Leonardo da Vinci project. Inventions of Leonardo da Vinci. Fortress tower and double spiral staircase


Leonardo di Ser Piero da Vinci is a man of Renaissance art, sculptor, inventor, painter, philosopher, writer, scientist, polymath (universal person).

The future genius was born as a result of a love affair between the noble Piero da Vinci and the girl Katerina (Katarina). According to the social norms of that time, the marriage of these people was impossible due to the low origin of Leonardo’s mother. After the birth of her first child, she was married to a potter, with whom Katerina lived the rest of her life. It is known that she gave birth to four daughters and a son from her husband.

Portrait of Leonardo da Vinci

The first-born Piero da Vinci lived with his mother for three years. Leonardo's father, immediately after his birth, married a rich representative of a noble family, but his legal wife was never able to give him an heir. Three years after the marriage, Pierrot took his son to him and began raising him. Leonardo's stepmother died 10 years later while trying to give birth to an heir. Pierrot remarried, but quickly became a widower again. In total, Leonardo had four stepmothers, as well as 12 paternal half-siblings.

Creativity and inventions of da Vinci

The parent apprenticed Leonardo to the Tuscan master Andrea Verrocchio. During his studies with his mentor, son Pierrot learned not only the art of painting and sculpture. Young Leonardo studied the humanities and engineering, leather craftsmanship, and the basics of working with metal and chemicals. All this knowledge was useful to Da Vinci in life.

Leonardo received confirmation of his qualifications as a master at the age of twenty, after which he continued to work under the supervision of Verrocchio. The young artist was involved in minor work on his teacher’s paintings, for example, he painted background landscapes and clothes of minor characters. Leonardo only got his own workshop in 1476.

Drawing "Vitruvian Man" by Leonardo da Vinci

In 1482, da Vinci was sent by his patron Lorenzo de' Medici to Milan. During this period, the artist worked on two paintings, which were never completed. In Milan, Duke Lodovico Sforza enrolled Leonardo in the court staff as an engineer. The high-ranking person was interested in defensive devices and devices for entertaining the courtyard. Da Vinci had the opportunity to develop his talent as an architect and his abilities as a mechanic. His inventions turned out to be an order of magnitude better than those proposed by his contemporaries.

The engineer stayed in Milan under Duke Sforza for about seventeen years. During this time, Leonardo painted the paintings “Madonna in the Grotto” and “Lady with an Ermine”, created his most famous drawing “The Vitruvian Man”, made a clay model of the equestrian monument of Francesco Sforza, painted the wall of the refectory of the Dominican monastery with the composition “The Last Supper”, made a number of anatomical sketches and drawings of devices.

Leonardo's engineering talent also came in handy after his return to Florence in 1499. He entered the service of Duke Cesare Borgia, who relied on Da Vinci's ability to create military mechanisms. The engineer worked in Florence for about seven years, after which he returned to Milan. By that time, he had already completed work on his most famous painting, which is now kept in the Louvre Museum.

The master's second Milanese period lasted six years, after which he left for Rome. In 1516, Leonardo went to France, where he spent his last years. On the journey, the master took with him Francesco Melzi, a student and main heir of da Vinci’s artistic style.

Portrait of Francesco Melzi

Despite the fact that Leonardo spent only four years in Rome, it is in this city that there is a museum named after him. In three halls of the institution you can get acquainted with devices built according to Leonardo’s drawings, examine copies of paintings, photos of diaries and manuscripts.

The Italian devoted most of his life to engineering and architectural projects. His inventions were both military and peaceful in nature. Leonardo is known as the developer of prototypes of a tank, an aircraft, a self-propelled carriage, a searchlight, a catapult, a bicycle, a parachute, a mobile bridge, and a machine gun. Some of the inventor's drawings still remain a mystery to researchers.

Drawings and sketches of some of Leonardo da Vinci's inventions

In 2009, the Discovery TV channel aired the series of films “Da Vinci Apparatus.” Each of the ten episodes of the documentary series was devoted to the construction and testing of mechanisms based on Leonardo's original drawings. The film's technicians tried to recreate the inventions of the Italian genius using materials from his era.

Personal life

The master's personal life was kept in the strictest confidence. Leonardo used a code for entries in his diaries, but even after deciphering, researchers received little reliable information. There is a version that the reason for secrecy was da Vinci’s unconventional orientation.

The basis of the theory that the artist loved men was the guesswork of researchers based on indirect facts. At a young age, the artist was involved in a case of sodomy, but it is not known for certain in what capacity. After this incident, the master became very secretive and stingy with comments about his personal life.

Leonardo's possible lovers include some of his students, the most famous of whom is Salai. The young man was endowed with an effeminate appearance and became a model for several paintings by da Vinci. John the Baptist is one of Leonardo's surviving works for which Szalai sat.

There is a version that the “Mona Lisa” was also painted from this sitter, dressed in a woman’s dress. It should be noted that there is some physical similarity between the people depicted in the paintings “Mona Lisa” and “John the Baptist”. The fact remains that da Vinci bequeathed his artistic masterpiece to Salai.

Historians also include Francesco Melzi among Leonardo's possible lovers.

There is another version of the secret of the Italian’s personal life. It is believed that Leonardo had a romantic relationship with Cecilia Gallerani, who is supposedly depicted in the portrait “Lady with an Ermine”. This woman was the favorite of the Duke of Milan, the owner of a literary salon, and a patron of the arts. She introduced the young artist to the circle of Milanese bohemia.

Fragment of the painting “Lady with an Ermine”

Among Da Vinci's notes was found a draft of a letter addressed to Cecilia, which began with the words: “My beloved goddess...”. Researchers suggest that the portrait “Lady with an Ermine” was painted with clear signs of unspent feelings for the woman depicted in it.

Some researchers believe that the great Italian did not know carnal love at all. He was not attracted to men or women in a physical sense. In the context of this theory, it is assumed that Leonardo led the life of a monk who did not give birth to descendants, but left a great legacy.

Death and grave

Modern researchers have concluded that the probable cause of the artist’s death was a stroke. Da Vinci died at the age of 67 in 1519. Thanks to the memoirs of his contemporaries, it is known that by that time the artist was already suffering from partial paralysis. Leonardo could not move his right hand, as researchers believe, due to a stroke suffered in 1517.

Despite the paralysis, the master continued his active creative life, resorting to the help of his student Francesco Melzi. Da Vinci's health deteriorated, and by the end of 1519 it was already difficult for him to walk without assistance. This evidence is consistent with the theoretical diagnosis. Scientists believe that a repeated attack of cerebrovascular accident in 1519 ended the life of the famous Italian.

Monument to Leonardo da Vinci in Milan, Italy

At the time of his death, the master was in the castle of Clos-Lucé near the city of Amboise, where he lived for the last three years of his life. In accordance with Leonardo's will, his body was buried in the gallery of the Church of Saint-Florentin.

Unfortunately, the master's grave was destroyed during the Huguenot wars. The church in which the Italian was buried was looted, after which it fell into severe neglect and was demolished by the new owner of the Amboise castle, Roger Ducos, in 1807.

After the destruction of the Saint-Florentin chapel, the remains from many burials over the years were mixed and buried in the garden. Since the mid-nineteenth century, researchers have made several attempts to identify the bones of Leonardo da Vinci. Innovators in this matter were guided by the lifetime description of the master and selected the most suitable fragments from the found remains. They were studied for some time. The work was led by archaeologist Arsen Housse. He also found fragments of a tombstone, presumably from da Vinci's grave, and a skeleton in which some fragments were missing. These bones were reburied in the reconstructed artist's tomb in the Chapel of Saint-Hubert on the grounds of the Castle of Amboise.

In 2010, a team of researchers led by Silvano Vinceti was going to exhume the remains of the Renaissance master. It was planned to identify the skeleton using genetic material taken from the burials of Leonardo's paternal relatives. Italian researchers were unable to obtain permission from the castle owners to carry out the necessary work.

On the site where the Church of Saint-Florentin used to be located, at the beginning of the last century a granite monument was erected, marking the four hundredth anniversary of the death of the famous Italian. The engineer's reconstructed grave and stone monument with his bust are among the most popular attractions in Amboise.

The secrets of da Vinci's paintings

Leonardo's work has occupied the minds of art critics, religious researchers, historians and ordinary people for more than four hundred years. The works of the Italian artist have become an inspiration for people of science and creativity. There are many theories that reveal the secrets of da Vinci's paintings. The most famous of them says that when writing his masterpieces, Leonardo used a special graphic code.

Using a device of several mirrors, researchers were able to find out that the secret of the looks of the heroes from the paintings “Mona Lisa” and “John the Baptist” lies in the fact that they are looking at a creature in a mask, reminiscent of an alien. The secret code in Leonardo's notes was also deciphered using an ordinary mirror.

Hoaxes surrounding the work of the Italian genius led to the emergence of a number of works of art, the author of which was the writer. His novels became bestsellers. In 2006, the film “The Da Vinci Code” was released, based on Brown’s work of the same name. The film was met with a wave of criticism from religious organizations, but set box office records in its first month of release.

Lost and unfinished works

Not all of the master’s works have survived to this day. The works that have not survived include: a shield with a painting in the form of the head of Medusa, a sculpture of a horse for the Duke of Milan, a portrait of the Madonna with a spindle, the painting “Leda and the Swan” and the fresco “The Battle of Anghiari”.

Modern researchers know about some of the master’s paintings thanks to surviving copies and memoirs of da Vinci’s contemporaries. For example, the fate of the original work “Leda and the Swan” is still unknown. Historians believe that the painting may have been destroyed in the mid-seventeenth century on the orders of the Marquise de Maintenon, wife of Louis XIV. Sketches made by Leonardo's hand and several copies of the canvas made by different artists have survived to this day.

The painting showed a young naked woman in the arms of a swan, with babies hatched from huge eggs playing at her feet. When creating this masterpiece, the artist was inspired by a famous mythical plot. It is interesting that the painting based on the story of Leda’s copulation with Zeus, who took the form of a swan, was painted not only by da Vinci.

Leonardo's lifetime rival also painted a painting dedicated to this ancient myth. Buonarotti's painting suffered the same fate as da Vinci's work. Paintings by Leonardo and Michelangelo simultaneously disappeared from the collection of the French royal house.

Among the unfinished works of the brilliant Italian, the painting “Adoration of the Magi” stands out. The canvas was commissioned by the Augustinian monks in 1841, but remained unfinished due to the master’s departure to Milan. The customers found another artist, and Leonardo saw no point in continuing to work on the painting.

Fragment of the painting “Adoration of the Magi”

Researchers believe that the composition of the canvas has no analogues in Italian painting. The painting depicts Mary with the newborn Jesus and the Magi, and behind the pilgrims are riders on horses and the ruins of a pagan temple. There is an assumption that Leonardo depicted himself at the age of 29 among the men who came to the son of God.

  • In 2009, researcher of religious mysteries Lynn Picknett published the book “Leonardo da Vinci and the Brotherhood of Zion,” naming the famous Italian one of the masters of a secret religious order.
  • It is believed that da Vinci was a vegetarian. He wore clothes made of linen, neglecting outfits made of leather and natural silk.
  • A group of researchers plans to isolate Leonardo's DNA from the master's surviving personal belongings. Historians also claim to be close to finding da Vinci's maternal relatives.
  • The Renaissance was a time when noble women in Italy were addressed with the words “my lady”, in Italian - “ma donna”. In colloquial speech the expression was shortened to "monna". This means that the title of the painting “Mona Lisa” can be literally translated as “Lady Lisa”.

  • Rafael Santi called da Vinci his teacher. He visited Leonardo's studio in Florence and tried to adopt some features of his artistic style. Raphael Santi also called Michelangelo Buonarroti his teacher. The three artists mentioned are considered the main geniuses of the Renaissance.
  • Australian enthusiasts have created the largest traveling exhibition of the great architect's inventions. The exhibition was developed with the participation of the Leonardo da Vinci Museum in Italy. The exhibition has already visited six continents. During its operation, five million visitors were able to see and touch the works of the most famous engineer of the Renaissance.

Leonardo da Vinci, full name Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci (Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, April 15, 1452 - May 2, 1519), one of the greatest figures of art and science of the High Renaissance - artist, sculptor, architect, scientist, inventor and writer.

Self-portrait attributed to Leonardo da Vinci (Royal Library, Turin). It is believed that the artist made it at the age of 60.

Illegitimate son

Leonardo was born on April 15, 1452 in the village of Anchiano near the town of Vinci. The illegitimate son of the notary Piero da Vinci, Leonardo was raised in his father's house from the age of four. There he received his primary education at home, mastering, among other things, Latin and mathematics. A curious fact is that Leonardo was ambidextrous from a young age - he could use his right and left hands equally well, although most of his written works were done with his left hand from right to left. At the age of about 14, Leonardo and his family moved to Florence, where in 1467 he began studying with the famous painter and sculptor Andrea Verrocchio. During this period, he became acquainted with geometry and the laws of perspective, as well as the theory of proportions. In 1473, Leonardo received the status of a master in the Guild of St. Luke (a guild association of artists and sculptors) and worked in his own workshop in Florence, but the impending economic and political crisis forced him to move in 1482 to Milan, to the court of Duke Lodovico Sforza.

Milanese period

During this period of his life, Leonardo worked a lot and fruitfully in a variety of fields. In the college of ducal engineers, he, together with the famous architect Bramante, is engaged in strengthening and decorating the gigantic ducal castle. 2-Leonardo-da-Vinci.jpg

Sforzes Castle (Castello Sforzesco, Milan). The castle acquired its modern appearance after large-scale restorations in 1833 and 1900.

Sketch of the watchtower of the Sforza Castle (Milan). The rotunda is surrounded by columns and covered with a conical roof.

Around 1483-1485. Leonardo is developing a plan for a new type of city - this issue became relevant due to the plague epidemic that broke out in Milan, which claimed many lives. This fundamental and multifaceted project, centuries ahead of its time, was implemented during his lifetime on a very small scale, but many of his urban planning ideas were embodied in different cities and countries in the following centuries. In 1494, Leonardo was engaged in work on draining and irrigating lands in the vicinity of Milan, constructing a water staircase of 130 steps on the Martesan Canal. In addition to major works, the master's first Milanese period is characterized by a wide variety of architectural and engineering creations. He owns: the project of the temple-theater, which is the first, after the Middle Ages, attempt to revive a theater-type building; project of a country villa with double walls and staircases located between them and many other original projects, for the most part, which have survived to this day only in the form of drawings and sketches

Project of a centric mausoleum building on an artificial hill. One of the many sketches from the "Milanese period" illustrating the innovative ideas of Leonardo da Vinci

One of Leonardo's largest architectural projects is the dome over the central cross of the Milan Cathedral. The master develops many innovative architectural and engineering solutions and even creates a model from wood. Unfortunately, the dome (in a less majestic and more simplified version) was implemented according to the design of another architect.

Apparently, it was this task that prompted the master to pay close attention to the design of centric domed buildings, in the sketches of which we can see the implementation of many innovative artistic and technical solutions. Some researchers believe that the famous architect Bramante used some of these ideas from da Vinci when creating his most ambitious project (St. Peter's Cathedral). 5-Leonardo_da_Vinci-Studies_of_Central_Plan_Buildings.jpg

Sketch of a multi-domed temple with three-apse chapels. It is believed that this idea was later used by Bramante in the design of the Cathedral of St. Petra

St. Peter's Cathedral (Basilica di San Pietro, Vatican). The initial design of the cathedral was carried out by Bramante (using drawings by Leonardo da Vinci), but subsequent reconstructions significantly changed its architectonics

One of Leonardo’s drawings, kept in the Venetian Academy, depicts a sketch of the facade of the church, which by more than 50 years anticipated the architectonics of the Roman and Venetian churches of the late Renaissance, created in the second half of the 16th century by the famous architects Giacomo da Vignola and Andrea Palladio.

In the service of Caesar Borgia

In 1499, French troops invade northern Italy and occupy Milan. Duke Lodovico Moro is captured and Leonardo leaves the occupied city in December 1499. After a short stay in Mantua, Venice and Florence, the master in 1501 entered the service of the son of Pope Alexander VI - Duke Caesar Borgia, where he worked on military fortifications, designed a canal connecting Cesena with the Adriatic Sea and developed a plan for the reconstruction of the city of Imola. The short service with the Borgia ends in March 1503 and Leonardo returns to Florence. Desperate to find a use for his engineering and architectural talents in Italy, the master took up painting. Among others, the creation of the famous “La Gioconda” dates back to this period of his life.

Second Milanese period

Leonardo's desire to return to Milan was finally realized in 1508, where he immediately set about building a new lock in the system of large canals, with the goal of protecting the city from spring floods. In 1512, the troops of Pope Julius II occupied Milan and Leonardo, who worked at the court of the governor of Milan, the Frenchman Charles d'Amboise, had to hide from persecution for some time. In 1513, Julius II dies and Leonardo finds himself in favor with Giuliano de' Medici (brother of the new pope Leo X), who invites the master to Rome.

Roman period and move to France

The “Roman” period of the aging Leonardo (1513-1515) was not marked by any famous architectural achievements - he was mainly engaged in painting. The war with France that broke out at the beginning of 1515, by the will of fate, leads the master to negotiations between Pope Leo X and Francis I, who invites Leonardo to his court. The king's proposal was accepted. And at the beginning of 1516, da Vinci moved to France, to the castle of Cloux near the city of Ambois and received the official title of the first royal artist, architect and engineer.

Sketches of the “Ramorantin Project” - an elongated city, a plan of a castle and a pool for water tournaments

In 1517, Leonardo was working on the grandiose project of building the Romorantin Canal, which was supposed to connect central France with Italy. In this regard, he developed a plan for the reconstruction of the city of Romorantin, including detailed drawings of the new city palace. The last creation of the brilliant master, apparently, was the plan of the castle, which was subsequently erected in Chambord (Loir-et-Cher) on the Cosson River.

Chambord Castle. The “decorative” nature of the donjon and the royal lily on the lighthouse turret are clearly visible

Leonardo died on May 2, 1519 in Clos-Luce; The master's inheritance amounted, among other items, to about 50 thousand original documents of various contents, of which only a third has survived to this day.

The most significant works of the architect:

1. Reconstruction of the Sforza Castle in Milan (late 15th - early 16th centuries).

2.Project of the dome of the Milan Cathedral

3. Research on the strength of building structures and materials

4. Concepts and compositions of centric domed buildings

5.Projects of various buildings of the “Milanese” period (1482-1499)

6. Urban plan of a new type - the reconstruction of Milan (1483-1485)

7.Water staircase on the Martesan Canal (outskirts of Milan, 1494)

Leonardo da Vinci rightfully occupies one of the first places among inventors of all centuries and peoples. He was able to predict and predetermine the course of many inventions and thought in a way that was at odds with the then generally accepted norms and approaches. In this article you will learn what Leonardo da Vinci invented. We will try to give the entire list of Leonardo's inventions and reveal as much as possible the principles and essence of the operation of his mechanisms.

Read also:

  • Inventions of Leonardo da Vinci - part 1

Leonardo da Vinci gained fame during his lifetime, but world fame and fame came to him centuries later, when his notes and recordings were found in the 19th century. His papers contained sketches and sketches of amazing inventions and mechanisms. He divided many of his works into special “codes”, and the total volume of his works is about 13 thousand pages. The main obstacle to the implementation of his ideas was the low technological and scientific level of the Middle Ages. In the 20th century, many of his inventions were repeated, if not in real size, then in the form of models and reduced copies, although there were often daredevils and enthusiasts who were ready to repeat everything exactly as described by the great inventor Leonardo da Vinci.


Leonardo da Vinci was almost obsessed with dreams of flying machines and the possibility of flight, because no machine is capable of causing the same reverent admiration and surprise as a machine capable of soaring in the air like a bird.

In his notes one could find the following thought: “watch a fish swim and you will learn the secret of flight.” Leonardo managed to make an intellectual breakthrough. He realized that water behaved like air, so he gained applied knowledge of how to create lift and showed an extraordinary understanding of the subject that amazes experts to this day.

One of the interesting concepts found in the work of the genius is a prototype of a helicopter or propeller-driven vertical aircraft.

Around the sketch there is also a description of the da Vinci propeller (helicon). The screw coating had to be thread-thick iron. The height should be approximately 5 meters, and the radius of the screw should be about 2 meters. The device had to be driven by the muscle power of four people.

In the video below, four enthusiastic engineers, a historian and a light airplane specialist tried to develop the idea of ​​​​Leonardo's helicopter and try to make it fly, although they were allowed to use a number of modern technologies and materials. As a result, it turned out that this design has a number of serious shortcomings, the main one of which was the lack of thrust necessary for flight, so enthusiasts went for significant modifications, but whether they succeeded or not, find out from the video.

Leonardo da Vinci's plane

The inventor did not sit with the idea of ​​a helicopter for long and decided to move on, trying to create a prototype of the aircraft. Here birds were the source of knowledge.

Below in the picture are drawings of the wings, as well as sketches of a hang glider, which, after construction in our time, turned out to be quite functional.

Although his invention cannot be fully called an airplane, it is best suited to be called a flywheel or ornithopter, that is, an aircraft lifted into the air due to the reaction of air with its planes (wings), to which the flapping motion is transmitted through muscular effort, like in birds

Leonardo carefully began to make calculations and he started with ducks. He measured the length of the duck's wing, after which it turned out that the length of the wing was equal to the square root of its weight. Based on these premises, Leonardo decided that in order to lift his flywheel into the air with a person on board (which reached about 136 kilograms), it would be necessary to create bird-like wings 12 meters long.

Interesting fact about hang gliding. In the game Assasin's Creed 2, the main character uses Da Vinci's flying machine (hang glider) to fly from one end of the city of Venice to the other.

And if you are a fan of Bruce Willis' films, you may remember that in the movie "Hudson Hawk" a hang glider and da Vinci's parachute are mentioned. And the main character even flew on a da Vinci hang glider.

Leonardo da Vinci's parachute

Of course, Leonardo did not invent his parachute in order to escape in the event of an aircraft crash; it was also an aircraft that would allow a smooth descent from a great height. Below is a sketch of the parachute, its calculations and design.

The inventor's parachute has the shape of a pyramid covered with thick fabric. The base of the pyramid was about 7 meters 20 cm long.

Interestingly, it was in Russia that the inventor Kotelnikov would perfect the da Vinci parachute, making the first backpack parachute in history that could be attached to the pilot’s back and used during ejection.

In 2000, parachutist from England Andrian Nicholas decided to test Leonardo’s invention in the form in which he invented it, replacing only the material in it, realizing that flax would not withstand such a load. The first attempt was a failure, so he had to use a reserve parachute. True, in 2008 the Swiss Olivier Tepp managed to achieve success. He abandoned the rigid structure of the parachute and jumped from a height of 650 meters. The natural scientist claims that the descent itself turned out to be safe, but it is impossible to control such a parachute.


Leonardo also achieved impressive knowledge in the field of architecture and construction. He studied the strength and resistance of materials, discovered a number of fundamental principles, and was able to understand how best to move various objects.

Leonardo studied the force required to lift bodies of varying masses. To lift a heavy object up an inclined plane, the idea of ​​using a system of screws, winches and capstans was considered.

Crane for lifting long objects

The base of the beam or pole rests on a special platform with a pair of wheels, which is pulled up by a horizontal rope from below. The force that must be applied to pull up the horizontal rope always remains constant, and the column moves in a straight line.

Leonardo invented a system of wheels and hammers for lifting loads. The operation of the system is similar to the work of hammer blows during coining, only this all happens on a special gear wheel. Three hammers with a special wedge inserted between the pins hit the wheel, rotating it and the drum where the load is attached.

Mobile crane and screw lift

A tall crane is shown in the sketch on the right. As you might guess, it was intended for the construction of tall buildings and structures (towers, domes, bell towers, and so on). The crane was placed on a special trolley, which moved along a guide rope that stretched above the crane.

The screw lift is shown in the sketch on the left and was intended for installing columns and lifting other heavy objects. The design consists of a huge screw, which is driven by the force of four people. It is clear that in this case the height and general design of such a lift limits the possibilities of its use.

Sketch of a trolley crane and a screw lift

Ring platform crane

This crane is very similar to modern cranes in its functionality and was used by builders at the end of the 14th century. This lift allows you to move heavy objects around you. For its operation it was necessary to use two workers. The first was on the lower platform and used a drum to lift heavy objects, and the second worker was on the upper platform and used a steering wheel to rotate the lift around its axis. The crane also had wheels that allowed it to be moved. Such cranes were used in Leonardo's time to install pillars and columns, build high walls, church domes, house roofs and more. Since the cars were wooden, they were usually burned after use.

Leonardo da Vinci excavators

Today, hardly anyone can be surprised by an excavator, but few people think about how they were invented. There is a point of view that prototypes of excavators were used back in Ancient Egypt during the construction of canals and dredging of river beds, but the truly conceptual model of the excavator was, of course, invented by the great Leonardo da Vinci.

Excavators of the Renaissance, of course, were not particularly automatic and required the manual labor of workers, but they greatly facilitated it, because now it was easier for workers to move the excavated soil. Sketches of excavators give us an idea of ​​how huge the machines were at that time. The excavator used the principle of monorail movement, that is, it moved along one rail, while covering the entire width of the canal, and the booms of its cranes could rotate 180°.

Fortress tower and double spiral staircase

In the picture you can see a sketch of part of the fortress. To the left of the fortress tower there is a sketch of a spiral staircase, which is an important component of the tower. The design of the staircase is similar to the well-known Archimedes screw. If you look closely at the staircase, you will notice that it is double and its parts do not intersect, that is, you and your friend can go up or down different spirals of the staircase and not know about each other. This way you can go down one side and go up the other. without interfering with each other. This is an extremely useful property during the hustle and bustle of war. Each part, accordingly, has its own entrance and exit. The sketch doesn't have steps added, but the actual staircase has them.

The staircase, invented by Leonardo, was built after his death in 1519 in France inside the Chateau de Chambord, which served as a royal residence. There are 77 staircases in Chambord, some spiral ones, but only the double spiral staircase, made according to da Vinci's sketches, has become an interesting attraction.

A labyrinthine building with many staircases, entrances and exits

Leonardo also thought about more sophisticated architectural concepts using stairs. In this case, it’s a real labyrinth! This structure has 4 entrances and 4 staircases, which spiral in a spiral one above the other, wrapping around a central column in the form of a square pillar. Leonardo was excellent at finding harmonious structures, combining the geometric features of space, lines, shapes and materials, ultimately creating holistic, self-sufficient buildings.

Sliding (swing) bridge

Sketch of a swing bridge by Leonardo da Vinci

Another bridge, which, unfortunately, remained only a project, is a bridge capable of passing ships sailing along the river. Its main difference from modern bridges that operate on the opening principle is the ability to rotate like a door. This effect is achieved through a system of capstans, hinges, winches and counterweights, where one end of the bridge is fixed to a special rotating mechanism, and the other end is slightly raised for rotation.

Self-supporting (“mobile”) bridge

This bridge is the answer to the question: “how can you quickly build a full-fledged crossing using improvised means?” Moreover, the answer is extremely beautiful and original.

Sketch of a self-supporting bridge by Leonardo da Vinci

This bridge forms an arch, that is, it is arched, and the assembly itself does not require either nails or ropes. The load distribution in the bridge structure occurs due to the mutual expansion and pressure of the elements on each other. You can assemble such a bridge in any place where trees grow, and they grow almost everywhere.

The purpose of the bridge was military and was necessary for the mobile and secret movement of troops. Leonardo imagined that such a bridge could be built by a small group of soldiers using trees growing nearby. Leonardo himself named his bridge “Reliability”.

suspension bridge

This type of bridge was another example of a mobile prefabricated bridge that soldiers could assemble using ropes and winches. Such a bridge was quickly assembled and dismantled after itself during the advances and retreats of troops.

As with many of Leonardo da Vinci's designs, the principles of tension, statics and resistance of materials are used here. The structure of this bridge is similar to that of suspension bridges, where the main load-bearing elements are also made of winches and ropes and do not require additional supports.

This bridge, created 500 years ago, could serve as a good military device during the Second World War. Later, engineers of subsequent centuries came to the conclusion that this type of bridge design was optimal, and the principles used in the suspension bridge are also used in many modern bridges.

Bridge for the Turkish Sultan

In 1502-1503, Sultan Bayezid II began to look for projects to build a bridge across the Golden Horn Bay. Leonardo proposed an interesting bridge project to the Sultan, which involved building a bridge 240 meters long and 24 meters wide, which at that time looked like something grandiose. It is also interesting to note that another project was proposed by Michelangelo. True, none of the projects managed to be implemented in practice.

500 years have passed and Norway has become interested in the concept of the bridge. In 2001, near Oslo in the small town of As, a smaller copy of the Da Vinci Bridge was built. Architects and builders tried not to deviate from the master’s drawings, but in some places they used modern materials and technologies.

City of the future by Leonardo da Vinci

In 1484-1485, a plague broke out in Milan, from which about 50 thousand people died. Leonardo da Vinci suggested that the cause of the plague was unsanitary conditions, dirt and overpopulation, so he proposed to Duke Ludovico Sforza to build a new city, devoid of all these problems. Leonardo's project would now remind us of various attempts by science fiction writers to depict a utopian city in which there are no problems, where technology is the solution to everything.

Sketches of the streets of Leonardo da Vinci's ideal city of the future

According to the plan of the great genius, the city consisted of 10 districts, where 30,000 people were supposed to live, with each district and house in it provided with an individual water supply, and the width of the streets had to be at least equal to the average height of a horse (much later, the Council of State of London reported that these data the proportions are ideal and all streets in London should be brought in accordance with them). Moreover, the city was multi-tiered. The tiers were connected through stairs and passages. The uppermost tier was occupied by influential and wealthy representatives of society, and the lower tier of the city was reserved for merchants and the provision of various types of services.

The city could become the greatest achievement of architectural thought of its time and could realize many of the technical achievements of the great inventor. You shouldn’t really think that the city was all mechanisms; first of all, Leonardo emphasized convenience, practicality and hygiene. The squares and streets were designed to be extremely spacious, which did not correspond to medieval ideas of the time.

An important point was the system of water canals connecting the entire city. Through a complex hydraulic system, water came to every city building. Da Vinci believed that this would help eliminate an unsanitary lifestyle and reduce the occurrence of plague and other diseases to a minimum.

Ludovico Sforza considered this project adventurous and refused to implement it. Towards the very end of his life, Leonardo tried to present this project to the King of France, Francis I, but the project, unfortunately, did not interest anyone and remained unrealized.


Leonardo created many sketches dedicated to water devices, water manipulation devices, various water pipes and fountains, as well as irrigation machines. Leonardo loved water so much that he did everything that came into contact with water in any way.

Improved Archimedes screw

The ancient Greeks, represented by Archimedes, long ago invented a device that made it possible to raise water using mechanics rather than manual labor. This mechanism was invented around 287-222 BC. Leonardo da Vinci improved the Archimedes mechanism. He carefully considered the various relationships between the angle of the axle and the required number of spirals to select the optimal parameters. Thanks to improvements, the propeller mechanism began to deliver a larger volume of water with fewer losses.

In the sketch the screw is shown on the left. It is a tightly wrapped tube. Water rises through the tube and flows from a special bathroom to the top. By rotating the handle, water will flow in a continuous stream.

The Archimedes screw is still used to irrigate farmland, and the principles of the screw form the basis of many industrial pumping stations and pumps.

Water wheel

Leonardo tried to find the most optimal way to use the power and energy of water using various systems of wheels. He studied hydrodynamics and eventually invented the water wheel, which is shown in the sketch below. Special bowls were made in the wheel, which scooped water from the lower container and poured it into the upper one.

This wheel was used to clean canals and dredge the bottom. Located on a raft and having four blades, the water wheel was driven by hand and collected silt. The silt was placed on a raft, which was secured between two boats. The wheel also moved along a vertical axis, which made it possible to adjust the scooping depth of the wheel.

Water wheel with buckets

Leonardo proposed an interesting way to deliver water in a city. For this, a system of buckets and chains on which the buckets were attached was used. The interesting thing is that the mechanism did not require a person to operate, since all the work was done by the river through a water wheel.

Gate for sluice

The inventor improved the sluice gate system. The amount of water could now be controlled to equalize the pressure on both sides of the sluice gates, making them easier to operate. To do this, Leonardo made a small gate with a bolt in the large gate.

Leonardo also invented a canal with a lock system that allowed ships to continue navigation even on slopes. The gate system made it possible to control the water level so that ships could pass through the water without difficulty.

Breathing apparatus underwater

Leonardo loved water so much that he came up with instructions for diving under water, developed and described a diving suit.

Divers, according to Leonardo’s logic, should have participated in anchoring the ship. Divers in such a suit could breathe using the air found in the underwater bell. The suits also had glass masks that allowed them to see underwater. The suit also had an improved breathing tube, which was used by divers in more ancient times. The hose is made of reed, and the joints are sealed with waterproof material. The hose itself has a spring insert, which allows the hose to increase its strength (after all, there is a lot of water pressure at the bottom), and also makes it more flexible.

In 2002, professional diver Jacques Cozens conducted an experiment and made a diver's suit according to Leonardo's drawings, making it from pigskin and with bamboo tubes, as well as an air dome. Experience showed that the design was not ideal and the experiment was only partially successful.

Invention of flippers

The webbed glove that Leonardo invented would now be called flippers. It allowed one to stay afloat and increased the distance a person could swim in the sea.

Five long wooden sticks continued the structure of the human skeleton along the phalanges of the fingers and were connected to each other by membranes, like those of waterfowl. Modern fins are based on exactly the same principle.

Invention of water skiing

The inventor tried to solve the problem of soldiers crossing long shallow waters and came to the conclusion that it was possible to use a skin previously filled with air (skin bags), attaching this skin to the legs of people.

If the volume of the bag is sufficient, it will be able to support the weight of a person. Leonardo also intended to use a wooden beam, which had increased buoyancy. Soldiers must take two special processions into their hands. to control your balance and move forward.

Leonardo's idea turned out to be unsuccessful, but a similar principle formed the basis of water skiing.


If you translate the inscription located at the bottom of the picture, you can read “How to save lives in the event of a storm or shipwreck.” This simple invention is nothing more than a lifebuoy that allows a person to stay above the water level and not drown. It was assumed that the circle would be made of light oak bark, which could be found everywhere in the Mediterranean.

wheeled boat

In the Middle Ages, seas and rivers remained convenient and optimal transport routes. Milan or Florence were vitally dependent on maritime traffic and the availability of fast and safe water transport.

Leonardo sketched a boat with a paddle wheel. The four blades are similar in shape to the fins of waterfowl. The man turned the pedals with both feet, thereby rotating the wheel. The principle of reciprocating motion caused the wheel to spin counterclockwise, so the boat began to move forward.

Leonardo boat model

In the video below you can see in more detail the structure of a boat with wheels:

Leonardo da Vinci is one of the great geniuses of all time, significantly ahead of his era. This Italian scientist of the Renaissance (Renaissance) was not only an outstanding artist and sculptor, but also a scientist, researcher of the secrets of many sciences. He was born in the small village of Vinci in 1452. Already in his youth, da Vinci painted beautiful paintings “The Annunciation” and “The Adoration of the Magi.” Later, from under his brush came such magnificent works as the wall painting “The Last Supper” in the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, the portrait of Mona Lisa, “St. John the Baptist", "Bacchus". Throughout his life, da Vinci made notes on the theory of art (after the master’s death, these notes were collected and published under the title “Treatise on the Picturesque”).

Leonardo da Vinci is a brilliant artist.

Leonardo da Vinci is the author of many superb works that will always delight art lovers. One of the outstanding images he created, a portrait of Mona Lisa del Giocondo, painted between 1503 and 1506, can be seen in the Louvre. In the St. Petersburg Hermitage there is another of his most beautiful creations - “Madonna Litta”. Many of the works of the brilliant creator remained unfinished, since he was more interested in the depth of the creation process than in the effect of completion. The uniqueness of Leonardo da Vinci was also manifested in the fact that he was mainly interested in facial features, positioning of the figure, movement, correct, natural depiction of objects, chiaroscuro and perspective. Before starting a painting or sculpting a sculpture, the master made many sketches, which he then used during the work. Today they are valued no less than the finished canvases of a great artist.

Leonardo da Vinci is an inventor.

Even in his youth, Leonardo da Vinci began conducting scientific research. His range of interests is extremely wide: anatomy, botany, mathematics, physics, astronomy, optics, hydraulics, engineering, architecture, music and poetry. Da Vinci developed designs for many inventions, in particular, inventing prototypes of a helicopter, a parachute, an armored train, a submarine, a textile machine, a hydraulic press, a rolling mill (a machine that gives the required shape and size to metal products), a lathe, a grinding machine, a valve, pumps. Unfortunately, the scientist’s brilliant achievements did not change the course of technology development, since he refused to publish his unusual projects.


1452 - born in the village of Vinci;
1467 - becomes a student of A. del Verrocchio in Florence;
1482/83-1499 - work in Milan, at the court of L. Sforza;
1500-1506 - life and work in Florence;
1503-1506 - work on the portrait of Mona Lisa;
1513-1516 - life and work in Rome, under the patronage of D. Medici, brother of Pope Leo X;
1517 - move to France, construction of purification systems on the Loire;
1519 - death in Ambual.

Did you know that:

  • Leonardo da Vinci became famous not only for his brilliant paintings, but also for scientific discoveries that were ahead of his era.
  • While working at the Milanese court, Leonardo da Vinci painted a portrait of Cecilia Gallerani, known as “The Lady with an Ermine.”
  • The portrait of the Florentine Mona Lisa del Giocondo is remarkable primarily for the woman’s mysterious half-smile.
  • Many of the great master’s drawings testify to his passion, for example, for anatomy and mechanics.

The birthplace of the great master is the village of Anchiano, which is located near the city of Vinci and is close to Florence. He was born in 1452 on April 15th. His parents did not have any title, his mother was a peasant, and his father was a notary. Very little time passed after Leonardo was born and his father left the family, marrying another woman who was rich. For some time the boy lived with his mother, but then his father took him in, since he and his new wife had no children. The young genius lacked maternal care and warmth, and this was subsequently reflected in many of his masterpieces.

The father dreamed that his son would continue his business and become a notary, but Leonardo remained indifferent to this profession. It is noteworthy that Leonardo did not have a surname in the sense in which we are accustomed to understand it.

The phrase “da Vinci” is translated as “originally from the city of Vinci.”

Since childhood, Leonardo already had a talent for drawing, which is why there is such a legend. One day, a peasant he knew asked Pierrot (the boy’s father) to find a master who could paint a wooden shield in some unusual way. Piero didn’t think twice and gave the shield to Leonardo. The little genius set to work with enthusiasm, and the result was a painting with the head of the gorgon Medusa. The image came out so natural and terrifying that even my father was scared when he saw it. Leonardo said that this is exactly the effect his creation should produce, since there is a semantic connection between the thing (the shield) and the image. The father did not give the completed work to his friend, but decided to sell it, for which he received 100 ducats.

The genius had many acquaintances and friends, as well as students. One can only guess about the personal life of Leonardo da Vinci, since practically nothing is known about it. The only thing that can be said is that he was never married. Some researchers of his life and work believe that da Vinci could have had relationships with men, perhaps with his students too. There are also scientists who talk about the master’s love affair with Lodovico Moro’s favorite, Cecilia Gallerani. The development of this version is largely facilitated by the fact that this woman posed for him to write his famous work “The Lady with an Ermine.”

Leonardo da Vinci spent the last years of his life in France. He lived in the castle of Clos Lucé of his friend, King Francis?. At that time, the master almost did not create new paintings and most of all paid attention to planning ceremonial events and constructing the palace in Romorantan.

One day, da Vinci's right hand became numb, this happened 2 years before he died. Even then it was difficult for him to walk without outside support. Already in the third year after his illness, Leonardo could no longer move independently and spent all his time lying down. A week before his death, the master made a will and died in the castle of Clos-Lucé in the arms of King Francis? in 1519. He was only 67 years old, but during his short life he left behind a huge and valuable legacy.

Brief information about inventions

It is well deserved to attribute a global meaning to da Vinci’s inventions, since they are truly unique. During the master’s lifetime, almost none of his ideas could be translated into reality. Either the master did not have enough funds or desire for this. Thus, sketches of future inventions were preserved only in paper form. It so happened that the world learned about them after Leonardo’s death, since he never shared his thoughts with anyone.

It is quite possible that if all the ideas had been translated into reality, technological progress could have begun much earlier. But, if you think about it, it becomes obvious that in the 15th century there were not yet the necessary tools and devices to “give life” to the scientist’s sketches. And only now, when, with the help of modern technology, engineers were able to construct these inventions, it became clear that they all work and are of practical importance. So let's begin.

A cart that rolls by itself

This design can be considered as a prototype of a modern machine. The sketches made by the master do not fully explain what allows the cart to move independently, but scientists have the following assumption.

Perhaps the cart was supposed to be moved by a spring mechanism, such as is used in clocks. In order to hide the springs, there were drum-shaped housings that were wound manually. Thus, everything happened like a wind-up toy: the spring unwinds, and this makes it possible for the cart to move forward.

However, such a design could only turn to the right, which would be a significant drawback and would make it not a very practical device. It is assumed that da Vinci considered his own invention something like a children's toy.

Robotic device

This is another one of da Vinci's most amazing inventions. By the way, this is one of the few devices that was implemented during the author’s lifetime. To create it, the master meticulously studied the anatomical structure of the human body, studying from reference books and even dismembering real corpses. When he learned that the movement of bones is carried out with the help of muscles, he thought that the same mechanism could form the basis of the technique.

In this case, the master did not put any practical significance into his creation, so the robot was used to entertain guests at celebrations hosted by the inventor’s friend, Lodovico Sforza. Very little information has been preserved about what this machine could do, but, of course, the robot of that time was very different from modern capabilities and technologies. Based on the master’s sketches, it can be argued that the robot could work with its jaws, sit and even walk. The invention was based on the use of a system of gears and pulleys.

Making a parachute

During the time of Leonardo da Vinci, many people became interested in the idea of ​​a flying man, and were looking for a way to construct a device for this purpose. But such attempts were not very successful. And only “our” genius managed to draw a sketch of a real aircraft. In order to be able to drift freely through the air, da Vinci invented a parachute. It was shaped like a pyramid, and the entire invention was supposed to be draped in fabric.

The author himself left a note to this invention stating that it allows a person to jump from any height, and at the same time not only stay alive, but also not hurt himself. The quality of the invention was proven by modern scientists who, using da Vinici’s drawings, compiled a model of the flying machine.


Leonardo da Vinci's inventions even include such things as a machine gun, which was called the “33-barreled organ.” Of course, such weapons differed in many ways from modern ones, but they could cause significant harm to the enemy’s strength if they were created. Such an invention could fire volleys at small intervals. But its disadvantage was that it would not be possible to quickly fire bullets from one barrel.

The operating principle of this machine gun is simple. Ten muskets had to be assembled on a board in the shape of a rectangle, after which three such boards had to be folded into a triangle. If you place a shaft in the center, you can manually rotate this structure, with one set of 11 guns firing while the other two reload and cool down. After this, the entire structure should be deployed and the next salvo launched.

This invention contradicts the life principles of Leonardo da Vinci, since he repeatedly emphasized his dislike of military action, and especially of those machines that are aimed at killing. However, the master at that time was in great need of money, so he had to create what was needed by society at different stages of its development. And it was not difficult to convince rich people that his inventions could significantly improve the outcome of the war and defeat the enemy.


One of da Vinci’s amazing inventions, which serves as an analogue to most of the master’s flying designs. Unlike a parachute, which should be designed to save a person in the event of a jump from a great height, an ornithopter would provide the opportunity to hover in the air, enjoying the flight. In the scientist’s sketches, this device is very similar in structure not to an airplane, but to a bird, since it has the same wings, adapted to support the mass of a person.

It was assumed that such a machine would operate through a pilot. As soon as they turn the handle, the wings will begin to move. Modern engineers have designed this aircraft and are convinced that this device could work as intended if it were in the airspace. Da Vinci also owns several other similar designs of flying machines.

Armored tank

Another unusual idea is an armored tank. Despite the fact that Leonardo hated war, he had to draw a diagram of the tank, since he worked for influential people - Ludovico Sforza, as well as the Duke of Milan. In shape and appearance, the design was supposed to resemble a turtle, equipped with gear wheels that made up a certain system. There were supposed to be 36 guns on the structure from different sides. Eight soldiers were supposed to be placed inside the tank, protected by external armor. Thanks to this armor, they could easily get into the thick of hostilities without being harmed at all. Firing 36 guns could cause significant damage to the enemy.

It is noteworthy that the diagram constructed by the author has a significant flaw. The wheels intended for moving forward did not spin in the same direction as the rear ones, but in the opposite direction. Obviously, if the tank were built, it would not be able to carry out its movement. But da Vinci could not just make this kind of mistake. Perhaps he had special reasons for this.

For example, some researchers claim that in this way the master wanted to protect his people. If the scheme fell into the hands of enemies, they would not be able to bring it into reality without the author. According to another version, the scientist was simply against the construction of this machine. The last guess seems more reliable, since the genius was an opponent of all kinds of military conflicts.


This is Da Vinci's invention, which could work like the helicopter that exists today. Such a machine, which can fly, looked like a huge pinwheel. The blades of this invention consisted of flax.

If you make it rotate very quickly, it is likely that this will lead to the creation of aerodynamic pressure and the necessary thrust, which is necessary just so that a helicopter or plane can stay in the air. Under each of the blades, the air space would create pressure, which could lift the given machine into the air. It is quite possible that such an unusual propeller, designed back in the 15-16th century, could fly and create a real revolutionary boom in the technological process.

Building cities

At the time when the scientist lived in Milan, the whole of Europe was swept by the black plague. Most often, cities, not villages, were susceptible to this disease. Da Vinci thought about this problem and decided to propose his own plan for building a city that was clean in the sanitary sense. Such a city would be based on a system of instant waste disposal, thereby preventing the development of harmful microorganisms. It is a pity that this idea was not brought to life, since the master did not find a philanthropist willing to invest his fortune in the construction of such a city. Inventions like Leonardo da Vinci's could actually improve the lives of most people.

Something about the unsolved secrets from the life of da Vinci

  1. The smile of Gioconda has been repeatedly covered in many research works. The fact is that everyone who looks at the picture sees it differently. Some people think that Mona Lisa’s face is thoughtful, some think it’s a little sly, and some claim that she doesn’t smile at all. It also still remains a mystery who is depicted in the portrait. Some scientists even put forward the version that this is the author himself, only in a female guise.
  2. "Unusual Predictions" It turns out that not only Leonardo da Vinci’s inventions are full of mysteries, but also his prophecies written on paper. Thus, many of the genius’s predictions have been preserved, encrypted in semantic riddles, some of which scientists have already managed to solve, and which contain information about what will happen several centuries in the future.
  3. Da Vinci wrote with his left hand from right to left. Such a familiar style of writing for him is quite difficult for the average person to immediately read.
  4. This brilliant artist, while painting his masterpieces, was never in a hurry to complete them. He could even just start a painting, then leave the city for a long time, and only then continue working. It is also noteworthy that he never corrected his works if they turned out to be spoiled by fire, water or barbarians.

Thus, we got acquainted with the life of the great master and learned how Leonardo da Vinci created his inventions.