I dreamed about the night. In the Ukrainian dream book, if you dream about Night. Sleep Prediction Night


Night is mystical mysterious time. It gives rise to strange thoughts and desires, and if you dream about it, it has a special meaning.

It’s worth figuring out why you dream about night.

Why do you dream about night? family dream book

If the night you dreamed about is clear, calm, and after waking up you do not feel sadness, melancholy, or fear, this is a very good omen. Such a dream promises a long-awaited solution to some confusing or dramatic situation. Another interpretation of the dream is receiving material gain in any form.

If the night in your dream was dark, hopeless, creepy, then the dream is interpreted the other way around. In the near future, the dreamer will face failures in plans, setbacks in business, and he will feel disappointment and powerlessness.

It's good to see how the darkness of the night gives way to dawn. The coming of morning promises: everything secret will become clear, everything confusing will become clear and will no longer cause trouble or grief.

Why do you dream about night according to Freud's dream book?

Psychoanalytic dream book a dream about the darkness of the night is interpreted as a symbolic representation of a person about his sexuality, about his intimate life and relationships with sexual partners. Night is subconsciously associated by a person with intimacy, and therefore the parallels are obvious.

So, why do you dream about the night? The dream indicates that you have no understanding with your partner, there is no mental or normal physical intimacy. Sometimes such a dream only speaks of the dreamer’s desire to have an intimate relationship with someone. Perhaps he is afraid to take the first step or move to a new, closer level of relationship because of doubts in his abilities and self-doubt.

If the dreamer has a regular partner, then a dream about a dark night may foretell the onset of difficult times, quarrels and even an impending separation. Moreover, a breakup or scandal will be associated with the betrayal of the other party. The dream book recommends not to rush and not break up with your partner. Perhaps he was just a pawn in someone else's game. Someone wants to destroy the dreamer’s life, and follows the path of deliberate destruction of his intimate life. If the passion is still alive, try to save the relationship by identifying the homewrecker and neutralizing him. Explain the situation to your partner and come to a civilized solution together.

Seeing a bright, suddenly appearing moon in the night sky is a harbinger new connection. If the sight of the night luminary brings you joy, then a new relationship will in reality bring a lot of pleasure. If you already have a permanent partner, then we're talking about about treason.

Why do you dream about night according to Miller’s dream book?

According to this interpreter’s dream book, a hopeless night foreshadows tragic events, dramatic circumstances, or some kind of difficult test. If you managed to see the edge of dawn, the sky began to brighten, there is hope to get out of this situation with minimal losses. The main thing is to keep your cool: the night is dark before the dawn.

Seeing clear outlines of objects after the darkness of the night - clarification of circumstances real life, changes in fate in better side. All the bad things will be left behind, and the dreamer, with new strength and a clear mind, will enter a new happy period in his life.

Why do you dream about night according to Vanga’s dream book?

The fortuneteller interpreted the dream of an impenetrable night as the onset of a difficult period in the dreamer’s life. Difficulties have either already appeared or are about to appear. The person who saw the dream has already lost faith in himself, optimism, and strength to resist unpleasant events. This is a dangerous condition, because it is easy to get lost in the darkness of the night. After awakening, he should mobilize all his strength and not give up.

Why do we dream about the night that the dreamer watches from the window of his house? Everything is not as bad as he thinks. Difficulties will pass, the sun will rise. A home is like family walls that help in the most difficult times. Don't despair. Moreover, if something greatly frightens you, then you will see that it was this frightening circumstance that served to change your life for the better.

A very favorable dream is in which the dreamer lies on the ground and admires starry sky. The dream should be interpreted as a direct instruction to action in real world. After awakening, you need to direct all your strength to achieve your cherished goals - everything is in your power, everything is possible. But you need to act immediately, otherwise favorable circumstances will disappear.

To see in a dream how a hurricane broke out at night means separation from dear person. At first it will seem like a terrible tragedy, but gradually the dreamer will understand that this is better for everyone, and first of all for himself.

The sun rising in the middle of the night is a symbol of incredible happiness that will soon fill the dreamer’s life. Favorable changes, new opportunities, difficult assignments that promise career advancement and material well-being - this is what such a dream promises. If an unusual situation arises, do not be afraid to take the initiative. Everything will work out in your favor, the main thing is not to miss your chance, to trust fate.

If the dreamer dreams of a night on the seashore, this means a romantic adventure. Literally a sea of ​​love.

A night rainbow is a symbol of help that the dreamer can count on. Good advice will help you get out of difficult situation with honor. But you need to accept this advice and not refuse the support offered.

Why do you dream about night according to Hasse’s dream book?

This interpreter explains the dream of the night as follows. If it is very dark, it does not frighten you that the calculations made by the dreamer will turn out to be correct. He should not worry about his future, even if, not without reason, it seems unclear, dark and arousing to him.

If the night was clear, the dream book interprets the dream as a prediction of a long life. The dreamer will live to a ripe old age, so there is no need to fear for your life in the present: the disease will pass, the danger has passed.

Why do you dream of a stormy, terrible night, with gusts of wind, thunder, cold? This is an unfavorable dream: it foretells losses.

Why do you dream about night according to Nostradamus’ dream book?

This interpreter endows the night symbolic meaning, correlating it with the struggle between good and evil in the world. If in the darkness of the night the dreamer hears someone's voice, he will witness the appearance on Earth of a messenger of God or at least a great man with many talents. The dreamer has the gift of clairvoyance; he has already manifested or will manifest psychic abilities after awakening: to heal people, predict the future, etc.

If the dreamer managed to see someone’s image in the darkness of the night, bitter repentance awaits him after waking up. A person knows some kind of guilt behind him, and it will remind itself more than once.

Why do you dream of a moonless, starless, deaf night? Such a dream is a reflection of events public life. There is no justice in the world around us, and government policies are fundamentally wrong. For things to change, the government needs to change.

But a clear night with a bright starry sky is a harbinger of a happy personal life for both the dreamer himself and all humanity. Perhaps the dreamer will soon be amazed by a meeting with a bright, charismatic person. This meeting will radically change his fate.

A dream about cold night darkness indicates impending cataclysms: the sun will go out and cosmic cold will reign on Earth. The cycle of day and night will stop, humanity will vegetate.

Why do you dream about night according to Tsvetkov’s dream book?

Seeing yourself running away from someone in the darkness of the night is a warning dream. After awakening, you must definitely analyze the events of recent times and identify the person who is deliberately harming you. This is an evil and cunning person, and if left unchecked, he can really cause serious trouble and ruin life.

Seeing yourself walking in the middle of the night is also an unfavorable sign. The dream warns: it’s time to forget about carelessness, it is very dangerous. In addition, do everything to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage.

If you are running through the night world with your spouse or lover, then in real life you need to stay close to survive the period of suffering and adversity. They will break each one individually.

Why do you dream about night according to the modern dream book?

Seeing a dark night in a dream means powerlessness. You are unlikely to be able to cope with the circumstances: everything is against you. Prepare for a period of hardship and troubles, sharp deterioration material well-being.

Why do you dream of a moonlit night, pleasant, not causing negative emotions? This is a harbinger rich life And good health, life success and solving financial problems.

If the darkness of the night gradually thickens near the dreamer, this is a symbol of the pressure of the surrounding world. You need to muster up the courage to fight back against people and reverse unfavorable circumstances.

Why do you dream about night?

Miller's Dream Book

If in a dream you are surrounded by the dead of night, you can imagine a difficult trial in business that will not escape you.

If you dream that the night is already ending, this means that everything that seemed hopeless is acquiring clear certainty, which contains the grain of a future successful solution; after such a dream, a turn for the better is possible.

Why do you dream about night?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Dark night - reasonable calculations; clear - long life; stormy - you are threatened with losses; staying awake at night means happiness and joy.

Why do you dream about night?

Family dream book

If you dreamed of a dark night, it is unlikely that you will escape some difficult test.

The night is ending - it means that everything is not as hopeless as it seemed at first. After such a dream, a turn of events for the better is possible.

Why do you dream about night?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

If you dream of a dark and deaf night, such a dream warns that, due to ignorance, you risk getting into a very difficult situation. After such a dream, it is better for you to avoid unfamiliar activities.

clear night With bright stars- a sign that your hopes for the best are not in vain, you just need to be patient and believe in your dream.

See on the horizon of the night sky morning dawn- portends that good changes will soon occur in your life.

Why do you dream about night?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

White Night - short-term mental disorder.

Why do you dream about night?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing a starry night with a full round moon in the sky in a dream means that you will calculate everything accurately, but unforeseen circumstances will negate all your efforts in carrying out your planned operation.

A dark night, when you can’t see anything around, portends a long life and a prosperous old age surrounded by loving children and grandchildren.

A stormy night with heavy rain and cold, piercing wind is a sign of impending losses that are not worth regretting. A winter blizzard night portends a difficult experience about the future of children.

Wandering around some outskirts at night barefoot and in tattered clothes means that your hopes will fail and you will have to start all over again.

If in a dream you are standing in front of a closed door at night in the pouring rain and cannot get into the house, this portends that you will commit a completely unforgivable act in big company guests.

Finding yourself in an enemy camp at night, having safely passed the sentries, for the sake of meeting and freeing your romantic lover - so inspired women's literature the dream promises you a quick cure and relief from unwanted responsibilities.

A dream in which you spend the night in the open air means new impressions and joyful experiences during an exciting journey.

If you dreamed that night found you in a cemetery and you had to spend the night in a freshly opened grave, this portends the loss of friends and the loss of a lover.

To see a flash of lightning in the night sky - in reality this predicts threats, blackmail and all kinds of pressure from mafia structures.

A dream in which you hear a rooster crowing at night means that the events of the coming days will make you cry more than once.

If the night in your dream is already drawing to a close, this portends a turn for the better in your affairs.

New Year's Eve - to happiness, prosperity and prosperity; Easter is a harbinger of sad experiences and irreparable losses.

Why do you dream about night?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Night - Dark - powerlessness, poverty; reasonable calculations - bright - health, well-being - clear - long life - stormy - you are threatened with losses

Why do you dream about night?

Esoteric dream book

Night - someone is trying to harm you, to cause “damage” to the common people.

Night turns into morning or day - you are pure and strong enough to withstand the influence of others, but take into account that you have evil enemies.

Why do you dream about night?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

If you dream of a dead night, an inevitable and difficult test in business awaits you.

If the night is already ending, everything that previously seemed hopeless takes on clear certainty. After such a dream, a turn for the better in any matter is possible.

Why do you dream about night?

Azar's Dream Book

stormy night - you are threatened with losses

dark night - reasonable calculations

clear night - long life

Why do you dream about night?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Dark night - reasonable calculations; clear - long life; stormy - losses.

Why do you dream about night?

Modern dream book

If you dream that you are surrounded by darkness at night, in reality expect coercion and pressure, as well as difficulties in commerce.

If the darkness of the night dissipates, circumstances that until now seemed unfavorable will now change and will contribute best development Your affairs.

Seeing in a dream that you are awake at the bedside of a patient, you can rejoice that the news you have been waiting for a long time will come very soon.

If you dreamed that you were forced to give up sleep for some other reason, be on your guard, you are in danger.

Why do you dream about night?

Eastern dream book

If you are overtaken by a dark, hopeless night, it means that a period of loss, sadness and disappointment is beginning in your life.

The night is melting and dawn is approaching - soon all troubles will end.

Why do you dream about night?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

dark - powerlessness, poverty; lunar and clear - health and wealth.

Why do you dream about night?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Night - You dream of a very dark night, a dead night - you were sure that you had thought through everything in your affairs, but you did not fully take into account the influence from the outside; some kind external factor will disrupt the measured course of your affairs; eventually you will overcome the challenges. You dream that the night is already coming to an end - in real life, your difficulties are coming to an end; you will see clearly that you would not be so strong if it were not for difficulties and trials.

Why do you dream about night?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Night is the time of magical acts, the activity of our vicious double; warning, difficult stagnant or unknown time.

Why do you dream about night?

Dream book of healer Akulina

You dreamed of the Night - Circumstances will soon improve, you should be patient and wait. Imagine that the night is already ending and dawn will soon come.

What does Night mean in a dream - Starry - for profit, dull, dark - for danger. Imagine that many stars light up in the night sky, a bright full moon.

Why do you dream about night?

Combined dream book

To observe in a dream that you are awake at the bedside of a sick person - soon you will receive the much-anticipated good news.

If you are awake for any other reason - be careful! An unexpected danger awaits you, be careful.

Why do you dream about night?

Modern dream book

Dark night - Powerlessness, poverty; lunar - health, wealth

Why do you dream about night?

Creative dream book

You dreamed of Night - see also Time 1. Night is a period of rest and relaxation. However, it is also a time of chaos and complexity. After all, this is the time of ghosts, spirits and other entities that come to life at night. If you look at it from a positive point of view, this is the period after which a new day will begin. Figuratively speaking, the night is plowed ground, on which the sprouts of new life will soon appear. 2. C psychological point Night is a time when the body needs renewal. IN Chinese medicine specific night hours are responsible for the renewal of certain parts and organs of the body. If the body is not carefully restored, madness will inevitably follow (see Insomnia in the Introduction). 3. Night symbolizes the darkness that precedes rebirth or beginning. There are periods of disintegration before enlightenment occurs. Night also means death or sudden change.

Why do you dream about night?

English dream book

You dreamed of Night - Dreams about nighttime incidents may simply symbolize events that usually occur at night. However, they also show hidden or illicit things that you would prefer to keep away from prying eyes, such as meetings with a lover, bribes or conspiracies.

Why do you dream about night?

Big dream book

Night - Dark - reasonable calculation; clear - long life; stormy - losses.

Why do you dream about night?

Russian dream book

What does Night mean in a dream - an unclear situation; dull and dark - they are waiting for you severe trials, undeserved insult; starry and lunar - for a meeting with a loved one.

Why do you dream about night?

Women's dream book

Night - If you dream of a dead night, an inevitable and difficult test in business awaits you. If the night is already ending, everything that previously seemed hopeless takes on clear certainty. After such a dream, a turn for the better in any matter is possible.

Why do you dream about night?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Night is an attempt to understand yourself. Dark night - difficulties; moonlit and clear night - health and wealth; dead night is a difficult test in business that will not escape you; the night is already ending - hopelessness acquires clear certainty, which contains the seed of a future successful solution.

Why do you dream about night?

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

If the moon shines at night in a dream, pleasant intimate moments await you, which, however, are not associated with your regular partner.

Why do you dream about night?

Old Russian dream book

dark - reasonable calculations; clear - long life: stormy - losses.

Why do you dream about night?

Dream book of the future

If you are surrounded by the dead of night, difficult trials in business await you, perhaps ruin or undeserved insult; if the night is starry and moonlit, you will meet your loved one.

Why do you dream about night?

American dream book

Night - obstacles, interference, inability to see things clearly. Inaccessibility of the source of internal knowledge.

Why do you dream about night?

Dream Interpretation of Health

Clear and starry night- promises good health and long life; stormy - to conflicts and stress; a dark night with a cloudy or foggy sky means ill health.

Why do you dream about night?

An old English dream book

If you dream that the night unexpectedly overtook you, this portends big changes Your situation: changes from prosperity to need, disasters, illness of loved ones.

If in a dream you are walking on a dark night, this promises you sadness, disappointment, and loss.

If you are engaged in business, you will face large debts and, perhaps, you will become bankrupt.

If you are a farmer, you are threatened with a crop failure and the loss of your best livestock, and if you are a sailor, the dream foreshadows stormy weather and an unsuccessful voyage.

For those who are in love, the dream predicts unpleasant quarrels with your beloved, which will very likely end in separation. But it is likely that this separation will benefit both.

Why do you dream about night?

Dream book of symbols

Time (days, years) – most often, emphasizes the literal meaning of what is happening in the dreamer’s life: “winter” – stagnation, inaction, stagnation (freezing), alienation. “spring” – awakening, activity, flourishing, good progress, successful undertaking. “summer” – maturity, busyness, vacation time (rest and relaxation). “autumn” – result, fruits, results, gifts, reward, decline, withering. Late evening time of the day may mean that it is too late (to change or do anything). The more sunlight in the sleep space, the better. However, occasionally the symbolism of very large, significant tragic events may be accompanied by the emission of intense light, which indicates inevitable karmic consequences sent “from above”, for edification, as punishment (from God). “night, darkness, gloom” - indicates the hopelessness of the situation in reality, hopelessness. “light, day” – luck, clarity of goals and thinking. “morning” is a good start, auspiciousness, the reality of opportunities and plans.

Why do you dream about night?

Dream book of lovers

For lovers, a night in a dream promises a new relationship that can break old ties.

Why do you dream about night?

Russian dream book

Seeing night in a dream means not receiving the desired news.

Why do you dream about night?

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Dark night - reasonable calculations; clear - long life.

Why do you dream about night?

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Night is a symbol of good and evil.

Hearing someone's voice at night is a sign that in the future he will come to earth great man, perhaps he will be sent by God himself. Such a dream tells the dreamer that he has extrasensory abilities: he can tell a person about the past, predict the future and heal people.

Seeing someone's image at night means that in the not too distant future you will repent of your committed action.

If you dreamed of a dark, starless night, such a dream is clear evidence that the state in which you live is pursuing the wrong policy. And as long as the ruler currently in power remains at the head of this state, nothing will change.

Seeing a clear, starry night in a dream is a good omen. Such a dream prophesies happy life in the future and suggests that people will explore many planets of the solar system.

Seeing many luminous objects in the sky in a dream is evidence that in the future new planets will be discovered and contacts will be established with living beings on these planets. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with an unusual person, which will have a big impact on his life.

If you dreamed of a cold night, such a dream indicates that times will come when our planet will not have enough solar heat and light. There will be no change in the time of day on earth, there will be one continuous night.

Waiting for nightfall in a dream is a sign that in the future you will meet with an evil person. Perhaps it will be a werewolf or a vampire, and therefore you need to beware of this person. On a universal scale, such a dream suggests that the time will come when they will come to earth dark forces. During this period, people will be ruled by evil, all human vices will become more active.

Why do you dream about night?

Dream book for a bitch

A moonlit and clear night means good health, prosperity and prosperity.

Dark - helplessness in the face of circumstances, worries.

Time before dawn - in hopeless situation there is hope for successful outcome affairs.

Why do you dream about night?

Slavic dream book

Night - bad sign. Symbolizes failure and melancholy.

Why do you dream about night?

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (brief)

Obstacles, interference, inability to see things clearly. Inaccessibility of the source of internal knowledge.

Clear moonlit night- a symbol of intuition and internal spaces.

According to the dream book, the dark time that you saw in a dream is a symbol feminine. It carries something secret and inexplicable, says the interpreter. When considering what the night means in dreams, we should not forget about other aspects of this. For example, the threshold of dawn, the thirst for change and new discoveries.

Often, when explaining dreams in which you had a chance to see the night, dream books say that you will be able to successfully complete all your old tasks and enjoy your vacation. But sometimes such dreams are associated with ambiguity, the eternal confrontation between good and evil. Bright light The moon, the twinkling of stars and the dawn, which is about to replace the darkness of the night, indicate that the sleeper has chosen the right path and is about to achieve his plans. All that's left is to put in a little effort.

So, did you dream about the night time? Try to remember as many details as possible. What was the darkness like? Did she scare you? Or maybe inspired? Made you worry and tremble? These aspects will help interpret the plot as accurately as possible.

Did you dream of a night filled with moonlight? This is a very good story to see. The solution to all problems will come by itself, the interpreter promises.

What were you doing?

What can you dream about? night walk? According to the dream book, life prepares difficult trials for the sleeper. Maybe your business partners will decide to test what you are really worth, provoking a situation from which you will have to get out on your own.

Did you dream about swimming at night? The modern dream book warns - non-standard and unexpected decisions not always good. Not only can they produce results that will stun you, but they can also be quite risky. Think several times before doing one way or another.

Did you have a dream in which you didn’t swim at night, but purposefully swim? In real life, you are a very determined person, the dream book explains, and on the way to achieving your goal you are not afraid of being condemned by society.

Why dream of going somewhere at night in a car? According to the dream book, you have plunged headlong into the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and have almost completely forgotten about yourself and what is really important to you. Maybe it's time to change the situation and take care of yourself?

As Vanga’s dream book says, those who go home at night will in reality be severely disappointed. You should be prepared for the fact that the business on which you have put a lot of effort, time and money will turn out to be a dummy and will not bring the desired results.

What can you dream about? dark time wander along the road for days? For some time, try to stay away from any endeavors - now is not the best period for this. Any new project either it will not be completed for a number of reasons, or it will not bring the results that you expected.

Did you happen to run in the dark in your night dreams? It will be possible to fulfill your plans, the dream book explains, but you will have to put a lot of effort and time into it. By the end of the project you will be pretty exhausted, but, as the dream book promises, its implementation promises fame and enormous success.

Do you have a dream in which you happened to fly in pitch darkness? There is a high probability that in reality you often act at random, without calculating possible options and without thinking about the consequences. First of all, this concerns matters on the love front, says the dream book.

Natural manifestations

Why can you dream of a forest at night? Follow the interpreter’s advice and remember how you felt in it? If it was truly scary, in reality close person will make you quite worried, raising many unresolved problems.

What night rain may mean in a dream makes the dreamer ask himself - maybe his life is too monotonous, like this gray curtain of water?

Have you seen a strange phenomenon - the Sun in the night sky? Listen to the advice of Vanga’s dream book and take on the most difficult tasks without much hesitation - whatever you undertake, you will succeed with ease. Try not to miss this moment, because once again you may not receive such a gift from fate.

Why do you dream about the night sea? Such a vision should be interpreted almost literally - such a plot promises a love adventure. An unforgettable date and a sea of ​​romantic feelings await the sleeper.

Did you see a rainbow in the night sky? Very soon someone will give very sensible advice that will be able to solve current problems.

Does someone knock on your window at night? Don’t be alarmed, the dream book explains. This means that the time has come for new achievements and knowledge, which in this way make themselves felt.

Did you see your first wedding night in a dream? Changes are coming in your life, and very significant ones, says the dream book. But what they will bring to it – good or bad, remains anyone’s guess.

Why might you dream of a cemetery immersed in darkness? Your relationship is no longer what it used to be. Try to remember what happened in the cemetery. This will be a hint of a cooling relationship.

According to Miller's dream book, a night that made you feel fear and hopelessness promises to turn into difficulties in real life. Did you dream that the night was about to give way to dawn? And in reality the problems will soon be a thing of the past.

This also has one more interpretation - it promises considerable danger that may lurk around the corner. In order to prevent bad things from happening in life, you should be extremely careful. Well, a cool head, restraint and sober calculation will help you cope with a difficult situation.

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Powerlessness, poverty.

Dream meaning - Night

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dark - reasonable calculations. Clear - long life. Stormy - losses.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Night?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If the night in the dream was already coming to an end, it means that what previously seemed hopeless will acquire clear certainty and a successful solution will come by itself, life will turn for the better. A dream about a night for lovers warns of possible quarrels and disagreements,...

What does sleep mean - Night

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dreamed of a dark night, it is unlikely that you will escape some difficult test. The night is ending - it means that everything is not as hopeless as it seemed at first. After such a dream, a turn of events for the better is possible.

Seeing Night in a dream (Stars, sky)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A clear night in a dream is a sign that, no matter how difficult and confusing your business may be, you will be able to figure it out and get benefits. A dark night in a dream is a sign of powerlessness, the need for failure in business. If in your dream...

The meaning of the dream "Night"

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Stormy night - you are threatened with losses. Dark night - reasonable calculations. A clear night means a long life.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Night?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Night in a dream is a symbol of good and evil. Hearing someone's voice at night is a sign that in the future a great man will come to earth, perhaps he will be sent by God himself. Such a dream tells you that he has the ability...

I have a dream about Night

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The night is dark - a reasonable calculation. Clear - long life. Stormy - losses.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Night?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A deep dark night symbolizes trials in a relationship with a loved one caused by betrayal. But do not rush to break off the relationship - you may be deliberately misled. If the moon shines at night in a dream, pleasant intimate moments await you, not related, however, ...

Dream - Night - what to expect?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Starry night - unforeseen circumstances will negate all your efforts in carrying out the planned operation. A dark, hopeless night foreshadows a long life and a prosperous old age surrounded by loving children and grandchildren. A stormy night is a sign of impending losses. A windy winter night foreshadows...

Dream book online - Night

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You dreamed of a dark night - it is unlikely that you will escape some difficult test. The end of the night means that everything is not as hopeless as it seemed at first. After such a dream, a turn of events for the better is possible. According to Nostradamus, night is a symbol of good and evil. ...

Interpretation of sleep Night

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dark - powerlessness, poverty. Reasonable calculations. Light - health, well-being. Clear - long life. Stormy - you are threatened with losses.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Night?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dream of a dark and deaf night, such a dream warns that, due to ignorance, you risk getting into a very difficult situation. After such a dream, it is better for you to avoid unfamiliar activities. A clear night with bright stars is a sign that your hopes...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Night?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dark - reasonable calculations. Clear - long life: stormy - losses.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Night?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The night is bright, starry, monthly - long life. A dark night is a dangerous encounter. Disease.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Night?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A clear and starry night promises good health and long life. Stormy - to conflicts and stress. A dark night with a cloudy or foggy sky means ill health.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Night?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Deaf dark night dreams of trials in a relationship with a loved one caused by betrayal. But do not rush to break off the relationship - you may be deliberately misled. If the moon is shining at night, pleasant intimate moments await you, which, however, are not related to your...

Night - interpretation of sleep

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A dark, hopeless night overtakes you - this means that a period of loss, sadness and disappointment is beginning in your life. The night is melting and dawn is approaching - soon all troubles will end.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Night?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A bright, starry night, menstruation - long life. Dark - a dangerous meeting, illness. Stormy - loss.

Author of the article: website

Thanks to this page you will learn Why do you dream about Night in a dream? according to the dream book.

Why do you dream about night according to Miller?

The dark time of day has always been perceived with a touch of mysticism. After all, it is at this time that evil spirits become active, and the most secretive and terrible crimes are committed. So, it is not surprising that the psychologist Miller treats what he dreams about at night with a certain degree of caution. For example, if for some reason you decide to take a walk at night, then the time is also important. The severity of the tests depends on the darkness. Yes, you will have to face a series of obstacles. Moreover, if you are making your way through the impenetrable darkness, then something very difficult is indeed in store for you. But don't worry. Just push yourself and move forward with all the determination you can muster. A very important dream will be one in which you watch the night end. Here is a glimpse, you begin to distinguish the outlines of the streets, the stars disappear and the first rays of the sun appear. This is very good sign. This means that even if you are currently experiencing a period of hopelessness, it will soon end. You will now have an idea on how to get out and change your life for the better. Solve problems boldly and emerge from the darkness of the night.

Why do you dream about night according to Vanga?

Vanga also showed caution about what she dreams about at night. After all, she believed in the presence of otherworldly forces, as well as in the dark half human soul. The night can reflect your greatest fears that are holding your mind. It is possible that you have encountered some difficulties and now cannot find a way out of the problem. Also you are missing positive attitude and optimism. Without this, you will be lost in the dark. If you are watching the darkness from the window of your home and see nothing, then do not be discouraged. Your difficulties will not last forever. Moreover, what scares you now will make you happy later. Of course, provided that you can control yourself. It's good if you lie on the ground and look at the beautiful night sky, strewn with billions of bright stars. This is a push dream. They hint to you that you can achieve your goal and realize even your most cherished dream. But to do this, you should stop postponing everything and act right now. If a thunderstorm breaks out in the middle of the night or a hurricane hits, then soon you will part with a certain person. But later you realize that it was necessary and it becomes easier for you. It's good if you saw the time when it begins to get light. You are promised positive changes.

Why do you dream about night according to Freud?

Freud regards what you dream about at night as a reflection of your sex life and connections with other people. In general, the night itself already carries something intimate. Sometimes such dreams hint that you cannot achieve the location of the object of desire. You really want to attract attention to yourself, but you are constrained by fear or doubt. If you dreamed of thick, saturated darkness, when you cannot see anything at all, then difficult times will come in your relationship with your lover. And the point is not that the passion has faded or you do not understand each other. It's all because you find out about his betrayal. But don’t dare to cut from the shoulder, and don’t drive him away. The fact is that you can be deliberately deceived in order to repel a person. Filter such messages very carefully and it is better, instead of attacks, to gently and carefully explain to your significant other. It’s interesting if you’re walking around a certain area at night and suddenly you start admiring the bright moon that appears. If she excites you and you feel great, then you will experience new intimate pleasures. But they will not be connected in any way with your constant companion.

Why do you dream about night according to Nostradamus?

For Nostradamus, what the night is dreaming of can symbolize both the beginning of something good and the manifestation true evil. For example, if you heard someone’s voice at night, then very soon a person sent by the Creator himself will come to Earth. For you, this means that you have some kind of extrasensory knowledge and you have a connection with higher powers. Perhaps you can even heal. It’s bad if you didn’t see the person himself, but only his outline. Soon you will publicly repent of some unworthy act. It's bad for the whole country if you look at the night sky and can't find a single star. This hints that today's policies and their aspirations will not lead to anything good for the people. And the situation will remain consistently bad until the head of state changes. You're lucky if you see a starry sky. You are promised a happy life. Or a future opens up to you in which humanity will be able to visit many planets within solar system. This is also indicated by the presence in the dream scenario of certain bright objects or objects. This is for detailed exploration of space and contact with other intelligent beings.