Psychology of success. achieving goals. fulfillment of desires. visualization. Two parables: if your wish does not come true


Last months were for me a time of discoveries, revelations and, dare I say it, epiphanies. This probably happens to everyone. When you suddenly understand a lot and move to another, higher and better stage, where everything is much easier and simpler. And you think in amazement about why you didn’t understand all this earlier, because life constantly gives us clues.

Cherished desires. Why are they not being implemented?

Clinging to what we don’t need in life does not give us happiness. Life passes in constant expectations. Each person has several cherished and many, many different small desires. The trouble is that cherished desires are often not really desires, they are simply inspired by society, fashion or family. For example, a person persistently makes a career, “dreaming” about promotion career ladder, in an area that he doesn’t really like. Well, he gets neither joy nor pleasure from his work, but at the same time he is very afraid to admit it to himself and stubbornly climbs to the heights of this business.

At the same time, the soul is shed in tears, but the mind pretends that it does not hear anything and continues to “dream” about a high position.

A person begins to look for various things, finds and makes his “cherished” wish about brilliant career, visualizing himself in the director’s chair and giving instructions to his employees. But for some reason the desire does not come true; the person finds himself in the grip of idealization and in constant, painful waiting. What kind of joy is there in life when your cherished desire is not fulfilled? And it is unlikely to come true, because only those desires are fulfilled in which the mind and soul go in unison and are completely united. And they can be united when a person goes through life, fulfilling his destiny. It is likely that in some other area a person could achieve much greater heights by doing what pleases his soul.

Therefore, it is useless to visualize yourself where your soul does not strive.

I have long understood that you need to give life and higher powers the opportunity to lead you in the right direction, and not run ahead of the locomotive, and in the completely opposite direction. Or swim against the current, completely exhausted and not allowing yourself to relax and just get a thrill from how the river of life carries you in the right direction. Instead, we ruin our lives, suffer, suffer, and stubbornly go for what we don’t need at all! By clinging to the past and constantly “sawing sawdust,” we earn ourselves depression and illness. We constantly face our past, proving something there, explaining, reviewing situations, but we face our future and present with our backs. At the same time, we experience negative emotions, poisoning ourselves and emitting not very good vibrations into our field. So where will joy and happiness come from in our lives?

Or, for example, a woman about a wonderful man whom she will marry and live with him in joy and happiness. Now everyone is talking about the fact that in this case you need to submit an “application” to the Universe, describing your ideal man on a piece of paper. After all, as they say, what is written with a pen... And that’s the trouble. Don’t you think that higher powers know better what kind of man you need? And can you describe and take into account all the nuances? And are you sure that even if such a man comes, you will live happily with him all your life? This method worked in the 3D world, but now the world is changing rapidly.

How to easily fulfill your desires

The same goes for things. There is no need to describe the car in detail, just feel yourself in this car, the smell of expensive leather, the joy of driving in this car.

In general, in any case, do you want good job, a man, a car, an apartment, and so on, do not limit yourself to the limits of your mind, let life give you the most best option for you!

Don’t specifically imagine Vasya, Petya, the house on Rublevka or a white Cadillac, don’t describe anything in detail, just feel the joy that you have it! Your feelings, your emotions are important, what you emit is important. In that case, the mind and soul are one and you will get what you need. And, quite likely, it will be a little (or a lot!) different from what you imagined and came up with. Let miracles come into your life, learn to trust higher powers, your Guardian Angels and all those who help you in life. Let them give you the best, don't cling to anything specific. Your brain doesn't always know exactly what you really need in life. Don't limit yourself, don't set narrow limits for yourself. Believe me, life is much easier and more interesting this way!

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Today, many people try to set a goal, desire, dream, strive for it, visualize it. After all, the commandments of modern times are: “All our thoughts are material” and “Nothing is impossible.” This means that if we regularly replay in our heads the moment of fulfillment of our cherished desire, then sooner or later it will materialize. A dream fills life with meaning, gives it a constructive vector, helps to build it in such a way that in the end you get what you want. But the key here is “in the end.” When is this? In a month? Year? Decade? Half a century? Do you have the patience to wait? Is faith enough? After all, you really want everything at once.

The theory of transurfing by Vadim Zeland gives a very interesting interpretation of the scheme of materialization of what is desired. Mr. Zealand claims that our world is a kind of dual mirror. On one side of this mirror is the entire material world, which we see every morning after waking up, in which we spend our day while we are awake. In the “looking glass” there is a certain space with all possible options developments in material world. It is there, through the looking glass, that our soul goes after our mind falls asleep. It is from there that fortune tellers and psychics get information about the future, it is from there that they come creative ideas and all the innovations.

It is in the space of options that the path is stored, upon entering which we come to our cherished dreams. How to get on this path? It’s very simple: wish, formulate your dream and intend to achieve it. At the same time, it is extremely important that the dream is yours, and not borrowed from friends (a neighbor bought a car, I also definitely need the same one). If you wish for something that is not actually your spiritual impulse, then most likely you will not get it or will get it with great difficulty. It is very simple to understand that the goal you have chosen is truly yours. When you think about her, you clearly feel how your soul rejoices and your mind echoes it. There is no fear or doubt, you are happy when you imagine yourself at the moment of achieving what you want.

It is important not to confuse a dream with the means of realizing it. For example, having a lot of money is not a dream. Money is just a tool to achieve what you want. A dream is a trip to an exotic country, writing a book, creating a masterpiece painting, leadership in your business segment, obtaining a prestigious position, etc.

So, you have found YOUR most cherished desire and are determined to make it come true. And now it's a matter of patience. Yes, yes, just patience and that’s it. Everything that happens next is none of your business. Your task is simply to keep wanting and not give up. The Universe will take care of how you will achieve your dream. The fact is that at the moment when you set a goal for yourself, it is as if you are standing in front of that same dual mirror. On one side on material side You are standing, and in the “looking glass” is that same space of options. And this is what happens next. Imagine that, making a wish, you raise your hand up, and in the mirror your reflection remains motionless. The fact is that the dual mirror reacts to all our desires with a delay. There is also a completely logical explanation for this: if all the desires of all people on the planet were fulfilled immediately, you must agree that the world would plunge into chaos. That's what this delay is for. And if you have the patience to wait for the mirror to react, then eventually you will see your reflection in the mirror raise your hand.

In general, strong anxiety, as well as a passionate desire to have something, are feelings with excess potential that can generate equilibrium forces. The Universe tends to maintain balance within itself, and as soon as it notices the accumulation of large masses of energy - be it strong fear and anxiety or an uncontrollable desire to have something, then it immediately directs the wind of equilibrium forces to this place in order to extinguish the source of the outbreak of energy. In your life, this means that when you are worried, the Universe is in a hurry to realize your anxiety in order to end it as quickly as possible. Those. For you, your worst wish has come true, this is already a fact, there is no more anxiety. That's why worrying is extremely unprofitable for you. Let go of the situation, let what you want happen, and not let your fears come true.

It is extremely useful to scroll through the frame of your dream coming true. At the same time, it is effective not just to imagine the picture, but your feelings at the same time. The more often you do this, the faster you will actually get everything.

And most importantly, remember that you should always dream about what you want, and not about what you don’t want. Let's say I dream of traveling a lot - this is a constructive dream. I imagine myself walking through European cities, on the lawn near the Eiffel Tower. But if you constantly repeat to yourself that you are fed up with this city, the static life in one place and the inability to go anywhere on vacation, then the dual mirror will stubbornly display all your reluctances, you will never get a chance to travel to another country. This happens because the dual mirror is not aware of the “NOT” particle. You do not want some situation with all your heart and thereby doom yourself to it. That’s why it’s always beneficial to want, but to want casually, without generating excess potential around you, and to tune in to a positive outcome in advance. Dream, and may all your dreams come true!

It happens that you make a wish, you wait for it, you wait, but it’s all to no avail. 10 reasons why wishes don't come true - maybe you'll find yours.

1) Low rank in the value system

The most common reason for a delay in achieving the desired result is that you, in fact, hardly need this order. We have already done an exercise where you ranked your values ​​in order of importance to you. So, if, since then, the rank of your desire has not changed, and this is not at all easy to do, then life will not rush to fulfill it. This can be for any purpose. A woman seems to want to get married and sometimes even makes half-hearted efforts to do so, but in fact, she does not understand why she needs it. A man wants to earn money more money, but, in fact, he tries to do this under the pressure of his wife, and this money is not at all important to him, since he devotes all his time either to the work process itself, or to some kind of hobby (Internet, fishing, beer, etc. .). What to do about it - decide for yourself. Or accept the stated goal for yourself as important and desirable for you and behave accordingly. Either remove the claims against yourself or life that your desire is not fulfilled. Admit that it is not important to you and stop wasting energy and time on this topic.

2) Do you want something completely different?

Another, very close reason for the delay in realizing a goal is that you say one thing, but, in fact, want something else. Deep down, you, in reality, do not want what you are supposedly striving for. And if you don’t want it, you don’t get it. For example, a woman is very fussy and is looking for a man to marry. That is, her declared goal is that she wants to get married. But in fact, marriage itself is to her side, she is fed up with her previous marriage. But she really wants to find a father for her child, because she heard that raising a child without a father is not good. It is clear that, with such an attitude, she will have great difficulties with marriage.

3) Uncertainty of goals

Next possible reason blocking with achieving results is close to those discussed above. It can be characterized as uncertainty of goals. This situation arises when a person has several options for the development of events, but he has not decided for himself which option will suit him in the best possible way. None of the options has clear advantages over the others, they all have advantages and disadvantages, and it is not clear which one to choose. But until you make a choice yourself, life will not fuss with it. Or she will somehow take care of your affairs, but in exactly the same way as you - neither shaky nor slow. People find themselves in similar situations, for example, when they are not satisfied with their current job, but they cannot understand what to choose instead of their current job, none of them known variants not attractive.

4) Diversity of goals

Another reason for possible blockage in achieving the desired result is the opposite of the one discussed above. Here life is delaying the fulfillment of your desire, because it does not know what exactly out of your many aspirations it should realize. IN general view, a similar reason for blocking can be described in words: I want a lot of everything at once.
There are many goals and desires, all of them are approximately the same in rank, that is, they are of little significance to you. And life is in no hurry to fulfill them - it waits for you to decide. Just like you, however, you don’t make any special efforts to implement them - you simply don’t have time for it.

5) Conflicting goals

Another reason for blocking the implementation of a set goal is the presence of an explicit (or implicit) contradiction in the content of the goal. For example, a person really wants to achieve something, but at the same time wants the opposite result, sometimes without realizing it. As a result, life does not know what he really wants, and the stated goal is not realized. How can this be? Let's give an example.
A woman has been struggling with excess weight for many years, but the results of this struggle are very disappointing - the weight either decreases or increases again, that is, the desired goal - weight loss - is not achieved. During a session of communication with my subconscious, it literally stated the following: “I am trying to fulfill your long-standing order. Remember when you were little and in third grade, you had a favorite teacher. The teacher was a big woman, everyone respected and loved her, and you passionately wanted to be like her. You were sure that weight would give you solidity and, thus, give you grounds for respect from the people around you. You stated that you really want to be like her when you grow up. Therefore, I try to fulfill your wish, so that people love and respect you as your first teacher.” As we see, here the long-standing desire to be big and respectable and the later desire to be slim came into conflict. These desires compete with each other, therefore, the weight either increases or decreases, although the woman herself was completely unaware of this hidden struggle.

6) Incorrect goal setting

The next reason why the desired goal is not realized is that you have formulated your goal incorrectly, and, as a result, it is not fulfilled in any way - in your opinion. But in fact, anything can happen. For example, your incorrect order could have been executed a long time ago, but without you even noticing it. For example, if you declare to life: “My income is increasing every day!”, then it can actually increase. Each new day you will earn more than the previous one (on average), but you won’t even notice it, because the income growth will be exactly 1 kopeck per day! Formally, the order has been completed, your income is growing, you should be satisfied with yourself and life. And it will seem to you that your desire is not being fulfilled. It is being fulfilled, but a vaguely formulated order leads to a result that is unexpected for you. Please note that an incorrectly formulated order may not be executed. Or performed in the strangest way.

7) Overstatement, unrealistic goal

Sometimes people set huge goals for themselves that may be clearly beyond their ability. Big goals require the combined efforts of a group of people, and if you set out to move mountains alone (become a governor, build a large factory), the result may not be very encouraging . As a result, such goals are not realized - we will still consider why this happens.
8) Low self-esteem
Difficulties in achieving your goals may arise if you have low self-esteem and do not believe that you are worthy. Or that this could happen in your life. Although you smile, you consider yourself small and gray, doomed to be content with little. And, although you can ask life for a million dollars right away, if this million is not from your reality, then you simply will not believe that it can arise for you. It will not happen. The same applies to a rich groom or a beautiful bride - if you believe within yourself that these people or situations are intended for someone else and not for you, then they will not happen for you.
Life fulfills our true desires, and not those invented or inspired by watching TV series about a “beautiful” life.

9) Lack of real effort

Another common mistake is the lack of real effort towards the desired goal. Such goals acquire the status of dreams, dreams that are not destined to come true. Or they come true, but just as illusively. For example, if you dream of a million dollars, but at the same time you do not want to get off the couch and make at least some effort to get it, then life will turn around and send you your desired million. Which, for example, will be drawn on the cover of the next magazine.

10) Incorrect goal setting

The next reason why the desired goal is not realized is that you have formulated your goal incorrectly, and, as a result, it is not fulfilled in any way - in your opinion.
But in reality, anything can happen. For example, your incorrect order could have been executed a long time ago, but without you even noticing it. For example, if you declare to life: “My income is increasing every day!”, then it can actually increase. Each new day you will earn more than the previous one (on average), but you won’t even notice it, because the income growth will be exactly 1 kopeck per day! Formally, the order has been completed, your income is growing, you should be satisfied with yourself and life. And it will seem to you that your desire is not being fulfilled.
It is executed, but a vaguely formulated order leads to an unexpected result. Please note that an incorrectly formulated order may not be executed. Or performed in the strangest way.
A. Sviyash

Wishes come true... I die in childbirth. A girl is born with severe disabilities. The husband gives up his career and takes care of his daughter, who dies a year later.

Why don't all wishes come true? Probably everyone asks this question. So what does the fulfillment of our desires depend on?

Everything we need will come in right time. But you've probably heard it often: “Be careful what you wish for!” So that you understand what determines the fulfillment of our desires, I will tell you my story.

Vain attempts

There was a period in my life when I really wanted to give birth to a second child (at that time I already had a son), but all attempts were in vain. I constantly thought about the baby, or rather about the baby, because I was sure that it would be a girl.

I visualized¹ in every detail her appearance, character, and my emotions from communicating with her.

My husband and I followed all the doctors’ orders, took all kinds of tests, but the result was zero. The doctors shrugged their shoulders; no abnormalities were found in us.

One day, during one of my dreams about our daughter, I apparently plunged into a deep trance, and pictures automatically appeared in my mind:

“I stand before the Creator and ask him to give me the opportunity to give birth to a girl. He showed me the answer, he showed me, in the form of a film in which I die during childbirth (and I experienced all the sensations as in reality: I experienced unbearable pain from contractions).

The girl is born with very severe disabilities: cerebral palsy and signs of Downism. The husband is forced to give up his career and take care of his daughter, who dies a year later. The son's relationship with his father is deteriorating.

Wishes come true!

Wishes come true, but what happens in the end? My life on Earth was cut short, my husband’s career was put on hold, my son, left without me, closed himself off from the whole world.

The Creator told me that this is not my destiny, that a completely different life awaits me and my family, and he will not allow such a scenario... But I am not used to giving up, since by my nature I am very stubborn. My husband and I continued to hope, believe in the best and wait.

My stubbornness led to a series of terrible events...

As a result, my stubbornness led to the fact that in 3 years I underwent 5 female surgeries. But that didn’t stop us either; I was obsessed with my desire.

We made 3 attempts at artificial insemination - all to no avail.

As a result, a series of troubles began in our lives.

My husband has problems at work, I have health problems, my son broke both legs, my father fell ill with leukemia...

I won’t describe everything, troubles just fell one after another...

At that moment I realized that not all wishes come true!

Then I thought about it, reconsidered the whole chain of events and abandoned the obsession with the birth of a child. I just resigned myself...

The problems gradually began to resolve themselves, sometimes simply in a mystical way, even dad coped with his illness, the doctors were perplexed: “How?” Now, after the passage of time, I thank the Creator and the Higher Powers for that invaluable experience.

I learned to control my desires and ask my higher self: “What will my desire lead to?” This is how I separate the right desires from empty “wants” and obsessions. Only after receiving a satisfactory answer do I begin to implement my plans.

Does the fulfillment of your desires depend on this?

This is the most important point on which the fulfillment of desires depends. If something is not given to you, but you fiercely dream about it, think about what the fulfillment of your dream will lead to?

Wishes come true if they are approved By Higher Powers or your subconscious.

How to check that the desire is correct?

To check the possibility of fulfilling your desire, follow these steps.

1. Sit or take a comfortable lying position.

2. Relax all your muscles, close your eyes, breathe evenly and calmly.

3. Clearly formulate your desire and ask permission from your Higher Self to realize your desire.

4. Let go of all thoughts and wait.

The answer may come in the form of a picture, a direct voice response, or a feeling. True desires always cause pleasant sensations. Each person has an individual answer.

Don't be discouraged if you don't receive a response right away. It may come unexpectedly during the day. If you don't receive a response, go about your daily routine and try again next time.

Try to coordinate all your desires in this way, then you will protect yourself and others from negative consequences. Moreover, this way you will receive the energy to implement it. Using any techniques, you will know for sure that your wishes will definitely come true.

Rudneva Evgenia

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹Visualization is the general name for techniques for presenting numerical information or physical phenomenon in a form convenient for visual observation and analysis (


Today I want to talk about this important point, as obstacles to the fulfillment of desires. Why our desires are not fulfilled or are fulfilled very slowly and with difficulty. Who hasn’t encountered such nasty things, when you do everything, think correctly, let go of what you want, but it still gets stuck somewhere and what you’re waiting for doesn’t happen. Or everything is moving correctly, in the right direction, and then again! And it collapsed just before the finish line. I think many people are familiar with such moments. So what’s the matter, how to deal with it and what’s really happening - we’ll try to figure it out in this article.

Let's first look at the root cause. How do certain things, events, situations appear in our lives? The process is always the same. Any object or phenomenon originates at a subtle level by the entry of certain information into the energy environment. For example, a thought, a word, an emotion. An energy-informational clot appears, which has received starting energy and strives, like everything else in the Universe, to develop. And one of the components of this development is precisely that - manifestation in physical reality. It's just a matter of gaining the right amount of energy to get physical shape. It takes time to gain that amount of energy. Therefore, there is a certain time buffer between what was planned and what was accomplished. And this buffer can be longer or shorter for only one reason: how quickly this idea can be filled with the required amount of energy. The faster it is filled, the faster it will manifest. But many factors influence the filling speed. And they must be taken into account, since careless handling your own desires can not only significantly slow down the receipt of results, but also, in general, kill the process in the bud. You can learn more about the process of fulfilling desires from the book "".

So let's find out the factors that have such a serious impact on achieving our plans. Since the most important element of materialization is filling with energy a certain thought form (idea, desire), it is obvious that everything that slows down this energy flow or destroys it is hostile to us and our goals. And everything that increases the materializing energy flow is, of course, very useful and friendly. And our main task here is to understand these two opposites.

We have talked a lot about what helps the materialization process and will continue to talk. And today we’ll talk about why our wishes most often do not come true.

What are the main obstacles to the fulfillment of desires?

So why, more often than not, do our desires not come true?

You can fulfill not your own desires, but it is much more energy-consuming and it will bring much less satisfaction at the end, compared to true desires.

2. You too obsessed on a specific one option for fulfilling this desire. The thing is that we can create pictures in our heads based only on the experience we have received before current moment of your life. And what we have not yet learned cannot be recognized by our physical brain. This is how we are made. And the Universe is much wider and wiser than us. She may have a million options for how to give us what we want, only much easier, faster and differently than we see. But by being fixated on one of our options, we do not give the Universe the opportunity for creativity, since we do not even try to consider other ways of achieving it, which it constantly throws at us. And, perhaps, the solution has been under our noses for a long time, but due to our limitations and narrow vision, we simply do not realize it.

In this case, meditation, a state of detachment and relaxation, helps very well. Then the brain is not tense and the signs and symbols that are sent to us from Above can easily enter our consciousness.

Still works very well technique "What else".

This technique is done like this: take any desire you have, a piece of paper, a pen. We ask ourselves the question: “What could I do to get this?” Some answer comes, we write it down and ask ourselves again: “What else?” And we record again. Write all your answers, even the most incredible and fabulous. The important thing here is to show your brain that it can look for solutions in different directions, and not just within a meter radius. Write answers until you are completely empty. When you feel exhausted, you can take a break and come back in a few hours, or even days. And then, when everything is complete, read your answers, reflect, look for clues wider and wider. Thus, you are not really looking for anything non-standard solutions You train your brain to think big and effectively. And the most important thing is that you learn to see the clues of the Universe and not get hung up on a narrow solution to the issue.

3. One of our favorite delicacies - discuss your unfulfilled desires with people. Yes, sometimes you want to shout to the whole world. But there are very serious pitfalls here.

Not all people are your well-wishers. A person, listening to you, connects to this desire energetically. And intentionally or unintentionally, it can feed energetically from your already well-filled desire, thereby taking away some of the energy from the thought form. Also, if a person envies and wants the same for himself, he will create and nourish his thought form, relying on yours. Simply returning your thoughts to your desire. Desire is initially an astral-mental structure, until it manifests itself and becomes physical fitness. When you work with desires, you need to keep your astral and mental body as clean as possible. When you share this desire with a person, you do not know what state his astral and mental body is in. And with such communication, you interact at the level of these bodies. And if his place is dirty, and yours is clean, naturally, during communication, he will clean it up, and you will get dirty. Another thing is that, while working on yourself, you will then return to your previous state, but a person, leading the same lifestyle, will pick up new dirt in the energy structure. But this does not make it any easier for you if he is cleaned up and recharged from your energetic desire, to which you connected him by talking about him.

This is why it is very useful to want to let go. This is also written in great detail in the book and in more detail with meditations - in the course.

4. A very serious obstacle to the fulfillment of plans is lack of energy in the owner of desire himself. I constantly say that the fulfillment of desires is not some separate magical process. This is a complex change in a person from a weak loser to a strong, healthy and lucky person. And all that is necessary for this is to strive to cognize the Laws of the Universe and live in accordance with them. ALL! Do you understand? The universe is a mirror. You take a step towards her, she takes a step towards you. Only it is larger and its steps are longer, therefore, by taking a few small steps towards the Universe, a person can receive a lot of disproportionately great benefits.

One of the basic principles that operate in the Universe is energy exchange. Everything lives and develops in the process of energy exchange. We said that everything has its beginning at the energy level. It is at this level that we are all one. We differ only in the vibration range. On the website in the "" section you can find a lot of information on this topic.

But what we are saying here is that the first thing you need to do for yourself and your future is to restore, clean and fill your energy structure. It all starts with energy. If a person has no energy, he has no vitality and there can be no talk of any desires. In order for desires to come true, they need to be filled, and how can they be filled if the owner is on his last legs, he himself does not have the resource! And energy is everything. This is health, vitality, fresh thoughts, new relationships, good mood. This is all life! That's why you know" How to fulfill your desires and go to new level life"so much attention is paid to energy and healing practices, with the help of which you can help not only yourself, but also your loved ones, regardless of distance. And the name of the course speaks for itself. After all, we said, this fulfillment of desires is not just some a separate process, this is not random luck, it is a way of life on the high crest of a wave of success and prosperity.

You can read about energy filling, cleansing and other work with the energy structure in the "" section

5. And I want to say one more thing. When you have worked everything correctly, conceived a desire, nourished it, released it, then stop bothering him further. What do I mean? When you remember your desire, it is very important HOW you do it. If you start thinking about how bad it is that he doesn’t exist yet, you simply take energy away from him. You feed it with negativity. This must be burned out with a hot iron. If you want to think about your desire, dream, you simply relax your solar plexus, enter a state as if you have already received everything and are in such a happy state of gratitude for the fulfilled desire. You can do this as much as you want and the more often the better. This way you let even more creative energy into your desired picture.

Perhaps these are all the points that I would like to draw your attention to today.

I wish you the fulfillment of your desires and the brightest life events!

Just in case, let me remind you that the book " Create a different reality for yourself"You can order for free.

WITH best wishes goodness and happiness,