Regional Consultative Diagnostic Center. Moscow Regional Consultative and Diagnostic Center for Children



It has existed since 1973, at that time it was a children's regional consultation clinic and provided specialized medical care to the children's population of the Ryazan region. The opening of the advisory clinic significantly increased the diagnostic potential of the pediatric service in the Ryazan region and improved the quality of disease diagnosis. In the mid-90s, the number of specialists increased and more opportunities appeared to provide specialized care. IN different times led the institution: Simanaites A.K., Filimonova I.G., Fomina N.A., Zhukova N.A., Epishina M.R., Filkina L.F.. In 2014, the merger took place advisory center to the State Budgetary Institution RO "CSTO named after. N.V. Dmitrieva." Today we provide advisory and diagnostic help for children from the neonatal period to 18 years. The consultative and diagnostic center employs doctors from 19 specialties. The volume of advisory assistance is more than 100,000 visits per year. An automated system for making appointments with specialist doctors has been introduced at the clinic’s reception desk. A special feature of the work of the advisory center is the possibility of a full examination (incl. laboratory, ultrasound, x-ray, functional diagnostic methods ) without leaving the walls of our institution. Today, the consultative and diagnostic center employs highly professional medical specialists who have the highest and first qualification categories and have been awarded departmental and state awards.

    registry: tel. (4912) 25-30-31 And 25-41-87

    Head of the Consultative and Diagnostic Center Olga Mikhailovna Prokopyeva: tel. (4912) 25-27-51

    eldest nurse Valius Elena Anatolyevna: tel. (4912) 25-50-81


The history of the Moscow Regional Consultative and Diagnostic Center for Children dates back to November 1936. It was then that the first children's medical center in Moscow was created, intended to serve the population of the region. The clinic specialized in providing counseling to children in the Moscow region. The institution received the name of the Moscow Regional Children's Consultative Clinic (abbreviated MODKP). Until 1941, schoolchildren and older children were accepted here. to school age. At the same time, attendance was very high - about 6-8 thousand per year. During the war, the clinic continued its work. In the post-war years, MODKP specialists created and implemented a system of cardio-rheumatological care, which included almost 50 specialized rooms. A successful fight against polio was carried out, speech therapy, audiology and pulmonology services, endocrinology children's center. In February 2001, the clinic was transformed into the Moscow Regional Consultative diagnostic center for children (or abbreviated as MOCCD). The structure of the institution is changing, its capabilities are significantly increasing. Already in the next year, 2002, an epileptology room was organized at the Moscow Regional Clinical Center for Children's Hospital. Medical center specialists are also creating a unified register for patients with epilepsy. All children living in the Moscow region who are susceptible to this disease are included here.

MOKDTsD - children's medical center in Moscow

Currently, the Moscow Regional Medical Center is the largest consultative and diagnostic medical center. It welcomes almost 100 thousand people a year. Specialized assistance is provided 24 hours a day various directions. There are currently five doctors working at the IOCCD medical sciences and 10 candidates of sciences. The institution’s specialists cooperate with several leading Russian clinics and research institutes. Particularly close contact has been established with the Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute (MONIKI) named after. Vladimirsky. MONIKI staff provide, in particular, advisory assistance to the neurological service of the Moscow Regional Medical Research Center. Cardio-rheumatologists from the Institute named after A. Vladimirsky. Also, the regional medical center is provided with various assistance by specialists from the Research Institute named after. A.N. Bakulev, Research Institute of Rheumatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Institute of N.N. Burdenko, other large institutions. IOCCD staff have created a detailed register of children with congenital heart defects. It is planned to open an arrhythmology office equipped the latest technology(in particular, 24-hour monitoring and Holter monitoring systems). The Moscow Regional Children's Consultative and Diagnostic Center has a well-established and constantly improving diagnostic service. Thus, audiological equipment makes it possible to determine possible hearing impairments already in the very first months of a child’s life.

Moscow Regional Consultative and Diagnostic Center for Children: reviews

Today, the Moscow Medical Clinical Hospital on Serpukhovskaya provides services in a wide range of medical areas:
- pediatrics,
- cardiology,
- surgery,
- allergology,
- neurology,
- urology,
- otolaryngology,
- gastroenterology,
- ophthalmology,
- endocrinology,
- audiology,
- speech therapy.

The following types of diagnostics are carried out here: ultrasound thyroid gland, eyes, kidneys, joints, abdominal cavity, reproductive systems), ECG, FCG, EEG, REG, ECHO-cardiography, neurosonography, Holter monitoring, etc. The Moscow Regional Clinical and Clinical Center has an equipped clinical and biochemical laboratory that performs a variety of analyzes and tests. IN positive reviews about the Moscow Regional Consultative and Diagnostic Center, parents of children point to good results the work of speech therapy and audiology services, the effectiveness of the school of growth. IOCDC has a website on the Internet. You can apply for an appointment here. Please note that some services can only be booked directly through the reception desk.

The Moscow Regional Consultative and Diagnostic Center for Children is the largest consultative and diagnostic medical center in Moscow.

I’m from the region, I spent three months making my way to this center to see speech therapist E.M. Gan. I was praised as a super specialist. The first thing I encountered was an appointment, an hour and a half without a break on the phone, I asked whether it was important who would bring the child to the appointment, the mother or grandmother said it didn’t matter. I’m a grandmother, I don’t work, well, I was lucky, and then I paid for it. They gave us an appointment at 3:00 p.m., we arrived at 2:30 p.m., while we got the card, we got to the office. And there was a line. At 3:00 p.m. there was also a mother and her child. I was very surprised how the two of us would be admitted, she was also in shock. We were waiting. The doctor saw him until 17-00. It was August 1st, the doctor’s first day after vacation, at 17-40 we were invited to the office, so what for the child 4 years old and she’s been driving and waiting since 12-30, you know. She’s tired. The doctor asked a couple of tests such as adding pictures of fruits to pictures of animals and what the animal eats. The granddaughter put carrots with the hare - right, but an apple - wrong, the hedgehog eats an apple, and we live in a private house and keep rabbits who eat carrots, apples, and mostly grass and animal feed! And hedgehogs generally prefer meat, this is true for information and the child sees it all. If in cartoons it’s one thing, but in life it’s different, you don’t need to buy a toy pink elephant, and at the zoo explain to your child that in real life elephants are gray. But these are lyrics, and the diagnosis was made immediately and we were referred to a neuropsychiatrist! no more manipulations were performed with the child, she happily played with toys, which completely infuriated the doctor. And I happily listened to the fact that my daughter was an irresponsible cuckoo who dumped the child on her grandmother. I am 40 years old. At my age, I can still give birth myself, and many they do this. I asked the question what caused her negative attitude towards our family in general, my mother should have come, not me. What I asked on the phone turned out to be wrong! I suggested that she sort it out not with me or her granddaughter, but with the reception staff, everyone remained to their own opinion, and we also had an unpleasant diagnosis. When asked how to work with a child so that she could pronounce words better, the answer was to take the pills that the neuropsychiatrist would prescribe, that’s it, the appointment is over. I’m going home in shock, by the way, my granddaughter has now become afraid of all doctors. She became withdrawn and stopped responding to doctors altogether. When we came for vaccination, our therapist didn’t recognize us, but that’s not the point. For a year and a half, almost every day, we saw someone because of a speech delay, we visited both paid and free ones. But things would still be there today if we hadn’t gotten to turns out it was not necessary to swallow pills that stimulate the brain so that the child begins to speak the words are correct and cut the hyoid frenulum...we did this operation under general anesthesia. Since this is not a baby, the frenulum was already hard, so I have a question, even if the vaunted didn’t get into her mouth, although speech therapist, then what happens? But at five you can insult and humiliate patients? We won't set foot there again! There are excellent doctors who are not pensioners, and even pensioners give adequate treatment. Attentive, kind, loving children, and G...and...God is her judge, and so is she. And I advise mothers, before feeding their child pills, to visit no less three doctors the same specialty, what if the cub is as healthy as a bull, and we take pills to stimulate his brain, maybe it would be better for the doctor to take a course of them himself... think about it. They have thousands of us, and the children are ours and only ours!

Moscow Regional Consultative and Diagnostic Center for Children. In November 1936, by order of the Moscow Regional Health Department, an institution of regional subordination was created - the Moscow Regional advisory clinic(MODKP). Its task is to provide highly qualified advisory specialized medical care to children in the Moscow region. At the first stage of its work, the advisory clinic was supposed to concentrate the flow of children in need of specialized medical care. Until 1941, only children of senior preschool and school age were accepted into the MODKP. At that time, the clinic employed 2 pediatricians and “narrow” specialists (ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, surgeon, dermatologist). The clinic had a diagnostic hospital with 5 beds. Attendance was 6-8 thousand visits per year. Today, the Moscow Regional Clinical Children's Hospital provides consultative and diagnostic specialized medical care to children in the Moscow region in 24 areas (105 thousand visits per year). The center receives 4 doctors of medical sciences, 12 candidates of medical sciences, 2 honored doctors Russian Federation. The Moscow Regional Consultative and Diagnostic Center for Children works closely with the pediatric clinic of MONIKI named after. M.F. Vladimirsky and with many federal medical institutions.
The neurological service continues to develop in the center: 4 neurologists work, scientific staff of MONIKI named after. M.F. Vladimirsky, Institute named after. N.N.Burdenko. In 2002, a regional children's epileptology office was organized, a register of children suffering from epilepsy was created, and organizational and methodological work was carried out with the districts.
Cardiologists of the Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Center work closely with the Cardiovascular Surgery Clinic of MONIKI named after. M.F. Vladimirsky, with the children's clinic of the Research Institute of Rheumatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, with the Research Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after. A.N. Bakulev RAMS. Specialists from these clinics also conduct consultations at the Center. A register of children in the Moscow region was created with birth defects heart, in the near future it is planned to open a children's regional arrhythmology office, equipped with Holter monitoring and 24-hour blood pressure monitoring systems.
Currently, a coherent system of providing speech therapy assistance to children in the Moscow region has been created. The speech therapy room of the center is a permanent base for internships for students of pedagogical universities in Moscow.
The development of the audiological service has made it possible for children with hearing impairments to be comprehensively examined by specialists: an audiologist, a psychoneurologist, a teacher of the deaf, and a speech therapist. For recent years children suffering from hearing loss were provided with free hearing aids at the expense of the budget of the Moscow region and the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.
Today, IOCCD is a modern institution with great development potential, continuing the rich traditions of regional medicine.