Correct form of direct speech in a sentence. Rules for using direct speech in text


The most pressing problem of all authors on Fikbook is the design of direct speech and dialogues. Everyone puts punctuation marks however they want and where they want. And this, I admit, is more than annoying. Seeing an illiterately designed text, many people stop reading it without even really starting. Therefore, for your own sake, for the sake of your readers, dear authors, take the trouble to formalize direct speech with dignity.

Here's an example from some fanfic (literally the first one I came across; names and titles have been changed):

“- Rose answered me, “I will take you to Lim tomorrow, it’s already dark!” “Rosa and I walked through the forest to her house...”

And a huge number of such examples can be found. Of course, I understand that there are people who simply did not go through this topic at school, but still this design is no good. Let me explain to you how to correctly place punctuation marks in dialogue and direct speech. Let's start with the last one.

Direct speech

Direct speech is a person’s words conveyed directly in the form in which they were spoken.


When we approached the estate, the driver jumped to the ground and, opening the door of the chaise, helpfully said: “Please, sir.”

"Where are you in such a hurry?" - the teacher shouted after me.

To correctly place punctuation marks when narrative direct speech, remember the visual diagrams.

"P", - a.

The letter “A (a)” here means the words of the author, and the letter “P” means direct speech. The letter "P" in both cases is large, which means direct speech always begins with a capital letter. But the author’s words can begin with either a capital or a small letter. With a big- if the author's words precede direct speech; with a little one- if the author's words stand after direct speech.

Regarding punctuation marks, here is the order:

➤ Direct speech is always placed in quotation marks.

➤ If a sentence with direct speech is declarative and stands before the words of the author, then a comma is needed after the quotation marks:

“We’re already approaching,” the conductor warned, opening the compartment door.

➤ If narrative direct speech occurs after the author’s words, then the period is placed after the quotation marks (see first example).

But if direct speech is exclamatory or interrogative, then exclamation and question marks are never placed outside quotation marks(see second example) and after them other punctuation marks (period, comma) are never placed.

“P!/?/...” - a.

A: “P!/?/...”

These were the simplest examples. But it happens when the author’s speech interferes and divides direct speech. And then the schemes are more complicated and there are more rules.

1) “P, - a, - p.”

Let me explain: if the author’s words break the sentence in the middle, then commas are placed after the direct speech and the author’s words; at the beginning, direct speech begins with a capital letter, and after the words of the author - with a small letter. Quotation marks are placed at the beginning of direct speech and at the very end. Quotes are not needed either before or after the author’s words.

“You know,” I began hesitantly, “maybe she’s right.”

2) “P!/?/... - a. - P".

Let me explain: if the author’s words divide direct speech at the place where the sentence ends, then everything is the same as in the previous case, only after the author’s speech a period is placed, and the direct speech following the author’s words begins with a capital letter.

“Oh, I can’t! - Kolya burst out laughing. - Wow!"

“It was not for nothing that Peter the Great received the nickname “The Great,” said our lecturer. “He did a lot for Russia.”

➤ If direct speech fits between the words of the author, then a colon is placed before the direct speech, and a dash after it. The format looks like this:

A: “P” - a.

A: “P!/?/...” - a.

For example:

The boy, wiping his sweat, said quietly: “Eh, I wish I could eat some ice cream...” - then he closed his eyes dreamily and licked his lips.

➤ There is one more important point. It consists in the fact that sometimes a colon is placed before the direct speech and after the author’s speech. This is done in the case when the beginning of direct speech and its end correspond to different words in the author’s speech.

"Why are you here?" - the girl asked, looking at the newcomer in amazement, and immediately added sharply: “I don’t want to see you.”

The first remark refers to the word “asked”, the second refers to the word “added”, so a colon is needed here. There are, as it were, two direct speeches here.

Dialogue design

The rules for formatting dialogue are essentially no different from the rules for formatting direct speech. Everything is absolutely the same, only at the beginning of the remark there is a dash and there are no quotation marks. In addition, each replica is written on a new line.

“Grandma, read a fairy tale,” the baby asked, pulling on the blanket.

A fairy tale? - asked the grandmother. - Come on. Which one?

The wolf and the seven Young goats! The wolf and the seven Young goats! - the baby immediately squealed joyfully.

“Oh,” the grandmother smiled and, sitting down on the bed, patted her grandson’s hair, “my little goat.”

I'm not a kid! - the boy was indignant and, frowning, said more quietly: - I’m a wolf cub.

➤ All dialogues can be presented in a slightly different form. Personally, I find it more complicated, but in some situations I use it. So take note:

“Grandma, read a fairy tale!” - “Which one?” - "The wolf and the seven Young goats!" - “Oh, my little goat.”

Replies in this case are written on one line, separated by a dash and placed in quotation marks.

➤ For Fikbook, however, you will have to add one more rule to everything else: Dear authors, be sure to put spaces before and after the dash! It is impossible to read without spaces; the words merge into one. Respect your readers and don’t be lazy to press the longest button on your keyboard once again.

This was the last thing I wanted to tell you about. I hope the article helped you and you will write and format your work more competently. It's not that difficult.

Good luck to you and success in your creativity!

Direct speech is someone else's speech, accurately reproduced and conveyed on behalf of the person who spoke it. Sentences with direct speech include two components: the speech itself and introducing words, which indicate who this speech was said (the words of the author).

To highlight direct speech in a sentence, punctuation marks are used: dashes or quotation marks. The placement of punctuation marks depends on the design of direct speech.

1.1. start a paragraph, then there should be a dash in front of it:

“Everything is forgiven for work,” Vedeneev says dryly. (Panova)

1.2. formatted as a line and separated by quotation marks:

“Maksim Maksimych, would you like some tea?” - I shouted at him through the window (Lermontov)

Note: Both rules are valid when constructing a dialogue:

- Svetlana, where is the piece of chocolate that I left on the table?

- The cat ate it.

- Why did you let her? (L.A. Barto)

“How, how?.. Could you turn it up?.. What is this song?..” - “I accidentally remembered this one... My father once sang. You can come up with something else...” - “We don’t need anything else, let’s do this!” (according to B. Chirkov)

2.1. before direct speech, then a colon is placed after the author’s words, direct speech begins with a capital letter and ends with the punctuation mark required by the nature of the statement:

Raising Alka in her arms and showing the sea, Natka quickly said: “Alka, look how fast the big ship is!” (A. Gaidar)

Once, when Gianni Rodari was visiting the Krasnodar children, one boy asked him:

- Why is it cold in winter and warm in summer?

2.2. after direct speech, at the end of which a suitable sign is placed (a question or exclamation mark, an ellipsis or a comma, but not a period), then follows a dash and the words of the author, starting with a lowercase letter:

“You’re lying, you won’t catch me!” - Metelitsa said solemnly.

“Is it necessary to be an optimist?” - Tanya asked once. “Preferably, because an optimist is smarter than a pessimist,” Andrey answered cheerfully (K.A. Ketlinskaya)

Note: As can be seen from the last example, the peculiarity of placing a comma after direct speech is that it is placed not inside the statement, but after the closing quotation mark.

2.3. inside direct speech, breaking the latter into two parts. There are some peculiarities of writing punctuation marks here.

  • if direct speech is a single sentence and must be continued after a break, then the author’s words on both sides are highlighted with a comma and a dash, after which the first word is written with a small letter:

“Is it really,” I thought, “my only purpose on earth is to destroy other people’s hopes?” (Lermontov)

  • if the statement consists of several sentences, and the author’s words appear after one of them, then the exclamation and question marks, the ellipsis at the end of this sentence are preserved, the period is replaced by a comma. This is followed by a dash, the author’s words with a small letter, a dot, a dash, and direct speech continues with a capital letter:

“We have nothing to shoot here,” Popko’s voice answered on the phone. “I myself am surprised, why did he bounce?” (L.S. Sobolev);

“Frost! – Baklanov shouted after those leaving. “Still, don’t lose sight of each other.” (Fadeev)

  • if the author’s words contain verbs that have the meaning of statements and relate to different parts of broken direct speech, then a colon and a dash are placed before its second part:

“Let’s go, it’s cold,” said Makarov and asked gloomily: “Why are you silent?” (Bitter).

2.4. before and after direct speech, which, in fact, breaks the author's speech. In this case, after the first part of the author's words there is a colon, an opening quotation mark, direct speech, a punctuation mark necessary for the meaning (except for a period), a closing quotation mark, a dash, and the second part of the author's words. If direct speech was supposed to end with a period, then a comma is placed after the closing quotation mark instead:

To my question: “Is the old caretaker alive?” - no one could give me a satisfactory answer (Pushkin);

Arriving at the dacha in a large group, my brother suddenly said: “Mishka, let’s go to billiards,” and they locked themselves in and played billiards for three hours. (Simonov).

Punctuation marks for direct speech

Staging punctuation marks in sentences with direct speech depends on the relationship between direct speech and the words of the author.

Punctuation in sentences with direct speech shown in the diagrams. Letters P, p they denote direct speech, the first word of which is written with a capital (P) or lowercase (P) letters; letters A, A- words of the author that also begin or are capitalized (A), or with a lowercase letter (a).

Direct speech after the author's words

If author's words precede direct speech and are followed by a colon, direct speech is in quotation marks. First word direct speech written with a capital letter at the end direct speech the appropriate end-of-sentence sign is used. In this case, question and exclamation marks, as well as ellipses, are placed before the quotation marks, and a period after them.

Direct speech before the words of the author

If direct speech comes before the words of the author, then it is enclosed in quotation marks, written with a capital letter, followed by a comma (after the quotation marks) or an exclamation mark, a question mark or an ellipsis (before the quotation marks) and a dash. Author's words written with a lowercase (small) letter.

The author's words inside direct speech

1. If direct speech is one sentence, then after the first part there is a comma and a dash, author's words are written with a lowercase letter, followed by a comma and a dash, the second part direct speech written with a lowercase letter; quotes are placed only at the beginning and at the end direct speech and are not placed between direct speech and words of the author.

2. If direct speech consists of several sentences and author's words stand between them, then after the first part direct speech a comma and a dash are placed (if there should be a period at the end of a sentence of direct speech), an exclamation mark, a question mark or an ellipsis and a dash; author's words are written with a lowercase letter, followed by a dot and a dash; The second part direct speech starts with a capital letter. Quotes are only placed at the beginning and end direct speech. Punctuation at the end of the second part direct speech are governed by the rules already described above.

“P, - a. - P". “P, - a. - P?" 1) “So much time has passed since our separation,” I thought. “She probably forgot everything that happened between us then.” (A. Pushkin)

2) “How you scared me,” she said, breathing heavily, still pale and stunned. - Oh, how you scared me! I'm barely alive. Why did you come? For what?" (A. Chekhov)

"P! - A. - P". "P! - A. - P!" 1) “Stop, brothers, stop! - the monkey screams. - Wait! How should the music go? That’s not how you sit.” (I. Krylov) 2) “I don’t understand why you are happy! - False Dmitriev said with surprise. “A man dies, and you rejoice!” (I. Ilf and E. Petrov)
"P? - A. - P". "P? - A. - P?" 1) “Where are you going? - said Ivan Ignatich, catching up with me. - Ivan Kuzmich is on the rampart and sent me for you. The scarecrow has arrived." (A. Pushkin) 2) “Did you fight with him? - I asked. “Circumstances, right, separated you?” (A. Pushkin)
“P... - ah. - P".<.П... - а. - П?» 1) “Wait...” said Morozko gloomily. - Give me a letter. (A. Fadeev) 2) “Wait...,” Lyonka shouted, freeing his flaxen hair from his grandfather’s clumsy, trembling fingers, perking up a little. - As you say? Dust?" (M. Gorky)

3. B in the author's words, tearing direct speech, there can be two verbs with the meaning of speech or thought; the first of them refers to direct speech standing in front in the author's words, second - to direct speech after the author's words. In such cases, before the second part direct speech A colon and a dash are added.

"P,- A: - P".

1) “No, nothing, great,” answered Pavel Petrovich and then added a little: “You can’t deceive your brother, you’ll have to tell him that we quarreled over politics.” (I. Turgenev)

Direct speech within words author

If direct speech is found within the words of the author, then before it after author's words put a colon direct speech is enclosed in quotation marks and is followed by a dash or comma (depending on the context), author's words are written with a small letter.

Dash after direct speech is set if:

b) at the end direct speech there is a question mark, exclamation mark or ellipsis.

A: “P” - a. One Pushkin line: “I sighed heavily” says more than entire pages of prose or poetry could say. (S. Marshak).
A: “P!” - A. I turned back, stepped towards her and would certainly say: “Madam!” - if only I didn’t know that this exclamation has already been uttered a thousand times in all Russian high-society novels (F. Dostoevsky)(a dash after the exclamation point that ends direct speech).
A: “P?” - A. Only then did I straighten up and think: “Why is father walking around the garden?” - when everything around was quiet again (I. Turgenev)(a dash after the question mark that ends direct speech).
A: “P...” - ah. However, he gradually calmed down, fanned himself with a handkerchief and, saying quite cheerfully: “Well, so...” - he began his speech, interrupted by drinking apricot (M. Bulgakov)(a dash after the ellipsis that ends direct speech).
A: "P", a. 1) I just looked at her, but she turned away and, saying: “Follow me, my page,” went to the outbuilding (I. Turgenev)(a comma closes the adverbial phrase). 2) Father Vasily raised his eyebrows and smoked, blowing smoke from his nose, then said: “Yes, that’s how it is,” sighed, paused and left (A. Tolstoy)(a comma separates homogeneous predicates connected without a union).

Note. Direct speech is enclosed in quotes if it is written to a string.

If its entry starts on a new line and thus stands out as a paragraph, then a dash is placed in front of it (without quotes). This design is common in printed texts. For example:

1) - My God, Nadya has arrived!- he said and laughed cheerfully.- My dear, my dear! (A. Chekhov)

2) The hair moved on the top of my head, as if someone was blowing from behind, and somehow it burst out from me, involuntarily:

- How old is Aristarkh Platonovich?! (M. Bulgakov)


§ 195. To highlight direct speech, dashes or quotation marks are used, namely:

1. If direct speech begins with a paragraph, then a dash is placed before the beginning, for example:

-Have you seen your mother?

2. If direct speech is in a line, without a paragraph, then quotation marks are placed before the beginning and at the end, for example:

The little girl ran and shouted: “Have you seen your mother?”

Note. Quotations inserted in the middle of a sentence are also marked with quotation marks, but they are not preceded by a colon, for example:

Gogol rightly said that “in Pushkin, as if in the lexicon, all the wealth, flexibility and strength of our language was contained.”

§ 196. A sentence that stands in direct speech and indicates to whom it belongs (“the words of the author”) can:

a) precede direct speech; in this case, a colon is placed after it, and after direct speech - a punctuation mark in accordance with the nature of direct speech, for example:

He turned away and, walking away, muttered: “Still, this is completely against the rules.”

b) follow direct speech; in this case, after direct speech there is a question mark, or an exclamation mark, or an ellipsis, or a comma (the latter instead of a period), and after this sign there is a dash, for example:

“What about Kazbich?” – I asked the staff captain impatiently.

c) break direct speech into two parts; in this case put:

- Would you like to add some rum? – I told my interlocutor. – I have a white one from Tiflis; it's cold now.

“Let’s go, it’s cold,” Makarov said and asked gloomily: “Why are you silent?”

Note 2. The rules set out in this paragraph also apply to sentences containing quotes with indications of who they belong to.

Note 3. Internal monologue (“mental speech”), which has the form of direct speech, is also enclosed in quotation marks.

§ 197. If several replicas appear on a line without indicating who they belong to, then each of them is highlighted with quotation marks and, in addition, separated from the adjacent one by a dash, for example:

    “Tell me, beauty,” I asked, “what were you doing on the roof today?” - “And I looked where the wind was blowing.” - “Why do you need it?” - “Where the wind comes from, happiness comes from there.” - “Well, did you invite happiness with a song?” - “Where he sings, he is happy.”

Sentences with direct speech examples

2. If the author’s words come before direct speech, then a colon is placed after them, and the first word of direct speech is written with a capital letter: And Marco walks for days and nights in the forest above the Danube River, looking for everything, moaning everything: "Where is the fairy?" But the waves laugh: "We don't know". But he shouted to them: "You are lying! You play with her yourself!”(M.G.)

3. If direct speech comes before the author’s words, then a comma and a dash are placed after it; if direct speech contains a question or exclamation, then it is followed by a question mark, exclamation mark or an ellipsis and a dash. The author's words in all cases begin with a small letter:

  • 1) “Looking for friends in the future is a lot of loneliness”, - said Kulkov. (Leon.);
  • 2) “We’ve arrived. »- Litovchenko thought listlessly. (Leon.);
  • 3) “What date do we have today?”- he suddenly exclaimed, not addressing anyone. (Leon.); 4) “I found out!”- he [Nekhlyudov] thought. (L.T.)
  • Note. There are cases (rather rare) when direct speech breaks the words of the author. Then a colon is placed before direct speech (see paragraph 2), and after it - a comma (question or exclamation mark) and a dash (see paragraph 3), for example:

  • 1) He said: “I’m not feeling well today”, - and fell silent;
  • 2) And only when he whispered: "Mother! Mother!"- he seemed to feel better. (Ch.);
  • 3) To my question: “Is the old caretaker alive?”- no one could give me a satisfactory answer. (P.)
  • a) If there should not be any sign at the break in direct speech or there should be a comma, semicolon, colon or dash, then the words of the author on both sides are highlighted with commas and a dash. The words of the author and the first word of the second part of direct speech are written with a small letter, for example: 1) "Do not sing,- Mom smiled, - you'll get a cold in your throat". (Hare.) (Without the author’s words it would be: “Don’t sing, you’ll get a cold in your throat.”) 2) "Glad,- he said, - Your safe return from a difficult voyage". (Paust.) (Without the author’s words it would have been: “I’m glad for your safe return from a difficult voyage.”)
  • b) If there should have been a period where the direct speech broke, then after the direct speech a comma and a dash are placed before the author’s words, and after the author’s words - a dot and a dash. The second part of direct speech begins with a capital letter, for example: “Our presence on the ground at such a tense moment is necessary,- Bartashev finished. - I'm leaving tomorrow". (N.O.) (Without the author’s words it would be: “Our presence on the ground at such a tense moment is necessary. I’m leaving tomorrow.”)
  • c) If a question or exclamation mark should have been placed at the break in direct speech, then this sign and a dash are placed before the author’s words, and a dot and a dash are placed after the author’s words. The second part of direct speech begins with a capital letter, for example: 1) “Why at six?- asked Pavel. - After all, they change at seven.”. (N.O.) (Without the author’s words it would be: “Why at six? After all, they change at seven.”); 2) "Ah well!- the officer said in a sing-song voice. That is great. This is exactly what we need: a deserted sea.”. (Paust.) (Without the author’s words it would be: “Oh, so! That’s great. We just need a deserted sea.”)
  • Note. If one part of the author’s words refers to the first half of direct speech, and the other to the second, then a colon and a dash are placed after the author’s words (signs are placed before the author’s words in accordance with the rules set out in paragraph 4, “b” and “c” ), For example:

    5. When transmitting a dialogue, each replica usually (especially in print) begins on a new line, a dash is placed before the replica, and quotation marks are not used, for example:

    And you, Maxim Maksimych, aren’t you coming?

    Yes, I haven’t seen the commandant yet. (JI.)

    Note. The dialogue can also be formatted differently: the lines are written in a row, in a selection, each of them is put in quotation marks and separated from the other by a dash, for example: You used to ask her: “What are you sighing about, Bela? Are you sad? - "No!" - “Do you want anything?” - "No!" - “Are you homesick for your family?” - “I have no relatives”. (L.)

    Formatting quotes, examples. Rules for formatting direct speech and quotes

    Quotes can decorate the text, confirming or revealing more widely the idea expressed by the author, therefore, they are probably willingly used both in journalism and in scientific works. But sometimes introducing a quotation into a text can cause difficulties in terms of punctuation.

    In this article we will try to remember the rules for formatting quotes for different ways of including them in the text. Let us remember what punctuation marks need to be used in this case, as well as ways to highlight some words in the quoted passage.

    What is a quotation: example

    A quotation is a verbatim reproduction of what was said, while being inextricably linked in meaning to the text in which the passage is included.

    Old age is, first of all, experience accumulated throughout life. As the great Faina Ranevskaya once said: “Memories are the wealth of old age.”

    Combining several passages from different parts of the work in one quotation is not allowed. They should be formatted as different quotations. An obligatory requirement is the presence of an indication of its source.

    If the passage you quote does not begin at the beginning of the original sentence, then an ellipsis is placed there in the quotation. This sign is also placed in place of all missing words in the passage.

    “... An intelligent person knows how to get out of a difficult situation, but a wise person never gets into it,” Ranevskaya emphasized.

    As the author or source of the quoted passage is indicated

    In this article we will not talk about how a bibliographic footnote is formatted, but we will discuss the ways in which the author or source of what is cited is indicated. Good manners require you to do this every time you use someone else's thoughts.

    “Incompetent people have a tendency to reach categorical and categorical conclusions” (David Dunning).

    Please note that in this version there is no period after the quotation; it is placed only after the link! By the way, if the first word in brackets indicating the source is not a proper name, then it is written with a small letter.

    “Incompetent people have a tendency to draw unambiguous and categorical conclusions” (from an article by psychologist David Dunning).

    If the formatting of quotations in the text requires the name of the author or their source to be placed on another line, then they are written without parentheses or other punctuation marks. And after the quote itself there is a period or any necessary sign.

    Incompetent people have a tendency to draw unambiguous and categorical conclusions.

    The same rule applies to epigraphs.

    Highlights within quotes

    If the passage cited as a quotation contains author’s emphases, they are preserved in the same form as in the original source. The design of citations does not require special emphasis on the fact that these marks belong to the author. In cases where the citing person wants to highlight something, he must make an appropriate footnote. To do this, indicate in brackets: “my italics” or “emphasized by me” - and put initials.

    A. Startsev spoke about the writer O. Henry: “Endowed by nature with the rare gift of seeing the funny..., he encountered the tragic in life..., but in most cases I preferred to remain silent about it(my italics – I.I.).”

    “The literary legend that unites their names (Gogol and Ostrovsky - I.I.) is significant. After all, Ostrovsky was initially perceived as a direct successor of Gogol’s work...”

    Ways in which quotations are put into context

    Quotes can be introduced into a sentence as direct speech. In these cases, punctuation marks in Russian are placed in the same way as when highlighting direct speech.

    I. Zakharov emphasizes: “Ranevskaya handed down cruel rulings to others that looked like court decisions. But she didn’t spare herself either.”

    In cases where the quote must be separated by the words of the author, it looks like this:

    “His Majesty remains completely confident,” wrote A.S. Pushkin A.Kh. Benckendorf, “that you will use your excellent abilities to pass on to posterity the glory of our Fatherland...”

    If the quotation is an addition, or it is included in the subordinate part of a complex sentence, then no signs other than quotation marks are placed, and the quotation itself begins with a small letter, even if in the source it was written with a capital letter:

    At one time, the philosopher J. Locke said that “there is nothing in the intellect that is not in feeling.”

    Punctuation at the end of a quote

    Separately, you need to consider the design of a quote in a letter in situations where it is necessary to decide on the punctuation marks at the end of it - before and after the quotation marks.

  • If the quoted phrase ends with an ellipsis, question mark or exclamation mark, then they are placed before the quotation marks:
  • Katharine Hepburn exclaimed: “By obeying all the rules, you deprive yourself of many pleasures!”

    • And in a situation where there are no signs before the quotation marks in the quotation, a period is placed at the end of the sentence, but only after them:
    • Ranevskaya lamented: “85 years with diabetes is not sugar.”

    • If the quotation is part of a subordinate clause, then a period should be placed after the quotation marks, even if there is already an exclamation mark, a question mark or an ellipsis before them:

    Marlene Dietrich rightly believed that “tenderness is a better proof of love than the most passionate vows...”.

    Is it lower case or capital letter at the beginning of a quotation?

    If a quotation is placed after a colon, then you need to pay attention to what letter it began with in the original source. If it is with a lowercase letter, then the quote is written with a small letter, only an ellipsis is placed before the text:

    Describing A.S. Pushkina, I.A. Goncharov emphasized: “ the gestures accompanying his speech there was the restraint of a secular, well-bred man.”

    If the quoted passage begins with a capital letter, then the quotations are formatted in the same way as in direct speech - with a capital letter after the colon.

    V. Lakshin wrote about A.N. Ostrovsky: “Many things continue to sound in these plays with living joy and pain, echoing in our soul.”

    Some more nuances of noting quotes

    How to indicate a quotation if you only need to quote one word or phrase? In such cases, the given word is enclosed in quotation marks and introduced into the sentence with a small letter:

    V. Lakshin emphasized that the faces in Ostrovsky’s comedies are historically accurate and “ethnographically vivid.”

    In situations where the original source of the quotation is not freely available (there is no translation into Russian or this is a rare publication), then when quoting you should indicate: “cit. By".

    Is it possible to change anything in the quoted passage?

    Formatting quotations requires not only compliance with the rules of punctuation, but also a correct attitude towards the quoted text. On the part of the author of the article in which these passages are given, only a few deviations from their original state are allowed:

  • the use of modern spelling and punctuation, if the manner of writing and placement of characters is not a sign of the author’s individual style;
  • restoration of abbreviated words, but with the obligatory enclosing of the added part in square brackets, for example, sv-vo - s[oyst]vo;
  • the design of quotations also allows for the omission of individual words in them, with the location of the omission indicated by an ellipsis, if this does not distort the general meaning of the quoted passage;
  • When including individual phrases or words, you can change their case so as not to disrupt the syntactic structure of the phrase in which they are included.
  • If the author needs to further express his attitude to the quoted passage or to some of its words, he, as a rule, places a question mark or exclamation mark enclosed in parentheses after them.

    Not only punctuation marks in Russian should serve to convey a quote

    For an author writing a scientific or literary work, a quotation is a convincing and economical technique that allows you to present facts to the reader, generalize them and, of course, confirm your idea with reference to authoritative sources.

    In non-scientific texts, quotation is often a means of emotional impact. But we must not forget that the passage quoted must be conveyed accurately. Indeed, even in the definition of the concept “quote” it is emphasized that this is a verbatim excerpt from a text. And from this it follows that not only the text itself, but also the punctuation marks that the author has, as well as the emphasis that he has, must be reproduced without distortion.

    And this can equally be attributed to both official documents and emotional excerpts from fiction. Only by remembering this can you fully understand what a quote is. An example of respect for the quoted material is, first of all, respect for the author who wrote the lines you quote.

    examples of direct speech sentence

    Here are all the cases in which direct speech can be formatted:

    1. A sentence that stands in direct speech and indicates to whom it belongs (“the words of the author”) can:

    a) PRECEDE direct speech; in this case, a colon is placed after it, and after direct speech - a punctuation mark in accordance with the nature of direct speech, for example:

    He turned away and, walking away, muttered: “Still, this is completely against the rules.”
    Finally I told her: “Do you want to go for a walk on the rampart? »
    She looked and screamed: “This is Kazbich! »

    b) FOLLOW direct speech; in this case, after direct speech there is a question mark, or an exclamation mark, or an ellipsis, or a comma (the latter instead of a period), and after this sign there is a dash, for example:

    “What about Kazbich? “I asked the staff captain impatiently.
    “How boring it is! “- I exclaimed involuntarily.
    “She died. “Aksinya echoed.
    “There’s the district chieftain,” whispered Panteley Prokofievich, pushing Grigory from behind.

    c) BREAK direct speech into two parts; in this case put:
    before the words of the author there is a question mark, or an exclamation mark, or an ellipsis in accordance with the nature of the first part of direct speech, or a comma (if none of these signs is required), and after them - a dash;
    after the author’s words - a period if the first part of direct speech is a complete sentence, and a comma if it is unfinished, followed by a dash; if direct speech is highlighted with quotation marks, then they are placed only before the beginning of direct speech and at the very end of it, for example:

    “Would you like to add some rum? – I told my interlocutor. – I have a white one from Tiflis; It's cold now."
    “Well, that’s enough, that’s enough! - said Pechorin, hugging him friendly. - Am I not the same? »
    "Listen to me.. . - Nadya said, “someday to the end.”
    “My name is Foma,” he answered, “and my nickname is Biryuk.”

    (If direct speech begins with a paragraph, then a dash is placed before the beginning, for example:

    The little girl ran and shouted:
    -Have you seen your mother?

    If the author’s words contain two verbs with the meaning of a statement, one of which refers to the first part of direct speech, and the other to the second, then after the author’s words a colon and a dash are placed, for example:
    “Let’s go, it’s cold,” Makarov said and asked gloomily:
    - Why are you keeping silent?)

    Direct speech

    We always write words of direct speech with a capital letter. The author's words are always small, except at the beginning of the sentence.

    Legend- A - the author’s words, P - direct speech.

    The author's words inside direct speech

    If direct speech, consisting of one sentence, is divided into two parts by the author’s words, then before and after the author’s words we put a comma and a hyphen (,-)

    Examples: “What are you preparing for? - Mom asked. “Tomorrow is a day off.”

    The quotation is enclosed in quotation marks and written with a small letter.

    Examples: According to Pushkin, “Habit has been given to us from above, it is a substitute for happiness.”

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  • In the modern world, it is very important to remain a literate person. After all, it is much more pleasant to listen to an erudite person who “doesn’t put his money where his mouth is,” and even more so to read his deeply informed comments or articles on the Internet, where there are no spelling or syntax errors.

    Literacy is nothing more than fluency in written and spoken language, along with the literary language.

    You need to learn literacy throughout your life. This is one of the reasons that makes literate people constantly improve themselves and read books to improve their linguistic skills.

    The current article will help consolidate, teach and refresh the rules of writing other people's remarks and statements in the multifaceted Russian language using direct speech. Direct speech can be translated as a detailed statement introduced into the author's speech in the person of the speaker or writer.

    Direct speech must always be highlighted in quotation marks, from the beginning of the sentence to the end of the speech (sentence), except in cases where direct speech begins in the middle of a sentence, which is also interrupted by the author’s words mixed with indirect speech or improperly direct speech, which makes you think about the correct placement of those or other punctuation marks. At first glance, everything is very complicated and confusing.

    But, if you approach the issue step by step, the design rules are simple and do not require much effort to study. The main thing is to learn to distinguish between direct and indirect speech, as well as author’s words (words of the author). Now, after a detailed analysis of the above components of a direct speech sentence, you can begin to place all the necessary punctuation marks.

    For that, to understand everything, you need to consider all possible nuances in detail and examples.

    Differing from indirect speech, direct speech retains individuality along with the stylistic features of the speech of the one who reproduces his statement, taking into account its delicate linguistic outline, introductory words, pauses and repetitions. Direct speech is introduced without unnecessary pronouns and conjunctions. The verb form emphasizes a direct relationship to the person(s) of the speaker, for example: “John shouted: Victory!” Now a comparison with indirect speech: “John shouted - this is a victory.”

    Formatting direct speech (conventions)

    For convenience and easy assimilation of the most common cases of using PR, you need to create symbols in the text that will help sort everything out:

    1. Prr- Direct r-ch (Pr.r - when with a capital letter).
    2. prr- direct r-ch (pr.r - if with a small letter).
    3. Av- words of the Author (Av when capitalized).
    4. aw- the words of the author (and if with a small letter).

    Direct speech: examples

    Variants of repeatedly encountered examples of use direct speech together with the words of the author. Decor:

    1) Av: “Prr.” - a scheme that is often found in various dialogues placed in one line, here at the beginning of direct speech, you need to put a colon, then the author’s words are placed in quotation marks and at the end of the sentence, after the closing pair of quotation marks, a period is placed (end of the sentence).


    Sonya looked at the clock hand with interest and said quietly: “Tick-tock.”

    When did it start takes direct speech from a new paragraph, at the end of the author’s words, you must put a colon; if the words of the author, which begin from a new paragraph, are marked with a dash at the beginning (if we talk about dialogues):


    Sonya looked at the clock hand with interest and said quietly:

    Tick ​​tock.

    You should also pay attention to the fact that the period is always placed outside the quotation marks. An exclamation mark with an exclamation mark, a comma, an ellipsis, is placed inside. If we take into account the comma, it happens that it is located both inside and outside. It all depends on the structure of the sentence (in most cases on the outside)

    More examples:

    Av: “Prr!” (Jemison tried to explain: “There is no point in selling these shares!”)

    Av: “Prr?” (Jemison asked, "Why sell these shares?")

    Av: “Prrr...” (Jemison agreed: “Maybe we can do it...”)

    • “Pr.r,” - av.
    • “Pr.r!” - av.
    • “Pr.r?” - av.

    Direct speech followed by the words of the author. Everything is simple here. Prr is placed in quotation marks and the following marks can be placed inside: exclamation point, question mark or ellipsis. In these illustrative examples, the comma must be placed outside the quotation marks. A hyphen is placed before the words Av.


    “It will be very helpful for all of us,” Eileen said.

    “How I would like to know which of these roads the pilgrims took!” - said Eileen.

    “Are you ready to begin your duties?” - she asked, looking at him with a sly and laughing look.

    3) “Prr, - aw, - prr.”

    In the following illustrative example, the author's words are placed in the middle of the direct speech of a continuous sentence. Then, after Pr., at the beginning of a sentence that begins with a capital letter, the words of the author with a capital letter will follow, where they are highlighted on both sides - a dash with a semicolon. The offer has not ended, thus, after the words of the author, the direct r-ch should be written with a small letter, close the quotation marks and put a period. And now a clear example:

    4) “Prr, - av. - Prr"

    In the fourth scheme-text, unlike the previous one, S.av., are placed in the middle of the P-speech, ending with a period.

    At the very beginning of the sentence, put a pair of quotation marks, the sentence begins with a capital letter; then, starting with a small letter, there are the author’s words, preceded by a comma; here, as in the previous version, the author’s words are highlighted with a dash, regardless of the subsequent characters, whether it is a comma or a period between them. Next, direct speech begins with superscript letters.

    • “Pr.r! - av. - Pr.r"
    • “Prr? - av. - Prr"
    • “Prr... - aw. - Prr"
    • “Prr, - aw. - Prr!
    • “Prr, - aw. - Prr...”
    • “Pr.r, - av. - Pr.r?

    Exclamation and question marks, ellipses do not affect the spelling of capital letters after the author’s words. They relate to direct speech content, and their priority does not concern anyone else.


    “Oh, Sasha, Sasha! - boiled in Ira’s head. “I will never understand your grin.” (“Prr!” - av. - Prr)

    “Can’t leave? - he laughed. “We’ll see.” (“Prr?” - av. - Prr)

    “Is it really that bad here? - Feeling flattered, Eileen smiled. “I admit, I didn’t even pay attention to it.”

    One more example:“Prr, - aw: - Prr” the author’s words connect both parts of the separated direct speech. There are two predicate verbs present in the sentence, which have a connection both with the first part and indications of the addition of the second part of direct speech, after the words of the author, a colon is placed, followed by a dash, Pr., is written with a capital letter, thereby complementing or continuing the meaning offers.

    An example of how everything should be formatted:

    “My best creations have not yet been born into our world,” Gracie said with a smile and added: “Everything is still to come.”

    5) Av: “Prr,” - av.

    In the last example, direct speech, is placed inside the words aw,.

    Sequence: first comes S.av., with a capital letter, then a colon is placed (container for direct speech), later the direct r-ch will follow, and it always starts with a capital letter (after the colon); as in any prototype, it is always placed in quotation marks, followed by a comma (following the closing quotation marks), then immediately a dash, the author’s words are written with a small letter. The quotation marks container may contain the above punctuation marks.(!?…)


    This video tutorial will help you understand the intricacies of formatting direct speech in text.

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