Presentation on computer science on the topic "modeling and formalization". Presentation on the topic "what is modeling" The main stages of modeling


Models and Simulation

Slides: 22 Words: 797 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Modeling. A model is a simplified representation of a real object, process or phenomenon. Modeling - building models for research and study of objects, processes, phenomena. The process of checking the correctness of a model is testing. Modeling technology is a set of targeted user actions on a computer model. Computer-aided design is the process of creating a computer model from standard elementary objects. Basic concepts of modeling: Object - (objeectum - subject from Latin objicio - throw forward) - subject of discussion. Modeling goals: Predict the direct and indirect consequences of implementing given methods. - Models and modeling.ppt


Slides: 45 Words: 2494 Sounds: 0 Effects: 13

Modeling. Object. System. System properties. Humanity. Objects and processes. Development of science. Artistic creativity. Method of cognition. Modeling examples. Models of the surrounding world. Examples of modeling in various fields of activity. Give examples. Can an object have multiple models? Can different objects be described by the same model? Models. Building models. The process of building information models. Visualization of formal models. Give examples of material models. Models of buildings and structures. Models of airplanes and ships. Imaginative models. Drawings. - Modeling.ppt

Concept of model and simulation

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Models modeling. Basic concepts. The need to create models. Modeling. Adequacy of models. Types of models. Figurative-sign models. Types of models depending on time. Types of models depending on external dimensions. Types of models by branches of knowledge. - Concept of model and simulation.ppt

"Modeling" 9th grade

Slides: 23 Words: 640 Sounds: 0 Effects: 21

Modeling as a method of cognition. Description of the tree. Existing features of the object. Appearance. Structure. Weight; color; form; structure; size. A limousine rushed along the road like the wind. Model of a person in the form of a children's doll. Ptolemy built a model of the world. It is most convenient to use an information model when describing the trajectory of an object. It is most convenient to use an information model. The list of countries in the world is an information model. List of deputies of the State Duma. Cool magazine; lesson schedule; list of school students. Description of the global computer network Internet. - “Modeling” 9th grade.pptx

Modeling as a method of cognition

Slides: 25 Words: 690 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Modeling as a method of cognition. Statistical and dynamic information models. Introduction. Definitions. Object "Person". Subject models. Information models. Basic concepts. Almost every object consists of other objects, i.e. represents a system. A system consists of objects called system elements. Examples. In physics, an information model of simple mechanisms. In biology - classification of the animal world. In chemistry, the structure of molecules. Definition. In physics, information models describe the movement of bodies. In biology, the development of organisms. - Modeling as a method of cognition.ppt

Modeling as a method of scientific knowledge

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Modeling as a method of cognition. The concept of a model. Method of understanding the surrounding world. Model. Real items. Technical models. Full-scale models. Descriptions of the object. Types of information models. Description of the modeling object. Information models. Schedule. Diagram. Radar chart. Column chart. Tier charts. Area charts. Table of the “objects-properties” type. Table of type "objects-objects-one". Server designations. Table of type "Objects-objects-multiple". Table of the “objects-properties-objects” type. Models on graphs. Hierarchical model. - Modeling as a method of scientific knowledge.ppt

Stages of computer modeling

Slides: 26 Words: 1430 Sounds: 0 Effects: 58

Main stages of modeling. Statement of the problem. Description of the task. Determining the purpose of the simulation. Model development. Computer model. Computer experiment. Computer model research. Analysis of simulation results. Examples of tasks. Task. Formalization of the task. Text. Word word processor environment. Make a box. Square sheet of cardboard. Object “cardboard sheet”. Geometric model. Computer implementation of the problem. Table cells. Largest volume. Change the step size in column B to 0.5, i.e. write in cell B5. Analysis of results. Self-study task. - Stages of computer modeling.ppt

Formalization and modeling method

Slides: 26 Words: 1126 Sounds: 0 Effects: 154

Modeling and formalization. Concept of the model. Examples of models. Real object. Modeling. Classification of models. Visual aids. Student growth. Toys. Information models. Geometric models. System. The main property. Create an information model. Give examples. System elements. Pool. Systematization. Hierarchical model. Structure of the information model. Computer models. Stages of computer simulation. Name of science. Conifer. - Method of formalization and modeling.ppt

“Modeling and formalization” 11th grade

Slides: 51 Words: 1611 Sounds: 1 Effects: 40

Modeling and formalization. Physical world. Relay of terms. Intellectual marathon. Material models. Information model. Mathematical model. Biological models. Appearance. Structure. Logical dictation. Chemical reaction formula. Brainstorming. Self-assessment sheet. Envelopes with tasks. Health and safety training. Race for knowledge. Testing. Descriptive model. Code of conduct rules for students. City park attendance. The groups change places. Material model numbers. Map of the area. Weather forecast. Analysis of the task. Errors in the algorithm for solving the problem. - “Modeling and formalization” 11th grade.pptx

“Modeling and formalization” computer science

Slides: 10 Words: 579 Sounds: 0 Effects: 77

Modeling and formalization. Modeling. Model presentation forms. Information models. Properties and operations. Information models of management processes. Types. Tabular models. Objects. Network models. - “Modeling and formalization” computer science.ppt

Modeling, formalization, visualization

Slides: 24 Words: 723 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Systematic approach to modeling. System. Models. System integrity. Modeling. Method of cognition. Models are divided into two classes. Subject models. Formalization and visualization of models. Formalization. Mathematics. Visualization of models. Types of information models. Drawings. List of similar objects. Computer device prices. Objects are distributed across levels. Computer classification. Network information models. Network structure. Stages of development and research of models. Main stages. Two ways to build a computer model. Conducting a computer experiment. - Modeling, formalization, visualization.ppt

Modeling examples

Slides: 13 Words: 1067 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Fill out the table of modeling situations. The girl brought a globe. Globe. Explanation. The shape of the earth and its movement around its axis. Globe. The family is preparing to rearrange the furniture. Dad cut out paper figures to fit the shape of the furniture and moves them according to the plan. Apartment, furniture. Rearranging furniture. The shape of the furniture, the location of the apartment. Apartment plan, furniture figures. A coach moves figures on a mock-up of a football field. - Modeling examples.ppt

ISO 20022

Slides: 16 Words: 861 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Elements of the international standard methodology. Purpose. Title of the International Standard. Features of the methodology. Tools. Modeling process. Activity. Credit transfer. Simulation results. Openness and development. Aspects of versatility. Composition of documents. Procedures for applying the methodology. Comparison of composition and properties. Migration. - ISO 20022.ppt

Modeling stages

Slides: 6 Words: 77 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Main stages of modeling. Modeling and formalization. Modeling stages. Statement of the problem. Model development. Computer experiment. Analysis of simulation results. Stage 1 problem statement. Description of the task. Purpose of modeling. Formalization of the task. Stage II Model development. Information model. Computer model. Stage III Computer experiment. Experimental plan. Conducting an experiment. Stage IV Analysis of simulation results. Results: Fit for purpose. The results are not fit for purpose. - Modeling stages.ppt

Stages of model development

Slides: 9 Words: 166 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

The main stages of developing and researching models on a computer. Stage 1. Construction of a descriptive information model. Descriptive information models are typically built using natural languages ​​and pictures. Model of the solar system. Stage 2. Stage 3. Stage 4. Stage 5. Practical task. - Stages of model development.ppt

Main stages of modeling

Slides: 22 Words: 526 Sounds: 0 Effects: 73

Main stages of modeling. Object. There are 4 main types of spatial objects: Point. Linear. Areal (polygonal). Contour. Characterized by integrity, states, behavior, identity. System (from Greek - a whole made up of parts; connection). System properties. Integrity. Connectivity. Structurality. Integrity. Functionality. Stages. Types of system analysis. Task. Build a model of your class. The end result of the system analysis is a model of the object under consideration. A model is a simplified representation of an object—the original. - Main stages of modeling.ppt

Modeling and formalization

Slides: 13 Words: 344 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Modeling and formalization. (Systems and data structures). Objects and systems. Object is an object, process or phenomenon that has a name and properties. A system is a whole consisting of interconnected elements. Material. Intangible. Mixed. Dynamic – developing and changing. Static – not changing (terrain map). The principle of emergence. Model. Modeling. One of the main methods of cognition. An integral element of any purposeful activity. Formalization. Reduction (reduction, presentation) of information associated with selected properties to the selected form. - Modeling and formalization.ppt

Systematic approach to modeling

Slides: 13 Words: 175 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Systematic approach to modeling. Founders of the systems approach: Herbert Alexander Simon. Peter Ferdinand Drucker. A system is a set of interconnected elements that form integrity or unity. Structure is the way the elements of a system interact through certain connections. A process is a dynamic change of a system over time. Function - the operation of an element in the system. Basic definitions of the systems approach: There are many models for representing the systems approach. Systems approach in organizations. Systematic approach to cost restructuring. A systematic approach as the basis for introducing specialized training. -

Slide presentation

Slide text: these are... cars

Slide text: this is... atom

Slide text: this is... an airplane

Slide text: This is ... Earth

Slide text: This is a photo...

Slide text: MODEL

Slide text: Modeling as a method of cognition

Slide text: Goal: to form in students the concept of modeling as a method of cognition; consider the forms of presentation of models. Lesson objectives: Educational: application of theoretical knowledge in practice; organizing students’ activities to study and initially consolidate methods of action. Developmental: helping students understand the social and practical significance of educational material; ensuring the development of schoolchildren’s skills to compare and classify cognitive objects; creating conditions for the development of schoolchildren’s ability to work in time. Educators: implementation of aesthetic education; contribute to enriching the inner world of schoolchildren.

Slide text: Models Models allow you to visually represent objects and processes that are inaccessible to direct perception (very large or small objects, very slow or fast processes).

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Slide text: Examples of models Geography Biology Chemistry Astronomy Physics

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Slide text: Models in design Models: Machines Technical devices Buildings Electrical circuits

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Slide text: Theoretical models Copernicus - Heliocentric model of the world Rutherford - Bohr, Thomson Nagaoki - Model of the atom

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Slide text: Creative models Literature - Fable (relationships between people using the example of relationships between animals) Theater - Performance (relationships between people) Painting, sculpture - Models of people, animals, etc.

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Slide text: Modeling is a method of cognition that consists of creating and researching models. A model is a new object that reflects the essential features of the object, phenomenon or process being studied.

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Slide text: Task 1 Open document 2 in the lesson folder Build an information graphic model (pie chart) reflecting the content of chemical compounds in a cell using a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

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Slide text: The same object can have many models, and different objects can be described by one model. Geography - different types of geographic maps (political, physical, etc.) represent the same object, the earth, but reflect different patterns. Physics - all material bodies (person, machine, etc.) are considered as a material point Model of a material point Model of the Earth Model of the Earth Model of the Earth Object - Earth

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Slide text: Classification of models All models can be divided into two classes: Subject Information Properties of objects in material form Objects and processes in figurative or symbolic form F=m*a F=m*a

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Slide text: Information models Imaginative models Iconic models Model in mental or spoken form Model expressed in formal language (drawings, texts, graphs, diagrams, etc.)? ?

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Full-scale models

Models reproduce the properties of a real object, for example, shape, ability to swim, ride or fly. Examples. Globe - a model of the globe Mannequin - a model of a person Model - a model of the city's development ... ... The listed models are called material or full-scale.

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The simulated object is a complex system. Any model reproduces only those properties of the original that a person will need when using it. For example, the purpose of creating a mannequin is the ability to use it to demonstrate clothing, and the purpose of creating another model of a person - a robot - is the ability to reproduce certain physical actions. The properties of the model depend on the purpose of the simulation. Models of the same object will be different if they are created for different purposes.

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Information models

A full-scale model is a physical similarity of an object, and an information model is a description of an object. Description methods: verbal (description in natural language), mathematical (formulas), graphic (drawing, drawing). The object of modeling can be a material object (ship, comet, living cell); natural phenomenon (thunderstorm, solar eclipse); process (rocket flight, nuclear explosion, change in stock price on the stock exchange).

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Information models of the same object, intended for different purposes, can differ significantly. For example, the personal card of a person working at an enterprise contains brief information about his biography and data on professional achievements, and the medical card of the same person, in addition to personal data, contains information about his health, vaccinations, and diseases.

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Modeling is a human activity to create a model (full-scale or informational). A model is a simplified likeness of a real object. The model reflects only some properties of the object that are essential to achieve the modeling goal. The model is used as a substitute for a real system to reproduce its individual functions and to predict its behavior under certain conditions.

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1. What is a model? 2. What properties of real objects are reproduced by the following models: Models of products in a store window Stuffed bird Wind-up toy car 3. What is an information model? 4. Can the elements of the following list be considered information models? If yes, then what is the object of modeling for them? Lesson schedule Television program Prescription for medicine 5. Come up with several options for describing the same object for different purposes. 6. Name processes or phenomena that are impossible or very difficult to reproduce in full-scale models.

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Models and Simulation

A model is an object that has some properties of another object (the original) and is used instead. Originals and models

What we can model Models of objects: small copies of buildings, ships, airplanes, ... models of the atomic nucleus, crystal lattices, drawings ... Models of processes: changes in the environmental situation, economic models, historical models ... Models of phenomena: earthquake, solar eclipse, tsunami

What is modeling Modeling is the creation and use of models to study originals. When modeling is used: the original does not exist ancient Egypt the consequences of a nuclear war (N.N. Moiseev, 1966) researching the original is life-threatening or expensive: controlling a nuclear reactor (Chernobyl, 1986) testing a new spacesuit for astronauts developing a new aircraft or ship the original is difficult to research directly: Solar system, galaxy (large dimensions) atom, neutron (small dimensions) processes in the internal combustion engine (very fast) geological phenomena (very slow) only some properties of the original are of interest checking the paint for the fuselage of the aircraft

The goals of modeling are researching the original studying the essence of an object or phenomenon “Science is the satisfaction of one’s own curiosity at public expense” (L.A. Artsimovich) analysis (“what will happen if ...”) learning to predict the consequences of various influences on the original synthesis (“how to make it so that ...") learn to manage the original, influencing it optimization (“how to make it better”) choosing the best solution under given conditions

Types of models: material (physical, subject) models: information models represent information about the properties and state of an object, process, phenomenon, and its relationship with the outside world: verbal - verbal or mental symbolic - graphic expressed using formal language (drawings, diagrams, maps, ...) tabular mathematical (formulas) logical (various options for choosing actions based on an analysis of conditions) special (notes, chemical formulas) educational (including simulators) experimental - when creating new technical means scientific and technical

Classification of models 1. According to the time factor static - describe the original at a given moment in time forces acting on the body at rest results of a doctor's examination photograph dynamic model of body movement natural phenomena (lightning, earthquake, tsunami) medical history video recording of an event

By the nature of the connections, deterministic connections between input and output quantities are rigidly specified with the same input data, the same results are obtained each time; probabilistic (stochastic) take into account the randomness of events in the real world, with the same input data, slightly different results are obtained each time

By structure: tabular models (matching pairs), hierarchical (multi-level) models, network models (graphs)

Main stages of modeling Stage I Problem formulation Stage II Model development Stage III Computer experiment Stage IV Analysis of results The result corresponds to the goal The result does not correspond to the goal

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Presentation for the lesson "Models. Modeling"

The mandatory minimum content of education in computer science includes the “Modeling” line. The content of this line is determined by the following list of concepts: modeling as a method of cognition, formal...