An example of recovery and amazing willpower. Willpower - do it yourself - Examples


Military life in the forties of the last century changed the destinies of many people. Some of them were never able to wait for their relatives and friends from the front; some did not despair and found people to replace them; and some continued to live on. How important it is to preserve a human face after all the difficult trials and become not a human killer, but a human savior! That's how it was main character Sholokhov's story “The Fate of Man” Andrey Sokolov.

Before the start of the war, Sokolov was a good person. He worked hard, was an exemplary family man, and if he drank and began to scold his wife Irinka, he immediately apologized. But his family idyll did not last long. With the onset of the war, he was sent to the front as a military driver. He was wounded and captured, but in all situations he remained resistant to any tests. The German enemies, pouring him glasses of vodka, ordered him to drink for their victory. But Solokov refused: “I’ll drink to my death and deliverance from torment,” he said, and, barely able to stand, he drank without eating. The Germans, amazed by the Russian man’s character, began to respect him and released him.

Having walked halfway across the country, Sokolov was lucky enough to return to his native Voronezh, but instead of a house and a wife and children, he saw only a crater. Soon another grief befell him: after a short correspondence with his surviving son, he suddenly learns that Anatoly was killed. Everything is gone: no home, no relatives, there is only Victory. How to continue to live...?

Sokolov finds the strength to live on. He does not console himself with the thought that someday there will be a woman who can replace the deceased Irinka; he does not want to return to his homeland. There was nothing left in his heart but emptiness. However, the thirst for hatred is not kindled in him, he does not want to take revenge for all his life’s misfortunes, and even thoughts of suicide do not visit his bright head. He just continues to live. And, as it soon turns out, he can live not only for himself.

Sokolov travels to the Russian city of Uryupinsk, where he encounters the meaning of his later life. A boy with eyes as bright as the sky could suddenly replace all his relatives. Vanyushka was an orphan and wandered the streets in search of another watermelon rind so as not to die of hunger. This boy, unaware of the real grief that befell Andrei Sokolov, recognizes his father in him, as soon as Sokolov said: “Vanyushka, do you know who I am?... I am your father.” And so two big, pure, loving and devoted friend friend of the heart.

Andrey Sokolov is true example a person with unbending willpower. He bravely held out both during the war and in Peaceful time, did not lose his human face and opened his hearts little man, who needed it so much.

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    • "Quiet Don", dedicated to the fate of the Russian Cossacks in one of the most tragic periods of Russian history; Sholokhov strives not only to give an objective picture historical events, but also to reveal their root causes, to show the dependence historical process not from the will of individual major personalities, but from the general spirit of the masses, “the essence of the character of the Russian people”; wide coverage of reality. In addition, this work is about the eternal human desire for happiness and the suffering that befalls […]
    • The civil war, in my opinion, is the most cruel and bloody war, because sometimes close people fight in it, who once lived in one whole, united country, believed in one God and adhered to the same ideals. How it happens that relatives stand on opposite sides of the barricades and how such wars end, we can trace on the pages of the novel - M. A. Sholokhov’s epic “Quiet Don”. In his novel, the author tells us how the Cossacks lived freely on the Don: they worked on the land, were a reliable support […]
    • The twentieth century marked itself as a century of terrible, bloody wars that claimed millions of lives. The epic novel “Quiet Don” by Sholokhov is a work of enormous artistic scale, in which the author talentedly managed to depict the powerful course of history and fate individuals, unwillingly involved in the whirlwind of historical events. In it, without departing from the historical truth, the writer showed the life of the Don Cossacks, involved in turbulent and tragic events history of Russia. Perhaps Sholokhov was destined to become […]
    • Images of Cossack women became artistic discovery Sholokhov in Russian literature. In "Quiet Don" female images presented widely and vividly. These are Aksinya, Natalya, Daria, Dunyashka, Anna Pogudko, Ilyinichna. They all have an eternal woman's lot: to suffer, to wait for men from the war. How many young, strong, hard-working and healthy Cossacks were taken by the First World War! Sholokhov writes: “And no matter how much simple-haired Cossack women run out into the alleys and look from under their palms, they will not wait for those dear to their hearts! No matter how many of the swollen [...]
    • The epic novel “Quiet Don” by Mikhail Sholokhov is one of the most outstanding works of Russian and world literature of the first half of the twentieth century. Without deviating from the historical truth, the writer showed the life of the Don Cossacks, involved in the turbulent and tragic events of Russian history. The twentieth century marked itself as a century of terrible, bloody wars that claimed millions of lives. The epic novel “Quiet Don” is a work of enormous artistic scale, in which the author talentedly managed to depict the powerful course of history and fate […]
    • Life story central character M. Sholokhov's epic novel "Quiet Don" by Grigory Melekhov most fully reflected the drama of the fate of the Don Cossacks. He suffered such cruel trials that a person, it would seem, is not able to endure. First the First World War, then the revolution and fratricidal civil war, the attempt to destroy the Cossacks, the uprising and its suppression. In the difficult fate of Grigory Melekhov, Cossack freedom and the fate of the people merged together. Inherited from his father’s tough temperament, [...]
    • The second volume of Mikhail Sholokhov's epic novel tells about the civil war. It included chapters about the Kornilov rebellion from the book “Donshchina,” which the writer began creating a year before “ Quiet Don" This part of the work is precisely dated: late 1916 - April 1918. The slogans of the Bolsheviks attracted the poor who wanted to be free masters of their land. But the civil war raises new questions for the main character Grigory Melekhov. Each side, white and red, seeks its truth by killing each other. […]
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  • Some people can’t force themselves not to eat after six in the evening, while others overcome difficulties that would seem to break most people. Perhaps they really have an iron will, or maybe they simply did not ask themselves the question of how to develop willpower: sometimes difficult circumstances simply leave no choice - a person either fights, or stops living, and begins to exist.

    • Bethany Hamilton. This girl grew up in the Hawaiian Islands in a family of surfers and, it seems, could not help but connect her life with water - she has been surfing since childhood. However, at the age of 13 she lost left hand as a result of a shark attack. Within a month, Bethany was conquering the waves again, and two years later she won a prestigious competition among surfers. Today she is a professional surfer and an inspiration to millions of people. Her biography formed the basis of the film “Soul Surfer,” which was released in 2011.
    • Jason Lester. When twelve-year-old Jason Lester was hit by a car and paralyzed his arm, little did he think that within a couple of decades he would become a world-class triathlete. To date, he has completed the distances of the famous Ironman and Ultraman competitions. He swims, runs and rides a bike, although he still cannot fully use his right hand. In 2009, he was recognized as the best among athletes with disabilities. To questions about how to develop the willpower to achieve such heights, he answers simply: “If you don’t stop yourself, nothing will stop you.”
    • Melissa Stockwell. This woman served in the American army, and in 2004, as a result of a roadside bomb explosion, her leg was amputated above the knee. But a real fighter always remains a fighter. She started swimming while still in hospital as part of her physiotherapy course, and in 2008 she took part in the Paralympic Games, where she set two records in the 100m swimming. For her, too, there is no question of how to train willpower, everything is simpler: “I can do whatever I want, with or without a leg,” says Melissa Stockwell.
    • Anthony Robles was born without one leg, but this did not stop him from competing and winning national wrestling competitions as part of his school and university teams.
    • Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France seven times in a row and became one of the most... famous athletes in the world. This happened after he was diagnosed with testicular cancer at the age of 25 with metastases that had spread to the lungs and brain. He had a 40% chance of survival, but after chemotherapy and brain surgery he went into remission. The athlete used the chance given by fate one hundred percent, and despite the lifelong disqualification, he remains a source of inspiration for those who are fighting cancer today.
    • Stephen Hawking is one of the most famous scientists on the planet, author of the bestseller “ Short story time", author of three children; he travels extensively and has even flown in zero gravity. At the same time, Stephen Hawking is almost completely paralyzed and can only speak with the help of a speech synthesizer.
    • Helen Keller lost her sight and hearing due to illness at the age of 19 months. She later studied in a special needs program, received a bachelor's degree, wrote several books, and became an active activist for women's rights.

    The diary of Vasily, a man who, at almost 50 years old, found the strength to turn his life upside down. What he did with himself in two years, given his initial ill state, is simply a miracle. Life story

    The diary of Vasily, a man who, at almost 50 years old, found the strength to turn his life upside down. What he did with himself in two years, given his initial ill state, is simply a miracle. The story from Vasily’s life is an amazing example of human will and the ability to find strength in oneself when circumstances squeeze like a vice.

    Below are briefly copied excerpts from the diary.

    47 years have passed unnoticed. Lived like a fighter jet. I worked 18 hours a day, and sometimes more. The work is both physical and nervous - all together. At first I became a specialist, then I set up my own enterprise and business, everything seemed to work out, but this is what I encountered as soon as everything worked out... My head and body had been aching for about 10 years. Eternally red eyes, eternally tired, constantly cheering himself up with coffee and cigarettes, sometimes alcohol, with a height of 172, weight 98 kg, already having difficulty bending over and putting on shoes. I haven’t seen a doctor for 25 years; I endured all colds and ailments on my feet.

    And after celebrating 45 years, I literally began to fall off my feet. Terrible pain in the head, constant screaming ringing in the ears, bulging eyes. My stomach and lower back ache, food is not digested and does not come out, my leg began to limp. This is the spring of 2000. I had to go to the doctors, and they immediately found a bunch of different microbes and nasty things. They gave me antibiotics and immune drugs, which made things even worse after 15-20 days. I remembered my youth, when I caught jaundice on a construction team and my liver stopped working, I went to the Ministry of Water twice (water, baths, mud) and everything worked.

    I went to Zheleznovodsk. Somehow I drink water, take baths, mud, another week passes and everything is like a poultice for the dead. Malakhov's books come into his hands. Bragg, Shelton, Shchadilov, Semenova, Gogulan, something begins to clear up in my head. I even tried (but it was very scary, I was nervous about whether I could stand it or not) 1 day of hunger strike and an enema (though I couldn’t take more than 200 grams, the pain was hellish). What came out was some kind of tar, which I was very surprised by.

    I came home, the treatment was of no use, the only benefit was that I came across books. I then tried to fast once a week and put myself on a vegetable diet (of course, not without meat, etc., how could I do without it, I couldn’t imagine such a thing then), and this began to come out of me, poop in buckets of black color, like fuel oil . And I immediately decided to go on a hunger strike for 10 days, but it turned out to be 30. But I made 2 mistakes. The first - I still smoked and did not quit, the second I trusted the doctor, who seemed to have experience in cleansing patients, she injected me intravenously with all sorts of saline solutions, supposedly to precipitate toxins. It took another 25-30 days after the hunger strike, but I still didn’t feel healthy, although the pain went away, my head became lighter, the limp disappeared, but the intestines and liver didn’t work as they should, food wasn’t digested, feces weren’t formed, there were always abdominal pains, no way I couldn’t fix my diet. I wanted to immediately rebuild, but for some reason my body didn’t want to. I lost weight, but within 3 months the weight was almost restored again (95-96 kg). This is how the year 2000 passed.

    The year 2001 has arrived. It seems to have gotten better, but I’m not healthy, my intestines and liver aren’t working, I’m as fat as a pig, I’m in a bad mood, I have no vital energy at all, all that’s left of a jet plane is the pipe. And then my arms and neck are twisted, as well as part thoracic. The pain is hellish. They give narcotic painkillers. I practically can’t walk, I lie in bed somehow, there is no pain-free position. The masseuse and the doctor performed magic for two weeks, to no avail. Magnetic resonance imaging showed 12 protrusions and 2 hernias in the neck and upper thoracic region (as they explained to me, osteochondrosis is a protrusion of discs up to 1 mm, protrusions up to 4 mm, hernias more than 4 mm). I haven't examined the rest of the spine, but it feels the same there. X-rays and ultrasound showed neoplasms and tumors in the head, gastrointestinal tract, and liver. The manuals conjured 20 days and 30 days of physical procedures - all this led to the fact that I could live without drugs, but apparently the pains simply dulled, but were always there. Complete ischemia of the muscles of the back, neck and arms, they, poor things, twitched every hour for 1 - 1.5 minutes in convulsions from oxygen starvation. I couldn’t lift the razor with my hand, I could only see the floor underneath me, I was in terrible depression. Crying and screaming from 17-00 to 18-00 and the desire to jump from the 7th floor. He ate like a horse and gained weight up to 100 kg.

    2 months have passed, it is useless for me to perform the operation (this should be done not on 1 vertebra, but on all 33. The doctors said that I would only walk under myself). I came across Bubnovsky on the Internet - movement therapy, learned there that we also have his supporters in Samara, went to their gym, through screaming and hellish pain, began to do exercises, at first he could not even move his arms and legs. 3 times a week I started doing gymnastics in the morning, as best I could, on all fours, and a cold shower. A month later, the acute pain disappeared. Positional and dull pains remained. After 3 months, positional pain began to disappear, stiffness and incomplete movements remained, as well as weakness of the muscles due to their complete atrophy as a result of their oxygen starvation (spasm of the vessels in the back led to this), and everything seemed to be getting better, and the mood improved, and the depression began to pass, but it turned out that not everything was so simple...

    I began to seem to get into a normal rhythm of life, increased the load, and one day, after a light but long-term load (not in the gym, at work), I felt a pang in my chest that I still didn’t know what a heart was like. It pinched so much that the pain was hellish, there was darkness in the eyes, there was no strength, and so on for 1.5 hours, until the ambulance arrived, they stabbed me with something, waited and left, but did not explain anything. After 3 hours, the same thing, again an ambulance, they stabbed me again and I was in intensive care for 3 days - a massive penetrating heart attack. I spent 20 days in the hospital, then another 21 days in a sanatorium. I could barely walk to the 2nd floor, it took 20 minutes to get up. The doctors said in 4 months for bypass surgery or something else. Like, it’s too early, you need to get stronger (or get older).

    And I finally realized that only I could help myself, no one would help me. Reading hundreds of books by a dozen different authors (and I still read and re-read them, looking for grains). Start working on diet and cleansing the body. Walking, started with 500 meters and increased every day. Leaving the sanatorium, I last days I walked 35 km (the doctors were just crazy, I walked from 7 am to 9 pm, break only for lunch and plus an hour for rest), I went to the 4th floor in 2 minutes, I was starving and did not eat their food. I left the sanatorium, winter began, walked every day in the cold for 2 hours (I immediately went to work, did not care about sick leave for another 4 months), morning exercises for 1.5 hours, cold showers in the morning and evening, diet, hunger strikes, constant control over yourself and search best options in food, hunger and physical exercise. This is how 2001 ended.

    As 2002 began, I continued to work on myself. Refused the VTK (that is, registration of disability). I started skiing while I was hungry, I had no strength in my arms, back, or legs, I could barely move. Grandmothers for 60 years passed me on the ski track, walking at a speed of 2 km per hour (more difficult than walking). The weight fell, the diet improved. I went to the gym (the whole administration there was scared, they ran after me, didn’t let me near the equipment, sometimes I took nitroglycerin after each approach). The snow melted and I started walking 25 km on Sundays again on the 2nd day of fasting.

    Improved my diet. Also, every morning exercise for 1 hour, shower 2 times cold. 2 times gym for 3 hours and Sunday load on fresh air. In March, I bought a bicycle and started riding 50 km on Sundays (already on the 3rd day of fasting). And in April I bought a kayak and went on a water trip with my partner on May 1-5. He continued to improve his diet and his culinary skills. At first my bald spot stopped flaking, then a pleasant skin appeared, then fluff, then the fluff turned black and became hard, then more fluff appeared, i.e. 10% of my bald spot is now densely overgrown (and my bald spot is 70% of my head). My toenails, which that year darkened, became cloudy and partially fell off, new ones began to grow - pink, transparent and flexible, I forgot what a bad mood and fatigue were, wounds (cuts from cooking) began to heal at a wild speed, the same as before (3-5 years ago) it healed in 2-3 weeks, and even with painful sensations it now healed in 2 days.

    I continued to do everything, in June again on a kayak for 5 days, another trip and outing for haymaking, I mowed twice for two days, each time on the 3rd and 4th day of hunger. Endurance became wild, healthy, well-fed guys did not keep up the pace, especially the heat, and rested more, giving me the opportunity to improve my health.

    The results of 2 years of work on myself gave amazing results:

    Doctors barely found the scar and reported that it was surprisingly thin and flexible, and worked together with the heart muscle. I withstood loads of 50J, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, and ischemia was detected only at a pulse of 140 and a pressure of 180 (in winter, a pulse of 90 was not available to me). As the doctors said, not every healthy person can withstand such a load.

    The joints began to hurt a long time ago. I just didn't understand it. I'm talking about big joints. These are knees, hips and shoulders. The fact that small joints, fingers, elbows, and feet were also not working well, but this did not interfere so much. My knees were constantly creaking, my mobility was 30-40% of the entire range of motion. When the load increased (jumping, taking something on the shoulders and carrying it) they hurt. The hips dangled and clattered like worn-out pieces of iron, and after small loads they became very inflamed and hurt for weeks, not even allowing you to sleep, especially if you sat in the car on the highway for even 10 hours, the joints hurt for 3 days, and 1 day and night was very acute. And the shoulders and joints were knocking and could not bear the load; lifting something (not quite heavy, holding it at a weight of 5-8 kg) was already causing pain.

    On this moment the knees don’t creak, the hips don’t wobble or hurt, and they can withstand any load, i.e. I'm not afraid to load to the maximum (the limiter is muscle strength). Shoulders. The right shoulder is still a little weaker than the left in terms of withstanding loads, although the loads are already very high, mobility and flexibility and stretching of all joints has become better than it was at 20 years old (although I didn’t specifically work on mobility and flexibility for 20 years). My fingers bend in any direction and do not crunch, my feet also bear the load, I jump, run, jump over and do not feel any restrictions in mobility. The only limitation is coordination; now you need to train the nervous system to control your body dynamically. I haven’t done this for a very long time (30 years) (games, movement), and nervous system I just haven’t learned how to quickly control my body yet - I need to learn all this in a new way.

    Eyes. There was increased intraocular pressure, always red, the whites were also engorged with blood, tired, and watery. I couldn’t do precise work, there was no sharpness, even a watchmaker’s loupe didn’t help, my eyes got tired very quickly and there was a small range in distance when it was sharp.

    I had a hard time reading books. I constantly adjusted the angle of view and distance. That is, I have bad eyes and age-related farsightedness, so I needed glasses, but I never bought them.

    Now, they don’t hurt, they don’t tear, the whites are white, they don’t get tired, I don’t need reading glasses, I can do precise work (albeit with a watchmaker’s loupe), farsightedness is, of course, present, but much less than before.

    I get by without glasses. A magnifying glass (glasses) is sometimes needed when studying the text on product packaging, when a small package and a lot of text (ingredients) are great small print, and even in blue letters on a blue background. I think it would be even better if I worked on my eyes purposefully (exercise, sun, etc.), but I didn’t, apparently that’s enough for me (like I don’t do jewelry work).

    Yes! The eyes went from faded gray to blue again!!!

    Skin, hair, nails. It was: the skin was flabby, wrinkled, inflamed in places, not pleasant to look at. The nails are dry, hard, brittle, two large nails on my feet have fallen off, and the ones that grow are gray, cloudy and uncut (they burst, break). The hair is limp, soft, there is a large bald spot on the head.

    What happened: the skin was smooth, toned, even on the chin it became noticeably better, clean, without redness and inflammation, wrinkles straightened and smoothed out, interestingly, even in the eyes and in the ear area (from smiling)

    The nails are thin, transparent, flexible, easy to cut and grow quickly (beautiful) and on the feet too (new good ones have grown).

    The hair became coarse, strong, the bald spot became covered with fluff, then sparse hair appeared, on this moment 80% of the bald spot is covered with fluff and 30% of it is already coarse hair.

    Examinations at the time of the disease showed the presence of tumors in the liver, in the pancreas, in the head, and also on the back, on the spine, and under the shoulder blades there was a lipoma the size of a pack of cigarettes. So now it’s the size of half a pack of Orbit chewing gum. I have not yet been interested in other formations.

    Heart, blood vessels. There was: shortness of breath, burning in the chest, high pulse (90), high blood pressure (140-150 to 90-110), then a massive heart attack. I couldn’t walk, I couldn’t, I went up to the 1st floor (only in 10 minutes). My heart hurts constantly, uncontrollable fear. When I was sleeping, I woke up 5 times and drank nitroglycerin; in general, I was prescribed 5 medications to take for the rest of my life, and besides them, I constantly took nitroglycerin for attacks (up to 6-8 times a day).

    Now last time I took medications 2.5 years ago, nitroglycerin for an attack 2 years ago. My heart doesn’t hurt, doesn’t get tired, I calmly train with a pulse of 130-135 beats, only with a pulse of 155-165 beats does a slight burning sensation in my chest occur for more than 2 minutes, but I can already tolerate it and prolong the training, and with a pulse of 125-130 I can work up to 3-4 hours without a break. Pulse at rest is 56-60, pressure is 110-120 at 60-75, I run on floors, in winter I calmly run 30 km on skis in 3 hours 10 minutes, in summer I bike 70 km on asphalt roads in 2 hours 20 minutes or on a treadmill 15 km at a ragged pace in 1 hour 40 minutes. And all this on the 2nd or 3rd day of fasting.

    It's amazing how the blood supply to the skin and limbs has improved. Now I’m not cold in winter and not hot in summer. I'm surprised myself.

    Well, in conclusion, there are photographs of Vasily for two years of his life, given in the diary.

    It’s hard to imagine how this person’s attitude towards life changed after his second birth. I think we all have something to learn from such people.

    Hello, dear readers. In the struggle to achieve main goal There are very important, moral points. One of them is "Willpower". What it is and what impact it has, you will find out by reading this article.

    What is willpower:

    Willpower is one of the psychological components. It is involved in all areas of our lives. Simply put, force will does not allow us to deviate from fulfilling the conditions that bring us closer to the main goal. There are times when circumstances confuse a person a little and he begins to make mistakes that do not contribute to achieving the intended result. It is in such cases that that same “willpower” comes to our aid, which will help you come to your senses in time, will not allow you to deviate from your plans and will force you to do what you should again, despite the many temptations surrounding you. Willpower needs to be developed in yourself; naturally, it will not come to you on its own.

    How to develop willpower? There is no clear explanation of the stages. In my opinion, if you decide to change yourself, these are already the first manifestations of willpower, but it lies in the fact that having achieved your personal goal and overcoming many difficulties along the way, without succumbing to temptations and seductions - this is a manifestation of your will . Understand that if you have done everything, and impeccably, it means that you have not only changed your body, but also changed your habits, your views on something, you have changed yourself completely, not only externally but also internally.

    You need to work on some qualities:

    • Patience. Do not give in to all sorts of temptations from the outside, move on, no matter what. Thanks to this quality, a person can overcome any difficulties on the way to achieving his cherished goal. A very necessary quality in any business.
    • Wish. This is what makes us move forward, warms us with hope, gives rise to a goal towards which we begin to strive.
    • Believe in yourself. Whatever goals you set for yourself, don’t give up if they seem impossible to you. Believing in yourself is precisely the quality that breaks all obstacles and makes you stronger every day, bringing you closer to the main event.
    • Discipline. Must be present in any case. Simply put, “submission” to the rules that you follow on the way to the main goal.

    At the stage of forming your thoughts that you need to lose weight, you already roughly see your final result, you know what you want to achieve. Believing in yourself and your personal strengths will help you start playing sports and not miss workouts, as well as eat right every day. Desire will help you cope more easily with new conditions and rules, because your cherished dream lies ahead! Patience will help you not to succumb to all sorts of temptations from your past lifestyle in the form of fast food, cola and other foods you love but are harmful to your figure. Discipline will keep you on track, following the rules and guidelines without changing throughout the entire journey is what will lead you to success.

    What advantages will the development of “willpower” bring us?:

    • Increased self-esteem
    • Achieving high results
    • Absence bad habits and health promotion
    • Developing Positive Thinking
    • Overcoming any difficulties and obstacles
    • Increased performance
    • Gaining high moral strength that helps in any life situation

    This is not the entire list of motives that make it clear that willpower is not just necessary, but simply necessary to start training in yourself. The development of willpower within oneself is within the control of every person. This is a kind of psychological muscle that can be pumped up. Start fulfilling the promises you made to yourself, give up the pleasures that ultimately lead you to bad mood. Understand that the most important pleasure is realizing that you are a strong, strong-willed person in whom other people see protection and examples of willpower. Don’t delay and don’t leave everything for later, time is running out. Be strong and independent, all the best to you!

    The essay contains references to the story by B. Raevsky “15 in the morning, 15 in the evening.”

    Option 1

    Willpower is a quality that allows a person not to stray from his chosen path and remain true to his goal.

    In the story by B. Raevsky, willpower is demonstrated by a hero named Julius. He spent a whole year preparing for a fight with Yashka, despite the pain and torment. It was thanks to this quality that he was able to defeat himself and his opponent.

    Another example of a person with strong will found in the same story. We are talking about Ali Mahmud, who taught Yula how to become strong.

    Without willpower it is impossible to achieve your dream. This is a wonderful quality that helps you achieve a lot in life.

    Option 2

    I think that willpower is the ability to pull yourself together and continue to move towards your goal, despite deprivation and inconvenience. Without willpower, you cannot achieve anything outstanding, because big goals always require great effort.

    Thus, the weak boy Julius, the hero of the story by B. Raevsky, was able to train for a year and ultimately defeat the strong Yashka Krivonosy thanks to his willpower.

    Another great example of a person with an iron will is the famous surfer Bethany Hamilton. At the age of 13, a shark bit off her hand, but this did not break the girl: she became the winner of many competitions and teaches children to ride the waves all over the world.

    Willpower is one of the mandatory conditions achieving any, especially difficult goal!

    Option 3

    I understand by willpower the ability to do everything that depends on you for as long as it takes to achieve a goal. Willpower is determination and strong character; it helps you not to give up, even when you really want to give up.

    The boy Julius from the story of B. Raevsky hardly wanted to train every day; he admits that the year of preparation for the fight with Yashka was full of torment, but he was able to defeat the enemy.

    And in the life around us there are many examples of people with a strong will. My older sister, despite the fact that she is bad at exact sciences, within a year everything free time I prepared for the physics exam and passed it brilliantly. Thus, she became one step closer to her dream of becoming an engineer.

    I believe that willpower is excellent quality, which requires composure, and the reward for strength of character will always be the fulfillment of any intended desire.

    Option 4

    Willpower, in my opinion, is the ability to overcome oneself, to do something that seems impossible to achieve one’s goal. Without working on yourself, you cannot realize your dreams. Material from the site

    In the story of B. Raevsky, the frail Julius, being bullied by Yashka, at first does not understand how to fight back, because he is much weaker than his offender. But a conversation with a visiting strongman changes his life: he sets himself the goal of becoming strong and punishing the fighter. The torment and pain of training bore fruit: Yashka was finally defeated. This victory was achieved only thanks to the strength of Yula's will.

    The same quality helped the ex circus artist Valentin Dikul begins to walk again after a severe injury and damage to the spinal cord. His work on himself is admirable.

    Indeed, willpower aimed at achieving a goal produces amazing results.

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