Various Thai massage techniques. Thai massage - what is it and types, technology of performing traditional, general or royal


Like many Asian countries, Thailand is attractive due to its exotic terrain and unusual opportunities for relaxation. But even a vacation at the famous resorts of Thailand cannot compare with the effect of yoga massage offered by Thai manuals. Because Thai massage is a whole healing system, perfected over thousands of years of its existence.

Many unconventional but effective healing practices came to us from Asia. Meditation, yoga, acupuncture, Ayurveda are areas that bring not only spiritual perfection, but also physical health.

The list would be incomplete without mentioning the unique massage techniques developed in India, China, Tibet and of course, Thailand. After all, the geographical proximity of the state to the historical cultural centers of Asia could not but affect the development of medicine.

Today, Thai massage, which has absorbed the best achievements of non-traditional practices, is officially used as a complement to therapeutic activities.

The creator of general Thai massage is considered to be Dr. Jivaka Kumar Bhashi, a doctor from Northern India who 2500 years ago served as the personal doctor of the Indian king.

At that time, Thai literacy did not yet exist, and knowledge was passed directly from teacher to student. However, the ancient masters found a way to preserve information about massage techniques. On the stone slabs of the Wat Pho monastery in Bangkok, carved drawings have been preserved to this day, depicting energy lines and acupuncture points.

In ancient manuscripts and Buddhist books of the late period, the healer Jivaka is repeatedly mentioned not only as an expert in the healing power of herbs and minerals, but also as a close friend of the Buddha.

Followers of Kumar Bhasha consider him the father of healing - the Buddha of medicine and sacredly revere his memory. Therefore, every Thai therapy session certainly begins with reading a mantra dedicated to Dr. Jivaka.

Features of Thai massage

The principles of Thai massage are based on the teaching of energy flows that permeate the body of every person. A targeted effect on certain areas allows you to activate vital energy in any area of ​​the body, restore health and natural functionality of all body systems.

Curious! Contrary to existing opinion, classic Thai massage does not have an erotic effect on the body, and should not be associated with intimate services - its techniques are closer to Indian yoga and Japanese shiatsu.

It is believed that 72,000 energy lines permeate the human body. Only ten of them are used in Thai massage. Restoring energy is the key to returning health.

Aging of the body is in most cases a loss of mobility and flexibility. The use of Thai massage allows you to restore muscle elasticity and return them to their former functionality without tiring exercises.The main tool for healing is touch.

During the procedure, the massage therapist presses on the active points of the body or kneads them, and thus activates the movement of energy flows in areas located along the energy channels.

Indications for healing using Thai methods

Considering that Thai massage techniques combine reflexology, acupressure, and passive gymnastics, its result is a comprehensive healing of the entire body.

Thai massage is recommended for both men and women as a healing and rejuvenating procedure..

The effectiveness of the procedure is confirmed by:

  • Improving blood circulation, relieving swelling.
  • Increasing muscle tone and tendon elasticity.
  • General relaxation of the body, elimination of tension.
  • Normalization of breathing.
  • Activation of the nervous system.
  • Restoring the functionality of the digestive tract.
  • Increasing the intensity of blood flow.
  • Launching regenerative processes in the skin, smoothing scars and scars.
  • Good health and emotional uplift.

After the session, stress and shock go away, pain and discomfort caused by injuries and tendon deformations recede, tension, tension, numbness and stagnation in the tissues are eliminated. And mobility returns to the joints.

Attention! After the first sessions, pain may appear in certain areas of the body. This is due to the launch of cleansing processes in the body. Subsequent sessions may cause drowsiness, which means the body needs rest to complete the process of eliminating toxins.

Contraindications to Thai procedures

The power of Thai massage is quite high, so the procedure is not recommended for all patients.

You should refrain from manual therapy procedures:

  • Pregnant.
  • Patients with oncology.
  • When the temperature rises.
  • After recent injuries.
  • For varicose veins.
  • People who are intoxicated.
  • Drug addicts.
  • For infectious skin lesions.
  • During the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • During menstruation.
  • Children under 14 years old.

Elderly people, as well as patients with heart disease and diabetes, are recommended to discuss the procedure with the specialist before it begins.

Characteristics of Thai massage

Unlike European procedures, the use of special techniques in Thai massage is one of the mandatory components of the ritual, without which a session is impossible.

The key to a successful result of Thai massage is adherence to traditions:

  1. Only a master - a highly spiritual person who masters the technique of meditation and is able to determine the movement of energy flows in the human body at the level of intuition - can ensure the correct execution of the procedure.
  2. Each session begins with the recitation of a mantra, with the help of which both the master and the patient ask the Universe in the person of Dr. Jivake for healing.
  3. A calm, relaxing environment is one of the factors influencing the patient’s mood and well-being.Sessions taking place after a bath or sauna are especially effective..
  4. During the procedure, the patient is located on a special mat, and not on a massage table. When performing a massage, the master can sit, stand on one knee, lean on his knee or heels.
  5. The impact on the patient’s body is carried out not only with the palms or fingers, but also with the knees, elbows or feet.
  6. The master and patient wear light, loose suits made of natural fabrics.
  7. During the session, the patient undergoes passive gymnastics - twists, stretches, folds and other non-standard body positions inherent in traditional yoga asanas.
  8. The average duration of the procedure is at least two hours.

Important! Before a Thai massage session, the master must set himself up for good intentions and positive results, and the patient must believe in the possibility of recovery and the healing potential of the master.

Principles of the procedure

Manual influence using Thai techniques requires full contact between the master and the patient. All the nuances of the upcoming procedure are discussed before the start of the session.

Seven rules of Thai massage

Moreover, there are rules that determine the effectiveness of massage, and a real specialist always follows them:

  1. Performing a massage does not require a strict sequence of actions. In each individual case, priority is given to the weakest and most painful areas.
  2. General relaxation is not considered the purpose of massage; its main task is to relieve pain, eliminate discomfort and ailments.
  3. Thai masseuses are quite petite and do not have much weight, so during the massage they often use not only their elbows, feet and knees, but also their body weight.
  4. Each massage movement is combined with the patient's breathing. In practice, the breathing rhythm of the massage therapist and his client must match.
  5. Gaining the patient's trust is the most important condition for mutual contact. The effectiveness of the procedure increases significantly if the patient has no doubts about the competence of the massage therapist or the effectiveness of the method he uses.
  6. A professional chiropractor is able to identify treatment areas using his hands and coordinate his movements according to the needs of the body.
  7. The method of applying soft touches to particularly painful areas allows you to effectively eliminate the cause of the ailment without causing suffering to the patient.

The ideal result of Thai massage is possible when an energetic connection is achieved between the healer and the patient. Only true masters of Thai massage master the high art of healing.

Types of Thai massage

The two main directions of Thai massage are general and royal. Each of the directions has its own subgroups, which have developed as additional types of techniques.


The basis of all Thai techniques is a general classical massage, which involves full contact with the patient and the use of fingers, palms, wrists, elbows and feet.

In classic Thai massage, neither cream nor oil is used, and the patient does not take off his clothes during the session.


A distinctive feature of royal massage is maintaining a distance between the master and the patient and the absence of stretching techniques. To perform the technique, only the working surface of the hands is used. In this case, the massage therapist moves around the patient on his knees.


The main task of erotic Thai massage is to ensure maximum relaxation of all parts of the body. The procedure is performed using massage oil and is considered one of the most pleasant.

Deep kneading is alternated with light sliding movements, complementing and strengthening each previous movement. The session takes place as one continuous flow of influence on the body and allows you not only to completely relax your mind, but also to achieve a high level of sensuality.

Other types of Thai massage

Subtypes of Thai massage arose and developed as an addition to the main techniques and are often used to adapt Europeans to Eastern techniques.


During the session, the healer works on acupuncture points located on the feet, working on the toes, top of the foot and part of the calf muscles, achieving deep muscle relaxation.


Various essential oils are used to perform the oil procedure.Before the session, you must inform the specialist if you are allergic to certain types of oils.


The massage technique reflects the basic principles of yoga. Allows you to influence those areas of the body that are activated during yoga.

An important advantage of Thai massage is that the result of the procedure appears immediately after the session.

Execution technique

The sequence of application of Thai techniques may vary, but the methodology for carrying out the procedure remains the same in any case.

Thai massage always begins with an impact on the limbs and moves towards the body - thus maintaining the pattern of energy movement and the sequence of activation of blood vessels. The main direction is from bottom to top, from feet to head.

Preparing for a massage

A Thai massage session is carried out no earlier than two hours after eating. Before starting the procedure, the master is interested in the well-being and mood of the patient. It is important to set him up in a positive way and gain trust.If during the procedure the patient feels discomfort, he must immediately inform the healer..

There should be no jewelry on the patient's body.

Methods of use

When performing Thai massage, the whole body is involved. The position on the back is replaced by a position on the stomach, side or sitting.

At the beginning of the procedure, the massage therapist, using soft kneading movements, warms up with his hands those areas of the body that are planned to be affected. During the massage the following types of techniques are used:

  • Pressure is the main technique for influencing soft tissue. At the first stage, the effect is used to activate energy points in the foot area. During the massaging process, pressure is used with the palms, knee, elbow, and feet, depending on the area being treated.
  • Shaking is a rhythmic movement of the feet and hands that relaxes the muscles. The “soft limbs” method involves a combination of shaking and simultaneous pulling of the torso towards you.
  • Stretching - increasing the amplitude of movement of the body - back, limbs. Performed after relaxation by pressing and shaking.
  • Lifting is a smooth movement of the patient's body in an upward direction, straight or with twists. To provide lifting, use your arms, legs or shoulders. When lifting, it is important to remember proper breathing - take a deep breath before starting the movement and exhale slowly during the process.
  • Rotation is a technique for working the tissues around the joints. Performed softly and smoothly with a small amplitude.
  • Traction is a method of influencing the soft muscles of the limbs.

To improve your health, it is enough to take one or two sessions a week.

Detailed video: Thai massage

Several video lessons of Thai massage are presented in the video:

Conclusion: learning Thai massage

It is not difficult to learn how to do a classic Thai massage if you turn to specialists who support the spiritual practices of Asia - reading mantras, meditation, yoga, etc. In Thailand, there are special schools where they teach massage techniques. There are corresponding centers in Russia.

Special points in Thai massage

By correctly influencing biologically active points, you can quickly improve your well-being through self-massage:

  • Active influence on the little fingers will relieve fear, anxiety or fright, malaise.
  • Massaging the ring finger relieves anger and reduces cravings for alcohol and nicotine.
  • Kneading the thumb is indicated for intestinal problems.

In addition, on the palms there are projection zones of all internal human organs. Massaging certain areas of the palms is one of the components of Thai massage, with which you can independently strengthen the body.

It is important to understand: to ensure a healing effect with the help of Thai massage, it is not enough to master manual techniques; you need to strive for harmony with yourself and the world around you and maintain a positive focus.

Surely everyone has heard something about Thai massage. But very often people have superficial knowledge about this event. They are not ready to explain what Thai massage is and what its advantages are. Is it really as useful as they say it is?

So, let's figure out what Thai massage is? And how to do it yourself.

Characteristics of the procedure

It is impossible to definitively answer what Thai massage is. After all, this is a whole art that allows you to favorably influence a person.

Thai massage is used to improve the physical and mental state of the body.

It combines various methods of influence. This:

  • passive yoga;
  • acupuncture;
  • stretching;
  • reflexology.

The technique of Thai massage has been developed for centuries in the countries of Southeast Asia, based on religious and philosophical teachings.

  1. The client lies on his stomach. The arms are extended along the body. The head is turned to the side. The massage therapist performs steps on the patient's feet. How does this happen? He must stand in the client's footsteps. Then the massage therapist gently applies pressure with the pad under the big toe. In this way, he alternates steps in the footsteps of his partner, transferring his body weight either to the right or to the left leg. This exercise requires smooth movements so as not to hurt the patient.
  2. The second stage is pressing with the heels. The client is also in the starting position. The massage therapist turns his back to him and begins to gently massage the patient’s feet with his heels. If you have problems with your joints, it is better to skip this step.
  3. Then you need to return to the first stage again - gently pressing with the pads of your fingers on the patient’s feet.

Foot massage

After carefully working your feet, you can move on.

  1. The partner lies on his stomach with his legs slightly spread. The massage therapist kneels down between the client’s legs and begins to press on the thighs with his palms, moving from bottom to top. Movements should not be sharp, but not soft, but rather energetic. When applying pressure, the massage therapist must transfer the weight of his body to his hands. Such movements are performed 5-7 times.
  2. After this, do stretching exercises. The massage therapist gets down on one knee, takes the client’s feet in his hands and tries to carefully bring the patient’s heels closer to his buttocks. When performing stretching, you should not allow pain to occur. It is necessary to move the client's legs smoothly, without sudden movements. When your heels are as close to your buttocks as possible, you need to hold your legs in this position for 10 seconds. This exercise is performed 3-5 times. It helps make muscles more elastic.
  3. The next stage is leg stretching. The massage therapist is behind the client, sitting on his feet. Takes the patient's legs in his hands and lifts them, bending them at the knees, so that a right angle is formed between the calves and thighs. Then gently moves the client's feet to the right until the left hip begins to rise. The same must be done on the left side. When performing this exercise, the massage therapist must feel the contraction of the patient’s muscles in order to tune into their rhythm. These movements should be performed 3 to 5 times in each direction.

Back massage

Continuing the Thai massage of the whole body, move on to the next zone.

Face massage

It should not be forgotten that all zones need impact. Therefore, let's look at how to do Thai facial massage:

  1. The patient lies on his back. He should be completely relaxed. If he has an unpleasant feeling in his lower back, then to relieve tension, place a rolled towel under his knees. It is better to cover the client's torso, as he may become cold during the procedure. The masseur sits on the back of the feet and strokes the forehead with his thumbs: from the center to the temples.
  2. Then performs circular movements clockwise in the temple area.
  3. Next, massages the nose and cheeks, also stroking from the center to the edges.
  4. The chin is processed towards the base of the skull.
  5. Using light movements in a circle, massage the earlobes and all the auricles.
  6. Then the massage therapist covers the patient’s ears with his palms for 1 minute. During the entire procedure, it is necessary to monitor the client’s breathing and try to tune in with him on the same wavelength.
  7. The facial massage is completed by placing the thumbs on the central part of the client’s forehead. In this case, the palms touch the hairline. In this position, the massage therapist should try to fill the client with positive energy through improvised triangles.

Massage with herbal bags

This technique allows you to achieve a very good effect. After all, Thai full body massage with herbal bags, in addition to the effective effects described above, includes the healing power of plants.

To fill the bags, ginger, basil, lemongrass, and turmeric are used. They are placed in natural fabric and heated in a steam bath.

Using heated bags, apply pressure to active points and along energy lines. This type of massage helps with nervous tension, general fatigue of the body, and muscle pain.

This procedure can only be performed by qualified specialists in salons.

Thai slim massage

Many people know that this procedure is quite effective in the fight against excess weight. How to do Thai massage for weight loss?

The procedure to help correct weight and body contours is performed as follows:

  1. The massage therapist influences the client’s energy centers, improving the effect by using extracts and oils.
  2. The procedure lasts several hours. During this time, the massage therapist rubs oils and extracts into the patient's skin.

Thai slim massage is performed only by licensed specialists in salons.

What is Thai Massage, the difference between Thai massage and other techniques, how does a Thai massage session work, what effect does Thai massage have on the body, contraindications of Thai massage.

What is Thai Massage?

Thai massage is believed to have been invented over 2,500 years ago by a man from India named Jivaka Kumar Bhakcha, who treated the Buddha himself. The massage technique came to the Kingdom of Thailand,where Ayurvedic methods and principles have been influenced by traditional Chinese medicine.For many centuries, Thai massage was practiced by monks and was part of Thai medicine.

What is the difference between Thai Massage and Other Techniques?

Thai massage is more relaxing and stimulating than classical forms of massage. The technique is also called "Thai Yoga Massage" because the practitioner uses his or her arms, knees, legs and feet to perform a series of yoga-like stretches. People who have tried Thai Massage say that it is like doing yoga without having to do anything. Muscle compression, joint work, and acupressure are also part of the massage.

How does a Thai Massage session work?

A Thai massage session is usually done on a mat located on the floor, or on a hard mattress. Before the start of the session in any normal salon, you will be given a change of clothes - a loose shirt and oversized pants with drawstrings. Massage oils and balms are not used. Session duration is 60-120 minutes.

Thai massage session

Effect of Thai Massage

  • relaxes
  • relieves stress
  • improves blood circulation
  • increases energy
  • increases flexibility
  • improves mobility
  • has a positive effect on the mind

Contraindications for Thai Massage

  • Infectious skin disease.
  • Rash.
  • Open wounds and sunburn.
  • Immediately after surgery, chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
  • If you have heart disease, consult your doctor before getting a massage.
  • Pregnant women should consult a doctor before receiving a massage.
  • Massage for pregnant women should be performed by a specialist who has a special certificate confirming the necessary qualifications.
  • Massage should not be performed on bruised areas of the body, inflamed skin, non-healing wounds, tumors, abdominal hernias, or recent fractures.
  • Don't eat heavy food before going for a massage.
  • If you have an appointment, please arrive at least 5 minutes early for your session to take a break from the commute and relax a bit before your session begins.
  • Make sure that you tell the technician about any illnesses or problems you have. This will save you from unnecessary pain and the master will adapt the technique to your problems.
  • If you feel discomfort during the session, let the specialist know immediately.

Where can I learn Thai massage?

The most elite school of Thai Massage is the school on the premises of Wat Pho Temple in Bangkok. Many training options are offered:

  • General Thai massage
  • Foot massage
  • Thai massage (Advanced)
  • Oil massage and aromatherapy
  • Infant and child massage
  • Massage for women's health
  • Self stretching
  • Practical massage
  • Face massage
  • Basic body techniques
  • Nail care

If you want to try to practice the art of Thai Massage yourself, take a look at our website. The video shows the basic techniques and positions, energy lines and points of influence, and the required duration of influence on the points.

Why do they go to a Thai SPA and massage?

It is recommended to visit a Thai SPA not only to keep yourself in good shape, but also for:
- Stress, emotional stress
- Poor health, apathy, depression
- Headaches and back pain
- Sleep disorders and general nervousness
- Overwork, including at work
- Lack of appetite

In addition, Thai massage is indispensable for:

Figure correction
- Increasing flexibility of the spine and joint mobility, safe stretching of muscles and development of flexibility, relieving muscle tension
- Increased tactile sensitivity
- Removing energy blocks and muscle tension
- Deep relaxation
- Obtaining an extraordinary feeling of lightness, flight, joy, which persists for a long time after the end of the procedures
-Improves blood circulation and improves skin condition
- Normalization of metabolism and elimination of toxins

Contraindications to the use of Thai massage

Despite all the magic, mystery and almost perfection of Thai massage, there are still contraindications to its use, common with other forms of massage therapy.

For serious cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure (hypertension)
- after recent operations, injuries
- for oncological diseases
- for osteoporosis
- if you have endoprostheses (for example, a hip or knee joint)
- for skin diseases: eczema, psoriasis, herpes zoster;
- for thrombophlebitis
- for varicose veins (relative contraindication)

If you are in doubt about whether a Thai massage session is possible, we recommend that you exercise caution and consult a doctor.

Why Thai massage is right for you

Our appearance is a complete reflection of our inner beauty and our emotional well-being. The pleasure our body receives also affects our state of mind. A Thai massage therapist does his work not mechanically, but with a sincere desire to help a person. The training system for Thai massage therapists includes instilling the “meta” state. This is one of the divine states of consciousness in Buddhism. His goal is to tune himself to a sincere desire to make people around him happy, to acquire the ability to compassion and help people. But not only in words, but in action. Traditional Thai yoga massage is a real balm for the soul and body.

About Thai massage

Thai massage performed by a Thai specialist is a philosophy. It’s not for nothing that we value a French chef in a French restaurant, and an Italian one in an Italian one. Therefore, the most correct Thai massage performed by a Thai master. Russian specialists can also learn Thai massage, but not many people strive to comprehend the philosophy of Thai massage. Thai massage is not a body massage, as many Europeans believe. This is a subtle effect on special acupressure points and meridians. Yogis call them “nadi”, and Thai massage specialists call them “sen”. The Thais believe that the vital energy “prana” flows through these invisible channels. By influencing them, you can improve the energy of the body, thanks to which all organs stabilize and recover.

Thais consider an Indian doctor named Jiva Kumar Bhikku to be the founder of massage. He is known as the Buddha's friend and personal doctor. As a sign of respect for the founder, today every Thai massage therapist, before starting work, reads a mantra dedicated to the “Doctor-Father,” as if asking for his blessing. The origins of Thai massage lie in the ancient Indian healing system of Ayurveda and in Chinese medicine, the oldest in the world. The history of Thai massage goes back more than 2,500 years and today, like thousands of years ago, it is popular in Thailand, gaining increasing popularity throughout the world.

A person who has once felt the true bliss of professional care for his body will experience deep relaxation and true delight.

Description of procedures:

1 . Traditional Thai massage

Thai massage uses deep muscle stretches, gentle twisting of joints, and many elements of “passive yoga.” Unlike many techniques, Thai massage is performed softly, smoothly, allowing the body to feel every movement. During twisting, similar to the practice of yoga, it is possible to influence deep-lying muscles that are inaccessible to ordinary classical massage. Also at the core of Thai massage is the stimulation of vital energy through pressure on the Sen Sip, or ten main lines, consisting of several thousand channels of vital energy that flow through the entire body. Proper impact on these lines helps maintain the balance of vital energy of the body and mind, improves the mobility and flexibility of the body, and the sensitivity of nerve endings. The result is physical and emotional relaxation, lightness appears throughout the body, restoration of internal balance, harmonization of the nervous system.

2 . OIL massage.
Acupressure relaxing and toning massage of the whole body using mixed techniques, using aroma oils from Thailand. Combines massage and aromatherapy. With this type of massage there is almost no pain.

3 . Reflexive foot massage
The master carefully works on all the vital points of the foot from the heel to the toes and activates all energy channels. The feet are the projection of all our organs. This massage is an excellent tool for relieving stress, relaxation, as well as activating protective functions and mobilizing the body's reserve forces. As a result, blood circulation and mobility of the joints of the foot and knee improves, and the flow of energy is aligned. The lymphatic system is stimulated, oxygen supply to the extremities improves, the feeling of heaviness in the legs and muscle tension are relieved.

4 . Massage of the cervical-collar area
The master will massage the muscles of the back of the head and neck, starting from the shoulders to the base of the skull. Despite the fact that massage may seem very painful, after the first procedures there is significant relief and improvement. Massage of the neck-collar area allows you to get rid of excess salt deposits. Adhesions in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and shoulders. Massage of the neck and shoulders, as well as the area of ​​the upper spine, allows you to get rid of headaches and back pain, relieve puffiness and swelling, and with each subsequent procedure, vigor appears. And also gives more flexibility to the neck, arms, shoulders and back.

5. Head and face massage
The main techniques are alternating gentle circular movements of the fingers and strong pressure with the thumbs, stroking the forehead, nose, eyebrows. Facial massage brings relief from colds, runny nose, and reduces headaches. Don’t be surprised if during the session they start pulling your hair, this will improve blood circulation and your hair will grow faster. A facial and head massage will revitalize and give energy.

6. Vibro-shock yoga massage (slim massage)
The secret to the effectiveness of Thai slim massage is a special technique and a special cream, which the massage therapist will intensively rub into areas with excess subcutaneous fat. Each problem area will be dealt with in detail. There will be no severe pain, but just like after a good workout, the next day you will feel pleasant “muscular joy”.

With slim massage the following are achieved:

  • - figure correction
  • - regulation of fat metabolism, breakdown and removal of existing fats
  • - improvement of lymphatic drainage
  • - strengthening the venous wall
  • - getting rid of swelling
  • - removal of toxins and wastes
  • - anti-cellulite effect
  • - counteract excess fat accumulation in the future
  • - there is a significant decrease in appetite

Slim massage for figure correction is done at three to four day intervals. During breaks. To consolidate the result, you can do a traditional Thai massage, especially if the goal is to lose weight quickly. The number of slim massage procedures depends on the individual characteristics of the body, usually from 5 to 12. Due to the intense load during slim massage, after reducing body volume, the skin will not sag, but will gain elasticity. It is recommended to use slim cream for home care.

Slim massage is contraindicated:

  • pregnant women
  • nursing women
  • persons under 17 years of age
  • persons who have previously undergone surgery in problem areas to be worked on
  • persons suffering from serious kidney or heart disease
  • women during menstruation.

SPA services:


1. SPA treatment with Thai herbal bags.
Program stages:

  • infrared sauna, shower
  • massage with herbal bags
  • ginger tea

Description :
Massage with hot bags is a relaxing symphony rich in sensations: the skin is simultaneously affected by the magic hands of the massage therapist, warmth and aromas of herbs, and gentle pressure, tapping and vibration of the bags gently activates acupuncture points. These are fragrant hot bags steamed in a water bath, inside of which are herbs, mineral salts and essential oils. Their divine aroma drives away fatigue and apathy even before the procedure begins. When the master begins the procedure lightly but powerfully, you find yourself in a completely different dimension. The aromatic warmth is almost imperceptible, so the technique allows you to work on all parts of the body: arms and legs, back and neck, even the stomach, which, as you know, traditional massage usually bypasses. This is not just an incredibly pleasant exotic procedure, but also deep relaxation, gentle cleansing of the skin and deep heating of the tissues.

2. SPA – treatment with heated oil.
Program stages:

  • infrared sauna, shower
  • OIL massage with aromatic oils from Thai flowers and fruits
  • ginger tea

An excellent Thai treatment for cleansing and moisturizing the skin using hot oil. Heated oil in the sensitive hands of a master will fill your body with warm energy.

3. SPA facial treatment
Program stages:

  • light facial scrub
  • facial massage with cream
  • ginger tea

Only natural Thai cosmetics are used for the procedure. Thanks to cleansing, the skin begins to breathe better, nourishing oils fill it with moisture and give elasticity, and when massaging the head, hair growth improves.

4. SPA body care
Program stages:

  • infrared sauna, shower
  • mineral salt body scrub with essential oils or your choice
  • aroma massage
  • foot massage
  • ginger tea

Effects of the procedure: activation of microcirculation, cleansing and detoxification of the skin, long-term hydration, improved elasticity, skin toning, deep emotional calm

The myth of the talisman “Music of the Wind”

Once upon a time, a long time ago, one sage called the spirit of the Wind and asked: “Could he sing at least one of his songs to people?”

The spirit did not understand why the sage needed him to sing to people and demanded an explanation from the sage.

The sage explained to the spirit of the Wind that of all the five elements, people love air more. The spirit was amused by these explanations and he demanded that the sage prove what he was saying.

The sage said that without water, fire, food and metal people can live for some time, but without air a person can live only for a few minutes. In order for the spirit to believe him, the sage said that he would prove it from his own experience.

The spirit checked this and realized that the person was not lying to him. Then he began to sing one of his beautiful songs, and so that every person could hear this song, he breathed it into a bamboo stalk. The sage made talismans from this wonderful and magical gift and distributed them to people.

Since then, a person who values ​​air and keeps a piece of it at home is always under the protection and patronage of this powerful element and will never experience the deadly influence of the unfavorable energy of Sha.

The skillful, healing touch of human hands gives us an amazing and pleasant feeling. All types of ancient and modern massage are a contact method of transferring internal energy from one person to another, bringing health and tranquility.

Information that proper massage can save us from a great many problems, nervous tension and bodily ailments has reached us from ancient times. The word "massage" is of Greek origin and means "to knead", "to stroke".

As a method of successful treatment, massage was widely practiced back in the 3rd millennium BC, first in China, and then in India, Japan, Greece, Rome, and the Arab world. From the depths of centuries, descriptions of various therapeutic techniques of massage, acupuncture and acupressure written on papyri have reached the present day.

In the Middle Ages, especially in Europe, people somehow managed without massage, or we simply don’t have such information, because chronicles were written by monks, and massage was equated with bodily pleasures and, as you know, was banned by the Inquisition... And only in During the Renaissance, when the human body becomes almost a cult, interest in massage flares up with renewed vigor.

There are many legends about ancient Eastern healers who mastered the secret art of healing from diseases with the help of special touches, which were called mudras. Their amazing feature is to release and concentrate the energy necessary for the normal functional activity of a particular system or organ of the human body, as well as restore its energy balance. It is on the basis of this teaching of the Ancient East that modern Thai massage is built, improving over the centuries.

Today Wat Pho is a national center for the preservation and improvement of traditional Thai medicine. The state religion in Thailand is Buddhism, so Thais are devoted to the Buddha's precepts of non-violence, kindness and compassion. Voluntary doing good is called metta among the Thais.

"Wat" means "monastery", "temple". It is the monks who are the keepers of the secrets of Thai massage, which has a healing and beneficial effect on the body. The 60 epigraphs carved on the temple walls describe the Sen energy channels and contain basic Pali information. The sculptural group located at the entrance to the temple depicts various techniques and techniques of Thai massage.

This massage is based on Buddhist philosophy and has long been considered a religious rite. Until recently, only specially trained monks could do it.

This massage, called Thai, is actually called Nuad Boran. This is an ancient and complex science, along with Chinese and Tibetan medicine, based on the energetic effect on humans. It was developed on the basis of systematized knowledge in the field of human energy by the Hindu physician Jivaka Kumar Bhaccha a long time ago, more than 2500 years ago.

The Thai massage technique is based on knowledge of all energetically active points of the human body. That is why pressing on these points restores the body’s strength and activates the internal flow of energy; the human body tunes in to self-improvement, as a result of which even diseases that are practically incurable by traditional medicine disappear.

To enhance the effect of the massage, various essential oils are used - jasmine, sandalwood, cedar and many others.

Energy in the human body is one of the predominant ones, so Thai massage, taking this into account, can be erotic.

The technique of performing Thai massage is very diverse. Almost every massage therapist has his own technique. But all of them are designed that the massage should begin with the feet and end with the head. The patient himself first lies face up, then on his side, and then rolls over onto his stomach. The duration of the massage is approximately 2 hours, which is enough to completely treat the entire body. There are no strict fixed rules in Thai massage. Light pressure precedes more complex and stretching, which allows the patient to completely relax.


  • It is best to improve Thai massage in tandem with a person with whom you have established spiritual contact.
  • In this case, you need to stretch each muscle as much as possible, thereby improving joint mobility.
  • You can use your fingers, palms, elbows, feet, and knees to influence all energy points. The transition from one exercise to another is carried out smoothly and gradually.
  • The massage therapist must correctly calculate the movements and distribute his weight when applying pressure.
  • Like other oriental rituals, the technique of Thai massage is a delicate matter, similar to a dance, in which touches seem to flow into one another.