Real sports betting strategies. The best win-win sports betting strategies. The most working types of strategies

Betting strategies Views: 148230

Instructions for making money using the “Win-Win Strategy for the Favorite” - a variation of “Dogon” with a yield of 30% to the bank. This is a guaranteed income.


We recommend reading the entire strategy to the end. Try the strategy for a small pot and small bets. And when you understand that the strategy works, you can increase the bank. Choose a bookmaker's office. We recommend a time-tested, reliable and timely payment bookmaker's office official in the Russian Federation "Leon " bonus code Leon+ and bk "League Betting" " (bookmakers Leon and Liga Stavok are legal companies in the Russian Federation on the Internet online). Having chosen a bookmaker, let’s proceed directly to the strategy.

This strategy uses several types of strategies - these are such popular and proven strategies as Dogon, fixed profit and Frank Belanger System No. 8

  • Fixed profit- the main objective of this strategy is a fixed amount bet
  • Frank Belanger System No. 8- a strategy for playing in a bookmaker’s office, with the help of which bettors can systematically make a profit with a bet pass rate of only 40%
  • Dogon- a sports betting strategy in which the size of each subsequent bet depends on the result achieved by previous bets. The main goal is to return lost funds and make some profit. A special case of this strategy is the Martingale strategy.

It’s no secret that the “Dogon” system uses the Martingale strategy system, which is often used in casinos when playing roulette. But there you play with a casino, or if it’s an online casino, with a program, and it’s impossible to win against a casino. With bets at bookmakers using the Martingale system, which is used in the “catch-up” strategy, the situation is completely different because here you bet on live events and people - everything depends only on them and various factors. And the outcomes of events in sports are repeated with different frequency

Example of choosing a favorite

For example, take one leader of any football championship and consider the championship that has already passed.

Consider the Spanish Football Championship. La Liga Standings - Season 2012-2013

The table shows what championship was played 38 games 32 victories 2 losses and 4 draws.

Now the explanation: When betting on the catch-up strategy, you choose a club and bet on it throughout the championship on the result you choose, for example, on the victory of your chosen team. Having chosen the bet condition, namely, you want to have a certain profit from each bet.

Selecting the bet size to obtain the desired profit (formula)

Let’s say that our profit will be 100 rubles, our club is the favorite of the Spanish championship “Barcelona”. From the last championship it is clear that if you made bets with the condition that with each bet you would receive a profit of 100 rubles, then for the whole season you would win 32x100 rubles = 3200 rub. without losing the initial bank Since Barcelona is considered a favorite, the odds for its games are generally less than 1.5 and in order to get the desired profit you need to calculate the bet amount for each round using the formula

ST = (PS+NS) / (KF-1)

  • ST – required amount for bet;
  • NS – “desired” amount of profit;
  • KF – bookmaker odds;
  • PS – amount of lost bets

For example, in the first bet in the first round you have PS=0, if your KF=1.5 then to get 100 rubles you need to bet 200 rubles. Having considered the initial step - choosing a team, the desired profit and the type of bet (ours is on victory), we move on to the next step to the “Dogon” strategy itself.

The main principle of the strategy for the favorite is the desired profit

With the strategy, you place the first bet (we have a certain condition desired profit)

(100r and PS=0) calculating the rate at the above the specified formula. We bet everything, waited for the result - your team won, then we continue to bet on the next games according to the same principle (the condition is a certain desired profit of 100 rubles and PS = 0) until the team loses or plays in a draw.

Once a team loses:

Now your bet will be calculated according to the basic formula where PS will matter, namely the lost amount (we have 200 rubles) and we get if for example

KF= 1.4 for the next match our bet will be equal to

200+100/1.4-1= 750 rub.

You place a bet, if the team wins then you get

750x1.4=1050 from here you can see that your profit will be 1 00rub = 1050 (total profit from the bet) - (750+200 is the amount of your bets).

If you lose your bet again for the second time in a row

again we calculate the bet amount using the formula for example


then ST =200+750+100/1.8-1=1313

and again we bet on your team of the next round.

1313x1.8=2363 where your profit is 100 rubles b = 2363 (total profit) - (1313+750 + 200 the amount of your bets)

The bet wins, we go to the initial conditions for calculating the bet PS = 0 and so we play according to the method described above until the end of the championship or achieving the total profit you need from your bank.

And I almost forgot about one of the most important conditions in strategies - size your bank before you start betting on this strategy. The initial bank should be such that, for example, if it suddenly comes to a series of 3 or more lost bets, you have enough money for a bet, taking into account that you can win back the amount of all bets lost before and still have the desired profit. In this example, with the condition accepted by us (the desired profit is 100 rubles), here the initial bank will be on average 10,000 rubles.

To get started, register with a bookmaker and try it out this strategy on paper conditionally, writing everything down on a piece of paper or with a small bank and bets. Then, once you are convinced, you can start playing for real money or for larger amounts.

Example and analysis of strategy

Now let's look at all Barcelona's games in the championship and why we chose this team for the Dogon strategy.

Green .- won bets

Kras and Yellow - lost bets

Picture below

When analyzing the table, it is clear that in the season there were not even series, i.e. 2 or more lost bets in a row. This is why the choice of club for betting is made - it is a favorite and it is very rare for it to have a series of 3 or more consecutive defeats and draws. So play this strategy on the favorites, betting on their victory and you will always make a profit. Once you reach a double pot, you can withdraw money from the bookmaker. Play in several offices, and choose those offices where the margin is lower.

Play in several championships with different favorites. Many pros in sports betting make money with this strategy.

The one downside to this strategy is the time it takes – after all, the championship lasts more than one month.

See below for an example of strategy calculations:

Bank 20,000 rub. desired profit 200 rub. bets on P (favourite victory) consider 10 rounds of a fictitious championship.



  1. ST - calculated rate
  2. PS - amount of lost bets
  3. NS – desired profit
  4. KF coefficient for the match

1st round favorite win

KF=1.4 calculate ST =0 +200/1.4-1=200/0.4=500

500x1.4=700 our bank = 20200

2 round victory of the favorite

КF=1.6 we calculate ST =0 +200/1.6-1=200/0.6=334

334x1.6=534 our bank = 20400

3 round victory of the favorite

КF=1.3 we calculate ST =0 +200/1.3-1=200/0.3=667

667x1.3=867 our bank = 20600

Round 4 draw favorite

KF=1.7 calculate ST =0 +200/1.7-1=200/0.7=285

285x1.7=485 (in case of victory) the bet did not work our bank = 20600-285=20315

5th round favorite win

KF=1.45 calculate ST =285 +200/1.45-1=485/0.45=1077

1077x1.45=1563 our bank = 19238+1563= 20800

6th round defeat of the favorite

КF=1.9 we calculate ST =0 +200/1.9-1=200/0.9=222

222x1.9=422 (in case of victory) the bet did not work our bank = 20800-222=20578

Round 7 draw favorite

KF=1.75 calculate ST =222 +200/1.75-1=422/0.75=562

562x1.75=984 (in case of victory) the bet did not work our bank = 20578-562=20016

Round 8 draw favorite

КF=1.6 we calculate ST =222+562 +200/1.7-1=984/0.6=1640

1640x1.6=2624 (in case of victory) the bet did not work our bank = 20016-1640=18376

9th round favorite wins

КF=1.5 we calculate ST =222+562+1640+200/1.5-1=200/0.5=3936

5248x1.5=7872 (in case of victory) the bet wins our bank =13128 +7872=21000

10th round favorite win

FK=1.35 calculate ST=0 +200/1.35-1=200/0.35=571

571x1.35=771 our bank = 21200

The example shows that for ten rounds our profit was 1200 rubles. Yes, not much, but this is the downside of this strategy: it takes a lot of time and doesn’t make much profit. To tell the truth, in the example we looked at the worst options - a series of three defeats and a draw (the bets were not played) and another draw, and all this in 10 rounds. Usually favorites have 2-4 losses and 3-5 draws during the season. Well, the example was made specifically to show you all the subtleties of the strategy.

You can also see from the example that the higher the KF, the lower your bank losses. Usually the odds are high in matches with the championship leaders. And therefore this is a big plus of the strategy because if the bet does not work, you will not lose much since the calculated bet NS is directly proportional to the odds for the match KF. For example, the game of Real Madrid and Barcelona KF on them is somewhere around 2.0 and if you make a bet on this KF then calculate (if you take that PS = 0 and the desired profit is 100 rubles) then if you lose the bet you will lose 100 rubles the amount of the desired profit.

Well, for example, if you took for example NS = 200 rubles

If the team wins 35 games in a season, then you will earn 35x200=7000 rubles and this is a guaranteed profit.

To increase profit you need to increase NS - desired profit. For example, your NS = 10,000 rubles

Then per season if you take it higher a worthwhile example will be 35x10000=350000 rub. But the initial bank should be accordingly, below are examples of banks for different NS (desired profit). The bank is approximate, if it is larger it is even better.

Bank calculation for strategy

NS – desired profit in rubles.

Initial bank in rub.









Some of my friends play this strategy and their NS = 15000-2000 rubles. Well, in a year they are somewhere around 500-600 thousand rubles. in profit. Yes, their banks range from 1.5 million rubles and above. But the income is appropriate.

On average 45-50 thousand rubles per month. if you take that the team plays about 5 games a month.

And one more piece of advice when choosing a bookmaker, make sure that the office has high limits on bets on matches or, best of all, none at all.

We also recommend the championships - Germany, Spain - here the same leaders have been for a long time - such super clubs as Bayern, Real Madrid, Barcelona. But it’s not necessarily possible to go to hockey, but there is a high probability of long losing streaks.

But in order to reduce or, one might say, reduce the unbeaten streak to a minimum, bet not purely on victory, but on PH (double outcome: victory and draw) or F(0) handicap to zero on the favorite (higher odds, but in case of a draw there will be a refund)Yes, the odds are lower, but you will increase your income because you will eliminate lost bets on draws.

This is how many pros make money. Well, for example, even using the example of the above-mentioned Spanish Championship 2012-2013, we will see that leaving the same desired profit of 100 rubles, but the condition is that we are not betting purely on victory, but with double outcome to favorite PH then we will lose only 2 bets. and profit will increase by 4x100=400 rubles due to excluded draws. Super true. Simple math and that's it.

Calculation of profit in %

We calculate the profit as a percentage - with the desired profit of 100 rubles and the bank 10,000 rubles, your income for the season will be with a bet on the winner P - 3,200 rubles, this is +32% of the profit 13,200 rubles your bank.. And if you make the desired profit from each bet 10,000 rubles and the bank 1,000,000 rubles - per season 320,000 rubles. You can go on vacation without worrying about expenses. No bank will give you such interest. It’s worth a try, but first try a strategy with small amounts, for example, take the desired profit of 50 rubles or the minimum bet at a particular bookmaker. Gentlemen, place your bets and start earning money, for example, to buy a new car.

Thank you for your attention!

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Sports betting They occupy a prominent place in bookmakers, and today bets on politics, cinema, culture, weather, and e-sports are also included in the line. In this section you will find everything about betting on sports, as well as betting strategies on popular sports - football, hockey, tennis, basketball, boxing. Understanding the material will help a novice bettor make favorable rate and minimize risks.

Sports betting strategies: what is it, types

Betting in sports is a bet concluded between a bookmaker and a player (bettor) based on events that may occur in a sports match, duel, or confrontation. The betting strategy can be based on predicting the outcome sporting event or its parameters - number of goals, statistics, score, scorers, etc.

Betting in sports is growing in popularity as bookmakers strive to sponsor football teams, advertise themselves in stadiums and promote themselves during matches. Bookmakers consider betting to be the main line of their business, although betting on politics and e-sports have also begun to gain popularity.

Bets are divided into two types - online and offline, i.e. at betting points (BPPs), representative offices of bookmakers. The online bet is placed on the bookmaker’s website – mobile, desktop or in a special application for mobile devices, without the participation of a cashier, online.

Bookmaker bets on the Internet today are slowly replacing classic version betting in PPP, since online bookmakers offer more convenient service, bonuses and promotions, as well as the opportunity to place bets without leaving home and at any time.

Online sports betting strategies

In betting, there are basic betting strategies that help systematize the game process, discipline the bettor and teach him the basics of financial management, which are very necessary in order to strive for a positive balance in relations with the bookmaker. Betting strategies are divided by type of sport, as well as methods of achieving results - making a profit in bets.

There are some classic strategies used in casinos, based on the laws and methods of statistics and probability theory:

  • Kelly criterion;
  • d'Alembert's strategy;
  • catch up.

There are also betting strategies based on proper financial management - the game bank:

  • flat;
  • fixed percentage of the game bank;
  • fixed profit.

There is also the concept of arbitrage betting, called the “arb” strategy - a search for discrepancies in the odds of bookmakers, under which conditions are created when the bettor, having bet on opposite outcomes, will remain in the black regardless of the result of the match.

Win-win strategies in sports

Classic strategists become tools for creating other, new ones. For example, many systems for playing on segments - betting strategies on periods in hockey, quarters in basketball, games in tennis - use the “catch-up” strategy. It consists of systematically increasing the bet amount until the planned profit is achieved.

U catch-up strategies there are a number of advantages, but also a significant disadvantage - at one point the bettor simply may not have enough money to next step in the process of “catch-up” implementation. But if used wisely, in combination with other strategies with limitations, this tactic will lead to success.

The main benefit of using betting strategies is the discipline of the player, which will protect him from haphazard bets and help him come to terms with losses as an inevitable part of the game in the bookmaker's office. The goal of any strategy is profit over a long period of the game, while many bettors, due to inexperience, want “here and now,” which leads to negative consequences.

Are there win-win sports betting strategies? How to choose a profitable betting strategy with minimal risk? Where to Apply a Sports Betting Financial Strategy?

HeatherBeaver magazine welcomes its readers! Denis Kuderin is in touch.

We continue the topic of profitable games in bookmakers. In the new article we will talk about betting strategies. Those who read to the end will understand one important thing - no matter how attractive strategies may be in theory, the main indicator of their success is assessed only by practice.

Mindlessly copying other people's recipes is unwise and impractical. The purpose of the publication is to teach players to live with their own minds, consistently and measuredly moving towards their cherished goal.

And the most patient readers will find advice on how to make the strategy game as safe and profitable as possible.

1. Should you use sports betting strategies?

Everyone who bets on sports has their own strategy. Even if the player does not try to formulate it or somehow define it, it is still there. Any handicapper ( professional player in a bookmaker) makes bets based on past experience. That is, he does not bet thoughtlessly, but in accordance with his ideas about a competent game.

There are, of course, weirdos who bet for the sake of betting. It doesn’t matter to them whether their bet loses or wins, they are interested in the process itself. I hope there are no gamblers (addicted to the game) among our readers. Reasonable people They bet not for the sake of playing, but for the sake of earning money.

It is from this point of view that we will consider betting strategies. When the handicapper’s task is not to guess the outcome of a particular sports competition, but to make a profitable investment, the very approach to betting changes. He becomes more thoughtful, sober and effective.

So first you need to free yourself from the main illusion. Remember: there is no universal gaming strategy that will allow you to become a super successful handicapper. Particularly dangerous are progressive strategies and those that are heard by everyone.

How can this be? Live by your own mind. Only those handicappers who, through trial and error, come to create their own proprietary methods ultimately end up in the black.

But this does not mean that all existing popular strategies– slag. They must be studied, tested and, if necessary, used. If only because some of them help to understand the mathematical laws of betting (betting business) and develop their own unique methods based on them.

The only drawback that all sports strategies have, in particular football, is that they are not absolutely win-win. Some effective and working methods of bookmaker betting with 4-5 losses in a row completely deplete the bettor’s bankroll. Other mathematically more advanced sports strategies with minimal risk allow the bettor to stay afloat even with 8-10 unfinished events.

On our website you will find best strategies sports betting, with a description of the system, examples of how to work with them, their real advantages and disadvantages. We will tell you all the secrets of proper bankroll management. Let's talk about the interesting aspects that every successful sports betting tactic has. A solution about whether or not to check whether this or that tactic of playing sports betting is profitable, take it yourself.

Sports betting – profitable and not so profitable – TOP

The most best strategies on sports betting can be roughly divided into several types:
  • Financial system of the game in sports betting includes the following types of strategies - strategies for football and other sports, where the theory of money management is applied in practice.
  • Game working strategies sports betting can be as follows - sports betting methods, the profitability of which depends on sports odds and the player’s ability to predict results.
Which are the most profitable bets for sports? No one can answer this question unequivocally.. Effective sports betting depends not only on the methodology used, but also on what forecast the better uses, how strong his desire to make money is, and whether it does not contradict common sense. In any case, each player experimentally finds what can be called a “time-tested sports betting strategy.” We can only tell you everything about what there are winning methods rates, and how to apply them most effectively in practice.

Which will include win-win sports betting strategies (in my opinion, of course). This means that the article was written throughout the day, and I started playing at the bookmaker’s office only at 12 noon (there were problems with mobile communications and I couldn’t top up my account).

As you remember, my win-win sports betting strategy is to play large sums at low odds. That's how I started the game day.

By the way, I forgot to mention that I had previously determined the sport on which I was going to experiment. My choice fell on tennis. Firstly, this sport is most often featured in online betting, and secondly, with the right approach and calculation, the amount of your winnings can be increased several times daily.

At the time of writing this article, a little more than five hours have passed since the start of the betting game, and during this time I increased the balance of my account exactly twice (except maybe without a few kopecks). During this time, I made 14 bets, of which 12 were played.

Strategy Details

Remember when I said tennis allows you to win money with minimal risk? Let me now tell you what the catch is this method. So, the theory is as follows: you need to place bets of 30-50% of the available amount at odds of up to 1.35.

Moreover, this must be done with confidence in the result. I will not go into all the rules of tennis (if anyone is interested, study the rules on Wikipedia), but if a person leads with a score of 4-1, plus, in the next game, the serve will be made from his side, then you can safely bet on this outcome.

Based on statistics, in 92% of cases the leading side will win the set, which means your bet will win. As a rule, the odds for the leading side to win a set are no more than 1.15, although sometimes you can catch better results.

For example, if in a similar situation the score is 3-1, then the odds for a winning outcome will be no less than 1.25, and in some cases (when tennis stars are playing) it can rise much higher (as in the case presented in the screenshot).

Similarly, such a strategy can include outcomes not only for winning sets, but also general games, however, the odds in this case will not exceed 1.1. But no one shys away from such outcomes. Profit is profit.

Finally, a couple of tips. Remember dear readers, we work, not play. Therefore, the concept of excitement should be completely eliminated from your vocabulary. You won’t always be able to win; sooner or later a certain amount of money will still end up as a loss, so there’s no need to rush to win back.

Don’t forget about the percentage dependence of the bet size on the odds (30-50% of the total amount at odds from 1.1 to 1.3), and don’t act rashly if you lose. Better yet, make it a rule to withdraw part of the amount earned upon reaching this level.

In other words, they invested 1000 rubles, doubled the amount through bets and withdrew the resulting profit, while the remaining “basic” amount can be left for later earnings. And don’t rush, it won’t always be possible to increase profits by 200% every day, especially since sooner or later you can get your account blocked by the bookmaker.

This is what my win-win sports betting strategies look like, gentlemen. Tomorrow I will experiment with another, more risky "technology". In the meantime, you can read.