Proper nutrition for 4 weeks of pregnancy. Pregnancy by week: nutrition according to the rules. Chemical diet rules


The 4-week egg diet is ideal for those who believe in the effectiveness of low-carbohydrate diets. The monthly diet developed by American nutritionists actually prescribes eating eggs every day for only half of the period: the rest of the time is spent on consolidating the weight loss result and checking the habit of being content with little.

You will begin to relax, although now you will be thinking about how to relieve the symptoms that are so uncomfortable. Emotionally, for some pregnant women it can be a stressful time due to things like work commitments or lifestyle changes. Emotional stress can be a problem during pregnancy, especially if you have problems, fears and worries caused by the pregnancy itself. It is recommended to talk to someone you trust, or even go to a professional.

How should a pregnant woman eat?

Additionally, there are many changes in your body, although your belly is still not increasing in size. Hormones have increased to maintain the pregnancy and as a result some symptoms may appear such as. Constipation: This symptom can last throughout the pregnancy, and even until the baby is born. This is caused hormonal changes which slow down bowel movement. Drinking plenty of water and eating high-fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grain bread will help relieve constipation.

The 4 Week Low Carb Egg Diet Is a Serious Test of Patience
and intentions! During this month, the metabolism of the person losing weight will undergo serious
changes: due to the abundant intake of protein, the body will have to waste its
fat energy reserves and make efforts to process
and absorb high doses of protein. Therefore, the main weight loss will occur during
the first two weeks of the diet. However, it is important not to skip the second phase of your period.
nutrition plan, which may not seem very important when a good
the result has already been achieved. In case of incorrect exit from the egg diet for 4 weeks
quick return of excess weight is almost guaranteed.

Fasting diet by the Queen

Increased vaginal discharge: This is due to an increase in hormones and is completely normal, but it should not be accompanied by pain or irritation. If yes, consult your doctor. Fatigue: It is very common to feel more tired than usual during the first trimester. It is important that you rest when you need it. Taking a nap will help you feel better.

Changes in the breasts: They are more sensitive and may suffer due to increased blood flow and hormones. Nausea: Can occur at any time of the day, although some women report worsening in the morning. They will probably start after week 5 and continue until about 12 weeks. They are thought to be produced by an increase in hormone levels. To reduce them, it is recommended to eat small amounts several times a day, avoiding very fatty foods.

Egg diet for a month: in a nutshell

Duration: 4 weeks;

Peculiarities: strict, you must strictly follow the prescribed menu. Chicken eggs are the main product in the first two weeks of the diet, the next two weeks are aimed at consolidating the result (the menu is predominantly low-carbohydrate, plant-based with small portions of protein);

Headaches: This is a common symptom during pregnancy and is also associated with hormonal changes. To take any medications, you must consult your doctor. Fainting: May be due to an increase in the size of blood vessels. They list in a few weeks. Avoid standing in warm places and sit down if you feel dizzy.

Muscle cramps: These are very common and especially occur at night. The cause is unknown, but it can be relieved by stretching the affected area. Frequent urination: The uterus increases in size and puts pressure on the bladder, and therefore visits to the bathroom will noticeably increase during pregnancy. If the same thing happens to you at night, you may want to avoid drinking liquids late hours day.

Price: medium (up to 5 thousand rubles for the entire period);

Result: up to minus 25 kg (depending on initial weight);

Additional effect: long-term preservation of the results of the diet due to the consumption of fat reserves;

Not suitable: strict vegetarians suffering from kidney and liver diseases, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, with allergies to eggs and/or citrus fruits. Before starting an egg diet for a month, you should consult your doctor!

Sensitive odor: Many women feel that their sense of smell becomes more sensitive and that certain scents turn them off. These are usually odors that have previously been tolerated. Increased saliva: It is normal to notice an increase in salivation. This is associated with nausea and eating small amounts and several times can also help reduce it.

At week 7, the baby can reach the size of a pea and continues to grow rapidly. This week's growth is due to development internal systems, organs and body of the child. The brain begins to form, and its various cavities continue to grow and define themselves. During this process, the baby's head appears round and slightly protruding. Eyes and ears are small holes, nostrils and mouth begin to form.

Helpful information for those who are attracted by the egg diet for 4 weeks: chicken egg
consists of 85% water, 12% proteins (ovalbumin, ovotransferrin,
lysozyme, ovomucoid, ovomucin). It contains only 0.3% fat and 0.7% carbohydrates,
as well as a little glucose and a lot of vitamins and microelements, including
B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium. That is to say
in “fairytale” language - truly the egg is not simple, but “golden”!

The baby's heart is more developed, and its circulatory system and nerves continue to develop. The lungs grow and the intestines and digestive system begin to take shape. This week the limbs begin to appear and the umbilical cord is already present. Reproductive organs begin to form, although the sex of the child cannot yet be known.

Exercising on a regular basis is beneficial for most pregnant women. If you have had a workout, you can continue it, although you may need to reduce the intensity. Pregnancy is not the best time to start a new workout, such as running. Ideally, a woman should practice some physical activity before pregnancy and continue unless the exercise is very tiring.

Egg diet for 4 weeks: myths and concerns

Many of you have probably heard at one time the warnings of various therapists and nutritionists that overuse eating chicken eggs is fraught with the development serious illness- they say, they have more than enough bad cholesterol, and the protein takes too long to digest... What then, you ask, can we even talk about an egg diet for as much as a month?

A nutritious diet during pregnancy will provide the nutrients your baby needs to thrive. Between weeks 5 and 8 of pregnancy, nutrition plays an important role in the development of the nervous, digestive, respiratory, circulatory and reproductive systems child.

Weekly egg diet

It is recommended to increase your intake of iron-rich foods and take prenatal vitamins. The increase in blood volume and the baby's developmental needs have placed pregnant women at greater risk of suffering from iron deficiency and subsequent anemia.

And indeed, a similar panic took place about 20 years ago. Namely: scientists sounded the alarm by introducing chicken eggs into “ harmful list"- it was reported that their constant use causes an increase in cholesterol in the blood and the appearance of cholesterol plaques in the arteries. However, researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health (apparently very fond of eggs and worried about their undeservedly damaged reputation) conducted a large-scale study. During its course, it turned out that regular consumption of eggs does not affect “bad cholesterol” in any way - its occurrence is regulated by other factors.

Pitfalls and side effects

Iron can be found in lean meats, including beef, pork and poultry. There are also vegetables rich in iron, such as green leafy vegetables, beans or peas. To improve iron absorption, you need to eat foods rich in vitamin C, such as tomatoes or oranges.

Hygiene and gum disease are associated with a greater likelihood of premature delivery and other complications. Ask for advice on how to maintain healthy oral hygiene during pregnancy. Many women say they crave salty foods for snacks or between meals. You may want to consider choosing a doctor, hospital or midwife to advise you and monitor your pregnancy. Check with your doctor for prenatal tests that may be done. There are currently several tests available to detect certain abnormalities in the fetus. Avoid spicy foods during the first trimester as nausea may worsen.

  • Increase your ginger intake to reduce nausea.
  • Gingerbread cookies or candy can be eaten between meals.
  • Drinking small amounts several times a day will also help.
  • Have salty foods at home.
  • Saltine crackers, pickles, olives, etc.
In the seventh week, half of the first quarter has already been reached.

Their colleagues from the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that eggs are one of the healthiest breakfast options. For the same amount of calories consumed, those who eat a sandwich for breakfast are at greater risk of becoming obese than egg eaters.

However, when dealing with eggs, you should not relax: one of the approximately 20 thousand eggs that go on sale may be contaminated with active salmonella, a bacterium that causes an acute intestinal infection, especially dangerous for children.

Care this week should be the same as in previous weeks. Keep in mind that babies grow and develop quickly, and eating a healthy diet can prevent certain abnormalities in the fetus. The symptoms will be even more noticeable this week. This is due to the fact that there are many changes in a woman's body, although pregnancy is not physically detected.

Last week's menu - way out of the egg diet

American Pregnancy Association. American Society for Nutritional Sciences. Now when will you expectant mother, it is important to eat well. Making sure you and baby are getting all the nutrients they need. If you know you haven't been eating as well as you could, it's even more important to start incorporating nutritious, balanced meals into your diet. Your daily diet should include a variety of foods from the four major food groups viz.

Therefore, when choosing eggs for the egg diet for the full 4 weeks, avoid those whose shells are damaged, streaked, or “decorated” with particles of droppings or blood. Experts advise washing even the cleanest eggs after purchasing and boiling so that both the yolk and white are completely curdled (about 5 minutes). It is also important to monitor the expiration date of purchased eggs and, having purchased them, store them in the refrigerator on a separate shelf, away from meat and milk. Eggs should be cut on a separate board, which is recommended to be rinsed with boiling water after each use, just like the knife used to cut the eggs.

Fruits and Vegetables: You can buy these foods fresh, frozen, canned, dried, or as juice. Protein-rich foods: These include lean meat and chicken, fish, eggs and legumes. Try to make at least two servings of fish per week, including bluefish. Dairy products: These include milk, cheese and yogurt, which contain calcium.

  • Consumption: at least five servings per day.
  • Starchy foods: bread, pasta, rice and potatoes.
  • Try choosing integral parameters.
Dairy products, in addition to fish and sea salt, are good sources Yoda.

How to “sit on eggs” correctly?

The egg diet for 4 weeks does not mean eating only
only chicken eggs. And their number on the menu is also quite moderate...

"If there Honeymoon“Why shouldn’t we have an egg month?” thought American nutritionists, and based on their success, they invented an egg week for 4 weeks. Longer duration means better effect. Cases have been recorded where, within a month of “sitting on eggs,” those losing weight lost up to 25 kg (with an initial weight of about 100 kg).

You need plenty of iodine in your diet to help your baby's development. Your body becomes more efficient when you're pregnant and makes better use of the energy you get from food. This means you don't need extra calories during the first six months of pregnancy. Over the last three months, you will need about 200 extra calories per day. Two hundred calories equivalent.

A piece of whole wheat bread toasted with a small can of baked beans.

  • Toasted bread with two tablespoons of reduced fat hummus.
  • A piece of malt bread or fruit scone with butter.
  • A piece of cheese on toast.
Your appetite is your best guide to how much food you should eat. You may notice that your appetite fluctuates during pregnancy.

What is good about the egg diet? With chicken eggs, you get pure protein without excess fat and fewer extra calories (including due to the fact that, in principle, you eat less - after all, eggs are very satiating). In addition, food costs on a diet become transparent and predictable. And one more interesting point: overseas researchers have found that regularly eating the same food really helps you lose weight. This is a rather psychological moment: for example, a nutritionist may recommend eating eggs for dinner every Wednesday and Saturday. Of course, this in itself will not help you lose tens of kilograms, but it will create a certain discipline to which the body will definitely respond positively. And knowledge of such a mechanism obviously will not harm those who watch their figure and strive to control their weight.

In the first weeks, your appetite may drop sharply and you may not want to eat, especially if you have nausea. During mid-pregnancy, your appetite may be the same as before you were pregnant or slightly increased. If you suffer from heartburn or a feeling of fullness after eating, you may benefit from eating small, frequent meals. Towards the end of your pregnancy, your appetite will likely increase. . The best rule remember - eat when you are hungry. You eat a good balance of food every day and gain weight steadily as the baby grows.

Do you like chicken eggs? An egg diet for 4 weeks is a good way to test how strong this gastronomic addiction is.

However, not everything is so simple with an egg diet for a month. The main surprise is that it... isn't eggy all the time. The main focus is the first two weeks, during which you must eat eggs for breakfast and at least one more time a day. From the third week, the protein component is replaced by other protein-rich foods (fish and beef or poultry), and the menu becomes especially rich in fruits and vegetables. The abundance of fiber helps intestinal motility, which is very useful especially if chicken eggs have a strengthening effect on your stool.

In an ideal world, free of morning sickness or food aversions, a balanced diet would be all you need. However, a prenatal vitamin and mineral supplement can be a good insurance policy to make sure you're getting the right nutrients.

During pregnancy, it is recommended to take two important medications. Later, after your pregnancy is over, you may need to take iron. Your iron levels will be checked during pregnancy and your doctor or midwife will advise you of your needs. Calcium is also important during pregnancy, as you will now need twice as much each day.

During the 4-week egg diet, it is important to get enough liquid (at least 1.5 liters of plain still water per day). As you already know, protein is a complex substance. During its processing, indigestible residues are formed, which are very important to remove from the intestines. Therefore, fiber and liquid remain indispensable allies for fans of a protein diet.

In large quantities they can be toxic to the fetus. However, the plant-derived carotene type of vitamin A is safe during pregnancy. You also cannot take megadoses of vitamins and minerals, as this may harm your baby. Talk to your doctor or midwife about any special supplements you may need if.

The result of the New Orleans diet

  • Are you vegetarian or vegan?
  • You have diabetes or gestational diabetes.
  • You have preeclampsia.
  • You have anemia.
  • You had a low birth weight baby.
There are some foods that you will have to avoid during pregnancy as they may be dangerous for your baby.

Monotony is the bane of any strict nutrition plan. The 4-week egg diet prohibits additional consumption of fats (although it cannot be called fat-free - eggs themselves, fish, and meat contain irremovable fats, both saturated and unsaturated), but you can experiment with the form of serving foods with a clear conscience. Vegetables and fruits (as well as meat) can be baked without oil, steamed, or stewed. You can also replace boiling eggs with baking, make scrambled eggs without fat, or poach eggs. The main thing is to ensure that the egg is evenly cooked.

You cannot eat raw eggs during the 4-week egg diet.

Pros of the egg diet

At least in the morning you will have a hard time believing that you are “sitting” on
any weight loss system - breakfasts on an egg diet for 4 weeks are not enough
How are they different from regular healthy protein breakfasts?

  • eggs are delicious food. Even taking into account the restrictions on the use of fat in their preparation, there is room for culinary imagination in the egg diet;
  • eggs cook quickly, which means the diet will not require separate time resources. In the second part of the egg diet for 4 weeks, when eggs cease to be the main dish, easy-to-cook foods are also included;
  • the egg diet, like any other protein diet, is well suited for those involved in fitness;
  • egg protein and trace elements contained in eggs have a positive effect on skin, hair and nails;
  • eggs satiate for a long time - even with a small amount of servings on an egg diet for 4 weeks it is possible to keep hunger in check.

Cons and risks of the egg diet for 4 weeks

  • Despite its relative diversity, the egg diet remains a fad diet, which involves an almost complete rejection of a certain type of macronutrients (in the four-week egg diet, fat and fast carbohydrates become such “default figures”) - that is, it is healthy and balanced to call such a nutrition plan in its original form it is impossible;
  • excess protein and lack of carbohydrates can cause various problems and ailments, from migraines to unpleasant odor from mouth. If you notice undesirable changes in your condition, stop the diet and consult a doctor.

For your diet, choose only the freshest, selected chicken eggs...

Egg diet for 4 weeks: detailed menu for the first week and reviews

  • Breakfast every day this week is the same - 2 hard-boiled eggs + ½ orange or 2 eggs + ½ grapefruit (Please also note the separate so-called grapefruit and egg diet.


  • Dinner: lean meat (boiled or grilled)


  • Lunch: Boiled or grilled skinless chicken
  • Dinner: salad of cucumber, tomatoes, lettuce, bell pepper and carrots, 2 eggs, + 1 toast + 1 grapefruit or orange


  • Lunch: any amount of low-fat, lightly salted cheese + 1 piece of toast + tomato
  • Dinner: lean meat, boiled or grilled


  • Lunch: one any fruit in any quantity
  • Dinner: lean grilled or boiled meat + lettuce


  • Lunch: one any boiled vegetable in any quantity (beans, green pea, carrots or zucchini) + 2 boiled eggs
  • Dinner: boiled or grilled fish + a portion of lettuce + 1 orange or grapefruit


  • Lunch: one fruit in unlimited quantity
  • Dinner: boiled or grilled meat without fat + lettuce


  • Lunch: boiled or grilled skinless chicken + any steamed vegetables + tomato + 1 grapefruit or orange

Egg diet: full menu for the second week

  • Breakfast is the same as breakfast in the first week.


  • Lunch: boiled or grilled lean meat + lettuce
  • Dinner: 2 eggs + lettuce + grapefruit


  • Identical to Monday's menu


  • Lunch: boiled or grilled lean meat + cucumber salad without dressing and salt
  • Dinner: 2 eggs + grapefruit


  • Lunch: 2 eggs + boiled vegetables + cottage cheese
  • Dinner: 2 eggs


  • Lunch: grilled or boiled meat + 2-3 tomatoes
  • Dinner: 2 eggs


  • Lunch: Friday lunch menu + grapefruit
  • Dinner: fruit salad (e.g. apple, pear, tangerine) without dressing


  • Lunch: boiled skinless chicken + boiled vegetables + 1 grapefruit
  • Dinner: the same as lunch

Egg diet: full menu for the third week

  • In the third week, all foods allowed on a certain day can be eaten at any time without restrictions on volume and quantity.


  • Fruits (except banana, grapes, mango, fig)


  • Any boiled or steamed vegetables and fresh vegetables in the form of salads (exclude potatoes)


  • Combination of foods allowed on Monday and Tuesday


  • Fish, boiled or grilled + cabbage


  • Boiled or grilled lean meat or chicken + boiled or steamed vegetables

Saturday and Sunday

  • One type of fruit on each weekend (for example, only apples or only pears)

Last week's menu - way out of the egg diet

  • Products allowed on a certain day must be distributed throughout the day at your own discretion and consumed without reference to a specific time, but strictly adhering to the prescribed quantity.


  • 4 small grilled steaks (75 g each) of beef or ¼ boiled chicken without skin, a can of canned tuna in its own juice, 4 cucumbers, 3 tomatoes, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit


  • 200 grams of boiled meat, 4 cucumbers, 3 tomatoes, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit, 1 apple or pear


  • 300 grams of boiled vegetables, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit


  • ½ boiled chicken without skin, 1 cucumber, 3 tomatoes, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit


  • 3 tomatoes, 10 lettuce leaves, 2 boiled eggs, 1 grapefruit


  • 2 boiled chicken breasts, 1 toast, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 120 g of cottage cheese, grapefruit, 1 glass of kefir


  • 1 can of tuna in its own juice, 200 g of boiled vegetables, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit

The 4-week egg diet (which, in combination with grapefruits, is very similar) requires strict adherence to the recommendations and does not tolerate violations of the regime. The result of following this rather long and complex diet will be numbers on the scale that are pleasing to the eye. An egg diet for 4 weeks allows you to achieve your “dream weight” and only you can keep it at the desired level by monitoring your diet and physical activity.

Not all weight loss diets rely on calorie reduction or fasting. There are techniques that are based on the body’s internal reactions to incoming substances and their interaction with each other. As a result, you can lose weight very quickly and, with the right approach, you won’t get it back. The chemical diet is a simple way to get rid of 8-10-15 kg in just 4 weeks. But it is intended only for strong and strong-willed people.


The essence of the system

The chemical diet is based on the relationship of proteins, fats, carbohydrates with metabolic processes. Often it is also called the Osama Hamdiy method, or the egg, or “maggi” diet. If you eat according to all the rules, the body will take energy from its own fat reserves, and the person will begin to rapidly lose weight. Not only kilograms, but also volumes disappear quickly. It’s easy to lose from 2 to 4 sizes in a month, depending on the initial data. The more obese the person, the better the results will be.

Maintaining a diet is difficult; you need willpower and motivation. The slightest deviation will disrupt the chemical bonds built by nutrition, slow down fat burning, and weight loss will stop. That is why you need to start this diet consciously, during a calm period of life. If there are holidays or trips or changes in life on the horizon, then it is better to postpone losing weight.

Video: 3 types of motivation from Tatyana Rybakova

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of the technique is its effectiveness. With its help, absolutely anyone can lose weight, even those with a slow metabolism and those who have gone through a dozen other diets. A big plus is also the varied menu. It consists of simple, affordable foods from different food groups. But the system has more disadvantages than advantages.

Disadvantages of the diet:

  1. Strictness. Any failure or deviation cancels out the entire path traveled.
  2. Small number of meals. No snacks. You can change your diet only in the last two weeks.
  3. Monotonous breakfasts, lack of sweets.
  4. With improper eating behavior, the weight returns.
  5. The diet is suitable only for those people who are over 10 kg of excess weight.

For some, these points will be big drawbacks, others will not pay attention to them, all this is individual and depends on many different factors. You can repeat the diet no more than once a year.

Basic Rules

In addition to strictly following the strict menu, there are a number of other rules. There are no trifles in losing weight; any of the nuances can make all your efforts in vain. In order not to get confused about the days, you need to start on Monday.

Chemical diet rules:

  1. Minimize salt intake, if possible eliminate it. Sodium chloride retains water in fat cells, preventing them from burning.
  2. If the detailed menu does not indicate the weight of the product or its quantity, then it is used in unlimited quantities. But you should not abuse this. It is better to get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger.
  3. The mandatory water intake is 1.5 liters per day. Additionally, you are allowed to drink tea without sugar.
  4. Dinner should not be eaten later than 4 hours before bedtime. If for some reason you were unable to eat at right time, you will have to give up the evening meal.
  5. Physical exercise are welcome, but they should not be exhausting.
  6. Taking vitamin complexes is mandatory. Otherwise, reducing carbohydrates and fats will lead to a deterioration in well-being, mood, loss of strength and weakness.
  7. Prepare meals only yourself. This can be done in any dietary way: steamed, in water, baked or stewed. But no fat is added in the process.
  8. You cannot replace vegetables or fruits with juices made from them. Constipation may occur on a chemical diet, and a lack of fiber will only worsen the situation.

The biggest difficulty is that if you fail, you will have to start from the very beginning, that is, from Monday of the first week. Otherwise, it will no longer be possible to achieve the desired results.

Important! You should not wash down food with water, as this inhibits chemical processes and complicates the work of the stomach. You need to drink, but it is better to do it between meals.

Video: Diet Osama Hamdiy. Description, menu

Authorized Products

If a product is not listed or is not on the menu, then it is prohibited. Sugar, ready-made meals, and semi-finished products should not be consumed. It is allowed to add pepper, ginger, lemon juice, but only as a seasoning.

What is the chemical diet menu made up of:

  1. Meat, poultry. Lean types are used, mainly beef, chicken or turkey. Remove the skin from the bird and cut off the fat.
  2. Fruits. All unsweetened types are allowed. Eat an orange or grapefruit for breakfast every day. For lunches, dinners and on certain days, apples, plums, apricots, quinces, pears, and pineapples are allowed.
  3. Eggs. On the menu they are chicken, but you can replace them with quail, increasing the quantity by 3 times. According to the rules, the product is boiled. But you can cook an omelet, fry an egg in a dry frying pan, or bake it in a microwave or oven.
  4. Vegetables. Fruits and roots with low starch content are used. Mainly these are cabbage of all types, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, carrots, beets. The consumption of greens, lettuce, celery, and sorrel is encouraged. If a salad is listed on the menu, it can be prepared from any available vegetables and seasoned according to the rules.
  5. Cheese. Sometimes it is replaced with cottage cheese. You should not choose fatty types and increase the recommended amount so as not to slow down your weight loss.
  6. Fish. Any sea or river is allowed. Fat content doesn't matter.
  7. Bread. On certain days it is allowed to eat toast or dried rye and bran pastries.
  8. Dairy products. Kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt or low-fat yogurt. You can choose according to your taste.
  9. Tuna. Canned food is used in its own juice and is consumed in the last week. You can safely replace it with fish prepared according to all the rules of the diet.

Important! Eating eggs should not be neglected, especially in the first two weeks. They saturate well, supply protein to the body, and prevent attacks of severe hunger.

Chemical diet menu for 4 weeks

It is advisable to study the diet menu for all 4 weeks in advance; you need to prepare for each new day the day before. This will help you avoid breakdowns; you won’t have to worry about a lack of food or replace one dish with another, which is unacceptable for this system. If a serving size is specified, it should not be exceeded. If there is only the name of the dish, for example, salad, then you can prepare it from any fresh vegetables and eat until you are full.

First week of the diet

The most difficult is the first week. The body is being rebuilt, unexpected reactions from the digestive system, rumbling in the stomach, unexpected attacks of hunger are possible. In this case, a warm drink will help; green tea can be consumed in any quantity. Daily breakfast consists of half a grapefruit, but you can eat a whole orange instead. Additionally, 1-2 eggs are eaten without adding fat.

Dinner: fruits
Dinner: meat

Dinner: chicken
Dinner: salad, a couple of eggs

Dinner: 200 g cottage cheese, toast, fresh tomato
Dinner: meat

Dinner: fruits
Dinner: lettuce, meat

Dinner: boiled vegetables and eggs (2 pcs.)
Dinner: fish, any citrus, greens

Dinner: fruits
Dinner: greens, meat

Dinner: chicken, citrus, tomato
Dinner: boiled vegetables

Second week

Breakfast and general rules systems don't change. On some days, instead of morning citrus, you are allowed to eat 150 g of fresh pineapple. It also promotes weight loss and helps diversify your diet.

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Dinner: meat, salad, greens
Dinner: citrus, a couple of eggs, greens

Dinner: cheese, a couple of eggs, boiled vegetables
Dinner: a pair of eggs

Dinner: fish, green leaf salad
Dinner: a pair of eggs

Dinner: meat, citrus and tomato
Dinner: fruits

Lunch and dinner: chicken, fresh vegetables

Third week of the diet

This stage of the chemical diet consists of separate monodays. As the body begins to get used to protein nutrition, metabolism slows down. It's time to give him a shake-up. Everyone's menu fasting day You can create your own, taking into account the list of permitted products. Use vegetables in any form: salads and soups are prepared from them. Total food should not exceed 1.5 kg per day. It is advisable not to take more than 5 meals; breaks between meals are required.

Menu for the third week

Monday: fruits
Tuesday: vegetables
Wednesday: vegetables and fruits
Thursday: fish
Friday: meat, poultry
Saturday and Sunday: only fruits

Fourth week of the diet

The final stage is a kind of return to a normal diet. Despite the variety and new products, it is the most difficult. The risk of dropping out of the race increases near the finish line. There is no exact menu here. For each day of the week, foods are allocated that need to be divided into 3-5 meals, consumed at any time, but do not forget about the rule not to overeat at night. It is advisable to follow general principles proper nutrition and reduce calories in the evening.

400 g meat
rye toast
200 g fish

200 g meat
500 g salad
150 g fruit
a piece of bread

slice of cheese
700 g vegetables
rye toast or 2 loaves of bread

half a chicken
500 g vegetables
citrus and toast

a pair of eggs
500 g tomatoes
200 g fish

400 g chicken breast
200 g fermented milk products
400 g vegetables

can of tuna
400 g vegetables
a piece of bread

Video: How to maintain weight after a diet


The chemical diet has many not only rules, but also contraindications. This technique for weight loss can only be used by adults and healthy people. Moreover, age is of great importance here. The system can cause irreparable harm to children, pregnant women, and people over 50 years of age. IN mature age The activity of internal organs and systems decreases; protein nutrition can aggravate the situation.

Main contraindications to the diet:

  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • postoperative period;
  • hormonal disorders, diseases endocrine system;
  • elevated cholesterol levels;
  • stomach ulcer, gastritis;
  • diabetes.

Food intolerance is of no small importance. The basis of the chemical diet is eggs and citrus fruits. These are very strong allergens that, in large quantities, can cause harm and cause rashes, itching, and angioedema. If any problem occurs, you should immediately stop the diet, take an antihistamine and consult a doctor.

Video: Doctor on the rules of any diet