Capricorn plants according to the horoscope. Plant talismans for Capricorn. What flowers can you give to a Capricorn woman?


I will introduce plants that are useful to people of this sign.

As you know, Capricorn is an ascetic sign, therefore Capricorn plants are distinguished by their hardiness, bitter taste, modest seeds and fruits.

Capricorn plants for health.

They help prevent salt deposits, arthritis and other diseases of the skeletal system.

This conifers- spruce and fir. The bark of some trees - oak, viburnum and fir. Berries - stone fruit, cloudberry. Bones of many plants and...

Capricorn-drupe plants

Capricorn plants - cloudberry

Medicinal plants:



Plants for the soul:

Decorative indoor plants Capricorn:

  • Ficus rubber,
  • lithops,
  • laurel,
  • Dracaena dereme and
  • fragrant dracaena,
  • Liviston,
  • silver crassula,
  • yucca.

Read more about some of them

Ficus rubbery (elastic)

Capricorn plants - ficus.

Ficus rubber is a very unpretentious plant. Its important feature is that it does not like waterlogged soil. And this quality affects emotional state person.

In particular, for people prone to tearful moods, constantly in need of sympathy. Ficus will give such people enthusiasm and “dry” their tears.

Ficus gives the home coziness and comfort. Decadent moods pass over time.

Ficus does not require special attention and care, because it belongs to the ascetic sign Capricorn.

People who cannot concentrate and properly distribute their capabilities should have rubber ficus in their home or in the room where they spend a lot of time.

So, ficus brings rationalism. Also, large ficus leaves, ruled by Mercury, can influence human speech, improving it. Speech defects are smoothed out.

The energy of ficus gives words significance and clarity of speech. People around you begin to listen with interest to your thoughts. At the same time, talkers and empty talkers begin to talk less and give out more specific and useful information.

Impact on human health.

Mobile Mercury in the earth element Ficus gives flexibility to our body, accelerates metabolic processes in the human body, which, in turn, helps the rapid healing of bone fractures and the healing of wounds on the skin.

And since Ficus does not tolerate excess moisture, people who are predisposed to pustules, dropsy and tumors when near it will not be susceptible to these ailments.

Capricorn plants - lithops

Capricorn plants - lithops

Lithops or “living stones” are emotional plants, as they have thick leaves filled with water.

In a house where businesslike, rational people live and where there is a lack of soulfulness, lithops is what is needed. These plants look very unusual, small, but they fill the space around them with warm, gentle energies.

And they are also classified as family plants because they themselves consist of two halves.

In a word, on emotional level, “living stones” are conducive to tenderness. Where people need a kind word, it is very useful to have this plant.

Now about the effect of lithops on human health.

The water element of these plants is controlled by the mobile Mercury, and therefore, the condition of the organs that are associated with the movement of fluid in our body improves. That is, the metabolism will improve, and as a result, the condition of the skin. Which is no less important!

Read more about how to grow and care for them at this link.

Dracaena deramensis

Capricorn plants - Dracaena.

This type of dracaena has a tall, straight stem and large leaves. Strong Saturn is surrounded by light Mercury.

The slow growth of dracaena precisely indicates its calm, unhurried character. Therefore, where passions run high, there is constant excitement and stress, it is necessary to keep Dracaena derema.

It will clear the space of any room from negativity. Dracaena will fit especially well in offices where there is bustle, misunderstanding and nervousness.

Emotionally, thanks to Mercury, Dracaena derema is able to relieve depression in cases where a person is forced to do something against his will. That is, it helps to endure subordination more easily. In addition to offices, it is also suitable for military premises.

Dracaena is able to free the human soul from internal negative, constrained states, which, therefore, will improve your health. She is able to calm a nervous person with her appearance.

Since Dracaena dereme relaxes, in terms of health, it can help with muscle and joint pain, with osteochondrosis.

Dracaena fragrant

Capricorn plants - fragrant dracaena

Dracaena fragrant, in addition to the calm character inherent in all plants of this species, also has an organization. This is indicated by the lush top of the leaves on the bare stem.

In addition to Saturn and Mercury, this plant contains the Sun, expressed by yellow stripes on the leaves. The sun and the earth element in astrology are creation.

Being a creative plant, fragrant dracaena is recommended where people live who are “destroyers” by nature.

No matter what they undertake, everything breaks down for them, even their words destroy relationships and harm others. Dracaena fragrant will cleanse these energies.

Dracaena fragrant is capable of making silent people talk. The Sun and Mercury of the leaves of this plant have a positive effect on eloquence.

The human skin and musculoskeletal system will be put in order under the influence of the fragrant dracaena, which does not tolerate disorder. Wounds on the skin will heal faster, and bones will be imperceptibly strengthened. Even teeth.

Silver Crassula ( money tree)

Capricorn plants - Crassula

Capricorn is not only an ascetic sign, but also, in astrological language, a “cardinal” sign, which implies stability and constancy.

Silver Crassula, thanks to its fleshy leaves, is a plant-bearing plant.

This is a plant of material goods, it absorbs all energies that in one way or another relate to this topic: thoughts, feelings, words.

So, if you want to improve your financial situation, but without fanaticism, buy Silver Crassula.

The “Money Tree” is also suitable where there are obsessive ideas about some material benefits, which oversaturate the atmosphere with heavy, anxious energies.

The fat woman will take some of the energy upon herself, the space will be filled with stability.

The tree-like stems of the plant indicate a strong earthly Saturn. The earthly stable fat woman pushes a person to work hard and gives him perseverance.

Impact on human health

Strong Saturn and Mercury, combined in the leaves of Crassula, are able to prolong the youth of those organs ruled by Capricorn, the skin and the musculoskeletal system.

You can find out how to grow and care for a houseplant by following this link.

Yucca elephant

Yucca, although outwardly similar to the species of dracaena, has a different character.

Houseplants, like people, obey the laws of the universe. The influence of space extends to all life on planet Earth, and plants are no exception. According to astrology, plants can be divided into certain groups corresponding to the signs of the Zodiac. Growing indoor flowers of a certain zodiac sign helps to cope with health problems ( Pisces, Cancer, Sagittarius), climb up career ladder (Capricorn, Aquarius), purchase supernatural abilities (Scorpio, Virgo), etc. According to the zodiac sign, indoor flowers are recommended for everyone who wants to support peace of mind, energy, protect yourself and your family from troubles and sudden changes.

What flowers can or cannot be grown at home, according to horoscopes?

Aries is a strong fire sign under the influence of the planet Mars, which embeds in a person’s character the desire for high goals. Aries purposefully strives to achieve its plans, no matter what. Representatives of the fire sign prefer plants that do not require careful care, are unpretentious and hardy. Flowers for the Aries sign should be bright, with large inflorescences, powerful stems, and thorns. Responsible for personal success.

Aries loves indoor flowers:

  • azalea (Indian, Japanese);
  • dwarf pomegranate;
  • geranium;
  • ehmeya (striped, sparkling);
  • prickly cacti;
  • guzmania reed;
  • royal begonia;
  • spurge;
  • Haworthia striped.

Preferred shades: red, orange, pink. Aries will not get along with asters, lemon, asparagus, laurel, arrowroot, chrysanthemums, sansevieria, chlorophytum, cissus.

Taurus (21.04 – 20.05)

Taurus is an earth sign under the influence of Venus, like Pisces. These people love to dig in the ground and take care of plants. Plants for the Taurus sign must be hardy, since representatives of this sign are naturally lazy. It is a symbol of physical health and material well-being. Taurus loves low, showy indoor flowers:

People born under the sign of Taurus should avoid indoor plants: aechmea, agave, pepper, calceolaria.

Gemini (21.05.-21.06.)

Gemini is an airy and mobile sign of the Zodiac under the influence of Mercury. Indoor flowers for representatives of this sign serve as a talisman for good relationships in the family, at work, and in school. Geminis prefer plants with narrow leaves and dense aerial parts. Geminis love house plants:

Gemini will not get along with arrowroot and croton (codiaum).

Cancer (22.06.-22.07.)

Cancer - representatives of this zodiac sign are balanced and calm in any situation. Cancer prefers plants that will protect the comfort of the family hearth, mental and emotional peace. Indoor Cancer flowers should be planted if you want to restore good neighborly relations, family well-being. Compact bushes growing together in one pot, with fleshy leaves - this is what Cancer loves. For people born under the sign of Cancer, such plants help cope with stress, unnecessary emotions, illnesses and illnesses. It is recommended to grow indoor Cancer flowers at home for those who suffer from long-term illnesses and who want to improve their health.

Cancer prefers flowers:

  • aloe;
  • agave americana;
  • dieffenbachia charming;
  • peperomia;
  • fuchsia;
  • Mason's begonia.

It is undesirable if Cancer grows dracaena, monstera, ficus, oleander, yucca, and fatsia at home.

Leo (23.07.-22.08.)

Leo is one of the strong, powerful, majestic signs of the Zodiac under the influence of the Sun. Leo uses flowers to strengthen love and achieve success in creativity. Flowers should be large, with beautiful leaves and inflorescences.

Leo prefers indoor plants:

  • balms;
  • gardenia;
  • Akalifa bristle-haired;
  • geranium;
  • calla;
  • Calceolaria hybrid;
  • Chinese rose;
  • camellia japonica.

It is undesirable for Leo to grow codeum, laurel, and arrowroot at home.

Virgo (23.08.-22.09.)

Virgo - representatives of this sign are distinguished by practicality and order in everything. The same applies to the plants with which Virgo decorates the windowsill. These are indoor flowers that, in addition to aesthetics, bring benefits: cereals, decorative fruit trees, medicinal plants ( see photo). Since Virgo is born under the influence of the air element of Mercury, plants that occupy a lot of space are subject to her: vines, flowers that produce many aerial roots, drawing strength and energy from the air.

Virgo loves:

Clivia cinnabar and bulbous plants are not suitable for Virgo.

Libra (23.09.-22.10.)

Libra - representatives of this zodiac sign love originality; stereotypes and rules are alien to them. Libra prefers exoticism and chic. This sign gives care, warmth, and hospitality.

Libra chooses as home plants:

Not suitable for Libra: aechmea, agave, kalanchoe, dracaena, begonia.

Scorpio (23.10.-22.11.)

Scorpio – those born under this sign have strength, great energy and the ability to influence others. Scorpio draws energy from its surroundings, so plants are a match for it. Scorpio will prefer a beautiful shell with a dangerous filling inside. These are botanical predators that feed on insects: flycatchers, prickly cacti. Such plants are difficult to grow and nourish at home. Therefore, Scorpio chooses an alternative:

Not suitable for Scorpio: clivia, any citrus fruits, hippeastrum, palm trees.

Sagittarius (23.11.-21.12.)

Sagittarius - believes that the flower should correspond to the owner. Sagittarius symbolizes the desire for knowledge, distant countries and the culture of other peoples, is responsible for travel, trips, business trips. Sagittarius loves large, strong plants, slender and strong. Sagittarius's home flower is a symbol of movement and good luck on long journeys.

Sagittarius chooses:

It is undesirable for aloe, ivy, ferns, cacti, calceolaria, and capsicum to grow near Sagittarius.

Capricorn (22.12.- 21.01.)

Capricorn - representatives of this sign were born under the influence of Saturn, who endowed them with a strict disposition and resistance to provocations and changes. Capricorn is in no hurry, so he chooses plants that grow slowly. Capricorn strives to achieve high status in society and at work, so the flower of this zodiac sign is a symbol of climbing the career ladder.

Capricorn plants are chosen for improvement social status, for success in career, study, for achievements and fame.

Flower that suits Capricorn:

  • laurel;
  • lithops;
  • ficus benjamina;
  • Crassula;
  • dracaena;
  • yucca;
  • rubber ficus;
  • Liviston.

Reeds, ginura, and hoya are not suitable for Capricorn.

Aquarius (23.01.-19.02.)

Aquarius – those born under the sign of Aquarius are constantly on the move, they are pioneers and innovators. The Aquarius flower serves as a symbol of discoveries and extraordinary solutions. Aquarius prefers beautiful flowers unusual shape, with asymmetrical leaves and inflorescences irregular shape. Aquarius flowers are chosen if you need to look at a situation with different eyes, broaden your horizons and change your worldview.

Aquarius chooses:

  • reo variegated;
  • arrowroot;
  • spurge;
  • abutilone;
  • Dracaena Godsefa;
  • ragwort.

Houseplants that develop from bulbs are completely contradictory to Aquarius.

Pisces (20.02.-20.03.)

Pisces are representatives of the water element, born under the influence of Neptune and Venus. Pisces prefer beautiful and fragrant plants that neutralize emotions, calm the bustle and bring peace. Home flowers under the sign of Pisces are a symbol of calm and balance. These plants are recommended to be grown not only by Pisces, but also by other signs of the Zodiac, especially Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Aries, and Capricorn.

Pisces are the element of water, so flowers love moisture, abundant watering, or prefer life in water (aquarium plants).

The appearance of Pisces flora often resembles underwater inhabitants ( see photo).

Pisces prefer:

  • tolmia;
  • geranium;
  • aquarium plants;
  • hyacinth;
  • orchid;
  • alocasia;
  • Crassula;
  • Helxina;
  • Cyperus.

Bulbous plants, echmea, and capsicums are not suitable for fish.

Indoor flowers, selected according to the signs of the Zodiac, can influence fate. They serve as a talisman that brings happiness and prosperity ( Cancer, Libra, Taurus, Virgo, Pisces), good relationships (Gemini), helps fulfill desires ( Scorpio, Aquarius) and achieving success in any activity ( Capricorn, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius).

Capricorns- quiet, calm people, very pleasant to talk to, who do not stand out in the crowd. It would seem, well, what can you expect from such people. No surprises. But appearances can be deceiving. Those born under the sign of Capricorn are probably the most persistent and stubborn people. They value success and admire those who achieve it. They are sometimes called snobs, but this is not true. They simply set a goal for themselves and achieve it, taking small steps and not missing out on more than one opportunity to achieve what they want. The colors that Capricorns prefer are grey, black, dark green, blue, pale yellow and white. Subtle colors that hide the power of Capricorns. The main thing is not to stick your head out for the time being. Many consider them gray mice and do not see them as competitors, but in vain. In fact, other signs have no chance of winning in competition with Capricorns. Where others achieve short-term victory, Capricorns build a platform for further growth. Capricorns are practical and calculating, but they sincerely love their friends and loved ones, although they expect to receive material preferences from them - this is reasonable, as they believe.

They respect elders and value family. For them, the family is the rear that ensures advancement. They will hold on to their family with all their might, since it is part of them. Capricorns use every means to achieve success, including your weaknesses. Having achieved what they want - a position in society, wealth and fame, they become real leaders, and they use their power most often wisely and prudently. Choosing a gift for Capricorns is not so difficult. They are practical people and can appreciate not only the cost of the gift, but also the attention you showed them. They don't try to beat their chest and shout at all corners how wonderful they are, but they will always appreciate a gift given with respect and love. If you decide to give a gift to Capricorn, then you can give something valuable that has material value - jewelry made of rubies, garnets or moonstone, or give a bouquet of flowers. Flowers for Capricorn choosing is more difficult than for other signs. Capricorns don't really like bright flowers. What flowers are suitable for Capricorns? Carnations, white or light yellow, dark red roses, prefabricated bouquets dark colors. It is worth remembering that Capricorn women like different flowers, depending on what decade they were born in:

For Capricorns born from December 22 to January 2, flowers of calm neutral and even dark tones are suitable, those born from January 2 to January 13 prefer carnations and roses, and a completely different story for those born from January 14 to 20 . The last few stand out among Capricorns - passionate and contradictory natures, very strong and efficient - they like large and bright bouquets.

When choosing flowers for the Capricorn sign, remember these features, and we can advise you on our bouquets, which, in our opinion, are suitable for most people of this sign.

Astrologers are confident that plants can bring good emotions, harmony into our lives and even help us make decisions. important issues. The main thing here is to find out which plants match your sign. The zodiacal energy of plants is contained in the shape of their petals, the height and width of the stem, foliage and roots.

Capricorns: what are they?

Capricorn is an earth sign, and one of the most stable. It is believed that his character is reserved and calm, and his temperament is melancholic. Capricorn is practical and likes to be in complete control of the situation. Patience, rigor and diligence are the main features of this sign.

The Capricorn man is a true gentleman, pleasant to talk to and confident in himself. In relationships, he plays the role of a patron and does not let his friends and loved ones down. The Capricorn woman is elegant, has a special charm and captivates men with her wisdom and coquetry.

We give a bouquet to Capricorn

If you are planning to give Capricorn a bouquet, then tulips, dahlias, gerberas, and asters are best suited for this. Lilies, roses, gladioli, chrysanthemums and carnations will also support the energy of this sign. Add wildflowers to the composition: Capricorns will appreciate them.

Since the Capricorn woman is a passionate nature, the red or burgundy color of the bouquet can emphasize this. Flowers in white, purple, and blue shades are suitable for a man.

For Capricorn, flowers are a special sign of sympathy, so it is important to pay attention to decorating the bouquet. It should be elegant, refined, but at the same time unpretentious and unpretentious. Stick to a laconic style, avoid excesses: huge packaging, rhinestones and sparkles are of no use here.

Capricorn's comment: I like roses, they are sophisticated and elegant. But these flowers are not friends with me: they almost immediately begin to fade. That’s why I prefer asters and dahlias – real royal flowers. I also love simple wildflowers: daisies, cornflowers, bluebells. In the spring I look forward to the blooming of lilacs - the aroma is unique. Albina

Capricorns will also like lush and heavy bouquets. As for the shape, it is better to give preference to fashionable scepter bouquets made up of flowers on long stems. They will emphasize the charisma and discreet elegance of the representatives of this sign and will also go perfectly with business suits or formal dresses.

Houseplants for Capricorn

Each recommended indoor flower for this sign will be a talisman in your work. Flowers will contribute to career and personal growth, bring financial success and recognition in society, will help you achieve almost any goal in life.

Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn, which endows him with severity. Plants of this sign have the same strict “character”: they have a straight and strong stem and dense leaves. Fiery Mars endowed them with thorns and thorns.

What flowers suit Capricorns?

  • Dracaena and other palms

Dracaena is a shrub on a straight stem, which with age turns into a tree trunk. Its lifespan is 10–15 years.

  • Ficus

Flower growers love ficus trees for their individuality: their varieties differ significantly from each other. The leaves of the Ficus benjamina, for example, are edged with a white stripe, while the leaves of the rubber ficus are shiny and dark green.

Plants of the sign zodiac Capricorn. Capricorn is the third earth sign in the Zodiac. This is the most discreet land. Saturn, which rules Capricorn, endowed this sign with a strict form and stable character, which is why many Capricorn plants have straight, strong stems. In Capricorn, fiery Mars is most clearly manifested, giving plants thorns and thorns.

The ruler of Capricorn, Saturn, manages the stems of all plants, and the conjunction of Saturn and Mars in Capricorn gave this sign plants with thorny stems. Being earthy, Capricorn is leisurely, so there are extremely slow growing plants under this sign. Dracaena dereme and fragrant; coniferous plants; elephant yucca; rubber ficus, benjamina, lyre-shaped, bengal (banyan); Noble laurel; "living stones": false-chopped lithops, Fuller's, salt-tolerant, argyroderma testicularis, Margaret's lapidaria, Friedrich's conophytum; fan palms: Hamerops squat, Trachycarpus Fortune, Livistona, Chinese, Washingtonia filamentous; Crassula silvery and sickle-shaped (money tree, monkey tree).

It is these plants that will primarily help people of the Capricorn sign improve their mental and physical health, cleanse the atmosphere in the house. Capricorn plants are endowed with many wonderful properties, but all these plants have one thing: general property. The Capricorn sign is in charge of the topic of work, a person’s social status, so all Capricorn plants can be kept at home or in the office as talismans for successful work. It is very beneficial for everyone who is not indifferent to the topic of work, and even more so for those for whom work is most important, to have one or more Capricorn plants nearby. Capricorn is the sign of the boss, the legislator, so Capricorn plants are especially good for bosses and those who want to become one.

Capricorn is an ascetic sign; strict Saturn, which rules it, limits any forms and structures. Saturn does not tolerate anything superfluous, so all Capricorn plants can be kept next to them by those who dream of a good figure and want to lose excess weight.

Dracaena deramensis
This is one of the largest DRACAENAS, its leaves reach 50 cm in length, but Dracaena grows very slowly, which determines its place under the sign of Capricorn. Saturn, which rules Capricorn, is clearly expressed in the straight stem of the plant. But Saturn of dracaena is densely surrounded by Mercury - leaves. Saturn is a planet of the earth element, which is also manifested in large size leaves, and slow growth and therefore predominates in dracaena. Dracaena derema has an earthy, leisurely and calm character. This plant is able to cleanse the energy of the atmosphere in the house from the energy of thoughts, words and feelings of people who are always in a hurry somewhere, people who are often in a state of excitement and stress. If you cannot call your life measured and you cannot call yourself a calm, peaceful person, plant dracaena at home or at work.

Dracaena Derema cleanses the atmosphere in the house from invisible “dust” that forms around a fussing, excited person. There is a lot of such invisible “dust” in offices. This “dust” makes the atmosphere heavy and prevents people from understanding each other and being sincere. But the Derham dracaena takes on the invisible “dust” of vanity, excitement, stress, preventing pollution of the atmosphere’s energy and saving us from misunderstanding each other.

How can a calm, leisurely dracaena affect a person? Of course, the calmingly Strong Saturn of this plant and the pronounced earthly element can give a person a feeling of stiffness and depression, but in the leaves of dracaena the light, uninhibited Mercury is strong. Thanks to Mercury, dracaena has the ability to relieve depressed states. It is useful for anyone who is forced by life to do something against their will and who suffers emotionally from it.

With Dracaena dereme you can more easily endure subjugation. Perhaps it would be good to have it in the army, in prisons. Under the subtle influence of this plant, a person ceases to feel the pressure of the situation, people, and easily perceives everything as it is. Under the influence of dracaena, the vice in the human soul moves apart. Perhaps the person has squeezed himself into this vice with negative thoughts about himself, exaggerating his shortcomings. If you feel inner constraint, constriction, if you feel like something, some feelings, experiences are pinching your soul, get a Dracaena dereme at home. It will make your condition easier.

It is especially good to have a dracaena next to you when you have deadlines for completing work and you are nervous, afraid of not being on time. Thanks to its calm nature, dracaena also calms humans. She seems to be telling us: “Calm, the main thing is calm.”
Capricorn rules the musculoskeletal system, so dracaena soothes any pain in the bones. A calm dracaena relaxes a person. Just by being in the house, she can protect household members from osteochondrosis and muscle pain.

Dracaena fragrant
Dracaena fragrant is an impressive-looking plant. In it, just like in its brother, Dracaena dereme, Saturn is bright, but this Dracaena has more than just a calm character. Lush foliage rises on the straight, bare stem of dracaena. This arrangement of leaves indicates organization and a desire for order in the fragrant dracaena. The large leaves of dracaena combine the earth element, light Mercury and bright sun. Mercury rules the leaves of all plants, the earth element is expressed in the large size of the leaves, and the Sun - in wide yellow stripes. The earth element and the Sun in astrology are associated with creation, and Mercury is associated with movement. Dracaena fragrant is a creative plant; it does not tolerate the phenomena of destruction around itself, therefore it cleanses the atmosphere of the energy of thoughts, words and feelings of people for whom the desire to destroy has become part of their character. If in your house there live or are often visited by those in whom objects in their hands break as if by themselves, for whom it is dangerous to talk about their desires and plans, because they will destroy them with their arguments, those who, when they undertake to help, only spoil everything, get a dracaena fragrant.

Many people unknowingly harm others, somewhere in their soul, in their character there is a problem, internal conflict, manifesting itself as a destructive force. Others, consciously doing harm, spoil the mood with the words: “You won’t succeed,” and in other, more sophisticated ways. Both of them, who are associated in our eyes with destructive force, have a very bad effect on the state of the atmosphere around them. Such people destroy the established structures of harmony in space, as a result, household members have a feeling of internal itching, a strange, uncertain mood. Unspecified pain and diseases that are difficult to identify and cure may also occur. And if there are those around you, in your home or at work, whom you would call the creators of chaos, get a fragrant dracaena. It will not allow the energies of destruction to merge with the atmosphere and cause your suffering.
The combination of the Sun and Mercury in the leaves of dracaena gave the plant the ability to awaken eloquence in a person. Mercury is the planet of thought and words, and the Sun is of joy. Dracaena fragrant is good to have for silent people, from whose silence everyone around them suffers. Dracaena awakens in a person the desire to speak, and to speak beautifully, so that everyone around him will like it.
The fragrant dracaena, which does not tolerate disorder, tidies up the musculoskeletal system and skin, which are controlled by Capricorn. Thanks to the presence of dracaena in the house, household wounds will heal faster and any skin diseases will be cured faster. Unbeknownst to us, Dracaena will begin to strengthen our musculoskeletal system. Under its influence, the spine straightens, making it easier for a person to maintain a straight posture. Dracaena also has a beneficial effect on the condition of teeth.

Yucca elephant
The general appearance of Yucca is very similar to that of Dracaena, but Yucca has a completely different character. This is demanding good care plant. Yucca is very serious, male character. This plant has a thickened, very strong stem, one might say, a trunk. Such a powerful stem is a pronounced, strong Saturn, the strong character of the plant. Yucca has long sword-shaped leaves with a rough edge. The xiphoid shape is associated with Mars, the planet of war and weapons, which manifests itself most clearly in Capricorn. Also, the rough edge of the leaves is associated with Saturn. Thus, Mars and Saturn mixed in the yucca. Thanks to these two planets, yucca can be called a warrior, strong in spirit. And this warrior rids the atmosphere of everything that we call “calf tenderness.” If overly tender, sensitive people live in your house or often visit them, who show their tenderness when necessary and when not necessary, get a yucca.

Yucca ivory cleanses the energy of the atmosphere from the energy of thoughts, words and feelings of people who difficult moment they cannot gather their courage, they cannot show strength of character. Overly gentle, sensitive people who perceive their surroundings only with their souls are a rather rare phenomenon in a world that is becoming more and more rational. However, without strong character, without a certain amount of rationalism it is difficult for a person to survive. Extremely gentle, sensitive, sincere people, even in difficult moments who do not know how to use fortitude and rational logic, seem to relax the structure of the atmosphere around them. As a result, the energy structure of the atmosphere becomes similar to amorphous, chaotically flying clouds. These amorphous clouds will cause a lot of inconvenience to everyone in the household. First of all, thinking processes will be inhibited, people will often begin to feel stupid.

But the ivory yucca, this strong warrior, will not allow the “calf tenderness” to fill and spoil the harmonious structure of the atmosphere. Yucca absorbs amorphous clouds of excessive, inappropriate tenderness. As a result, under the influence of yucca, the atmosphere of the house becomes a little more businesslike, but at the same time more comfortable, conducive to calm conversations. People in the house begin to understand each other at a glance or even at a glance. But most importantly, under the influence of yucca, the very atmosphere of the house will try on people. With yucca in the house it is easier to avoid scandals and quarrels.

A real, strong-willed warrior named yucca ivory has a stimulating and strengthening effect on the human psyche. Mars, manifested in the form of leaves, stimulates us to take decisive action. Yucca is good to have for all indecisive people who, before deciding to do something, begin to act, are in a painful state of doubt. A state of doubt can be very useful for conservative people, helping them to become a little more mobile, revealing new knowledge to a person and engendering new qualities in him. But when doubt becomes an integral character trait, it looks like an ugly, all-consuming worm, corrupting all that is good in a person. Yucca is good for everyone who doubts too much: it will allow doubt to subjugate a person, and will help to quickly get out of this not very pleasant state.

Saturn, clearly manifested in the strong stem and rough edges of the leaves of the plant, has a strengthening effect on a person. Yucca instills a confident state in a person. If you are often unsure of yourself, if you are willing to spend time talking about your merits and plans in order to get the confidence you need from a person, then yucca is just for you. With yucca, a person begins to more soberly assess his capabilities, without the help of other people he understands what he can do and what he cannot.
Mars in the human body can cause severe pain, and Saturn can cause bone fractures. Capricorn itself, to which yucca belongs, is responsible for the musculoskeletal system and skin. Mars and Saturn coexisted in the yucca. This plant, only when present in the house, will strengthen the musculoskeletal system of the household, preventing bone fractures and muscle strain. Yucca protects us from any sharp pain, including rheumatism, and promotes the rapid healing of cuts on the skin.

Ficus rubbery (elastic)
This is one of the most common and unpretentious FICUS. As with all representatives of the earthly Capricorn, the earthly element is clearly expressed in this ficus. Strict earthly Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, is manifested in the upright posture of the plant, in its slender stem. The earth element also lives in very large (up to 33 cm long) leaves. Capricorn is an ascetic sign, and the rubber ficus is quite unpretentious, but it has one weakness - it cannot tolerate waterlogging of the soil. The ground becomes a swamp when too much water gets into it. The water element and the planet of this element closest to the Earth, the Moon, in astrology are associated with the emotional plane of man, with spiritual sensitivity. Ficus fights excessive sensitivity, it is good for houses where whiny people live or often visit, who constantly need frank, sincere conversations, balm for the soul in the form of compliments, praise, constant support, and the emotional participation of others. Ficus is good for houses in which people live, telling everyone about their troubles and expecting sympathy and pity.

Ficus protects the atmosphere of the house from vague, damp clots that come from whiny, hypersensitive people in need of constant sympathy. We can say that ficus rids the atmosphere of high humidity, which is a consequence of people being overly emotional. In the house where whiny people live, a heavy atmosphere reigns; a decadent mood has settled in it. In such a house, even gambling children-inventors lose all desire to play. And adults in such a house often sigh, they lose the desire to do even the most favorite things. But the rubber ficus absorbs the tearful mood of people. With ficus, enthusiasm appears in the atmosphere of the house. In a house where there is a ficus, it is easy and comfortable for both household members and their guests.

The strict earthly ficus does not like excesses, because Capricorn, to which it belongs, is an ascetic sign. Ficus is useful for everyone who cannot concentrate on the main thing, who takes on a lot of obligations or work, and then realizes that they are not able to fulfill it. Ficus rubber helps a person to redistribute his strength and use time more rationally.
In the large leaves of this plant, Mercury, which governs the leaves of all plants, united with the earthly element. Light, changeable Mercury in ficus has become more concrete, practical, and reliable. Mercury rules our thoughts and speech. Thanks to earthly Mercury, ficus has the ability to improve the quality of our speech. Ficus is useful to have nearby for those who speak slurredly, swallow words, or stutter. Ficus makes speech clearer and improves diction.

Ficus is also useful for those who do not have eloquence, who often face rejection of the speeches around them. Mercury, connected in ficus with the earth element, gives strength to our words. Under the subtle influence of the ficus, a person’s speech changes, phrases become more understandable, people begin to listen to them, and they are remembered by others.
Ficus is also useful for those who often throw words to the wind, who talk a lot, especially lies. Ficus helps a person control the words and phrases that roll off the tongue. Under the influence of ficus, a person begins to speak less, but more specifically, conveying useful, more necessary information to others.
Earthly Capricorn controls the musculoskeletal system and skin, and Mercury, combined in the ficus with the earthly element, gives flexibility to any objects and speeds up any processes. If there is a ficus in your house, it means your body will be flexible and any diseases of the skin and bones, bone fractures will heal faster.

At the beginning of the conversation about this plant, it was said that ficus does not like excess water. The ficus's dislike for water gives it another valuable property for humans. Ficus, only being close to a person, prevents the formation of dropsy, tumors, promotes the rapid healing of ulcers and the removal of excess fluid from the body.

"Living Stones"
"Living stones" are very unusual, curious plants. Capricorn is the third earth sign, it is the most stable earth crystallized into stone. And “living stones” imitate pebbles. In them, the ruler of Capricorn, Saturn, is expressed mainly by its tiny size (from 1.5 to 5 cm in height) and extremely slow growth. But the plant itself is made up of two swollen leaves. The leaves of any plant are ruled by Mercury, but the Mercury of “living stones” is connected with water element, with the Moon, a planet belonging to this element. The water element and the Moon itself in astrology are associated with the emotional plane of a person. "Living stones" could absorb energies unnecessarily emotional people, but these plants are already oversaturated with moisture, so they will fill the space with their energy. Due to their moisture content, “living stones” can be called emotional plants. It is useful to have them in houses where overly rational people live, where there is a lack of sincerity and sincerity in relationships. “Living stones” are good to have in a house where overly busy people live or often visit and do not have enough time to express their feelings. Although “living stones” look rather inconspicuous, they fill the atmosphere around them with gentle energies. In a house where there are such plants, the atmosphere itself seems to caress people.

The moon, clearly expressed in the leaves of these plants, controls not only the emotional plane of a person, but also the theme of home and family. The moon is the planet of comfort, therefore, where there are “living stones”, the atmosphere itself becomes cozy, pleasant, conducive to relaxation, to the manifestation of tenderness.
Effect on emotional state
An emotional plant helps us all become the same. The emotionality of “living stones” is contained in their leaves, and the leaves are ruled by the planet of thought and words, Mercury. You may not want to become more emotional, you are satisfied with your businesslike mood and stern intonation of voice, but all this may not please those with whom you communicate. Under the subtle influence of “living stones,” a person’s speech becomes more emotional and lively. If you want to finally hear a gentle, kind word from your spouse, get these unusual plants at home. It is especially useful to have “living stones” in hospitals, in children's institutions - wherever people need a kind word.

"Living stones" can develop poetic abilities in people. Among my friends there are three poets who have pots of these unusual plants on their tables. Don't be afraid that "living stones" will turn you into a lyricist or a romantic. You will remain the same as you were, only you will begin to express your thoughts and feelings more sincerely.
Mobile Mercury, combined in “living stones” with the water element, controls metabolism, so the mere presence of these plants in our homes can improve the functioning of organs associated with the movement of fluids. Thanks to Mercury, the body will not stagnate excess liquid. "Living stones" improve metabolism, as a result - in better side the condition of the skin changes.

Silver Crassula (money or monkey tree)
Capricorn is an ascetic sign, but the very name of this plant clearly contradicts the ascetic nature of the sign. Capricorn is not only an ascetic, he is also a cardinal earth sign. The concept of “cardinal” in astrology implies constancy, and the earthly element is associated with the accumulation of material wealth. Crassula or KRASULA is a storage plant, and its wealth is in its fleshy leaves. Mercury and the earth element are combined in the plump leaves of the crassula. This plant absorbs the energies of thoughts, words, feelings, born of concern for material wealth. If your line of work requires you to think a lot about money, for example, you are an accountant or there are people in your house who are constantly concerned about their financial situation, plant a fat plant.

We all constantly think about some material benefits, but when there are too many of these thoughts, when they become intrusive, crowding out all the others, the space around a person becomes oversaturated with heavy energy. This can lead over time to chronic diseases in the household and chronic heaviness in the legs. But the fat woman facilitates the energy of space, absorbing the energies of our thoughts and words about material values. In a house where there is a Crassula, the energy of the atmosphere is very stable, because this plant belongs to a cardinal, that is, a permanent sign. With a fat woman, the very atmosphere of the house inspires a person in a calm, relaxed mood.
The earth element is clearly expressed in the leaves of the Crassula plant, and it is also manifested in the tree-like stems of the plant. The stem of any plant is ruled by the earthly Saturn, and in the Crassula it is very strong. The earthly fat woman develops hard work in a person. It is good to have at home for those who are said to not know how to work. Thanks to strong Saturn, the fat woman gives a person perseverance.
Mercury and the earth element, combined in the leaves of the Crassula, endowed the plant with the ability to prolong the youth of the body parts and organs controlled by Capricorn - the musculoskeletal system and skin.