Breeding chinchillas at home: how rodents mate and breed. Chinchilla breeding is the perfect solution for a home business


Feeding chinchillas

Chinchillas are herbivores.
The diet of our wards consists of a bunch of hay and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grain mixture, which we do like this (the components are indicated in brackets, an arbitrary container is taken as a unit of measurement, for example, a glass):
oats (5), barley (2), wheat (2), sunflower (1), flaxseed (1), rolled oats (2), peas (2), buckwheat (1), millet or millet (1).
For pregnant females, we reduce the share of grain in the diet in order to prevent obesity, we try to give them more hay, berries, be sure to add dried parsley. After giving birth, we always feed females with dried nettles and raw carrots (one slice 1 cm thick per day), because that it helps produce more milk.

Young chinchillas sit mostly in twos or threes, constantly chasing each other in cages, and lead an active lifestyle. A lot of energy is required for growth and movement, therefore, more feed is spent on young animals. An hour after feeding, we inspect the cages, put hay where almost everything has already been eaten.
In addition, as a top dressing and treats, we keep chalk in the cages, constantly give chinchillas apples (dried and fresh), berries (currants, shadberry, viburnum, mountain ash), carrots, pumpkin seeds, rose hips.
A day later, we add dried nettles and brooms (from birch, apple, linden) to the diet, on the branches of which animals also grind their teeth. We feed our wards once a day, in the evening.

Disease prevention

We also give hercules and berries to pregnant and lactating females in the morning. We do not vaccinate our chinchillas, since these animals do not have any mass diseases. But this does not mean that the health of chinchillas can not be dealt with at all.
We made it a rule to regularly carry out preventive measures for the animals. Once every three months, we add the veterinary drug bifitrilak to the feed (1 time per day for 10 days). It contains bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, normalizes the intestinal microflora, improves metabolic processes, etc. In a word, it has a very positive effect on the health of chinchillas.
In addition, we carry out the prevention of intestinal diseases with the help of furazolidone and vikasol (1 tablet per 15 animals per day). Turn the tablets into powder and dissolve in water. Pour into drinkers for 10 days, then a break for 10 days, then a second course. We carry out such prevention 2 times a year - in autumn and spring.
Approximately 3 times a year we carry out a course of prophylaxis with vitamin preparations trivit or vitri. It is a mixture of vitamins A, D3 and E in oil. We put 1 drop on crackers and distribute them in the evenings for two weeks.
In our opinion, these vitamins are simply necessary for chinchillas.
Vitamin E increases the fertility of females, its lack leads to infertility, miscarriages. Vitamin D3 deficiency is fraught with curvature of the spine and rickets. The lack of vitamin A reduces the immune system, the overall resistance of the body to diseases.
As a prevention of skin diseases, we always add medical or fodder sulfur to the sand, which helps to avoid the appearance of ringworm. In general, ringworm was the first problem we encountered when we started breeding chinchillas. We suffered with this infection for a long time, we tried many different means. But it is not in vain that they say that everything ingenious is simple. After the bathing sand began to add sulfur, we forgot about lichen in chinchillas.
Twice a year we treat the cells with a blowtorch, and every month we clean them using a solution of water with the Glutex preparation, which is intended for disinfection of the premises. It is convenient in that chinchillas from cells can not be transplanted during treatment with a solution. After processing, we ventilate the room.

Chinchilla at home

Now about breeding these cute furry animals. The easiest way is to keep chinchillas in pairs (monogamous breeding). In this case, cages can be made of any size and design, and there is no need to follow the periods of sexual hunting. The positive side of this breeding method is that, having two or three pairs, the owner can receive unrelated offspring from them. But when the male gets older, at about 1.5 years old, he can already be kept with two or three females.

If it is planned to increase the livestock of the farm, then they switch to polygamous breeding - the maintenance of chinchillas by families. With this method, there are 4 females for 1 male. This option is especially good with a large number of chinchillas. There is a third way to keep chinchillas - the rotation method. It consists in the fact that the females are taken in turn during the hunt to the male, left with him until the onset of pregnancy, and then the female is placed in a separate cage, where she bears, gives birth and feeds her offspring. This method is acceptable when the owner has only a few chinchillas and he keeps them for himself or for sale for decorative purposes. The rotation method can be a transitional option from paired to polygamous content.

In our opinion, this method of keeping is difficult for beginners, since it requires the ability to determine the period of hunting in females, diagnose the onset of pregnancy, as well as the ability to mate adults (in chinchillas this does not always go smoothly). From our own experience we know that it is easier for beginners to keep chinchillas in pairs that join at the age of 3 to 5 months. We keep our chinchillas mostly in families, young ones - in pairs.

Cell device

We use polygamous cells. We make them ourselves from a galvanized mesh with a cell measuring 19x19 mm. The dimensions of the cages are 84x50x40cm. They are equipped with a bathing box in the sand, trays that can be easily removed for cleaning, feeders, drinkers. Along a special corridor, the male runs from one female to another. Each female lives in her own compartment, from which she cannot leave because of the plastic collar around her neck, and the male visits them in turn. We tried to keep chinchillas in cages of different designs, but, as we saw in practice, the most convenient are those that we talked about.

Our chinchillas bring an average of 2 offspring per year. Usually there are 2-3 chinchillas in a litter. But we had cases when both 4 and 5 cubs were born. At first, everyone did not survive: the females did not have enough milk, and we did not have enough experience in keeping these animals. But then we began to feed the females with raw carrots (to increase milk production), and the babies to drink boiled goat's milk from a syringe or directly from a spoon. As a result, in the last two litters, all four born cubs survived.

Chinchillas are born sighted, with teeth, fluffy and mobile. After a few days, they begin to eat from a common feeder. Up to 1.5 months we keep them with their mother, then we put them away. At the age of 3-6 months, we form unrelated pairs, we keep some animals for ourselves, we sell others.

We have never regretted that we got a chinchilla farm. We are glad that there are “fluffies” at home who are waiting for your arrival in the evenings, begging, climbing into their arms. Now we can't even imagine our life without them. Yes, and they replenish the family budget: we sell young animals for further breeding to everyone, they are happy to purchase fluffy lumps as a gift for children. Unlike other popular pet rodents, chinchillas have little to no smell and do not bite at all. There is always a demand for chinchillas. And if we take into account that chinchillas among fur animals are considered infertile, then we can say with confidence that the market will not be saturated with them soon. So, in our opinion, chinchilla breeding will be a profitable business for a long time.

(from the magazine "Homesteading" No. 7, 2006) chinchilla breeding

With limited funds for the first few years, an entrepreneur can breed chinchillas as a business on a personal plot or in an apartment. In order to receive high profits, it is necessary to organize not only the sale of expensive fur of a fur-bearing animal, but also the sale of meat and breeding young animals.

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What are chinchillas?

Chinchillas are rodents whose natural habitat is the South American continent. In the modern world, these animals are quite difficult to meet in the natural environment, so they are listed in the Red Book. Today, chinchillas are actively bred on farms or at home. According to the owners, the animals have a calm disposition and are suitable for cage keeping.

General information about the animal

General characteristics of the chinchilla:

FamilyChinchillas, a detachment of rodents
motherlandSouth America
natural habitatNorthern rocky areas above sea level - 0.4-5.0 kilometers.
Countries where they liveChile, Argentina, Bolivia, etc.
Animal length22-40 centimeters (where 10-18 centimeters is the tail), depends on the breed
body shapeShort neck, rounded head, rounded ears
PawsThere are five toes on the forelimbs, and four on the hind limbs. The hind legs are about twice as long as the front legs. Thanks to this feature, chinchillas can make high jumps.
Weight of an adult animalUp to 800 grams
eye colorBlack
The number of animals in the litterFrom 1-2 babies in a young female, up to 5-6 in a mature one.
The duration of the reproductive function of malesUp to 15-18 years old
LifespanIn natural habitats, animals live up to 20 years, and in captivity - about 10 years.
Fur colorAsh, gray-blue, white, black
FurIt is distinguished by softness and lightness, as well as density and density (up to 25 thousand hairs are located on one square centimeter). It is not subject to seasonal molting. The skins of males are the most valuable.
Meatdietary product
LifestyleThe animal sleeps mainly during the day, it is active at night.
Nutrition in the natural habitatGrass food and insects
SmellsWhen keeping an animal in artificial conditions, a strong smell is not observed
PubertyFemales are ready to give their first offspring at the age of five to seven months
ImmunityGood, no vaccinations required
Special Features
  • in an upright position, the animal can shrink and crawl into narrow cracks;
  • chinchillas are distinguished by good coordination of movement;
  • do not scratch or bite;
  • there is no need to trim the claws, since they are bitten by the animal on its own.
The price of a breeding animalAbout 6-8 thousand rubles

Chinchilla breeders, whose goal is to obtain animal fur, most often breed long-tailed chinchillas (up to half a meter long).

Keeping chinchillas at home

Requirements for organizing a place of residence for chinchillas:

Cell sizeSince chinchillas need a place to run and jump in order to live normally, the cage for their maintenance must be sufficiently free.

Optimal size:

  • width - 100 centimeters;
  • height - 80 centimeters;
  • depth - 40 centimeters.
Cell material
  • unpainted metal;
  • the size of the cells of the bottom of the cage is 1.5 by 1.5 centimeters;
  • the size of the cells of the walls / ceiling of the cage is 1.9 by 1.9 centimeters.
Design features
  1. For ease of maintenance of cells, it is desirable to have a retractable tray.
  2. In the pet's home, a rest house should be provided, as well as a place for a drinking bowl / feeder (usually they are attached to the walls).
  3. Not far from the place for eating, a manger for hay is placed.
  4. To maintain an active lifestyle of the animal, the cages should be equipped with small shelves, 15 centimeters each. Shelves should be placed at different heights so that the chinchilla can jump and run on them.
Cell location
  • dry, warm, bright and quiet room;
  • the optimum temperature is 18-23 degrees Celsius (the minimum is up to 14 degrees Celsius, and the maximum is 29).

The vertical multi-tiered arrangement of cells will allow placing a large number of them in one room.

Features of caring for chinchillas:

  • cells should be cleaned once a week;
  • per day for 30 minutes a bath with cealite is placed in the cage for taking sand baths;
  • to ensure optimal temperature conditions where the animal is kept, an air conditioner must be installed;
  • the room where the cages with animals are located should be periodically ventilated;
  • cells need disinfection, which is carried out several times a year;
  • cell litter is usually sawdust;
  • In the cage, the animals should always have fresh and clean water.

The correct conditions for keeping animals can be organized both in an apartment and in a private house.

Industrial breeding

For industrial breeding of chinchillas, families are formed. Each of them includes one male and four females. The head of the family, the male, must be several months older than the females, which will allow the life of animals to be properly organized.

Fighting between females for a male can lead to fights and quarrels within the family. To prevent this from happening, they should be kept in separate cages. The dwellings of females are placed so that there are four separate passages from the male's cage to each female.

Since chinchillas are quite expensive animals, you can start a business by acquiring several male and female individuals. Gradually, the scale of production can be increased to the format of a mini-farm or a full-fledged production.

What is the relevance of the chinchilla breeding business idea?

Strengths of the chinchilla business idea:

  1. Low competition. Today in Russia, this market niche is still practically not occupied, since it was born relatively recently. Approximately 90 percent of domestic fur studios produce products from imported raw materials. In this field of activity, both an experienced and a novice entrepreneur can prove himself.
  2. Low entry barriers to the industry. You can start a business even with minimal capital. In addition, the maintenance of chinchillas does not require expensive equipment and food supply.
  3. High profitability and profitability. To a greater extent, these indicators are provided by the high price of the finished product, as well as significant demand, which is not covered by the existing supply. Chinchilla fur is a unique and highly valuable product that is superior in price to mink, sable, arctic fox and other animal skins.
  4. Perspective. Demand for chinchilla pelts is expected to grow as the number of fur salons gradually increases.
  5. Ease of animal care. They do not stink, are small in size, do not require special procedures (for example, haircut and washing), etc.
  6. A farm for breeding these animals can be organized directly at home, without special education.
  7. Wasteless production. The entrepreneur has the opportunity to sell not only the skins of fur animals, but also their meat.

Where to start a business?

Before you start growing chinchillas for commercial purposes, you will need:

  1. To study the technology of breeding animals.
  2. Consider distribution channels for finished products.
  3. Write a business plan.
  4. Prepare a mini-farm.
  5. Equip the mini-farm with equipment.
  6. Find a chinchilla breeder and purchase a certain number of breeding individuals.
  7. Buy animal feed and other consumables.
  8. Register a farm.
  9. Hire staff.

Description of chinchilla breeding technology

Features of chinchilla breeding technology:

  1. Primarily acquired thoroughbred males and females. What the offspring will be depends on their health and quality characteristics. It is not recommended to buy animals of different colors, it is better to immediately decide on the color of animals and breed chinchillas with the same color of fur.
  2. Novice entrepreneurs are not recommended to purchase a large number of animals for breeding at home. Scale up production should be gradual.
  3. Since in these rodents, females dominate over males, when a couple meets, it is better to put the girl in a cage with the boy.
  4. Chinchilla pregnancy lasts 105-115 days. On the second day after birth, the female is ready to mate. Since the cubs live with their mother until the age of two months, it is worth thinking about crossing the animals only after the relocation of the babies.
  5. Childbirth in chinchillas takes place mainly in the morning and lasts about two hours. Usually the animal gives birth on its own. Babies have a weight of 35-50 grams. With a large number of offspring (4-6 pieces), the weight of the cubs is less, and with a small number (1-3 pieces), they are larger.
  6. One female per year can bring up to three offspring. However, if we take into account the time for raising cubs (about two months), one female per year will bring only two litters.
  7. Cubs are born sighted, they can immediately move and run within a few hours after birth. Therefore, during their stay in the mother's cage, high shelves should be removed.
  8. In the first week after the birth of babies, they should not bathe in the sand.
  9. After giving birth, the female must be provided with vitamins (for example, raisins, almonds, dandelion leaves, nettles, etc.).
  10. The cage with the cubs and mother should be kept clean and protected from drafts.

Organization of production

The organization of production on a chinchilla breeding farm depends on:

  • business scale;
  • activity format;
  • financial position of the entrepreneur, etc.

Key points that deserve special attention in the process of organizing the work of a chinchilla farm:

  • equipment;
  • room;
  • purchase of young animals;
  • pet food.

In the video, an experienced chinchilla breeder shares his experience in organizing a mini-farm at home. Filmed by the channel: "Evgeny Shmalko".

What equipment will be required?

Equipment and inventory of a chinchilla mini-farm:

NameApproximate price, rub.
Cages with pallets (30 pieces)90 000
Shelves in cages5 000
Feeders and drinkers8 000
Teeth grinders (toys – e.g. driftwood, twigs, hanging toys, ladders)5 000
Houses for animals (placed in a cage)6 000
Nest boxes3 000
Sand baths (baths)6 000
Heater15 000
Air conditioner20 000
Lighting3 000
Other equipment4 000
Total165 000
Photo gallery

Automatic drinker bathing suit Cages for chinchillas Houses, shelves and toys

Selection and preparation of premises

Criteria for choosing a room for organizing a chinchilla farm:

  • good sound insulation;
  • the ability to maintain the optimal temperature for the growth of the animal;
  • lack of drafts, but the possibility of airing the room;
  • good thermal insulation;
  • lack of direct sunlight;
  • the ability to maintain air humidity within 50-60 percent;
  • absence of mold, fungus, etc.

As a room for a chinchilla farm, you can use almost any building that will meet the listed parameters. Before settling the animals, the room must be thoroughly washed and disinfected.

If the cells are arranged in several tiers, they will take up very little space. Therefore, a large area is not required to organize a mini-farm for growing chinchillas. For example, a room of 20 square meters is enough to keep hundreds of animals.

Purchase and selection of breeding stock

The success of further chinchilla breeding activities depends on how high-quality breeding young animals are purchased. For breeding fur animals, it is important to acquire healthy and young individuals of the desired color, so it is better to take chinchillas from experienced breeders. You can also buy rodents at chinchilla farms.

Key criteria for choosing chinchillas per tribe:

  • the presence of a pedigree;
  • good gene pool;
  • required fur color;
  • availability of a medical certificate confirming the health of the animal (veterinary certificate);
  • the correct shape of the head;
  • small rounded ears;
  • short neck;
  • flat back (no thickening);
  • dense, thick, elastic and uniform fur throughout the body;
  • weight about 600 grams (at the age of 7-8 months);
  • healthy and beautiful parents.

Basic colors of chinchillas:

Chinchilla fur color name with photo
White Wilson

White fur, gray ears and black eyes
White velvetPaws and a gray muzzle stand out on a white skin
white-pinkThe color of the skin is slightly darker than that of White Wilson.
BeigeColor can be anything from dark gray to light gray
SapphireThe fur has a pale blue tint, such animals require special care.
VioletThe color of the fur is closer to gray, has a slight tint
StandardThis is a natural type of animal color: the back has a dark ash shade, and the tummy is light.
Black velvet (velveteen)The upper part of the back is black, smoothly turning into a light belly, the nose is beige, the eyes are black
ebonyAvailable in dark gray or all black

Today, there are approximately 12 variants of standard chinchilla fur color mutations and 10 combinative forms. The colors that are most in demand on the market are “black velvet” and standard, which is why they should be bred.

Feeding chinchillas

Features of feeding chinchillas:

  1. One animal per year has 13-20 kilograms of feed.
  2. Rodents are unpretentious in feeding, they mainly eat hay, compound feed, as well as fresh grass. It is desirable to give it less juicy and coarser.
  3. Chinchillas love fruits, vegetables, sunflower seeds, shoots of fruit trees. Animals are often given vitamin complexes.
  4. Adult animals are fed once a day, in the evening. Cubs in the first two months of life are fed with mother's milk.
  5. it is not recommended to drastically change the diet of pets, if necessary, this is done gradually.

Registration of a mini-farm

Features of registering a chinchilla mini-farm in Russia:

  1. To create a full-fledged small farm for breeding fur animals, the form of an individual entrepreneur or peasant farm is suitable. Registration of a KFH provides for the possibility of having several founders, but an individual entrepreneur does not.
  2. The entrepreneur will need to issue a certificate of animal health in the veterinary service.
  3. Taxation regime - ESHN. The application of this scheme does not imply the payment of VAT, property tax and income tax. The entrepreneur pays 6 percent of the difference between the firm's income and expenses.
  4. The activity code from the classifier is 01.49.22 "Breeding of other fur-bearing animals on farms."
  5. To organize a business on chinchillas, a license is not required.

If the number of chinchillas is small, the entrepreneur is allowed to operate within the framework of a personal household, where taxes are not provided. This period can last up to two years.

Sales organization

Ways to market different types of chinchilla farm products:

Sales can be promoted using the following promotional tools:

  • advertisements in the media and the Internet;
  • operation of your own website;
  • placement of business cards and brochures in pet stores;
  • creating groups in social networks and inviting everyone to excursions;
  • taking part in specialized exhibitions of fur-bearing animals.

Financial plan

Subsequent financial planning was carried out for a chinchilla mini-farm with the following characteristics:

Number of purchased male animals4 pieces
Number of purchased female animals16 pieces
colorBlack Velvet and White Wilson
Products for saleBreeding young and culled animals
Farm siteRussian Federation, Central Federal District, a city with a population of about 500,000 people.
roomA room in a private house (20 square meters)
Form of ownership of the premisesPrivate property
Maximum farm capacity100 animals
Legal status of the farmHousehold
Sales channelsDirect sales of animals
Sales promotion
  • own group in social networks;
  • ads on the Internet on thematic sites;
  • cooperation with pet shops.
StateOne person (self-employed)

How much does it cost to open a business?

Initial investment to start a chinchilla breeding farm:

Recurring costs

The list of monthly investments in the chinchilla business is presented in the table:


The initial data for calculating the profitability of a business looks like this:

Indicative indicators of the effectiveness of the implementation of the business idea of ​​​​a chinchilla mini-farm at home:

Calendar plan

Schedule for implementing the business idea of ​​a chinchilla mini-farm at home:

Stages1 month2 month3 month4 month5-6 month7 month8 month9 month10 -18 month19 month
Studying the technology of breeding chinchillas+
Definition of the business concept+
Solving basic issues: place of breeding, color, quantity, etc.+
Drawing up a business project +
Preparing the premises for the farm +
Search for sellers of chinchillas of the desired color + +
Purchase of equipment for the farm +
Equipment installation +
Purchase of chinchillas and their settlement in cages +
Purchase of feed + + + + +
Carrying out marketing activities + + + + + + + +
Development of a group in social networks, creation of a website + +
The appearance of the first offspring of chinchillas +
The first profit from the sale of fur animals + +
Scale up production +
Registration of individual entrepreneurs or peasant farms +

Risks and payback

Breeding chinchillas as a business involves the following main risks:

risk factorDescription of the riskProbability
Violation of conditions for keeping animalsDue to improper maintenance, chinchilla fur can turn out to be of poor quality, which entails the loss of part of the profit.

In order for the animals to be healthy and multiply well, they need to provide the required conditions of detention.

DiseasesWhen buying low-quality broodstock, the offspring can be weak and prone to disease.

To minimize this risk, the entrepreneur must pay more attention to the stage of purchasing chinchillas and control the process of their maintenance.

Poor quality of the finished productThe quality of the fur depends on the proper feeding, maintenance and care of the animals.Medium
Financial/economic crisisDue to the recession in the economic development of the country, there may be a decrease in demand for expensive fur and products made from it. In such a situation, the consumer is likely to purchase a cheaper substitute product.Medium

The payback of a home farm for breeding chinchillas for sale will be 12-14 months. Despite the fact that the business idea is very profitable, the first profit will be received only on the 9th month of the business project.

Mating of chinchillas occurs throughout the year, so during this time the female can bear offspring three times. Pregnancy of the female lasts from 105 to 120 days. The most frequent period for the birth of cubs is considered to be two spring months - March and April. For one offspring, the female brings from 1 to 4 puppies.

The puberty of the female occurs at 6 or 7 months, and the male - by 8 or 9 months, so by the age of 10 months the chinchillas are ready to have offspring. The average life span of a chinchilla reaches 18 years, and its reproduction occurs up to 12-15 years of age.

Moreover, for successful reproduction, females and males of chinchillas must be in good physical shape and be healthy. Mating thin or fat animals will not give a good and healthy offspring.

Signs of readiness for mating

To form pairs, the female is placed in a cage with the male, who must be older. It is in this case that strong families are created and healthy and strong cubs appear. Determining that animals are ready for breeding is not difficult: males become restless and begin to chase the female even during the day, when they usually rest. At the same time, males attract the female with cooing sounds.


Chinchillas mate at night. The left scraps of wool and a waxy flagellum 3 centimeters long can tell you about this. An increase in body weight in a female indicates the onset of pregnancy: after 15 days, she will add about 100 grams.

From the 60th day of pregnancy, the female's nipples swell, and the belly becomes noticeable. At this time, you should feed her with vitamins and diversify food. The male is usually removed from the cage or a partition is made between them, as often the female behaves very aggressively towards the male. During childbirth and at times close to him, the female should not be disturbed, there should be silence in the room.

The appearance of offspring

Usually the female gives birth on her own in the morning. All this can last a few minutes and reach up to several hours.

The cubs are born hairy, with teeth and sighted, and after a few hours they can move around the cage themselves. The weight of newborns ranges from 30 to 70 grams. After 3 days, the nest box is turned on its side so that nothing prevents the cubs from getting out of it and eating. The mother feeds the cubs for 45-60 days, and then they are removed to a separate cage. If the female does not have milk, then they use another chinchilla or resort to artificial feeding. To do this, cow, goat or condensed milk is diluted in water and given to babies every 3 hours.

The weight gain of young chinchillas is quite fast. Animals of the same sex are placed in several pieces in one cage.

In order for the offspring to be healthy and attractive, you need to properly maintain the parents. Therefore, pay more attention to them, because the result of your efforts depends on this: will you get an increase in the number of chinchillas or not.

Breeding chinchillas at home

It is possible, and even in ordinary apartments, one has only to remember that they need good and timely care. This means both feeding and cleaning the cages to avoid odor. Windows or a window should be open so that there is always fresh air in the room, but be sure to exclude the appearance of a draft. No need to be afraid that only an experienced fur breeder can breed chinchillas, anyone who can handle an ordinary hamster can do it. Breeding chinchillas at home. Yes, even an ordinary student can cope with such a task. And what is most interesting, you can combine a hobby with a very good benefit. A little specialized literature, drawing up a business plan and business will flourish.

It should be noted that this is a very profitable business. Chinchilla fur is one of the most expensive in the world. The price of a chinchilla skin is on average $400-450 apiece. Chinchillas reach sexual maturity at 6-7 months of age, and one male is enough for 4 females. At the same time, the female gives birth 2-3 times a year and from 1 to 5 babies. They need their mother's food for 60 days. And although the pregnancy of chinchillas lasts 110 days, already 12 hours after giving birth, the chinchilla is again ready to become a mother.

Chinchillas are unpretentious in food, grasses, hay, grains, vegetables, that is, they eat almost everything. And in order for them to grow well, they definitely need to put a container with sand. They need it for taking baths.

Breeding chinchillas at home very profitable, because it does not require a specific room, and they can simply allocate one of the rooms. In general economic terms, chinchillas are much more profitable to breed than other fur-bearing animals. Practically omnivorous (avoid only fresh greens), very prolific, hardy and do not require heavy physical care.

How to breed chinchillas at home?

Home business and do-it-yourself production, these words sound especially tempting for today's active people. Chinchilla fur is a very prestigious and expensive material used in the fashion industry of the fur industry. This animal has a unique structure of fur from one hair follicle, not one hair grows, but several, their number reaches 80! The whole animal is covered with a continuous layer of elastic silky fluff. It is an excellent natural insulator.

What should you know about chinchillas?

Such a home business implies some features breeding chinchillas :

  1. The skin of a chinchilla is always in perfect condition, it does not shed depending on the season. The chinchilla is a small herbivore and can eat dry food all year round. Growing this animal is easy and simple, it surprises even experienced fur breeders. Such a small business at home is available to both schoolchildren and retirees. Even those who have never had anything to do with fur farming can do this business. Do not rush to refuse, even if you live in a high-rise apartment, everything will work out if you do not plan to do big business. You can only keep a chinchilla indoors, in a warm, dry and clean place. The air must be clean and drafts excluded.

Periodically, the room must be disinfected in addition to what needs to be watered and fed, it is imperative to change the chips once a week, sift and ignite the sand once a month. They use sand for bathing, without this procedure, the quality of the fur may deteriorate. And once every 6 months, it is necessary to carry out a general disinfection of the cells and the premises. As soon as the animal is three months old, he will need a separate cage. When the animal reaches the age of 7 months, a decision must be made for each of them. Only a quality animal should be left for the tribe, but related mating is not allowed. The standard family of chinchillas is 4 females and a male, the working family cannot be destroyed and extra males go to the skins. A female can have up to three lambings per year, with five cubs, as a rule. Pregnant chinchillas go from 110 days, and exactly 7 weeks are spent on maternal care. In a year, one animal needs 6 kg of hay and 12 kg of compound feed to feed. 20 animals occupy 2 square meters, and passages between cages are taken into account. Feed should be introduced with caution and slowly, preference is given to feed of domestic production. One worker can manage 500 animals if he works a full week (approximately 41 hours). When catching an animal, you can only grab it by the tail or by the ear and try to do this as little as possible.

Is it possible to get rich by breeding a chinchilla?

This business will always be profitable, the prices for the costs have already been determined and an unexpected sharp jump is not expected.

It is much more profitable to breed a chinchilla than, for example, a rabbit: there is no meat and fish in its diet, which means that the costs are less and there is no smell. Moreover, the skin of a chinchilla is always in excellent condition, unlike the skin of a rabbit, which sheds most of the year.

Most importantly, a chinchilla skin costs 250 times more than a rabbit skin.

Breeding chinchillas at home

Many people dream of making money without leaving their homes. Today it is quite real. Moreover, you can work for yourself, not depending on outsiders. We offer to breed chinchillas at home.

Chinchilla business

At the moment, this type of business is developing very quickly in our country, but since it appeared here relatively recently, for the time being, everyone can take a place in this niche. Today, a business at home is available to everyone. based on breeding chinchillas. Of course, you can breed and sell many other animals, but unlike them, chinchillas:

Occupy a minimum of space;

They do not emit an unpleasant odor, like most other pets;

They eat only plant foods;

They are expensive due to valuable fur;

Valued for healing dietary meat;

They do not require special care.

Any person in any room can handle such a business. The main rule is hygiene.

How to breed chinchillas

So, if you decide to breed chinchillas at home, then the first step is to decide on the place where the animals will live. Well, if you have a large private house, then you can certainly choose a room that is ideal for breeding. But if you live in an apartment, then you still should not despair. For animals, you can allocate one small room or rent a separate apartment. At the stage of formation of the chinchilla business, while there is still no income, you can breed chinchillas in your apartment, and later expand the territory by acquiring a separate room.

Having decided on the place, you need to decide how many females and males you will get, the area occupied and the number of cells will depend on this. In no case should you save on items necessary for breeding. Your animals should live comfortably and eat well, then they will be beautiful and cheerful. If you decide to breed chinchillas, be aware that each female can give birth to about 15 children a year, so you should prepare for replenishment, there should be enough space for everyone. When you get the first offspring, you will need to look for sales: give the animals for sale or sell on the market yourself. It won't be easy at first, but over time sales will improve and there won't be any problems with that.

Breeding chinchillas at home is an interesting and profitable business. To understand this, just try to get some cute little animals at home.

What animals are profitable to breed at home to earn money?

To earn money, you can breed a couple of thoroughbred cats (Persian, Sphynx, Siamese), caring for them is simple, cats will take root everywhere. Well-groomed cats do not smell (like mice and hamsters), and will constantly give birth to kittens for you. You can sell offspring by ads, or at a cat show. It is the same with purebred dogs, but they are more difficult to care for, they need constant walks, then they need to be kept clean, and they need different food.
