Works of Ural composers. The history of the creation of the Ural branch of the Union of Composers of Russia. Folk traditions, folklore


Among Russian regions, the Urals stands out for its long musical traditions. Samples of song creativity created in the Urals occupy a worthy place in the treasury of Russian folk art. The past culture of the region is also inseparable from the many years of educational activities of the local intelligentsia, amateur and professional theaters, which introduced the Urals to chamber, symphonic, choral and opera music of Russian and foreign composers. Many interesting facts, events, pages of creative biographies make up the rich history of the musical culture of the Middle Urals. The oldest vocational educational institutions in the Urals operate in the regional center.

  • 3. “The history of music education in the Urals is one of the layers of the spiritual heritage of the region. It has absorbed the creative experience of several generations of folk artists and professional musicians who dedicated their activities to introducing children and youth to music.” S. E. Belyaev
  • 4. Speaking about the musical culture of the Urals, it should be noted that it began precisely with folk art. It was here at the end of the 18th century. They found a handwritten collection of buffoon songs, the author of which is considered to be Kirsha Danilov, whose repertoire is associated with the Ural-Siberian song tradition.
  • 5. “The destinies of a number of major musicians are connected with our region. A very young P.I. lived here. Tchaikovsky; S.P. took his first steps in music. Diaghilev; Folklorists V.N. were engaged in collecting activities. Serebrennikov, L.L. Christiansen. S.Ya. began his creative career here. Lemeshev, I.S. Kozlovsky, B.T. Shtokolov. Here they created their works and formed the Ural school of composers M.P. Frolov, V.N. Trambitsky, B.D. Gibalin and many other composers" In the book. : Belyaev, S.E. Musical culture of the Middle Urals [Text] / S.E. Belyaev, L. A. Serebryakova. – Ekaterinburg, 2005. – p. 8
  • 7. The creative organization of Sverdlovsk composers arose in 1939. The successes of music education in the Urals (the organization of music schools, colleges, and in 1934 - the Ural Conservatory), the creative and pedagogical activities of Ural composers created the possibility of the emergence of the Sverdlovsk branch of the Union of Soviet Composers. Its organizer and first chairman was Markian Petrovich Frolov. Markian Petrovich Frolov
  • 8. The creative activity of Ural composers is one of the interesting pages in the history of musical culture. The works of Ural composers can be heard on concert stages, in musical theaters, and in performances by amateur artists. The songs of Ural composers are addressed to the history of our country and its present day and reflect a wide range of feelings - from high pathos to warm lyricism
  • 9. Vyacheslav Ivanovich Shchelokov Boris Dmitrievich Gibalin
  • 10. Lyubov Borisovna Nikolskaya Viktor Nikolaevich Trambitsky Alexander Grigorievich Fridlander
  • 11. Mikhail Iosifovich Galperin Klara Abramovna Katsman Vladimir Ivanovich Goryachikh
  • 12. Composer E. Rodygin
  • 13. “There are people who love and deeply feel Russian song, discovering in it not only the soul of the people, but also their history. There are also composers who cannot think and feel differently from the people.” E. Rodygin Composers I. Kosmachev (Moscow) and L. Gurevich (Ekaterinburg) congratulate the hero of the day on his 75th birthday Composers V. Sorokin, E. Rodygin and S. Katz
  • 14. Evgeny Lvovich Gimmelfarb
  • 15. E.L. Gimmelfarb performs his songs
  • 16. Goryachikh V.I. – graduate of the Ural State Conservatory. For many years he was the artistic director of the Ural Russian Folk Choir. Member of the Union of Composers, Honored Artist of Russia, Honored Worker of the All-Russian Musical Society
  • 17. The work of Ural composers is notable for its wide variety of forms and genres. They created operas, ballets, symphonies, musical comedies, chamber, vocal and instrumental works, songs, choirs, educational repertoire, and works for children.
  • 18. Outstanding domestic singers are graduates of the Ural Conservatory named after M.P. Mussorgsky
  • 19. MUSICAL THEATERS OF YEKATERINBURG The Sverdlovsk Opera was considered a good school for beginning singers and gave the country many outstanding vocalists. It is noteworthy that both I. Kozlovsky and S. Lemeshev first created their best images on the stage of the Sverdlovsk opera.
  • 20. “I always say that the Sverdlovsk Opera House named after Lunacharsky helped me decide, find my real place in art. And this is not at all that simple. This is a complex and sometimes painful creative process” I.S. Kozlovsky
  • 21. The Sverdlovsk Opera House can be proud of the fact that it contributed to the formation and development of the talent of People's Artist of the USSR B. T. Shtokolov. In the Sverdlovsk opera, B. Shtokolov went from a novice singer to the leading soloist of the opera. Here he created almost all the main bass parts.
  • 22. Yekaterinburg Theater of Musical Comedy is a theater of high musical culture and good taste. The secret of the inexhaustible festivity of his performances is not only in skill, not only in the diversity of talents. There is also a real passion for one’s genre, faith in its possibilities, love for the art and traditions of one’s theater.
  • 23. ROCK MUSIC Rock band “Nautilus Pompilius”
  • 24. No matter how you feel about rock music, one thing is certain - the young people who took to the stages of Sverdlovsk in the mid-80s had a huge impact on their peers throughout the country. We are now proud that among the leaders of the rock movement there were so many Urals people who managed to transfer the innermost feelings of young people into the bright, expressive language of musical images and rhythms. Rock brought new colors to the wonderful world of music. This is the main thing. And, as you know, life is more fun with music.
  • 25. Group "Chaif". 1994 The Agatha Christie group while working on the album “Decadence”. 1990
  • 26. “An appeal to the musicological materials of the last century once again convinces: the musical culture of the Stone Belt of the 20th century is by no means a stage that has been passed and remains somewhere behind. And today the musical heritage of the Urals is objectively an integral part of the modern culture of the region and at the same time the basis for its further development and transition to tomorrow. It is important to constantly remember this...” Zh. Sokolskaya
  • 27. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. LIST OF REFERENCES USED in Yekaterinburg Belyaev, S. E. From past musical education [Text] / S. E. Belyaev. – Ekaterinburg, 1992. – 44 p. Belyaev, S. E. Musical culture of the Middle Urals [Text] / S. E. Belyaev, L. A. Serebryakova. – Ekaterinburg, 2005. – 219 p. Belyaev, S. E. Musical education in the Urals: origins, traditions [Text] / S. E. Belyaev. – Ekaterinburg: UIF “Science”, 1995. – 78 p. Belyaev, S. E. Musical education in the Urals: two centuries of history [Text] / S. E. Belyaev. – Ekaterinburg: Ural Publishing House. Univ., 1998. – 182 p. Belyaev, S. E. Through the pages of the history of music education in the Urals [Text]: favorites. articles and essays / S. E. Belyaev. – Ekaterinburg: Bank of Cultural Information, 2012. – 68 p. Borodin, B.B. Ural composers' organization: history and modernity [Text]: monograph. reference / B.B. Borodin. – Ekaterinburg: Ural Literary Agency, 2012. – 400 p. Operetta invites you [Text] / comp. I. F. Glazyrina, Yu. K. Matafonova. – Sverdlovsk: Middle Ural book. publishing house, 1983. – 160 p. Volfovich, V. Play, Ural accordion! [Text] / V. Volfovich. – Chelyabinsk, 1991. – 133 p. Goryachikh, V. Songs for folk choirs and soloists [Sheet music] / V. Goryachikh. – Ekaterinburg, 2005. – 30 p. Goryachikh, V. Five romances for the female voice [Sheet music] / V. Goryachikh. – Ekaterinburg, 2012. – 46 p.
  • 28. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Goryachikh, V. Romances and songs [Notes] / V. Goryachikh. – Ekaterinburg, 2007. – 32 p. Goryachikh, V. Collection of romances and songs [Notes] / V. Goryachikh. – Ekaterinburg, 2003. – 53 p. Kaluzhnikova, T. I. Song tradition of the Russian population of the Middle Urals [Text] / T. I. Kaluzhnikova; Ural. state conservatory – Ekaterinburg, 2005. – 200 p. Kaluzhnikova, T. I. Song tradition of the Russian population of the Middle Urals in folk knowledge and musical folklore [Text] / T. I. Kaluzhnikova. . – Tyumen, 2002. – 24 p. Kaluzhnikova, T. I. Traditional Russian musical calendar of the Middle Urals [Text] / T. I. Kaluzhnikova. – Ekaterinburg: Bank of Cultural Information, 1997. – 208 p. Katsman, K. Vocal works [Text] / K. Katsman. – M.: Soviet Composer, 1987. – 56 p. Kashina, N. I. Musical folklore of the Ural Cossacks [Text]: educational method. allowance / N. I. Kashina. – Ekaterinburg, 2010. – 101 p. Kozlovsky, I. S. Music is my joy and pain [Text] / I. S. Kozlovsky. – M.: OLMA-PRESS Star World, 2003. – 383 p. Composers of the Urals [Text]: collection. essays / ed. L. Zolotareva. – Sverdlovsk: Middle-Ural. book publishing house, 1968. – 135 p. Konov, A. Boris Shtokolov: creative portrait [Text] / B. Shtokolov. – L.: Music, 1987. – 32 p. Kurlapov, N. I. Constellation of masters of the Yekaterinburg opera [Text] / N. I. Kurlapov. – Ekaterinburg: Road, 1999. – 108 p.
  • 29. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. About music and musicians of the Urals [Text]: scientific method. notes / ch. ed. L. M. Pyatykh. – Sverdlovsk, 1959. – 187 p. Orlov, M. Sverdlovsk rock: a monument to myth [Text] / M. Orlov. – Ekaterinburg: Publishing House “PAKRUS”, 2000. – 176 p. Songs of composers of the Urals [Text] / comp. Zh. A. Sokolskaya. – M.: Soviet Composer, 1985. – 88 p. The Ural sings [Text]: songs of ur. composers/musicians ed. V. I. Goryachikh. – Sverdlovsk: Middle-Ural. book publishing house, 1968. – 163 p. Sverdlovsk State Opera and Ballet Theater named after. A. V. Lunacharsky [Text] / comp. M. I. Kadushevich. – M.: Soviet Russia, 1962. – 48 p. Sokolskaya, Zh. A. Chant about the Ural mountain ash [Text]: reflections on the life and work of Evgeny Rodygin / Zh. A. Sokolskaya - Ekaterinburg: Ural Publishing House. Univ., 2001. – 340 p. Sokolskaya, Zh. A. Musical Ural: yesterday and today [Text] / Zh. A. Sokolskaya. – Ekaterinburg: Ural Publishing House. Univ., 2008. – 808 p. Ural songs [Sheet music] / comp. E. P. Rodygin. – Sverdlovsk: Middle-Ural book. publishing house, 1981. – 144 p. Piano music for children [Text]: prod. ur. composers / scientific ed. B. B. Borodin, L. V. Osipova. – Ekaterinburg, 2006. – 73 p. Keep love [Text]: Dedicated to teaching. and friend E. L. Gimmelfarb / ed. Yu. V. Andronova, V. G. Andronova. – Ekaterinburg, 2006. – 111 p.
  • Birthday February 16, 1925

    Ural composer, author of many popular songs, front-line soldier, Honorary Citizen of the Sverdlovsk Region and Yekaterinburg, People's Artist of Russia


    Evgeny Rodygin was born into the family of accountant Pavel Alexandrovich and housewife Elena Nikolaevna. He spent his childhood in the city of Lysva, was interested in reading, chess, photography, and showed talent for mathematics and music. In 1937 he moved with his parents to Nizhnyaya Salda. By that time, the boy had mastered playing the button accordion and was accepted into a circle led by Mikhail Staroorletsky.

    Shortly before the war, Evgeniy was assigned to the commandant platoon of the 158th motorized rifle division, based in Kalinin. During the war he rose from private to senior sergeant and often performed on the front line. In 1944 he was awarded the medal "For Courage". On April 23, 1945, he was seriously wounded on the Oder River.

    After the end of the war, he entered the composition department of the Ural State Conservatory. In 1950 he graduated from the conservatory, after which he worked with the Ural State Russian Folk Choir. Songs written in the 50s brought popularity to the young composer. He toured the Soviet Union extensively and also visited Poland, Czechoslovakia, and the GDR.

    Now Evgeniy Pavlovich continues to engage in musical creativity; in winter he enjoys winter swimming - swimming in an ice hole in Lake Shartash. In 1998 he became an honorary citizen of Yekaterinburg. The classic song by E.P. Rodygin “Oh, Curly Rowan” is well known.

    Most famous songs

    • Ural mountain ash (Oh, curly mountain ash)
    • New settlers are coming (Hello, virgin land)
    • White snow
    • Where are you running, sweet path?
    • Song about Sverdlovsk
    • My flax

    Music for films

    • In the power of gold (Sverdlovsk film studio, 1957)


    • The space is wide
    • Happiness on difficult roads

    Encyclopedia of the Chelyabinsk region

    Musicians, composers

    Agafonov Vladimir Yakovlevich (b. 06/16/1926, Tyunyan village now Penza region), singer (baritone), honored. artist of the RSFSR (1971). Graduated from the Vocal Faculty of Moscow. state Conservatory (class of L.F. Savransky and S.I. Migai). From 3rd to 5th...

    Adamskaya Valentina Evgenievna (b. 04/20/1933, Baku), violinist, teacher. Graduated from special education music ten-year school at the Azerbaijan State. Conservatory named after Uz. Hajibekova (Baku), in 1956 - music teacher. Institute named after Gnessins...

    Aleksandrova Natalya Evgenievna (b. 04/26/1949, Chelyabinsk), cellist, honored. artist of the Russian Federation (1994). Graduated from special education music ten-year school at Leningrad. state Conservatory (1969), Leningrad. Conservatory (class of Prof. A.P....

    Aleksik Andrey Andreevich Eevich (b. 04/20/1939, Velikie Komyaty village, Vinogradovsky district, Transcarpathian region, Ukrainian SSR), singer (bass), people. artist of the RSFSR (1985). Graduated from the vocal department of Uzhgorod Music. teaching and vocal...

    Amirov Shaukat Sabirovich (b. 05/06/1947, Miass), balalaika player, people. artist of the Republic of Tatarstan, honored. artist of the RSFSR, professor. Graduated from Children's Music School No. 2 in Miass (class of V. Kolodyazhny), Magnitogorsk music school. school named after M.I. Glinka...

    Pineapples Harry (pseud.; present, first and last name: Viktor Valerievich Andrianov; b. 07/2/1973, Chelyabinsk), rock musician, organizer of musical events. Graduated from ChelSU with a degree in philologist-journalist (1995)....

    Andreeva Anna Ivanovna (b. 01/07/1949, Buranny village, Agapovsky district), choreographer, honored. cultural worker of the Russian Federation (1998). Graduated from Chel. cultural education, school specializing in choreography (1969), ChGIK (1985,...

    Andreeva Lidiya Nikolaevna (b. 04/03/1940, Sverdlovsk), musicologist, honored. cultural worker of the Russian Federation (1998). Graduated from the theoretical and composition department of Sverdlovsk Music. school named after P.I. Tchaikovsky (1961), historical and theoretical. f-t...

    Anokhin Georgy Petrovich (b. 05/24/1948, Rivne, Ukrainian SSR), flutist, composer, organizer of musical events. Graduated from Chel. G. P. Anokhin music. school named after P.I. Tchaikovsky in flute class (1971). As a student years...

    Antropov Sergey Leontyevich (06/8/1923, Chelyabinsk - 02/27/2002, Zlatoust), musician, choral conductor, amateur. composer, performer-vocalist, honored. cultural worker of the RSFSR (1970), hon. citizen of Zlatoust...

    Anufrieva (Khabibullina) Nazifa Zinnatovna (b. 08/10/1947, Chelyabinsk), teacher, singer, honored. cultural worker of the Republic of Bashkortostan (1997), Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan (2002). Graduated from Ufa. state institute of science, specialty...

    Apanovich Aza Aleksandrovna (b. 09/24/1925, Orsha, now Vitebsk region, Republic of Belarus), musician-teacher, Honored Worker of the WMO (1995). Graduated from music. school at Moscow. Conservatory (1954), Institute named after. Gnessins...

    Bolodurina Elina Anatolyevna (b. 08/07/1959, Chelyabinsk), teacher. Graduated from ChGIK (1983), assistant internship in Ural. state Conservatory named after M. P. Mussorgsky (1997, specialty “folk instruments -...

    Vazhenin Yuri Mikhailovich (b. 02.28.1940, Chelyabinsk), composer. By the end of school, he had mastered playing the accordion perfectly. In 1958-59 he worked in construction. During his military service (1959-60) he mastered a course in playing the accordion,...

    Varfolomeev Yuri Pavlovich (b. 04/22/1937, Magnitogorsk), clarinetist, conductor, honored. cultural worker of the Russian Federation (1993). After graduating from RU, he worked as an electrician at MMK. To the music I became involved in art by playing amateur. brass bands of the MMK Palace of Culture...

    Vasiliev Vitaly Grigorievich (02/1/1935, Leningrad - 09/30/1994, Voronezh), conductor, teacher, honored. activist in the RSFSR. He graduated from the choir school at Leningrad. academician choir chapel (1953, class of Prof. G. Dmitrevsky),...

    Vaskevich Viktor Stanislavovich (b. 08/05/1948, Emilchino village, Zhitomir region, Ukrainian SSR), musician, teacher, candidate of art history (2000), honored. artist of the Russian Federation (2000). Graduated from Zhytomyr Music. school (1967, specialty...

    Vedernikov Alexander Filippovich (b. 12/23/1927, Mokino village, Kirov region), opera singer, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1967), People's Artist of the USSR (1976), State laureate. USSR Ave. (1969; for concert programs 1967-69). In 1931-47...

    Vladimir Pavlovich Vekker (b. 02.02.1947, Kopeysk), musician, composer, teacher, member of the Investigative Committee of the RSFSR (1981). Graduated from Chel. music school named after P. I. Tchaikovsky in accordion class (1970; teacher P. M. Anokhin), Ural, state. Conservatory named after...

    Veremeenko (Pashina) Natalya Nikolaevna (b. 01/23/1950, Magnitogorsk), pianist, organizer in the higher education system, professor (2001), honored. activist in the Russian Federation (1999). Graduated from Magnitogorsk music school. school (1969, class of Yu. G....

    Vishnivetsky Grigory Semenovich (b. 01/10/1961, Chelyabinsk), singer, musician, composer. Studied as a person Children's Music School No. 5 in FP class (1968). Graduated from the conducting and choral department Chel. music school named after P.I. Tchaikovsky (1989). Since 1983...

    Vlasova Lyudmila Lukyanovna (b. November 14, 1946, Chelyabinsk), singer (soprano). Graduated from the vocal department of Chel. music school (1968, teacher V.G. Rakov), 1973-97 soloist. region Philharmonic. With a concert brigade of muses....

    Voitova Lidiya Vasilievna (b. 07/2/1932, Krasny, now Smolensk region), choreographer, honored. cultural worker of the RSFSR (1990). Since 1952 she lived in Magnitogorsk. In 1958-61 one-day. Studied at Sverdlovsk Law School. in-those...

    Volgusnov Alexander Alekseevich (b. 07/10/1937, Zlatoust), musicologist, teacher, honored. teacher of the RSFSR (1991). Graduated from Chel. music school for choral conducting (1960), conducting and choral faculty (1965, specialty...

    Volfovich Vitaly Abramovich (b. 12/24/1948, Kurgan), teacher, honored. cultural worker of the Russian Federation (1998). In 1974 he graduated from music pedagogy. Faculty of ChGIK; in 1982 - assistant internship in the Urals, state. Conservatory named after M. P. Mussorgsky. WITH...

    Nadezhda Vasilievna Vorobyova (b. 05/2/1953, Streletsk village, Troitsk district), singer (soprano), honored. artist of the Russian Federation (1994). Graduated from the vocal department of Chel. music school named after P. I. Tchaikovsky (1975, class of teachers K. I. Sidorova and V....

    Gabrik Klavdiya Evgenievna (b. 01/10/1925, village of Luzhnikovo, now the territory of the Sverdlovsk region), choral conductor, honored. cultural worker (1990), honored. WMO figure. Graduated from the conducting and choral faculty of Chel. music school (1965). By...

    Gavrilov German Konstantinovich (b. 05/04/1928, Samara), singer (tenor), honored. cultural worker (1995). Graduated from the vocal department of Samara Music. school (1951, class of teacher V.F. Privalov), vocal faculty of Leningrad. conservatory...

    Galeeva Irina (Ilsuyar) Shamilyevna (b. 10/28/1953, Kopeisk), singer (soprano), honored. artist of the Russian Federation (2000). Graduated from Chel. music vocal school (1978, teacher V. G. Rakov), Ufa. state Institute of Art (1987, class of Prof. M. G....

    Galitsky Vladimir Petrovich (11/7/1953, Magnitogorsk - 12/8/2005, Chelyabinsk), pianist, conductor, teacher, honored. artist of the Russian Federation (1997). Graduated from the Faculty of Magnitogorsk Music Department. school named after M. I. Glinka (1972, class A. Ya....

    Galkina Tatyana Yurievna (b. 07/30/1971, Kurgan), teacher, musician (violin). Graduated from the Faculty of Performing Arts, ChGIIK (1998). Combines ped. work at ChGAKI as a senior lecturer in the department of orchestral string instruments...

    Galperin Yuliy Evgenievich (b. 07/25/1945, Kyiv), composer, teacher, member of the USSR Investigative Committee (1983). Prof. received his education at the Kiev Museum of Music. school named after R. M. Gliera and Ufim. state in-those lawsuit-in. Among the teachers of G. com p. M. G. Fradkin....

    Gapeeva Valeria Aleksandrovna (b. 01/31/1940, Miass), musicologist, honored. cultural worker of the RSFSR (1985). Graduated from Magnitogorsk music school. school (1962, now MAGK), Kazan State University. Conservatory (1968). Since 1962, teacher of music history....

    Harteveld Wilhelm Napoleonovich (Harteveld Julius Napoleon Wilhelm; 04/5/1859, Stockholm - 10/1/1927, ibid.), Swedish composer, conductor, folklorist. Graduated from the Conservatory in Leipzig. In 1882-1918 he worked in...

    Gasselblat Maria Vitalievna (1913, Satkinsky plant, Zlatoust district, Ufa province - 1978, Kyiv), music worker, organizer and director. first in the USSR people. music theater comedies. Daughter of V. A. Gasselblat. Graduated 2...

    Irakli Aleksandrovich Gventsadze (b. 02/12/1958, village of Tskhratskharo, Zestafoni district, Georgian SSR), musician, singer, composer, honored. artist of the Russian Federation (1999). Graduated from Krasnodar Music. school (1984), vocal department of Tbilisi State....

    Gepp Rostislav Olegovich (b. November 14, 1951, Zlatoust), musician, singer, composer, honored. artist of the Russian Federation (2004). He started studying music at school and performed at school. ensemble. Graduated from the conducting and choir department of ChGIK (1972). Since 1974...

    Gerasimov Viktor Gennadievich (b. November 1, 1955, Shangino village, Omutinsky district, Tyumen region), musician-instrumentalist, honored. artist of the Russian Federation (2000). Graduated from music pedagogy. Faculty of ChGIK (1978), assistantship-internship at the Gorky State....

    Gerasimova Larisa Viktorovna (b. 03/03/1959, Chelyabinsk), musician-instrumentalist, honored. artist of the Russian Federation (2000), excellent student. Education (1997). Graduated from ChSIIK (1992, specialty “leader of an amateur orchestra of Russians...

    Gessel Mikhail Frantsevich, cellist. Graduate of Leningrad. Conservatory named after N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov in cello class...

    Gibalin Boris Dmitrievich, composer, teacher, professor (1971), honored. activist in the RSFSR (1956) and the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic...

    Gilels Emil Grigorievich, pianist, people. Artist of the USSR (1954), Hero Socialist. Labor (1976), State laureate. USSR Ave. (1946), Leninskaya Ave. USSR (1962). Graduated from Odessa...

    Gitlin Isaac Germanovich (b. November 26, 1919, Chelyabinsk), musician, composer, participant of the Great. Fatherland war. Graduated from Chel. music technical school for violin class (1939). Since 1937 he has been working in Chel. drama theater Since 1948 hands. orchestra, director music....

    Gitlin Revekka Germanovna (08/9/1921, Chelyabinsk - 11/26/1987, ibid.), pianist and teacher. At the age of 11 she was accepted into the class of Prof. A. B. Goldenweiser, one of the founders of owls. FP schools; he has...

    Search by alphabet

    Tatiana Fokina

    Musical director Tatyana Fokina MBDOU No. 16, Miass, Chelyabinsk region.

    Target: to reveal the content of one of the forms of work on the implementation of the regional component of music education in preschool educational institutions - material for music corners for parents and consultations with teachers.

    Task: show the results of a local history search to enrich the content of the regional component of music education in working with parents and educators through music corners and consultations.

    The awareness of the bright uniqueness of the people living next to us, in the same city, region, region sometimes does not come immediately. Sometimes it is believed that outstanding people were born, live and work only in big cities. "Can't be! Great fabulist Ivan Krylov could not have been born in the city of Troitsk in our Chelyabinsk region! He was born in Troitsk, Moscow region!” exclaimed an employee of our kindergarten.

    History of music education in the Urals

    “The activities of musicians - devotees who stand at the origins of music education in the region:S. A. Time, S. V. Gileva, V. S. Tsvetikova, A. D. Gorodtsova, F. S. Uzkikh“is a vivid example of serving the Fatherland, devoting one’s talent to teaching in the name of the high interests of education and undoubtedly deserves the attention, respect and admiration of compatriots: teachers and all those who cherish the Urals and its culture.”

    “Many years later, the founder and first director of the Miass Music School took over the baton of the first Ural musicians and teachers.Ivan Rosly(city of Miass").

    Composers and poets of the Urals

    “It turns out how many composers we have in the Urals!” the employee was surprised after getting acquainted with the portraits and material about the bright and original work of composers - fellow countrymen from the Union of Composers of Russia. “Members of the Union of Composers: Larisa Dolganova, Alan Kuzmin, Tatyana Shkerbina, Nikolay Malygin, Anatoly Krivoshey, Vladimir Bychkov, Georgy Anokhin, Evgeny Gudkov, Dmitry Panov, Valery Nagorny, Victor Kozlov, Elena Poplyanova, Mikhail Smirnov, Alexander Mordukhovich, Rafail Bakirov (Chelyabinsk, Valery Yarushin (Chelyabinsk - Moscow, Yuri Pastukhov, Boris Chagin(Miass, Alexander Mordukhovich, Rafail Bakirov, Vladimir Sidorov (Magnitogorsk, Alexander Mikhailov, Rogneda Odinets (Ozyorsk).”

    "Creativity of composers P. I. Tchaikovsky(Votkinsk - Trans-Urals, Alapaevsk - Yekaterinburg region, Gennady Korotkov(Miass,, Ivan Shutova(Kartaly, Chelyabinsk,Evgenia Stepanova, Lyudmila Semyonova (Chelyabinsk, Valeria Belkina(Ozyorsk, Ivan Pleshivtseva (Kyshtym, Chelyabinsk region, Oleg Kuldyaev(Troitsk, children's song writers, music directorsOlga Sklyar, Tatiana Gracheva, Vera Shvets(Miass, Lyudmila Olifirova (Miass - Moscow, Marina Bystrova (Chelyabinsk,Irina Frolova (Ekaterinburg), Irina Kartashova (Magnitogorsk, teacher at Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University Irina Galyant (Chelyabinsk, poetess Nina Pikuleva, Asya Gorskaya(Chelyabinsk, Lyudmila Chirkova, Elena Ranneva(Miass) is familiar to the children of our kindergarten.”

    “Our students love to listen to songs Valery Nikiforovich Belkin (Ozyorsk) about musical instruments: “Spoons”, “Balalaika”, “Dance” (Accordion), about a cheerful winter holiday - “Carols”, about our beautiful region - “Gray Ural” performed by kindergarten staff, and “songs” - riddles" about domestic and wild animals, birds and insects, they are happy to perform themselves. We are waiting for new songs from the author."

    “Talented Chelyabinsk authors, singer and composer Valery Yarushin and laureate of the regional competition for the best children's book poet Asya Gorskaya presented children and adults with the musical collection “Childhood Aquarium” for family reading and playing music together. Our children’s favorite songs are: “Who combed the birch tree,” “Honey mushrooms went for a walk,” “Classics on the asphalt,” “Star Kaleidoscope.”

    “The children of our kindergarten especially loved the songs included in the collection of vocal works by the Chelyabinsk composerLarisa Valerievna Dolganova: “We are bunnies”, “Autumn”, “Tease of Pig Choka” (Alphabet, “New Year’s round dance”.

    “Song “Say, birch tree” by the composer Troitsk Oleg Vladimirovich Kuldyaev, dedicated to Trinity Komsomol member Tonya Menshenina, who voluntarily went to the front and did not return from the fields of the Great Patriotic War. It captivates with its bright lyricism and has firmly entered the repertoire of the children of our kindergarten.

    In many of Oleg Kuldyaev’s songs: “My Chelyabinsk Region”, “Hail, Russia!” one can feel the author’s undisguised love for the city of his youth, love for his native land, pride in his homeland. The children of our kindergarten especially loved the beautiful song “Ural Side”.

    Article about a local composerG. M. Korotkov presented on the blog.

    Folk traditions, folklore

    Articles “Music in the pattern of towels”, “Bazhov Festival”, “From the history of folk culture of the Urals”, “Folk holiday Ivan Kupala”, “Pokrov”, “Ural Christmastide”, “Ural gatherings and parties”, “Fairs”, “Education” love – singing lullabies”, “Our home is the Southern Urals”, “Ural folklore for children - Alexander Ivanovich Lazarev”.

    “Pokrov is a holiday of autumn weddings. All national holidays were not complete without the participation of children, including weddings. The children played at the wedding and, with comic actions, blessed the newlyweds for a happy marriage. In a brief and cheerful form, the children played out the course of the wedding ceremony: the blessing of father and mother, matchmaking, congratulations to the newlyweds - the “prince” and “princess”.

    “The Ural Yuletide rituals include Yuletide parties, kuteya parties and caroling. For two weeks, from January 6 to 19, the youth of the Ural villages organized Christmas parties, where they played traditional folk games. Yuletide games ended with kisses, which is why they are called “kisses.” They most often dressed up as a goat, a bear, a cow, a wolf, a fox, a crane, an old man and an old woman. Carolers were treated to sweets, cheesecakes (curd balls), concoctions: shangami, kalachi, figured cookies in the shape of a horse, birds, cows, called “kozyulki.”

    “An appeal to the military folklore of the South Urals in kindergarten - the collection “The People's Word on the Roads of War” by an outstanding Russian scientist, folklorist Alexander Ivanovich Lazarev (Chelyabinsk) undoubtedly broadens the horizons of not only children, but also adults, enriches and fills with depth the content of classes and matinees dedicated to Victory Day.

    Other books are also of practical interest to us. A. I. Lazareva. Thus, the reconstruction of the calendar of Ural folk holidays, made by an outstanding local historian, each of which was accompanied by a special type of gatherings and parties, became a guide for us in organizing folklore children's holidays: “New Year”, “Christmastide”, “Carols”, “Kuteynye and kissing parties” , “Maslenitsa”, “Magpies” (Gerasim Grachevnik, “Easter”, “Red Hill”, “Palm Sunday”, “Trinity”, “Ivan Kupala”, “Peter’s Day”, “Apple Saving”, “Honey Saving”, “Kirmash” (autumn fair, “Khlebny Spas”, “Capustnitsa”, “Autumn Gatherings” (“Kopotihi”, “supryadki”, “stockings”, “lapotniks”, “Pokrov”, “Kuzminki”).

    Thus, research A. I. Lazareva in the field of Ural folklore we have found our followers in the teachers of our kindergarten, which allows us to educate our children in the folk traditions of their native land and instill in them a love for the Motherland.”

    With further local history research, I would like to find information about the years of life in Yekaterinburg of the leader and vocalist of the rock group “Nautilus Pompilius” and “U-Piter”, the writer Vyacheslav Butusov, singer Svetlana Lazareva, born in Upper Ufaley, Alexandra Gradsky- singer, songwriter, born in Kopeisk, Chelyabinsk region. Write about the composer, poet Ivan Pleshivtsev(Kyshtym, Chelyabinsk region, Ivan Zaitsev- Ural folklorist, author of the book “Ural Folk Songs”.

    The music corner is made of ceiling tiles and self-adhesive film. Small details: notes, clock hands, bricks, etc. are glued on top, also from self-adhesive film. The picture of the music corner was created by me based on the illustration by the artist A. Gilev from the cover of A. Tolstoy’s book “The Adventures of Pinocchio or the Golden Key.” Chelyabinsk, 1983.

    Encyclopedia of the Chelyabinsk region

    Musicians, composers

    Lemeshev Sergey Yakovlevich, singer (lyric tenor), people. Artist of the USSR (1950), State laureate. USSR Ave. (1941). Graduated in 1925...

    Leonova Larisa Nikolaevna (b. 04/11/1944, Chelyabinsk), teacher, honored. cultural worker of the RSFSR (1992). Graduated from Nizhny Tagil State University. ped. institute (art and graphic department, 1967), ChGIK (cultural and educational department, 1976). In 1967-72 teacher...

    Lips Friedrich Robertovich (b. 11/18/1948, Yemanzhelinsk), musician, teacher, people. Artist of Russia (1994), professor, honored. artist of the RSFSR (1982), honor. citizen of Yemanzhelinsky district (2006). Graduated from Magnitogorsk Musical Institute. school for them....

    Likhobabin Sergey Pavlovich (b. 06/05/1952, Magnitny village, Agapovsky district), singer (tenor), honored. artist of the Russian Federation (1997). Graduated from Magnitogorsk vocational school No. 41 (1972, specialty “electrical fitter”), conducting and choir department...

    Lopukhova Natalya Mstislavovna (b. 02/28/1946, Pervouralsk, Sverdlovsk region), teacher, choral conductor. Graduated from the conducting and choral department of Chel. music school named after P. I. Tchaikovsky (1964, class of teacher Yu. S. Zvonitskaya),...

    Luder Efim Borisovich (b. 04/1/1930, Chudnov settlement now Zhitomir region, Ukraine), singer (tenor), teacher, honored. artist of the RSFSR (1973). In 1956 he graduated from the Ural Vocal Faculty. state Conservatory (Sverdlovsk). In 1965-74...

    Lundstrem Oleg Leonidovich, conductor, composer, nar. artist of the RSFSR (1984), State laureate. RF Ave. (1998). Leader of the world's oldest jazz orchestra (listed in the Book of Records...

    Lysenko Vladimir Dmitrievich (b. 02/21/1948, Chelyabinsk), musician, accompanist. Prof. music He began his career in the jazz orchestra of the DS "Yunost" in 1967. In 1975-78, he was the leading trumpeter of the big band of the PA "Polyot", which became a laureate...

    Lyapustin Nikolai Andriyanovich (b. 06/14/1953, Zlatoust), musician, poet, composer, organizer of music. teams. Graduated from Zlatoust. metallurgist, technical school (1983), folk. department Chel. College of Culture (2003). Mastered the game...

    Makarenko Alexander Vasilyevich (b. 09/29/1946, Chelyabinsk), pianist, teacher, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1997). Graduated from Moscow. Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky (1970), graduate school at the Conservatory (1979, class of Prof. T. P....

    Makedon Vladimir Mitrofanovich (b. 08/03/1938, village of Korsunka, Talnovsky district, Cherkasy region, Ukrainian SSR), conductor, teacher, honored. cultural worker of the Russian Federation (1997). At school spent years studying in the choir, often performing as a soloist; on one's own...

    Regina Olegovna Makedon (b. 02.25.1940, Chelyabinsk), teacher, accompanist, honored. cultural worker of the Russian Federation (1993). Graduated from the Chelyabinsk Music School (1959, teacher R. G. Gitlin), Ural. state Conservatory (1964). WITH...

    Mamonov Viktor Vasilievich (04/27/1949, Bakal - 05/12/1995, Moscow), pop singer. I have been singing since childhood; the first public performance took place in Bakala in 1960; in 1961 M. took part in a concert at the opening of the Palace of Culture...

    Masterova Irina Nikolaevna (b. 08/06/1949, village Skugareevka, Terengul district, Ulyanovsk region), singer (soprano). In 1967 she entered the vocal department of Chel. music school named after P. I. Tchaikovsky (class of V. G. Rakov), in 1975...

    Matveev Nikolai Leonidovich (07/6/1950, Kirov region - 06/13/2001, Chebarkul), artist. Graduated from the Penza art school. school named after K. A. Savitsky (1976; specialty “theater artist”). Lived and worked in Chebarkul;...

    Matveev Yuri Borisovich (b. 01/09/1949, Nizhnie Sergi, Sverdlovsk region), choir conductor, teacher, honored. cultural worker (1989). At school For years he studied in the button accordion club at the House of Pioneers. Graduated from the Sverdlovsk Communist Party of Ukraine (1967),...

    Medvedenko Olga Nikolaevna (07/3/1931, Bobrynets now Kirovograd region, Ukraine - 04/20/2006, Snezhinsk), singer, teacher, director, honored. cultural worker of the Russian Federation (1999). Graduated from the vocal department of the Kyiv...

    Melnikova Natalia Ivanovna (b. 07/22/1944, Gorky), musician, teacher, doctor of art history (2002). Graduated from the Faculty of Arts department of the Gorky Music University. school (1966; class of Prof. I. Z. Friedman), faculty of Moscow. state music teacher in-ta them....

    Nadezhda Ivanovna Menshikova (b. 06/22/1937, Magnitogorsk), singer, choirmaster, organizer of cultural and mass work. In 1957-61 she studied at the choral department of the Magnitogorsk Music. school, at the same time. was hand. and soloist of the choir...

    Minin Ivan Grigorievich (1918, Nizhny Novgorod province - 1988, Kyzyl, Tuva Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic), conductor, honored. cultural worker of the RSFSR (1976), participant of Vel. Fatherland war. In the beginning 1930s M.'s family arrived at Magnitostroy. By...

    Misachenko Alexander Yakovlevich (b. 06/10/1936, village of Rudnya-Kamenevo now Loyevsky district, Gomel region, Republic of Belarus), MMK employee, singer (lyric tenor), honored. cultural worker of the RSFSR (1982). After graduating from Magnitogorsk...

    Miftakhov (Gainanov) Kayum Gainanovich, orientalist, folklorist, participant of the Vel. Fatherland war. Genus. V...

    Mikhailov Alexander Adamovich (pseud. Alexander Mikhailov-Uralsky; b. 02/15/1956, Magnitogorsk), poet, singer, composer, honored. artist of Russia (1995). Graduated from the vocal and conducting-choral departments of Magnitogorsk Music. school...

    Mikhailov Alexander Vasilievich (b. 06/29/1954, Chelyabinsk), accordionist, teacher, composer. Graduated from Ural. state Conservatory named after M. P. Mussorgsky (1978, class of Prof. Yu. P. Klyukin). Since 1978 in music. school (now college) Chel.-65...

    Mikhailov Alexander Georgievich (09/11/1937, Troitsk - 04/30/1996, Moscow), composer, conductor, honored. artist of the USSR, State laureate. USSR Ave. (1985). Graduated from music. school at Leningrad. state conservatory, then Leningrad...

    Vera Filippovna Mikhailova (b. 02/28/1942, Chebarkul), choirmaster. Graduated from the conducting department Chel. music school named after P.I. Tchaikovsky (1965), ChGIK (1978, specialty “director of an amateur academic choir”). WITH...

    Mikhalchenko Valery Vasilyevich (b. 04/05/1941, Chelyabinsk), musician, choirmaster, people. artist of the Russian Federation (2007). Studied as a person Children's Music School No. 4 in violin class (teacher N. N. Levinson). Graduated from the conducting and choral department Chel. music school named after P....

    Mikhalchenko Eleonora Viktorovna (b. 06/19/1937, Piryatin, Poltava region, Ukrainian SSR), teacher, honored. cultural worker of the RSFSR (1985). Graduated from State music teacher Institute named after Gnessins (1964; specialty "teacher...

    Mikhel Valery Aleksandrovich (b. 06/25/1953, Chelyabinsk), musician (percussion instruments), honored. artist of the Russian Federation (2002). Graduated from Chel. music school (1973; now the P. I. Tchaikovsky Institute of Music). Since 1964 he has performed as part of the Russian Orchestra....

    Mishurova Lyubov Aleksandrovna (b. 05/1/1947, Magnitogorsk), teacher, singer (dramatic soprano), honored. artist of Russia (2004). She graduated from the departments of choral conducting (1970; class of V. T. Surnina) and solo singing (1976; class of N....

    Mozheevsky Evgeniy Ivanovich (b. 08/24/1939, Magnitogorsk), musician, teacher, honored. cultural worker of the Russian Federation (1993). Graduated from Magnitogorsk Musical Institute. school named after M.I. Glinka (1959), Leningrad. state Conservatory named after N.A...

    Morgulis Grigory Davydovich [Shmul-Girsh Davidovich; 04.29 (05.11).1877, Tobolsk - 04.10.1942, Chelyabinsk], musician, conductor, theater and public figure. After studying in military music. school he entered the Warsaw Museum....

    Mordasov Alexander Alekseevich (b. 06/14/1951, Temnikov, Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic), director, teacher. In 1970–83, student actor and director. Theater "Mannequin" Graduated from ChGIK (1987), Higher School of Stage Activists. lawsuit under Ros....

    Mordukhovich Alexander Mordukhovich (b. 03/28/1946, Zlatoust), teacher, musician, composer, honored. Russian cultural worker (1995). Graduated from Magnitogorsk Musical Institute. school named after M. I. Glinka (1965), Gorky State. Conservatory named after M.I....

    Moroz Viktor Dmitrievich (b. 03/08/1951, village of Valyavo, Kitsmansky district, Chernivtsi region, Ukrainian SSR), musician, conductor, teacher, honored. artist of Russia (1999). Graduated from Chernivtsi Music. school (1970), ChGIK (1975; specialty...

    Morozov Anatoly Ivanovich (b. 10/24/1938, Beloyarka village now Dalmatovsky district, Kurgan region), choirmaster, honored. cultural worker of the Russian Federation (1996), journalist, member of the Union of Journalists of the USSR (1966), honorary. citizen of Kyshtym (1997). Graduated...

    Morozov Yuri Petrovich (08/22/1938, Rasskazovo, Tambov region - 08/10/2003, Chelyabinsk), singer (baritone), honored. artist of the Russian Federation (2001). Graduated from the vocal department of Tambov Music. school (1960), vocal faculty Ural. state....

    Mravinsky Evgeniy Aleksandrovich, conductor, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR (1954), Hero Socialist. Labor (1973), laureate of Stalin (1946) and Lenin (1961) Ave. Son of a lawyer...

    Mukhatdinov Sharifulla Khadiatovich (b. 02/12/1947, Chelyabinsk), guitarist, teacher, honored. artist of the Russian Federation (2002). Brother of N. Kh. Mukhatdinov. Graduated from Chel. metallurgist. technical school (1966), Sverdlovsk music. school named after P.I. Tchaikovsky (1973)....

    Munster Vadim Germanovich (b. 10/14/1946, Karaganda, Kazakh SSR), conductor, State laureate. etc. in the field of music. lawsuit (1999). Studied at the Karaganda music school. school (until 1965). In 1965-67 teacher in the php class in...

    Myakutin Alexander Ivanovich, military leader, colonel, publicist, folklorist. Colonel's son. Graduated...

    Nagorny Valery Sergeevich (b. 02/16/1954, Chelyabinsk), jazz musician, saxophonist, composer, teacher, honored. artist of the Russian Federation (2000). Graduated from Chel. music clarinet school (1973, teacher G. N. Smirnov), ChSIIK...

    Nazalenova Nina Nikolaevna (b. 05/24/1943, Chelyabinsk), art historian, theater critic, journalist, member of the WTO of the USSR (since 1970). Graduated from GITIS. In 1966-75 and 1977-89 head. lit. part of Chel. Youth Theater. On N.'s recommendation, the repertoire...

    Neuhaus, musicians, teachers. Genrikh Gustavovich, pianist, founder of the school of fp performance, doctor of art history (1940), nar....

    Nenasheva Galina Alekseevna (b. 02/18/1941, Chebarkul), pop singer (contralto). At the end of Wed. school (1958) accepted into the Chel choir. Opera and Ballet Theater named after. M. I. Glinka. In 1961-63 she performed on the music-drama stage. theater g....

    Nesterov Lev Dmitrievich, pianist, accompanist, conductor, composer. Graduated from Orenb. ped. technical school (1930), Orenb. music technical school for piano, conducting and choir...

    Nefedov Evgeniy Nikolaevich (b. 09/17/1970, Chelyabinsk), pianist. Graduated from Chel. music school (1989), Ural. state Conservatory named after M. P. Mussorgsky (1994, class of Prof. E. A. Levitan), graduate school at the Conservatory (1996). During...

    Nechaev Andrey Yurievich (b. 05/20/1957, Sverdlovsk), teacher. Graduated Wed. specialist. music school at the Urals. state conservatory in the special class. FP (1976), Ural. state Conservatory named after M. P. Mussorgsky (1982; class of merit....

    Nikitin Yuri Mikhailovich (02/12/1944, Nizhny Ufaley - 01/1/2001, Verkhny Ufaley), poet, author and performer of songs. He worked as a metallurgist at Ufaleysky. z-de (1959-63); member of the Nizhneufaleysky collective...

    Nikitins, a family of musicians and teachers. Alexander Vasilievich (b. 05/21/1944, Magnitogorsk), choir conductor, teacher, art critic, honored. activist in Russia (2007). Graduated from Magnitogorsk Musical Institute. school named after M....

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