Professional children's theater studio at the theater. Theater studio for teenagers


"Talantino" is not only a children's acting school, but also a children's acting agency. From the very beginning of the course, the casting manager teaches children not only to open up on stage, but also to present themselves at the casting. He guides them in the future, during filming and staging performances. You can become an actor at Talantino from the age of three.

st. Bolshaya Tatarskaya, 7

Theater studio "Home Theater" 6+

Students " Home theater“You don’t have to worry that someone won’t get the role: they cast here new performance once a month, so that within a year everyone has time to try different roles. Children not only participate in productions, but also study the history of the theater, prepare stage costumes, make scenery and write scripts. Also, all school students are automatically included in the actor database of the TELEcasting theatrical agency.

lane Granatny, 12

Ballet and theater studio "AkTer"

Do you want your child to be fully developed? Give it to a ballet and theater studio. The result will be not only a slender posture and good relationship with his own body, but also knowledge of classical subjects, as well as an interest in art.

st. Skakovaya, 3

Children's theater studio "WE"

"WE" is a studio for those who are serious. Here they spend several years preparing for admission to the best theater universities, so if you understand that you are raising a natural actor, sign him up for courses. Perhaps in the future they will ask him for autographs on the streets.

st. Novogireevskaya, 14a

Theater studio "Triumph" 0+

A studio for those who are interested in everything at once. At Triumph they teach and pop vocals, And modern dance, and acting. Graduates become confident, well-rounded people, and these qualities are never superfluous.

st. Kedrova, 13, bldg. 2

st. Profsoyuznaya, 27, bldg. 3

st. Ostrovityanova, 19/22

st. Khachaturyan, 20

st. Sedova, 3

Theater studio "Celebrities" 0+

Even if a child does not intend to become an actor, visiting a theater studio will not hurt: here they teach you to be self-confident, cope with emotions and communicate with other people. Well, if talent is eager to be free, it has a direct path to the Celebrity studio, where teachers from VGIK, GITIS and other legendary theater schools teach the craft.

st. Malaya Dmitrovka, 5/9

Children's theater and theater studio "Klyaksa"

If you are in doubt whether you should enroll in this theater studio, first go to the play of the same name children's theater. You will see that everything here is for real: the acting, the scenery, the plots and, of course, the efforts of the young actors.

st. Burakova, 27, bldg. 4

Amazing theater studio of Yuri Martynychev

“Amazing Studio” has several advantages: firstly, you can start studying at any time, since there is no division into training levels; secondly, the first trial lesson can be attended for free. Except acting skills, special attention here the focus is on speech technique and oratory. In addition, one lesson per week is held in English.

st. Khachaturyan, 20

House of Culture "Chaika"

The children's theater studio "Ogonyok" has been operating in the Chaika cultural center for almost forty years. Here they don’t play theater, but really engage in it: for example, the team became the winner of the Golden Key festival in Berlin and is constantly conquering new heights.

Budyonny Ave., 14

Kirill Korolev Youth Theater

The main advantage of the children's theater studio of Kirill Korolev is the opportunity to participate in performances of the theater of the same name with great history and constant sell-outs. Many studio graduates enter theater universities and become professional artists, including in the Kirill Korolev Theater. In the future, everyone has participation in festivals, TV shows, films and series.

st. Dmitry Ulyanov, 42

Children's creative center "Gelsomino"

A place for the most enthusiastic children. Here they will tell and teach a variety of adult professions - from actor and director to TV presenter and photographer. Among other things, a nanny can sit with the child, and you can also start teaching foreign language or get ready for school.

st. Sorge, 6

Birch Grove Avenue, 8

Theater school "Art-Master" 12+

Parents most often send their children to study acting, while forgetting that there is an equally important theatrical profession - director. “Art Master” is one of the few schools where there are both acting and directing directions.

st. Krasnaya Presnya, 9

Moscow Children's Variety Theater

Do you want your child to immediately plunge into the profession? Enroll in the school of the Moscow Children's Variety Theater. For a whole season, children prepare performances that are attended not only by parents, but also by numerous fans of young talents.

st. Baumanskaya, 32, building 1

The training program in this theater studio is divided into two courses, “basic” and “acting”, and they are designed for 9 months and three years, respectively. The first option is suitable for those who are just starting their journey to the stage. For them, most of the time is spent on training, the remaining time is spent on creative work. The “acting” course program is more designed to gain stage experience, and the main focus in this case is on preparing material for performances. In addition to weekly classes for RosKids students, they conduct electives in makeup, vocals, stage combat, fencing basics, camera work and other areas.

st. Shchipok, 28

A company of professional teachers and practitioners are ready to develop creativity in children. Every child, starting from the age of five, can try himself as an actor. The program of classes includes lessons on acting, literary expression and speech development. Also, every aspiring actor will take part in performances and studio productions, in excerpts from dramatic and literary works, in concerts and poetry evenings.

ave. Leningradsky, 30, building 3

Every September Chamber theater named after Boris Pokrovsky opens enrollment in a children's group of young artists from four to 13 years old. Training there is free, but to get there, you must meet two important points: those who want to join the actors must have excellent musical and vocal abilities. In the future, they will participate in repertoire and premiere performances, “Cipollino”, “Peter and the Wolf”, “Cherevichki” and many others.

st. Nikolskaya, 17

The Central House of Actors offers a choice of more than ten theater studios for children of different ages. The only condition: recruitment is subject to availability. The main task that all teachers set for themselves is to instill in children a love of literature and music, arouse interest in creativity, and expand their cultural horizons. Here the children will take their first steps in acting, learn how to move and speak correctly on stage, and learn music, vocals, dancing and rhythm. All studios take part in New Year's shows, and at the end of the season they present prepared performances.

st. Arbat, 35

The youngest actors are taken under the wing of Seasons Project actors and teachers. Children from four to six years old are invited to play and imagine in the junior theater troupe. During the course, children will discover the world of theater, learn what the stage is, discover their talents and broaden their horizons. The trainings and exercises that take place in the course are aimed at developing attention and observation, motor abilities and plastic expressiveness, as well as coherent and competent speech. But imagination is especially important here.

st. Karetny Ryad, 3

Here, students are enrolled in two departments: for preschoolers from four to six years old and for schoolchildren from eight to 15. Not only the lesson program, but also the time depends on this. If lessons for the little ones are held on weekdays in the morning, then for those who are older - on Saturdays and Sundays. But in both places, classes are taught by teachers in acting, choral singing and choreography. By the way, lessons for those who are older last longer than for completely beginner children.

st. Malaya Dmitrovka, 8, building 4 (preschoolers)

Existing on the basis of the Moskovsky cultural center for several decades, the studio accepts children from four years old and teenagers into its walls. You can exercise here with your whole family, with moms and dads, grandparents. Parents help not only behind the scenes, but also appear on stage in small roles. There are paid and free departments, where people are accepted as a result of an audition and interview, and you can join classes at any convenient time throughout the year. In the studio they study acting, dance and vocals, and students stage performances and accept direct participation in city events.

Moskovsky, microdistrict 1, no. 49

At the theater and dance school Irbis in Moscow has 17 branches within walking distance from the metro. They employ more than fifty teachers, graduates of GITIS and Theater Institute named after Shchukin. Except educational program Pupils will take part in reading evenings, skit parties, city holidays and television programs. Moreover, those involved in performances and dance numbers children participate in festivals throughout Russia. In their free time from classes, Irbis students go to theaters and theater universities to become more familiar with the life of adult actors, and during winter and summer holidays They go to the “Artist” theater camp in the Moscow region, where they stage full-fledged performances.


So, you have already scoured the entire Internet in search of best option additional education for your child, we read a lot of articles, talked with friends, separated the wheat from the chaff and decided - you need a theater studio! An excellent solution, but the most difficult thing is yet to come: out of thousands of educational institutions, you need to choose one, the very best, and not make a mistake! How can you do this if all your theatrical connections are limited to a couple of cloakroom attendants and a cute old man from the buffet? The most important thing is don’t get lost and don’t grab the first option that comes your way; consider only the best theater studios for children in Moscow. There are many such institutions in the capital and they are all different. To find the one you need, let's try to clarify the criteria.

Many parents solve the problem of choice simply - choose either the highest price or the loudest name. Don’t repeat their mistake; choose an institution based on your child’s needs.

As well as sports sections divided into professional and health groups, educational institutions with a theatrical bias can be divided into:

  • drama clubs “at home” - simple amateur or semi-professional theater groups based on interests in schools, cultural centers, etc.; inexpensive, sometimes free;
  • professional theater studios - most often exist at reputable theaters and are aimed at training personnel for these same theaters; paid, admission based on strict competition.

The listed options deserve careful consideration, but remember that they are not equivalent, and the choice should be made depending on desired result. For example, if you don’t see your child on stage, but only want to strengthen his self-esteem and instill a love of creativity, the Moscow Art Theater studio is clearly not for you, but you should take a closer look at the circles near your house.

Children's studios at theaters and universities

For the hopeful young talents, whose future is seen by parents only in the spotlight or on the big screen, there are children's theater schools with big names and an impeccable reputation. Of these, it is much easier to get into a theater university and note to to the right people, because the studios operate at universities, and Moscow’s leading theater teachers teach there. But getting into it can be difficult. The little candidate will have to convince admissions committee that he has more abilities than most applicants.

Among the professional institutions, the following are the most famous and best children's theater studios in Moscow:

  1. At the Moscow Art Theater. Needs no introduction. One of the ways to significantly facilitate your child’s future admission to the Moscow Art Theater School.
  2. At GITIS. That is, at the largest theater university in Europe, thanks to which a whole galaxy of stars of the national stage, screen and director saw the light of day.
  3. At the Vakhtangov Theater. The Vakhtangov Theater will soon turn 100 years old; it is one of the most interesting and respected theaters in the capital with a rich history.
  4. Children's theater studio named after Irina Feofanova. Since 2001, it has produced many star students who successfully entered and graduated from universities, and found their place in productions of leading theaters in the capital, as well as in TV series and films.

The advantages of studying in studios at famous theaters and universities are obvious, but what can be said about the disadvantages:

  • it's expensive;
  • it is most often far from home;
  • this takes a lot of time and effort, sometimes to the detriment of the main studies, because the institutions are ambitious, and they do not study for the sake of a hobby;
  • this is risky, because no one guarantees your child not only a stellar future, but even a modest role in a more or less serious production. Everything will depend on his abilities and luck, 50/50.

Theater interest groups

If you are not raising a careerist, but a comprehensively developed personality with a love of art and creativity, the children's theater studio in Moscow will be suitable for your child, where he will be comfortable, fun and interesting. Don't be overwhelmed by professionalism, names, career prospects or lack thereof. Look for talented organizers among teachers who can not only give children knowledge, but also spark their little eyes with interest in theater and stage.

Helpful advice: go to class, sit in the hall and look at the faces of the children, they will best recommendations, whichever ones you can get.

Often, the curator of an amateur hobby group can achieve more from a child than an eminent theater teacher, so you should not be biased towards “circles.” Check out everything you find near your home, and don’t miss out on even the smallest group of theater friends. Take the time to search and be sure to ask your child where he would like to study.

Pros of children's drama clubs:

  1. It's easy to find an option close to home.
  2. Inexpensive.
  3. Doesn't require too much time and doesn't distract from your main studies.
  4. The child chooses the place, not the place - the child. The circle you don't like can be replaced with another one.

Everyone loves classes in the theater studio for children, because there is no strict teacher which forces you to learn uninteresting material, requires cramming or sitting at a desk for a long time.

Not every parent realizes how valuable a gift a love of theater and literature instilled in childhood can be for their child. IN early age classes in theater club affect learning and the development of creative thinking. In adolescence, the so-called At a “difficult” age, they provide interest in reading and communication in a favorable environment. In youth - a developed aesthetic taste and a persistent love of art. Rare man, reaching mature age, does not feel grateful to his parents for introducing him to the theater as a child. This truth is old and well-known; it is here that lies the secret of the popularity of the ubiquitous school drama clubs and numerous acting courses for children in Moscow.

Theater lessons for middle-aged children are not only an inoculation against immorality, but also a serious psychological training, helping children overcome the difficulties of age.

In addition to general developmental and educational value acting courses for children, they are perfect for solving and preventing specific children's psychological problems, including:

  1. Self-doubt. Theater teaches interaction and teamwork, the ability to criticize and adequately perceive criticism, and build healthy relationships with partners in the performance based on mutual assistance and mutual assessment.
  2. Inhibited speech development. Most the right way To “talk” a child is to give him a powerful incentive to express himself through speech. Passion for collective creativity often becomes such a stimulus for a child with mental retardation.
  3. Difficulty communicating with peers. They occur when a child is withdrawn, complex, or has low self-esteem. A popular psychological problem among children who are disabled or have any significant physical handicap, as well as for children from disadvantaged families. To solve it, it is necessary to create conditions in which the child will feel useful and significant on an equal basis with other children. Working on a play is exactly such conditions.

Courses for all ages

The Benefis Theater School offers acting courses for children of four age categories:

Each category has its own unique approach and its own learning characteristics. The program involves training in acting skills, speech production and practical work- the first full-fledged performance in which the child will be able to take part in just three months. The program includes:

  • Educational games for interaction within a group, development of attention, memory and reaction
  • Basics of working on a role, transformation
  • Work on speech, articulation, development of the speech apparatus, strengthening of facial muscles
  • Working with literary material, reading poetry and monologues, staging a play

As a result of the training, the child will be able to:

  1. Communicate with peers without fear or embarrassment
  2. Work in a team
  3. Speak beautifully and with expression
  4. Express your thoughts freely and competently
  5. Free to speak in public

The pride of the Benefis school is its teachers, famous actors and Moscow directors, graduates of the best theater universities, who have successfully taught thousands of children of various ages, and have proven themselves to be first-class theater teachers. Exceptional teaching professionalism - main feature benefit theater school for children, which parents are happy to celebrate.

Learning the Basics

IN theater arts The “basics” are nothing more than the Stanislavsky system - a set of exercises and techniques from simple to complex, described in his works. The Stanislavsky method is scientifically proven and recognized throughout the world as the only true method of teaching the skill of an actor. The whole world studies Stanislavsky, with the exception of the most specific, as a rule, national theater schools (for example, Japanese theater But).

Stanislavsky's system is Stanislavsky's own work on himself. He was not distinguished by any special acting talents, but thanks to his method he managed to achieve significant results. His experience is the best proof that actors are not born, but made.

Teaching the basics in acting classes for children at the Benefis theater school also follows this system. The material is presented in the most convenient game or semi-game form for children, and includes exercises on non-objective actions, exercises on transformation, exercises “I am in the proposed circumstances” and others. Their main task is to teach the little actor to exist in a role, to appropriate someone else’s character and behavior, and to believe in circumstances. It is worth noting that children's spontaneity, sincerity and psychological flexibility allow one to achieve significant results much faster than with adults. You've probably noticed how true and bright little children look on screen.

In many theaters, introducing a child's role into a performance is considered bad form, because Children by default always play better than adults.

In addition to the main principles of transformation, the acting school for children in Moscow also involves teaching the basics of working with text. Even with a well-trained voice and good diction, expressive reading remains challenging task, which requires the ability to “appropriate” text, i.e. read it as if it were not the text of a play, but your own speech, which just appeared in your head and was voiced. In this matter young actors Logical analysis helps: identifying main, secondary and tertiary words, appropriate placement of accents and pauses, working with intonations. Assigning the text is the last step before the final work of the course - staging the first theatrical performance, where the children will have to put into practice all the acquired skills and knowledge.