Director's and production plan for M. Maeterlinck's play 'The Blue Bird'.


For the expectant mother The famous play by the Belgian symbolist Maurice Maeterlinck is called "". Blue bird Key theme

This work is a rather multifaceted concept of "happiness". The symbol of happiness in this play is the mythical Blue Bird.

Analysis of the work This is more of a generalized image of the happiness that all people seek, rather than a specific definition of this feeling. It is not for nothing that the writer chose the form of a fairy tale for such a work; in this way one can reveal main topic

from the symbolic, mysterious side.

A fairy tale will help even a child understand what happiness is. But this play will also be interesting for adults - allegories and symbols make you think about the important moral and spiritual questions that Maeterlinck raises in his work. This one would seem fantastic story

talks about important problems in the life of every person, Maeterlinck tries to significantly reveal the true and false in a person’s life. And he tries to show this through children, whose souls are still pure, and whose thoughts are kind and unprejudiced. This important point to analyze the play - after all, children are considered innocent and naive; they are most drawn to something good and bright. And it is children who are able to immediately comprehend and feel true meaning

life and its mystery.

Heroes' search for happiness

The two main characters - Teltil and Metil - go in search of happiness, the Blue Bird. She lives in the Palace of Night, but what is remarkable is that she can only exist in the sun. This suggests that it is impossible to meet her... But the essence of the play is not this, but what the children had to experience and discover when they went in search of the bird.

They learn about the true values ​​of life, their long and adventurous journey teaches them to distinguish between the true and the false in life. The symbolism created by Maeterlinck subtly reveals the vices of a person and what leads him to virtue. Teltil and Methil discover that they exist different types

Pleasures - doing nothing, being rich, or the pleasure of loving parents, seeing stars, being kind and fair... They will learn the very difference between selfish pleasures and happiness. And it becomes clear that main goal the search for children was not an illusory happiness, but, which lead a person to true happiness and help to realize it. On their way, they meet the Soul of Light, who helps them overcome many obstacles, but not only saves them, but teaches children important moral lessons.

And the most important lesson for both children and adults is to understand the essence of evil, which the Palace of Night personifies in the play. In this case, Night represents not only evil, it is, first of all, the inability of many people to distinguish evil from good.

On the path to happiness, children acquire the knowledge that helps a person form the meaning of life for himself. And only then can you feel true happiness, which is completely individual for each person.

One Christmas time, a fairy came to them and sent them on a journey to amazing places. Either this happened in dreams, or in a dream, or maybe it actually happened, but at the insistence of this strange fairy and with her miraculous diamond in their hands, Tyltil and Mytil went to look for the Blue Bird, which should help the fairy’s sick granddaughter recover . They visited magical world, where it is not objects and substances that act, but their souls - the soul of Sugar, the soul of Water, the soul of Clocks, etc. They visited the Land of Memories, where they met with their Grandmother, Grandfather, brothers and sisters who died in childhood, and talked with the Azure children from the Kingdom of the Future. But the Blue Bird was never found. And this is not surprising: in all these wonderful places there could not be a Blue Bird - a symbol of happiness. This strange bird is always nearby. The main thing is to see it in time.

Tyltil, without hesitation, gives his turtledove, which has been living in a cage in his room for a long time, to a sick neighbor girl, and the turtledove turns blue. Having given happiness to his neighbor, T. himself begins to see everything differently - more beautiful, new, significant. The turtledove, turning blue, escapes from the hands of the neighbor girl and flies away. “It’s okay, don’t cry, I’ll catch her,” T reassures the girl. He addresses the audience (or readers): “... if any of you finds her, let him bring her to us - we need her to become happy in the future ..." There is no doubt that T. himself will try to keep his promise and, together with his sister, will again go on a campaign for the Blue Bird. The heroes returned from their wondrous journey matured and wiser. They realized that happiness does not lie in owning the Blue Bird, but in finding it.

A summary of “The Blue Bird” tells us about amazing story, which starts on Christmas Eve. Two children, Mytil and Tiltil, already sleeping soundly in their cribs, wake up from the sounds of music coming from the house opposite. The rich neighbors are in full swing of the celebration. Suddenly there is a knock on the door, and an old woman in a dress appears on the threshold Green colour and a red cap. The old woman is standing, leaning on a stick, she is hunchbacked and limps. In addition, she has only one eye, and her nose looks like an ominous hook. She turns to the children and encourages them to go look for the Blue Bird. Berylyune doesn't like that young heroes They don't see the obvious. “You need to be brave to see what is hidden,” says the old woman and hands Tiltil a green cap decorated with a diamond. According to her, by turning the diamond, the owner of the hat will be able to see “the soul of things.”

Seeing the world with different eyes is easy

Tyltil follows her instructions and turns the stone. And suddenly the boy’s eyes open amazing picture: a decrepit witch transforms into a magical princess before our eyes, and the poor furnishings of the hut come to life. Let's continue summary"Blue Bird" New characters are joining the action. These are the souls of the Hours, the Loaves. The flame turns into a fast-moving man dressed in a red tights. Cat and Dog also purchase human form, although they still wear cat and bulldog masks. The dog is extremely happy that he can finally put his feelings into words and with joyful cries of “My little deity!” gallops around Tiltil. The cat, maintaining its grace, extends its hand to Mytyl. Water begins to flow from the tap in a sparkling stream, and in the streams of liquid the figure of a girl with flowing hair appears in a seemingly flowing robe. Almost at the same moment she enters into battle with Fire, because this is the Soul of Water. Other Souls appear - Milk, Sugar, Light, Bread. However, this amazing moment is interrupted by a knock on the door. Frightened, Tyltil very quickly turns the diamond on the cap back. The fairy again appears before the children in the guise of a weak old woman, the walls of the hut fade, but the Souls do not have time to return to Silence. The fairy instigates them to accompany the children during the search for the Blue Bird. However, no one wants to go except the Soul of Light and the Dog. The fairy uses a trick and promises to find suitable outfits for everyone, after which she takes everyone out through the window. The mother and father of the Tiley family open the door and see only the babies sleeping peacefully in their cribs.

Where did the journey of Mytyl and Tiltil lead?

Next, a brief summary of “The Blue Bird” tells how the children find themselves in the palace of the fairy Berilyuna. The souls of objects and animals have already changed into elegant clothes fairy tale costumes, and began to plot against the children. The main one at this meeting is the Cat. She says that souls have been enslaved, and, having found the Blue Bird, they will finally take possession of them. But the appearance of the fairy herself, accompanied by the Soul of Light and children, silences them. In order for the children to have a little refreshment before their long journey, Bread cuts off a couple of slices from its belly, and Sugar breaks off its fingers, which immediately grow back.

The first destination on the children's journey is the Land of Memories. Mytil and Tiltil go there unaccompanied. A brother and sister visit their deceased grandparents and see their deceased sisters and brothers. Here they learn that those who have passed on to another world seem to be immersed in sleep, but awaken when loved ones remember them. After having dinner with their family, the children gather to meet the Soul of Light. Grandparents give their grandchildren a blackbird that appears completely blue to them. However, as soon as the children leave the Land of Memories, the bird changes its color to black.

But our journey is just beginning. The summary of “The Blue Bird” tells about the events taking place in the Palace of Night, where the Cat is the first to reach. She warns the hostess that Tyltil and Mytil are heading towards her. However, the Night has no power to prevent a person from learning its secrets, and therefore she and the Cat can only hope that the children will not be able to catch the real Blue Bird. When the brother, sister, as well as Sugar, Bread and Dog appear in the palace, Night tries for a long time to confuse them so as not to give them the keys to unlock any doors in the building. But Tyltil, without listening to her, opens all the doors in turn. Diseases, runny nose, wars are hidden behind the first three. Behind the fourth door, Tyltil discovers his favorite Scents of the night, Fireflies, Will-o'-the-Wisps, the Nightingale's Singing, and Dew. Night strongly does not recommend opening the large middle door and convinces its guests that behind it are hidden such terrible visions that they were not even given a name. All the boy's companions, except the Dog, are hiding. However, Tyltil overcomes his fear. On the other side of the door opens a magical garden of night light and dreams, where fabulous blue birds flutter between planets and stars. The boy, his sister and each of their companions catch several birds and carry them out, but soon they die - they never managed to find the only one that can withstand

We continue with the summary of Maeterlinck’s “The Blue Bird”. The characters will have to visit several more amazing places, where young heroes and their assistants meet both dangerous, insidious characters, and those who want to help them. Children have time to visit the ancient Forest, the cemetery, and the Garden of Beatitudes.

Particularly interesting was their stop at the Azure Palace of the Future Kingdom. Here they meet the Azure children - people who have yet to be born. Each of them has already prepared some kind of gift for the world. For one it is the Machine of Happiness, for another it is several ways to prolong life, for the third it is a machine that flies without the help of wings. Here Tyltil and Mytil meet their brother, who is just about to be born.


And now the fairy tale “The Blue Bird,” a summary of which you are now reading, takes us back to the green hedge, behind which is the Tiley hut. Here the children say goodbye to their companions. Bread gives Tiltil the cage prepared for the Blue Bird, which remains empty. And the Soul of Light says that perhaps the Blue Bird does not exist at all, or it changes its color when it is locked up.

In the morning, when the mother came to wake up Tiltil and Mytil, the children began to enthusiastically tell her about their nightly adventure. This scared the mother, she sent the father for the doctor. However, here Berlengo’s neighbor appears in the house, looking very much like the fairy Berilyuna. Having heard another retelling of the children's journey, she claims that they dreamed something while they were sleeping under the light of the moon. Berlengo talks about how her granddaughter is not feeling well - the girl doesn’t get out of bed, and the doctor puts it all down to nerves. The mother asks Tiltil to give the sick girl the turtle dove that she had long dreamed of. The boy looks at the turtledove, and it seems to him that in front of him is the same Blue Bird.

Mine native home children see with completely new eyes: a cat and a dog, fire and water - everything now seems alive to them, not the same as before. Soon Berlengo's neighbor appears on the doorstep, accompanied by an unusual beautiful girl, which clutches a turtle dove to its chest. To Tyltil and his sister, the girl seems like the Soul of Light. Tyltil himself wants to explain to his new acquaintance how to feed the turtledove, but, taking advantage of the moment, the bird slips out of human hands and flies away. The girl begins to cry, and Tiltil tries to console her and promises that he will soon find the bird.

This is how the summary ends. “The Blue Bird” (Maeterlinck is an author who managed to write a work that makes you take a fresh look at the world) - both adults and children will certainly like it.

On the eve of Christmas, the woodcutter's children wake up at night to the wonderful music of the house opposite. Tyltil and Mytil meet old woman. This is the fairy Berylune. He gives the children a task to find the Blue Bird. Tyltil receives a gift - a cap made of diamonds. By turning it you can see the hidden souls of everything around you. First, the children go to the Land of Memories, where they see many deceased relatives. And although they got a bluebird there, after care the bird changed its color to black. Mytyl and Tyltyl went to the Palace of Night. But even there there was no bird that could withstand daylight. In the forest, the children almost died from the trees, which were offended by the woodcutter's father. The Soul of Light advised turning the diamond slightly to neutralize the trees, and this served as a salvation. A visit to the cemetery and the Palace of Beatitudes did not give desired results. There are only many children in the Future Kingdom. The bird could not be found. The children woke up and told their mother about the journey. Berlengo's neighbor came and looked like a fairy. Tiltil gives her sick daughter a “Blue Bird” - a turtle dove, but it flies away. The boy promises to return her.

Conclusion (my opinion)

It is important to stop for a moment and understand why you live, what you can bring to earth. Looking into the depth of what is happening can change the perception of the world. It is simply impossible to find and maintain happiness. It takes hard work and determination. The play encourages you not to give up.

The main characters of the tale: Tyltil and his sister Mytil. These are the children of a poor woodcutter. Over time, other fairy-tale heroes will join them. In the woodcutter's house on the eve of Christmas. Fairy Berylune tells the children that they will have to make a dangerous journey to find the Blue Bird, who can cure a sick girl. This will bring her happiness. They talk about the pies that are plentiful in the rich house opposite, that it is good there, but theirs is poor. The Fairytale Light Soul must reveal to children the earthly concept of “happiness”. Rimbaud wasn't fairy-tale hero, but strived for happiness. The French poet, with his own imagination and fantasy, begins to possess “clairvoyance” in order to feel happiness.

Fairy. No difference. Only you don't see it. You have to be brave; We must distinguish between what is not visible!.. Strange people these people!.. When the fairies died, people went blind, nevertheless they do not notice it... It’s good that I always carry with me something that can restore faded vision... (the fairy puts a magic cap on Tiltil, and he begins to see what which I had never paid attention to)”… a sudden and remarkable change took place in all objects.

The old sorceress suddenly turned into a beautiful fairy-tale princess. The stones glow with a blue, sapphire-like radiance; the wooden table is held majestically; the clock dial smiles good-naturedly; The souls of the clock jump out from there, laughing merrily and starting to dance.” Tyltil sees light walls, and the fairy makes the remark that “all stones are the same, all are valuable, nevertheless a person sees only some of them.” The boy sees the Souls of Loafs, Fire, a dog, a cat come out of the tub, the Soul of Water, the Soul of Milk, the Soul of Sugar come out, a lamp falls from the table, a flame flies out of it - this is the Light Soul; objects and animals come to life.

The desire for happiness and freedom led him to the creation of “Votes”. He is happy that the loud ones, which are unusual for him, have colors: A - black, white - E, red - I, green - B, blue - O. Being yourself, unlike anyone else, is his “clairvoyance”. He escapes to the “drunk ship,” which for him is a symbol of happiness. In the boundless expanses of the ocean, he feels free from the whole world. But the negative thing about such “clairvoyance” of happiness is that this Absolute was achieved through drugs. Therefore, we need to treat such “clairvoyance” with caution. The Soul of Light and the children will have to go through the difficult path of understanding the Blue Bird, so that they take possession of the earthly “clairvoyance” of happiness and understand that they do not need to go far to find it. You need to look for him at home, in good deeds, in sensitivity to other people's grief, in the joy of communicating with dear people. The children don't know about this yet. The Soul of Light leads Tiltil and Mytyl to the Land of Memories.

Why does the Soul of Light bring children to the Land of Memories? What, in her opinion, is key in children’s understanding of happiness? So that children never forget about their deceased grandparents, so that they visit their graves and look after them. So that in Tiltil and Mytil a sense of responsibility to the memory of the dead develops, otherwise you can lose your conscience. Deceased grandparents tell their children how important it is for them to be remembered by their loved ones. When they are remembered, they wake up.

The path to the Palace of Night (scene four). The Soul of Light brought the children to the Palace of Night in order to prepare them for trials, to strengthen their will on the difficult path of understanding the Blue Bird. Mother Night, the guardian of all the Secrets of Nature, cannot give the keys to the children where the Blue Bird lives. But Tyltil insists, and Lady Night, giving the keys, warned that it contains all the troubles, illnesses, disasters, all the secrets that sadden a person’s life. Having overcome fear, Tyltil one by one unlocks the doors where Ghosts and Diseases, Wars and Horrors, the Spirits of Darkness and Mystery are locked. And then they find themselves in a fabulously wonderful garden - a garden of dreams and night light, where thousands of blue birds fly.

By this, the author emphasizes that the path to happiness lies through trials, and that this path is not easy. There is no ready-made happiness. And it’s good that Tyltil is crying. It’s hard for him to understand a lot of things, but his soul is not indifferent. With tears, Tyltil realizes her responsibility to the fairy that they must find the Blue Bird, since her granddaughter wants to be happy. The children overcame their fear. And this means that with the help of the Soul of Light they will definitely go through this difficult path and fulfill their noble goal.

Do you think the children will find the Blue Bird? Necessarily. They have will, courage, and an understanding that every moment of their life along this path is already happiness. And they, full of determination, continue their search for the Blue Bird.

The path to the Forest (picture five). The Soul of Light led the children to the Forest. The cat warns the oak tree that the children of the woodcutter have appeared, who has caused so much disaster, since he cuts down oak trees. Let us remember that in Lesya Ukrainka’s “Forest Song,” Uncle Lev says that “... all sorts of treasures come from the forest.”

G. Maeterlinck conveys to each of us the idea that all living things that surround us have a soul. And if so, then the human soul should respond with kindness. This is the only way to achieve happiness and feel it. “Now the trees began to release the Souls that were hidden in them: the Spirit of the Elm suffers from shortness of breath, the spirit of the Linden is peace-loving, cheerful; Beech's spirit is refined and dexterous; Birch Spirit – white, restless; Spirit of Willow. All these trees, different in their own way characteristic features, united by one feeling: they are angry with the children that the woodcutter has lost so many trees. The Oak Spirit does not give them the Blue Bird. Horse, Rooster, Pig, Wolf are angry. The situation becomes threatening for them. So, do not forget, nature can take revenge on man.

According to Maeterlinck, happiness still exists. You don't have to go far to find happiness. You just need to look around you with a kind look and help someone who is feeling bad. It is in the moral attitude towards the world, in its knowledge, memories of the past and in communication with nature. Happiness does not lie in trying to take everything from nature, from life, but in giving a piece of yourself, your soul to your loved ones. Happiness is enjoying love, appreciating the simple joy of life. The blue bird disappears. Now the children know where to look for her - in their hearts, she is always with them - this is the essence of happiness.

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The main characters of Maeterlinck's fairy tale “The Blue Bird” are Tyltyl and Mytyl

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