Cool dance competitions. Dance competitions for corporate events


An empty dance floor at a wedding is a nightmare for newlyweds. Therefore, it is worth taking care of entertainment for guests in advance. The shy ones should be relaxed, and the energy of the active ones should be directed in the right direction. The portal offers you a selection of the best extraordinary dance competitions that will fill your celebration with unbridled fun. Everyone dances!

Original dance games and competitions for guests

When the phrase “dance competition” is heard, standard dances with balloons or dance games with chairs. We offer a fresh look at dance challenges. You will find the coolest competitions for guests below.

Dance of oaks and squirrels

  • Participants: guests.

Men dressed as oak trees and squirrel girls are invited to participate. A circle of men is formed (with their backs to each other). As soon as music is heard, the girls begin to dance or run around, dancing around the men. As soon as the music stops, the squirrel must jump onto the oak tree. Whoever is left on earth without an oak leaves and takes one oak with him.

I know this dance

  • Participants: couples.

Couples are invited to the dance floor. DJ plays first musical composition from famous film, whose dance scene is known to absolutely everyone. Couples need to guess what movie the music is from and recreate the movements and character as accurately as possible. Famous competition dances from movies:

  • Twist from Pulp Fiction.
  • Tango from Mr and Mrs Smith.
  • Rumba from the movie "The Mask".
  • Dance on grapes by Celentano from The Taming of the Shrew.

Story dances

  • Participants: guests.
  • Props: forms with situations.

It's time to look at the acting talent of the guests. Teams of 2-5 people are formed, each of which receives a form with a specific situation. Can be prepared catchphrases or fairy tales (what will be generally known and easy to read). Participants need to assign roles and dance this situation. The audience tries to guess what the dance is about.

Examples of cards:

  • The Tale of the Turnip (final scene).
  • The girls are standing, standing to the side... (phrase from a famous song).
  • The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing (proverb).
  • A girl collects mushrooms in the forest (simple situation).

Face dance

  • Participants: guests.

Who said that a dance competition cannot be held at the wedding table? It is possible, and now you will see it. The guests sit at the table, upbeat music turns on, and the contestants begin to dance. It is necessary to play out musical accents and rhythm using only the face and facial expressions. You can complicate the task and start the movement with one part of the face, gradually involving the rest. The most interesting dance wins.

Spaghetti between us

  • Participants: couples.
  • Props: a pack of spaghetti.

Couples choose a place on the dance floor. The host distributes one piece of spaghetti to all pairs. Participants clamp the pasta in their teeth on both sides. Fast dynamic music sounds. You need to move to the beat, that is, quickly. Those couples whose spaghetti breaks are eliminated.

Lazy but very inventive dances

  • Participants: guests.
  • Props: five chairs.

The six bravest participants are invited to participate in the competition for guests. The competition is divided into 5 stages:

  1. Free dance - after which the first participant is eliminated.
  2. Dance on chairs - guests dance while sitting, the most boring dancer is eliminated.
  3. Dancing on chairs without legs - the weakest is determined.
  4. Dance on chairs without legs and arms - the dancers' imagination turns on, one more dancer drops out.
  5. The chair facial dance is the most difficult task for the remaining two dancers. At the end, a winner is chosen from them.

Active competitions

In order for the wedding to be as fun as possible, it is necessary to involve in entertainment greatest number Human. Shy guests can be stirred up with massive active dance competitions.

Various sizes of dances

  • Participants: guests.

Two significant teams with the same number of participants are formed. The task of each team is to make maximum use of the space, fulfilling the tasks of the leader. Examples of tasks:

  • Become the broadest (narrowest) team.
  • Become a team with few arms (legs).
  • Become the highest (lowest) team.

All tasks are performed to music, and participants must dance while doing so.

Is it okay that I'm without a partner?

  • Participants: guests.
  • Props: mop.

Participants are divided into pairs, one person remains alone. He is given a mop in the shape of a dance partner. Music plays and couples begin to dance. When the music stops, participants must switch partners. This must be done instantly, since the participant with the mop also throws the “partner” and grabs any dancer he comes across - both a girl and a guy. The one left without a partner will have to dance with a mop.

Battle of generations

  • Participants: guests.

Contestants are divided into two teams by age - up to 30 years old and older. A group battle is arranged between them. Only for younger generation include music in the style of chanson, and for the older ones - the most popular hits of these years. Several exits of both teams are carried out alternately. It’s funny to watch how grandmothers dance to “The Ice Is Melting” and “Gangnam Style”, and young people dance along with the singing Kobzon. The winning team is determined by the newlyweds. This competition can be transformed into a themed wedding. For example, for a rock style wedding, choose compositions by the groups “Queen” and “Leningrad”.

After such fiery dances You will see that everyone can dance and give joy to others. Even more interesting competitions you can find it on our website

The success of many parties, especially youth ones, often depends on a successful dance program, which means you need high-quality music, a professional DJ who can accurately guess musical preferences specific company and the ability of the host to “light up” the guests, “lure” them onto the dance floor and create a cheerful festive atmosphere on it

Each presenter, of course, has his own secrets and tricks, each has his own win-win decoy (or even more than one), capable of “pulling” even the most skeptical and “wooden” guests onto the dance floor and his own set of special games and entertainment for dance breaks. After all, games during dancing always “revive” dance program, lift everyone’s spirits, and sometimes help unfamiliar or unfamiliar guests “get to know each other,” i.e. one way or another, to become closer to each other.

We offer universal and practice-tested games while dancing that can be arranged at any party (thanks to the talented authors and holiday organizers for the ideas for some of them!).

1. Game for dance break "Friendship begins.."

This game requires free space. The presenter recalls the lines of a famous children's song: “The river begins with a blue stream, but friendship begins with a smile.” Then everyone, everyone who has no enemies in this room, and who is friendly and ready to have fun, is invited to go out onto the dance floor.

And let everyone feel like a “droplet” from which streams, rivers and even the ocean are formed. To do this, you need to join hands with your comrades quickly and, in accordance with the commands of the leader, without forgetting to dance to the music.

And the leader gives the commands at random and very different: “to unite two drops at a time,” “three at a time,” “four at a time,” “in a trickle of six,” “one drop at a time,” etc., followed by the command “everyone.” drops in one circle, in one ocean” - everyone lines up in one common round dance. The presenter suggests: “Now everyone smiled and opened up in two circles. The inner circle is formed by gentlemen, and the outer circle by ladies (if there are more girls, then vice versa) - facing each other. To the music, we begin a round dance of friendship: the boys, dancing, move to the right, and girls - to the left. The music stops - the round dances too: everyone who was face to face begins to make friends, hug and kiss. The music starts running again in different directions."

2. Game “Get your neighbor on the dance floor.”

The ball is a win-win prop for any games; with its help you can add some life to dance breaks. For example, before any couples dance, tie a ball to the ankle of all participants. Accordingly, the task of each pair is to “get” all their neighbors as quickly as possible and burst their balloons (with their feet), and also, for as long as possible, dodge their blows and take care of their balloons.

The couple that can hold on to at least one balloon the longest wins a prize!

3. Playing while dancing “Let’s hang out?!”

Here you also need a balloon, only in the shape of a sausage. Before the dance, you can explain that with her help an impromptu talent show will now be organized. The one who drops the ball or who is caught with the ball when the music stops goes out into the circle and dances a solo part to the melody he hears (striptease, gypsy girl, etc.).

During a quick dance, the host, holding the “sausage” between his legs, approaches any guest with an offer to “swagger” - he passes the ball to him quickly and without the help of his hands, and he gives it to the other. All this is accompanied by incendiary music; if the sausage does not fall for a long time, the DJ arbitrarily stops the music and turns on a cut for 30-40 seconds for a solo dance, the rest support with applause. Then the “soloist” passes the ball and so on several times. At the end, you can arrange a general dance “sausage” for all guests to the timeless rock and roll.

4. Dance fun "Limbo".

The name of the game comes from the dance of the same name, distinctive feature which is a combination of flexibility and clarity of movements in dance. The essence of the game is that you need to demonstrate exactly these qualities by passing under a tape or pole, which is held horizontally by assistants on both sides, without touching them or leaning forward.

So, an incendiary melody is playing on the dance floor, those who wish, take turns, pass under the ribbon (pole), bending back and bending their knees - otherwise it will not work. Initially, the tape is stretched at a height of 1.5 meters, but each time the assistants lower it lower and lower, and there are fewer and fewer people able to overcome this obstacle.

The most flexible and courageous participants in the game are awarded a prize.

5. "Who am I?"

Have you ever been to a party where there was no dancing? Yes, without dancing, a holiday is not a holiday. Guests especially want to dance somewhere after 3-4 toasts, when the blood has warmed up. And to help them, and at the same time have fun. We invite you to play dance competitions. These competitions are definitely suitable for a cheerful group of people. They will play with interest and get maximum pleasure. Take a look and choose the best ones.

The competition is a journey through musical countries.
Every country has its own music. And in each country they dance to their own music in a special way. In this competition, your guests will also dance to the music different countries. For example, under Georgian, under French and under Polish.
Everything is simple here: certain music is turned on and the guests dance. Whoever dances the best wins a prize.

By the way!
This competition can be used to introduce guests. For example, ask: are there any guests with Polish roots in the hall? Or maybe there are those who distant ancestors Have you ever been to Poland? Are there any? Come out to my music! And then the national Polish melody comes on. And you do this with all the guests, just change your words so as not to repeat yourself.

Competition – dance with body parts.
Don't be alarmed, there is nothing criminal here. On the contrary, it is fun competition and your guests will love it.
Couples participate in the competition: a boy and a girl. They dance the way they usually dance slow dance. But there is one thing! – when the song starts, they must put each other’s hands in the place about which the song is sung. For example:
- well, where are the handles, where are your hands (that means your hands should be on the handles)
- Russia dances, and Europe cries, but I have the most best butt(here I put my hands on each other’s butts)
There are many songs about body parts. Choose those that suit your company.

Competition - repeat after me.
All guests participate in this competition. They stand on one side, and the leader on the other. To the accompaniment of cheerful and catchy music, the presenter makes the first movement. Then everyone repeats it together. Next, the presenter shows the first and second movements. The guests repeat all this to the music. Next, the leader repeats the first and second movements and adds a third. And the guests repeat all this to the music. And so on until there are 5-7 dance movements.
Afterwards, the presenter can change and show his movements to his own music.

Competition - characters from films.
We all watch movies, and there are heroes in movies. For example, these are: cowboys, machos, bandits, sailors, and so on. Call 4-7 men on stage. They decide by lot. Who plays what role? The men go into another room. The music turns on and the hero comes out. If a cowboy song comes on, a cowboy comes out. If it’s a bandit, then it’s a bandit, and so on. And they don’t just go out, but dance to their music. After all the dancing, ask the other guests to say who played what role. AND best actor award a prize.

Competition – oriental dances.
For the competition you need girls, for example 4-6 girls. They go with you to another room and there they put on oriental clothes: a scarf, a bandage on the face and a bandage on the waist. An oriental melody is turned on and the girl oriental dance come out. After dancing for a minute or two, the girls invite the men to dance with them. Those men who agreed leave. During the dances, girls must quickly hand over their oriental clothes to the men. That is, take off the scarf and tie it to the man and do the same with other items of clothing. When the men are dressed up, the girls leave and the men continue the dance.

The competition is a musical umbrella.
As you may have guessed, you need an umbrella. You attach beautiful pieces of paper to it with the names of the dances written on them: lezginka, tango, lambada, and so on. Each dance twice. All guests stand in a circle and the music turns on. The guests dance and pass an umbrella to each other. As soon as the music stops, whoever has an umbrella in his hand tears off any one card. And the game continues. When all the cards are in the hands of the guests. Then the rest take their places. And those with cards play further. And then you need to find your partner and dance your dance with her.

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If there are a lot of dancers at your party, hold the next competition. Prepare recordings of music of various genres, such as lambada and hip-hop, in advance. Divide the participants into two teams. Let each team listen to their music, then explain the task: team members need to choreograph an original dance in five minutes to the music they heard. The team that got the lambada dances the tango, and those who got the hip-hop dance the waltz. The main condition: all team members must be involved in the dance. The winner is chosen by the audience.

Dance with numbers

All participants gather in the center to the music. At the moment when the music stops and the presenter calls the number, the participants should split into groups (for example, if the presenter calls the number “three,” then the participants should gather in groups of three), holding hands or hugging. Guests who are not included in any group are excluded from participation in the competition. Prizes are awarded to the last two or three participants who reach the end.


Who doesn’t know these famous couplets “Oh, apple, where are you going? You’ll get into my mouth, won’t you come back!”? Many people know famous dance Sailors "Yablochko" Invite the stronger sex to perform this dance to music. Their performance will be assessed by a special jury, represented exclusively by women. The participant who performs the dance more cheerfully and gracefully than others becomes the winner of this dance competition. As a prize, you can give the winner a red apple.

African dances

Let this competition become a little trip for you to hot Africa. To hold it, you will have to work a little and create the right atmosphere: place a symbolic fire in the middle of the room, distribute beads to the participants. Then divide all participants into pairs. All other guests will become members of the jury, who will have to evaluate the dances of the participants. Put African folk music, to which your couples must perform impromptu African dances. The participants of the pair selected by the jury members become the winners of the competition.

French passions

Argentina is undoubtedly the birthplace of tango, but in France this dance was transformed, absorbing the spirit of French fiery love. For the French, not only the expression of the dance is important, but also the graceful performance. This competition will require several couples, but let the women choose their own partners. Then, to the music, the selected couples dance tango, and the audience (preferably a male audience) evaluates which of the women is more graceful in the dance. It is she who becomes the winner of the competition.

Bag with a surprise

To play, you will need a bag in which you need to put various funny things, for example, adult diapers, underwear, colored scarves, funny hats. All players go to the dance floor. When the music starts, everyone should dance and pass each other a bag with things. At the moment when the music stops, the person who has the bag must take one thing out of the bag without looking and put it on. Then the music starts again and the game continues. The game is on until all items are worn by the participants

Tango threesome

For the “Tango for Three” competition, the presenter invites 3-4 couples.
The presenter gives each pair one balloon.
So he will be the third.
The ball must be between the bodies of the dancing couple.
Touching the ball with your hands is prohibited.
The host of the program starts by playing slow music.
The participants are dancing.
The pair whose ball bursts or flies away leaves the game.
The presenter turns on more energetic music without warning.
Dancing couples must quickly adapt to the tempo of the music and continue dancing.

Waltz exactly

Dance in the newspaper is a fun, active game to the music. Participates in this game even number players, but not less than 4 people. The game develops dexterity and coordination of movements. Can be used during adult parties to liberate players. To play you need to take several large newspapers. Carefully cut a hole in each newspaper for two heads.
Players divide into pairs and carefully place newspapers on their heads.
Let's turn on the music. Couples begin to dance without touching each other.
The winner is the couple whose newspaper does not tear.

Must be original. You definitely need to come up with some active entertainment, and dance competitions are perfect for this. They help to stir up guests, direct the energy of the most active ones in the right direction and stir up the shyest ones.

Dance competitions can be group or individual, take place in the form of a competition or a real dance battle. It can also just be group dances with a leader. And most importantly, you don’t have to know how to dance to participate in such competitions.

The right time to hold the first dance competition is some time after the start of the banquet. First you need to create a certain atmosphere, amuse the guests and stir them up. Then it will be easier for them to overcome their embarrassment and get out on the dance floor.

Pay attention! Active and calm competitions must be alternated. Everything related to dancing is active entertainment, so you should not force guests to dance if they have just been running or jumping. But after that it’s quite possible to have a dance.

You shouldn't hold dance competitions on an empty stomach; guests should at least have a little snack. But you shouldn’t pull them out from the table immediately after tasting the hot food. You can hold competitions after appetizers or some time after serving the main course when guests are expecting dessert. Also, a dance competition, group dance or flash mob can be a worthy end to the holiday.

How to prepare?

To hold dance competitions at a wedding you will need the following:

  1. spacious room;
  2. musical equipment and audio recordings;
  3. good lighting.

Choosing songs for competitions is separate art. It is better to prepare several dozen different compositions in advance in order to be able to select music to suit the current mood of the guests. You must be able to very clearly determine the time period for turning it on, so that there are no awkward pauses. Music should be handled by someone who knows how to handle equipment well. It's best to hire a professional DJ.

Guests should also be given enough space to move around freely. You should not conduct such entertainment near tables with food. At least 3 square meters must be allocated for dancing. This is enough for a small group of dancing guests.
Dance competitions are selected depending on the size of the room. The more spacious it is, the more opportunities there are for holding them.

The dance floor should be well lit
. This creates the right atmosphere, because the dance part is always in the spotlight. During dance events, you can turn on disco lighting, play with spotlights or arrange a laser show.

Cool competitions for guests

Wedding dance competitions exist huge amount. They are selected depending on the following factors:

  1. age of the invitees;
  2. contingent of those present;
  3. room size;
  4. preferences of guests and young people.

Usually the host takes care of the selection, but the newlyweds themselves can also make suggestions. Here are some options for original dance competitions.

Dances of the peoples of the world

Several couples are selected from among the guests. They can consist of both those who are in a relationship and completely strangers. Couples are given the task to dance several dances various peoples peace. It doesn’t matter at all that they don’t know how to do it, because that’s the whole point. Music of various nationalities is included: Russian, Caucasian, Gypsy, Spanish, Chinese or Indian.

Peculiarity: couples can dance simultaneously to the same music, or each of them is given a separate task.

It’s even more fun when special attributes are issued for the competition: national clothes, shoes or hats. After the competition is completed, the winner is determined by applause. Instead of couples, you can also invite individuals, but only when the guests had enough fun.

Pop the ball

This a very active competition that will especially appeal to young people. It will require several pairs. Girls' ankles get tied balloons. The goal is to burst the balloons of all opponents with your feet, while connecting your hands with your partner. All this happens to the accompaniment of cheerful music, laughter and encouraging shouts from the guests. It’s very funny to watch when everyone in a pair runs in their own direction. If a couple unclasps their hands, they are eliminated from the competition. The winner is the one who managed to burst all the opponents' balloons.

Threes and fours

How more people participates in such a competition, the more interesting it is. First, everyone starts dancing together until the leader shouts: “Troika!” Guests should immediately break into groups of three and continue dancing. Then the presenter shouts: “Four!” Accordingly, guests should be divided into groups of four.

It can also be fives, sixes, sevens and so on. You shouldn’t split into pairs, otherwise the meaning of the competition will be lost. After each command from the leader, people who were unable to form a group are eliminated. At the end, 2-3 people remain, who become the winners.

The most enduring

This is a very simple competition, however, you need to choose right time to carry it out. It is best to hold it closer to the beginning of the event, when guests have not yet had time to drink a lot. Couples from strong men and fragile girls. The task of every man is to take the girl in his arms and dance with her until the end of the melody. The one who put the girl down is eliminated. In the end, the most enduring remains.


Only the laziest have never heard of the famous limbo dance. Its essence is that a straight rope is stretched in the room, under which a person must walk to the music, bending back. You cannot touch the rope. This competition may have a large number of participants, but you should not invite more than 10 people so that the competition does not drag on.

Participants take turns walking under the rope, trying not to touch it. There is only one way to pass - bending backwards. When everyone has passed under the rope for the first time, it drops 5 centimeters lower. Now it is much more difficult to walk under it, and the intensity of passions is intensifying. Then the rope needs to be lowered another 5 centimeters, and so on. Each time the participant who touched the rope is eliminated. People who have problems with the spine should not be invited to such a competition.


Up to 15 people can participate in this competition. The host invites several guests to the dance floor, who stand in a circle. The first participant takes a hat and puts it on the head of his neighbor, and he puts it on his neighbor, and so on until the music ends. The one who still has the hat in his hands is eliminated from the game. They play until only one participant remains, who becomes the winner.

There are more interesting option holding this competition. The participant in whose hands the hat remains does not drop out, but approaches the presenter. The leader has a list of responsibilities that the losers must perform. These could be:

  • an obligation to invite the newlyweds to tea a week after the wedding;
  • come to visit the newlyweds with a bottle of cognac;
  • call every hour during the day and say nice words.

You need to check the box next to the task that you like. Accordingly, each participant in this competition receives his own instructions, the list of which is read out by the presenter at the end. The tasks can be anything, the main thing is that they are fun, funny, and enjoyable to complete. and in no way offensive.

Body parts

The competition is suitable for the most active guests. The essence of it is that you need to dance in separate parts bodies. For example, the host asks to dance right hand. The music turns on, and all participants begin to dance with only their right hands. Then you can dance with your left foot. After this, you can depict the dance of the head or right ear. In this competition, the one who receives the loudest applause wins.

I know this dance

For this competition you need to select melodies from popular films to which the characters danced. These films should be widely known. Several guests are invited to the site. The presenter turns on music from the film, and you need to repeat the dance as accurately as possible who danced to it. The winner is the one to whom the guests applauded the loudest.

Reference! It’s okay if one of the guests hasn’t watched a certain movie, because he can repeat after other guests.

Fun performance

For this competition you need to prepare cards with scenarios. Several guests are invited to the site, and better than a couple or groups of three people. The task of each team is to dance some situation from a famous film or cartoon.. The facilitator distributes cards with tasks and gives the teams time to prepare. Everyone dances in turns, and the other guests’ task is to guess what they are trying to portray. There are usually no winners in such a competition; all participants receive one.

Dance battle

A very incendiary competition in which a large number of guests can participate, including all participants in the gala event. It is better to conduct it at the very beginning of the dance block in order to prepare everyone present for it.. Participants are divided into two teams that compete with each other. For example, men can compete with women.

Teams take turns performing a dance to the same music. In order to warm up people, the presenter can show the teams movements. As musical accompaniment It’s better to use short excerpts from famous dance hits. The main thing is that the melodies are incendiary. After each dance, the host announces the winner, who is determined by the applause of the guests who are not participating in the battle, or by the host himself. Of course, all this must be done with jokes so as not to offend anyone.

What should you avoid?

At different weddings, the same mistakes are often made when holding dance competitions. The first and most common of them is to start dancing with an individual competition. If you put a person in the middle of the hall, he invariably begins to feel shy. Other guests sense this and the atmosphere becomes tense. Therefore, it is better to hold collective dance competitions first, and call an individual to the dance floor only when the host has already sufficiently warmed up the audience.

You shouldn't force older people to dance either. if they don't want it. Of course, many of them do not mind moving, but if you know that someone has health problems, be sure to warn the presenter about this.

Useful video

Of course, besides those listed above, there are many others. You can see some of them in the following video:


Are dance competitions necessary at a wedding? Definitely yes. Cast aside all doubts if you think that guests will be embarrassed or will not want to participate in such events. A professional toastmaster will be able to get anyone onto the dance floor, which will make the holiday atmosphere even brighter, more cheerful and incendiary. Even if the guests are shy to dance, they will be charged with emotions from others and in the end they will also go out onto the dance floor and rock.