Mass Effect Walkthrough - Citadel. History of Mass Effect. Analysis of the features of all four parts


Eden Prime

After watching the introductory video, we answer the questions of the Joker (pilot of the SR1 Normandy) and go to the radio room. Nihlus, one of the SPECTERS of the Council, is waiting for us here. After talking with him (the game has a reputation system - the kinder (or more aggressive) you treat others, the more experience points you are allowed to pour into the “persuasion” (or intimidation) skill), we meet Captain Anderson and watch the video. Having landed on Eden Prime, we meet Corporal Jenkins and Captain Alenko, after which we go to the rescue of the squad that was attacked. There are no branches here, however, if you suddenly get lost, pressing the “Select” button (“M” - PC, “Select” - X-box 360) calls up a map of the area. Having met the drones, we open fire on them from sniper rifle(my class is “Soldier”, so the further walkthrough will be described specifically for Shepard of this class) - it’s better not to get close to them, as they almost instantly remove their shields. Having made our way to the opposite side of the clearing, we watch the video and study the shot body of Jenkins. Now there is one less soldier in our detachment.

Having distributed the received skill points (I advise you to first pump up the power of persuasion (or intimidation, if you are playing as a bastard), then health or shields), turn right and inspect the containers. Having taken all the items from there (they are placed there randomly, so everything depends only on your luck), we return to the road and continue to move deeper into the location. Having noticed the geth, we clear the clearing and turn right. Having met Ashley, we help her fight off enemies and offer her to join our squad. Williams is an excellent soldier, however, you are unlikely to need her in subsequent missions - there will be much more interesting guys in your squad. One way or another, spend a couple of minutes leveling up her skills - I advise you to improve your rifle skills. Having reached the quarry, we lean against the nearest shelter (unlike the second and third parts in the original, the shelter system is so terrible that it is worth using it only in training) and shoot the geth with their sniper rifle.


Having reached the research base, we deal with the Husks (zombies stuffed with implants) and break open the door of one of the buildings using our uni-tool. The hacking process is presented in the form of a simple mini-game, where we are required to drive the arrow into the center of the circle without touching the red moving elements. Having opened the door, we answer Dr. Warren’s questions and knock out her crazy (but you and I know what he’s talking about, don’t we?) comrade. For this you will receive a couple of points towards the “Renegade” - no big deal, unlike most games (including subsequent games in the series) “ME” allows you to be both good and evil at the same time - the main thing is to complete more side quests and evenly distribute the actions “ Hero" and "Renegade". The doctor will report that the Lighthouse (our goal) was transported to the spaceport a few hours before the Geth attack - we are going there. Along the way you will meet several enemy units, but they are unlikely to cause you problems. Having cracked another lock, we ask the farmers about the incident. They will report that the Geth attacked at the moment when the Lighthouse was supposed to be loaded onto the Alliance ship. Also, one of the survivors will let slip that they were involved in smuggling - convince them to tell you the truth. As a reward you will receive a pistol - a very good one, by the way. Having learned the name of the smugglers' supplier, we turn left and cross the bridge to the spaceport.


After a short video, we examine Nilus’ corpse and ask the surviving worker about what happened here. He will tell you that Nihlus was killed by another turian - Nihlus called him Saren. The problem is that Saren is also a member of the SPECTER squad. Having also learned that this worker is the same supplier of contraband, we convince him to give us the remaining weapons. Having received grenades (an extremely useless thing), we go to the train on which, in fact, Saren departed. Having met with the “Destroyer,” we turn on a tactical pause and use Kaiden’s “Throw” ability. When the robot's shields are turned off, we shoot it closely with a shotgun. Having cleared the train (here you will have to jump a little between shelters - take heart), press the button and watch the video. Arriving at desired station, we go down and start defusing the bombs - they are all marked on the map, so you won’t have any problems. Having finished, we study the Lighthouse and watch the video.


Saren's Exposure

Having woken up on board the SR 1 Normandy, we tell Captain Anderson about our visions, after which we leave the infirmary. After talking with Kaidan and Ashley (later I advise you to communicate with the team after each completed task - sooner or later, each of your party members will give you a quest), we go upstairs and go to the Joker. After talking with him, watch the video and leave the ship. Finding ourselves on the Citadel, we go to the Presidium Tower (you can also just walk around the surrounding area, however, no one will give you additional tasks before joining the ranks of SPECTER) and enter into a skirmish with members of the Council. You can choose any lines - the only thing that will change is the indicators of your “Heroism” or “Villainy”. One way or another, the Council will refuse to expel Saren from the ranks of SPECTER and will demand evidence from you. Well, if you want evidence, you will have evidence. Having gone downstairs, we talk with Udina and Anderson, after which we go to the financial district. Here the first ramifications appear - you can turn for information either to one of the agents of the Shadow Broker, or to an alcoholic who once worked in the Sec. We will go to Barla Vaughn, since we can get much more information from him than from a loser drunk. To move around the Citadel faster, you can use fast travel terminals. Having used one of these terminals, we turn around and run forward - the office we need is located directly opposite the terminal.


After talking with the volus diplomat, we learn that a certain Gerus is also not averse to bringing the traitor to clean water- You can find it in a clinic in a residential area. In addition, Barla Vaughn will tell us that there is a krogan named Rex at the C-Sec Academy, who was ordered by the Shadow Broker to kill Saren. He may have some information, so let's talk to him too. But first, let's go after Garus. Having reached residential areas, we find a clinic and watch the video. Having cleared the room of bandits, we ask the turian about his investigation and offer to join our team. Everything is clear with Garus, let's go after Rex. After talking with the krogan, we learn that a certain quarian woman offered Fist (the owner of Kora’s Lair, a local eatery) to buy from her information proving Saren’s betrayal. This is what we need. Having reached the bar, we clear it of Fist’s fighters, after which we break open the door to his office. Be careful - not only does Fist himself have some kind of titanic supply of shields, but also the entire office is lined with turrets. Having finished, we let Rex kill the reptile and go after the quarian. You can find her in the technical corridor, the door in which is located to the right of the exit of their “Cora’s Lair”. You only have four minutes to do everything, so be careful. Having rescued her, we ask you to show proof and go to the Council. Having received the title "SPECTRUM", we go to the S-Sec Academy and pon


Dr. T, Sony

First of all, let's go to the planet Therum, where Doctor Liara T'Soni is leading the excavation of a Prothean artifact. Liara is the daughter of Matriarch Benezia (one of Saren's assistants), and also an expert on the Protheans. Perhaps she will be able to help us decipher the visions that appeared to us after interacting with the Lighthouse on Eden Prime. Having landed, we climb into the Mako (uncontrolled lunar rover) and drive forward. There are no branches here, so don't get lost. Along the way, you will encounter several walking Geth tanks - it is best to deal with them from afar, using missiles. Having reached the refinery, we get out of the transport and go inside. Several Juggernauts will be waiting for you here. Dealing with them will not be difficult, but first you need to remove their shields with the “Overload” ability (Kaiden, Garus and Rex have it). Having cleared the plant, we search the boxes for weapons and open the gate. Returning to the transport, we climb into it and continue moving. Having stumbled upon a canyon, we get out of the “Mako” - then we will have to stomp on our own two feet. Having been ambushed, we jump behind the nearest cover and prepare for a serious battle. First of all, you need to get rid of the jumper geth. The easiest way to do this is with a sniper rifle.


Having finished with the jumpers, we take on the Colossus. With it you may have problems big problems, however, if you hide from its plasma charges in time and do not stop firing, it will switch off very quickly. After making sure that all opponents are dead, we turn left and run to the stairs. Having gone upstairs, we go inside the cave and watch the video. Finding Dr. T'Soni in extreme unpleasant situation, we agree to help her and immediately jump for cover. Having dealt with the geth reinforcements, we find an elevator and go down one floor. And again enemies. Having finished with them, we go to the next elevator and go down to another floor. You will eventually reach the first floor. There will be practically no geth here, so you don’t have to be too careful. Having launched the miner's laser (down, left, left, down), we pass through the resulting hole and rise to Liara. Having freed her from the trap, we ask the girl about Benezia and go upstairs. Having met with another detachment of enemies led by a krogan, we order our soldiers to shoot the freak. Having finished with the remaining pieces of iron, we leave the cave and watch the video. Liara is a very strong biotic - keep that in mind.


Having landed on Feros, we leave the ship and meet with the local residents. One of them will report that they were attacked by the geths and will send us to the head of the colony - Fai Dan. Having dealt with the arriving pieces of iron, we turn right and go down the stairs - here you will meet with snipers. They are very agile, but are not protected by shields, so it is best to deal with them with a shotgun. Having reached the camp, we find Fai Dan and ask him about the current situation. As the conversation progresses, a squad of geths will appear from the passage behind us. We deal with them and return to the conversation. Having received the next task, we go into the passage where the glands came out a couple of minutes ago. We need to clear the upper floors and disable the signal blocker. Along the way you can do side quests, which can be obtained from local residents. Having climbed up the stairs, turn right and jump for cover. There will be no problems with the geth, but with the krogans there will be no problem. The thing is that krogans have the so-called “Immunity”, which completely restores their health if it falls below a critical level. Fortunately, at least they can use this ability only once. Having reached the blocker, we turn off the signal and prepare to meet the next detachment of enemies. Having finished, we return to Dan and inform him of success. Fi will ask us to go to the Exo-Genni head office and find out why the geth came here. Having reached the elevator, we go down to the lower floor and climb into the Mako.


Ahead long bridge- There will be practically no enemies here. And those that will be can withstand no more than one direct hit from a cannon. Sooner or later, you will stumble upon another camp of survivors. After talking with the head and his assistant, we find out that one of the scientists remained in the head office and that to save some documents, we will be asked to save her. We agree and return to the bridge. Having reached the goal, we leave the Mako and go inside the building. Several enemy snipers will be waiting for you here, so don't relax. Having cleared the garage, we go upstairs and inspect the blocked passage - we need to somehow turn off the power supply in order to move on. Turning left, we jump into the hole in the floor and run forward. Having dealt with a small group of Varen, we meet Elizabeth and ask her about the incident. Having received the key card, we open the previously locked door and go into the dilapidated premises of the complex. Having gone up the stairs, we watch the video and deal with the Krogan fighter. Having finished, we activate the VI using the received card and request information on Torrian. Having listened to all the information available on the computer, we return to Elizabeth and ask (or force) to tell us the whole truth. Having learned that all the people on the planet are infected with the Torrian virus, we contact Joker and order him to prepare to fly away. We need to return to camp, however, the exit is blocked by a force field that is powered by the geth ship's generator. We need to somehow unhook it from the building. Having gone upstairs, we turn left (on the right is the room with the VI - we don’t need to go there anymore) and solve a simple puzzle. We need to activate panels with values ​​11, 17 and 5.


When the doors cut the ship's anchor, we return to the garage and climb into the Mako. Having returned Elizabeth to her mother, we kill the Exo-Genny agent (you can simply convince him that he is bad, but killing him would be more correct - especially since this gives a very meager increase to the renegade) and we get a modifier for grenades, thanks to which you you will be able to deal with distraught colonists without killing them. Returning to “Zhu’s Hope”, we break through to the crane control panel (be careful: there are two types of enemies here: maddened colonists and mutated colonists - you can’t help the latter, so you can shoot them with a rifle without any remorse) and find a secret passage Going down, we find Torrian and watch the video. In the battle against you, Torrian will use mutated colonists and asari clones. With the latter, everything is very difficult - firstly, they have a special ability that instantly depletes your shields, and secondly, they are very fast and dexterous, which is why it is difficult to hit them with a shotgun or a sniper rifle (the two most powerful types weapons in the game) is almost impossible. However, your goal is to destroy the seven nodes of Torrinanin, thanks to which he maintains life. When they are destroyed, the monster will die, and an asari will fall out of a cocoon nearby - in fact, the original clones with whom we fought a couple of minutes ago. After talking with her, we get the “Cipher” (if you have Liara in your squad, then you can witness a very funny dialogue) and return to “Zhu’s Hope”. Mission accomplished.


Having landed on Noveria, we leave the ship (be sure to take Liara with you) and go to the checkpoint. When asked to hand over the weapons, we offer to settle the matter peacefully. When the security system confirms our identity, we turn right and go through disinfection. Secretary Paranisi will meet us near the elevator and inform us that Matriarch Benezia has gone to the Cleft 15 research laboratory. The problem is that it is forbidden to leave the complex, since several hours before Shepard’s arrival, a distress signal was received from the laboratory. You need to talk to the administrator Analeys. Having reached his office, we inform the salarian that we urgently need to get into the “Crack”. Having received a refusal, we return to the reception room and meet Paranisi again. The girl will tell you that you can get to the surface without Anoleis’ permission - for this we must have a special pass. You can get this pass from a certain Lorek Quiin, who is vacationing in the local hotel. You can get there by taking the elevator, which is located to the right of the hanar merchant. From the latter, by the way, you can get a task - an elementary one, but one that allows you to purchase goods with a fifty percent discount. Going up to the hotel restaurant, we find Quiin and ask him to lend us a pass for a while.


The turian is ready to agree to a meeting, however, in return he asks to do him a small favor. Lorek received very important information from his informant, which could send Analeeis to prison. The administrator, of course, doesn’t want to go to prison, and in order to protect himself, he sent his thugs to Quiin’s office. Our task is to go up to him, pick up the data and return it to its rightful owner. The work, to put it mildly, is not dusty. Having reached the elevator (it is located not far from the entrance to the garage), we go upstairs and invite the guards there to surrender without a fight. Two will follow your advice and run away, but the rest will have to fight. Once finished, download the data and go downstairs. And again security. You can say anything - they will still attack you. After making sure that all opponents are dead, we return to Quiin. Along the way, Paranisi will call you and ask you to talk Quiin into testifying against Analeeis. It will not be difficult for players with a pumped-up gift of persuasion, but for everyone else... One way or another, we return to the administrator’s office and watch the video. Now that Analeis has gone to jail, we get the coveted pass and go to the garage. We are good old Mako. Having climbed into it, we drive forward until we get to “Crack 15”. Along the way you will meet geth, however, you will not have any problems with them.

Having made our way into the laboratory, we meet with Doctor Tartakovsky. Yaroslav will tell us about how they brought out an entire army of Rachni from one found egg and how to destroy them, after which they will die. Having cleared the room of insects, we examine the corpse and take access codes from it. Having found Mira's terminal, read the code and watch the video. The neural cleanup will start in five minutes, so we need to get out of here immediately. But first you need to get rid of all the Rachni in the next room. Having finished, we run to the elevator and go down to the Risk Laboratories. Returning to Ventrales, we prepare for battle. It turns out that all this time he was working for Benezia... Having cleared the room, we break the door (or open the key with a card if you have completed all the local side quests) and watch the video. Here, in fact, is Benezia herself. After talking with her, we take out our weapons and prepare for battle with the asari paratroopers. Unlike the same clones from Feros, paratroopers are very flimsy and die literally from one or two hits from a shotgun. The main thing is to dodge their biotic attacks in time. Enemies will advance in waves - after each wave, the Matriarch's forces will leave her. When the asari is completely exhausted, we run to her and watch the video. After a short conversation in which you learn about the power of persuasion of the “Lord,” we kill Benezia and return to the monorail. The task is completed.



Having reached Wehrmeyer, we climb into Mako and land. Having landed, we rush forward, occasionally shooting at the geth rocket launchers. Special attention pay attention to the Colossi - there won’t be many of them, but they can blow up your transport with one or two shots. Having stumbled upon a locked gate, we leave Mako and go up the stairs. There will be several Juggernauts waiting for you here. We turn off their shields using Overload, and then finish them off with a shotgun. Having raised the gate, we return to the transport and continue our journey. A few minutes later you will come across another obstacle. Everything is the same here - even the same Jaggers will be the enemies. Having finally reached GOR's camp, we watch the video and prepare for a serious conversation with Rex. The whole point is that Saren, in some unknown way, found a cure for the genophage, and if his work is not destroyed, then millions of mindless, bloodthirsty krogan clones will join the geth army. It’s not difficult to persuade Rex - all you need to do is entry level persuasion or intimidation. Having finished, we inform Kiraha that we are ready to go into battle and give Ashley as his assistant. After a short video, we choose who to take with us in the squad (Garus and Rex are the best candidates for this) and go on a mission.

Having reached the laboratory, we go down the elevator and inspect the cells. Inside are three crazy Solarians and one normal one. We release him, and then kill him - this will give us a small increase in the “Hero” scale. There are a lot of enemies in the operating room - and most of them are krogan, so be careful. Having dealt with Doctor Droess, we go up the stairs and meet with Ranna Tanaptis - one of those who led the experiments on the Solarians. The girl repents of her sins and asks not to kill her - the choice is yours. Having discovered the next Lighthouse, watch the video and go upstairs. After talking with the Reaper, we return to the elevator and rise to the surface. The bomb has been delivered - all that remains is to launch it. Kaidan will do this, while we go in search of Saren. Along the way, Ashley will contact us and inform us that her squad can no longer hold the defense. At the same moment, we will receive a message from Kaidan, who was attacked by the geth. We have to make a choice - to save either Ash or Kaidan. We'll go get Ashley. Having met Saren, we watch the video and prepare for battle. It won't be difficult to defeat the traitor - five or six direct hits from a shotgun and he's ready. The mission is completed, and there is one less fighter in our squad. However, there is nothing wrong with that, because Kaidan is rightfully considered one of the most boring characters in the Mass Effect universe.


After talking with VI Prothean, we leave the Archive and climb back to Mako. Saren is about to use the channel - we need to stop him. Having caught up with the turian, we fight off three Colossi, after which we turn on five turrets one by one. Having shot down an enemy ship, we move forward, occasionally shooting at lonely pieces of iron. Saren used the Channel and went straight to the Citadel. Let's follow him. Using the teleport, we find ourselves in the Embassies. Going down the stairs, we shoot a squad of geths and get involved in a shootout with Saren. Having lost about twenty percent of his health, Saren will jump from his floating platform and start a conversation with us. If you have well-developed persuasion skills, then you can force a rebellious turian to put a bullet in his forehead. Otherwise, the fight will continue until one of you gives up. This battle, by the way, is much more difficult than the one we took part in on Vermeyer - not only is Saren here armed with a shotgun (last time it was a pistol) and an improved shield, but he also blocks all biotic attacks. When Saren falls down, we jump into the resulting hole and examine his body. When the turian stuffed with implants rises, we kill him again and watch the final video. In it, by the way, you will need to make a choice: Save members of the Council or a section of a residential area from the “Lord”. For some reason, saving the Council is given an increase in heroism, while saving innocent citizens is given an increase in apostasy. One way or another, the story of the first part is over.


After landing at this station, you will meet an ambassador from the people, who is called Udin. It's worth noting that he is not a very nice person, but you don't have to be in a relationship with him. friendly relations in Mass Effect, just be patient and listen to him. After meeting him, go to the council tower, where you will meet him back. On your way there, you can explore the surrounding area. Then, you need to start completing the main tasks in the game "Mass Effect".

Objective 1: Expose Saren
This task is, in fact, the main quest in the Citadel location. After the conversation with Udin takes place, head to the council tower. If you want to get there faster, then sit on one of the vehicles. Once you are there, you will meet Garus, with whom you will certainly communicate. Then head up the stairs to meet Andersen.

After the council pronounces Saren's innocence, the proof of his guilt will fall on your shoulders. To find evidence that can prove his guilt, you will need to complete the following quests in the game "Mass Effect": "Garus" and "Shadow Broker".

Task 2: Garus
The character after whom the quest in "Mass Effect" was named is Garus. It was he who was tasked with finding out all the circumstances in Saren’s case. But Saren managed to arrange everything and get out of it in such a way that the investigator was never able to prove his guilt. Having met with him, discuss all the main points of the investigation and compare notes to understand what evidence is there and what is not. To continue the passage of the game "Mass Effect", you should head to Chora's hideout. Be extremely careful, because on the way to the lair, killers will be waiting for you on the street, for whom the task was set to kill you at any cost. To get to Chora's hideout, you need to eliminate all the killers. After the fight, go to the bar, where another character from the game "Mass Effect" - Harkin - will be waiting for you. He's certainly not much of an assistant, but he definitely has information about Garus' whereabouts. He will tell you that you can find Garus at Dr. Michelle.

Continuing the passage of "Mass Effect" head to the clinic, where you will have to work hard to clear it of enemies. More precisely, when you go inside, you will be in wait for four opponents who need to be destroyed. After that, go to Garus and talk to him. After talking, Garus will certainly want to join the ranks of your squad. That's it, this completion of this quest in "Mass Effect" will be over. Also, it is worth noting that you can purchase additional upgrades for your armor from Dr. Michelle. If you don’t have regeneration yet, then be sure to make a purchase.

Task 3: Shadow Broker
The main occupation of this character in the game "Mass Effect" is trading information. The main assistant in the Citadel location is a certain Barl Vaughn. This is a person who works in a bank in the financial zone. You definitely need to find him and talk, and maybe he has any information about Saren. You can find it in the bank. The only bonus that talking with him will bring is completing the next quest in the game "Mass Effect". The main task you will receive will be that you need to find the krogan assassin Wrex. It was he who was tasked by the Shadow Broker to find Saren. Vrex can be found in a certain academy called "C-Sec". Hurry there and find him. After you communicate with him, he will become your ally, joining your ranks.

Task 1 - continuation
With the likes of Garus and Wrex at your disposal, it's no longer so scary to go to Chora's hideout. What a surprise - in place of the bar there is already some kind of shooting gallery, controlled by a certain “Fist”. When completing this task in the game "Mass Effect", you should first eliminate the guards, first leaving your like-minded people aside. I advise you to immediately show who is the boss here, throwing away all intelligence, because “Kulak” has long been notified of your visit. Quickly regroup and go inside. When you enter the room, immediately hide behind one of the many covers to effectively clear out opponents. Be careful and take a good look at the alcoves on the left side and the raised area in the center of the bar, as there are also enemies there that are quite easy to miss. Eliminate them. To find "Fist", you need to go through the very last door at the end of the corridor. But there will be another guard in front of her, who must be destroyed before entering.

When passing this test in the game "Mass Effect", you first need to decide whether you will deal with the "Fist" yourself or involve your team. It is worth noting that this is a very dangerous enemy, and besides, he is under the cover of such weapons in Mass Effect as turrets. So he won’t really wait until you are done with him, but he will want to quickly deal with you. Of course, it’s worth going to it with your team, which can be given the task of neutralizing the turrets. It is worth noting that you can get experience points for neutralizing turrets, so take this task seriously. When the turrets are finished, head to the Fist.

In the further passage of the game "Mass Effect", before the death of the villain, it becomes known that he captured the Querian Tali. If you fail to find her in time, she will die. There is very little time allocated for searching - only 4 minutes. First, you need to grab the disk lying on the body of the “Fist”, it will come in handy a little later, and then head to the safe. By hacking it, you will receive long-awaited upgrades. Only then run to save the captive.

In this short period of time, you should find yourself in an alley located near Chora's lair. But the problem is back - the bar is again crowded with opponents. Of course, in order to continue the passage of "Mass Effect" and break out, you will have to work a little and clear the bar. When you find yourself on the street, head to left side until you see a ladder that you need to climb. This way you will find yourself in an alley. Only if you listen to all the recommendations will you be able to protect Tali from the assassins who were sent to eliminate her.

It is worth noting that these characters in the game "Mass Effect" have one insidious feature - powerful abilities that can disable your weapon. In order to successfully complete this challenge in Mass Effect, you need to quickly take cover so that you can focus on one enemy. I advise you not to get close to them, and to take on another only if the first one has been eliminated. After you eliminate two opponents, find Tali and talk to her. She will tell you some details. Tali will then join you. And you, in turn, will find yourself with the captain of the ship and the ambassador, take the opportunity and show all the collected materials. After talking with them, go to the consul.

Continuing the passage of "Mass Effect", leaving the room, head to the left side and find the stairs to go down. Once you are at the bottom, there will be a vehicle in front of you, with which you will quickly find yourself near the council tower. Captain Andersen will be waiting for you near her, with whom you should talk. Then, accompanied by him and the ambassador, go to the consul. When you get there, you will have a long conversation. To get more experience and the title of spectrum, you need to give priority to the first answer that will fall out of the list.

Additional Citadel Challenges

If you can pass these challenges, you will receive additional experience, but they are not mandatory. I advise you to go through them, since experience is the main requirement, without which leveling up the hero is impossible. Let's take a closer look at these quests and their successful completion in the game "Mass Effect". Pull yourself together and pay attention, then you will succeed.

Task 4: Finding the Guardians
When you find yourself in the tower building, go in search of Chorban, who will give you the task of finding the guardians. There are 21 people in total. All of them are located on the territory of the location. You will need to find them and scan them. Regarding experience, it will increase with each guardian found. Below there will be a numbered list with their locations. Of course, you can search for them not strictly in order, this does not affect anything, including the success of completing “Mass Effect”.

So, you can find the first four guardians in the following towers:
- the first - in the eastern part of the location;
- the second - in the one located next to Chorban;
- third - in the north-west of the location, in the corridor on the side;
- fourth - not far from the consul's reception, southern part of the location.

The following eight guardians are on the podium:
- first - in the northern part of the location, behind the hall where the ambassadors meet, there is a small corridor;
- the second - in the western part, there is an elevator in the tower, in the room next to it;
- the third is waiting for you in the southeast, where the entrance to the Consort’s chambers is located;
- the fourth is located near the guardianship headquarters, in the northwestern part of the location;
- fifth - in the southern part of the location, a little east of shopping center, which is located near the stairs that lead to the bridge;
- the sixth sits in the northeastern part of the location, in an office called “Volus and Elcor”;
- seventh - a little south of the shopping center, on the stairs;
- You will find the eighth in sector “C”, there is a small room a little northwest.

Six more guardians are located on the territory of Opeka:
- the first is located outside, near the medical facility;
- the second is located on the northwestern alley;
- the third one stands at the elevator leading to the academy;
- the fourth one is waiting in the corner of the western side of the location;
- the fifth is hiding in one of the rooms of the presidium. Find the elevator and go down, so you will get to the presidium;
- the sixth is located inside the stream, in the room that is the first from the top, if you go up the stairs.

The penultimate two guardians are waiting for you at the academy:
- the first - in the official’s office;
- the second is in the transport department.

But the last guardian can only be found in the docks, which can only be entered from the academy premises.

Task 5: Zhdakhlid's fears
When completing this task in the game "Mass Effect" you will have to meet with Jahlid. It is located in the academy building, go there and chat. The relationships between the characters in Mass Effect are quite tense, and so is the relationship between Jahlid and Chorban. The first, during the conversation, will make a statement that the second wants to kill him. Therefore, Jahlid will ask you to go to meet Chorban and talk to him. Be sure to comply with his request, and then return.

Mission 6: Consort Asari
To successfully complete this stage in the game "Mass Effect", you should head to the northeastern part of the presidium, straight to the consort's apartment, where you will meet Sha"ira. Talk to her and she will ask you to go to Chora's lair to place in the place of the person who is gossiping about her. Head there and find this villain Septimus. He will be waiting for you at the table. I advise you to simply talk to him and ask him in a human way not to spread rumors. With the good news, return to him. Sha"ire, and get a bonus. There is one more point: when you go to Septimus, on the way you will go to the embassy, ​​at the request of Sha"ira, and take something there. It is this moment that will become the starting point for completing the task in the game "Mass Effect", called " Kheltan's complaints."

Task 7: Kheltan's Complaints
Finding this character from the Mass Effect game will not be difficult, since he is waiting for you at the Presidium Embassy. When you meet, talk to him about what Septimus asked. After the conversation you will be rewarded.

Task 8: Fan
You can find Conrad Werner in the place where the upper stores are located. So, by the way, if you reward him with your autograph, he will be happy and offer to treat you to a drink. To continue completing the quest in the game "Mass Effect" you will need to leave the Citadel location for a while. For example, you can fly and explore the vastness of the Universe, and then return back. It is worth noting that you will find Werner in the same place. After talking with him, leave the location and return. Upon your return to the Citadel, Werner will ask you to appoint him as a spectrum, but do not fall for his tricks. To quickly silence him, I advise you to use this type of weapon in "Mass Effect" like a pistol. Just wave it in front of his face and he will certainly stop insisting.

Task 9: Reporter's Request
When you go up to the upper part of the location, where the shops are located, you will meet Emily Wong. During the conversation, he will ask you to get her documents that will make it possible to bring the case of organized crime and corruption to the end. To be more precise, she needs the disk that you grabbed in the place where you killed “Fist”. When she receives them, you will be rewarded. I advise you to take this moment and interview her, of course, if you have enough experience in the art of seduction. This will give you the opportunity to earn some more money.

Task 10: Signal Tracing
To be able to complete this mission in Mass Effect, first begin research that is suspicious, slot machine. Recently there were rumors that someone is cheating and is transferring other people's funds to their account. You need to go to the presidium premises, use the elevator. After stopping the lift, when you get out of it, you will find the alarm relay using the map. The third relay can be found a little behind Borla Von. Then go straight to the Exporium, where you will find the third and final relay. You will have to act very quickly, because the artificial intelligence will be dissatisfied with the fact of its detection. After it starts the self-destruction mechanism, you will be faced with a rather difficult task - to have time to press those buttons that can cancel the self-destruction. If you complete this task in the game "Mass Effect", you will be rewarded with experience points and a small amount of money.

Task 11: Rita's sister
You need to go to the "Stream" and chat with Rita, who will give you a task. Since she is in good relations with her sister in the game "Mass Effect", she is very worried about her, since she works at Chora's bar. It is worth noting that Rita’s sister, Jenna, is also an informant for sector “C”. When you go into the bar and find her, she will refuse to talk to you. When you return, you will meet another Mass Effect character - a man named Chellik. He will want to meet you at the academy. You should go there and chat. Chellik will definitely ask you to find Jax, who is located on the lower level of the location, not far from the shops. From him you will have to pick up illegal weapons in "Mass Effect".

To get him, you have two options: bribe him or use force by arresting him.

Task 12: Returning Home
After Tali joins the ranks of your allies, you will meet another Mass Effect character - Samesh Bathia. He has a request for you to find the body of his late wife. After she died on Eden Prime, the military never returned her body for cremation. He is interested in the reason for this action.

To complete this challenge in Mass Effect, you should head to the bar, which is located in the northwest part of Samesh. This is how you can find a certain Bosker. He will tell you that the body of Samesh’s wife was not returned because scientists are conducting experiments on it to come up with perfect ways to protect themselves from opponents. Now you should take advantage of all your charm and use it on Samesh or Bosker. It is worth noting that with Samesh the situation is a little more complicated, but you can get more experience than with Bosker.

Task 13: Shell
After you deal with the "Fist", you need to go to the "Stream". Only there you can meet a man called Shell. As soon as you meet him, you will receive an offer to purchase from him a special device that can predict the outcome of a game called “Quasar”. There is one point - the device is not yet completed, for complete assembly it is necessary to assemble additional information about the game. To complete this task in the game "Mass Effect" you will have to go to a bar with this device, because that's where you can play this game a couple of times. Although it is not perfect yet, it will significantly increase your chances of winning.

You have two options - give this device to Doran, who will reward you with experience and money, or still play a couple of games, and after collecting data, come to Shell. From him you can get a lot more experience points. The choice is yours.

Task 14: Dr. Michelle
When you meet her, you should proceed to her office to receive your next task. She will tell you that she is constantly being blackmailed. And if you help her, she will tell you some information about a merchant named Morlan. Continuing the passage of "Mass Effect" you should definitely go to meet him. Along the way you will meet the blackmailer Dr. Michelle, eliminate him. When you reach Morlun and talk to him, do not forget to find out information about Bane. But, unfortunately, he knows nothing about him. Then go back to the doctor, who will be very grateful to you and give you a discount in the store. She will also tell you some information regarding Bane and send you to Captain Andersen.

Hello, dear ladies and gentlemen. I am glad to welcome you to the ranks of the Alliance. I happened to play the English version, so the translation of some names may not coincide with the localization.


You start out aboard the Normandy, an Alliance ship. Your first conversation will take place with the pilots of this ship. In this dialogue, you will easily become familiar with the conversation system in the game, and if you have played “Knights of the Old Republic” before, then the system will be completely familiar to you. Building a dialogue will affect not only your interlocutors and their actions, but also your reputation, so watch your language and don’t blurt out too much. Talk to the pilot and his assistant, and then begin to move along the ship towards the stern. Along the way, you can talk to Navigator Presley, Doctor Chekwas and Corporal Jenkins to get some information and gain a little experience. After this, you can go to the menu and distribute your first skill points. Having reached the end, talk to Captain Andersen and his friend, after which your introduction will end and you will find yourself on the planet.

Eden Prime

Your first partners will be Jenkins and Kayden Alenko. Jenkins is an excellent soldier, but Alenko can use biotic attacks. Unfortunately, he has no combat skills, so you will have to take on this difficult task. Give him experience points in first aid and barrier skills. He will be able to activate the barrier automatically as soon as he comes under enemy fire. Well, now we will introduce ourselves great case practice fighting. Go forward and you will come across flying androids, these are weak enemies and dealing with them will not be difficult. Their main task is to let you practice and become familiar with the combat system.

Move through the first location, destroying enemies. A little ahead, in the water, you will find the first chest with goods. He will be right in front of you, so you won't miss. Before going further, turn right into a small dead end. There you will find the first upgrades. Now you can move on. Advance until Jenkins catches an enemy blow. Now you have to be especially careful. These enemies have special weapons that are not hindered by your shields. If you're not careful, they can defeat you.

Don't get close to them and shoot until they are destroyed. Now go over and check Jenkins' body before moving on. Move forward, killing all the enemies you meet along the way, not forgetting to check all the chests and containers you encounter for useful things. If you're lucky, you'll soon receive new level, so don't forget to check your menu. As soon as you get a level, distribute the points. Having walked forward, you will come across Ashley. There will be enemies again, they need to be destroyed, with Ashley’s support, this will not be very difficult. Williams fleeing from enemies. Rescue her and she will join you. By the way, she will make an excellent replacement for Jenkins as a soldier. Increase her skill with an assault rifle, and also upgrade her soldier skills so that she can regenerate health.

Not far from Jenkins you will find chests with equipment. Search them and take away what you need. By this time, you most likely already have the Scorpion light armor. If you have the skill to wear armor, and you are not wearing anything yet, put on the armor, it will become great help in the first stages.

Go forward, you will come to a quarry. There will be enemies here again, they need to be destroyed, with the support of Ashley, this will not be very difficult. By the way, in this location you can get acquainted with the shelters. The mechanics are somewhat reminiscent of Gears of War. My advice for the future is to try to use cover whenever possible. Shelters will provide a bonus to defense.

Once you reach the research village, you will find several resurrected enemies. They will naturally be interested in you. Their most annoying trait is their ability to overload your shields with electrical shocks. Run as far as you can, and then periodically use Cadon's throw to knock someone to the ground, while still shooting at others.

After getting rid of the enemies, go deeper into the camp to open the door with a combination lock. Save your game before attempting to open it. The hacking process comes down to pressing the required buttons. The main thing is to press the buttons displayed on the screen in time. If, for some reason, you don't do it the first time, you'll lose 25 Omni-Gels, so it's best to load from a save and try again.

Once you get inside, you will meet Dr. Warren and her crazy assistant. If you can successfully get her to talk, she will tell you the details of the attack and explain what is happening. After talking with her, we go to the spaceport.

Make your way to the spaceport through the hill. Destroy enemies along the way. Note that they are standing next to exploding containers. Agree, it’s much easier to kill them this way, but you’ll still get honey mushrooms. There will be a door a little ahead, pick the lock and you can talk to the farmers. A little further you can get an excellent pistol, and don’t forget to search the house, there’s also a combination lock there. Travel to the spaceport to find Nihlu's corpse. Before you search it, look at what’s inside the nearby first aid kit, and also pick up upgrades behind the burning fire. When you examine the corpse, the person standing next to you will tell you what he saw. If you can, try to push him and you can get some grenades.

Start making your way to the train station. Please note that there will be many enemies here, but take a closer look. You see containers with plasma, shoot at them, and they will explode, taking to the next world the enemies who happen to be nearby. The biggest trouble can be caused by a heavy destroyer; it moves towards the middle of the train. You should kill him as quickly as possible, keep in mind that if he gets close to you, you will be in big trouble. In this case, use the throw ability to knock him down and run to the train, where there may still be undead enemies. The battle can be somewhat problematic, so save before it and if something happens, you can replay it.

When you get to the next star dock platform, you will find that the enemies have decided to blow up the entire place. And again, the bad thing here is that they are not at all interested in self-preservation, the main thing for them is to protect the charges from you. The battle with them will be much more difficult than all previous ones, because... this time they are well organized, they have shock weapons and even a couple of snipers. You won't be able to break forward. Hide in cover, shoot, and move on. The main thing is not to rush and then you will easily defeat them.

Having dealt with the enemies, go to the other end of the spaceport and kill the remaining enemies there. Now you can search around the surrounding area. Check all chests and containers. After searching everything thoroughly, you can go to the lighthouse, after which the mission will end.

Return to Normandy

After talking with Andersen, go out to the main hall and talk to Ashley and Kayden. It is not necessary to talk to them, but it is better to do it anyway, then you can receive their gratitude. You can then check the communications and navigation rooms for additional information. When you're ready to continue, go to the Joker, after which you can head to the Citadel.


You will land at the station and immediately meet with the human ambassador, Udin. He is not a very pleasant person, but what can you do? When he meets you, he will tell you that he will be waiting for you in the council tower. You need to head towards the tower, but once you have freedom of movement, you can explore the area. Below are the main tasks that are critical for completion.

Objective 1: Expose Saren

This is essentially the main quest that you must complete while in the Citadel. So, after talking with Ambassador Udin, go to the council tower. To get there faster, use a special transport system. Once you get there, talk to Garus, then go up the stairs to find Andersen.

It's a pity, but the council will consider Saren not guilty, so the search for evidence of his guilt will fall on you. Searching for clues will lead you to the need to complete the quests “Garus” and “Shadow Broker”. So, first, let's deal with the first quest.

Task 2: Garus

Garus is an investigator whose task was to understand Saren’s affairs. However, Saren very successfully built a web of lies and confused everything so much that Garus was never able to convict him of anything. You can discuss your notes with him and compare who has what. Now head to Chora's lair. There will be killers waiting for you on the street, whose task is to stop you at any cost. You'll have to kill them if you want to get there. Having dealt with the enemies, go into the bar, Harkin will be sitting at a table there. He's not much of a helper, but he knows where to find Garus. It turns out that Garus can be found at Dr. Michelle.

Go to the clinic and clear it. There will be four enemies inside that require your attention. But now you can talk to Garus. Garus will join your squad and the mission will be completed. Oh, by the way, Dr. Michelle sells armor upgrades, so if you don’t have regeneration, you can buy them from her.

Task 3: Shadow Broker

A shadow broker is engaged in trading information. And here, in the citadel, he has an employee - Barl Vaughn, who works at a bank in the financial zone. Perhaps he knows something about Saren, so let's talk to him. Head to the bank and talk to him. The result will be that he will give you the next quest in the chain. You need to find Vrex, a krogan assassin who was supposed to find Saren on instructions from the Shadow Broker. He is currently at C-Sec Academy. Head there and find him. After talking with you, he will decide to join your team.

Task 1 – continuation

Now that we have both Garus and Wrex on our team, it’s time to take a walk to Chora’s lair. Unfortunately, the bar is closed and turned into something resembling a shooting gallery, and “Kulak” has settled here. Leave your companions outside and deal with the guards. “Kulak” and his guards are aware that you have come for him, so there is no point in being delicate. You can regroup and go inside. There will be enough enemies in the main room of the bar, but there is also plenty of cover here, so hide and calmly destroy the enemies. After that, pay attention to the raised platform in the center of the bar and to the alcove on the left, there will also be enemies there, but they are easy to miss. Kill them too. At the far end there will be a door, you go there. However, it is worth noting that there will be another enemy there; by killing him, you will completely open the way to the “Fist”.

Here you can again decide whether to go inside with the team or deal with all the problems yourself. But keep in mind that the “Fist” will not just stand there and wait for you to deal with it, it is dangerous in itself, and then there are two turrets covering it. A team can be sent to deal with the turrets. By the way, they give you experience, so it’s better to deal with them first, and only then kill the “Fist”.

Before her death, it turns out that the “Fist” has captured the Querians and she will die if we don’t have time to find her. We only have 4 minutes for everything. So, first take the data disk from the dead man, you will need it later. Then hack the safe, there will be useful upgrades there. That’s it, now let’s run to the aid of the Querians, by the way, her name is Tali.

So, in four minutes you must get out to the alley near Chora’s lair, but the bar is already filled with enemies again. Well, you'll have to cut your way out. Once outside, go left and then up the stairs to reach the alley. If you do everything correctly and get to the place on time, you will be able to engage in battle with the assassins sent to kill Tali.

These killers are not so simple, because... can disable your weapon using their abilities. Use cover and focus on only one enemy. Try to keep your distance from them and start fighting the next enemy only after the previous one is killed. There are two enemies in total. Once both enemies are killed, you can talk to Tali and learn some details. Tali will join you, and you will decide to show the materials to the captain and the ambassador first. You will be in front of them automatically. Talk to them, now you can go to the consul.

Exit the room you are currently in, turn left and go down the stairs. A little ahead you will see transport, it will help you get to the council tower faster. You will find Captain Andersen at the tower, talk to him, and he will go with you to the consul. The Ambassador will also join you. The dialogue will be long, and in order to earn experience and get the title of spectrum, you must always choose the first answer from the list provided.

If you are having problems with passage of the game Mass Effect, you can always use our advice and information to take action. We describe in detail the steps that need to be taken to completely complete the game. Mass Effect. In the most difficult places we add pictures that can help you. Mass Effect Walkthrough read on our website.

This walkthrough is dedicated to the main story quests. For tips and additional missions, go to the advice section.


After talking with Joker and Alenko, we go into the meeting room and watch the video.

Eden Prime

The mission begins with a landing on one of the human colonies. Objective: find out what happened to the colonists. We run forward, periodically shoot back, watch a couple of videos. In principle, there are no difficulties yet; they can, although unlikely, begin on a quest with defusing several bombs - we find, eliminate the danger, reach the lighthouse. This completes the first task.


After we move away from the unpleasant and extremely strange contact with the lighthouse, the Normandy will dock with the Citadel - a symbol of universal prosperity and the power of the Council. First of all, we talk to the Ambassador of Udina, head to the presidium, explore its sights if you wish, you can complete a couple of side tasks that are in no way connected mainly by the line. When we get to the council tower, we will enter into dialogue with a turian named Garrus, then with Andersen. We go up to the podium of the council meeting and make sure that no one believes us or our words.

Branch: Find Garrus

An idea arises to involve the turian Garrus in the investigation, who can help expose and catch Saren. On the express citadel we go to the bar “Kora’s Lair”, there we talk with Harkin. After which we go to the medical block in the Residential sectors to talk with Doctor Michelle. A small shootout will begin, Garrus will help us. Together we will go back to that strip bar - they are already waiting for us. We deal with the bandits, reach Fist; from him we learn about a certain quarian who was interested in the Shadow Broker. What to do with Fist is up to you, but as quickly as possible, go to the meeting place between the quarian and the Shadow Broker's people. After we help her, she will provide the adviser with evidence that Saren is guilty of the attack on Eden Prime. Along with this audio recording, we head to the council meeting. There we will become the first human Specter. After this, I recommend going to the Security Center office, where the krogan Rex will be standing by the elevator - he will thank us for Fist and offer his help. We take it with us, board the Normandy and select the next planet to land on.

Finding Liara

The supposed place where researcher Liara may be located is the Tau Artemis cluster, Knossos system, planet Therum. The mission itself is quite simple to complete: we drive, shoot at the geth, and get to the excavation site. At a certain moment you will have to get out of the transport and fight your way through on your own two feet. We go inside the building, go down the elevator, and find the blue-skinned Liara T'Soni. We go down below, turn on the drilling rig, completing a small mini-game. Next we shoot all the hostile synthetics. Mission completed. A council will be convened on Normandy, where we will talk a little about the past mission.


Upon arrival on this cold planet in all respects, we talk with the local security service, head to the customs post and learn that the same Matriarch Benezia has long been on Noveria and is now on the so-called “Height 15,” access to which is temporarily closed to us. By gaining access we begin our quest. Find Lorik Keen sitting at a table in a cozy cafe. He has the pass we need - we complete his task and receive the promised reward. Gianna Parasini, who is actually some kind of agent, can also help in obtaining a pass. In general, we get a pass and go to the garage. In case of difficulty, no one forbids you to use the card. In the garage we shoot at the geth a little and get into our mobile Mako. There, on the surface, there is severe cold and blizzard. The ride itself is no different from that in the mission to save Liara. We reach the hangar and walk.

Along the way there will be several decryption episodes that will not cause any particular difficulties. Next we will meet rachnei - highly intelligent beetles. We deal with them and go to the elevator. You will need to restart the VI, for this you need to either select a combination of numbers manually, or spend 100 units of uni-helium (if you do not have enough of the latter, you can recycle things into inventories). If we don’t want to spend money, then here is the required combination, each digit of which is responsible for the block number

1 2 1 3 2 3 1 2 3 1 3 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 2 3 1 3 2 1 3 1 3 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 2 3 1 3

We talk to VI, find out everything we think is necessary and receive three similar tasks: repair VI terminals, the monorail and the reactor. First of all, let's deal with the reactor. We go down the elevator, shoot back from the enemies, activate the fuel supply, and return to the VI.

We are heading to the place where the landline communication lines broke down, this place is easy to find on the map, don’t get lost. There will be a small mess waiting on the spot, let’s take part and fix it. We return, decipher the cleaning terminal, and go to the monorail.

Station "Rasselina"

On the spot we have a conversation with the commander of a small detachment, complete side quests if desired, go down the elevator and watch the video where Benezia appears. The battle with her takes place in several stages, complicated by asari reinforcements. But, to be honest, it won’t be too difficult to get through. After the murder of the Matriarch, we will be faced with a difficult choice - to save the Rachnei race or end it here and now. The choice is yours. There is nothing else to do on Noveria.


After the video, we go to the meeting room, disembark on Feros, communicate with David and his interlocutor, after which an unexpected attack of the geth will begin. We deal with all the enemies, go to the point on the map, upon completion we return and receive four tasks from the colonists. For details of these assignments, contact the following people:

Maka Doyle - water;

David Reynolds - food;

May O'Connell - electricity;

Jan Newstead - geth in the tunnels. We do this first, and the three previous ones will be completed in time. To provide the colonists with food, we kill the Varren leader, and to provide electricity, we take out the necessary parts from the broken transport. To restore the water supply, we need to activate several valves, but we destroy the geth along the way. We return to the people who gave us the tasks, go to the air highway, get into the Mako and rush forward, of course, shooting back along the way.

At a certain point, we abandon our truck and go on foot. Soon we find Elizabeth, who will give us the access card. We run along corridor locations, shoot back from the geth, kill a particularly violent and, apparently, authoritative krogan, and talk with the VI. When we get to the door control panel, we enter the following values: 11, 13, 7. Activate the door. Now the energy field has disappeared, let's return. We use the console marked on the map and return to Mako. We sit down and go to the spaceport. On the way there will be a decent amount of resistance from the geth colossi and ordinary fighters. We stop at the gate, exit the Mako nearby, activate the door console - various creatures will fall out of there, so it will be easier to shoot them by getting back into the Mako; do not touch the same ones near the elevator, otherwise the mission will fail. They need to be stunned with special sleepy grenades, the ingredients for which we were recently given. In the inventory we equip the grenades with nerve gas. We do this with all the colonists on the way, but don’t spare the rest.

When all the colonists are put to sleep, we rise higher, to the Thorian’s shelter. On at the moment we need to get rid of the roots, shooting them off will greatly spoil the mood of this creature. So we move through all levels of the building, killing everyone and everything. Asari biotics pose a major threat, so be prepared. Soon the quest on Feros will be completed.


Before landing on Virmire, think once and twice. After all, it is on this mission that Rex’s fate will be decided: whether he dies or not depends on your level of hero or renegade. It's better to gain more respect by completing side quests. We make our way through the crowds of geth into the salarian camp and talk with Major Kirrahe. On his advice, we communicate with the enraged Rex and, depending on Shepard’s condition (whether he is kind or not, or maybe he’s not a good speaker at all), we choose what to do with the krogan. If you are not strong in speeches, and therefore have not increased your heroism, then Rex will die from you or from the hand of Ashley. But it is better to end the matter peacefully.

In general, the mission is not so much difficult as it is long. Here you won’t encounter puzzles or extremely difficult bosses; you just need to follow a logical and simple route, periodically shooting and communicating. Difficulties will arise elsewhere: you need to choose between the lives of Kayden and Ashley. Personally, I chose Kayden because I was developing a romantic line with Liara and I don’t care what will happen to Ashley. In principle, this concludes the tragic mission on Virmire.


There is also nothing difficult in this task. If desired, we walk along the streets of the Citadel, then go to the Supernova club, discuss with Andersen the plan to escape to Normandy, and, logically, carry it out.


On our own two feet we overcome a decent number of meters, shoot back from superior enemy forces, ride elevators, etc., etc. If there are any inconsistencies along the route, you can look at the map, check and follow the correct course. We reach Mako and are already on wheels racing forward along the canal, simultaneously destroying dozens of geth and colossi. Soon we will find ourselves at a dead end, we go through a door nearby and from the ancient VI we will learn the details of the Prothean civilization. We get back into the Mako and go straight to the repeater.

Fall of the Citadel

We find ourselves on a dilapidated Citadel, we run forward and kill all those who are trying to kill us: the geth and the krogans. Banal shooting without a hint of brain problems - no problems to pass. We reach the council hall, enter into dialogue with Saren and either persuade him to join us, or provoke him to shoot himself. Although, in both the first and second cases, Saren will put bullets in his head.

After this, we approach the central control panel of the Citadel, choose between the lives of hundreds of soldiers and members of the council and engage in battle with the resurrected Saren. This battle can be considered one of the easiest in the game, but not the fastest - you will have to work hard running around the map. Having defeated him, we watch the most epic video. A little later there will be another dialogue with new or old advisers, in which we will be given the right to choose the first adviser representing all of humanity. Personally, I took Andersen. By the third part you will understand why not Udina. Mass Effect completed.

Mass Effect– probably one of the most high-profile games of the last 5 years. She has a huge army of fans, a detailed Universe, beautiful art and interesting story. Mass Effect should have appeared on the pages of Gamevio sooner or later - because... This is truly a masterpiece that is difficult to tear yourself away from. On this page we invite you to watch a video walkthrough of the game Mass Effect 1 (the first part of the trilogy).

Full video walkthrough of the first part cult game Mass Effect in Russian (voice acting) with comments from the author of the walkthrough.

Is Mass Effect worth playing?

I read the book on the Mass Effect universe and was not at all impressed, but the high ratings on Metacritic forced me to check out the game, and you know, I don’t regret it at all. It turned out to be much more interesting, vibrant and impressive than the book. Really the whole world the player has to explore and this makes it similar to the game, even though the games are completely different.

Even if you're not a fan of space-themed games, Mass Effect will undoubtedly impress you too. Ancient galactic races, ancient artifacts and technologies that became the key to the development of all other races in the Universe, mechanical intelligent machines, secret organizations. Listen, the game has everything that can interest even a person who doesn’t like games. So yes, it's worth playing or watching a walkthrough of Mass Effect.

See also the video walkthrough of the continuation games of the series -,

Mass Effect, in my opinion, is a game that is more interesting to watch as a walkthrough than to play. Quite complex controls and interface complexity, which takes a long time to get used to, are not encouraging. But just watching – yes, that’s what you need. The Mass Effect makes a great movie.

Mass Effect is a game about the adventures of Captain Shepard, who will need to investigate one case, delay in solving which threatens the destruction of all races in the Galaxy. A similar incident has already occurred and we must do everything we can to prevent it from happening again. To do this, we will be assisted by representatives of various races and professions. The game has a very strong plot component; watching dialogues and cut scenes is very interesting.

The game was released for all consoles of the previous generation (Playstation 3, Xbox 360) and PC, but was developed different versions games were developed by different companies and even different publishers. Mass Effect has a direct sequel in the form Mass games Effect 2 and 3, but more on them later.

The video walkthrough itself was taken from the RusGameTactiks channel, which always pleases with interesting and high-quality walkthroughs popular games. The car is not stupid and gives relevant comments. Overall, it's just a pleasure to watch his videos.

The length of the walkthrough video is 117 videos. About 10-15 minutes on average. Yes, the video is really long, but there are a lot of impressions. Enjoy watching.

Leave your opinion in the comments and tell us which walkthrough videos you would like to see on.