Volga river. Description, history, origin of the name, length, photo The Volga River flows into the Caspian Sea, where the source of the Volga is. Where the Volga flows. Hydrography and historical traditions


Volga river the largest and deepest river in Europe. The ancient name of Ra (lat. Rha) the less old name of Vloga is Itil, the river received in the Middle Ages. This is the largest river that does not flow into the sea. 2/3 of Russia's population lives in the Volga basin. Its source is located on the Valdai Hills at an altitude of 256 m above sea level. And at the mouth, on the northern coast of the Caspian Sea, in its delta there are the largest lotus fields in the world, occupying hundreds of hectares.

Here is what Alexander Dumas wrote about the Volga: “Every country has its own national river. Russia has the Volga - the largest river in Europe, the queen of our rivers - and I hastened to bow to her majesty the Volga River!
River length: 3,530 kilometers.
Drainage basin area: 1,360 thousand sq. km.

Highest point: Mount Bezymyannaya, 381.2 m (Zhiguli Mountains).

Channel width: up to 2500 m.

Slope and fall: 256 m and 0.07 m/km (or ppm), respectively.

Average current speed: less than 1 m/s.

River depth: the average depth is 8 - 11 meters, in some areas 15 - 18 meters.

Delta area: 19,000 sq. km.

Average annual flow:>38 cubic km.

Where does it occur: The Volga originates in one of the most elevated parts of the Valdai Plateau in the Tver region. It flows from a small spring in the middle of swampy lakes, not far from the village of Volgoverkhovye. The source coordinates are 57°15′ north latitude and 2°10′ east longitude. The height of the source above sea level is 228 meters. The Volga flows through the entire central lowland of European Russia. The river bed is winding, but the general flow direction is east. Near Kazan, approaching almost the very foothills of the Urals, the river turns sharply to the south. The Volga becomes a truly mighty river only after the Kama flows into it. Near Samara, the Volga makes its way through a whole chain of hills and forms the so-called Samara Luka. Not far from Volgograd, the Volga approaches another mighty river - the Don. Here the river turns again and flows in a south-easterly direction until it flows into the Caspian Sea. At the mouth, the Volga forms a vast delta and is divided into many branches.

River mode, food: Most of the water comes from groundwater and to a lesser extent is fed by precipitation.

Freezing: The Volga is covered with ice in late October - early November and remains covered until the end of April - mid-March.

Tributaries: About 200 tributaries flow into the Volga. The largest of which are the Kama and Oka, as well as smaller rivers such as Unzha, Kerzhenets, Sura, Tvertsa, Medveditsa and others.
It has not yet been decided whether it can be considered that the Kama flows into the Volga. Since, according to the rules of hydrography, it turns out that everything is exactly the opposite, and it is the Volga that should flow into the Kama. Since the Kama is older in origin, it has a larger basin and more tributaries.

The direction of flow in most of the river is from north to south. Between the tributaries of the Oka and Kama, the Volga has a predominantly latitudinal flow.
For centuries, the Volga has served people as a source of clean water, fish, energy, and a transport artery. But today it is in danger; human activity is polluting it and threatening disaster.
The favorable geographical position of the river and human activity in the construction of canals turned the Volga into the largest transport artery. In addition to the Caspian Sea, it is connected to 4 more seas: the Baltic, White, Black and Azov. Its waters irrigate fields, and its hydroelectric power plants provide electricity to entire cities and major enterprises. However, intensive economic use has led to the pollution of the Volga with industrial and agricultural waste. Huge areas were flooded during the construction of dams.

Environmentalists say that the ecological situation is critical and the river’s ability to cleanse itself has been exhausted. Blue-green algae are taking over more and more territories every year, and fish mutations are observed. The Volga is called one of the dirtiest rivers in the world. Environmentalists may like to dramatize, but if it is too late, it will be much worse. In any case, there are problems. Therefore, protecting the river is very important now.

The Volga River is one of the most amazing waterways in Russia created by nature. Its depth is sometimes simply impressive - in some places you can’t see the opposite bank without binoculars. And the length from source to mouth is more than 3,500 kilometers. It is the longest river in Europe. A trip along the Volga will be remembered for a long time. This impressed the inhabitants of ancient times and amazes modern inhabitants.

The beginning of the journey of the Volga is considered to be the Valdai Upland, namely: Ostashkovsky district of the Tver administrative district. Not far from the small village of Volgoverkhovye there are many springs and springs, one of which forms the source of the country’s mighty water artery. Near the spring there is a chapel, a bridge has been built, along which everyone can observe the birth of the Volga River. All the springs nearby the village form a small reservoir, from which flows a barely noticeable stream, no more than a meter wide. It should be noted that the Volga River originates at an altitude of 228 meters above sea level and flows in a northeast direction.

The stream, like the beginning of the Volga River, has a length of more than three kilometers. It passes through the Malye and Bolshie Verkhity lakes, after which it becomes like a small river. Next, the Volga River flows into Lake Sterzh, which has a total water area of ​​18 square meters. km. Sterzh, like other lakes, are an integral part of the first reservoir in the cascade - the Upper Volga.
Geographers secretly divided the river basin into several massive parts: Upper, Middle and Lower Volga. 200 kilometers from the beginning of the small stream, already on the good Volga River, stands the ancient Russian city of Rzhev. The next large city with a population of almost half a million inhabitants on the path of water movement is Tver, where the Ivankovskoe reservoir with a total length of 120 km was artificially created. Next come the Uglich and Rybinsk reservoirs. The city of Rybinsk can be considered the extreme northern point of the reservoir, after which the bed of the Volga River changes direction to the southeast.

Just a hundred years ago, overcoming many obstacles in the form of hills and lowlands, the river did not differ from many other waters in its wide channel. With the development of technological progress, these virgin places were swallowed up by the Gorky Reservoir, stretching for 430 kilometers. Along its banks are located such famous administrative centers of Russia as Rybinsk, Yaroslavl and Kostroma. The man-made sea itself was formed by the Nizhny Novgorod hydroelectric station, located slightly above Nizhny Novgorod.

In Nizhny Novgorod, the Volga River meets its largest right tributary, the Oka. Its length to the confluence of the rivers is 1500 km. This is where the Middle Volga originates.

Having been saturated with the waters of the Oka, the Volga becomes a river of a completely different type. This is already a powerful, full-flowing river with its own character. Here the riverbed turns smoothly to the east. Flowing along the Volga Upland, its path is blocked by the Cheboksary Hydroelectric Power Station, forming a man-made lake of the same name 340 kilometers long and about 16 km wide. Further, the current shifts to the southeast, and near Kazan it turns to the south. By the way, Kazan, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, is one of the oldest settlements in the Russian Federation. And the Kazan Kremlin is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

After merging with the Kama, the Volga, like a river, turns into the most full-flowing, deep and powerful. Although, according to all the laws of hydrology, it would be more correct to consider the Kama as the main river, and the Volga as its tributary, since the Kama is much older and fuller, and its flow does not decrease at any time of the year. However, due to historically established traditions, Russian geographers decided to make an exception and consider the Volga as the main river, and the Kama as a tributary.

After uniting with the Kama, the waters of the river continuously flow south. Here is the world's third largest artificial reservoir - Kuibyshevskoye. In some places, the width of the reservoir reaches forty kilometers, and the length - 500 km. Leaving Ulyanovsk behind, near Tolyatti and Samara the Volga forms a large bend, bypassing the Togliatti Mountains. Further, the Volga flows past Samara and Saratov with reservoirs of the same name.

A river delta is formed in the Volgograd area, the length of which is 160 kilometers. This is the most voluminous river mouth in the European part of Russia. It has almost half a thousand different branches, canals and channels flowing into the Caspian Sea.

Along the route, a river like the Volga passes through the lands of four republics and 11 administrative districts of the Russian Federation and partially through the Atyaur region of Kazakhstan. 3,500 kilometers of unique landscapes, rare flora and fauna, historical and cultural sites. It’s not for nothing that they say that the Volga is the most beautiful river in Russia.

Hydrological regime of the Volga River

The river is fed in three ways. The main flow of water into the Volga (up to 60%) occurs as a result of snow melting. Recharge from groundwater and rainwater accounts for 60 and 30 percent of the total fluid supply, respectively. Due to this feeding pattern, the river is characterized by low water content in the summer months and spring floods. There are known cases when the Volga River in the Novgorod region became so shallow that navigation practically stopped. Previously, annual fluctuations in water level reached 14-16 meters in the middle reaches of the river, but with the construction of a cascade of reservoirs, the fluctuations decreased. However, in inclement and windy weather, waves up to 2 meters high occur in the waters of reservoirs.

Before the construction of artificial reservoirs, up to 25 million tons of sedimentary soils were carried out from the Volga per year. Currently, this figure has halved. Such human activity has led to changes in the river ecosystem and the thermal regime of the reservoir. Now the duration of ice phenomena in the lower reaches of the river has decreased, and at the sources it has become longer.

Fauna on the Volga River

Thanks to various natural features, the river abounds with numerous representatives of flora and fauna, including species listed in the Red Book. Although the recent environmental situation leaves much to be desired, on the Volga River you can find a huge number of waterfowl: various species of ducks, ducks, swans, and in the delta even flamingos. In general, the Volga delta, like a river, is the largest nesting place for birds, with more than 260 species represented. Beavers, otters, raccoons and other fur-bearing animals are not uncommon here. But the main wealth of the reservoir is its ichthyofauna.

Since ancient times, the Volga has been considered a river rich in fish resources. And nowadays, fishing on the Volga is very popular among many fans of this activity. The river is home to 76 species and 47 subspecies of various fish. The permanent inhabitants are: catfish, crucian carp, carp, perch, sterlet, roach, bream, crucian carp, bluefish and many others. Among the migratory species there are: sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, thorn, beluga, the black caviar of which is known throughout the world, as well as Volga and common herring. This abundance of species makes it possible to carry out commercial fishing along the entire river from source to mouth. And the size of some species is impressive. The length of the smallest granular fish does not exceed 2.5 cm. The largest fish that is found in the Volga River delta, the beluga, can grow up to 4 meters in length and weigh about 1 ton.

Due to the considerable length of the river bed, the soil cover of the Volga basin is very diverse. But for the most part, these are fertile chernozems and sod-podzolic soils, as evidenced by abundant vegetation.

Navigation on the Volga River

The Volga River is not only a large body of water in the European part of Russia, but also an important transport artery of the country. And although little attention has been paid to water transport recently, quite a large amount of cargo, both local and international, is transported along the Volga. This was largely facilitated by the creation of many artificial canals that connect the river with the seas:

Black and Azov Seas – Volga-Don Canal;
Baltic Sea – Vyshnevolotsk and Tikhvin canal systems;
White Sea - Severodvinsk and White Sea Canal.

Thus, the flow of cargo ships along the Volga does not dry out. The only obstacle can be the period of freezing.

Volga river in history

It is believed that one of the first mentions of the Volga was made in the 5th century BC in the treatises of the ancient Greek philosopher and historian Herodotus. In the description of the military campaign of the Persians led by King Darius against the Scythian tribes, the historian points out that Darius’s army, pursuing the tribes beyond the Tanais or Don river in modern terms, stopped on the banks of the Oar River. It is this name that scientists identify with the Volga River.

There was not much information about the river in ancient times. So Diodorus Sicilian gave the name to the river - Araks, and Ptolemy argued that the Volga has two mouths that flow into different seas: the Caspian and the Black. Roman philosophers called it Ra, which means “generous”, the Mongol-Tatar tribes called it Rau, Idel, Iuil, and in Arabic primary sources the Volga is called Atelyu (great). Many philologists argue that the modern name arose from the Baltic word “valka”, which means “flowing stream”. Another group of scientists is inclined to believe that the root of the word Volga comes from the Old Slavonic word “moisture”. The famous Russian chronicle “The Tale of Bygone Years” also touches on the Volga. It clearly traces the path of the river - where it originates and where it flows.

The flourishing of trade in Rus' coincided with the time when the Volga River was under the rule of Ivan the Terrible. It was then that a huge number of caravans with goods from the east walked along the river surface. Fabrics, silver, metals, and jewelry were delivered to the capital by Arab merchants. They brought back expensive furs, honey, wax and much more. Trade along the banks of the river is actively developing, cities and villages are expanding.

The Volga acquired particular strategic importance in the 19th century. At that time, a large river fleet appeared on the river. Massive transportation of grain and salt, ore and fish, and other raw materials is carried out. Over time, in addition to sailing and oared ships, steamships appeared. But the Volga River is not navigable in all sections. In some places, the passage of ships was difficult. This is how the manual method of transporting boats, barges, etc. arose. People harnessed themselves to a special harness and pulled the ship along the river using ropes. It was very hard and thankless work. During the period of active cargo flow, more than 300 thousand people worked in the water area. Such people were called barge haulers. Russian artist Ilya Ivanovich Repin was able to accurately convey the entire terrible and tragic fate of hired workers in his painting “Barge Haulers on the Volga.”

The Volga River and wars did not bypass the Volga River either. During the Civil War, and then the Great Patriotic War, the Volga remained a strategic object, ensuring control of access to grain, oil and other vital resources. The Battle of Stalingrad, which took place on the banks of the long-suffering river, is considered a turning point in World War II.

The post-war period is characterized by strong economic growth of the country. Numerous hydroelectric power stations are being built at a rapid pace with the formation of reservoirs. The importance of the Volga as a river of strategic and economic importance has increased several times. New jobs have been created, cities are being actively developed, and the flow of freight water transport is inexorably growing.

Legends and folklore about the Volga River

People have long settled along the banks of rivers, and the Volga was no exception. Water and the availability of food make riverbeds attractive for habitation. Our ancestors firmly believed that every river, even a small one, had a spirit or guardian. And such large and deep rivers as the Volga could have several of them. According to legends and traditions, the Upper Volga has a guardian who appeared to eyewitnesses in the form of a little girl. The little girl never cries and has saved drowning children many times.

Legends of the Middle Volga claim that the spirit of the river is a young beautiful girl. She is often called a nurse or intercessor. It used to be believed that the color of the water on the Volga largely depended on the mood of the keeper of the river. The darker the water, the worse the keeper’s mood and nothing good can be expected.
In the lower reaches of the river, an old man with a large gray beard and one bast shoe keeps order. Why in one? The answer to this question has not reached our days. But they say that the old man appears only to those who are pure in soul and points out places full of fish, and people with a “black heart” are pulled under the water, where they remain forever.

Mention of mermaids on the Volga River is also not uncommon. But each region has its own characteristics. In one, mermaids are completely harmless and sweet creatures, and in the other, they are evil and very dangerous.

Not only tales about river inhabitants have survived to this day. The Volga River is sung in many folk songs. Many works have been written about the river, feature films and documentaries have been made. Just look at the well-known old film “Volga-Volga”. And modern authors do not hesitate to pay tribute to the river.

Facts and figures about the Volga River

It is impossible to describe the Volga as a river, which is one of the largest in the European part of our planet, in words alone. The language of dry numbers will say more.

Length – 3500 kilometers. However, it should be taken into account that before the construction of the cascade of man-made lakes, the length of the Volga was 110 kilometers longer.
The river mouth consists of almost 500 independent canals, branches, rivers, branches and channels.
On average, the current speed in the Volga River bed is 3-6 km/h.
On average, it takes 37 days for water to reach the sea from its source.
The river system of the Volga basin consists of 150 thousand different rivers, streams, tributaries and other watercourses.
The mouth of the river is located 28 meters below sea level.

Excursion along the Volga - a lot of impressions

Naturally, talking about all the delights of a mighty water stream or even once seeing the beauty of the Volga River with your own eyes are incompatible things.

Traveling along the river is not difficult at all. With the current developed infrastructure and the small distance of settlements from each other, organizing an excursion along the expanses of water will not be difficult.
Where to stay? A large number of recreation centers located almost along the entire river coast, hotels in district and regional centers, gladly accept both groups of tourists and single travelers. Local residents will also help out - in almost every village you can stop for a while, hear local legends and taste rural dishes.

What to see? There are many museums in the cities, churches in the villages, and the picturesque nature of the Volga and its surroundings will not let you get bored throughout the entire trip. And for avid fishermen, fishing on the Volga will be a real break from the worries and bustle of the city.

The Volga is a truly amazing river. See this for yourself when you come here to travel or just relax.

The Volga is one of the important rivers of the world. It carries its waters through the European part of Russia and flows into the Caspian Sea. The industrial importance of the river is great, 8 hydroelectric power stations were built on it, shipping and fishing are well developed. In the 1980s, a bridge was built across the Volga, which is considered the longest in Russia. Its total length from source to mouth is about 3,600 km. But due to the fact that it is not customary to take into account those places that belong to reservoirs, the official length of the Volga River is 3530 km. Among all the water streams in Europe, it is the longest. Large cities such as Volgograd and Kazan are located on it. That part of Russia that is adjacent to the central artery of the country is called the Volga region. The river basin covers a little more than 1 million km2. Volga occupies a third of the European part of the Russian Federation.

Briefly about the river

The Volga is fed by snow, groundwater and rainwater. It is characterized by spring floods and autumn floods, as well as low water content in summer and winter.

The source and mouth of which freeze and become covered with ice almost simultaneously, in October-November, and in March-April it begins to thaw.

Previously, back in ancient centuries, it was called Ra. Already in the Middle Ages, mentions of the Volga appeared under the name Itil. The current name of the water stream comes from a word in the Proto-Slavic language, which is translated into Russian as “moisture”. There are also other versions of the origin of the name Volga, but it is not yet possible to confirm or refute them.

Source of the Volga

The Volga, whose source originates in the Tver region, begins at an altitude of 230 m. In the village of Volgoverkhovye there are several springs that were combined into a reservoir. One of them is the beginning of the river. In its upper course it flows through small lakes, and after a few meters it passes through the Upper Volga lakes (Peno, Vselug, Volgo and Sterzh), currently combined into a reservoir.

A tiny swamp, which hardly attracts tourists with its appearance, is the source of the Volga. A map, even the most accurate one, will not have specific data about the beginning of the water flow.

Mouth of the Volga

The mouth of the Volga is the Caspian Sea. It is divided into hundreds of branches, due to which a wide delta is formed, the area of ​​which is about 19,000 km 2. Due to the large amount of water resources, this area is the richest in plants and animals. The fact that the mouth of the river ranks first in the world in the number of sturgeons already speaks volumes. This river has sufficient influence on climatic conditions, which have a beneficial effect on flora and fauna, as well as on humans. The nature of this area is fascinating and helps to have a pleasant time. The best time to fish here is from April to November. The weather and the number of fish species will never allow you to return empty-handed.

Vegetable world

The following types of plants grow in the waters of the Volga:

  • amphibians (susak, reed, cattail, lotus);
  • aquatic submerged (naiad, hornwort, elodea, buttercup);
  • aquatic with floating leaves (water lily, duckweed, pondweed, nut);
  • algae (hari, cladophora, hara).

The largest number of plants is represented at the mouth of the Volga. The most common species are sedge, wormwood, pondweed, spurge, saltwort, and astragalus. Wormwood, sorrel, reed grass and bedstraw grow in large quantities in the meadows.

The delta of the river called the Volga, the source of which is also not particularly rich in plants, has 500 different species. Sedge, spurge, marshmallow, wormwood and mint are not uncommon here. You can find thickets of blackberries and reeds. Meadows grow on the banks of the water stream. The forest is located in stripes. The most common trees are willow, ash and poplar.

Animal world

The Volga is rich in fish. It is home to many aquatic animals that differ from each other in their mode of existence. In total there are about 70 species, of which 40 are commercial. One of the smallest fish in the pool is the tadpole, the length of which does not exceed 3 cm. It can even be confused with a tadpole. But the largest one is the beluga. Its dimensions can reach 4 m. It is a legendary fish: it can live up to 100 years and weigh more than 1 ton. The most important are roach, catfish, pike, sterlet, carp, pike perch, sturgeon, and bream. Such wealth not only provides products to nearby areas, but is also successfully exported to other countries.

Sterlet, pike, bream, carp, catfish, ruffe, perch, burbot, asp - all these fish representatives live in the inlet stream, and the Volga River is rightfully considered their permanent place of residence. The source, unfortunately, cannot boast of such rich diversity. In places where the water flow is calm and shallow, the southern stickleback lives - the only representative of sticklebacks. And in those areas where the Volga has the most vegetation, you can find carp, which prefers quiet waters. Sevruga, herring, sturgeon, lamprey, and beluga enter the river from the Caspian Sea. Since ancient times, the river has been considered the best for fishing.

You can also find frogs, birds, insects and snakes. Dalmatian pelicans, pheasants, egrets, swans and white-tailed eagles are very common on the banks. All these representatives are quite rare and are listed in the Red Book. There are many protected areas on the banks of the Volga, which help protect against extinction. Geese, ducks, teals and mallards nest here. Wild boars live here, and saigas live in the nearby steppes. Very often on the seashore you can find them quite freely located near the water.

The importance of the Volga for Russia

The Volga, whose source is in a village in the Tver region, flows throughout Russia. Through its waterway, the river connects with the Baltic, Azov, Black and White seas, as well as the Tikhvin and Vyshnevolotsk systems. In the Volga basin you can find large forests, as well as rich adjacent fields sown with various industrial and grain crops. The lands in these areas are fertile, which contributed to the development of gardening and melon growing. It should be clarified that in the Volga-Ural zone there are gas and oil deposits, and near Solikamsk and the Volga region there are salt deposits.

One cannot argue with the fact that the Volga has a long and rich history. She is a participant in many important political events. It also plays a huge economic role, being the main water artery of Russia, thereby uniting several regions into one. It is home to administrative and industrial centers and several millionaire cities. That is why this water stream is called the great Russian river.

The Volga ranks first among the longest Russian rivers and 16th position among the longest rivers of our planet. The big river takes its headwaters on the Valdai Hills and flows into the Caspian Sea. It is fed by snow, groundwater and storm flows. In modern times, more than 40% of industrial production and more than 50% of agricultural production in the Russian Federation are concentrated in it. The Volga has a calm current. The banks of the river serve as a wonderful place for recreation, and the water is home to more than 70 species of fish. Many of these widow fish are commercial fish.

Length of the Volga River

The length of the largest river is more than 3,500 km, and before they began to build reservoirs on it, it was more than 3,600 km. The water artery of Russia passes through many regions of the country. Tver, Moscow, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Saratov, Volgograd, Astrakhan regions, as well as the republics of Chuvashia, Mari El, Tatarstan, are located on the banks of the water element. The upper flow is directed from the western part to the east, and the lower flow from the northern part to the south. It ends in the Caspian Sea.

Source of the Volga River

(The source of the Volga on the Volgoverkhovye)

The powerful water element takes its origins from a small stream of underground water, namely in the village of Volgoverkhovye. The village is located at a mountain height, more than 200 meters above sea level. Many tourists are attracted by the small chapel, which is built on the spot where the river originates. Travelers love to share their impressions and say that they stepped across such a mighty river.

(Such a small but fast stream becomes a wide river with a great history)

Gradually, a small stream gains strength due to more than 100,000 tributaries, consisting of large and small rivers. Overcoming kilometers, the Volga transforms into a huge river.

Mouth of the Volga River

(The mouth of the Volga in the Astrakhan region is divided by many branches)

In the city of Astrakhan, the mouth of the Volga is formed, which is divided by many branches, among which the largest are Bakhtemir, Bolda, Buzan. Southern city on 11 islands of the upper coastal part of the river. A unique nature reserve was built at the confluence of the Volga. Rare species of flora and fauna are under state protection. The Astrakhan Nature Reserve attracts many travelers and amazes its guests with picturesque places.

Tributaries of the Volga River

(The magnificent confluence of the Oka and Volga)

The Volga can be roughly divided into three sections. The upper section begins at the source of the Volga and stretches to the end of the Oka. The middle part starts from the mouth of the Oka and ends at the mouth of the Kama. The lower section starts from the mouth of the Kama and ends at the mouth of the Volga. The upper reaches have large streams such as the Darkness, Unzha and Mologa. The middle reaches include Sura, Vetluga and Sviyaga. The lower reaches consist of Samara, Eruslan and Sok. The total number of tributaries is more than 500, as well as multiple channels and small rivers.

(The confluence of the Kama River with the Volga forms the magnificent Kama estuary, Mount Lobach)

Among some scientists there is an opinion that the Kama River was the main river, and the Volga served as its tributary. Many studies show that the life activity of the Kama exceeds the Volga by several million years. In 1983, the Cheboksary reservoir was launched, and the Volga was reincarnated into many flowing lakes. And the Kama continues to be fed by the tributaries of small rivers.

Cities of Russia on the Volga River

(Volga along the city of Yaroslavl)

Some of Russia's most powerful cities are located on the banks of the Volga: Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara and Volgograd. Administrative centers are economic, cultural, sports, and industrial centers for the Russian Federation. Also no less important are the large cities on the river: Astrakhan, Saratov, Kharabali, Kineshma and many others. There are many settlements along the river's route. Railroad and road routes have been created, so not a single tourist has any problems with the question of how to get to the mighty Volga. More than 1,400 marinas and industrial ports are located on its shores.

City dwellers and rural populations use the Volga for a variety of purposes. The main function of the river is its economic role. Industrial materials, food and other necessary goods that improve people's livelihoods are transported along the river. The Volga is also the main source of water supply for urban and rural populations. It also serves as a favorite place for active recreation, tourism and fishing thanks to the fairly clean water and colorful nature that surrounds its shores.

The Volga River in folk culture

Russia's favorite symbol is the powerful mother - the Volga River. She inspired and inspires hundreds of poets, singers and artists to create real masterpieces. It was about this river that songs and poems were composed for centuries, which completely glorified and continue to glorify it. The Volga is also vividly depicted in paintings by world artists. The Volozhsk theme is regularly interpreted in a rich creative range and genre diversity. Hundreds of works by many nameless creators have survived to this day, depicting a variety of fragments of the great Volga River.

May 10, day 2. The answer to the question “Where does the Volga originate?” is probably of interest to many Russians and guests of the country. I, too, have long wanted to know the exact location of the source of the great river and visit it in person. It turned out that this is not so easy to do.

Or rather, finding the coordinates was not a problem, but getting to the point was more difficult. It's no joke, driving a car through the rough sections of the road to the Volgoverkhovye region. But the trip promised to be very exciting and memorable.

The world-famous Russian river originates on the Valdai Hills, or more precisely, in the village of Volgoverkhovye, Ostashkovsky district, Tver region. The Volga begins its journey from a height of 228 meters above sea level.

It seems that the goal is clear, and the place is found on the map. But as it turned out, to get to it, you need to have a really great desire to touch the origins of Rus'. Closer to our destination, it became clear that we were separated from our final goal by tens of kilometers of off-road terrain.

To be more precise, the path from Ostashkov to the village of Volgoverkhovye was an unforgettable 67 kilometers.

Path to the source

In the morning we left the hotel in the city of Kuvshinovo. Having passed Ostashkov and Lake Seliger, we set off towards the Volgoverkhovye region. We covered the first ten kilometers on the dirt road with difficulty. Fortunately, along the way we came across a unique one, where we wonderfully spent a whole hour, resting and “recharging” with cosmic energy for the further journey. 😎

11.20. We continue our journey along the “killed” road. More than an hour of constant shaking and dust. True, the places around are wonderful. Russian spring nature is pleasing to the eye! Silence, blue sky, budding trees, delicate greenery in the meadows. Especially, the beauty is felt in those small sections of the road when this particular road becomes a little smoother.

12.10. Marvelous! On a seemingly completely abandoned road there is a sign for Svapuscha, to which you have to drive another 13 kilometers. We turn left. The asphalt ends. At all. Next comes a dirt road. Movement speed is reduced to 20 km/h.

But the good news is that small streams, only a few meters wide, are beginning to appear here, which are already proudly called the Volga! We counted about a dozen such signs along the way!

This is how, among the dense forests of the Tver region, the great Russian river is gaining its strength and power. The Volga here is calm and unhurried.

Yellow water lilies grow along the shore.

There is silence all around, which is occasionally broken by the timid voice of the cuckoo. And even rare passing cars.

On the way to our goal we cross the Volga several times. It's very interesting to realize this. Especially when you remember the great river closer to its mouth, where it becomes several hundred meters wide, and along which huge ships move freely.

Or, for example, in the area of ​​the Ivankovskoye reservoir, which is also located in the Tver region. This is where the breadth and space are! We spent a wonderful week there in the city.

12.50. We are entering the village of Voronovo. Here we go under the barrier. And now, we are almost there! There is a parking lot in the village where several tourist buses can be found. I wonder how they got into such a wilderness, and along such a road?

But we decide to drive a little forward. And we are doing the right thing, since on the outskirts of the village there is another small (free) parking lot, this time for cars. Here is a view of it from the bell tower of the Olginsky Monastery church, where we later climbed.

The red car is ours. Nearby there is a small market where they sell souvenirs, honey and pastries. Facilities include a toilet type toilet. It is located behind the village house, which is visible behind our car. Well, we are heading to the Source.

The fact that this is where the source of the Volga is located is suggested by the inscription on the wooden gate leading to a chapel over a well and a small lake.

Memorable place

The text at the source of the Volga, carved on a granite slab, confirms that this is where the great reservoir begins.

Its first stream is considered to be the Persyanka stream. Further, the river flows 91 km along the lakes Maly and Bolshoy Verkhit, Sterzh, Vselug, Peno, Volgo. It is here that it gains its strength and power, which it carries for 3900 km.

The Volga is 16th in length in the world and 5th in Russia.

Not far from the stream that gives rise to the Volga, there is a huge memorial stone. It was laid back in 1989, on June 22 - the 48th anniversary of the start of the Great Patriotic War. The monument also reminds us where we are and indicates that “here are the sources of the people’s soul.”

The stone looks majestic and impressive, as it should be next to such a mighty river.

The inscription on the memorial stone reads:

Traveler! Turn your gaze to the source of the Volga! The purity and greatness of the Russian land is born here. Here are the origins of the people's soul. Keep them.

Being around him immediately makes you feel good and peaceful. I want to lean against him and even lie on top of him. 🙂

Where does the Volga begin?

And here we stand at the place where the Volga begins. You can’t say that a small shallow stream, which you can easily step over, turns into a mighty river further downstream.

Murmuring merrily, it flows from the swamp among the trees and grasses. The water is cold and clear, slightly brownish.

You just have to try this one and then proudly tell us that we drank from the source of the Volga itself.

The water turned out to be very tasty. And also a saint...

Holy water and chapel

When we were just preparing for the trip, we found out several interesting facts about the source of the Volga. Tver and the surrounding area began to be considered the beginning of the river not so long ago. For a long time, the exact location of the source could not be determined.

When this issue was sorted out, the stream, which became the beginning of the river, was consecrated by the patriarch. A wooden chapel on stilts was erected above the stream. You can walk to the house along a narrow bridge, and from there you go down to the water along a platform with steps.

In the center of the chapel there is a round window, which is located above the source itself.

And there is such beauty around! It seems that all nature rejoices at this wonderful place. And you can just feel the trees awakening after winter hibernation.

Delicate May greenery combines surprisingly harmoniously with the high blue sky. The temples are reflected in the blue water of the lake.

Every year on May 29, a water prayer service is held here, during which the waters of the Volga source are blessed.

How to get to the opposite bank of the Volga? On foot!

The width of the stream from which the great reservoir originates barely exceeds 40-50 centimeters. Therefore, you can safely put your feet on both banks of the river at the same time or jump from one bank to the other. Where else is this possible - to immediately visit both the right and left banks of the entire Volga?!

And again: I’m on the right bank, here on the left bank. Just miracles! And washing at the source of the great river is simply an incomparable pleasure that surprisingly improves your mood and strength of spirit.

With new strength we become huge, and now we are towering above the great Russian river on a huge stone-boulder!

But we are already fording the Volga. You will think that it is only 4 feet wide. But it sounds very solid. 😀

All these fun brought us just a lot of children's joy!

And here is the very first bridge across the Volga! Its width is no more than 3 meters.

But it looks very solid. 🙂


The source of the Volga is located in a picturesque and somehow soulful region. Here you immediately become kinder and tune in only to the good. I really liked that the surroundings were clean, well-groomed and everything was very well thought out.

And, of course, pristine nature. Clean, awakening after winter hibernation. Delicate foliage of trees against the background of a transparent blue sky, the first flowers.

I was very pleased with the small number of people we met in this wonderful place. It was very convenient because no one was bothering anyone. You could calmly have fun, walk, take pictures. Which we did with pleasure, since we didn’t want to leave here at all.

It is curious that several other famous rivers originate in the same place - the Western Dvina, the Dnieper and the Lovat. This is an almost pristine corner of Russian nature, where you can walk, reflect and just relax.

A dream come true!

This is how I managed to fulfill my old dream: to be at the source of the great Volga and feel truly happy here. It’s so great to visit this incredibly calm, majestic and picturesque region.

A trip to the Volga River in the Tver region will, without a doubt, be remembered for a lifetime! After all, this place left the most favorable impressions and positive emotions. And this will give new strength to visit other beautiful and amazing places, of which there are so many on our small planet.

I don't want to leave here at all. But there is a wonderful reason to linger. Near the source of the Volga there are two temples that belong to the nearby Olga Monastery. And according to the stories of experienced travelers, you can even climb the bell tower of one of the churches for a small fee and take photographs of the surroundings.

Well, let's check it out and have fun taking a closer look at the temples.