Read Suteev's stories for children in large print. Fairy tales and stories. I painted until my death


Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev (1903 - 1993) – Russian writer, illustrator, one of the founders domestic animation.

Several generations of children grew up reading the works of Vladimir Suteev. Kids love these good fairy tales, full of humor and wisdom. And many years later, after they themselves become parents, they enjoy reading his works to their children.

Fascinating and witty stories accompany many colorful illustrations made by the author himself. Vladimir Grigorievich was a talented animator. He drew equally beautifully with his right and left hands, and accompanied each of his works with bright, dynamic pictures.

Read Suteev's fairy tales online

The heroes of Suteev's fairy tales are recognizable and loved: a chicken and a duckling, a brave snowman, three curious kittens. Even the littlest fidgets will want to know who said “meow” and why there was a place for all the animals under the mushroom. And a capricious cat and an envious goose will show kids how not to behave.

Fairy tales about a magic wand and a bag of apples will teach children to be kind and sympathetic, to be smart and to help friends. We invite you to read the tales of Vladimir Suteev online on our website. Immerse yourself with your children in magical world lively and instructive stories.

Fairy tales, as you know, are written by good storytellers, and first of all they are intended for children . This is exactly the kind of writer-storyteller he was Vladimir Suteev . Having initially received an art education, Vladimir Georgievich began his creative activity cartoonist. Many cartoons were created based on his scripts. Even the smallest viewers find them easy and interesting to watch, andread Suteev's good fairy tales for free for children brings true pleasure.

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They are imbued with kindness and sincerity, the characters are bright and memorable. Parents, reading stories with funny characters to very young listeners, can be sure that the kids will correctly understand the meaning of what is being conveyed. Vladimir Suteev, among other things, was a wonderful illustrator, so the images he showed in fairy tales are believable and associatively understandable.

wonderful Suteev's fairy tales for the little oneswill always be interesting for adults too. After all, more than one generation was brought up on these fairy tales, but animated films You can watch them with your whole family as many times as you like. “Bag of Apples”, “Who Said: “Meow”?”, “Terem-Teremok”, “About the Hippopotamus Who Was Afraid of Vaccinations” - everyone is familiar with these names from childhood. Everything is simple and clear. There is no imposition of aggression and lies, as in many foreign fairy tales, filling the screens and pages of books. If you want your child to grow up to be a respectable person, then without a doubt start reading “correct” literature, which includes the fairy tales of Vladimir Georgievich. Allread Suteev's fairy talespossible on this site. Start raising the next generation of adults today.

Many adult parents never cease to enjoy reading amazing, kind, fantasy tales Vladimir Suteev with colorful pictures for his little listeners. Lovely, fabulous, funny stories, children remember and know of different ages. Accessible, understandable and kind stories will win the little hearts of even the smallest children.
For everyone, well-known, popular and beloved characters of various incredible animals, with the help of their characters and habits, are sometimes so similar to people. Any fantastic fairy tale carries kindness, sincere joy, fun, and always teaches to be honest and devoted friend. In all fairy tales, cowardice, greed, selfishness, and excessive greed are discouraged and condemned. In a clear and kind form, in an accessible and understandable narrative language, the very first lessons of careful, positive and very good relations to the nature that surrounds us. Often all real truths are clearly explained modern life And life situations about truth and lies, about beaver and evil, about mutual assistance and compassion.
Vladimir Suteev was incredibly talented, his works are simply incredible. Every time you re-read his fairy tales, you can understand how he put a piece of his heart and his kind soul into each of his works.
Apple, a positive, instructive fairy tale about honesty, justice and sincere kindness. Many forest animals quarreled and could not figure out who would get the ripe, juicy apple. Each of them thought and believed that it was he who fully deserved to eat this last apple. And only the big old and wise bear was able to resolve this long dispute between the animals. He divided this one apple into different parts among everyone.
Who Said Meow, a positive, cheerful and very cheerful tale about a small wonderful puppy who made such a unique and curious sound Meow from his mouth. The very first meetings and interesting acquaintances with many residents large yard, with their unique habits, behavior, their different thoughts and voices.
The ship is a fascinating story; sincere, honest friendship is valued in it and narcissism and boasting are strongly discouraged. The little frog laughed and always made fun of his friends who could not swim. They got together and made a boat and went on a journey on it, and the boastful little frog was left all alone.
Read fairy tales by Vladimir Suteev online for free
Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev spent his entire creative career long haul to serve children. He started out as a cartoonist, and only later as a talented writer. All your own illustrations fairy tale works I drew it myself. Skillfully mastering his genius talent, he wrote and drew equally beautifully with both his left hand and right hand Same. Even the smallest children, even up to one year old, can read and listen to his stories, because all of his fairy tales filled with love, tenderness and warmth.
Listen and watch Vladimir Suteev's tales online
And also for your convenience, you can not only read fairy tales, but also listen to audio fairy tales or watch video fairy tales and cartoons.

All the adults went to the field to harvest, and we were left at home with our grandmother. “And you guys, go to the garden and pick vegetables,” grandma told us. We took the bags and ran to grandma's garden. And Chapka and Usik are behind us to help. Chapka helped Masha dig potatoes very well: she dug the ground with all her paws and even her nose. The potatoes were flying, and Masha was collecting them in a bag. And I went to pull the carrot, although I didn’t know what it was. And it happened: I pull carrots, but I pull out turnips and beets. I accidentally even pulled out cucumbers and tomatoes, but only three carrots. I wanted to cry, but my grandmother said that you won’t know everything right away, but when you sow yourself and grow each bush, then you won’t mix anything up.

One day the Bear came into the Hare’s garden and asked:

How are you, Kosoy?

Yes, I’m pulling the carrot, Uncle Misha.

Are carrots any good?

It’s good, Uncle Misha, but it just sits deep.

“Perhaps I also need carrots,” said the Bear thoughtfully, “as a supply for the winter...

Cheers, Uncle Misha! Take as much as you want! The Bear spat on his paws and went for carrots

pull, so much so that it flew in all directions...

The Hedgehog was just passing by, and one carrot hit him right on the head and hung on the thorns.

This morning the guys looked at the calendar, and there was the last piece of paper left.

Tomorrow New Year! Tomorrow is the Christmas tree! The toys will be ready, but the Christmas tree will not be there. The guys decided to write a letter to Santa Claus so that he would send a Christmas tree from the dense forest - the fluffiest, most beautiful.

The guys wrote this letter and quickly ran into the yard to build a snowman.

Spring has begun.

We wanted to go for a walk without a coat, but they didn’t allow us without a coat. Then we both cried loudly, and we were allowed to go in our summer coats. We probably cried a little and quietly after all; if I had cried for another hour, they would have let me in without a coat, but I was afraid that they might not let me in at all.

The weather outside was very good: the sun was shining and the snow was melting. Water flowed everywhere.

We dug a ditch, and the water gurgled loudly and flowed down the canal.

In June we went to visit our grandmother in the village and took Chapka and Usik with us.

We all got tickets, and Chapka got a dog ticket. Usyk rode for free, and dad said that Usyk was “riding like a hare.”

I don’t understand how a kitten can ride like a hare? In the evening we came to my grandmother, and in the morning we went to the river to fish. First, Chapka and I dug for worms: Chapka dug the ground with her feet, and I collected the worms in a jar. Masha didn’t collect them: she was afraid of worms, although they don’t bite at all. Then we went to look for a place on the river.

One day the Cat went to the river to fish and met the Fox at the very edge of the river.

The Fox waved her fluffy tail and said in a honeyed voice:

Hello, godfather, fluffy cat! I see you are going to catch fish?

Yes, I want to bring some fish to my kittens. The fox lowered her eyes and asked very quietly:

Maybe you can treat me to some fish too? Otherwise it’s all chickens and ducks...

The cat grinned:

So be it. I'll give you the first fish.

I don’t know how to thank you.

My first fish, my first fish!..

The puppy was sleeping on a rug near the sofa. Suddenly, through his sleep, he heard someone say:

The puppy raised his head and looked - there was no one. “I probably dreamed this,” he thought and lay down more comfortably. And then someone said again:

Who's there?

The Puppy jumped up, ran around the whole room, looked under the bed, under the table - there was no one! He climbed onto the windowsill and saw a Rooster walking outside the window in the yard.

“That’s who didn’t let me sleep!” - thought the Puppy and ran into the yard to the Rooster.

Did you say "meow"? - asked the Rooster Puppy.

Works are divided into pages

Stories and fairy tales by Vladimir Suteev.

Many children with early age. Exactly books by Suteev with illustrations by the author himself often become the first for many girls and boys. The cartoons that were filmed based on his scripts still never cease to win the souls of young viewers.

Why do kids like it so much? Suteev's tales? Their plots are unusually simple and understandable, they are understandable even to the smallest children. Each of these wonderful fairy tales brings genuine light and goodness, teaches sincere friendship, and condemns such traits as greed and cowardice. Suteev wrote fairy tales in such a way that they easily and unobtrusively teach children the first lessons of morality, true love of nature, and the fight against evil.

Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev lived a very interesting life, was the author of many stories and fairy tales. A man who, for the first time in his life, took read Suteev You will be surprised how much his works are distinguished by wit, the right sense of humor, liveliness and simplicity. Suteev's stories are able to explain to children without tedious moralizing simple truths, show where the truth lies and where the lies are hidden. Good in his fairy tales and stories will always emerge victorious.

Vladimir Suteev was extraordinary and talented person. Throughout his life, he tried to give little boys and girls as many of his works, illustrations and children's cartoons as possible. To this day, books with his author’s illustrations are especially adored by children and their parents. Suteev gave his extraordinary talent of ambidexterity - simultaneous control of his left and right hands - to the children for pleasure. On our website you can enjoy read Suteev's tales online and absolutely free.

Children's writer, artist, one of the founders of Russian animation, Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

Born on July 5, 1903 in Moscow in the family of a doctor. Vladimir Grigorievich’s father was a gifted man, and his passion for art was passed on to his son.

WITH teenage years Vladimir Suteev, as an illustrator, periodically collaborated in the magazines “Pioneer”, “Murzilka”, “Friendly Guys”, “Iskorka”, and in the newspaper “Pionerskaya Pravda”.

Since 1923 he illustrated books for children. Among his most famous works are illustrations for the works of Korney Chukovsky and Samuil Marshak.

Since 1936, Vladimir Suteev worked as a director at the Soyuzmultfilm film studio. In 1941, before leaving for the front, he completed work on “The Fly-Tsokotukha” based on the work of K. Chukovsky.

Based on the scripts of V. Suteev, the following cartoons were produced: “When the Christmas trees are lit”, “Magic Shop”, “Snowman-Postman”, “Boat”, “Peter and Little Red Riding Hood”, “Who Said Meow?”, “Fisher Cat” , “Tails”, “We are looking for the Blob”, “Sack of Apples”, “Santa Claus and the Gray Wolf”.

Since 1947, V. Suteev worked at Detgiz.

In 1952, the publishing house published its first book (“Two Tales about Pencil and Paints”), in which V. G. Suteev proved himself not only as an artist, but also as a writer.

Since then, many books by Suteev have been published: “What kind of bird is this?”, “Under the mushroom”, “Sack of apples”, “Chicken and duckling”, “Who said “meow”?”, “Lifesaver”.

Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev illustrated works of classics Russian literature: fairy tales by K. Chukovsky, “Mustachioed and Striped” by S. Marshak, “Uncle Styopa” by S. Mikhalkov.

The art of V. G. Suteev is addressed to the youngest readers and viewers. He is their wise and kind mentor, and it is easy and fun to walk through a fairy tale with him. For the first time, books were published in Russian with illustrations by the artist V. Suteev: D. Rodari “The Adventures of Cipollino” (Suteev’s characters in this fairy tale became a model for children’s toys), A. Preisen “Jolly New Year”, L. Muur “Little Raccoon and the One who is sitting in the pond." The Suteevsky puppy Pif (from the book “The Adventures of Pif” translated from French) became a favorite of children. Witty, funny, kind books by Vladimir Suteev are familiar to children all over the world. They have been translated into 36 languages ​​and published in Norway, France, USA, Mexico, Japan, and Czechoslovakia.

So we want to introduce you to the books of this wonderful writer, which are in the collections of our children's library.

List works of art by the author from the collection of our library.

Suteev, V. G. Seasons [Text] / V. G. Suteev; artist I. and A. Chukavina. - Moscow: Planet of Childhood: AST: Astrel, 2001. – 40 p.

The book "Seasons" by V. Suteev is short stories Masha and Vanya Knopochkin, their stories about the change of seasons, about when you can go ice skating, when to pick mushrooms, and in what month boys and girls go to school.

Suteev, V. G. Magic shop [Text] : fairy tale/ V. G. Suteev; artist N. Yu. Kudryavtseva. – Moscow: Planet of Childhood, 2000. – 62 s.

The Magic Shop is a story about a lazy student Vita Petrov. He didn’t want to learn and achieve everything on his own, so he called on magic to help. The fairy tale The Magic Shop will be interesting for children to read school age. She teaches you to be responsible for your actions and rely on everything own strength, and not rely only on outside help.

Suteev, V. G. Korablik [ Text]: fairy tales with pictures / V. Suteev; artist V. Suteev. – Moscow: Onyx 21st century: Center for Universal Human Values, 2004. – 63 p.

People in kindergarten and even at school love to read the story “The Boat” by Vladimir Suteev. And all because it is very short, but at the same time filled with many important feelings of kids. The Frog thought that since the Chicken, the Mouse, the Ant and the Bug could not swim, then they were no good for anything and laughed at their friends. They got together and were able to make a real boat. Everyone contributed to the common cause: the chicken brought a leaf, the mouse brought a nutshell, the ant brought a straw, and the bug brought a string. Friends sailed on a boat, but the frog was left alone. Suteev shows his beloved little readers that there is no need to laugh at friends, but rather to help them and stick together.

Suteev, V. G. Bag of apples [Text] / V. Suteev; rice. auto – Moscow: AST: Planeta Detstva, 2012. – 36 p.

Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev wrote wise, kind and funny fairy tales especially for children. And he himself drew wonderful pictures for these fairy tales. It's time for you to get acquainted with these stories - read about the Hare, who was not afraid to be generous, about his entire hare family, about the brave Snowman, who went to Santa Claus with an important assignment from the guys, and about the difficulties he had to overcome on your way.

Suteev, V. G. We are looking for the Blob [Text]: fairy tale: toy book with cutting / V. G. Suteev; artist L. Kayukov. – Moscow: Planet of Childhood, 2000. – 8 s.

The fairy tale “We are looking for the Blot” is a story about how Masha and Vanya went into a fantasy world to save the drawings from the Artist’s album from the tricks of the Blot, who escaped from a jar of ink. The fairy tale “We are looking for the Blob” can be read by children of any age, and it will be especially interesting younger schoolchildren. Kids will be captivated amazing adventures two guys traveling from fairy tale to fairy tale.

Suteev, V. G. Lifesaver [Text]: fairy tales / V. G. Suteev; rice. auto - Moscow: Rosman, 1996. – 116 s.

The fairy tale “The Lifesaver” is a story about how even a simple, inconspicuous stick can help in trouble if you show resourcefulness. It teaches you to be inventive and courageous, like the Hedgehog, the main character of the story. Also from it the children learn how important it is to help a friend, and that one should not judge others by their appearance.

Suteev, V. G. Peter and Little Red Riding Hood [Text]: fairy tale: toy book with cutting / V. G. Suteev; artist A. Savchenko. – Moscow: Planet of Childhood, 2000. – 16 s.

“Peter and Little Red Riding Hood” is a story about how a simple schoolboy was lucky enough to get into his favorite fairy tale. She teaches you to be brave and never despair. Main character showed courage, thanks to which the final known history was not sad, but quite the opposite. The fairy tale Peter and Little Red Riding Hood will be read with great pleasure by everyone who loves the story told by Charles Perrault.

Suteev, V. G. Petya Ivanov and the magician Tik-Tak [Text]: fairy tale / V. G. Suteev; artist Z. Yarina. – Moscow: Planet of Childhood, 2000. – 47 s.

The fairy tale “Petya Ivanov and the Wizard Tik-Tak” tells the story of a schoolboy who goes on a journey through time. In his adventures, he will understand that being an uneducated loser is not only shameful, but sometimes even dangerous. Primary and secondary school students will enjoy reading the fairy tale. She teaches us to appreciate every minute of our time.

Suteev, V. G. About the hippo who was afraid of vaccinations [Text]: fairy tale: toy book with cutting / V. G. Suteev; artist M. Mikhailov. – Moscow: Planet of Childhood, 2000. – 8 s.

The fairy tale “About the Hippopotamus, who was afraid of vaccinations” will be interesting for both children and adults. She will tell you what will happen if you do not follow the doctor’s orders, allowing fear to take over. More than one child will see familiar features in the cowardly hippopotamus.

Suteev, V. G. One, two - together! [Text]: fairy tale: toy book with cutting / V. G. Suteev; artist Z. Yarina. – Moscow: Planet of Childhood, 2000. – 8 p.

Fairy tale “One, two - together!” will talk about how important mutual assistance is. She will teach the kids not to leave their comrades when they are in trouble. In addition, the guys will understand that everyone’s efforts are important in the common cause, and anyone, even the smallest Ant, can become a hero who saved a friend from wolves.

Suteev, V. G. Fairy tales and pictures [Text] / V. G. Suteev; rice. auto – Moscow: Planet of Childhood, 2002. – 232 p.

This book has been around for many, many years. And if you pick it up and show it to your grandmother, she will exclaim: “Oh! Wow! I also read it as a child!” And this book was invented, written and drawn by Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev, a famous cartoonist, and called it “Fairy Tales and Pictures”. The tales in it turned out to have such joyful and bright pictures that everyone immediately fell in love with them. Love them too, because they are kind and cheerful. Then (when you grow up) you will tell them to your children and grandchildren.

Suteev, V. G. Fairy tales and fairy tales [Text]: fairy tales, stories, fairy tales and stories / V. Suteev; [rice. author]. - Moscow: AST: Astrel, 2010. – 382 p.

In this book you will read the famous and beloved fairy tales of Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev. Who doesn't know his funny and cautionary tales about animals whose characters are so similar to people. Some of best fairy tales for younger children.

Suteev, V. G. Snowman-postman and other fairy tales [Text] / V. G. Suteev; artist V. G. Suteev. – Moscow: Planet of Childhood, 2005. – 55 s.

One day, on New Year's Eve, the children made a Snowman and sent him with a letter to Santa Claus. They really wanted to receive a Christmas tree as a gift from Santa Claus. The snowman fulfilled the children's request.

About what New Year's stories happened to the Snowman in deep forest on the way to Santa Claus, you will learn from this book.

Suteev, V. G. Terem-teremok and other tales [Text] / V. G. Suteev; artist V. G. Suteev. – Moscow: Planet of Childhood, 2005. – 55 p.

Suteev’s fairy tale “Terem-Teremok” was written based on folklore motives. She teaches kindness and compassion. It was these qualities that the heroes of history showed, which helped them avoid trouble. Children also learn that it is important to admit their mistakes and that if you try, you can easily make amends.