Talk about the world from an astronomer's point of view. Test: Insert the missing data into the text. that attract everyone's attention


Lesson type: combined


— formation of a holistic picture of the world and awareness of a person’s place in it based on the unity of rational scientific knowledge and the child’s emotional and value understanding personal experience communication with people and nature;

Characteristics of student activities

Meet with a textbook and teaching aids on “The world around us” for grade 4, with a spread “Our projects” in part 1 of the textbook, choose projects to complete. Understand educational objectives of the section and this lesson, strive to fulfill them. Tell about the world from the point of view of an astronomer. Work in pairs: study according to the structure of the solar system, list planets in correct sequence, simulate structure of the solar system, extract from the textbook digital data about the Sun, write out them in your workbook. Working with adults: finding in additional literature, Internet material, prepare messages. Formulate conclusions from the studied material, reply to final questions and evaluate achievements in the lesson.

Planned results

Subject (know, be able to)

Know the name of our planet, the planets of the solar system. Understand general conditions necessary for the life of living organisms. Be able to use the acquired knowledge to satisfy cognitive interest about our planet.

Metasubject (Regulatory. Cognitive. Communicative)

P. - make comparisons according to specified criteria.

R. - take into account the action guidelines identified by the teacher in the new educational material in collaboration with the teacher, learn to express your guess.

K. - be active in interaction to solve communicative and cognitive problems

Personal results

The student’s internal position based on a positive attitude towards school. Educational and cognitive interest in new material and ways to solve a new problem.

Basic concepts and definitions

Universe.Space . Celestial bodies, stars, planets, Sun, Earth, Moon

Preparing to learn new material

Let's find out what astronomy, the Universe, the Solar system are. We will learn to talk about the world from the point of view of an astronomer, and make a model of the Solar System.

Remember what celestial bodies you know.

Astronomy is the science of celestial, or cosmic, bodies. The word “astronomy” comes from two Greek words: “astron” - star and “nomos” - law. This science appeared in ancient times, but even now it de Try to tell about the world from the point of view of an astronomer. Use words for this: celestial bodies, stars, planets, Sun, Earth, Moon. Listen to the other guys. As a whole class, make the most full story.

Learning new material


From an astronomer's point of view, the world is Universe, or Space. This is the name given to the entire vast space with stars, planets and others. celestial bodies. Stars are huge, hot celestial bodies that emit light. Planets are cold celestial bodies that do not emit their own light.

There are countless stars in the Universe. One of them is the Sun. Eight planets revolve around the Sun in their orbits, among which our planet Earth. In addition to the planets, other celestial bodies, such as comets, move around the Sun. The sun and the celestial bodies moving around it make up solar system.


There are such riddles: “What is higher than the forest, more beautiful than the light, burns without fire?”, “I will get up early, white and ruddy, and when I let down my golden hair, I go outside the city - both man and beast will rejoice...” .

What are these riddles about? Of course, about the Sun.

For a long time, people have treated the Sun with love and special respect. After all, already in ancient times they realized that without the Sun neither man, nor beast, nor plant could live.

You already know that the Sun is the closest star to Earth. Like other stars, this is a huge, hot cosmic body that constantly emits light and heat.

From Earth, the Sun appears small. In fact, it is so large that our planet is very small in comparison. If you imagine the Sun the size of an orange, then the Earth will be the size of a poppy seed. Scientists-astronomers found that the diameter of the Sun is 109 times greater than the diameter of our planet. And the mass of the Sun is approximately 330 thousand times greater than the mass of the Earth!

Why does it seem small to us? It's all about the huge distance between it and our planet. This distance is about 150 million kilometers

What is the temperature of the Sun? Very, very high. It's hard for a person to even imagine. We know: when our body temperature rises above 37°, we have a fever. At 100° water boils, at 1500° steel melts. The temperature on the surface of the Sun reaches 6 thousand degrees, and in the center of the Sun it is supposedly 15-20 million degrees.

Attention! The sun is shining very brightly. It is strictly forbidden to look at it through a bi-nocle, spyglass, school telescope or simply with the naked eye. This may impair vision. You can only look at the Sun through dark protective glasses, and even then not for long - 1-2 minutes.

Comprehension and understanding of acquired knowledge

Consider the diagram. Find the Sun and planets. Mentally complete the diagram so as to imagine the Sun in its entirety, and the planets revolving around it. Please note that the planets move in slightly elongated orbits.

Using the diagram, list the planets: a) in the order of their distance from the Sun; b) in the order of their approach to the Sun. Using the diagram as a support, build a model of the solar system

Let's discuss!

They often say: “The Earth is our cosmic home, our spaceship" Why can you say this about the Earth?

Independent application of knowledge

check yourself

What does astronomy study? 2. What is the Universe? 3. What is the Solar System? 4. How to depict the solar system using a model? 5. Briefly tell us about the Sun. 6. How to observe the Sun without damaging your eyesight?


Astronomy - science of celestial bodies. The sun and the celestial bodies moving around it make up the solar system. Earth is one of the planets in the solar system.

Tasks for homework

Write it down in your dictionary: astronomy, astronomer.

Play with your friends: build a living model of the solar system! Let everyone be named after one of the planets, and let someone be the Sun. Make nameplates and hold them in your hands. Stand around the Sun in such a way as to correctly convey the sequence of the planets.

And now - on the way around the sun! Try to move in such a way that the position of the planets is not disturbed. The one who “goes astray” from orbit leaves the game. The winner is the one who stays in orbit the longest.

Find in additional literature, on the Internet, new scientific information about the Sun or information about interesting celestial bodies of the Solar system - comets, asteroids. Prepare a message.

The world through the eyes of an astronomer.


Astronomy 1. What astronomy studies. Why do stars twinkle - Academy entertaining sciences

Point of no return of the Universe. What happened before the Big Bang! Interesting film about the creation of the universe1!


Information sources:

SCHOOL OF RUSSIA Federal State Educational Standard A. A. Pleshakov textbook, E. A. Kryuchkova workbook The world 4th grade Moscow “Enlightenment” 2014

Presentation hosting the world

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Slide captions:

Who are astronomers and what is astronomy? Think about it!

The word “astronomy” comes from two Greek words: “astron” – star and “nomos” – law. Astronomy is the science of cosmic bodies, the systems they form and the Universe as a whole. An astronomer is a specialist in astronomy.

Astronomy is the most ancient of sciences. The first astronomers were called stargazers. It is known that even cave people observed starry sky, because his drawings were found on the walls of caves.

Much later, instruments came to the aid of astronomers. This is what telescopes of the past and present look like.

From the point of view of astronomers, the world is the Universe or space. Think about it! How did the Universe originate?

Presumably, the Universe arose as a result of an unimaginably powerful Big Bang about 18 billion years ago. By the time of the explosion, all the matter in the Universe was compressed into one incredibly hot mass. The explosion scattered him throughout the space. From this primary matter, galaxies, stars and planets were formed.

There are countless stars in the Universe. One of them is the Sun. There are 8 planets orbiting the Sun, including ours. motherland. In addition to planets, other celestial bodies (comets, meteorites, asteroids) move around the Sun. Mercury Neptune Uranus Saturn Mars Venus Jupiter Earth

A characteristic feature of comets is that as they approach the Sun, their tail appears and grows, always directed away from the Sun. Sometimes comets are so bright that they attract everyone's attention. In the past, the appearance of bright comets caused fear among people. This is interesting!

An asteroid (minor planet) is a relatively small rocky celestial body, many of which orbit the Sun. The first asteroid, Ceres, was discovered in 1801; Since then, they have been constantly searched for and new ones are regularly discovered. This is interesting!

Meteorites are stones or pieces of iron that fell to Earth from interplanetary space. These are fragments of asteroids and comets. Meteorites are divided into “fallen” and “found”. This is interesting!

The sun and the celestial bodies moving around it make up the solar system.

Our planet Earth is part of the solar system. The Earth moves around the Sun at a speed of 30 km per second. At the same time, together with the Sun, it moves among other stars, and together with them - in the space of the Universe.

What do you know about the Sun? Celestial body Gives light and heat Has the shape of a ball

Work according to the textbook. Read the article on p. 6-7 textbooks.

The Sun is the closest to the Earth…. This is a huge... cosmic body. The sun has the shape... The diameter of the Sun is ... times greater than the diameter of the Earth. The mass of the Sun is ... times greater than the mass of our planet. The distance from the Earth to the Sun is ... kilometers. The temperature on the surface of the Sun is ... degrees, and in its center - ... degrees. Insert the missing data into the text. Write down the words on a piece of paper in a column.

star incandescent ball 109 330 thousand 150 million 6 thousand 15 – 20 million Check yourself:

What does astronomy study? Give examples of celestial bodies. What is the Solar System? 4. How to observe the Sun without damaging your eyesight? Let's summarize:

Klimanova Natalya Sergeevna teacher primary classes GBOU secondary school No. 1351

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Educational complex "School of Russia", the world around us, grade 4 A.A. Pleshakov, theme: "The world through the eyes of an astronomer. The Universe. The Sun."

Final test on the topic: "The world through the eyes of an astronomer. The Universe. The Sun." A.A. Pleshakoy "The world around us" 4th grade....

The world through the eyes of an astronomer. Universe. Sun. - lesson on the world around us, grade 4

Topic: The world through the eyes of an astronomer. Universe. The Sun.Goals: - get acquainted with the science that studies the Universe, - astronomy; - form an idea of ​​the Universe, the size and nature of the Sun as the center...

Lesson of the surrounding world in 4th grade "The world through the eyes of an astronomer. The Sun Universe"

The purpose of the lesson: to introduce students to the science that studies the Universe - astronomy. The lesson develops an idea of ​​the Universe, the size and nature of the Sun as the center of the Solar system and the closest to...

It is known that even cavemen observed the starry sky, because drawings of the Sun, Moon, and starry sky were found on the walls of caves (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. rock art"Two Suns" ()

Of course, observations with the naked eye were not enough to answer many of the questions that people had. Therefore, a special device was created for observing cosmic bodies - telescope(Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Telescope ()

Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei(Fig. 4) made the first telescope.

Rice. 4. Galileo Galilei ()

It was a very imperfect instrument, nevertheless, with its help, Galileo Galilei made many discoveries: he saw craters on the Moon (Fig. 6), spots on the Sun (Fig. 7), observed the phases of Venus (Fig. 8) and discovered that around Jupiter is orbited by four satellites (Fig. 9).

Rice. 6. Craters on the Moon ()

Rice. 7. Sunspots ()

Rice. 8. Phases of Venus ()

Rice. 9. Moons of Jupiter ()

Naturally, since that time science has stepped far forward, and the appearance, and the accuracy of telescopes (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10. Computerized telescope ()

The most powerful telescopes are installed in observatories(from Latin observo - I observe) - scientific institutions, where observations and studies of weather, atmosphere, and astronomical bodies are carried out (Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. Apache Point Observatory ()

The first observatory, according to scientists, was located in Britain back in the Stone Age. This place is called Stonehenge, the position of the stones in which is associated with astronomical phenomena (Fig. 12).

Rice. 12. Stonehenge ()

For an astronomer, the world is Universe or space. According to scientists, 15 billion years ago there was a powerful explosion, after which the Universe was formed.

In space great amount celestial bodies: comets, meteorites, stars, planets, satellites. There are many galaxies in the Universe (Fig. 13).

Rice. 13. Galaxy Milky Way ()

One of them - Milky Way galaxy, consisting of 200 billion stars, of which the Sun is not the largest (Fig. 14).

The sun and 8 planets moving around it form solar system(Fig. 15).

Rice. 15. Solar system ()

The first planet from the Sun is Mercury y, second - Venus, third - Earth, fourth - Mars, fifth - Jupiter, sixth - Saturn,seventh - Uranus, eighth - Neptune. For a long time it was believed that Pluto- the ninth planet of the solar system. However modern research gave grounds to assign Pluto the status of a dwarf planet.

Even in ancient times, people understood that our life is possible only thanks to the Sun, and they revered him as a deity. The Sun deity had many names: Ancient Greece The sun was called Helios, in Egypt - Ra, the ancient Scandinavians - Sol, and our Slavic ancestors - Yarilo.

Sun- the closest star to Earth. This is a huge hot cosmic body (Fig. 16). The sun has the shape of a ball. The diameter of the Sun is 109 times the diameter of the Earth. The mass of the Sun is 330 thousand times greater than the mass of our planet. The distance from the Earth to the Sun is 150 million kilometers. The temperature on the surface of the Sun is 6 thousand degrees, and in its center - 15-20 million degrees.


  1. Vakhrushev A.A., Danilov D.D. The world around us 3. - M.: Ballas.
  2. Dmitrieva N.Ya., Kazakov A.N. The world around us 3. - M.: Publishing House "Fedorov".
  3. Pleshakov A.A. The world around us 3. - M.: Enlightenment.
  1. ().
  2. ().


  1. Answer “yes” or “no” to the following statements:
  2. Earth is one of the planets in the solar system.
  3. The Sun is the closest star to us, a hot ball of gas.
  4. The mass of the Earth is 330 thousand times the mass of the Sun.
  5. Specialists who study astronomy are called astronauts.
  6. The Earth moves around the Sun.
  7. You can observe celestial bodies by looking through a telescope.
  8. Make a short test (6 questions with three answer options) on the topic “The Universe”.
  9. * Using the knowledge gained in class, create a crossword puzzle on the topic “The World through the Eyes of an Astronomer.”

Slide 1

The world through the eyes of an astronomer

Slide 2

Astronomy is the science of cosmic bodies, the systems they form and the Universe as a whole.

The word “astronomy” comes from two Greek words: “astron” - star and “nomos” - law.

Slide 3
Astronomy is the most ancient of sciences. The first astronomers were called stargazers. It is known that even cavemen observed the starry sky, because its drawings were found on the walls of caves. Much later, instruments came to the aid of astronomers.

This is what telescopes of the past and present look like.

Slide 4
From the point of view of astronomers, the world is the Universe or Space.

Presumably, the Universe arose as a result of an unimaginably powerful Big Bang that occurred approximately 15 billion years ago.

Slide 5
The sun and the bodies moving around it make up the solar system.

The planets were named after the Roman gods and are located from the Sun in this order: 1. Mercury – god of trade; 2. Venus – goddess of love and beauty; 3. Earth - it was believed that it was “not in heaven”; 4. Mars – god of war; 5. Jupiter – the supreme god of thunder; 6. Saturn – god of earth and fertility; 7. Uranus – god of the sky; 8. Neptune – god of the sea and shipping;

Slide 6

Our life is possible only thanks to the Sun. People understood this even in ancient times and revered the Sun as a deity. They called it differently: In Ancient Greece, the Sun was called Helios, in Egypt - Ra, and our Slavic ancestors - Yarilo.

Slide 7
Insert the missing data into the text
The Sun is closest to the Earth
It's huge
cosmic body. The sun has a shape
Diameter of the Sun in
greater than the diameter of the Earth.
330 thousand
times the mass of our planet.
Distance from Earth to Sun -
150 million
Temperature on the surface of the Sun -
6 thousand
and in its center -
15 – 20 million
Mass of the Sun in

Astronomy is the most ancient of sciences. The first astronomers were called stargazers. It is known that even cavemen observed the starry sky, because its drawings were found on the walls of caves. Much later, instruments came to the aid of astronomers. This is what telescopes of the past and present look like.

The sun and the bodies moving around it make up the solar system. The planets were named after the Roman gods and are located from the Sun in the following order: 1. Mercury - the god of trade; 2. Venus – goddess of love and beauty; 3. Earth - it was believed that it was “not in heaven”; 4. Mars – god of war; 5. Jupiter – the supreme god of thunder; 6. Saturn – god of earth and fertility; 7. Uranus – god of the sky; 8. Neptune – god of the sea and shipping;

Insert the missing data into the text. The Sun is the closest star to Earth. This is a huge hot cosmic body. The sun has a shape. The diameter of the Sun is 109 times the diameter of the Earth. 330 thousand times more than the mass of our planet. The distance from the Earth to the Sun is 150 million kilometers. The temperature on the surface of the Sun is -6 thousand and in its center - 15 - 20 million degrees. Mass of the Sun in degrees,