Puzzles for elementary school on the theme of holidays. Puzzles for children


Adults try to develop children through games and entertainment, using the most various shapes. Coloring books, riddles, outdoor games according to given rules, simple puzzles - all this serves to educate children and prepare them for school.

Of course baby preschool age does not yet know or does not know letters well, so crosswords and other complex puzzles are not for him. Therefore, at the age of 6-7 he is introduced to puzzles. Usually these are the simplest puzzles with one hidden word. At this age, it is more important that the child understands the very principle of using pictures and syllables that make up the right word. I understood and remembered what a letter is and what it is needed for.

For primary school You can already use more complex puzzles that require the ability to read and write, such as crosswords. Rebuses and puzzles for children aged 9-10 years with answers in pictures are often used in school lessons. At home, together with their parents, children can easily create a puzzle themselves by drawing it or using coloring books.

Gradually they become more complex, they can make up entire phrases, or make riddles special terms. Puzzles in physics, puzzles in chemistry or mathematics are used in lessons and extracurricular activities to enhance children's cognitive activity, develop their logical and creativity.

The first puzzles appeared in the 15th century in France, where they turned into pictures illustrating wordplay. These verbal logic puzzles in the form of pictures came to us, in Russia, only in the second half of the 19th century. Then this one mind game found myself loyal fans of different ages. Adults fell in love with solving complex puzzles, and then they attracted children to this, starting from preschool age.

Regardless of what age the puzzle is addressed to - children 6 years old or schoolchildren 16 years old - it must be composed or solved according to the same rules. If, when solving crossword puzzles, we know the question to which we need to find the answer, then a rebus is a play on words that uses the similarity of the sounds of the most various items and concepts and you need to find the answer by looking at the image.

  • The object that we see in the picture of the rebus is always read in the singular, nominative case, but it can have several meanings. For example, if we see an eye in a coloring puzzle, then as a solution it can be denoted by the word “eye”. Or a drawing of an oak tree, when we solve a problem, can be taken exactly as “oak”, or maybe as more general concept"tree".
  • When to solve a problem you need to use not the whole word, but only part of it, then the discarded letters, if they are at the beginning or end of the word, are indicated by commas. The location and number of commas indicate how many letters should be dropped and from where. If a letter from the middle of a word is dropped, this is shown by writing and crossing it out.
  • If letters, syllables, pictures are in a certain order or inside each other, this means that when solving you need to use prepositions: “in”, “on”, “under”, “for”, etc. Often the position “above” and “below” is indicated by a horizontal line.
  • If one letter consists of another (others), then when reading, we add “from” (iz-b-a). When a letter is drawn after another letter, we use the preposition “by” (po-ya-s).
  • Replacing one letter with another is indicated either by an equal sign, or by crossing out the letter to be removed, and writing the correct one next to it.
  • When they want to show that to solve a problem you need to read the word denoting an object in the picture, on the contrary, then the picture is placed upside down.

Puzzles for children

Primary school students, children aged 9-10 years, begin to be introduced to mathematics puzzles. These include those in which they use numbers or numerals. Also classified as mathematical are those in which terms from mathematics are guessed. The puzzles also use the mathematical signs = and +.

  1. The = sign means that all given letters in the picture word are replaced by another letter or combination of letters.
  2. The plus sign warns that the parts of the rebus between which it stands are one word.
  3. The numbers in the rebus represent the letters that need to be taken from the picture word and put them in the same order as they are written.
  4. Both the answer to the rebus (in-o-seven) and its part can be numerals. (7th).
  5. For a child 8-9 years old mathematical puzzle There will also be one where to solve the puzzle you need to count the number of identical letters (seven).
  6. The rebus can be solved not in one word, but in a sentence, including on the topic of mathematics.

Using the same rules, complex puzzles in physics and puzzles in chemistry are compiled, in which terms from these sciences are encrypted.


All children, no matter how old they are, love pets. Therefore, they will be happy to answer questions in which their four-legged pets will be. The crossword puzzles that need to be completed include puzzle-type tasks. The answers are written under the same numbers as the rebus riddle.


Children have been involved in physical education since preschool age, and some even begin to get involved in certain sports. Therefore, it will not be so difficult for them to solve crosswords and other puzzles where they need to show knowledge various types sports and sports equipment. And if children consider that the tasks are too difficult for them, this is a signal to adults that they should pay additional attention to the topic of sports by watching it on TV together sports, or simply by downloading coloring pages about sports.


Already at the age of 5, children begin to be introduced to the world of professions. Some professions are already familiar to them, they can imagine what they do and how they differ between a doctor and a hairdresser, a salesman and a driver, a teacher and a military man. They will tell him about other professions during classes at school, and the child will learn about them from films and books. Crossword puzzles, coloring pages, and puzzles from this section will help you test your knowledge about the world of professions and expand it.


Puzzles that include only syllables will be difficult for preschoolers. They are designed for children over 8 years of age who are confident readers and writers. When guessing puzzles with syllables, you need to take into account the arrangement of syllables and letters among themselves and use the appropriate prepositions - “in”, “at”, “above”, “on”, “under”, “by”, “for”, etc.


The answers to these tasks will be names. This topic is familiar to everyone, so they are unlikely to be difficult for your children.


Crosswords and other puzzles in this section are designed to remind children of cities around the world that they have heard about, and perhaps even visited. Cities are hidden here behind pictures and riddles, which depict animals, plants, with numbers and letters. But it won't hurt to find answers. If you want to strengthen your children’s knowledge of geography, then use these puzzles, download coloring pages with views of cities, and remember the game of “cities” with your children.

How to solve and solve puzzles

To learn how to compose and understand puzzles, it is worth understanding what they are.

Word "rebus" of Latin origin (Latin rebus, with the help of things, “Non verbis sed rebus” - “Not with words, but with the help of things”). The rebus originated in France in the 15th century, and the first printed collection of rebuses, published in this country in 1582, was compiled by Etienne Taboureau. Over the time that has passed since then, the technique of composing rebus problems has been enriched with many different techniques.

So, rebus- This is one of the types of puzzles, a riddle to decipher words. Encrypted by certain rules a rebus can contain not only a single word, but also a proverb, a saying, a quote, a riddle, and even a whole short story. Words and phrases in the rebus are depicted in the form of pictures, letters, numbers, notes and other various symbols, the number of which is not limited. Solving a rebus is a whole science. When solving a rebus, you need to write down all the signs in the form of a meaningful word or sentence. Although there are several types of puzzles (literary, mathematical, musical, sound, etc.), there are some general rules their compilation and solving.

example of a rebus


A word or sentence is divided into parts that can be depicted in the form of a picture or any sign. The rebus is read from left to right, less often from top to bottom. Punctuation marks and spaces are not taken into account in the rebus. If there is one word in the rebus, then it should, as a rule, be a noun, and in the singular and in the nominative case. Deviations from this rule must be specified in the terms of the rebus. If a sentence is made (a proverb, an aphorism, etc.), then, naturally, it can contain not only nouns, but also verbs and other parts of speech. In this case, the terms of the rebus must contain the appropriate phrase (for example: “Guess the riddle”). A rebus must have a solution, and, as a rule, only one. The ambiguity of the answer should be specified in the conditions of the rebus. For example: “Find two solutions to this puzzle.” The number of techniques and their combinations used in one rebus is not limited.


The simplest option is when the rebus consists of two pictures, which will help you create a new word. The names of the objects depicted in the rebus should be read in the nominative case singular or multiple, if several objects are depicted.

rebus 1


rebus 2


rebus 3


From the last example it is clear that the picture in the rebus can have more than one name (eye and eye, bees and swarm, etc.); or the image may have a general or private name (bird - general name; swift, swallow, chicken - private name). If the depicted object has two meanings, then logically you need to determine the appropriate one. This is the most difficult thing about puzzles.

If the picture upside down, this means that the word is read “back to front”.

rebus 4

Inverted NOSE = SLEEP

If to the right or left of the picture there is one or more letters- this means that these letters should simply be added. Sometimes they are preceded by a “+” sign. Sometimes the desired object in the picture is indicated by an arrow.

rebus 5


rebus 6

Letter X + LEV = STORY


Commas to the right or left of the picture means that in the word guessed using the picture you need to remove as many letters as there are commas. In this case, commas in front of the picture indicate how many letters need to be removed at the beginning of the hidden word, commas at the end of the picture indicate how many letters need to be removed from the end of the word. Sometimes commas to the left of the image are drawn upside down, although this does not play a fundamental role.

rebus 7


rebus 8


rebus 9


The arrow pointing to the left, shown above the picture, indicates that after the word has been deciphered, it must be read backwards.

rebus 10

DRESSER - KO, read from right to left = HOUSE


If it is above the picture crossed out letter, and there is another one next to it, then this letter in the word needs to be changed to the indicated one. If one or more letters are simply crossed out, then they need to be removed from the word. The "=" sign also serves to replace one of the letters with another.

rebus 11


rebus 12


rebus 13


If the crossed out letter(s) stands as an independent figure, then it must be read with the addition of the particle “not”.

rebus 14


Numbers can be used instead of pictures. If part of a word in a rebus is represented by a number, then the number is pronounced as a numeral.

rebus 15

Number SEVEN + letter I = FAMILY

rebus 16

Number STO + letter L = TABLE

We keep in mind that a number can have more than one name.

rebus 17


rebus 18

Letter Ш + KOL + letter A = SCHOOL

rebus 19

Letter P + ONE + AR KA = MOLE

rebus 20


Several identical letters or other images in a row mean that you need to try to count them.

rebus 21

SEVEN letters I = FAMILY

rebus 22


rebus 23

A PAIR of letters D = PARADE

Numbers next to the picture serve to number letters in a word. The number indicates the place of the letter in a given word, and the order in which the numbers are written determines the new place of this letter.

rebus 24


rebus 25


If there are fewer numbers indicated than letters in the hidden word, this means that only the specified number of letters must be selected from the hidden word.

rebus 26


The use of crossed out numbers means that the corresponding letters must be removed from the hidden word.

rebus 27


If next to the picture there are two numbers with arrows pointing in different directions, it means that in the word the letters indicated by the numbers must be swapped.

rebus 28

Z A M OK = Smear

Roman numerals may also be used.

rebus 29

Forty A = FORTY

The use of fractions is not excluded. When a fraction is used in a puzzle, it is solved as "NA"(divide by). If the rebus uses a fraction with a denominator of 2, then it can be solved as "FLOOR"(half).

rebus 30

Z divided by K = SIGN

rebus 31

Gender of the letter E = FIELD

Crossed out sign "=" between the pictures should be read as "NOT".

rebus 32

And not Y = FROST


Often in puzzles they draw letters placed in an unusual angle relative to each other (one inside the other, one under or above the other, one running towards the other, one coming out of the other, etc.). This means that it is necessary to describe a picture or letter combinations using prepositions and conjunctions: “I”, “B”, “K”, “U”, “C”, “FOR”, “FROM”, “ON”, “PO” , "BEFORE" and others.

If objects, numbers or letters are depicted one within the other, then their names are read with the addition of a preposition "IN" before or between titles.

rebus 33

In the letter O the letter Z = WHO

rebus 34

Letter Z in letter O + letter N = RINGING

If one object is depicted behind another, then their names are read with the addition of a preposition "BEFORE" or "FOR".

rebus 35

Behind the letter L is the letter P = VALLEY

Usage horizontal line between pictures, letters or numbers placed one below the other means the use of prepositions "NA", "OVER", "UNDER".

rebus 36

On the letter C the letter T = NAST

rebus 37

Under the letter C kok = JUMP

rebus 38

From the letter N to the letter E + letter G = SNOW

We tell you what puzzles are and show examples of how to solve them.

Many people are interested in puzzles, of which there are a huge variety. And this is not surprising. The official inventor of “entertaining encryption” was the Frenchman Etienne Taboureau back in the 16th century. In today's age of information technology, you can find out how to solve puzzles using the Internet, reference books and books, as well as our article. Thanks to solving puzzles, thinking becomes non-standard and logic develops , which is especially important for children and adolescents.

What are the rules of rebuses?

The wonderful world of puzzles is subject to a number of rules. It takes practice to learn to understand what is encrypted in a combination of pictures and symbols. But first you need to master the theory, study composing techniques and learn how to solve them correctly.

Secrets of solving puzzles:

in a logical task, one word, phrase or sentence is guessed, which is divided into several parts and encrypted in the form of symbols and images;

  • first impressions are deceiving, so you need to pay attention to details;
  • it is important to consider the location of the symbols relative to each other;
  • they begin to solve in the direction: from left to right, or from top to bottom;
  • · if the task shows a directional arrow, then you need to read in the direction it points;
  • the image of the picture is read as a nominative singular word;
  • the task may contain an encrypted proverb, quote or riddle in which all parts of speech will be present;
  • When composing a puzzle, pictures, numbers, letters, and symbols are used;
  • You can use an unlimited number of techniques in a task;
  • the result of solving a logical task should be a meaningful word or group of words.

Types of puzzles:

  • literary;
  • musical;
  • mathematical;
  • sound.

Let's say the picture shows several objects. It is necessary to name objects in the nominative case, one by one, in the direction from left to right. For example, the word FIBER can be read if you correctly name and combine the two words shown in the picture, FOLL and WINDOW.

If a word or picture is depicted with commas, you should remove as many letters as there are commas in the picture (for example, in our picture we need to remove one letter CH from the word BALL).

When a logical problem consists of two parts - a picture and a word, you need to choose the only correct name for the picture that can be combined with a letter expression.

It's very interesting to solve puzzles from letters. For example, YES was written in the middle of the letter O. We turn on logic and slowly pronounce what we see with our own eyes: “in - o - yes,” we received the answer - the word WATER.

Now remember: you can enter part of the searched word not only “in” the letters, you can place them in front of, behind, under, on, at - in relation to the image. The prepositions - from, to, from, with, on - can be seen in the encrypted task on the position of the objects shown in the figure relative to each other.

For example, we see that the letter “l” is leaning against the letter “k” - and we will read two letters with the preposition “u” - “l-u-k”, we get the word LUK.

In the case when letter combinations are located one “above” the other, or “on”, or “under”, you need to pronounce what the eyes see. If you see a fraction with the numerator “fo” and the denominator “ri” - read “fo-na-ri”, you get the word LANTERNS.

If the picture shows two letters, but one is located closer, and the other is “behind” it, you need to take the hint and read the letters and the letter combination “for”. For example, behind the letter “I” there is a “c” hidden, and if you say out loud what your eyes saw, you get the word HARE.

When a picture is drawn in a rebus, and there is a crossed out letter next to it, you need to look carefully at the picture and name the object in the nominative case. The letter that is in the word, but crossed out in the picture, must be removed from the word - the result will be a new search word. The option with a letter can be like this: the letter must be replaced with another, therefore there is an equal sign between the letters.

Puzzles with letters and numbers are the easiest. Let's say the picture shows a COCKROACH, and above the word there is a numerical expression 1, 2, 7, 5. This word has 7 letters, and each number is equal to a letter. You need to take letters from the word in accordance with serial numbers and arrange it as suggested in the assignment. You get a new word - TANK.

If there are commas near the picture on the left or right, then you need to name the picture and remove unnecessary letters - the result will be a new word. The number of commas shown in the picture corresponds to the number of letters that will be removed from the word.

The task becomes more complicated when several pictures are depicted in the drawing.

It is interesting to solve a logical task when they combine a letter expression or one letter with numbers. For example, 100 + the letter “l”, you get the word TABLE.

Let's say that on the image below there is a drawing of an eagle, and at the top there is a letter equation P = C. We see how the proud EAGLE has turned into the word DONKEY.

Quite common are puzzles with several pictures, under which numbers are located. If some of the indicated numbers are crossed out, it means that in the words under which the numbers are shown, the letters will need to be removed, according to the digital instructions received.

We read puzzles with fractions using an expression that conveys the action of division. So, if the letter “z” is divided by “k”, we read “z - na - k” and get the word SIGN.

Often on tasks with puzzles you can see several images together - a letter, a number, an image. When solving such logic puzzles, you just need to look at things and call them by their proper names; this method helps to quickly solve the most confusing puzzles.

Parents dream that everything in their child’s life will turn out well. But we must not dream, but act. Everyone knows that a child’s thinking is different from the thinking of an adult. Children do not yet have stereotypes or complexes; children see the world in its true light. That is why it is important to teach a child to think independently, create logical chains, look for a way out, and most importantly find it. The best way teaching a child to think logically and see the essence of the issue is better than solving puzzles for beginners, and it cannot be!

The more complex, the more interesting, or how to solve puzzles with notes

When the seeds are left behind, both you and your baby will be able to handle the nuts. Complex puzzles can only be solved by those who have special knowledge.

Using sticks or matches you can lay out the most interesting logic problems. Here, actions with chopsticks can be performed in two directions:

  • by changing the position of the sticks you can change the image;
  • rearrange the sticks so that the number of sticks in the resulting figures is the same.

Tasks with sticks are an interesting and exciting process. Perhaps the one who can make four triangles from two will build a time machine in the future or make an incredible discovery in the world of mathematics.

Mathematical puzzles arouse children's interest with their originality. Simultaneously with the search for a solution, the child counts, performs actions, and looks for several options for solving the problem. The most enjoyable part of solving a logic problem is getting positive result. For children, the feeling of victory gives them joy and a sea of ​​positive emotions. You can do puzzles in your family, or you can bring this hobby to the company of your peers. Collected from Internet resources huge amount developmental tasks for children and teenagers, amateurs and professionals. Children's publications contain many fascinating logic tasks, puzzles, charades, and crosswords. Don't forget to buy them for your child. And instead of watching the tenth episode of the cartoon, offer to solve a logic problem together. Believe me, time will fly by unnoticed, and the warmth from the minutes spent together will warm your heart for a long time.

Children love to solve various riddles. And it's not only fun, but also very useful activity, developing little man, including its figurative and logical thinking. Logical tasks such as puzzles are especially good for developing these abilities.

By the way, solving them is interesting not only for children, but also for adults. Even if these are ordinary ciphertexts with pictures. So such time together can gradually turn into a wonderful family tradition.

We present to your attention children's puzzles in pictures; under each card you will find the answers.

*** - means that we don’t know the answer to this problem, if you solve it, please write in the comments, thank you.

Answers to puzzles(from left to right): wart, bruise, ***, drug, thorn, hygiene, hematoma, stretcher, fever, injection, mole, operation, tetanus, malaria, patch, flatulence.

Answers: butterfly, chocolatier, peacock eye, shrimp, water strider, crab, ***, cockroach, ground beetle, horsefly, mosquito, scorpion, drone, dragonfly, fly, bumblebee.

Answers: scalpel, barrel organ, chisel, guitar, wire cutters, whistle, drill, clamp, cleaver, disk drive, scythe, cane, knife, light bulb, flute, freezer.

Answers: incubator, switch, brush, radio telescope, hook, radiotelephone, paper clip, radio tube, stepladder, electric saw, cartridge, electric pump, tube, electric drill, bookmark, electric hammer, brush, electric guitar.

Answers to puzzles in pictures: swordfish, mackerel, lamprey, roach, hammerfish, swordfish, sawfish, vendace, strapfish, carp, needlefish, halibut, ballfish, silver carp, hedgehogfish, crucian carp.

Answers: wind, storm, thunderstorm, tornado, haze, flood, source, dew, blizzard, drops, snowdrift, slush, frost, ***, darkness, beach.

Answers: jacket, insole, socks, peakless cap, sleeveless vest, half coat, shorts, blouse, cap, stripes, strap, leggings, cap,***, lining, sock.

Answers: scarf, spikes, scarf, sandals, down jacket, heel, sleeve, tights, skirt, hat, scarf, underwear, tailcoat, sweatshirt, cap, leggings, jacket, overcoat.

Answers: hair, knee, mouth, fist, pupil, armpit, vertebra, bridge of the nose, crown, elbow, cowlick, cartilage, leg, posture, collarbone, lower leg.

Answers to puzzles: compote, jelly, lemonade, entrecote, cheesecake, pie, knuckle, pampushka, yolk, sbiten, crackers, meatballs, bagel, toffee, pastries, bagel.

Answers: potatoes, plums, apples, cranberries, cabbage, radishes, currants, strawberries, dried fruits, coconuts, ***, buckwheat, zucchini, orange, cutlet, beans.

Answers to puzzles: bugler, knight, gardener, maid, bodybuilder, tanker, naturalist, tamer, ophthalmologist, tanker, carpenter, turner, fireman, trumpeter, fisherman, picador.

Answers: stylist, archer, cook, spooner, steelmaker, crabber, astronomer, mower, miner, cattle breeder, understudy, crusader, livestock breeder, carpenter, journalist, key holder, gold miner, spy.

Answers to puzzles: longboat, broomstick, rocket, tanker, rattler, motorboat, carriage, skating rink, sailboat, tractor, submarine, motorized carriage, pirogue, motorboat, ambulance, motor sleigh.

Answers to puzzles: metro bridge, dolphinarium, greenhouse, planetarium, ***, barn, Kremlin, yurts, bell tower, barracks, dam, mosque, cathedral, citadel, feeding trough, elevator.

Answers: fort, funnel, club, one-piece, tunic, shootout, cartridge, grenade launcher, pistol, holster, torpedo, visor, dart, massacre, butt, colt, shooting, slingshot.

Where did puzzles come to us from?

So, what are puzzles, where did they come from and how are they useful? This will be discussed further. Unraveling words encrypted in pictures first became a hobby in France back in the 16th century. Of course, such entertainment was available to everyone, but it was mostly done by representatives of aristocratic families, since they had more free time for such entertainment. But other sections of society did not miss the opportunity to unravel the words encrypted in the pictures. They say that this was done even in not very respectable drinking establishments.

In our country, ciphertexts appeared much later. The widespread fascination with puzzles that need to be solved “with the help of things” (this is how the word rebus can be loosely translated from Latin) began only in late XIX century. At this time in Russian Empire They even began to publish a special magazine, which was called “Rebus”.

Currently, cryptograms of this type will not particularly surprise anyone. But, unfortunately, such logical puzzles do not have the former popularity. And this is in vain! Such a pastime is much more useful than sitting in social networks or for computer games. Especially for children!

Why do children need to solve puzzles?

Most puzzles are a riddle where the main role is played by a picture. The image is supplemented with letters, numbers or signs. By putting together words denoting drawn objects, adding or changing letters in their names, removing individual letters or syllables, you can turn the original word into the desired one. That's the whole task.

Children's interest in such puzzles is very high. And there is nothing strange about this. Some element of mystery always attracts children's attention. And as a result, little people not only enjoy deciphering words, but also, unnoticed by themselves, develop the qualities necessary for studying at school, and indeed for life in general. Solving such text riddles greatly contributes to the development of:

  • horizons (kids remember new words and learn their meanings);
  • speech (in puzzles you can encode not only individual words, but also proverbs or tongue twisters);
  • memory (primarily visual) and attentiveness;
  • logical thinking;
  • intelligence, ingenuity and intuition.

In addition, thanks to encrypted text messages in pictures, preschoolers and first-graders find it much easier to learn letters and numbers, and older children remember the spelling of various words.

IN lately Even textbook writers use such logical problems. IN primary school they are often assigned as homework. Older children can be asked not only to solve cryptograms, but also to compose them themselves. This exercise is also an excellent workout for the mind. Moreover, such tasks are also creative work. After all, most contain a picture that the child will have to draw on his own.

Differences in children's puzzles

The most difficult are mathematical puzzles in which letters replace numbers in some mathematical expressions. The most complex are the so-called cryptorhymes. These are puzzles in which a mathematical expression is encrypted not just by a set of letters, but by a completely meaningful phrase. Of course this option puzzles are only suitable for children who are already well versed in arithmetic operations and are good readers.

The more common option is alphabetic. In them, the word is encrypted using letters, syllables or whole words. To solve such a puzzle, some letters must be removed and others replaced. Often, to solve such puzzles you need to use ingenuity and attentiveness, since the solution may even depend on the location of letters and syllables relative to each other. Younger schoolchildren who know the alphabet well and can read already cope well with such tasks.

Puzzles with letters and pictures are perfect for children who have just started learning letters. Such puzzles not only teach the child to think and reason, but also allow him to quickly remember letters and learn to read. Such puzzles are suitable and younger schoolchildren. Solving them is a good exercise for the mind.

But text riddles in pictures are an excellent option for educational activities for children from 3 years old. They are considered the simplest and are quite capable even for such kids. It’s worth talking about this version of puzzles in a little more detail.

Puzzles in pictures

Logical tasks that use only pictures are suitable for kids who have not yet mastered the alphabet or have just begun to master this science. Most often they consist of two pictures. From the names of the objects depicted on them, a new word is obtained.

In such puzzles, the child does not need to remove or add letters to the words found. It is enough to connect them together. However, one should not think that such problems are too simple. The tricky part is that many items are often named differently, for example:

  • a drawn eye can be called both an “eye” and an “eye”;
  • stylized window can be used in this sense or denote the word "frame";
  • a funny face can be deciphered as “face” or “face”, etc.

Such puzzles not only teach a child to think, but also significantly expand his vocabulary.

For older children, more complex puzzles are suitable, in which the picture is depicted upside down. In this case, you need to not only guess what is written on it, but also say this word backwards, for example: NOSE - DREAM. Sometimes in such problems the image is not turned upside down, but the direction of pronunciation of the word is indicated with an arrow.

If the child has already started learning the alphabet, he can already be asked to solve a text code in which a picture is accompanied by one or two letters. Such tasks greatly simplify the process of memorizing the alphabet, and the lessons turn into an exciting game that does not strain the child.

How to solve text codes with your child

With the help of logic puzzles, it’s easy enough to turn a learning activity into fun game. But first, the parent needs to familiarize himself with the basic rules for solving such puzzles. Although there are no special tricks in this matter.

Any rebus is read from left to right (sometimes from top to bottom), unless otherwise specified or indicated in the form of an arrow. All names of objects are used in the nominative singular case. Of course, if several objects are depicted, then the word should be used in the plural.

Puzzles for children- a puzzle in which a word is encrypted using pictures, letter combinations and signs, has been popular for centuries. Rebuses, which first appeared in France in the 15th century (the first printed collection dates back to 1582 and was compiled by Etienne Taboureau), improved over time and became unusually exciting game. They can be solved either alone or in cheerful company, arranging competitions. The puzzle will not let you get bored even on a gray, rainy day when you can’t go out with friends. Solving puzzles for children is fun and exciting - worth a try!

What puzzles exist

There are a wide variety of puzzles: mathematical, with numbers, with notes, complex and many others. We have prepared excellent selection puzzles for children.

How can you solve a rebus?

Knowing the rules for deciphering a rebus, you can solve even very difficult riddle. The word hidden in the puzzle is divided into several parts, which can be shown in the form of pictures. In order to guess the word, you need to read the names of the images in the nominative case, and then combine them into one word. So, for example, if the first picture shows a trace, and the second shows a person conducting some kind of experiment, you should read: trace + experience = pathfinder.

Puzzles can be more difficult. In such puzzles, one of the pictures may be turned upside down, and then its name must be read backwards. Commas can further complicate the puzzle, which, if you don’t know why they are in the puzzle, make it unsolvable. When a comma is placed before a picture, it indicates that you do not need to read the first letter of its name. The number of commas indicates how many letters need to be discarded. A comma or several of them after the picture indicate unnecessary letters from the end of the word.

Having become comfortable with simple puzzles, it is interesting to tackle more complex puzzles. In them, a crossed out letter may be drawn above the picture, which means that it should be excluded from the title of the picture. When there are numbers above the picture, then only the letters corresponding to them in the word are read (example: if there are numbers 1, 3, 4 above the picture of an apple, you need to read yalo). When there is a crossed out letter and an uncrossed out letter above the picture, you need to replace one with the other in the word. In some puzzles, the letter that needs to be replaced is not crossed out, but simply an = sign is placed between it and the one that should be in its place.

Numbers may also appear in the rebus if part of the word is a numeral. In this case, pictures or letters can be placed before or after the number. The puzzle is solved in the same way as a puzzle with pictures, only instead of the name of the image, a number or number is read.

When a rebus looks like letters or letters and numbers inscribed within each other, then it should be read by adding the letter B to the beginning of the word.

In the most complex puzzles, syllables can be represented by notes. In this case, you will need to understand which note is shown in the picture and read it in accordance with its sound.