The hermit and the bear are marked by role. A helpful fool is more dangerous than an enemy


Although the service is dear to us in need,
But not everyone knows how to tackle it:
God forbid you contact a fool!
Helpful Fool more dangerous than the enemy.
There lived a certain man, rootless, alone,
Far from the city, in the middle of nowhere.
About desert life, no matter how sweetly you write,
But not everyone can live alone:
It is comforting for us to share both sadness and joy.
They will say to me: “And the meadow, and the dark oak grove,
Hillocks, streams and silk grass? -
“Beautiful, needless to say!
And everything will become boring, as if there is no one to say words to.”
So to that Hermit
I miss being alone forever.
He goes into the forest to meet his neighbors,
To get acquainted with someone.
Whom do you come across in the forest?
Besides wolves or bears?
And sure enough, he met the Big Bear,
But there is nothing to do: he takes off his hat
And bow to my dear neighbor.
The neighbor extends his paw to him,
And, word by word, they get to know each other,
Then they become friends
Then they can’t separate
And the whole day is spent together.
What did they talk about and what did they talk about?
Or sayings, or some jokes,
And how their conversation went,
I still don’t know the time.
The hermit was not talkative;
Mishuk is silent by nature:
So no dirty laundry is washed out of the house.
But be that as it may, the Hermit is very happy,
That God gave him a treasure in a friend.
He follows Misha everywhere, he feels sick without Misha,
And he can’t praise Mishenka enough.
One day my friends decided to
On a hot day, wander through the groves, through the meadows,
And across the valleys and across the mountains;
And since the bear man is weaker,
Then our Hermit is more likely
Than Mishenka, tired
And he began to lag behind his friend.
Seeing that, Mishka says to his friend like a good guy:
“Lie down, brother, and rest,
Yes, if you want, then pine;
And I will watch over you here at your leisure.”
The hermit was accommodating: he lay down, yawned,
Yes, I fell asleep immediately.
And Mishka is on the clock - and he’s not idle:
A fly landed on a friend's nose:
He fanned his friend;
I took a look
And there's a fly on my cheek; drove away, and the fly again
On a friend's nose
And more persistent from time to time.
Here is Mishenka, without saying a word,
He grabbed a heavy cobblestone into his paws,
Squatted down, doesn’t take a breath,
He himself thinks: “Be quiet, I’ll blow your mind!”
And, on a friend’s forehead, there was a fly lying in wait,
What strength do you have - to grab a friend in the forehead with a stone!
The blow was so deft that the skull split apart,
And Misha’s friend stayed there for a long time!

La Fontaine's fable “The Hermit and the Bear” reveals the meaning of the expression “disservice”. We constantly communicate with friends, colleagues, acquaintances and strangers. This means that we often resort to the help of others and ourselves come to the aid of others. Timely service provided is highly appreciated.

Fable “The Hermit and the Bear”

Although the service is dear to us in need,
But not everyone knows how to tackle it:
God forbid you contact a fool!
A helpful fool is more dangerous than an enemy.

There lived a certain man, rootless, lonely,
Far from the city, in the middle of nowhere.
About desert life, no matter how sweetly you write,
But not everyone can live alone:
It is comforting for us to share both sadness and joy.

They will say to me: “And the meadow, and the dark oak grove,
Hillocks, streams and silk grass?
“Beautiful, needless to say!
And everything will become boring, as if there is no one to say words to.”
So to that Hermit
I miss being alone forever.
He goes into the forest to meet his neighbors,
To get acquainted with someone.
Whom do you come across in the forest?
Besides wolves or bears?
And sure enough, he met the Big Bear,
But there is nothing to do - he takes off his hat,
And bow to my dear neighbor.
The neighbor extends his paw to him,
And, word by word, they get to know each other.
Then they become friends
Then they can’t separate
And the whole day is spent together.
What did they talk about and what did they talk about?
Or sayings, or some jokes,
And how their conversation went,
I still don’t know the time:
The hermit was silent
Mishuk is silent by nature:
So no dirty laundry is washed out of the house.
But be that as it may, the Hermit is very happy,
That God gave him a treasure in a friend.
He follows Misha everywhere, without Misha he feels sick
And he can’t praise Mishenka enough.

One day my friends decided to
On a hot day, wander through the groves, through the meadows,
And across the valleys and across the mountains;
And since the bear man is weaker,
Then our Hermit is more likely
Than Mishenka, tired
And he began to lag behind his friend.
Seeing that, Mishka says to his friend like a good guy:
“Lie down, brother, and rest,
Yes, if you want, then pine;
And I will watch over you here at your leisure.”
The hermit was accommodating: he lay down and yawned
Yes, I fell asleep immediately.
And Mishka is on the clock - and he’s not idle:
A fly landed on a friend's nose.
He fanned his friend
I took a look
And there's a fly on my cheek; drove away, and the fly again
On a friend's nose
And more persistent from hour to hour.
Here is Mishenka, without saying a word,
He grabbed a heavy cobblestone into his paws,
Squatted down, doesn’t take a breath,
He himself thinks: “Shut up, I’ll blow your mind!” -
And, on a friend’s forehead, there was a fly lying in wait,
What strength do you have - to grab a friend in the forehead with a stone!
The blow was so deft that the skull split apart,
And Misha’s friend stayed there for a long time!

Moral of the fable “The Hermit and the Bear”

The moral of the fable “The Hermit and the Bear” fits in a few lines, but the fact that it is at the beginning of the work indicates its significance for revealing the content of the fable. And it is important for the author to convey it to the reader. Lafontaine pursues two ideas that are interrelated and very relevant for people of all social classes at all times: a service provided in difficult moment, is very valuable, but excessive zeal can do more harm than good.

Analysis of the fable “The Hermit and the Bear”

The narrative in the fable “The Hermit and the Bear” begins as an instructive story about the life of a pious man who was tired of worldly life. Moving away from noisy places, he becomes a hermit, living away from people in harmony with nature. The author gives a completely realistic description of the life of a hermit.

Then the narrative develops like a fictional story. The Hermit became friends with his neighbor Bear and became so attached to him that they became inseparable friends. One day they wandered through forests and valleys. The Hermit suffered because he was weaker than the Bear. He lay down to rest, and his faithful friend guarded his sleep. Seeing a fly on the Hermit’s forehead, he first drove it away, then decided to kill it. He took a large stone and “... grabbed his friend in the forehead.” The grotesque depiction of characters and events helps the author convey main idea fables to the reader.

Winged expressions from La Fontaine’s fable “The Hermit and the Bear”

“A helpful fool is more dangerous than an enemy” from the fable “The Hermit and the Bear” is often used in colloquial speech meaning "excessive zeal" stupid man doing a favor can lead to trouble.”

Encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

A helpful fool is more dangerous than an enemy

Expression from the fable of I.A. Krylov "The Hermit and the Bear" (1808):

Although service is dear to us in times of need, But not everyone knows how to take it on, God forbid you get in touch with a fool! A helpful fool is more dangerous than an enemy. This maxim is followed by a story about the friendship of the Bear with the Hermit. They spent whole days together. One day the Hermit lay down to rest and fell asleep. The bear kept the flies away from him. I kicked a fly off my cheek, it landed on my nose, then on my forehead. The bear, taking a heavy cobblestone, waylaid the fly and What strength do you have - to grab a friend in the forehead with a stone! The blow was so deft that the skull split apart, and Misha’s friend remained there for a long time! The expression “helpful bear” arose from the same fable. Cm. A disservice.

Dictionary of catch words. Plutex. 2004.

See what “A helpful fool is more dangerous than an enemy” in other dictionaries:

    - (from Krylov’s fable). See EACH FRIEND... V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    A helpful fool is more dangerous than an enemy- wing. sl. An expression from I. A. Krylov’s fable “The Hermit and the Bear” (1808): Although service is dear to us in times of need, But not everyone knows how to take it on, God forbid you get in touch with a fool! A helpful fool is more dangerous than an enemy. This maxim is followed by a story about friendship... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

    Wed. Don't be afraid of a smart enemy, be afraid of a stupid friend. Wed. God forbid you contact a fool! A helpful fool is more dangerous than an enemy. Krylov. Hermit and Bear. Wed. Sot amy c est un ennemy. Mimes de Baif. XVI s. 1. See disservice. See General Toptygin... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    A helpful fool is more dangerous than an enemy. Wed. “Do not be afraid of a smart enemy, be afraid of a foolish friend.” Wed. God forbid you get in touch with a fool! A helpful fool is more dangerous than an enemy. Krylov. The Hermit and the Bear. Wed. Sot amy c'est un ennemy. Mimes de Baif. XVI s. 1. See… … Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)


    fool(s)- A fool who admits that he is a fool is no longer a fool. (F. M. Dostoevsky) In addition to roads and fools, there is another problem in Russia: fools who tell us which way to go! A smart person always thinks and rarely speaks. A fool will always say, but rarely... Original dictionary selection of aphorisms

    HELPFUL, obliging, obliging; helpful, helpful, obliging. Willingly providing services to others, ready to serve. “A helpful fool is more dangerous than an enemy.” Krylov. “The helpful nanny lied to her about the suitors.” Nekrasov. He helpfully (adv.)… … Dictionary Ushakova

    The style of this article is non-encyclopedic or violates the norms of the Russian language. The article should be corrected according to Wikipedia's stylistic rules. This term has other meanings, see Fool (meaning... Wikipedia

    Aya, oh; Liv, ah, oh. 1. Willingly providing services to someone, ready to serve (1 digit). U. is a young man. I have a mistress. // Characteristic of such a person. I have a memory. This is a hand movement. 2. Unwind Favoring someone, pleasing someone... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    complaisant- oh, oh; Liv, ah, oh. see also helpfully, obliging 1) a) willingly providing services to someone, ready to serve 1) A helpful young man. I have a mistress. b) from... Dictionary of many expressions

Still, it’s nice to read the fairy tale “The Hermit and the Bear” by I. A. Krylov, even for adults, you immediately remember your childhood, and again, like a little one, you empathize with the heroes and rejoice with them. Folk legend cannot lose its vitality, due to the inviolability of such concepts as: friendship, compassion, courage, bravery, love and sacrifice. The entire surrounding space, depicted in bright visual images, permeated with kindness, friendship, loyalty and indescribable delight. Every time you read this or that epic, you feel the incredible love with which the images are described. environment. A person’s worldview is formed gradually, and this kind of work is extremely important and edifying for our young readers. Household problems - incredible good way, with the help of simple, ordinary examples, convey to the reader the most valuable centuries-old experience. Main character always wins not through deceit and cunning, but through kindness, kindness and love - this is the most important quality children's characters. The fairy tale “The Hermit and the Bear” by I. A. Krylov needs to be read for free online thoughtfully, explaining to young readers or listeners details and words that are incomprehensible to them and new to them.

Although the service is dear to us in times of need,

But not everyone knows how to tackle it:

God forbid you contact a fool!

A helpful fool is more dangerous than an enemy.

There lived a certain man, rootless, lonely,

Far from the city, in the middle of nowhere.

No matter how sweetly you write about desert life,

But not everyone can live alone:

It is comforting for us to share both sadness and joy.

They will say to me: “And the meadow, and the dark oak grove,

Hillocks, streams and mura silk?

“Beautiful, needless to say!

And everything will become boring, as if there is no one to say words to.”

So to that Hermit

I miss being alone forever.

He goes into the forest to meet his neighbors,

To get acquainted with someone.

Whom do you come across in the forest?

Besides wolves or bears?

And sure enough, he met the Big Bear,

But there is nothing to do: he takes off his hat,

And bow to my dear neighbor.

The neighbor extends his paw to him,

And, word by word, they get to know each other,

Then they become friends

Then they can’t separate

And the whole day is spent together.

What did they talk about and what did they talk about?

Or sayings, or some jokes,

And how their conversation went,

I still don’t know the time.

The hermit was taciturn;

Mishuk is silent by nature:

So no dirty laundry is washed out of the house.

But be that as it may, the Hermit is very happy,

That God gave him a treasure in a friend.

He follows Misha everywhere, without Misha he feels sick

And he can’t praise Mishenka enough.

One day my friends decided to

On a hot day, wander through the groves, through the meadows,

And across the valleys and across the mountains;

And since the bear man is weaker,

Then our Hermit is more likely

Than Mishenka, tired

And he began to lag behind his friend.

Seeing that, Mishka says to his friend like a good guy:

“Lie down, brother, and rest

Yes, if you want, then pine;

And I will watch over you here at your leisure.”

The hermit was accommodating: he lay down, yawned,

Yes, I fell asleep immediately.

And Mishka is on the clock - and he’s not idle:

A fly landed on a friend's nose.

He fanned his friend

I took a look

And there's a fly on my cheek; drove away, and the fly again

On a friend's nose

And more persistent from hour to hour.

Here is Mishenka, without saying a word,

He grabbed a heavy cobblestone into his paws,

Squatted down, doesn’t take a breath,

He himself thinks: “Be quiet, I’ll blow your mind!” —

And, on a friend’s forehead, there was a fly lying in wait,

What strength do you have - to grab a friend in the forehead with a stone!

The blow was so deft that the skull split apart,

And Misha’s friend stayed there for a long time!


Although the service is dear to us in times of need,

But not everyone knows how to tackle it:

God forbid you contact a fool!

A helpful fool is more dangerous than an enemy.

There lived a certain man, rootless, lonely,

Far from the city, in the middle of nowhere.

No matter how sweetly you write about desert life,

But not everyone can live alone:

It is comforting for us to share both sadness and joy.

They will say to me: “And the meadow, and the dark oak grove,

Hillocks, streams and Murova silk?

"Beautiful, needless to say!

And everything becomes boring, like there’s no one to say words to.”

So to that Hermit

I miss being alone forever.

He goes into the forest to meet his neighbors,

To get acquainted with someone.

Whom do you come across in the forest?

Besides wolves or bears?

And sure enough, he met the Big Bear,

But there is nothing to do: he takes off his hat,

And bow to my dear neighbor.

The neighbor extends his paw to him,

And, word by word, they get to know each other,

Then they become friends

Then they can’t separate

And the whole day is spent together.

What did they talk about and what did they talk about?

Or sayings, or some jokes,

And how their conversation went,

I still don’t know the time.

The hermit was taciturn;

Mishuk is silent by nature:

So no dirty laundry is washed out of the house.

But be that as it may, the Hermit is very happy,

That God gave him a treasure in a friend.

He follows Misha everywhere, without Misha he feels sick

And he can’t praise Mishenka enough.

One day my friends decided to

On a hot day, wander through the groves, through the meadows,

And across the valleys and across the mountains;

And since the bear man is weaker,

Then our Hermit is more likely

Than Mishenka, tired

And he began to lag behind his friend.

Seeing that, Mishka says to his friend like a good guy:

"Lie down, brother, and rest

Yes, if you want, then pine;

And I will watch over you here at your leisure."

The hermit was accommodating: he lay down, yawned,

Yes, I fell asleep immediately.

And Mishka is on the clock - and he’s not idle:

A fly landed on a friend's nose.

He fanned his friend

I took a look

And there's a fly on my cheek; drove away, and the fly again

On a friend's nose

And more persistent from hour to hour.

Here is Mishenka, without saying a word,

He grabbed a heavy cobblestone into his paws,

Squatted down, doesn’t take a breath,

He himself thinks: “Be quiet, I’ll blow your mind!” -

And, on a friend’s forehead, there was a fly lying in wait,

What strength do you have - to grab a friend in the forehead with a stone!

The blow was so deft that the skull split apart,

And Misha’s friend stayed there for a long time!