A sign of beginning weakening of the pelvic floor. Pelvic floor muscle training - a set of strengthening exercises


The pelvic floor is a muscular lining on which our general health, the state of the genitourinary system and the rectum depend. These muscles are located between the coccyx and the pubic bone. If the muscles are toned, they prevent prolapse of the genitals, which can lead to their loss. In addition, weakened muscles can cause inflammation of the vagina.

Mostly women suffer from this problem, since during pregnancy and childbirth the pelvic muscles are greatly stretched. Weakened muscles lead to stress incontinence, which is when a few drops of urine leak out when you sneeze. Statistics show that about a third of women who have recently given birth to a baby experience postpartum urinary incontinence.

Gymnastics and exercises for home

To achieve good results, regular exercise is necessary. Some people need eight to twelve weeks to achieve the first positive results. But in most cases, you will notice results within two weeks.

When you perform exercises, make sure that between muscle contractions you achieve complete relaxation. In addition to performing complex exercises, you can additionally train your muscles, namely, strain and squeeze them when you laugh or cough.

All the exercises described below must be performed at least 10 times. When a person tightens his muscles, he must fix this position for ten seconds and then relax. If you cannot hold the muscles in a compressed position for 10 seconds, then hold them for 5. After several weeks of regular training, you will be able to hold the pelvic floor muscles for even longer.

    1. Start in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart, then place your hands on your buttocks and support them: this will help you ensure that your buttocks are not engaged during the exercise. Then try to pull in your pelvic floor muscles and hold this position for a few seconds, then relax them.

    1. Get on all fours, place your hands on the floor and lower your head on them. In this position, try to pull the muscles upward as much as possible.
    2. Take a position lying on your stomach, bend one leg at the knees, put your hands under your head. Now pull the pelvic floor muscles upward and inward, fix this state for a few seconds. Then relax your muscles.
    3. To perform this position, you need to lie on your back, bend your knees and spread them to shoulder width. Then try to draw in the necessary muscles as much as possible and relax them.

    1. Sit on your butt, cross your legs and straighten your back. In this position, repeat retracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles.
    2. Take a standing position, place your hands on your knees and straighten your back. And now alternately tense and relax your muscles.

Read also, at home and in the gym. Free photo and video tutorials.

Yoga to strengthen the pelvic floor - Video

There are a huge number of exercises with which you can strengthen the pelvic floor muscles or tone them. They are also recommended to be performed for problems with the bladder and uterine prolapse. Yoga is very effective for those who are planning to conceive a child. It contributes to the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth.

And so, the most common exercise in yoga for these muscles is Mula Bandha. It is on this that all other exercises for training the pelvic floor muscles are built. To perform Mula Bandha, you need to sit on the floor, cross your legs and rest your hands on your knees. After which it is necessary to contract the muscles of the perineal area, without using other muscles.

After which you need to learn various breathing exercises, since during muscle contractions a person involuntarily begins to hold his breath, which should not be done. Therefore, one of the Kapalbhati yoga exercises teaches this.
You can see how to perform another effective yoga exercise for the pelvic floor muscles in this video.

Kegel exercises - how to do them correctly?

The Kegel technique is very famous and very popular among pregnant women. The main difficulty with these exercises is that many women do them incorrectly and therefore do not get the maximum results from them. Therefore, we will tell you how to perform them correctly and with maximum benefit for your health.

Slow compressions. This exercise should be done slowly. To begin, tense your muscles as hard as possible and count to three, then slowly relax them. Do 10 of these repetitions. Over time, the clamping time should be increased to 20 seconds.

The “Elevator” exercise also applies to slow compression. If you wish, you can alternate these two exercises, or choose the one that is more convenient for you. Here you need to repeat the elevator effect. That is, first squeeze the muscles on the first floor of the pelvic floor, fix the position for up to three seconds, then squeeze the muscles harder, reaching the second floor, count to three again, after which you advance to your maximum limit.

Abbreviations. Here you need to quickly squeeze and relax the muscles, while adhering to the correct technique. Watch your compression strength and breathing. For example, contract your muscles as you inhale, and relax as you exhale.

Pushing out. Take a sitting position and push moderately, as is usually done during bowel movements or childbirth. Do five such repetitions, increasing the number of push-ups every day.

These exercises are convenient because they can be performed anywhere, for example, sitting at the computer, lying in bed, while walking and in transport on the way to work.

A set of exercises and a weekly training program

The pelvic floor refers to all the anatomical structures located at the bottom of the abdominal cavity. It consists of three layers of muscles: external, middle and internal. They form circular joints (sphincters) of the anus, vaginal opening and urethra. In men, they are found around the pubic bone and prostate. The function of the pelvic floor muscles is to hold the organs in the correct position and prevent prolapse. The general well-being of a person, the health of the genitourinary system and rectum, and the woman’s labor activity depend on the condition of all three layers of muscles.

Arnold Kegel, an American gynecologist, in the mid-20th century, developed a course of exercises to maintain the elasticity of the pelvic floor muscles.

Initially, Kegel exercises were aimed exclusively at women. It helps develop the muscles of the perineum, in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system and rectum. Also supports the regulation of sexual functions.

The problems of weakening the pelvic muscles are familiar not only to women. Kegel exercises will also be useful for men, especially those who want to prevent impotence. This type of gymnastics strengthens the muscles and makes them elastic.

  1. Some types of urinary incontinence in women and men (stress, drip, functional, partially mixed and total).
  2. Diseases of the rectum and fecal incontinence, prevention and improvement of hemorrhoids.
  3. Prevention of pelvic organ prolapse and treatment of prolapse (including bladder and uterus).
  4. Prevention of erectile dysfunction and recurrent erectile problems.
  5. Women planning pregnancy (for successful childbirth).
  6. Pregnant women (muscle relaxation is necessary to facilitate pushing).
  7. Restoring elasticity, firmness, strength of muscles and tissues of the pelvic floor after childbirth.
  8. Prevention of inflammatory diseases of the genital area.
  9. Support sexual activity, health and improve the quality of sex.
  10. Delaying the effects of aging.

Differential diagnosis of various forms of urinary incontinence

SymptomsOveractive BladderStress incontinenceMixed incontinence
Urgency (strong, sudden urge to urinate)+ - +
Number of urinations with urgency (>8 times in 24 hours)+ - +
Urine production during physical activity (coughing, sneezing, laughing, lifting heavy objects)- + +
Amount of urine passed during each episode of incontinenceLarge (in case of non-continence)SmallVariable
The ability to “run” to the toilet after the urge to urinateOften notYesVariable
Waking up at night to urinateUsuallyRarelyMaybe

Women's technique of performing Kegel gymnastics

The principles of the exercises are muscle contraction, muscle contraction and muscle thrust.

1. Stop

An exercise for beginners that helps determine exactly where the muscles are located. When urinating, you should stop and start urinating several times (at least four times), without using your thighs and lower abs. It is necessary to completely block the stream, avoiding leakage and dripping.

The muscles responsible for stopping urination are involved. Breathing is even.

Option 1. The muscles are compressed as much as possible and held in this position for 5 to 20 seconds (as long as you have enough patience). Repeat 10 times.

Option 2. The muscles contract and hold for three counts, then relax. Repeat 10-20 times.

Option 3. The muscles contract for 5 seconds and then unclench. Rest 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times. Compression/release 5 seconds. Rest 5 seconds. Repeat 9 times. Compression for 30 seconds, then relaxation for 30 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times. At the end, repeat the first step of the exercise.

Refers to slow contractions of muscles. Squeeze the outer muscles and hold for 3 seconds. Then squeeze the muscles harder to achieve an average level. Count to three and squeeze the muscles as much as possible to engage the last (inner) layer.

When you reach the “top floor” (maximum degree of compression), you should keep the muscles clamped for about 3-5 seconds. Then gradually, in reverse order, all layers of muscles relax. The last step is complete relaxation of all muscles.

This exercise is most effective for the vaginal muscles, which form “floors” in the form of a ring.

Rapid muscle contraction/relaxation. Breathing should be uniform and constant: INHALE - compression, EXHALE - relaxation (or vice versa). You need to perform the exercise at maximum speed.

5. Flashing

Alternate contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the vagina and anus. The vaginal muscles contract, hold for 2 to 5 seconds, relax. Then contract the muscles of the anus, hold for 2-5 seconds and relax. Repeat 10-15 full flashing cycles. Breathing: EXHALE, hold your breath, squeeze your muscles, INHALE, relax, EXHALE.

The muscles with which a person pushes are involved. In a sitting position, with moderate effort, you need to push (the same as during bowel movements or during labor). Delay when tense muscles - as long as possible. Repeat 10 times.

1. Volitional stop

The exercise is aimed at finding the lower abdominal muscles, which are then worked. It is difficult to feel them because they are almost atrophied. During urination, stop and restart the stream without using your legs or abs. At the same time, the pelvic floor muscle will tense at the distance between the scrotum and anus. Breathing: INHALE - contraction, EXHALE - relaxation. Repeat the exercise for beginners 10 to 15 times. You need to turn off the stream abruptly, avoiding leaks and drops.

2. Compression

Slowly squeeze the muscle, hold for 10-15 seconds, relax. Repeat 15 times.

Squeeze the muscle with low force, hold for 10 seconds. Then contract with medium force and hold for 10 seconds. The last “floor” is the third. Compression with maximum force, maximum possible delay.

During subsequent classes, the number of “floors” and the duration of the delay gradually increases. This exercise expands and increases muscle control.

Squeeze the muscle as hard as possible and hold it as long as your body can bear it. Repeat 10 times. Muscle strength increases.

5. Vibration

Quickly squeeze and relax a muscle, getting the effect of its vibration. Execution time from 30 to 60 seconds. Subsequently, a few seconds are added.

Features of the exercises

The set of exercises must be repeated at least three times a day (morning-afternoon-evening). The best results will be obtained when performing repetitions up to five times a day, every day.

The practicality of Kegel gymnastics is that it can be performed anywhere, in any position, and unnoticed by others. You can do compressions and contractions in public transport, at work, in front of the TV, in the car, lying on the couch or before bed. Starting positions: standing, sitting or lying down. Exercises can be done before coughing, sneezing and standing up, which will prevent drip incontinence.

Beginners should not exceed the recommended number of repetitions, because this will not give greater results and may cause muscle fatigue and worsen existing problems. At first, when performing gymnastics, you can train the pelvic floor muscles along with the surrounding muscles (abs, thighs). Correct execution largely depends on the time and frequency of practice. Retracting the abdomen and holding the breath, followed by breaking the INHALE-EXHALE rhythm, pushing the muscles down with the lower abdomen, instead of pushing out with the pelvic muscles. When the body gets used to it and understands which muscle needs to be tensed, the exercises will work out better.

Breathing should be smooth and not hesitant. It is necessary to press the tip of the tongue to the upper palate (to redistribute the energy so that headaches do not appear). Proper breathing provides half the success of these exercises. INHALE through the nose, EXHALE through the mouth (slowly, with lips pursed into a tube) helps you to not lose your breath.

After properly mastering all the exercises with the recommended number of repetitions, you need to add 5 pieces to each approach. The delay time also increases by 3-5 seconds. The number of repetitions for moderate training is 30, for complex training of advanced and strengthened muscles – 50. Gradually increasing the number of repetitions, to an advanced level of Kegel exercises, a person does up to 150 repetitions of one circle or up to 300 compressions every day.

Checking for correct execution

You can check whether the pelvic floor muscle gymnastics are performed correctly only after a month of regular exercises, because they are not clearly pronounced. If the muscles are almost atrophied, then the process of the appearance of training results is twice as long.

Muscle strength is tested only with a specially designed device (perineal gauge), which is inserted into the vagina for women and into the rectum for men. Feedback allows you to see on the monitor how active the pelvic floor muscles are. To ensure regular training and maintain a high degree of motivation, Arthur Kegel insists on constantly measuring strength with a device.

Video - About Kegel exercise machines

The absence of even the slightest result within three or four months indicates a person’s erroneous identification of the pelvic floor muscles or improper performance of gymnastics. If such a problem arises, do not be ashamed of your inexperience and try to find a solution to the problem on the Internet or on medical sites. You should contact a gynecologist or urologist for an in-person consultation. The doctor will help you correctly determine the location of the muscle and give personal recommendations for performing Kegel exercises for your body type and muscle fitness.

Gymnastics results

More than half of the people who perform pelvic floor muscle exercises note positive dynamics in the treatment of diseases of the abdominal organs and genitourinary system. In 70-80% of patients, drip urinary incontinence decreases and goes away because bladder support is enhanced.

The effect of gymnastics manifests itself from a month to three or four (in cases where the muscle has practically atrophied). Classes should be carried out every day, without interruption for a day, because... Irregular implementation can ruin all the efforts made.

In addition to enhancing the positive dynamics in the treatment of fecal and urinary incontinence, such gymnastics has a good effect on moral and sexual health. Knowing that every day he takes a small step towards controlling his sexual flows, a person becomes more confident in himself, learns to get new sensations from sex and looks for new ways to bring pleasure to his partner using the muscles being worked.

In men, the inclination of the penis decreases and controllability increases. In women, the circular muscles of the vagina become stronger and more elastic, which allows you to control the intimate process.

Kegel exercises are indicated not only for the treatment of existing diseases, but also for preventing their occurrence. Preventive exercises are no different from therapeutic exercises and exercises for managing sexual energy. The number of repetitions and delay time are the same.

Exercises can be performed at all stages of pregnancy. This will not only not interfere with pregnancy, but will also help you give birth to a child quickly, painlessly and without tearing. Women who practice Kegel exercises daily during pregnancy report rapid recovery in the postpartum period.

Video - Kegel exercises for urinary incontinence and organ prolapse problems. Consultation with a gynecologist

Video - Kegel Exercises

Our expert: Alexandra Panferova, master trainer of group programs at the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit.


As you exhale, rounding your back, you need to twist your pelvis and tense the deep abdominal muscles, as if drawing them in and up. Try to feel the stretch in the lumbar region and relax your neck, lowering your head completely.

Then, as you inhale, return to your starting neutral position. The back is straight.

"Shoulder Bridge"

Starting position: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, shins perpendicular to the floor, feet hip-width apart. Emphasis on the work of the buttocks and pelvic floor muscles, as well as articulation (extension) of the spine.

As you exhale, twisting your pelvis, tighten your buttocks, draw in the deep abdominal muscles, creating a “vacuum effect” and lift your pelvis, leaving support on your shoulder blades. The neck is relaxed. As you inhale, return your pelvis to the floor, stretching your entire spine along the floor.


Emphasis on the work of the pelvic floor muscles and articulation of the spine.

Having grouped yourself, pull in your abdominal muscles and, maintaining this strength, perform a roll, touching your shoulder blades to the floor, and then return back. Try to perform the exercise smoothly.

Opening the muscles of the inner thigh

Starting position: sitting on the floor, straight legs open as wide as possible to the sides. Legs are active, create traction through your heels.

Begin bending forward with a straight back, creating a calm stretch of the muscles of the inner thigh line. Hold this position for 30-40 seconds.

Bends to one straight leg

Starting position: sitting, one leg extended to the side.

As you inhale, keeping your buttocks pressed to the floor, bend to the side towards your straight leg.

Inverted position

Tuck yourself up, lift your pelvis and extend your legs up to a vertical position.

Tighten your buttocks and abdominal muscles. Feel your legs active, stretch your toes upward. Hold the position for 30 seconds.

No one will argue with the statement that regular training to strengthen muscles is extremely important and beneficial for our body, but at the same time, only those muscles that can be assessed with a glance come to mind for each of us. In fact, the list is much longer, and one of the first lines in it is occupied by the pelvic floor muscles.

A set of exercises to strengthen these muscles is recommended when problems and illnesses arise, operations have taken place, and also if a woman wants to ease the course of her pregnancy, wants to quickly recover after childbirth, or her goal is vivid, unforgettable sensations during sex. Kegel exercises for the pelvic floor muscles will not only help you achieve what you want, but will also be an excellent prevention of many diseases of the genital area.

Where are the pelvic floor muscles located and what functions do they perform?

The pelvic floor muscles are located between the tailbone and the pubic bone and play an extremely important role during labor. In addition, it supports the internal genital organs, the rectum, controls the activity of the bladder and prevents the prolapse of the uterus.

The loss of its elasticity and stretching, which can occur as a result of the activation of certain hormones during pregnancy or menopause, threatens the appearance of such unpleasant symptoms as:

  • stress urinary incontinence (leakage of some urine when coughing or sneezing);
  • constipation;
  • weak sensations during sexual intercourse or air entering and exiting the vagina, accompanied by characteristic sounds;
  • lack of orgasm or inability to control it;
  • pain in the pelvic area;
  • prolapse of the vaginal walls or inflammation in this area.

Regularly performing Kegel exercises for the pelvic floor muscles before pregnancy will help avoid the appearance of all these abnormalities, both during pregnancy and after childbirth. Training does not pose any danger to the baby, but it is recommended to start it after the 12th week and continue until the 30th week of pregnancy.

Good tone of the pelvic muscles during pregnancy will help maintain additional weight, reduce the amount of pushing during childbirth and restore the muscles of the perineum after it.

Solving the problem of urinary incontinence

The best way to start learning Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles during urinary incontinence is to lie on your back or side. After some time, when muscle tone increases slightly, you should continue training in a sitting or standing position. It is noted that the greatest effectiveness can be achieved by performing exercises with legs apart.

An important rule for performing exercises for urinary incontinence is empty bladder. Gymnastics should begin by taking the correct position on your back. Then it is necessary to squeeze the pelvic muscles in the same way as when delaying the act of urination. To do this, you need to concentrate on the group of muscles surrounding the urethra.

The tension formed in the muscles must be held for 5 seconds, then relax and repeat the same thing again 10 more times. Breathing during training should be even, without delay.

You also need to make sure that during training there is no tension in the muscles of the buttocks or abdomen.

Another effective exercise that is part of Kegel gymnastics is an exercise called “In the Elevator.” To perform it, a woman needs to imagine that she is going up in an elevator, that is, with each new floor she must increase the tension in her muscles until she reaches the “top floor.”

Then, in the reverse order, you should begin to relax the vaginal muscles, as if going down in an elevator. This training will teach you proper muscle control.

Kegel exercises can be done to combat urinary incontinence. during pregnancy. However, it is necessary to remember some features. So, for example, the number of classes per day should not be more than 30 times, and after 16-18 weeks they should be done not lying down, but in a sitting or standing position. This is necessary so that, as a result of a long stay in a horizontal position on the back, there is no compression of the inferior vena cava, which is already under pressure from the enlarged uterus.

A set of exercises for uterine prolapse

Prolapse of the vaginal walls and uterus is a fairly common problem among women who have had a difficult pregnancy or childbirth, as well as those who do not exercise and have too low body weight.

Especially for such representatives of the fair sex, a separate set of workouts was developed aimed at increasing the tone of the pelvic floor muscles. However, such gymnastics is effective only in the initial stages of the disease. In stages 3 and 4, physical exercise will not help.

One of the main advantages of Kegel exercises for prolapse of the uterus is that they do not require a special space. Gymnastics does not take much time, and it can be done both sitting and standing (no matter at home or in transport).

The set of exercises includes the following stages:

  1. Tension in the muscles around the urethra (urethra). To do this, as already described above, you need to make the same effort as if you were going to stop urinating for a moment.
  2. Tension of the pelvic and pelvic floor muscles. To do this, you need to squeeze your pelvic muscles and try to pull them inward and upward. In the first lessons this should be done slowly, and later more rhythmically and quickly.
  3. Gradual contraction of the vaginal muscles from bottom to top and subsequent fixation of this position.
  4. Imitation of labor. This part of the exercise should be done as quickly and rhythmically as possible. There is no need to apply much force.

To achieve the desired result, namely to securely fix all organs in the small pelvis, it is recommended to perform Kegel exercises regularly. The optimal number of classes per day is 3 times.

After hysterectomy

It often happens that at the beginning of the rehabilitation period after a radical hysterectomy (surgery to remove the uterus), a woman experiences various physiological problems associated with the act of urination or defecation.

This is due to the fact that during the operation not only the uterus was removed, but also part of the muscle tissue and ligaments supporting the uterus. Subsequently, this causes displacement of the pelvic organs and weakening of the pelvic floor muscles.

Kegel exercises after hysterectomy are the most effective therapeutic method. This workout can be done in any body position: lying down, sitting or standing. Before starting gymnastics, it is recommended to completely empty the bladder.

The exercise itself is performed as follows: you need to tense the pelvic floor muscles in such a way as if you want to simultaneously stop the release of gases from the intestines and the process of urination. At the same time, the pelvic muscles will contract and rise slightly upward.

At first, you may not feel muscle contraction, when in fact it will occur. This phenomenon is considered quite normal and goes away over time. But if you want to make sure the muscles are working exactly, you can insert one or two fingers into the vagina. During muscle contraction, the finger will be tightly “clasped.”

When performing this workout, you need to make sure that there is no tension in the muscles of the abdomen, legs or buttocks - they should be in a relaxed state. It is recommended to do Kegel exercises several times a day after hysterectomy surgery.

To begin gymnastics, you should alternate between 2-3 seconds of compression and subsequent relaxation of the muscles, and then try to fix the muscles in a compressed state for 10 seconds or more.

Kegel exercises were developed by gynecologist Arnold Kegel in the mid-20th century. These are exercises that are used to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles of women and men.

The purpose of Kegel exercises

Initially, the exercises were aimed only at women suffering from urinary incontinence, but later the scientist noticed that they improved the functioning of the entire genitourinary system. In particular, women suffering from frigidity could begin to enjoy sexual intercourse. The exercises were also recommended for men - gymnastics has not changed much since then, but men can also use it for their sexual health. Training the pubococcygeus muscle in men allows for the prevention and treatment of impotence; Kegel exercises are prescribed as an additional therapy.

Kegel exercises are designed for:

  • prevention or
  • treatment of pelvic organ prolapse.
  • prevention of inflammatory processes in intimate organs
  • preparation for pregnancy and painless childbirth
  • tissue restoration after childbirth
  • maintaining sexual health, anti-aging
  • treatment of weakened potency in men and chronic prostatitis
  • increasing sexual energy, enhancing orgasm, sexual sensations during intercourse

The essence of the exercises

In everyday life, the pubococcygeus muscle in men and the pelvic floor muscles in women are practically not used. This leads to the fact that over time they become less elastic and weak, ceasing to perform their main function - supporting the pelvic floor organs. This can lead to various diseases and deterioration in the quality of intimate life. The essence of the Kegel exercise is to train these muscles, which through persistent daily training leads to progress in treatment, and sometimes complete recovery. Kegel exercises can be performed by healthy women and men, which will help avoid many troubles in the intimate sphere in the future and delay the onset of problems due to age-related changes.

At a young age, exercises are effective enough to avoid many gynecological problems. In women with serious gynecological diseases or organ prolapse, treatment cannot be treated with exercises alone.

How to identify the pelvic floor muscles

The pelvic floor muscles are defined in women by holding back the stream of urine during urination. You need to hold the stream of urine and remember the sensations - this is what Kegel exercises will look like.

In men, the pubococcygeus muscle is located between the anus and testicles. You can determine its location in the same way - by holding the stream of urine. While urinating, you should not do the exercise frequently.

Preparing for the exercises does not require any funds or a specially equipped place - you just need to empty your bladder and take a certain body position.

In what position should you perform the exercises?

It is most convenient to perform the exercises while lying on your back with your legs slightly apart and your knees bent. One hand should be placed on the stomach, the other under the buttocks. This makes it easier to feel muscle contractions. Another option is to lie on your stomach and spread your legs to the sides; it is recommended to place a pillow under your lower abdomen. The third option is lying on your stomach with one leg bent at the knee.

Kegel exercises can be done lying down, sitting on a chair, or while moving on public transport., absolutely invisible to others. They are intended for home performance.

Advice! The exercise can be performed before sneezing, getting up from a chair, or coughing to control the leakage of urine.

Exercise process

Kegel exercises consist of three parts:

  • slow contraction - you need to tense your muscles, as when urinating, count to three and relax
  • contractions: you need to tense and relax your muscles as often as possible
  • pushing out - women push as during childbirth or stool, men as during urination and stool, at the same time the abdominal muscles of the abdomen will tense slightly
  • Beginners can start with 10 squeezes, 10 contractions and 5 thrusts, 5 times a day. After a week, you need to add 5 times to each exercise, continuing to exercise your intimate muscles 5 times a day. You need to add 5 times to each exercise until the number reaches 30. Every day you need to perform at least 150 exercises to maintain tone

Quick contractions can be performed according to another scheme - contract and relax the muscles for 10 seconds, then rest for half a minute. Repeat the exercise three times.

It is possible that at first it will seem that the muscles do not remain in the tension stage for long - this is temporary and control will come with practice.

Possible mistake: during training, you should not hold your breath, pull in your navel or push your pelvic floor muscles down - this will not lead to the desired result.

For incontinence

Kegel exercises are the main treatment for drip and mild urinary incontinence. They include:

  • compression – the “lift” exercise is very effective: gradually and not strongly squeeze the pelvic floor muscles, without relaxing, increase the tension (floor) and reach the 4-7th floor, after which the muscles begin to relax in the reverse order (hold each floor for 3-5 seconds)
  • contractions - alternating rapid contraction and relaxation of muscles
  • pushing out - in women the sensations should be like when pushing during childbirth or stool, in men like when urinating and stool

When the uterus prolapses

Sitting position on a chair or on the floor:

  • feel the muscles supporting the uterus and pull them up - do it rhythmically
  • exercise "elevator"
  • pushing exercise as during labor – do it in rhythm, with effort and not to the limit of your capabilities

Before and after childbirth

Before giving birth, Kegel exercises help you learn how to control your pelvic floor muscles, which will make the birth process easier and avoid tears in the perineum. It is better to start training using this method from a lying position, doing at least 2-3 repetitions.

When preparing for childbirth, you need to do all the above exercises plus two more:

  • strain and relax the vaginal and then anal muscles, doing this at a fast pace like a wave
  • in any comfortable position, in the most relaxed state, you need to hold your breath, smoothly and carefully pushing, using the vaginal muscles. Then you need to relax again and repeat the exercise. It is performed correctly if, when you place your hand on the perineum, you feel movement of the vagina (the exercise can only be performed with an empty bladder and intestines)

Important! Some pathological conditions prohibit the exercise partially or completely, so it is worth consulting a gynecologist. After week 16, it is prohibited to perform exercises in a supine position to prevent pressure on the inferior vena cava.

After childbirth, Kegel exercises can strengthen the muscles of the urethra to restrain involuntary release of urine, increase the elasticity of the vagina, restore the sensitivity of the perineal tissue. To do this, you must do the “lift” exercise and two more simple and short ones:

  • for 5 minutes, strain the perineal muscles for 10 seconds and relax for 10 seconds
  • quickly contract and relax muscles for 1 second for a minute

Application of ball simulators

Kegel classes for 1-2 months involve reaching a more complex level - using jade eggs, balls or a special KegelRoutine simulator. This is the main feature of Kegel exercises for women. The simulators allow you to further strengthen the walls of the vagina and they are intended for independent mastery and use. These are vaginal balls of different weights and diameters, which are selected according to the level of training.

The simulator is inserted 2 cm deep into the vagina, and a water-based lubricant is used for ease of use. The minimum load on the muscles is carried out in a lying position; over time, it will be possible to perform the exercises while standing.

The scheme of working with a Kegel simulator is very simple:

  • contract the muscles and lift the machine up
  • hold the ball for 2-10 seconds while breathing calmly and deeply
  • relax and rest for the same amount of time as you held the ball
  • repeat 10 times

Important! For effective training, you need to do the ball exercise three times a week. The movement of the machine should not be assisted by tensing the abdomen or squeezing the gluteal muscles.

Results of the exercises

The results of Kegel exercises are visible within a few weeks. Women experience improvements:

  • increased sensitivity during sexual intercourse, disappearance of postpartum discomfort
  • increased control over sexual sensations
  • overcoming pain during sexual intercourse
  • intense estrogen production
  • preventing excessive stretching of muscles during childbirth
  • prevention of urinary and fecal incontinence, treatment of involuntary urination
  • tissue restoration after childbirth
  • reducing the possibility of inflammatory processes

Less urine leakage can be seen after 3-6 weeks of regular exercise, increased sexual sensations after 1-2 months.

Men also experience improvements:

  • reducing the possibility of fecal and urinary incontinence
  • increased erection
  • reducing the risk of hemorrhoids
  • complete cure of chronic prostatitis is possible
  • prolongation of sexual intercourse

In men, you can get rid of the frequent urge to urinate after 4-6 weeks, improvement in sexual function will be noticeable after 6 weeks, and a noticeable increase in erection – after 3 months.

A special feature of performing Kegel exercises for men is the need to strengthen the gluteal muscles for greater effect. Weak gluteal muscles pull the sacrum back and weaken the pelvic floor muscles, even with Kegels. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the tone of the buttocks by squats.

The use of exercises allows you to avoid many health problems in the future, prepare for childbirth and make your sex life more vibrant. At the same time, no effort, schemes or special means are needed - the exercises will be useful even if they are performed throughout your life.