Presentation on the topic: The novel “Oblomov” Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Matveevna. Presentation on the topic "Oblomov - the image of O. Ilyinskaya" Tell about Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna


Presentation on the topic “Women’s images in Goncharov’s novels”(
Completed by: student of group A-62
Tarasov Alexander

Goncharov believed in the almighty power of love.
“You are right,” he wrote to one of his acquaintances, suspecting me of believing in a universal, all-encompassing
love and the fact that only this force can move the world,
control the will of man
and direct it to activity.”
It is love, according to the writer, that can
radically change a person's life, and precisely in
love reveals its best and worst sides

Most of Goncharov’s novel is devoted to the love story of Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya

Olga Ilyinskaya

“Olga in the strict sense was not a beauty... but
if she were turned into a statue, she would be a statue
grace and harmony. Somewhat tall
the size of the head strictly corresponded to the size of the head
- oval and dimensions of the face; all this, in turn,
harmonized with the shoulders, shoulders - with the waist...
The nose formed a slightly noticeably convex, graceful
line; lips are thin and mostly compressed:
a sign of continuously striving for something
thoughts. The same presence of speaking thought
shone in the vigilant, always cheerful, nothing
the passing gaze of dark, gray-blue eyes.
Eyebrows gave special beauty to the eyes: they did not
were arched, did not round the eyes with two
thin threads plucked with a finger -
no, they were two fair-haired, fluffy, almost straight
stripes that rarely lay symmetrically: one
one line was higher than the other, from this above the eyebrow
there lay a small fold in which something seemed to speak, as if a thought rested there.
Olga walked with her head bent slightly forward
head, so slender, nobly resting on
thin, proud neck; moved her whole body smoothly,
walking lightly, almost imperceptibly..."

Image of Olga Ilyinskaya

A.M. Pshenitsyna

She was about thirty. She was very white and full
in the face, so that the blush seemed unable to break through
through the cheeks. She had almost no eyebrows at all, and
there were two in their places that looked a little swollen,
glossy stripes, with sparse blond hair.
The eyes are grayish-simple, like the whole expression
faces; the hands are white, but hard, with protruding
outward with large nodes of blue veins.
the dress fit her tightly: it was clear that she was not
resorted to no art, not even unnecessary
skirt to increase the volume of the hips and reduce
waist This is why her bust is even closed when she
was without a scarf, could have served as a painter or
the sculptor model of strong, healthy breasts, not
breaking her modesty. Her dress, in relation to
elegant shawl and ceremonial cap seemed old
and worn out.”

Image of A.M. Pshenitsyna


“...incomparable mocking, lively
Olga...sees all the funny features of the hero, not
deceived at all, he plays with them, almost
enjoys them and is deceived only in
calculations on the solid foundations of Oblomov’s character.”

Agafya Matveevna

and not darkened by theories
the mind will choose, as Oblomov chose,
Agafya Matveevna, not only because
elbows are seductive and what
she cooks pies well, but because she is much more
woman than Olga."
A. Grigoriev

Presentation on the topic: The novel “Oblomov” Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Matveevna

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Presentation on the topic: Roman “Oblomov” Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Matveevna

Slide no. 1

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Slide no. 2

Slide description:

The purpose of the lesson To consider the female characters of the novel To analyze the relationship of the central character with the female characters of the work To contrast the images of Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Pshenitsyna in order to further reveal the character of the main character, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov

Slide no. 3

Slide description:

Olga Ilyinskaya “Olga in the strict sense was not a beauty... but if she were turned into a statue, she would be a statue of grace and harmony. The size of the head strictly corresponded to a somewhat tall stature; the size of the head corresponded to the oval and size of the face; all this, in turn, was in harmony with the shoulders, the shoulders with the figure... The nose formed a slightly noticeably convex, graceful line; the lips are thin and mostly compressed: a sign of a thought constantly directed at something. The same presence of a speaking thought shone in the vigilant, always cheerful, never-missing gaze of dark, gray-blue eyes. The eyebrows gave special beauty to the eyes: they were not arched, they did not round the eyes with two thin strings plucked with a finger - no, they were two light brown, fluffy, almost straight stripes, which rarely lay symmetrically: one was a line higher than the other, hence above the eyebrow there lay a small fold in which something seemed to say, as if a thought rested there. Olga walked with her head tilted slightly forward, resting so slenderly and nobly on her thin, proud neck; she moved her whole body evenly, walking lightly, almost imperceptibly..."

Slide no. 4

Slide description:

Agafya Matveevna “...with a bare neck and elbows. She was about thirty. She was very white and full in the face, so that the blush, it seemed, could not break through her cheeks. She had almost no eyebrows at all, but in their place there were two slightly swollen, shiny stripes with sparse blond hair. The eyes are grayish-simple, like the whole facial expression; the hands are white, but hard, with large knots of blue veins protruding outward. The dress fit her tightly: it is clear that she did not resort to any art, not even an extra skirt, to increase the volume of her hips and reduce her waist. Because of this, even her closed bust, when she was without a headscarf, could serve a painter or sculptor as a model of a strong, healthy breast, without violating her modesty. Her dress, in relation to the elegant shawl and ceremonial cap, seemed old and shabby.” Agafya Matveevna: widow; hardworking, not mean by nature, honest and conscientious, limited, “obsessed” with housekeeping, dependent, very homely.

Slide no. 5

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Appearance Both women are attractive: one is graceful, the other is an antipodes! There is “no affectation, no coquetry, no lies, no tinsel” in her. “If she were turned into a statue, she would be a statue of grace and harmony.” She was not a beauty, but she was transformed while singing. She notes true Russian beauty: “... her chest and shoulders shone with contentment, fullness, meekness shone in her eyes.” A kind and modest woman, an excellent housewife, caring and sensitive.

Slide no. 6

Slide description:

Social origin Oniantipodes! From the nobility, she received an excellent education. He is distinguished by his exceptional mind and desire for new positions. She sings well, puts her soul into her singing. She comes from the people, is not distinguished by education, is very simple. She is not able to understand the books that Olga reads or to sing “Casta diva”.

Slide no. 7

Slide description:

The role in Oblomov's life is Oniantypodes! Her love is spiritualized, but selfish: she loves her efforts and efforts in Oblomov, she loves the future Oblomov, whom she and Stolz will create. Oblomov cannot become like that, and this is not his fault. Olga is not at all like the woman that Ilya Ilyich himself imagined in his dreams. He admired the sublimity of her soul. But he was tired of her restless nature. She was the woman who made Oblomov get up from the sofa, take off his robe and experience romantic love. Her love is selfless and sacrificial, rests on spiritual affection and is expressed in constant care. She accepted Oblomov as he is, without trying to change him or get rid of any shortcomings. Yes, she doesn’t see any flaws in him - Oblomov was her ideal. She understood his dream, although he hardly talked about it. In her house on the Vyborg side, all Oblomov’s dreams about Oblomovka came true. Agafya surrounded him with care, protected him from all adversity - not a single storm of life reached him. She was the woman thanks to whom Oblomov put on his robe again, found his human happiness and peace.

Slide description:

10 grades – letters – 2 quarters Lesson No.

Lesson topic : Female images in the novel “Oblomov”. The theme of Love in Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”

Lesson type: lesson study


1. Continue working on the image of Oblomov by comparing the comparative characteristics of Oblomov and Olga in relation to love; trace the development of the theme of love in the novel.

2. Reveal the characters and ideals of Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna.

3. Develop a caring attitude towards such a feeling as love.


1. analyze material about Olga Ilyinskaya according to plan

2. analyze the material about Agafya Pshenitsyna according to plan

3. determine the role of each of the women in Oblomov’s fate

4. draw a conclusion about what role female characters in the novel play in creating the image of the main character

During the classes.

1. Introduction. Teacher's word.

The epigraph to our lesson will be the words of Innocent

Annensky:“Love is not peace; it must have a moral result, first of all for those who love. It is no coincidence that the author conducts his hero through the test of love. Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov believed in the almighty power of this feeling.“You are right,” he wrote to one of his acquaintances, “in suspecting me of believing in omnipotent, all-encompassing love and that only this force can move the world, control the human will and direct it to action.” .

2. Determining the topic of the lesson

What do you think is the topic of today's lesson?

(the theme of love in the novel, female images in the novel)

Write down the topic in your notebook.

In the novel "Oblomov" love is the basis. This feeling shows the hero in development. Let's remember under what circumstances Olga Ilyinskaya and Oblomov met?

(Stolz introduced them. Stolz brought Oblomov to the house for a reception with Olga’s aunt)

The novel “Oblomov” is warmed by two love stories. Today we have to answer the question of whether this is equal love, the love of Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Pshenitsyna.

Slide 2 Goncharov believed in the almighty power of love.

“You are right,” he wrote to one of his acquaintances, “in suspecting me<…>in faith in universal, all-encompassing love and that only this force can move the world, control the human will and direct it to action" »

. Slide3 Exactly Love, according to the writer, capable radically change the life of a person, and it is love that reveals his best and worst sides

Slide 4 Why, having a real, deep feeling for Olga, does Ilya Ilyich abandon it and connect his life with Agafya Pshenitsyna?



Checking homework. A story about a heroine according to a previously known plan. Comparative characteristics of Agafya and Olga

A story about Olga Ilyinskaya

Consider the portrait of the heroine,

attitude towards Oblomov,

development of relations with Ilya Ilyich,

area of ​​interest

Anal from material in the image of Olga Ilyinskaya .

SLIDE7 Olga in the strictest senseshe was not a beauty... but if she were turned into a statue, she would be a statuegrace and harmony . The size of the head strictly corresponded to a somewhat tall stature; the size of the head corresponded to the oval and size of the face; all this, in turn,harmonized with shoulders, shoulders - with waist...

The nose has formed a slightly noticeably convex,graceful line; the lips are thin and mostly compressed: a sign of a thought constantly directed at something. The same presence of a speaking thought shone in the vigilant, always cheerful, never-missing gaze of dark, gray-blue eyes. Eyebrows were givenspecial beauty eyes: they were not arched, they did not round the eyes with two thin strings plucked with a finger - no, they were two light brown, fluffy, almost straight stripes, which rarely lay symmetrically: one was a line higher than the other, as a result of which there was a small fold above the eyebrow, in which something seemed to speak, as if a thought rested there.

Olga walked with her head tilted slightly forward, soslender, noble resting on a thinproud, neck; she moved her whole body evenly, walking lightly, almost imperceptibly...

2.1. What are the main character traits of Olga Ilyinskaya?

(Olga’s attractive features are dissatisfaction with herself and life, a desire for active activity, lack of affectation, simplicity, naturalness, thoughtful management of the fight against Oblomov’s habits: a good-natured mockery of laziness. Her favorite activities are singing, reading, talking about what she has read, walking. Olga - An active, passionate nature, she did a lot to re-educate Oblomov, to save him from laziness and apathy. Olga is a purposeful, strong-willed young woman who strives to benefit people and society. ).

2.2. Exercise.Tell and analyze the material based on the image of Olga Ilyinskaya, using questions(a plan for analyzing the image of Olga Ilyinskaya was given to students at home):

1. Meeting Olga and Oblomov. Development of their relationship. (Ch. 5-12, 2 parts)

2. Characteristics of Olga (5 chapters, 2 parts)

3. How did the relationship with Olga affect Oblomov? Has he changed?

4. “Love” in the understanding of Oblomov and Olga.

5. Olga about Oblomov on the eve of her breakup with him. What did she understand?

6. Talking about the origins of the relationship between Oblomov and Pshenitsyna, the author says: “Every day he became more and more friendly with the hostess: love did not even enter his mind, that is, about the love that he had recentlymoved..." Why?

7. The purpose of life, according to Olga.

8. Why, six months later, Olga, telling Stolz about her past love for Oblomov, said: “Oh, what happinessrecover..."

9. General characteristics of Olga and Stolz. What brings them together?

10. How did Stolz imagine Olga's future if she married Oblomov? ( Chapter 4)

11. Why does Olga, after breaking up with Oblomov, having become Stolz’s wife, beg her husband: “You won’t leave him, you won’t abandon him?” - and asks him to take him with him to Oblomov.

12. What role did Olga play in Oblomov’s fate?
13. The main purpose of Olga’s image in the novel.

What impression did they make on each other?

(Olga became curious. She watched Oblomov all evening. Oblomov was embarrassed)

- Will Olga fall in love with Oblomov?(Yes)

- Do you think she fell in love with the current Oblomov with all his shortcomings or the Oblomov of the future?(Oblomov of the future)

- Find confirmation of this in the text (Part 2, Chapter 6)

Remember what served as a symbol of the love of Olga and Oblomov?(lilac branch)

- Find the episode of Oblomov's first meeting with Olga in the park. Let's read it role-by-role(read by role.

- Oblomov thought that Olga was still angry with his confession, what did he advise her?

(forget everything he said)

Find this moment in the text. Read(read)

- And what does Oblomov understand from this conversation?(Olga loves him)

- What are his next steps?(came the next day with a branch of lilac)

- And what does Olga understand in turn?(Oblomov loves her too)

- Goncharov illustrates this with the following episode: a week later, Ilya Ilyich met Olga in the park at the place where a lilac branch was plucked and thrown. And what did Olga do?(embroidered a lilac branch)

- Why didn't their happiness work out?

(Oblomov wants to love and not lose peace. Olga Ilyinskaya demanded activity from Oblomov.)

2.3. What is the reason for their separation? Oblomov himself gives the answer to this(Part 3. Chapter 11)

- What conclusion can we draw? Was Ilya Ilyich right to leave Olga?(yes. He understood that love is not only the union of a man and women. For him this is a responsibility. And he is responsible not ready. He is noble. It's all OBLOMOVSHCHINA's fault)

- Is Olga happy after marrying Stolz?(Most likely no)

- Is there spiritual warmth in their relationship?(No)

- Let's _______read the moment when Olga agreed to get married

for Stolz. How did she feel about this?(part 4, chapter 4)

- Why do you think Olga married him?(most likely out of despair)

2.4. Results of the analysis of the image of Olga Ilyinskaya.


2.5.What role did Oblomov play in Olga’s fate?

(Oblomov could not make Olga happy, but at the same time he internally enriched Olga. Under the influence of Oblomov, Olga turns from an inexperienced and rather naive girl into a deeply feeling woman whom Stolz fell in love with.)

3. Analysis of material based on the image of Agafya Pshenitsyna


Tell us about Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna.

Consider the portrait of the heroine, her attitude towards Oblomov, the development of relations with Ilya Ilyich, her sphere of interests,

reviews of other characters about heroin.

3.1 . Exercise.Tell and analyze the material based on the image of Agafya Pshenitsyna, using questions(image analysis planAgafya Pshenitsynagiven to students at home):

1. Oblomov’s new apartment on the Vyborg side near Pshenitsyna. (part 3)

2. Agafya Pshenitsyna: appearance, character, lifestyle

SLIDE 10 She was about thirty. She was very white and full in the face, so that the blush did not seem to be able to break through the cheeks. She had almost no eyebrows at all, but in their place there were two slightly swollen, glossy stripes, with sparse blond hair . Grayish-simple eyes, like the whole facial expression; the hands are white, but hard, with large knots of blue veins protruding outward.

the dress fit her tightly: it is clear that she did not resort to any art, not even an extra skirt, to increase the volume of her hips and reduce her waist. Because of this, even her closed bust, when she was without a headscarf, could serve as a model for a painter or sculptor strong, healthy breasts, without disturbing her modesty. Her dress, in relation to the elegant shawl and ceremonial cap, seemed old and shabby.”

3. “Happiness” in Oblomov’s understanding (Chapter 4, 3 parts)

4. Oblomov’s life in Pshenitsyna’s house: “Peace and silence.. Everything is quiet in Pshenitsyna’s house...” (Chapter 9, 4 parts)

5. The reasons for Oblomov’s rapprochement with Pshenitsyna.

6. Pshenitsyna’s attitude towards Oblomov.

7. Is it possible to say that Oblomov’s ideal of life was realized in Pshenitsyna’s house? Why?

8. A.V. Druzhinin, in the article “Oblomov,” a novel by Goncharov,” considered Agafya Pshenitsyna to be the destroyer and evil angel of the protagonist. Do you agree with him?

9. The role of Pshenitsyna’s image in the novel.

- Another loving woman in Oblomov’s life was the widow of a minor official, Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna.

- Summarize what Agafya Matveevna is like, what kind of housewife she is, what spiritual needs she has, does she read?

(She doesn’t sit idle, her house is clean and tidy)

- So what attracted Oblomov to this simple, uncultured woman?(resemblance to mother)

- What detail in Pshenitsyna’s image constantly attracts attention?(elbows)

- Find phrases in the text related to the description of elbows

- What kind of life does Pshenitsyna lead? Doesn't remind you of anything?(Life as a child in Oblomovka)

- Did Pshenitsyna strive to re-educate Oblomov?(no, she just loved him)

- What principle does Goncharov use here?(antithesis)

- What exactly does Goncharov contrast in the images of these two women?(Olga is shown in development, and Agafya Matveevna flows with the flow

life) - Do you think the main character passed the test of love?

(no, he is not able to take responsibility for the destinies of other people. Having married Pshenitsyna, he sinks even lower and goes into hibernation, and then dies physically)

3.2. Results of the analysis of the image of Agafya Pshenitsyna.

(The description of Oblomov’s life in Pshenitsyna’s house in the novel is called “Vyborg Oblomovism”. Oblomov, having married Pshenitsyna, sinks more and more, finally goes into hibernation, and then physically dies. Eternal silence, lazy crawling from day to day quietly stopped the machine of life. Ilya Ilyich died, apparently, without pain, without suffering, as if a watch had stopped and they had forgotten to wind it)


3.3.What role did Oblomov play in the fate of Agafya Pshenitsyna?

(Oblomov filled Agafya Pshenitsyna’s life with the meaning of caring for him. He gave her moments of quiet happiness. From his union with Agafya Pshenitsyna, Oblomov had his only child, a son, the responsibility for whose upbringing he transferred to Stolz)

4. Generalization based on the images of Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Pshenitsyna.


5. What are the results of Oblomov’s life?

(Oblomov was able to give the two women who loved him short-lived, but still happiness, to love and be loved. But at the same time, he was unable to take care of them, or himself, or his only son, whom he entrusts to the care of Olga and Stolz.)

6 . SLIDE 12 Compare the statements of critics about Agafya Matveevna and Olgea.. DRUZHININA, N. Dobrolyubova, A. Grigorieva

    Slide 13 «… the incomparable, mocking, lively Olga... sees all the funny features of the hero, without being deceived at all, plays with them, almost enjoys them and is deceived only in his calculations of the solid foundations of Oblomov’s character.” A.V.Druzhinin

Slide 14 “She is ready for this fight, she yearns for it and is constantly afraid so that quiet happiness with Stolz didn't turn into something appropriate to Oblomov’s apathy.” N.A. Dobrolyubov

Slide 15 “... an impartial mind not darkened by theories will choose, as Oblomov chose,

Agafya Matveevna, - not just because elbows are seductive and what she cooks pies well, - but because she is much more woman than Olga." A. Grigoriev

Slide 16 a written answer to a question. Which of the judgments do you agree with? Why?


Analyze the material according to the image of Andrei Stolz, using the plan:

1. The story about Stolz (1-2 chapters, 2 parts)

2. What, according to Stolz, is the “normal purpose of a person”?

3. What did Stolz value above all in a person?

4. “How could such a person be close to Oblomov? – asks the author. How does he respond to this?

5. How did each meeting between Oblomov and Stolz end?

6. Final of the last meeting.

7. The role of Stolz in the fate of Oblomov.

8. After Oblomov’s death, Stolz takes his son into custody. Why?

9. Marriage of Stolz with Olga. Are they happy?

10. What is the “dead end” of Stolz’s entrepreneurial activity?

11. Why does the author call his internal impulses “moral functions of the individual”?

12. What does Stolz see and appreciate in Oblomov?

1 slide

The novel “Oblomov” Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Matveevna The literature lesson in the 10th grade was prepared by the teacher of Russian language and literature of the Secondary School No. 46 of Belgorod, Zakharova L.N.

2 slide

The purpose of the lesson To consider the female characters of the novel To analyze the relationship of the central character with the female characters of the work To contrast the images of Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Pshenitsyna in order to further reveal the character of the main character, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov

3 slide

Olga Ilyinskaya “Olga in the strict sense was not a beauty... but if she were turned into a statue, she would be a statue of grace and harmony. The size of the head strictly corresponded to a somewhat tall stature; the size of the head corresponded to the oval and size of the face; all this, in turn, was in harmony with the shoulders, the shoulders with the figure... The nose formed a slightly noticeably convex, graceful line; the lips are thin and mostly compressed: a sign of a thought constantly directed at something. The same presence of a speaking thought shone in the vigilant, always cheerful, never-missing gaze of dark, gray-blue eyes. The eyebrows gave special beauty to the eyes: they were not arched, they did not round the eyes with two thin strings plucked with a finger - no, they were two light brown, fluffy, almost straight stripes, which rarely lay symmetrically: one was a line higher than the other, hence above the eyebrow there was a small fold in which something seemed to say, as if a thought rested there. Olga walked with her head tilted slightly forward, resting so slenderly and nobly on her thin, proud neck; she moved her whole body evenly, walking lightly, almost imperceptibly..."

4 slide

Agafya Matveevna “...with a bare neck and elbows. She was about thirty. She was very white and full in the face, so that the blush, it seemed, could not break through her cheeks. She had almost no eyebrows at all, but in their place there were two slightly swollen, shiny stripes with sparse blond hair. The eyes are grayish-simple, like the whole facial expression; the hands are white, but hard, with large knots of blue veins protruding outward. The dress fit her tightly: it is clear that she did not resort to any art, not even an extra skirt, to increase the volume of her hips and reduce her waist. Because of this, even her closed bust, when she was without a headscarf, could serve a painter or sculptor as a model of a strong, healthy breast, without violating her modesty. Her dress, in relation to the elegant shawl and ceremonial cap, seemed old and shabby.” Agafya Matveevna: widow; hardworking, not mean by nature, honest and conscientious, limited, “obsessed” with housekeeping, dependent, very homely.

5 slide

Appearance Olga Ilyinskaya Agafya Pshenitsyna Both women are attractive: one with grace, the other with article It notes truly Russian beauty: “... the chest and shoulders shone with contentment, fullness, meekness shone in the eyes.” A kind and modest woman, an excellent housewife, caring and sensitive. There is “no affectation, no coquetry, no lies, no tinsel.” “If she were turned into a statue, she would be a statue of grace and harmony.” She was not a beauty, but she was transformed while singing.

6 slide

Social origin Olga Ilyinskaya Agafya Pshenitsyna From the people, not distinguished by education, very simple. She is not able to understand the books that Olga reads or to sing “Casta diva”. From the nobility, she received an excellent education. He is distinguished by his exceptional mind and desire for new positions. He sings well and puts his soul into his singing.

7 slide

Role in Oblomov's life Olga Ilyinskaya Agafya Pshenitsyna Her love is spiritualized, but selfish: she loves her efforts and efforts in Oblomov, she loves the future Oblomov, whom she and Stolz will create. Oblomov cannot become like that, and this is not his fault. Olga is not at all like the woman that Ilya Ilyich himself imagined in his dreams. He admired the sublimity of her soul. But he was tired of her restless nature. She was the woman who made Oblomov get up from the couch, take off his robe and experience romantic love. Her love is selfless and sacrificial, rests on spiritual affection and is expressed in constant care. She accepted Oblomov as he is, without trying to change him or get rid of any shortcomings. Yes, she doesn’t see any flaws in him - Oblomov was her ideal. She understood his dream, although he hardly talked about it. In her house on the Vyborg side, all Oblomov’s dreams about Oblomovka came true. Agafya surrounded him with care, protected him from all adversity - not a single storm of life reached him. She was the woman thanks to whom Oblomov put on his robe again and found his human happiness and peace.

Slide 2

The purpose of the lesson

Consider the female characters of the novel Analyze the relationship of the central character with the female characters of the work Contrast the images of Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Pshenitsyna in order to further reveal the character of the main character, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov

Slide 3

Olga Ilyinskaya

“Olga in the strict sense was not a beauty... but if she were turned into a statue, she would be a statue of grace and harmony. The size of the head strictly corresponded to a somewhat tall stature; the size of the head corresponded to the oval and size of the face; all this, in turn, was in harmony with the shoulders, the shoulders with the figure... The nose formed a slightly noticeably convex, graceful line; the lips are thin and mostly compressed: a sign of a thought constantly directed at something. The same presence of a speaking thought shone in the vigilant, always cheerful, never-missing gaze of dark, gray-blue eyes. The eyebrows gave special beauty to the eyes: they were not arched, they did not round the eyes with two thin strings plucked with a finger - no, they were two light brown, fluffy, almost straight stripes, which rarely lay symmetrically: one was a line higher than the other, hence above the eyebrow there lay a small fold in which something seemed to say, as if a thought rested there. Olga walked with her head tilted slightly forward, resting so slenderly and nobly on her thin, proud neck; she moved her whole body evenly, walking lightly, almost imperceptibly..."

Slide 4

Agafya Matveevna

“...with a bare neck and elbows. She was about thirty. She was very white and full in the face, so that the blush, it seemed, could not break through her cheeks. She had almost no eyebrows at all, but in their place there were two slightly swollen, shiny stripes with sparse blond hair. The eyes are grayish-simple, like the whole facial expression; the hands are white, but hard, with large knots of blue veins protruding outward. The dress fit her tightly: it is clear that she did not resort to any art, not even an extra skirt, to increase the volume of her hips and reduce her waist. Because of this, even her closed bust, when she was without a headscarf, could serve a painter or sculptor as a model of a strong, healthy breast, without violating her modesty. Her dress, in relation to the elegant shawl and ceremonial cap, seemed old and shabby.”

Agafya Matveevna: widow; hardworking, not mean by nature, honest and conscientious, limited, “obsessed” with housekeeping, dependent, very homely.

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Olga Ilyinskaya Agafya Pshenitsyna Both women are attractive: one with grace, the other with article It notes truly Russian beauty: “... the chest and shoulders shone with contentment, fullness, meekness shone in the eyes.” A kind and modest woman, an excellent housewife, caring and sensitive. There is “no affectation, no coquetry, no lies, no tinsel.” “If she were turned into a statue, she would be a statue of grace and harmony.” She was not a beauty, but she was transformed while singing. They are antipodes!

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Social background

Olga Ilyinskaya Agafya Pshenitsyna From the people, not distinguished by education, very simple. She is not able to understand the books that Olga reads or to sing “Casta diva”. From the nobility, she received an excellent education. He is distinguished by his exceptional mind and desire for new positions. He sings well and puts his soul into his singing. They are antipodes!

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Role in Oblomov's life

Olga Ilyinskaya Agafya Pshenitsyna Her love is spiritualized, but selfish: she loves her efforts and efforts in Oblomov, she loves the future Oblomov, whom she and Stolz will create. Oblomov cannot become like that, and this is not his fault. Olga is not at all like the woman that Ilya Ilyich himself imagined in his dreams. He admired the sublimity of her soul. But he was tired of her restless nature. She was the woman who made Oblomov get up from the couch, take off his robe and experience romantic love. Her love is selfless and sacrificial, rests on spiritual affection and is expressed in constant care.

She accepted Oblomov as he is, without trying to change him or get rid of any shortcomings. Yes, she doesn’t see any flaws in him - Oblomov was her ideal. She understood his dream, although he hardly talked about it. In her house on the Vyborg side, all Oblomov’s dreams about Oblomovka came true. Agafya surrounded him with care, protected him from all adversity - not a single storm of life reached him. She was the woman thanks to whom Oblomov put on his robe again and found his human happiness and peace. They are antipodes!

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Let's think about what we read

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How do you see the action of Agafya Matveevna, who gave Andryusha Oblomov to be raised by the Stolts? How will Andrei Ilyich Oblomov grow up? What, according to the author of the novel, is the ideal image of a Russian woman? ?

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