Calculate your personal horoscope by date of birth. Individual horoscope online (free)


Personal horoscope free online, will help you yourself, without turning to an astrologer, to understand yourself a little and find out which planets influence your character and how. Of course, nothing can replace an astrologer’s consultation, a machine cannot take into account, but not everyone is ready to seek a consultation right now, then you can use this program to compile personal horoscope online absolutely for free. If you don’t understand something, ask for help, I’ll tell you.

Perhaps at first glance the program may seem confusing to you, but you will quickly figure it out, the plus is that you can look at your horoscope for your baby or another loved one.

If the horoscope is compiled for a person, indicate his gender - male or female. Without this, some program options will not work. If you know the exact time of your birth, then enter it in the field, but if you don’t know what time you were born, then leave the time at 12:00. In the city field, find your region, or if you have a small town, then find in the list the one that is closest to you, the coordinates will be approximately the same.

Set the time to local, the program itself will calculate the difference with Greenwich, and the city coordinates will appear automatically. In the parameters menu, leave everything as it is; if you are far from astrology, this will not tell you anything, but will only confuse you. After your natal chart appears, find the interpretation line in the horoscope menu. You can read the interpretation of each planet in the natal chart in the table below. Coordinates and status of the planets, if you click on the name of the planet in the table.

Some site pages open in a new window, so if you have programs installed that prohibit pop-up windows, temporarily stop them.

Also pay attention to the right of your natal chart there is a table where your Asc, Dsc and houses II, III, IV, etc. are indicated. to XII, when you click on them you will see how these parameters affect your character and events in your life. (Asc) influences a person’s appearance and behavior, Descendant (Dsc) is responsible for your social realization. But it should be remembered that when moving to another city, the position of the planets in the signs remains the same, but the position in the houses changes, and accordingly the circumstances of life.

Have a good time. If you liked it, share it with your friends, they will thank you. Surely they will enjoy making free personal horoscopes for themselves and their loved ones online, rather than reading generalized ones that are the same for all people born in the same period of time. A difference of 4 minutes already makes serious adjustments to a person’s horoscope.

If this program seems too complicated to you, follow the link to the page with for every day. The form to fill out is the simplest, where you can read your personal forecast for the next two days.

You can order a personal consultation by going to the page

Often, to learn more about their own future, people turn to magic, namely, fortune telling with cards, coffee, mirrors and other magical tools. But this is not the only way to unravel the mysteries of fate. In practice, astrological solitaire works well, but a more informative method is , wherein

The main tool can be called the natal chart. It is built on a specific time, date, geographical place of birth of a person and represents the basis of an individual horoscope.

Features of drawing up a natal chart

For those who are just beginning to learn the basics of astrology, before starting to build a natal chart, you need to familiarize yourself with some mandatory rules that will help you carry out a quality analysis and ultimately correctly interpret its results. Otherwise, a beginner risks getting confused in the variety of symbols, which will negatively affect the analysis process.

Knowing all the nuances that require natal horoscope, you will have the opportunity to correctly determine cause-and-effect relationships between past and future events.

So, it is important to know that at the birth of a person, the heavenly bodies and each of the planets known to us are located in one of the 12 astrological Houses in a specific astrological sign. And all the angular relationships that exist between the elements of the horoscope are called aspects.

Natal chart with interpretation– this is a great opportunity to predict fate, find out what surprises you should expect, and what events you can avoid. But in order for its analysis to be as accurate as possible, it must be performed in a certain sequence:

  1. First you need to note the luminaries in the Houses.
  2. Next, we fix the Houses in the signs and determine the aspects that influence the formation of personality.
  3. At the next stage, it is necessary to determine the position of the fictitious points in relation to the Houses, aspects and signs (here it is important to take into account the Rulers associated with a particular House out of 12 possible).

After these simple steps, we will eventually get a picture that contains all the elements of the natal chart. It is these elements that require further interpretation. Of course, in this case you can use online interpretation, but, if you really want to engage in astrology professionally, it is better to decipher such a horoscope yourself, in order to gain experience.

Deciphering the astrological Houses

Astrological Houses symbolize the main events in a person’s life, and the decoding of their meanings depends on the numbering of the House itself:

  • The 1st symbolizes a person’s character;
  • 2nd denotes acquisition, be it real estate or money;
  • 3rd indicates exchange;
  • The 4th stands for home;
  • The 5th is usually interpreted as creation;
  • The 6th is the present that exists at the moment;
  • The 7th symbolizes union.
  • The 8th is aloofness.
  • The 9th can be interpreted as an ideal, which implies optimism or travel;
  • The 10th signifies independence, as well as position in society;
  • The 11th is about aspirations, hopes and plans;
  • The 12th stands for willpower and achievement.

Deciphering the celestial bodies and planets

To decipher what the heavenly bodies and planets in the map can be used astroprocessor, a universal astrological program that absolutely accurately constructs an individual horoscope. But you can learn these secrets on your own by familiarizing yourself with some of the nuances.

So, the Moon symbolizes the subconscious and everything that concerns it. The celestial body the Sun is associated with a person’s personality, its shortcomings, as well as its advantages. Mercury is responsible for communication connections. Jupiter is your professional development. Mars signifies the degree of activity shown in solving important problems. Venus symbolizes love. Saturn is responsible for ambition. Uranus can warn of unreasonable actions. And Pluto is nothing more than intrapersonal metamorphosis.

Zodiac signs and aspects in the natal chart

In the natal horoscope, zodiac signs are characteristics. As a rule, all other indicators necessarily pass through the prism of one of them. It is these signs that give their traits to all indicators, and this directly affects a person’s fate.

As for the aspects, they represent a connection of an individual nature between the planets and show the nuances that allow the individual to become unique.

Decoding "strange icons"

When all the indicators are known, the only thing that raises questions is the “strange icons” found on the natal chart. Therefore, their decoding requires special attention:

  • The letter "Omega" symbolizes suffering and phobias (Rahu karma);
  • The circle with the letter “K” on it is the career area (Midheaven);
  • The letter “N” – family, housing necessary for a comfortable existence (Depth of the sky);
  • Reversed Omega is responsible for a person’s purpose in life (Rahu-dharma);
  • The unshaded month icon is associated with good luck (White Moon);
  • The icon of a shaded month located on a cross is responsible for everything negative that is in the soul and for our mistakes (Black Moon);
  • “Ms” – human relationships (Descendent);
  • “As” symbolizes our individuality (Ascendant). For example, Ascendant in Scorpio indicates a strong personality involved in the world around him.

Horoscope by date of birth

We invite you to use a free service to compile a personal natal horoscope and to decipher the natal chart with an accurate interpretation.

As you can see, drawing up a natal chart is not an easy task, requiring certain knowledge in astrology, the acquisition of which will allow you to decipher the horoscope with ease.
We invite you to watch an overview video about deciphering your natal chart yourself.

Your Zodiac sign makes up only 50% of your personality. The remaining 50% cannot be known by reading general horoscopes. You need to create an individual horoscope. Today, many people and Internet services provide such a service for money. I’ll teach you how to do it yourself and absolutely free, so that you’ll soon do it yourself you can make money from this. But this is not the main advantage of knowing astrology. First of all, it will allow you to become practically a psychic: it will help you to know yourself and those around you more deeply, understand your psychological problems, find out your calling in life, arrange your personal life, predict the future and answer the questions:
About love:
- What will my husband (wife) be like?
-Where will we meet?
- When will I get married?
- What date is better to choose for the wedding?
- Why am I unlucky in my personal life and how can I change it? Do I have the Crown of Celibacy?
About children:
- How many children will I have?
- What kind of relationship will I have with them?
- When is the best time to give birth?
- Will I have problems with pregnancy? Am I barren?
- What is the best way to raise my child?
About money:
- Will I get rich in this life and how to achieve this?
- In what field of activity will financial success await me?
- What will the dollar rate be in a week? ( yes, yes there is a section of financial astrology (see, which can predict Forex, many astrologers got rich this way)
About career:
- In which direction should I develop?
- What are my talents and abilities?
- What is stopping me from building a career?
About Compatibility:
- Does this person like me?
- Can I trust him with money?
-Are we sexually compatible?
-Will I marry this man?
- What qualities in me irritate him and how to deal with this irritation?
- Is this a reliable partner for me?
- Does my partner have violent tendencies?
- Is love possible between us?
- Why do I have such a relationship with my parents?
About health:
- What diseases can I face in this life?
- What treatment methods are most effective for me?
- When is the best time to have surgery?
- What should you be afraid of?
- How long will I live?
- What is my karmic task and how to implement it?
- What awaits me tomorrow?
- Where can I find a lost item?
- Is it worth starting this business and what will be the result?
and many many others.
But in order for you to be able to answer all these questions over time, I will need maximum of your patience and attentiveness.

To create an individual horoscope, it is enough to know date, time And city ​​of birth person. Based on this data, a publicly available computer program will build a Natal Chart. The natal chart is the basis of any horoscope. The basis of the Natal Chart is the Zodiac Circle and the symbols on it indicating the planets and zodiac signs. Learn these symbols by heart:
Figure 1.1.

To better understand what is a Natal Chart, let's imagine the Solar System as a circle (pizza - top view). As you remember from school geometry course, a circle = 360 degrees. Let's divide it into 12 equal sectors (30 degrees each) and assign each sector to one of the 12 zodiac signs. This is the Zodiac circle. The sequence of signs on the circle does not change, that is, after the Aries sector there is always the Pisces sector, after Pisces Aquarius, and so on.
There are 8 planets in the Solar System (not counting ours), the Sun, the Moon and other celestial bodies. Each of them has a certain influence on the Earth, and therefore on its inhabitants. The closer the planet, the stronger the influence. The strength and sphere of influence also depends on the astronomical (physical) data of the planet. All planets are constantly moving around the Solar System, and therefore around our circle, swinging from sign to sign (from sector to sector). The further a planet is from the Sun, the slower it moves, and therefore the slower it moves around the Zodiac circle. Depending on its position (in a particular Zodiac Sign) relative to the Earth, a planet can increase, decrease or completely lose its influence on people and their lives. These positions are repeated, therefore, to facilitate the interpretation of the influence of the planets in them, the Zodiac Circle, Zodiac Signs, and then the Natal Chart were invented.
The word Natal comes from the Latin Natalis - birth. A natal chart is drawn up at the time of a person’s birth to determine his character, capabilities, talents, life prospects and goals, as well as the difficulties that he will face in this reincarnation.
Select here under the heading "Standard card" Single card. On the page that opens, enter your date, time (seconds are optional) and city of birth. Click "calculate" and see what your Natal Chart looks like.
Figure 1.2.

Components of the Natal Chart, which will be taken into account when deciphering the symbols (see Fig. 1.1) and compiling an Individual Horoscope:

  • Planets in Zodiac Signs. The natal chart shows in what degree of which zodiac sign a particular planet was located at the time of your birth. Correct interpretation and comparison (synthesis) of all these provisions, which we will learn in subsequent chapters, will give you answers to all the above questions. The sign in which the Sun falls on the map (see Figure 1.2) gives you the main qualities of character - this is, in fact, your main Zodiac Sign. The signs in which other planets fall no less influence different areas of your life and character. What sphere is this or that planet responsible for? in the next chapter.
  • Aspects of the planets. On the map you see black and red lines (see Figure 1.2) - these are the so-called aspects, they show how and at what angle the planets influenced each other at the time of your birth, they are also of great importance when drawing up a horoscope. I'll tell you about them in the third chapter.
  • Houses of the horoscope. Another component of the Natal Chart is the houses indicated by Roman numerals on the outside of the circle (see Figure 1.2). There are 12 of them, like the signs, they also do not change their sequence, and just like the planets, each house has its own sphere of influence. AS, DS, MC, IC are the most basic (angular) houses of the horoscope (1st, 7th, 10th and 4th respectively). More about this in the fourth chapter.
  • Degrees of planets and houses. They show how much a particular planet or house is “bogged down” in a particular Zodiac Sign. If the planet is close to the border of the signs, then the properties of both of these signs will be taken into account.
  • The direction of the planet's orbit. It is usually direct (correct), but sometimes it can become retrograde(reverse, backward). The main qualities of the planet, the element and the sign that it will patronize at this stage of its movement depend on this. I'll tell you about this in the next chapter.
If you do not know your time of birth, this kata will be called cosmogram and is considered not entirely complete, since it does not take into account the influence of houses. I’ll tell you in more detail why a map without houses is considered inferior. in the fourth chapter.

So, you have decided to learn how to make astrological forecasts. For beginners, this topic is quite complex and requires thoughtful study. So let's get straight to the point. From this article you will learn what types of horoscopes there are, how the elements and signs of the Zodiac relate, what astrological houses are.

We would like to warn you right away that astrology for beginners is not the easiest science. If you do not have the time or desire to understand its intricacies, then you can use simpler methods of predicting the future. For example, use or learn.

Types of horoscopes

1. Natal chart . This is a schematic image of the starry sky, compiled at the time of a person’s birth. The natal chart allows us to determine the character of an individual and the main milestones of his life path. With its help, even a novice astrologer will be able to find out what the client (the person for whom the horoscope is being drawn up) will experience and what difficulties he will face. When studying predictive astrology for beginners, it is recommended that you first master natal horoscopes.

2. Transit map . Compiled at a specific point in time associated with an important event. For example, this could be enrolling in a university, registering a marriage, or opening a company. Its goal is to identify astrological factors that can positively or negatively influence the situation.

3. Chart of Lunar and Solar Returns . It somewhat resembles a transit map. An astrologer needs to compare a person's natal chart with a prediction made for a later period (when the Moon or Sun will occupy a similar position).

Houses in astrology

A small disclaimer. There are two astrological systems - the modern heliocentric (the Earth revolves around the Sun) and the more ancient geocentric, in which the Earth is taken as the reference point, and the Sun and planets revolve around it. We are considering the classic geocentric model.

Pay attention to figure No. 1, which shows a standard natal chart. As you can see, it is a circle divided into 12 sectors, each of which is 30˚. Moreover, this circle is divided inside by the signs of the Zodiac, and outside by houses.

The lines dividing houses in astrology are called cusps. To get comfortable with numbering, you need to understand two important points called the ascendant (As) and the descendant (Ds).

The numbering of houses begins with the ascendant. The sector located below As will be considered the first house, and the section above this point will be considered the twelfth. When making an astrological forecast, it is of great importance in which house certain planets were located.

Zodiac signs and elements

Almost everyone who is interested in astrology for beginners knows that there are twelve signs of the Zodiac. The following symbols correspond to these signs:

In addition, when drawing up a horoscope, the nine main planets of the solar system are plotted on the map, which also have their own designations:

And finally, the novice astrologer needs to know how the signs of the Zodiac relate to the four elements. Pay attention to this table:


Zodiac signs



Connection with past incarnations

You will be interested to know that in addition to the predictive direction, there is karmic astrology. She studies reincarnation (rebirth) and human destiny.

As part of the course on studying horoscopes, we will touch on some aspects of karmic astrology and its application. In particular, issues of choosing a profession, problems in personal life, and predisposition to diseases will be considered. You can also study astrological symbolism and find out what other heavenly signs mean.

You can predict small, everyday events without understanding astrology. To do this, you only need to know the order of the Zodiac signs and have with you a tear-off calendar, which indicates the position of the Moon for each day. This information is available in all calendars except Orthodox ones. More information about the movement of the Moon can be found on the Internet. You can quickly learn how to make a horoscope yourself. And after a month or two of practice, you will be able to recognize the events of your future accurately. Let's see how it's done.

Necessary calculations

You probably know your zodiac sign. This is the sign the Sun was in at the time of your birth. If the Sun was in Aries, then you are Aries, in Taurus - Taurus, etc. Number all the signs of the Zodiac, starting with yours. Yours will be first. For example, if you are Scorpio, then Scorpio will be sign No. 1, Sagittarius – No. 2, Capricorn – No. 3, etc. For Leo, the first sign will be Leo, the second will be Virgo, etc. If you are in doubt about the order of the signs, look at the picture above. There they go in their traditional order from Aries to Pisces. To make it even easier, you can write out the names of the signs in a column, putting your sign first, and then all those following it, one by one. Save this list; you will need it constantly for forecasting.

Now take a tear-off calendar (or a printout from the Internet with the course of the Moon for the current month). Determine which zodiac sign the Moon is in today. Please note that the Moon changes sign every 2-3 days. Therefore, the area of ​​life that will require the most attention will also change every 2-3 days. So, you found today’s day in the calendar and saw what sign the Moon is in. Now look at the serial number of this sign in your list.

Example: someone was born under the sign of Libra. Libra is his No. 1 sign. He is interested in the forecast for July 1, 2014. On this day the Moon is in the sign of Leo. Leo for our hero is the 11th sign (Libra 1st, Scorpio 2nd, Sagittarius 3rd and so on in a circle, Leo will be the 11th).

At this point, all calculations are completed and it’s time to move on to decoding.

Moon position values

The moon in astrology symbolizes familiar, small and everyday affairs. There is no need to try to determine anything important from it. To predict important events, you need to build a professional horoscope that takes into account individual birth data and use at least 11 basic astrological elements (Houses and 10 planets). We are now studying how to draw up a personal horoscope ourselves without this special knowledge. Such a horoscope tells only about what a person will devote himself to during the day and what people and activities will occupy the most of his time.

Finding out such information is easy. That's why you needed character numbering. The sign under each serial number has its own meaning. Look at the meaning of the number where the Moon is located on the desired day; the main events of the day will be related to the things listed.

1 Your appearance, manners and behavior. When the Moon is in the sign you were born under, you will be sensitive to any words addressed to you
2 Money and things. Most often these days money comes in, purchases are made, small expenses increase
3 Communication, bustle, news, moving around the city. These days you won't have to sit down for a minute
4 Home, life, parents. These days, most people feel inclined to sit at home and mind their own business.
5 Rest, holiday, date. These are the days for fun
6 Daily responsibilities at work and at home. These are busy days. You also need to monitor your health, get treatment, get healthy
7 Partnership and cooperation. These are the days of transactions, consultations, teamwork, business partnerships, and the beginning of serious personal relationships.
8 Fears escalate. The risk of injuries and accidents increases. Even at this time, you often have to deal with other people’s money (take out a loan, pay off a debt, receive alimony, a pension)
9 Abroad, foreigners, communication on the Internet, higher education, contacts with political and public organizations, courts, visiting church
10 Career, business, professional success, communication with superiors, participation in professional competitions
11 Friends, like-minded people, voluntary public associations (scientific and creative communities, volunteer organizations, online communities)
12 Secrets, intrigue, closed establishments, rumors and gossip, privacy

The person from our example in the previous section has the Moon in the 11th sector on July 1, 2014, which means that he will most likely spend the day with friends. And the next day he will be withdrawn, alienated and prefer to be alone.

It is important to take life circumstances into account. For example, if this person is an animal lover, then on July 1 he can collaborate with a volunteer animal protection organization, and the next day visit his charges in the inpatient veterinary clinic (closed institution).