Psychological tests for children 4-5 years old. B. Comparative concepts


Have your child take simple tests. This will be a new type of game for him. In the meantime, he will “play”, you will do research and decipher the inner world of your baby. What is this world like? What makes a child happy? What's upsetting? Does he have fears and insecurities? Does he like to fantasize? Does he experience loneliness in his family?

Test "my family"

Children have their own ideas about the family, their own theory about the “unit of society.” Want to know what your child thinks about relationships with their immediate family? Give him a sketchbook sheet, colored pencils, enough time and ask: “Draw our family.”

◈ It is advisable that you are not nearby when the child is completing the task. He should be free and relaxed, he should not have any instructions: draw as best as possible so that he likes it.

◈ Let it be fun for the baby, and for you - material for research.

◈ If your child is in a bad mood or has witnessed a family conflict the day before, postpone the test for a more appropriate moment.

◈ If a child asks questions like: “How to draw?”, “What to draw?” or “Where to start?”, this suggests that, in essence, he does not know what “family” is. This is a pebble for your garden. It is necessary to find out and eliminate the reasons for such ignorance. Of course, this is a job for the whole family.

◈ Be sure to discuss the finished drawing with your child, even if “everything is clear to you.” It is important to speak out loud, clarify some points, the baby will help you with this and will willingly share his thoughts. Ask questions: “Who is this? Who's nearby? How many fingers does he have on his hands?


1. Is everything in place? Before you begin to interpret the test, you should know that there is nothing superfluous or random in a child’s drawing. Everything is important, everything carries its own meaning and has an emotional coloring (pencil pressure and color as well). If a child did not include one of the family members in the drawing, he did not just “forget.” He displaces this person at the subconscious level. How deep is it and what are the reasons? Perhaps these relationships can be corrected on your own, or perhaps you will need the help of a specialist. If a child forgot to depict himself in the drawing, at least two reasons indicate this: “nobody needs me here” or “I live well without this company.”

2. Image size. A simple law works here: the larger the character drawn, the more significant it is for the child. If your brother or sister turns out to be giants, and mom and dad turn out to be midgets, admit that the parents are currently playing a secondary role for the baby.

3. Strangers among their own. It happens that children finish drawing fictional characters or even equipment. In their minds, they are full members of the family. These could be friends, neighbors, animals (real and non-existent), fairy-tale characters, cars. The presence of such characters indicates that the child lacks communication, understanding, and emotional closeness in the family, and he is looking for it outside the home.

4. Higher-lower. Notice how the characters are positioned in the picture. The higher the image, the more power. Accordingly, the lower the image is on the sheet, the less rights and powers it has. You have the opportunity to find out who runs the show in your family (if you don’t already know about it).

5. Distance between characters. This is an important detail in a child’s drawing, which indicates the psychological distance between the child and different family members. The close proximity of the characters to each other or their touching speaks of mutual understanding between relatives.

6. What am I like? If a child draws himself small in the corner of the picture, this indicates his low self-esteem. If he painted himself as a giant, occupying most of the space, he has a good opinion of himself, his beloved. In principle, preschool children often have inflated self-esteem: after all, they are “princes and princesses.” Over time, when children's egocentrism dissolves, this patina of “chosenness” will be erased in most children.

7. Pets. If your child has drawn your four-legged family member next to him, do not be offended: this is his dearest “person” and closest friend. After all, he doesn’t demand anything, doesn’t force you to wash your hands before dinner, put away toys, doesn’t scold you for dirty pants, etc. He doesn’t need anything, he just wags his tail with joy and gives his animal, but such selfless love. Too much emotional attachment to pets may indicate that the child does not receive enough attention from people.

8. Alarm button. The character who is drawn with great emphasis, circled several times, shaded, causes the “artist” the greatest anxiety. Anxiety can be triggered by anyone in the family. Often adults (especially the older generation) unconsciously set their own programs and taboos, and for a child they can carry negative information and fear. Anxiety can also be expressed by timid pencil movements, weak lines and strokes.

9. Head and eyes. The biggest-headed member of your family is the smartest. Pay special attention to the mirror of a person’s soul—the eyes. In psychology, this part of the face reflects our emotional state; it is the source of tears, sadness or joy. If the eyes are huge, this is a cry for help, high anxiety, a need for affection and support. If, on the contrary, they are small (in the form of dots or slits), here you can read a ban on expressing emotions, restraint, fear of expressing oneself, weakness, uncertainty, depression.

10. Ears. Huge ears indicate a desire to listen to other people's opinions. The one with the biggest ears is the most docile and submissive. For him, “public opinion”, criticism of others, praise or censure are important. If a child draws himself with big ears, this may reflect the qualities of an auditory person: he perceives the world through hearing, and this is his leading information channel. In addition, large ears can indicate alertness and anxiety: the baby, like a radar, constantly picks up suspicious information about himself and the world.

11. Mouth. Pay attention to the size of the mouth. If it is large, open, shaded, this is a source of screaming, resentment, dissatisfaction, aggression, and expressed aggression. By and large, this is even good: it is better to express and throw out your feelings than to accumulate and hold them back. If the mouth is drawn as a small line, a dot, or is completely absent, it means that the character has a taboo on expressing his emotions, primarily negative ones. Such a person is afraid to express his own opinion, relies on the will of others, it is better for him to carry out orders than to take the initiative into his own hands. The presence of teeth indicates that the character is defending himself by attacking.

12. Neck. This part of the body is the link between the mind and feelings. In the Japanese spiritual tradition, for example, there is the concept of “kokoro” - the place where the mind and heart meet, their harmonious fusion. Perhaps the neck is this place. If it is drawn, it means that the character has common sense, a rational mind, will over feelings. The absence of a neck is a sign of uncontrolled emotional manifestations.

13. Hands. These are our guides in the world of relationships, achievements, goals, aspirations. With them we “test” our capabilities, with their help we realize our abilities and talents. Pay attention to the presence and number of fingers on your hands. If they exist, this speaks of self-confidence and the ability to express oneself as much as possible in the world. The fingers of the left hand reflect connections within the family circle, the fingers of the right hand - outside of it. Large hands speak of open-mindedness, courage and power.

14. Legs. This is our support, confidence, strength, firmness. Strong legs with large feet indicate that the character is well grounded and feels powerful support of his kind. Thin legs hanging in the air indicate isolation from the world, fear of the unknown, and lack of self-confidence. In addition, the legs symbolize the opening of new spaces, the possibility of movement in life, change and transformation in the mental space of a person.

A person’s eyes, if you really look into them and not casually, carry a lot of information. Look into your child's eyes as often as possible. Do this not with the goal of “come on, tell the truth,” but with love. When you talk to your baby, sit down and get down to his level. This will help you establish a child-child relationship rather than a parent-child relationship. The more often your “inner child” gets in touch with your baby, the more chances you will have of understanding the nature of children's consciousness and accepting it as it is.

Sad fact

The results of numerous tests by psychologists indicate that modern children are increasingly lazy to invent, think creatively, fantasize and dream. If you ask a child to draw something just like that, he will most often draw primitive things: dots, sticks, circles. There is an explanation for this. Children are strongly focused on evaluation from adults, on results and praise, rather than on the process for the sake of pleasure.

Tests for preschoolers 3-4-5 years old

Have your child take simple tests. This will be a new type of game for him. In the meantime, he will “play”, you will do research and decipher the inner world of your baby. What is this world like? What makes a child happy? What's upsetting? Does he have fears and insecurities? Does he like to fantasize? Does he experience loneliness in his family?

Test "my family"

Children have their own ideas about the family, their own theory about the “unit of society.” Want to know what your child thinks about relationships with their immediate family? Give him a sketchbook sheet, colored pencils, enough time and ask: “Draw our family.”

◈ It is advisable that you are not nearby when the child is completing the task. He should be free and relaxed, he should not have any instructions: draw as best as possible so that he likes it.

◈ Let it be fun for the baby, and for you - material for research.

◈ If your child is in a bad mood or has witnessed a family conflict the day before, postpone the test for a more appropriate moment.

◈ If a child asks questions like: “How to draw?”, “What to draw?” or “Where to start?”, this suggests that, in fact, he does not know what “family” is. This is a pebble for your garden. It is necessary to find out and eliminate the reasons for such ignorance. Of course, this is a job for the whole family.

◈ Be sure to discuss the finished drawing with your child, even if “everything is clear to you.” It is important to speak out loud, clarify some points, the baby will help you with this and will willingly share his thoughts. Ask questions: “Who is this? Who's nearby? How many fingers does he have on his hands?


1. Is everything in place? Before you begin to interpret the test, you should know that there is nothing superfluous or random in a child’s drawing. Everything is important, everything carries its own meaning and has an emotional coloring (pencil pressure and color as well). If a child did not include one of the family members in the drawing, he did not just “forget.” He displaces this person at the subconscious level. How deep is it and what are the reasons? Perhaps these relationships can be corrected on your own, or perhaps you will need the help of a specialist. If a child forgot to depict himself in the drawing, at least two reasons indicate this: “nobody needs me here” or “I live well without this company.”

2. Image size. A simple law works here: the larger the character drawn, the more significant it is for the child. If your brother or sister turned out to be giants, and mom and dad turned out to be midgets, admit that the parents are currently playing a secondary role for the baby.

3. Strangers among our own. It happens that children finish drawing fictional characters or even equipment. In their minds, they are full members of the family. These could be friends, neighbors, animals (real and non-existent), fairy-tale characters, cars. The presence of such characters indicates that the child lacks communication, understanding, and emotional closeness in the family, and he is looking for it outside the home.

4. Higher and lower. Notice how the characters are positioned in the picture. The higher the image, the more power. Accordingly, the lower the image is on the sheet, the less rights and powers it has. You have the opportunity to find out who runs the show in your family (if you don’t already know about it).

5. Distance between characters. This is an important detail in a child’s drawing, which indicates the psychological distance between the child and different family members. The close proximity of the characters to each other or their touching speaks of mutual understanding between relatives.

6. What am I like? If a child draws himself small in the corner of the picture, this indicates his low self-esteem. If he painted himself as a giant, occupying most of the space, he has a good opinion of himself, his beloved. In principle, preschool children often have inflated self-esteem: after all, they are “princes and princesses.” Over time, when children's egocentrism dissolves, this patina of “chosenness” will be erased in most children.

7. Pets. If your child has drawn your four-legged family member next to him, do not be offended: this is his dearest “person” and closest friend. After all, he doesn’t demand anything, doesn’t force you to wash your hands before dinner, put away toys, doesn’t scold you for dirty pants, etc. He doesn’t need anything, he just wags his tail with joy and gives his animal, but such selfless love. Too much emotional attachment to pets may indicate that the child does not receive enough attention from people.

8. Alarm button. The character who is drawn with great emphasis, circled several times, shaded, causes the “artist” the greatest anxiety. Anxiety can be triggered by anyone in the family. Often adults (especially the older generation) unconsciously set their own programs and taboos, and for a child they can carry negative information and fear. Anxiety can also be expressed by timid pencil movements, weak lines and strokes.

9. Head and eyes. The biggest-headed member of your family is the smartest. Pay special attention to the mirror of a person’s soul - the eyes. In psychology, this part of the face reflects our emotional state; it is the source of tears, sadness or joy. If the eyes are huge, this is a cry for help, high anxiety, a need for affection and support. If, on the contrary, they are small (in the form of dots or slits), here you can read a ban on expressing emotions, restraint, fear of expressing oneself, weakness, uncertainty, depression.

10. Ears. Huge ears indicate a desire to listen to other people's opinions. The one with the biggest ears is the most docile and submissive. “Public opinion”, criticism of others, praise or censure are important to him. If a child draws himself with big ears, this may reflect the qualities of an auditory person: he perceives the world through hearing, and this is his leading information channel. In addition, large ears can indicate alertness and anxiety: the baby, like a radar, constantly picks up suspicious information about himself and the world.

11. Mouth. Pay attention to the size of the mouth. If it is large, open, shaded, this is a source of screaming, resentment, dissatisfaction, aggression, and expressed aggression. By and large, this is even good: it is better to express and throw out your feelings than to accumulate and hold them back. If the mouth is drawn as a small line, a dot, or is completely absent, it means that the character has a taboo on expressing his emotions, primarily negative ones. Such a person is afraid to express his own opinion, relies on the will of others, it is better for him to carry out orders than to take the initiative into his own hands. The presence of teeth indicates that the character is defending himself by attacking.

12. Neck. This part of the body is the link between the mind and feelings. In the Japanese spiritual tradition, for example, there is the concept of “kokoro” - the place where the mind and heart meet, their harmonious fusion. Perhaps the neck is this place. If it is drawn, it means that the character has common sense, a rational mind, will over feelings. The absence of a neck is a sign of uncontrolled emotional manifestations.

13. Hands. These are our guides in the world of relationships, achievements, goals, aspirations. With them we “test” our capabilities, with their help we realize our abilities and talents. Pay attention to the presence and number of fingers on your hands. If they exist, this speaks of self-confidence and the ability to express oneself as much as possible in the world. The fingers of the left hand reflect connections within the family circle, the fingers of the right - outside it. Large hands speak of open-mindedness, courage and power.

14. Legs. This is our support, confidence, strength, firmness. Strong legs with large feet indicate that the character is well grounded and feels strong support of his kind. Thin legs hanging in the air indicate isolation from the world, fear of the unknown, and lack of self-confidence. In addition, the legs symbolize the opening of new spaces, the possibility of movement in life, change and transformation in the mental space of a person.

A person’s eyes, if you really look into them and not casually, carry a lot of information. Look into your child's eyes as often as possible. Do this not with the goal of “come on, tell the truth,” but with love. When you talk to your baby, sit down and get down to his level. This will help you establish a child-child relationship rather than a parent-child relationship. The more often your “inner child” gets in touch with your baby, the more chances you will have to understand the nature of children's consciousness and accept it as it is.

Sad fact

The results of numerous tests by psychologists indicate that modern children are increasingly lazy to invent, think creatively, fantasize and dream. If you ask a child to draw something just like that, he will most often draw primitive things: dots, sticks, circles. There is an explanation for this. Children are strongly focused on evaluation from adults, on results and praise, rather than on the process for pleasure.

Dreamer test

There is no doubt that all children, without exception, are dreamers. This simple test will help you determine the extent and limits (or infinity) of your baby's imagination. So, observe your child and answer the following questions:

1. How often does your child transform and play different roles?

a) very often - 1;

b) sometimes - 2;

c) almost never - 3.

2. What gifts will your baby surely be happy with?

a) likes surprises - 1;

b) those that he himself asks to buy - 2;

c) those toys and things that I saw with other children - 3.

3. How often does your child make up tall tales or describe imaginary adventures about himself or someone else?

a) never - 3;

b) often - 1;

c) sometimes - 2.

4. How often does the baby have a conversation with his toys?

a) often - 1;

b) sometimes - 2;

c) very rarely - 3.

5. If your child invites you to play, how does he usually do it?

a) invite you to join your game scenario - 1;

b) invite you to think together about how and what to play - 2;

c) will invite you to come up with a new game for him - 3.

6. How does your child play the mother-daughter game (or some analogue of role-playing game)?

a) his “adult games” are not similar to the real world - 1;

b) behaves as befits parents, but comes up with his own “twists” in the educational process - 2;

c) completely imitates parents or other adults - 3.

7. Imagine a little and ask your child what cars or clothes will be like in a hundred years? What will he answer?

a) don’t know - 3;

b) nothing will change - 2;

8. If you ask your child, “What did you dream?”, what will you hear in response?

a) “nothing” or “I don’t remember” - 3;

b) does not describe details, talks without passion - 2;

c) willingly share his “flights” in a dream, embellishing the story with fiction - 1.

9. If you give your child a construction set and build something together, what does he focus on?

a) the sample is not important to him, he comes up with everything himself - 1;

b) constructs only if there is a sample - 3;

c) begins to build what he already knows how to do well - 2.

10. Let's say you are watching a cartoon together. If you ask a child to come up with an ending, what will his predictions be?

a) will willingly offer his own version of the development of events - 1;

b) tries to come up with something, but the plot that comes out is far from “Hollywood” © - 2;

c) refuses your offer altogether - 3.

11. If yesterday your baby heard an interesting story, how will he tell it today?

a) will convey it very accurately - 3;

b) weaves something new into the story - 2;

c) decorates the story with interesting details - 1.

12. Does he like to portray animals or cartoon characters?

a) often - 1;

b) sometimes - 2;

c) almost never - 3.

13. Which carnival costume will your child prefer?

a) come up with something unusual - 1;

b) will be a “hare”, “wolf” or another animal - 2;

c) stop at your favorite fairy tale hero - 3.

Let's sum it up

You need to do simple arithmetic and calculate the number of points.

If you scored 31-39 points

Your baby doesn't like surprises. He is cautious, prefers stability, and novelty frightens him. Fantasies take you beyond the usual, so it’s better to sit lower than the grass, quieter than water. He prefers to follow instructions, to do something according to a model, than to come up with his own “know-how”. Develop his imagination!

If you scored 22-30 points

Your baby stands firmly on the ground, although he is capable of flying in the clouds. He has a practical mind and a dreaminess. Just what you need! He is a good observer and inventor.

If you scored 13-21 points

Your baby lives in an imaginary fantasy world. He has an unusually rich imagination, from which he receives not only benefit and pleasure, but also harm. Teach your child to live on Earth, but do not forget about the stars.

Travel test

This is a well-known psychological test. It is interesting because it is suitable for children of all ages. It will also be useful for adults to take this test and learn a lot about themselves. And it consists in the following.

INVITE YOUR BABY ON A JOURNEY. You don’t have to go to overseas countries; you can imagine a fabulous walk through the forest. The text can be improvised; there is no need to memorize it. But it has its own structure, several mandatory key points. We will pay attention to them when we decipher the symbolism of the test.

Pronounce the text without emotions and evaluative intonations, calmly and quietly. Don't just expect positive things from this “journey”. After all, it is important for you to find out the reasons for the baby’s fears and insecurities (if any), to study his mental reality. The child should not have any associations with your voice, any attitudes or evaluations. It is good if the test is carried out by someone with whom the child has less of an emotional connection. The baby should be in a relaxed state; it is advisable for him to lie down and close his eyes.

Text: “Imagine that you went for a walk in the forest. What kind of forest is this? Does it have a lot of sun? Is it quiet there? Or is the rain noisy or the wind blowing? What time of year is it in the forest now? Spring? Summer? Autumn or winter? Are you alone in the forest or is someone walking with you?

Suddenly an animal jumped out into the clearing. What kind of animal is this? What does it do? How do you behave with this animal?

Then you saw a river in front of you. What will you do? Will you cross it? How will you do it?

On the other side of the river, at the edge of the forest, there is a hut. Will you go to her? When you came closer to the house, you saw a door. What does she look like? There is a sign on the door with the inscription. Your name is written there. Did you see the sign?

And so you entered the house. What's inside? Is it light there? What does he look like? How many rooms does it have? What are they? Which room will you go to first? This house also has a basement. Will you go down there? Describe what is there. There is also an attic here. Will you climb it? What do you see there?

Then you left the house and walked along the path. But there is a fence in front of you. How will you get across it?

You are walking along the path again. And suddenly the sea opened up in front of you. Do you see the seagulls? How do they fly? What are they doing?

And then you saw the ship. Is it far or close from the coast? Do you want to get there? How will you do it?

Our journey has now come to an end. You can gently open your eyes. We're home. Now tell me what you saw? Did you like it?"


Forest and walk. This is an attitude towards life, trust or distrust of people and circumstances. Does the child feel safe in the jungle of life?

Spring. This is the source of everything new.

Beast. This is an image of how a child perceives other people. Are they predators or harmless cute animals? Pay attention to how the baby makes contact: does he approach on his own or does he wait tensely for someone to approach him?

River, wall and fence. These are symbols of obstacles. Everyone has their own ways of overcoming or avoiding them.

House. This image is associated with family and relationships with loved ones. If the hut is dark and uncomfortable, this indicates the baby’s discomfort within the walls of his home.

Basement. This is our subconscious, a closet where we put our painful and unpleasant feelings and thoughts. If a child boldly went down to the basement, it means that his subconscious is not too “cluttered” and is not poisoning his life. If he is afraid to enter there, it means there are taboos and fears.

Attic. This is the stock of knowledge, abilities, and skills that the child possesses. If the attic is light and there is order everywhere, it means that the baby learns the world easily.

Seagulls. These birds symbolize relatives. How calm are they?

Ship. For many peoples of the world, a ship is an image of dreams and aspirations for the future. If your baby clearly and clearly saw his ship and described in detail what it looks like, this is a good sign: he knows where he is going and what he wants. Pay attention to how the baby will get to his “dream”. How many options will he name?

Some questions are aimed at the intelligence of a child under 5 years old.

The main part of the questions is information-oriented. When a child is not familiar with an object or phenomenon, he finds himself in a dead end situation, and the conclusion about the child’s preparedness may not be in his favor... This is an unofficial list, therefore other questions can be asked...
* - questions that ensure the identification of the child are marked.

A psychoneurologist asks when determining the child’s development level and evaluates communication skills...
If a child is prepared, then he does not shy away... When moving from nursery to kindergarten, from kindergarten to school... When contacting him as a specialist... Gradually, children learn about the world...

Do you see the words: identification, testing, information basis! After reading the questions and mentally answering some, I thought with a smile that some of them really weren’t that difficult. But then I got stuck on classification, for example this one:
(28. What is odd in the group: chicken, crow, goose?) At first I answered, crow! Because they don’t eat crow... Then, after thinking, she answered that it was chicken! Why? Because chicken doesn't fly! ...That's the question! You might think that domestic geese fly. Those who have kept domestic geese know how to clip their wings, and so do chickens... So, in terms of my development, I do not reach the level of a 5-year-old child!?) That's how I lived... Maybe we, the parents, should be tested too? Or maybe it’s easier to look at such questions?

Well, what shall we begin?

A. Personal identification (know from a very early age)

1.* State your last name, first name, patronymic.
2.* Full name, age.
3.* Full name of parents.
4.* The city in which you live.
5.* Where do you live? Give your address.
6.* What city do you live in, what country do you live in?
7.* Name the capital of our Motherland.

B. Time

8. Name the days of the week. What days are the weekends? What will happen when the week ends? What day is after Sunday? (other options)
9. How many days are there in a week? What day is before Saturday? What lasts longer: a week or one day? A week or seven days?
10. Name the seasons. Which season follows which?
11. What seasonal phenomena do you know? Describe the seasons
their differences, natural changes, animal behavior... What time of year is it now? What will come next? After what time of year does winter begin?

12. What time of year is it now? Prove it.
13. How many months are there in a year? Which? What is longer: a year or a month, a month or a week, a day or a week?
14. Name the summer months, winter...
15. When leaves appear (fall off) on the trees, migratory birds arrive (fly away). What birds come in winter? What is leaf fall?
16. Name the migratory (wintering) birds. Where do migratory birds fly?
17. What is a day? What is the difference between day and night?
18. What time of day: sleep, have breakfast, have lunch... Is it morning now? Day? Evening? Night? What do you do in the morning and evening? What comes before lunch or dinner?
19. How to distinguish: today, tomorrow, yesterday...

B. Comparative concepts

20. Parse examples into concepts: more or less; wider or narrower;
older or younger; higher or lower; faster or slower, lighter or heavier, right or left, top, bottom, side, front or back, earlier or later, equally...
21.In a year, will you be older or younger? How old will you be in a year, in two years. How old were you last year?
22. Who has more paws: a dog or a rooster? How long?

D. Classification

23.What unites a group of objects? (purpose, presence of similar signs...) Name 5 items of clothing (shoes, dishes, transport, animals...)
24. Name the objects in one word: tools (saw, axe, screwdriver...), clothes (coat, dress, trousers...), transport (car, plane, train...), etc.
25. Types within groups: transport - ground, underground, air, water); animals (domestic, wild); furniture, clothing, electrical appliances...
26. Name domestic animals, wild animals. Why are they called that? Name the baby sheep, horse, dog, chicken....
27. Comparison of two groups of objects.
28. What is the odd one out in the group: chicken, crow, goose? Monday, Tuesday, September? Why?…
29. Are there more pikes or fish in the river? What is more in the closet: plates or dishes?

D. Colors

30. Name the colors of paints, including shades (gray, purple, pink, red, blue, ...)

E. Outlook and logic

31. What cities do you know? Countries?…
32. What is the difference between an airplane and a bird? Girl from a doll? Why does a car have brakes?
33. Why doesn't the tree fall?
34. Aunt has a daughter Masha, a cat Murka, and a dog Druzhok. How many children does your aunt have?
35. What is the best and fastest way to pick a watermelon from a tree?
36. Who will swim to the shore faster: the chicken or the duckling?

G. Speech development

37. Read the poem by heart.
38. Make a riddle.
39. Make up a story based on a picture or several pictures.
40. Game “in reverse” (day - night, black - white....)
41. Say one word
42. The girl is playing. Is it a word or a sentence?
43. Complete the sentence: “If it starts to rain, then...”
44. Name the sounds and syllables in the words: chair, porridge, table, smoke, etc.
45. How many syllables are in the word Masha, machine? how many sounds are in the word -dom?

H. Arithmetic

46. ​​Direct and reverse counting from 1 to 20, as well as counting within specified limits (from 3 to 7, from 7 to 3)….
47. Name the neighbors of the number 3.
48. What is greater than 8 or 5?
49. Problems involving plus and minus one (how much is more or less?)
You had three cars, your mother bought another one. How many cars are there? More or less? How long?
You had 5 candies, you gave one to a friend. How many candies do you have?
Has it become smaller or larger? How long?
50. Composition of numbers 4, 5.
51. Level two numbers (how to make them equal) in two ways: +1 and -1.
51. Four paws are visible from under the curtain. How many kittens are behind the curtain?
52. Name the geometric shapes.
53. Grouping geometric shapes based on the presence of similar features.

I. Etiquette

53. Polite words and how to use them.

Before starting the test, make sure that your child is not tired, not hungry and is in a good mood. If your child doesn’t want to answer questions now, don’t force him, wait for another moment. At 4 years old, try to ask questions playfully. Please remember that the test results are for guidance only.


  1. Enter your details:
    • What's your name?
    • What's your last name?
    • Are you a boy or a girl?
    • How old are you?

  1. What, in one word, can all these items be called:

We put “+” if the child answered all the questions correctly.

  1. Count the objects (there should be exactly 4 items):

We put “+” if the child counted correctly, and without prompting.

  1. What shape are these objects? (only circle and square):

We put “+” if the child answered 2 questions correctly.

  1. Say a phrase to your child: “Listen carefully 9 , 3 , 7 , repeat.”

We put “+” if the child repeated all three numbers correctly.


You have everything « + » – the child’s development corresponds to his age.

If there is one « - » – test your child using the test for 3 years old. If there is not a single minus in the test for children 3 years old - the child’s development corresponds to his age. If there is at least one « - » – you should show your baby to a child psychologist.

If two or more « - » - your child develops somewhat differently than his peers. Consult a child psychologist, he will help you choose a specific approach to teaching your baby.

There are wonderful educational games on our website!

Question No. 1 – check the child’s general awareness.

Question number 2 - tests the ability to understand what is happening around.

Question No. 3 – tests the level of mathematical thinking.

Question No. 4 – checks the child’s level of perception.

Question No. 5 – is responsible for checking your baby’s attention span.

The age of 4-5 years can already be considered senior preschool, because some children begin to attend school at 6 years old, and others at 7. Special attention must be paid to the development of a child at this age, because in the process of learning everything that surrounds us, our son/daughter is also getting ready for school. Of course, every parent cares about the development of their little man and treats this process with great responsibility, but it is not enough to just play with him, answer children’s questions clearly, etc. It is also necessary to understand whether everything is being done correctly, whether the child is developing correctly. If something is missing somewhere, then it will be very difficult for him at school. The article presents the main indicators of the development of a 4-5 year old child, and at the end you will find a link where you can download (for free) tests to test the knowledge and skills of your little one.

Indicators of the development of knowledge and skills of a child at 4-5 years old

Examples of test pages for the development of a 4-5 year old child (download link at the end of the article):

  1. Indicators of the development of thinking, attention and memory :
    • be able to find inconsistencies and similarities between two pictures, as well as errors in them;
    • arrange several pictures (5-7) in the correct sequence;
    • remember 5-6 different objects at a time, as well as the content of a specific plot drawing;
    • correctly select a pair for each item, explain the connection between them;
    • understand and explain the purpose: hospital, store, hairdresser, etc., as well as choose the right shoes for a walk, depending on the weather;
    • see, find patterns in the arrangement of several objects;
    • solve simple problems, for example, logically choose an extra or necessary item from three or more;
    • already know all the colors and their names, as well as their shades;
    • name the seasons, all days of the week and components of the day in the correct sequence;
    • know your country (of residence), its capital, as well as the professions of your parents;
    • know the basic rules of behavior on the street: cross the road only in places specially equipped for this, avoid manholes, throw all garbage into trash bins, etc.;
    • understand what is bad and what is good;
  2. Indicators of development of mathematical skills/abilities :
    • name the numbers from 1 to 10 in the correct order and in reverse order;
    • understand which number is missing;
    • recognize the numbers he sees and write them correctly;
    • know what a number consists of and be able to decompose/compose it;
    • correctly understand the difference between numbers and numbers;
    • be able to compare different quantities and understand the meaning of the signs “more than”, “less than”, “equal”, as well as compare several objects by thickness, height, length and width;
    • equalize groups among themselves according to the number of objects in them;
    • correctly pronounce ordinal numbers;
    • solve simple subtraction/addition problems;
    • correctly navigate and understand “left”, “right”, “down”, “up”, etc.;
    • know the basic figures, recognize them and know the correct names;
  3. Speech development indicators :
    • speak with expression, slowly, and pronounce all letters correctly;
    • know the objects surrounding him, as well as the basic actions of animals and people;
    • know generalizing words for objects belonging to one group: furniture, fruit, transport, etc.;
    • correctly pronounce nouns based on their number (singular or plural);
    • independently describe an object, and also be able to find it by specific characteristics: oval, yellow, edible, etc.;
    • understand the similar meaning of words and the opposite, and also be able to select the appropriate ones;
    • understand the meanings of prepositions: in, under, on, about, etc.;
    • know people's professions and what they do;
    • be able to conduct a conversation by asking and answering questions;
    • recite several poems, songs, etc. by heart;
    • be able to write a short story based on a picture;
    • coordinate words by gender, case and number;
    • be able to independently come up with the ending of a fairy tale/story;
    • identify sounds in words (first and last), and also understand how a sound differs from a letter;
    • already read short words syllable by syllable, and also be able to divide a word into syllables.
  4. Indicators of graphic skills development :
    • be able to draw with different tools: crayons, pencils, paints, etc.;
    • draw simple shapes, lines of different lengths and directions;
    • be able to trace, hatch and copy a drawing.

Here, in fact, are the main indicators of child development at 4-5 years old. You can check whether your treasure knows and can do everything using special tests, which can be downloaded for free in PDF format using the link provided. With their help, you can get a reason for joy, as well as an understanding of which moments to pay special attention to.