Rules of the Russian Lotto lottery. What channel is the Russian Lotto game on? — Useful information for everyone What time does the lottery on NTV start?


If you look at the number last edition, you can understand that this game has been going on for quite a long time. Many people have remained loyal fans of the lottery for years, and do not regret it one bit. Surveys of players conducted by lottery organizers yielded surprising results. They showed that in many families it has long been a tradition to spend weekends with this lottery. Sometimes it is quite difficult to gather all family members at one table. After all modern life forces you to work constantly. But it is “ ” that is a kind of symbol of unity.

For this reason, the “Announcement of future circulations” section was created, in which you can find out everything about the upcoming circulations.

Upcoming Russian Lotto draws

1262 edition of Russian Lotto

  • Jackpot 350,000,000 RUR
  • 20 country houses
  • Distribution circulation!

1263 edition of Russian Lotto

The drawing will include:

  • 10 cottages
  • There will be 3 balls left - there will be more winnings!

1264 edition of Russian Lotto

The drawing will include:

  • 1000,000,000 ₽

Quite often the whole family gathers around the TV to watch the broadcast of the circulation. Since everyone has similar interests, they are sure to find interesting topics for conversations. In some families, each person buys the required number of tickets for himself in order to “fight” with his family for a big win during the draw.

Many of today's participants remember how their parents bought game tickets ““. Today they themselves teach their children and grandchildren to play this game. Of course, in fact such a lottery is gambling. But you need to understand, unlike various casinos, slot machines And card games, here the participant cannot lose his entire fortune. The player makes a bet in advance, the size of which he chooses independently. No matter how gambling the participant is, during the game he will no longer be able to raise the bet. Thus, a person spends as much on tickets in advance as he can afford to lose. This is the main difference between this game. That is why even children can be involved in this game. Practice shows that they take great pleasure in helping adults choose numbers and monitor the drawing, eagerly awaiting the coincidence of the numbers.

We can safely say that every next draw of this lottery is a grandiose event that millions of people across the country are looking forward to. Thousands of them will become winners of cash prizes of various sizes. Also, there will be real lucky ones who will be able to win millions. Don't forget that the lottery Russian lotto” often pleases players not only with cash winnings, but also with other valuable gifts. Which many people dream about all their lives.

Everyone expects to win the lottery, even those who don't buy lottery tickets.

For Lady Luck to smile on you in the upcoming draw, you must sincerely believe in her. This is the only way you can win a decent win with minimal investment. The ticket price is only one hundred rubles, so anyone can take part in the “Russian Lotto” drawing. For such a small amount, anyone can radically change their life for the better. In order not to miss your chance, it is recommended to purchase a gaming receipt for the upcoming draw. If you are unable to watch the game broadcast, you can always visit our specialized portal.


Easter - when will it be in 2020:

Easter, also called Light Christ's Resurrection, is the most important event church calendar 2020.

The date of Easter is moveable because it is calculated according to the lunisolar calendar. Every year the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon following the spring equinox. For Catholics and Orthodox Christians, the dates of celebration usually differ, since in Orthodoxy the calculation is carried out in accordance with the Julian calendar.

Easter 2020 in Orthodox Church will be celebrated April 19, 2020, and for Catholics a week earlier - April 12, 2020.

Dates for Orthodox and Catholic Easter in 2020:
* April 19, 2020 - for Orthodox believers.
* April 12, 2020 - for Catholics.

Description of the holiday and traditions of the meeting:

Easter was established in honor of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and is the oldest and most important holiday among Christians. Officially celebrating Easter began in the second century AD.

In both Orthodoxy and Catholicism, Easter always falls on Sunday.

Easter 2020 is preceded by Lent, which begins 48 days before the Holy Day. And after 50 days they celebrate Trinity.

Popular pre-Christian customs that have survived to this day include dyeing eggs, making Easter cakes and curd Easter cakes.

Easter treats are blessed in the church on Saturday, the eve of Easter 2020, or after the service on the day of the Holiday itself.

We should greet each other on Easter with the words “Christ is Risen,” and respond with “Truly He is Risen.”

This will be the fourth game for the Russian team in this qualifying tournament. Let us remind you that in the previous three meetings, Russia “at the start” lost to Belgium with a score of 1:3, and then won two dry victories - over Kazakhstan (4:0) and over San Marino (9:0). The last victory was the largest in the entire existence of the Russian football team.

As for the upcoming meeting, according to bookmakers, the Russian team is the favorite in it. The Cypriots are objectively weaker than the Russians, and the islanders cannot expect anything good from the upcoming match. However, we must take into account that the teams have never met before, and therefore unpleasant surprises may await us.

The Russia-Cyprus meeting will take place on June 11, 2019 In Nizhniy Novgorod at the stadium of the same name, built for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Start of the match - 21:45 Moscow time.

Where and what time do the national teams of Russia and Cyprus play:
* Venue of the match - Russia, Nizhny Novgorod.
* Game start time is 21:45 Moscow time.

Where to watch the live broadcast Russia - Cyprus on June 11, 2019:

IN live the meeting between the national teams of Russia and Cyprus will be shown on channels "First" and "Match Premier" . Start time of direct switching from Nizhny Novgorod- 21:35 Moscow time.

In this meeting Russia's victory is absolutely expected.

The dwarf team of San Marino is the outsider of the group. The bookmakers are not expecting anything extraordinary from the Sanmarinians in the upcoming game, offering bets on their victory with odds of 100-185, against a bet on the victory of the Russian national team of 1.01.

Over the past 12 years, the Russian team has met with opponents of such magnitude three times low level, and won three confident dry victories. The Russians defeated the Andorran team twice with scores of 6:0 and 4:0, and once the Liechtenstein team (4:0). By the way, the Russian football team won the biggest victory in the history of its existence over San Marino on June 7, 1995 with a score of 7:0.

The qualifying match for the 2020 FIFA World Cup Russia - San Marino will begin on June 8, 2019 at 19:00 Moscow time. The meeting will be shown live "Channel One" and "Match Premier".

What time does the EURO 2020 qualifying match Russia - San Marino start on June 8, 2019, where to watch:
* Start time - 19:00 Moscow time.
* Channels: “First” and “Match Premier”.

On what goes to the channel Russian Lotto game?

    You can watch the Russian Lotto lottery drawing on the NTV channel, the program is shown every Sunday at 8:15 am, and you can also check the lottery results on the Russian Lotto website

    Russian Lotto is shown on NTV, but if you suddenly didn’t have time and missed the program. You can type Russian Lotto in the search engine and their official website will open to you, where you can check the tickets. And buy new ones.

    If you are the owner of a lottery ticket, or simply a person interested in playing Russian Lotto, you can turn on the TV on Sunday morning on the NTV channel Russian television, and watch the progress of the drawing live.

    If earlier the Russian Lotto was on the RTR channel, now it has migrated to NTV, and every Sunday at 8-15 in the morning you can watch the next drawing on TV, or on the channel’s website. For example, on January 3, 2016, the 1108th draw will take place.

    The Russian Lotto lottery draw is broadcast weekly on the NTV channel.

    There is a draw in a program called Happy Morning. In addition to the Russian Lotto, in this TV program you can immediately see the drawing of other popular lotteries, namely: the Housing Lottery, 6 out of 36 and the Golden Horseshoe.

    The TV show starts at 8:20 am on Sunday, Moscow time.

    If you decide to become a participant in a lottery such as the Russian Lotto, then you are probably interested in the question of which channel to watch the draws on. So the lottery is broadcast on the NTV channel. To be more specific, the circulation can be viewed on Sunday morning, namely at eight o’clock and fifteen minutes Moscow time.

    Nationwide TV Broadcast, which has been on the country’s screens for countless years now. This is a program in which you can try your luck and, having bought a ticket for one hundred rubles, win 10-100 times larger amounts.

    Game drawings now Russian Lotto you can look at NTV every Sunday at 8:15 am.

    The Russian Lotto lottery circulation is shown on NTV.

    One of the favorite television lotteries among Russians for many, many years, called Russian Lotto, lives on the NTV channel. This was the case before, and in 2017 the registration address did not change.

    If you play the Russian Lotto lottery, then you probably keep track of all the draws.

    If you want to watch a live broadcast of the lottery, then you need to watch the NTV channel every Sunday at 8:15 am.

    And if you missed any episode, then on the lottery website there are recordings of some draws, and you can also find broadcasts on the NTV channel.

    The Russian Lotto program airs on the NTV channel on Sundays at 8:20 am Moscow time. Every week the television lottery offers many valuable prizes, among which are:

    country houses;



    and much more.

    The lottery goes live in this form federal TV channel more than 20 years. To participate, you just need to buy a lottery ticket and follow the program's releases. The winner is the one who, based on the results of the games, manages to cover all the numbers on the ticket.

    Beloved by many interesting game with big draws, usually takes place on the NTV channel.

    To view it, you need to get up early on Sunday morning (which is difficult on a weekend) and at 8.15 watch the next drawing of the Russian Lotto lottery

Only a few hours left until the draw record amount money in the history of Russia. This time, the main prizes and major draws will be concentrated in the most beloved lottery among Russians - “Russian Lotto” (1212 draws). Just like last year, prizes worth more than a billion rubles will be drawn. Such a big jackpot and widespread advertising automatically fuels enormous interest in this event.

In this article, we’ll look at the billion-dollar New Year’s lottery “Russian Lotto” in more detail, remember how to play it, if anyone doesn’t know, and also where and how best to buy a lottery ticket.

This is what the New Year's edition of the Russian Lotto Billion looks like

Raffle of a billion rubles in the New Year's draw of the Russian Lotto

So, as already mentioned, on January 1 of the New Year there will be a draw for an unprecedented amount - one billion rubles in the popular and well-known lottery “Russian Lotto”. Moreover, this is not a hypothetical amount that may or may not be won, but a guaranteed amount that will be drawn among everyone who buys at least one ticket.

I’ll tell you in more detail about the prizes that will be drawn:

  • Jackpot 116 million rubles. It can be won by one or more people according to the lottery rules. If no one can win this amount, then it will be forced to be drawn among all participants who bought a ticket.
  • In addition, more than 50 country houses and large cash prizes await participants.

IN total it was planned to draw a record 1 billion rubles. BUT due to the great excitement and huge demand for lottery tickets, the organizing company decided to draw as much as 2 billion rubles! This has never happened before!

On December 27, 2017, it was decided to increase prize fund New Year's lottery up to 2 billion rubles, instead of one billion

In order for an article to be a participant in the prize draw, you must buy a ticket online at or at points of sale. The ticket price is traditionally only 100 rubles, which makes it affordable for most residents of the country. By purchasing even one ticket you can become the owner of a tidy sum of money. According to the lottery website, holiday circulation every second ticket purchased will win the lottery. This will be achieved due to the fact that only 2 barrels will remain in the bag at the end of the lottery.

Where and how to buy a New Year's ticket for the Russian Lotto

If you, like many residents of Russia, have decided to try your luck and try to win the lottery, then the only thing you need to do is buy a lottery ticket for the 2012 New Year’s draw “Russian Lotto”. Let's look at the question: “Where can I buy a New Year's lottery ticket?”

Currently, you can buy it in several convenient ways:

  • Buying a ticket online via the Internet on the Stoloto website. This site is the official distributor of many Russian lotteries. This is the only and legal way to buy a lottery online remotely, without leaving your home. Moreover, now this is becoming even more popular way than all the others. This is due to the fact that an electronic ticket cannot be lost, torn, or burned. By purchasing it on the site, it is assigned to you. Attention, from January 1 to January 13, 2019, lottery tickets are on sale. Prices are several times lower. Hurry up to buy on the website.
  • At points of sale. These are well known retail outlets sales in the form of lottery booths or kiosks, where you can buy a paper ticket from your dear grandmother.

As you can see, everyone can choose a more convenient option for purchasing and paying for a ticket, since, for example, when purchasing a ticket on the website, you can pay for it either with a bank card or with electronic money (more than 10 payment methods in total).

It's important to remember what to buy Lottery tickets are available until 9 a.m. Moscow time on January 1, 2018. It is advisable, of course, to take care of this in advance and purchase a ticket as soon as possible. For example, now, as many lotto lovers have already done.

Broadcasting the draw and how to check your ticket

It is noteworthy that The broadcast will take place on live on the NTV channel on January 1, 2018 at 20-00 Moscow time in the program “New Year's Billion”. Of course, it is recommended to check your tickets live, but if you do not have the opportunity to be in front of the TV screen at the scheduled time, you can check your tickets in one of several ways:

  1. Via the Internet on the Stoloto website - now this is the easiest and affordable way find out the result.
  2. At places of sale of lottery tickets.

By the way, after watching the live broadcast of the New Year's edition, you can not only check your ticket, but also have a good time, since well-known and beloved presenters will be on air, they will tell interesting stories lottery winners and the like.

Attention! Results of the New Year's 1212 Russian Lotto draw

Remaining numbers (barrels): 30.89.

Check your tickets now. If your ticket does not have such numbers in both playing fields, then the ticket is winning. The winning amount can be found on the lottery website. Draw results and you can check your ticket on the website STOLOTO.RU possible after 22-00 Moscow time. (But as practice shows, accessing the site will most likely be very difficult due to large quantity visitors. Therefore, bookmark it for now and calmly come back and check the ticket within a few days).

A resident of Tatarstan won the jackpot of 250 million rubles. 50 country houses were also raffled off! The total prize fund drawn, as stated, is 2 million 286 thousand rubles.

P/S do not forget that in the next editions in New Year holidays There will also be more draws with large cash prizes. Therefore, do not forget to buy several tickets on the website STOLOTO without leaving home.

Rules and conditions of the New Year's lottery "Russian Lotto"

The rules of the lottery game are extremely simple. Your ticket contains 2 playing fields of 15 numbers each. The bag will contain kegs numbered from 1 to 90. Next, the presenter takes out one keg at a time. It is necessary that in each of the rounds you are the first to match the numbers in one line, in one of the playing fields or in the entire ticket. Then you win a prize. Once again, I repeat that in New Year's edition There are only 2 barrels left, which means everyone has a chance to win.

The sooner the presenter draws your numbers, the greater your winnings. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the Russian Lotto game. It’s not for nothing that this game has remained the most popular among Russians for more than 23 years.

How to increase your chances of winning

When purchasing online, there is a very profitable opportunity to increase your chances of winning the New Year's lottery. The fact is that when choosing tickets, there is a function that allows you to automatically select tickets that will contain all 90 balls! According to statistics, by purchasing this package of 5 tickets, you significantly increase your chances of winning.

Company "Stoloto" combines most of the most popular Russian lotteries. Each participant, beginner or professional, will find a game to suit his interests. You can buy lottery tickets directly on the Internet at stoloto ru. This way you not only save your time, but also get a very convenient service.

Review of lotteries. Popular games

The main favorites of the public on Stoloto are lotteries: Russian Lotto, Housing lottery, Gosloto 6 out of 45. Each has its own characteristics. For example, the Russian Lotto game became famous for its barrels and the atmosphere of family leisure. The indispensable presenter Mikhail Borisov has been hosting the program for 20 years and delights all residents of the country on Sunday mornings. You can win millions of rubles, apartments, cars, boats.

In the Housing Lottery, participants compete for Grand Prize- apartments. The name itself speaks for itself; if you need your own accommodation, buy a ticket for 100 rubles. In addition, there are many cash prizes up for grabs. Draws take place every week. The lottery drum is responsible for dropping the balls.

And the well-known Gosloto holds 4 games in the format: 4 out of 20, 5 out of 36, 6 out of 45, 7 out of 49. These numerical lotteries known to many since childhood, since the times Soviet Union. To get a super prize you need to match all 5, 6 or 7 numbers. If you are interested in the biggest jackpot, then be sure to take part. Maximum amount The winnings in the entire history of the drawings are about 358,000,000 rubles.

In September 2015, 2 new lotteries were born: “Golden Horseshoe” and “Russian Lotto 6 out of 36”. In which a jackpot of at least 3,000,000 rubles is played every week. Try a new product and win your million.

There are others, less known, but gaining popularity in a hundred lotto: Rapido, Sportloto, Keno, TOP-3. Detailed information see table.

Where to see results and check Stoloto lottery tickets

On the website you will always find the latest results of past draws and be the first to know about news and promotions of lottery companies. We are for sports and victory!

Daily lottery results

On “LotoAzart” the results of Gosloto “6 out of 45” are updated daily. The drawing is held 2 times a day: at 11:00 and 23:00. The received data is added to the circulation archive.

Gosloto draw result 4 out of 20

Every Monday, Wednesday and Sunday, Gosloto “4 out of 20” draws are held. You can check tickets at circulation table or by game form number automatically. Use the method convenient for you and calculate your winnings.

Results of the Russian Lotto, Housing Lottery, Golden Horseshoe and lottery 6 out of 36 - checking tickets by number, according to the draw table

Every Sunday the show “Happy Morning” is broadcast on NTV. Draw results, video draws, and draw tables are added to the website after 01:30 Moscow time.

According to the official results of Stoloto, checking tickets will not be difficult. Use the menu and see the results of the lottery in which you took part.

Latest Draw Results

Housing lottery 343rd draw (announcement)
Housing lottery 342nd draw
Housing lottery 341 draw
Housing lottery 340 draw
Gosloto 7 of 49 No. 7275
Gosloto 7 of 49 No. 7088
Gosloto 4 out of 20 draws 1069, 1070
Gosloto 4 out of 20 draws 1067, 1068
Gosloto 4 out of 20 draws 1065, 1066
Gosloto 4 out of 20 draws 1063, 1064
No. 4457 - 4458 (Gosloto 6 of 45)
No. 4455 - 4456 (Gosloto 6 of 45)