Professions related to creativity, modern types and features. Creative professions Professions related to drawing and psychology


Drawing is an art. While drawing, a person immerses himself in amazing world creativity. There are a great variety of professions related to the fine arts.

One of the most common professions that require drawing skills is called a designer. This is a profession that can be combined with a hobby and passion. Useful with pleasant - that's how you can call it. Interior design is in great demand nowadays. A person wants to live and work in a comfortable, beautiful environment. Color, light, interior details - this is where there are many different solutions.

The most popular specialties

The flight of fantasy is limitless. The list will continue with the following specializations:

  • – a specialty that is in demand at all times, because with the expansion of the construction industry, new vacancies appear in this area;
  • Fashion designer can imagine herself as a fairy from the fairy tale “Cinderella”. Of course, to work in the field of design, in addition to the ability to draw, you need knowledge of technology, study of production and new modern materials;
  • Visagiste- a person who owns various techniques makeup, to create a certain image, by applying decorative cosmetics.

List of professions related to artistic activity

The list of professions related to the fine arts is very extensive:

  1. Visagiste.
  2. Gallery owner.
  3. Graphic designer.
  4. Web designer.
  5. Artist.
  6. Architect.
  7. Furniture or interior designer.
  8. Stylist.
  9. Hairdresser.
  10. Landscape designer.
  11. Jeweler.
  12. Decorator.
  13. Schedule.
  14. Cartoonist.
  15. Painter.
  16. Copyist.
  17. Various artists ( miniature painting, painting on wood, metal, enamel, fabric).
  18. Costume designer.
  19. Illustrator.
  20. The artist is the director.
  21. Animator.
  22. Sculptor.
  23. Ceramist.
  24. Airbrush and cartography specialist.

And this is not the limit. This list can be continued. Where else can you work if you have the skills to draw and create artistic images?

Description of some specialties

Where can a creative person work?

Well, for example, at work engineer- the designer requires not only engineering knowledge, but also artistic skill, and sometimes a creative approach. Knowledge of computer graphics is a plus. Specialists with this knowledge are in demand in any field, be it mechanical engineering or construction.

An artist who paints scenery based on sketches is called decorator. He develops art projects and designs interiors. A person in this profession must have accuracy and attentiveness, as well as a rich imagination. Creative thinking allows you to come up with interesting implementations of various ideas.

Interesting profession - restorer. Who, if not he, knows the methods for restoring damaged paintings or art objects of historical value? They must not only be able to draw, but also identify the style of a particular artist and be able to copy it, because if you make the wrong stroke, you can ruin a valuable painting. You also need the skill to assess the degree of damage and select the paints and materials needed for restoration.

Landscape designer specializes in creating compositions of landscape architecture. A person who masters drawing techniques, the basics of composition, drawing, and also knows the features of growing plants should work here.

If you are interested in fashion and style, as well as have taste and the ability to dress well, then perhaps you are on your way to fashion designers. A person in this profession is a specialist in making clothes. This is a very responsible job that requires a lot of patience. This is constant self-improvement and tracking fashion trends, studying demand, as well as knowing what materials the modern market has.

The ability to draw will also help you out when carrying out renovations in your apartment. Artistic vision and the ability to combine colors will be the best assistant in the selection of paints, wallpaper, and furniture. Interior designer- is in great demand at the moment. This type of activity creates comfort and harmony in the home.

Who do you think draws the cards? After all, humanity simply cannot exist without them. Of course it is cartographer. Previously, plans and maps were drawn by hand. These creations were admired by historians, collectors and simply connoisseurs of graphics. Modern maps are created with the participation of scientific achievements and modern technologies. The use of remote methods helps: aerial photography and satellite scanning earth's surface. Using these means modern maps and plans are more complete and accurate. Computer graphics makes it possible to create maps of any complexity.

If you combine pedagogical activity and knowledge of fine arts skills, then you can test yourself as teacher. The teaching profession is always in demand. After all, someone must pass on their experience to the younger generation.

Trending specialty - florist. This specialty is related to decoration with flowers. Florists create exclusive and original bouquets and participate in decorating the premises.

It should be noted that the history of floristry goes back to ancient times. In the fifth century BC. e. people have already started decorating their homes with flowers. This is proven archaeological finds: vases, pots, seed remains and historical records - here historical evidence.

Must be a bright and extraordinary personality. This is a person who knows how to convey the whole range of emotions in photography, making people cry or laugh. The ability to see beauty in simple everyday things distinguishes people in this profession from other people.

The youngest form of art is photography. The first photograph was taken in 1822, but, unfortunately, it has not reached our time; the author was Joseph Niepce. A few years later he created another image: "View from the Window." Created in 1826, the picture is the first official photograph. Of course, almost two centuries have passed since then, and photography has come a long way. With the transition to the digital level, more opportunities have emerged. They have virtually no boundaries. People who devote their lives to this art are called photographers and amaze us with amazing photographs.

There are many professions related to art in the world. And it doesn’t matter whether a person creates beautiful costumes, draws maps, or makes a home cozy. The main thing in this work is the ability to feel the beautiful and always keep your finger on the pulse, to always be aware of what others like now. The use of modern materials and technical advances will help in creating any image or masterpiece.

In the new century, innovative technologies are actively developing, but at the same time, problems arise related to the psychological state of people and the environment. New professions related to the information business are emerging, many of them can be classified as creative.

Every time opens up new opportunities for self-expression and application of talents. The entry into the 21st century is characterized by rapid progress innovative technologies, computerization, discoveries in the field of medicine. At the same time, new times have outlined a range of urgent problems related to the psychological state of people and the environment. Completely new professions have appeared, which a few decades ago could only be learned about from the works of science fiction writers.

A group of such specialties is related to the information business. The avalanche of information that bombards us every day from all possible sources is not always reliable and well-formatted. It is quite obvious that the information field will be developed in the coming decades, and this will require highly qualified specialists. One of the advantages of working on the Internet is that you are not tied to your workplace. You can be in Russia or abroad, your working tools are a computer, the ability to think creatively and mastery of several programs.

Creative professions of the 21st century


The job consists of writing texts for Internet resources. The focus can be very different: advertising, scripts, information, analytics, slogans. A copywriter must have the ability to comprehend a large amount of information on a particular topic. Of course, to write quality texts you need creativity, in an easy to understand form and choose interesting information. The level of payment at the beginning of work is low - about 20 rubles per thousand characters, but the work of experienced copywriters is valued much higher - up to 1,000 rubles. for 1 thousand characters.

Content Manager

The task of the content manager is to fill the site with articles, photographs, etc., as well as to coordinate the work of everyone working on the site - copywriters, moderators. This work is responsible and requires extensive knowledge. Payment depends on the number of projects, each of which is estimated at approximately 8,000 rubles.

Web designer

A website designer must have creative abilities and have skills in working with computer programs. A creative, knowledgeable and attentive web designer receives about 15,000 rubles for each project.


The webmaster's responsibilities include administration, support, and updating of the site. Such a specialist is able to create a website himself, replacing a web designer and programmer. He may be the owner of the site created by . Obviously, the amount of knowledge, skills and experience must be up to par. The cost of the work depends on the project, but you can safely count on an amount of 30 thousand rubles.

Internet coach

A specialist who has fundamental knowledge in a particular field and provides online consulting or training. Coach psychologists provide consultations via Skype, lawyers work on forums and specialized websites. You can develop a training course and sell it. Each consultation with an online coach costs at least 800 rubles.

Event manager

The organizer of holidays and corporate events must have a developed aesthetic taste, the gift of communication, the ability to negotiate, select sites and teams for organizing events. The event manager himself draws up the holiday scenarios, thinks through all the details and ensures their implementation.

“Eternal” professions for creative people

Along with prestigious modern ones, such as economist, lawyer, IT specialist, they continue to develop, changing in accordance with new trends, creative professions. Mastering the art of an artist, director, actor, writer is impossible without natural abilities that require development.

Entering a university that trains representatives of creative professions is not easy, but this does not stop young people who decide to devote their lives to art. Applicants pass creative competitions and entrance exams, neglecting the fact that actors and artists earn less than computer scientists, managers and traders of various sizes.


When a person answers a question about his profession that he is a writer, many questions inevitably arise. For example, how you can control inspiration and develop the habit of working on a schedule. Most writers prefer to call themselves writers or literary workers, separating craft from creativity, since money and talent are not always combined. It is not uncommon for writers to have another “earthly” profession, which serves as a source of income, but remains a way of self-realization.

A logical question arises: “Why do we need universities that train writers if it is impossible to master a profession in the absence of talent?” Only a writer, perhaps not the most gifted one, can enter a literary institute. The task of teachers is to polish their abilities, teach them to distinguish good literature from bad, introduce to professional tools and explain the principles of their operation.

After graduating from university, not all certified writers become famous writers, but many can work as teachers, editors, literary agents, etc.

To enter the Literary Institute, you need to pass creative competition by providing the work own composition, based on the results, a list of persons admitted to take the exams is compiled.


Representatives of the fourth estate are considered by many to be people close to the court, influential and a little dangerous. IN Soviet times journalists were credited with the best traits: a sense of justice, honesty, integrity and insight. Of course, the person conveying information to the people must have had exceptional intellectual abilities, the ability to obtain secret data and interpret it, penetrating into the depths of what is happening. Even 30 years ago, “international journalist” was pronounced with almost the same feeling as “cosmonaut”.

Now the situation has changed dramatically - everyone always scolds journalists, accusing them of corruption, immorality and love of money. The writing fraternity, without a doubt, will survive all periods of persecution and popular contempt, because anyone can be taught how to hammer nails, but not everyone can write fascinating texts from words.

There are more and more jobs for journalists, new TV channels, radio stations and online publications are opening, so every certified specialist has a job opportunity.

Learning the art of journalism is, of course, easier than becoming a real writer, but abilities are definitely needed. Typically, a penchant for journalism is found in school years, future press workers are happy to write essays and easily put thoughts into words.

This profession is not easy and is often dangerous, but a person who has become a journalist by vocation is happy with such a life.


This profession is not taught almost anywhere; usually, announcers become people with higher education who have completed announcer courses. The one-year training costs approximately $4,000 and is open to applicants who pass an interview. A professional announcer must be able to perceive large amounts of information, have good diction without an accent, and, to work on television, must be telegenic and have good poise. At the courses, future announcers are taught speech techniques, acting, plastic and similar skills.


In their youth, many people dream of acting in films or acting on stage, but the lack of talent in this profession is so noticeable that those who are unsuitable drop out of the profession naturally. 95% of applicants are eliminated in the first rounds of admission; those who pass the competition will be trained in special disciplines by experienced teachers.

Competitions for admission to theater universities are, as a rule, huge, but the demand for actors is declining, so only a few can break through and gain popularity.

Interior designers, stylists, makeup artists

These professions are now in demand, as people have a taste for a comfortable and aesthetic life. The difference between designer-designed housing, modern and beautiful clothes, well-groomed appearance and what we are able to do on our own. Creative people create images from unexpected combinations of objects, colors and lines, obtaining magnificent results that are close to works of art.

Talented stylists work in fashion magazines, advertising, and on television. Politicians and large businessmen have appreciated the effect of attracting professional stylists and now actively use their services when creating their image.

The field of activity of a makeup artist is creating images for advertising campaigns of cosmetic companies and modeling agencies, private practice and work in beauty salons.

We live in such a diverse and interesting world, where there are thousands of professions, choose any one! Every young person, closer to finishing school, thinks about what profession to choose for the future, what will suit me best? It’s good to choose a specialty that makes your soul happy and you don’t have to worry about pay. And popular professions that are in demand immediately come to mind. What choice can the modern world offer us?

Professions related to creativity

Understand precise definition a creative profession is impossible by definition. Very much diverse concept of creativity. As a rule, this term is most often applied to the field of cultural property and art. Creative professions often combine technical activities, but there are truly creative ones, such as, for example, a musician or an artist.

IN creative activity An important skill is to think creatively and individually express any ideas. Find atypical non-standard solutions, to show a special approach in a certain activity is the main task for a person who wants to improve in the creative profession.

The names of specialties are constantly growing and updating, because progress does not stand still. Copywriters and web designers, creatives and political scientists are achievements of modern times. To surprise and inspire, to create something special and unique, new and unusual is a truly interesting and exciting activity.

Periodically funds mass media form a list of ratings of the most creative specialties. The most popular of them are designers, animators and artists.

Top creative professions are not always adequately paid. In this area, everything is individual and depends on many factors.: name recognition, demand among clients, the ability to sell your services or a product of personal creativity, etc.

Choosing one of the creative areas of activity, young man You should rely on your own inclinations. They can manifest themselves already in childhood and it’s good if those around them noticed them in time and allowed them to develop. Creative direction- this is following the path to which the soul calls.


Future creative individuals are different unconventional behavior and ingenuity. Often, such qualities interfere with successful training in a profession, and there are reasons for this:

Feeling special and unique. I'm a creator. It makes it difficult to communicate with other people; society perceives such egocentrics with hostility. Although this quality is necessary for the creative process.

Traditions in teaching. As a rule, in our educational institutions they teach logical algorithms and following certain patterns. At the same time, the student simply does not receive the skill of creative insight; the template does not provide for non-standard and individual approach to solving problems.

Lack of culture in society. Creative personality implies development not only in the chosen specialty, but also general development. A person must not only have knowledge in his field of activity, he must have a broad outlook, constantly develop, be interested in related areas of culture, visit conservatories, theaters and museum complexes. Often, success in a creative profession depends on how interesting and versatile a person is.

Gender difference in thinking

In the recent past, there was a division into women's and male professions in the field of creativity. Creative professions for girls were limited by conventions. Types in society clearly assigned roles: a hairdresser, cook or makeup artist was always a woman, but a producer or director was always a man. IN modern world conventions ceased to exist and the lines dividing the borders were erased. We often see successful examples men hairdressers and girls directors. Therefore, there are no special gender requirements for the profession now.

Much more often they highlight the requirements for your creative qualities, although sometimes it is difficult to evaluate everything:

  • Possession of special thinking, ability to think outside the box.
  • Having a sense of style, having taste.
  • Having imagination and creativity.
  • Having a sense of aesthetics.

Creative professions list

  1. Actor– must be able to simultaneously be oneself and transform into another person, taking on a certain new style behavior that must be felt and understood. Play a role based on a new, previously unknown personality. Be able to show not only a different appearance with the help of makeup and clothing, but also clearly show the viewer the character and style of behavior. At the same time, everything should change: motor skills, behavior, gait and speech.
  2. . Popular direction. There are several varieties of this profession. Fashion design, interior design, web design, landscape design. A very interesting specialty for a girl and no less difficult. Designing a space convenient for the customer or user. You need to understand what the person who will use your design wants. The designer needs to understand the needs and requests modern man. A broad outlook and erudition, the presence of style and taste, and unusual thinking can help with this. But the activity is truly very exciting - the designer experiments with shape and color, and has an imaginative vision of future products. Can build a model of an original design or layout in his head. Every person who furnishes his home is also a bit of a designer. The correct selection of room decor, furniture and accessories can create a unique atmosphere of warmth and comfort, which is pleasant to be in, what is called favorable energy.
  3. Visagiste- must look into an ordinary person individuality and create a beautiful image with cosmetics. A makeup artist requires attentiveness, observation, knowledge of color combinations based on appearance type, and the ability to competently handle professional cosmetics. Essentially, the makeup artist does good mood for the client, it gives a feeling when a person likes himself.
  4. Stylist develops and offers the appearance to the consumer. He must have an understanding of what style and clothes are most suitable for a person’s type. Guess his need and discover new opportunities. A good stylist can greatly surprise and puzzle. There is a lot of scope for creative thought in this profession.
  5. Makeup artist– is very much in demand for all sorts of celebrations and holidays; every person in photographs wants to look attractive. A makeup specialist will help you hide flaws in your appearance and highlight your strengths.
  6. Cosmetologist. Specialist in the field of beauty and skin attractiveness. Helps clients choose facial care programs that suit their skin type. Must be constantly aware of new skin care products. Knowledge in this profession must be not only in cosmetics, but also in medicine.
  7. Gallery employee– one of the newfangled and popular areas of activity. The main requirement is good organizational skills and high degree communication skills. Must know styles and trends in art, have a broad outlook and understand the needs of the client. Be able to advertise and sell the work of any author. The gallery owner is looking for sponsors and organizing art exhibitions.
  8. Fashion designer designs clothing, creates new trends in the fashion industry. His task is not only to create a new clothing model, but also to competently design a pattern and select the texture of the material for making the collection. Finding a highlight, beautiful decor, creating an image unlike anyone else is interesting and exciting activity. There are varieties of clothing modeling - this includes modeling shoes, fur products, accessories and much more.
  9. Cartoonist requires a special perception of life, passion fairy-tale characters and unbridled imagination. A person who chooses this profession must have the ability to see three-dimensional pictures; this specialty is similar to directing when the creator creates a new action.

Simple specialties that do not require university education

If you feel a calling to creativity, want to earn money, but are not ready to receive higher education, Pay attention to popular creative professions:

Whatever creative specialty you choose, remember that it is always development and the search for something new. If you have one life principle You are definitely on the right track!

Creativity in our world surrounds us literally everywhere. Design of rooms, things, websites, painting and architecture, writing and composing music. Creativity is the main stimulus for human development; only through it can he convey the feelings that he experiences deep inside. What are the professions related to creativity?

It is not surprising that most girls and young people choose the following areas to study in their future lives:

  • visagiste,
  • designer,
  • photographer,
  • jeweler,
  • director,
  • architect.

However, sometimes it is so difficult to choose a profession that will be ideal to this person. For best choice We will provide below a description of the professions that are most in demand and interesting in the world of the 21st century.


Every woman has used cosmetics at least once in her life. And if a person knows how to professionally apply makeup to other people, then he becomes of great value for television, fashion shows, and simply in beauty salons. This profession is suitable for creative people who are not afraid to make an “extra move,” and for those who want to communicate while working.


One of the most in-demand professions in the world. are needed almost everywhere, from furniture factories to website design. For example, he is responsible not only for the visual appeal of store goods, but also for ensuring that they are comfortable to carry, do not get wet in the rain, so that the letters look clear on the packaging and attract the buyer’s attention. There is a lot of competition in this profession, so you will have to try to become “the best of the best.”


Almost any person in modern city I was filming something on my smartphone or camera. But there are people who do this professionally. There are also many “varieties” of photographers. There are wedding ones, there are those who are filming wildlife; and some people prefer to shoot young models for the cover of a magazine. The main thing is to choose which specific areas of photography you want to work in, and then it will be much easier to learn.


Oddly enough, jewelry making is the primary creative specialty. There are many specializations in this business: engraver, filigree maker, mounter, setter, chain jeweler, etc. But still the most creative work is cutting: giving shape to a nondescript piece of mineral. This is a complex and painstaking job where you have to pay attention to every little detail. After all, one mistake can ruin the author’s entire work - and you’ll have to start all over again.


We all watched cartoons as children, but we know little about the people who draw them. There are several specialties of animators, but the most in demand are, of course, artists. Many aspiring “creators” believe that if they cannot depict an animal or person in all details, it is better for them to become animators. However, this is not true. Any animator must be able to draw well not only animated characters, but also real ones. Even with the development of modern technologies, when computer programs Often do most of the work in drawing the characters and backgrounds, the person overseeing the process must adjust them if necessary.


Another profession on the list related to painting. A person who wants to enroll in this specialty must be able to create drawings and paintings according to the instructions (and style) of the customer, but this is not as simple as it might seem at the beginning. Completely different people different requirements to perform the work, so the illustrator must be proficient in any form of fine art. This is a very popular profession, because it is required in films, and in book printing, and even in advertising products.


One of the professions that is firmly included in daily life any person. After all, giving a certain shape to a client’s hair is an art! Sometimes a hairdresser can create a real miracle, completely changing a person’s appearance with just one hairstyle. However, this specialty is not for everyone. You need to be a diligent and non-conflict person, and also understand the client’s wishes. Sometimes it is difficult to determine what a person really wants and what haircut suits him.


One of the most important professions in the world. Any person listens to music and enjoys it, and those who write such music that everyone listens to it become famous throughout the world. However, there are a lot of genres of music, and a beginning musician does not have to write classical music. The main thing is to choose a list of music that you like and the practice of which will not burden you.


Quite a rare profession these days. To become a really good sculptor, you need to spend a lot of time studying and preparing. This specialty on the list is perhaps the most difficult due to the lack of a simple opportunity to prove oneself; most often only famous sculptors. However, if you are confident in your abilities, you should try the field of sculpting and stone carving.


This specialty is not very easy due to large quantity small details that arise during the design process, and at the same time the enormity of the entire project. Very often young people come to the city who want to prove themselves and build something truly beautiful. However, customers are usually very demanding when it comes to building designs; up to several dozen different layouts and 3D models have to be created to satisfy them. It all depends on what kind of clients you get.


It seems that many famous people we only know because they are the directors of some film. In fact, they are known to us only because they are truly the best of the best and have outstanding creative potential. It is not so easy for a university graduate to get into the Olympus cinema - the competition is quite “exciting”. However, if you are lucky, the lucky person becomes an assistant director and, over the years, gains experience useful for his own future projects.

Fashion designer

This profession is very important to maintain the fashion cycle. It is fashion designers who create lists of the most fashionable collections of the season, sew and cut outfits for shows. Famous brands fashion designers are specifically hired to work on new clothing items. This specialty is suitable for diligent and original people who are not afraid to bring their ideas to life. The competition here is high, but talented person will find its place in the world of style.


It’s not the most famous or highly paid profession in the world, but that doesn’t make it any less interesting. A florist is necessary for any special events and holidays, so he receives a decent fee for beautiful design rooms with flowers. This job is suitable for diligent and calm people who love wildlife.

So, creative professions are needed everywhere. This list contains only a small part of the specialties that are really needed in the world. Remember that perseverance and perseverance will help you achieve any heights in your creativity, and the desire to become the best will help you break away from your competitors. What peaks you can conquer depends only on you.

Choosing future specialty, remember: work can and should bring pleasure! This is why people with wealth inner world make a choice in favor of creativity as a lifelong activity. We bring to your attention a list of the most interesting creative professions.

Among those who are called people of creative professions, you will not meet a person who is tired of the professional routine. The opportunity to create, creating something new, amazingly beautiful, unusual, is a reward in itself. And if the result of creativity is liked by others, the material reward will be as generous as the moral satisfaction from what you love.

To realize artistic inclinations

  • theater and film actors;
  • ballet, circus, and original genre artists;
  • musicians and singers;
  • illusionists;
  • hosts of festive events.

The life and work of representatives of these professions is inextricably linked with the show and the festive atmosphere that invariably accompanies it, audience sympathy, applause, and delight.

The professional activity of an artist is very different from the work of an engineer, doctor or teacher. The main thing always remains the creative component, the personal talent and charisma of the artist. And even the routine (regular rehearsals, memorizing a large amount of information, etc.) can be no less interesting than the process of performing itself.

If artistry, creativity, the ability to perform well in front of an unfamiliar audience and instantly transform are integral features of your personality, you will find your calling by choosing the path of an artist.

To work in the fashion industry

The work of a fashion designer is not just creative: it tops the list of the most popular modern specialties and leads the list of the most interesting. It is these people who influence how society will look, that is, directly on fashion - creating modern clothes, shoes, and accessories. A good example the influence of the fashion designer on the images of modern celebrities - the work of Alexandra Tumashova, who created costumes for popular Russian television shows " Ice age", "Stars on Ice", etc.

The best models make their creator in demand, popular and, as a result, rich. But often a representative of the profession, speaking about its advantages, puts in the first place the opportunity to create and communicate with interesting people, A material well-being- only for the second.

To succeed in your career as a fashion designer, you need creativity, creativity and the ability to draw - after all, any idea born of your talent needs to be visualized for its further implementation.

Rating of the TOP 11 best online schools

International school foreign languages, including Japanese, Chinese, Arabic. Computer courses, art and design, finance and accounting, marketing, advertising, PR are also available.

Individual lessons with a tutor for preparation for the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam, Olympiads, school subjects. Classes with the best teachers in Russia, more than 23,000 interactive tasks.

Online school for preparing for the Unified State Exam in 4 subjects: Russian, mathematics, English, physics. Classes are held on a modern IT platform, including video communication, chat, simulators and a task bank.

An educational IT portal that helps you become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online English language school, which provides the opportunity to learn English individually with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

English language school via Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and USA. Maximum conversation practice.

Online school of the new generation English language. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Distance online school. Lessons school curriculum from 1st to 11th grade: videos, notes, tests, simulators. For those who often miss school or live outside of Russia.

Online university of modern professions (web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can undergo a guaranteed internship with partners.

The largest online education platform. Allows you to obtain a sought-after Internet profession. All exercises are posted online, access to them is unlimited.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way. Effective workouts, translation of words, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

For those who prefer fine art

Modern technologies have significantly expanded the list of specialties available to those who choose the creative profession of an artist. fine arts has gone far beyond the usual “classical” framework, and today you can be not just a painter, designer, illustrator, restorer or sculptor, but also an author of graphic novels, an animator or a master of digital graphics. All these creative professions are suitable for girls and boys: the gender of the artist does not matter, the main thing is talent and a sincere desire to devote their life to their chosen business.

Fine arts open up the broadest prospects for professional activity. Employees can specialize in one or more of its areas, choosing the most popular and interesting for themselves. Creative tandems of the artist with fashion designers, designers, and constructors are often formed to implement complex, interesting, unique projects.

For creativity in jewelry art

Jewelry craftsmanship is the art of creating jewelry using bulk solid materials (mainly metals and gems). The profession of a jeweler is close to the profession of an artist, but has its own characteristics. Have you heard the expression “jewelry precision”? A jeweler artist requires not only imagination, creativity, and talent, but also:

  • perseverance;
  • painstakingness;
  • extreme attention to detail;
  • excellent eye;
  • perfect accuracy;
  • high precision of manipulation;
  • ability to feel the material.

A master who possesses all of the above qualities is able to create things of stunning beauty. In his hands, even inexpensive polymers turn into a real work of art and acquire special value, including material value.

The profession is great for creative people who prefer to work alone and are able to concentrate on one task for a long time.

Choosing a specialization is a personal matter. All areas of jewelry are in demand: from creating designer jewelry (interior, precious or costume jewelry) to repairing and restoring jewelry created by someone else. Another significant plus is good remuneration for work. Jewelry workshop workers receive high salaries, and the remuneration of talented private craftsmen often reaches six to seven figure sums.

For those who want to make people beautiful

What could be more interesting for creative person How to make people around you beautiful? This is exactly the task a stylist faces every day when helping a client create perfect image. The creative component of the profession is the ability to harmoniously combine the smallest features in order to hide flaws in appearance and highlight advantages.

For those who choose the profession of a stylist, different specializations are available:

  • make-up artist - make-up master;
  • hairdresser - specialist in hairstyles (haircuts, styling, coloring, hair care);
  • image maker - consultant on choosing outfits and creating an individual wardrobe;
  • multimaster - a generalist who has mastered all areas of a stylist's activity.

The qualities required for such a profession are communication skills, good taste, a sense of proportion and the ability to look great in any situation. Appearance specialist is important because it is business card masters - without words, he eloquently talks about his talent and level of professional training.

To realize literary talents

  • from journalist to author of literary works;
  • from a blogger publishing his original works on the Internet to a speechwriter creating speeches for prominent political and public figures;
  • from scriptwriters who create scripts for festivals, performances, films, to analysts, observers, critics, reviewers.

The main thing that unites those who choose the creative profession of a writer is the ability to express their thoughts interestingly and vividly.

You cannot learn the profession of a writer in any educational institution. The closest specializations in universities are journalism, philology, screenwriting department of theater and cinematography educational institutions. But if you have a talent for writing, then your main profession does not matter: anyone can become a successful writer!

For those interested in performing arts

Unlike a writer, who conveys thoughts and images through words, a director translates his (or others’) ideas into reality, showing the audience his own vision of the events outlined in the script. Moreover, the combination of two or even three creative professions in directing practice is not uncommon, because directors take an active part in creating scripts (or writing them themselves), selecting actors, costumes, sets, musical accompaniment, special effects.

Working as a director requires remarkable willpower, leadership qualities and enormous creative potential. But the results of this work also bring maximum satisfaction to creative people.

For real creators

The list of design creative professions includes dozens of different specializations. Architectural, landscape, interior, industrial, graphic, lighting, transport, computer, printing... this is only a small part of modern types of design. But they are all united general meaning: a designer is a person who develops and designs images in a particular area, that is, designs the world around us.

There are no small details in a designer’s work, or rather, every smallest detail matters. By operating with these little things, arranging them in different orders, the creator creates new forms of familiar things, making people's lives more convenient, more beautiful, and simpler.

By choosing a field of interest, you can get a creative profession in order to combine a hobby with a specialty and do what you love for the rest of your life.

For connoisseurs of living beauty

Working as a florist tops the list of the most interesting creative professions for girls. But among successful florists, including famous ones, there are many men. Floristry specialist creates beautiful compositions, bouquets, decorations, from flowers and plants. What attracts workers to this type of activity is not only the creative component of the profession, but also the beauty of the materials used and the results of the work. Floristry gives you the opportunity to show talent, taste, creativity, constantly being in the process of creativity.