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,

There are on the nose, bellies, knees and socks.

Educator: Let us once again remember the animals of Africa

Didactic game "Add a word".

(The teacher calls the definition, the children guess what kind of animal it is).

Teacher: Agile, long-tailed animals jump on the palm trees...

Children of the Monkey.

Teacher: You can find large pachyderms...

Children: Behemoths.

Teacher: Strong maned...

Children: Lions.

Teacher: Shy, fast, striped...

Children: Zebras.

Teacher: Spotted, long-necked...

Children: Giraffes.

Teacher: Green, toothy, dangerous for everyone...

Children: Crocodiles.

Teacher: Hardy two-humped...

Children: Camels.

Teacher: Slow, short-legged ones are found in Africa...

Children: Turtles.

Teacher: And also huge, strong...

Children: Elephants.

Educator: Well done, children, let’s take our seats and finish the work. (independent work children, teacher help)

Educator: Well, here we are giraffes are ready. And it seems to me that they really want to make friends. Guys, let's gather our giraffes all together here in this wonderful clearing. (exhibition design on two tables)

Educator: Let's quickly get to know our giraffes. Tell us about your drawings.

(The children take turns talking about their giraffe.)

Educator: Guys, I really liked all the drawings. Well done!

The lesson is over. We are removing jobs.

Drawing a giraffe step by step for preschoolers

“Drawing a giraffe” Master class with step-by-step photos.

Using paper tones in drawing.

Sidorova Zoya Grigorievna, teacher at MBDOU " Kindergarten combined type No. 8 "Stork" Michurinsk
Description: this master class intended for children from 6 years old, educators, teachers additional education, loving parents and creative people.
Purpose: for decorating a room, a gift, can serve as work for an exhibition, competition.
Target: execution of the drawing in mixed media drawing.
1. Introduce techniques for using paper tones in drawing.
2. Learn to depict a savanna landscape, a giraffe in gouache on a sheet of colored paper, using different techniques drawing: creating a sketch with a simple pencil, stamp, poke, paint with brush tip.
3. Develop the ability to mix paints on a sheet of paper or on a palette.
4. To develop the ability to notice and reflect the beauty of nature in a drawing.

Dear colleagues, today I would like to present a master class on drawing on colored cardboard. This type of drawing allows you not to color or draw the entire sheet, leaving and using a tone of paper that complements the main idea. Today, to draw the savannah, I took orange cardboard, which matches the tone of the intended landscape.

He is a spotted giant -
The neck is long, like a faucet:
There's a "count" walking around the safari
And his name is ( giraffe)

Walking in hot Africa,
The long neck surprises
It's tall, like a closet,
Yellow, with spots... (giraffe)
The longest necks in the world...
The giraffe is the tallest animal on earth, its height reaches 4.5-5 meters and its weight is about half a ton. This is a very elegant and beautiful animal with graceful movements and, by the way, is a good runner (it reaches a speed of 50 km/h). Giraffes live in African savannas and feed on leaves and young branches; the animal's daily diet is about 100 kg of greenery.
Dark and light spots scattered on the giraffe’s body make it difficult to catch the characteristic outlines of the animal against the background of foliage; thanks to this coloration feature, giraffes have a remarkable ability to suddenly appear and disappear.
The long neck, so convenient for obtaining food, causes the animals a lot of trouble at the watering place: they have to spread their legs wide and reach for the water. This position makes them vulnerable, and it is no coincidence that predators lie in wait for giraffes at the watering hole. Giraffes often come to water in pairs, and they take turns keeping watch: one looks around while the other drinks.

Giraffes defend themselves from lions and leopards with kicks, the strength of which allows them to pierce the animal’s skull. That's why the giraffe never kicks the giraffe. In general, these animals have a peaceful character; quarrels and conflicts in the herd are rare. The female's pregnancy lasts more than 14 months, the cub is born almost two meters tall and after a few days is ready to follow the mother. The first weeks of life are dangerous for young animals, of which approximately one in three dies from the teeth of predators. Adult giraffes usually live to be 20-30 years old.

Let's get to work. For the drawing we will need: orange cardboard; gouache, two brushes: pony or squirrel No. 1 and No. 2; double sippy cup for water, a simple pencil, a palette.

Using a simple pencil, draw a horizon line in the middle of the sheet

Use pink and white gouache to shade the sky near the horizon (mix the colors on the palette)

Drawing the sultry sun of the savannah: white circle, around it there are white semi-arcs

Use brown and white gouache to draw irregularities on the soil surface (dilute the gouache with water on the palette so that it is not thick)

Along the horizon line we draw the mountains in blue, purple

Drawing a giraffe
We draw with a simple pencil a diagram of the torso, neck, head (large oval, small oval, line connecting these ovals)

Using the diagram we draw the giraffe’s neck

We denote large joints in circles and draw lines from them to the legs.

According to the diagram, we draw the legs of the animal, partially outlining the auxiliary circles

Using an eraser to remove auxiliary lines

Draw the head. Make the muzzle sharper, draw horns and ears

Draw the mane along the neck, long tail with tassel

Paint the silhouette of a giraffe with yellow gouache

Let's liven up the sun a little yellow

Based on the yellow background of the giraffe’s silhouette, we begin to draw the spotted color of the animal, which resembles quadrangles. We leave a yellow gap between them.

Towards the stomach, the spots become smaller and disappear completely (there are no spots on the stomach and legs from the knee)

We paint the mane, hooves, tip of the tail, eye with black, and draw some other things. thin lines, brush tip

Drawing trees
We need to explain to children that in Africa the trees are different, the branches grow more to the sides. The crown is not dense, almost transparent.
Using black gouache we draw a small tree almost on the horizon. It is small because it is located far away.

Using the same black gouache we draw the trunk of the second tree. It is larger because it is closer to us

Draw small branches with the tip of the brush

Drawing grass and leaves
To draw grass using the printing technique, we will use a small piece of cardboard (2 cm wide) and brown gouache poured into a gouache lid (can be spread on a palette)

To draw grass, dip the end of a cardboard rectangle in gouache and apply it to the sheet

Add green paint

Using the same piece of cardboard and green gouache, we draw leaves in the tree crowns, placing the cardboard parallel to the bottom edge of the sheet

The drawing is ready

Can be framed

Good afternoon, in today's lesson we will learn how to draw a giraffe. The giraffe is the tallest animal on our earth; male giraffes reach a height of up to 6 meters. Giraffes have a very long neck, which helps them survive in the savannah with its sparse grass cover, therefore, thanks to such a neck, giraffes can easily reach foliage from tall trees.

Our giraffe has already eaten and is lying resting in tall grass. Only his long neck is visible from the grass. In our today's lesson, we will talk not only about the stages of drawing this beautiful animal, but also dwell in detail on the structure individual parts muzzle, eyes, mouth, ears. We'll tell you how to draw hooves. Let's get started.

Step 1
Giraffes are similar to camels and cows. They have similar foreheads, eyes and ears. The giraffe's head is square in front view and triangular in profile.

Step 2
The giraffe's tongue is long and dark in color, and the lips are folded into the mouth and partially cover the teeth.

Step 3
Large and dark eyes and long eyelashes.

Step 4
The giraffe's ears stick out, pointed at the ends, and look a bit like the shape of a spoon.

Step 5
From above, a giraffe's hooves look like a cow's, but if we look from the underside, we see that they are flattened.

Step 6
Let's start drawing our giraffe. Let's draw an oblong shape for the body, and for the head let's draw a shape similar to the head of a bird. Let's draw guide lines for the nose and eyes, as well as a neck line.

Step 7
Let's move on to the details. Let's start with the head. Let's draw the contours of the muzzle, eyebrows and horns.

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Step 9
Let's draw the lines of the neck, turning into the lines of the chest and back.

Step 10
Now let's add the front legs.

Step 11
Let's work on the back and hind legs.

Step 12
Now let's add the tail.

Step 13
Let's draw spots on the giraffe's body similar to the pattern of a stone wall.

Step 14
Let's erase the auxiliary lines and our giraffe is ready.

Now you can decorate our giraffe, or rather yours. We hope you enjoyed our lesson. , if yes, then you can be the first to know about our lessons by subscribing to the newsletter. We publish new lessons on our website every week. We still have a lot of interesting things, you will definitely like it! Good luck!

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Article from the series "Drawing animals of Africa."

Recently we drew a brachiosaurus, and today we’ll draw a giraffe. We mentioned the Brachiosaurus only by external analogy: both of these creatures have much in common in appearance and (possibly) in their way of life. Both Brachiosaurus and Giraffe are famous ( okay, brachiosaurus was famous while it lived) herbivorous diet and a long neck with which you can reach and pluck leaves from the tops of trees. Let's remember what a giraffe looks like: we know its appearance from photographs, drawings; someone may have been to the zoo.

The main features: a very long, powerful neck, a short powerful body with a clear predominance of the front part, shoulders pushed FORWARD (this is very important), long slightly X-shaped legs, and the front legs are noticeably longer than the back ones. The spotted coloring and characteristic horns of a giraffe are far from the most important thing; don’t delude yourself on this score. We’ve talked about appearance, let’s move on to the first lesson - how to draw a giraffe.

Of course, we will place the sheet of paper vertically.

The giraffe stands straight and looks into the distance, legs slightly apart for balance. By the way, they say that giraffes amble - this is rare in nature.

Let's outline the short body, powerful neck and position of the legs. By the way, the animal’s head is quite large and elongated. The legs end in paired hooves.

Now we begin to “design” the beast: let’s clarify the contours of the body and legs. Please note that the back pair of legs in no way grows from the stomach, on the contrary, they are significantly removed from the body, in some ways it even looks ridiculous, but such is nature! Therefore, portray it as it is. The animal’s back also doesn’t look like a straight line, but it doesn’t flow smoothly into the neck either: in living nature there are generally few strictly geometric shapes. The joints on the legs are clearly visible. The hooves are large, and DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF THEM, the legs again widen (as a person's wrist is slightly wider than the part of the forearm that precedes it). The neck is slightly arched, which, to a certain extent, gives this herbivore a rather proud appearance. Let us repeat once again, the head is long, and especially due to the extended forward big lips. The nostrils are located almost in the middle of the muzzle, the eyes are large and beautiful. The ears are funnel-shaped and are located on the sides of the head; Characteristic “horns” are located almost on the top of the head.

Now let's give our beast a characteristic color, note that internal sides legs have no spots.

The giraffe is ready, but remember that our giraffe is still an adaptation, albeit a naturalistic one. To be able to draw a giraffe “as in life”, you need to constantly observe giraffes and draw them from life. Our article is more of an informational nature.

I still don’t want to stop at simply copying a photo from the Internet. In the second lesson “how to draw a giraffe” we will learn, for example, how to turn a drawing in a mirror.

First I'll make a pencil sketch:

This giraffe does not stand still, but walks, and, in addition to the features of the figure, we need to be able to convey movement.

And this is how the drawing turned out - a walking giraffe:

Well, what can we say - this picture is better. I didn’t try to copy one for one and had the opportunity to somehow add a little touch to my idea - the giraffe turned out to be clearly livelier and more convincing. Now we’ll decorate it with some more beautiful spots.

Difficulty - Lighter than average

He's a giraffe - he knows better. Do you agree with V. Vysotsky? By at least The giraffe we ​​will learn to draw today will see you in a creative rush!

We continue to expand the collection of sequential instructions for drawing animals. And today we have one of the most unusual, but familiar to everyone from zoos, safaris, and Soviet cartoons animal - giraffe. Such a clumsy, such non-standard, but still very native (especially for artists from the African continent) animal!

I already have a sheet of paper on my desk, a hard pencil and a black pen. You can repeat after me if you want to get a giraffe like this:

(It is not necessary to use exactly this set of tools. You can draw a giraffe only with pencils, or, if you have the appropriate skills, with paints, using the instructions provided as the basis for the future drawing)

Are you ready? Me too! Let's get started!

Let's start drawing a giraffe

1 – Initially, take a pencil with your talented brush and make a sketch as in the picture. There's already a giraffe, isn't there? :) But we won't stop there!

2 – Draw the head, only with a black pen. Don’t forget about the characteristic “horns”, ears, nostrils.

3 – Use a solid line to highlight the “back of the head”, the back of the neck and the back to the tail.

4 – Now it’s time for the front part – using one line, add the giraffe’s neck, part of the torso and half of the left front leg.

5 – Complete the left leg and highlight the lower torso to where the back left leg will grow.

6 – Draw the back left leg entirely and “close the circle” of the torso. Now you know how to draw half a giraffe!

7 – Add the right legs and finally give him the ability to stand firmly!

8 – Draw the giraffe’s tail where it is supposed to grow from and our exotic animal is almost ready.

9 – Erase the sketch we made in the first step and have some colored pencils or paints ready to bring your drawing to life.

10 – Last stage. Color your creation and make some shading in the places where the giraffe's eyes should be. According to the idea, he looks in your direction and his eyes are not noticeable, so by darkening you will make “dimples” and give your animal the “effect of reality”.