Proverbs that there is a time for everything. Proverbs about time. Chinese wisdom in folk proverbs


In the article you will find the most popular and oldest Russian folk sayings about time with interpretation.

Proverbs and sayings about time for preschool age, kindergarten: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

Proverbs - view folk art and wisdom that passes from generation to generation. A lot of meaning can be hidden in one line of a saying, life lessons, conclusions and teachings that literally instantly make you think and act correctly in any situation.

Sayings about time for preschoolers and young children:

Saying Explanation of the saying
Every vegetable has its time. For every task there comes a time when it needs to be done.
There are many days ahead, and many days behind. Everything you did is already in the past, and what you didn’t have time for is still a lot of time ahead.
At night all cats are gray. The hour comes when everyone becomes equal.
Time is the judge. Over time, you will be able to draw conclusions and understand where you were wrong.
The flowers bloom on time. Any planned task must be carried out on its own day and hour. Nothing happens spontaneously and just like that.
Time will teach everything. The extensive experience accumulated over the years will reveal many secrets to you and teach you a lot.
Everything for the time being. Sooner or later, any secret becomes public knowledge, or something can remain unchanged only for a certain amount of time.
Time will teach you what to do. Time - best teacher, which has a lot of lessons and examples, can provide invaluable experience.
It's time and time is more valuable than gold. Everything in this world can be bought, except time, and therefore it should be highly valued.
There is a time for every thing. For any business there comes a time.
Day and night, a day away. If you wait a little, your time will come.
It's not a day without a minute. Any time is valuable, even a minute can change something.
A week feeds a year. You can do so much in a short period of time that you will be praised or remembered for a very long time.
You can't turn back time. The past time cannot be lived and never repeated again.
I got up late, the day was gone. If you don't rush to do something, it will go to waste.
The morning is wiser than the evening. Sometimes in order to accept right decision, you need to wait.
Over time, teeth wear out. Time spares nothing, not objects, not people.
Think in the evening and do in the morning. Always think about your actions.
Years are like water. Time flies so quickly that you don’t have time to notice it.
The moon has risen - the sun has rest. Time to work and time to rest.
A spoon is on its way to dinner, and then at least for a bench. Every task should be done on time, otherwise you will regret it later.
Good advice on time is good. Help is important exactly where it is needed: in your day and hour.
After a fight they don’t wave their fists. If you didn’t manage to do something on time, then don’t try to “catch” this moment.
If it grinds, there will be flour. Time will erase grievances and quarrels, change life for the better.
Not by day - by hour. Time flies very quickly and very often you simply don’t have time to notice it.
Every time has its own songs. Each task has its own specific purpose and should be done on time.

The best proverbs and sayings about time for primary and secondary school age: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

A lot of Russian proverbs are devoted to such a topic as time. Few people know how to appreciate it and take advantage of its benefits. Therefore, reading, using and discussing sayings about time helps, expanding not only a person’s consciousness, but also his capabilities.

Saying about time Interpretation of the saying
Time will heal everything and teach everything. Over time, grievances go away, relationships and affairs improve.
Wait for the cancer to whistle on the mountain. There is no need to wait for things to be done, you need to act yourself, otherwise you will regret it!
Search for yesterday. Everything that was done a long time ago cannot be repeated or undone.
In due time the pine is red, time will pass- the beauty will subside. Each business has its “finest” hour, then no one will need it anymore.
Time gives reason. Only with time can you gain experience and gain wisdom.
Other days - other dreams. Years and times change, attitudes towards people and human values ​​change.
Feed me when I'm hungry. Every important task should be completed on time.
An hour is precious not because it is long, but because it is short. Appreciate time not for the fact that there is a lot of it, but for that. What do you manage to do on time?
Three days is not three years. Time flies quickly, it should be appreciated even when there is too little of it.
Time chisels even stones. Over time, a solution comes to any problem.
Time goes by- like a bird carries. Sometimes time flies so quickly that you don't have time to notice it.
Time paints, but timelessness dries. If you do nothing, time will pass and give you nothing.
Time is the best healer. Time allows us to reevaluate many things.
Time will teach you what to do. The best teacher is experience, which can only be gained over time.
Time is not money, if you lose it you won’t find it. Money can be spent and earned, but lost time never comes back.
Business has time, but fun has time. There is time for work, and there is time for rest - you need to be able to distinguish between them correctly!
The money is gone - you can still make some money; time is lost - you can’t get it back. No amount of money can buy time, it is more valuable than them!
It is not the person who drives, but time. In life, a person is controlled only by time and no other values.
Time doesn't wait. Time cannot be suspended or returned, so any task must be carried out on time.
Everything passed as if burned by fire. Time passed too quickly.
One today is better than two tomorrow. A job done on time is better than any excuse.
Time drags on for young people, time passes for old people. In youth, a person does not value time and wastes it, but in old age, every day is valuable.
It doesn't happen day after day. Have time to do what you have planned every day and don’t waste time.
Better late than never. If you didn’t manage to do something on time, try to do it later, but don’t put it off at all!
It’s too late for a pike in a frying pan to remember about water. Once you've lost time, don't try to get it back.
The biggest waste is a waste of time. There is nothing more valuable than time, and the biggest waste in life is wasting time on empty things.
If you miss a minute, you'll lose an hour. You need to value any time, even if it is short. Even in a minute you can accomplish great things.
Don't leave your morning work until the evening. Don't put off until later what you can do now.
Time makes money, but money can’t buy time. Time is more valuable than money.
You can’t catch up with yesterday, and you can’t escape tomorrow. It’s difficult to relive what you missed or get it back, but a person can’t escape what’s still ahead of him.
What happened has passed away. Everything that has passed cannot be returned.
Time is like a sparrow: if you miss it, you won’t catch it. It is very difficult to control and manage time correctly. You need to appreciate every minute.
Everything comes in due time: the time will come, and the seed will grow. If you spend a lot of time on your work, you will definitely be pleased with the results.
A fool doesn't know time. A person who lives his life stupidly and aimlessly does not value time.
Much water has flown under the bridge since that time. A lot of time has passed.
The week has rolled around and it hasn't caught on anywhere. Time passed so quickly that they did not have time to notice it.

Popular Russian folk proverbs and sayings about time: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

People use the most popular proverbs in their speech always and everywhere. They easily and simply entered into modern communication, as they are dear for their value.

Saying about time Interpretation of the saying
Time is gained - everything is won. If you manage to do everything on time, you will be a successful person.
Don’t rush to praise the wolf cub, let the gray one’s teeth grow. To everyone good cause praise will come in time. You need to have patience and wait.
The black grouse has only one night all winter. Time can fly by very quickly if you do nothing.
Time paints, timelessness ages. Idleness makes a person worse.
The week is red for days. Don't miss the opportunity to do something, work and spend time usefully every day.
Laughter at the right time is not a sin, but without time, prayer is useless. Each task has its own day and hour.
There is no day without night. Every business brings results in its own time.
The early bird cleans the sock, and the late bird opens the peephole. He who does not waste time is happy and successful. Those who do not value time will achieve nothing.
Different times, different burdens. Know how to value and manage time correctly. It always flows, it rethinks human values.
Take what you can from time. Try to work as much as possible and don’t waste time on empty things.
Wait for it to cook, wait for it to cool. It is important to have patience, which will give you success.
Whoever helped in time helped twice. Help is always good on the right day and time.
What happened has passed away. A day cannot be lived and repeated twice.
What's good for Tuesday isn't always good for Wednesday. Every job, word, deed is done well on time, and not earlier or later.
After the rain on Thursday. After some time has passed.
You'll make people laugh in a hurry A job done hastily is not always good.
When the crayfish whistles and the fish sings. When the time comes, then we can do the job.
Seven do not wait for one. Things should be done on time.
The sun is not waiting for us. Work does not wait for a person to do it.
After the summer they don’t go into the forest to pick raspberries. You can’t get back lost time; if you didn’t have time to do something, you can’t expect to get anything good.
Happy Hours are not observed. A person who is passionate about something may miss or not notice time.
What happened has passed and is overgrown with the past. You can’t get back what you’ve lost in time, you can only regret it.

The most interesting proverbs and sayings about time for children: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

Listed here are little-known sayings about time that also have great instructive meaning. Knowing such sayings is useful not only for children, but also for adults.

Saying about time Interpretation of the saying
Moscow took centuries to build. To achieve a good result, you need to try and spend a lot of time on work.
For next autumn, in about eight years. Not very soon.
It takes a long time for a mulberry leaf to turn into silk. To get good result, you need to spend a lot of time and effort and only then will the work make you happy.
We don’t live, we spend our days. Time passes uselessly.
Don't rush to answer, hurry to listen. Don't waste your time, study and gain wisdom.
The bobbed girl won't have time to braid her hair. Time will pass very quickly and so that you won’t have time to notice.
They've been waiting for the promised thing for three years. If you have patience and wait, then after a while a good result can come.
The time will pass, another will come. Time always flows, always leads to change and always changes people.
Take care of your dress again, and take care of your honor from a young age. You need to value time, at any age.
Time heals wounds. Just as wounds on the body dry out and heal, so time “heals” people’s relationships and resolves matters.
Time never sleeps. Time always moves on, it does not stand still.
You can't hold time with your hands. You need to try not to stop time, but try to have time to do your job.
You can’t do everything suddenly. For every job, for every time there is always a time.
Nothing educates a person like time. Time teaches a person to live and acquire values. Time is an experience that every person gains.
Those who do not value time always have losses. If you don’t try to do everything on time, you can live your life aimlessly and in vain, without achieving success.
Days are not pennies, years are not rubles, you can’t take them out of your pocket. Everything you have done and lived cannot be seen, you can only remember.
Time is not a horse: you can’t push it or stop it. Time cannot be rushed or stopped; you need to correctly distribute the work so that you can get everything done on time.
Time is gone - happiness is gone. Lost time is comparable to lost happiness, since during this time many wonderful moments could have been experienced. There is only one life and time must be valued!
Time turns like a wheel: if you miss, you fall behind. Time is comparable to a car or a wheel that spins and rushes faster than a person. You need to keep up with time!
Time does not make an enemy a friend. Time can comfort and reduce emotions, but a person can improve relationships only when he really wants it.

Small, short proverbs and sayings for children about time: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

It doesn’t matter at all how the saying is: big, small, short, old or new, the main thing is that it should be instructive!

Saying about time Interpretation of the saying
It's not getting any easier hour by hour! Difficult times always come. One misfortune gives way to another.
God's days are numbered. A person is given only one life and he needs to live it in such a way that there are no regrets.
Eats like a duck all day long. Wasting time. Wasting time doing nothing.
Those who value time do not lie in bed in vain. Lazy people do not value time and do not achieve success.
Strength is in time. Time is not only a value, but also a force that makes a person confident and successful.
Starting the battle on time is half winning. A task planned and done on time will always delight you with success and will never bring failure.
Time smooths everything out. Time makes you think about values ​​and rethink them.
It’s not the comb that scratches your head, but time. Time forces a person to think and act, make decisions and strive for the best.
A grain of gold can be found, a grain of time - never. You will always have time to earn and spend money, but you won’t have time to spend time with your family or usefully, because a person is given only one life.
Chickens are counted in the fall. Conclusions should only be drawn when the job is done.
The time will come - the tears will be wiped away. Years later and large number time, a person can change his decision and improve relationships, solve the problem.

Video: “Interesting facts about time”

Good day, dear friends. In this article I will touch on the topic proverbs about time and sayings about time

As you know, everyone needs a watch; without them, our life would turn into chaos. When we make an appointment, we indicate at what time; when we go to the train, we also do so at a certain time; We go to work not when we wake up (although it would be nice), but at a certain time. Yes, in general, everything we do is related to the calculation of time. People have written a lot of sayings on the topic of time, which confirms the important role of time. Let's try to look at some of them.

Proverb time for business is time for fun. Teaches us that there is no need to simply waste time. When you don't control your time, it will simply slip away from you. And in ancient times this proverb was especially important, since there was a lot of work. If you don’t sow on time and harvest on time, you will remain hungry. If you don't prepare firewood, you'll freeze. Therefore, it was necessary to clearly limit your time for entertainment. On the other hand, what is scarce is more valuable. That's why people had fun from the heart, with songs and dances. Following the proverb, time for business - time for fun, you can achieve a lot in life.

Proverb The century is long and the hour is dear. Also reminds us of the value of time. If you spend every hour usefully, then your whole life will be full. After all, as you know, the ruble consists of 100 kopecks. A life path consists of many steps (hours), where each hour is very important. As the Japanese philosophy of Kaizen teaches, constantly improve. By devoting even a few minutes every day to any task, you can achieve great success in it.

Proverb If you miss an hour, you won’t make it up in a year. Catch up here is used in the sense of catching up. Here attention is paid to the timeliness of each task. Sometimes you need to do something now, because later it will no longer be necessary. And no matter how hard you try, you can’t fix it.

Proverb: A promise is waited for three years.“Blessed is he who waits and reaches 1335 days” - a quote from the book of the prophet Daniel. 1335 days corresponds to three and a half years. Also, three years is the period during which you can still file a lawsuit against someone (Civil Code.) For example, to recover money lent, and therefore you can still wait and hope to return what was promised.

The proverb the snail moves, when it will happen. also has an indirect relation to time. everything comes to an end. Even when you move very slowly, you will still end up further than someone who is standing still.

Proverb: Every vegetable has its time. Don't rush things and don't miss opportunities. Do everything on time. IN ancient Rus' this had a literal meaning, since people lived thanks to the harvest and knew exactly when and what needed to be collected.

The proverb the sun rises does not ask for hours. Everything in the world is subject to the laws of nature. And we need to live by these laws. Even if we have Bad mood or we don’t have time to do something, the sun will still rise as it should.

Here's more proverbs about time:

  • Better late than never
  • Money is lost - you will make money, time is lost - you will not get it back
  • Happy hours don't watch
  • Another time, another burden
  • Time gives the mind
  • You can't hold time with your hands
  • Every seed knows its time
  • Time is money
  • An hour is precious not because it is long, but because it is short.
  • What you miss, you won’t make up for in a year
  • A minute saves an hour
  • If you miss a minute, you lose an hour
  • The mind will come, but time will go

There are a great many proverbs and sayings. If you have anything to add about proverbs, do not waste time write in the comments. Good luck.

Every vegetable has its time.

Over time, teeth wear out.

Years are like water.

The moon has risen - rest for the sun.

There are many days ahead, and many days behind.

The time will come, and so will the ice.

Different times, different burdens.

At night all cats are gray.

When they play, then they dance.

Time is the judge.

Everything goes as it should.

Take what you can from time.

The flowers bloom on time.

When the devil dies, and he hasn’t gotten sick yet.

The years have flown away like spring waters.

If you yawn, you'll drink too much water.

A spoon is on its way to dinner, and then at least for a bench.

Savva grabbed it like a wife sewed a shroud.

In the event of a fire, a bucket of water is expensive; in times of poverty, alms are expensive.

Good advice on time is good.

After a fight they don’t wave their fists.

It will be a hundred years at lunchtime on Saturday. That is the power of what has passed and happened.

The red sun will rise - goodbye to the bright month! the time is now: under Tsar Pea.

Wait for it to cook, wait for it to cool.

Whoever helped in time helped twice.

Time is gained - all is won.

Don’t rush to praise the wolf cub, let the gray one’s teeth grow.

For that summer, not for this, but for the third year, when the devil dies.

The black grouse has only one night all winter.

Time never comes.

Time paints, timelessness ages.

All time is transitive.

The week is red for days.

Every day has its own concern.

If you don’t sit down, don’t say “let’s go.”

If it grinds, there will be flour.

07.10.2012, 10:07
Proverbs and sayings about time
  • The woman walked through the forest and wore out three bast shoes.
  • A week without a year. The milk in a cow will not go sour.
  • Time is money.
  • You can’t do everything suddenly.
  • Everything has its time.
  • A year is not a week.
  • Pokrov - not now, until Peter's Day - not two days.
  • A year is not a week, everything will be, but not now.
  • Give it time - don't knock it down.
  • Summer doesn't happen twice a year.
  • Time for business, time for fun.
  • The day will come and it will bring care.
  • Different times, different morals.
  • Only send him for death.
  • Different times, different burdens.
  • Each vegetable has its time.
  • Whoever is behind is fast, whoever gets there is controversial.
  • Some by year, and we by hour.
  • Much water has flown under the bridge since that time.
  • Moscow took centuries to build.
  • If you want, you have patience.
  • Do it quickly - redo it.
  • Time is not precious, it's time.
  • An hour is not precious with time, but an hour is precious with a trick.
  • Not in the rain, let's stand and wait.
  • Moscow was not built all at once.
  • Not soon, but soon.
  • Don't rush, goat, all your wolves will be there.
  • New time - new songs.
  • They've been waiting for the promised thing for three years.
  • One leg here, the other there.
  • Put it on the back burner.
  • The time will pass, another will come.
  • Order saves time.
  • If you hurry, you will make people laugh.
  • Russian hour - everything is now.
  • I sow, I winnow, I can’t keep up.
  • If you go behind, you will find more.
  • Soon the fire is burning and the water is running.
  • Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done.
  • The blind man was in a hurry to go to the bathhouse, but the bathhouse was not heated.
  • The sun is not waiting for us.
  • Don't rush, just hurry up.
  • Happy hours are not observed.
  • If you drive more quietly, you will go further.
  • Hurry to live, soon die.
  • Fruits are good in their season.
  • You can't cross the sea for an hour.
  • You can’t make money for an hour, you can’t eat a piece.
  • The clock is on the wall, and the time is on the back.
  • The good news is that it won't happen soon.

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Proverbs about time

When it's hot in the oven, then it's cooked.

Mosquitoes still bite.

The morning is wiser than the evening.

The day will come and it will bring care.

Time drags on for young people, but time flies for old people.

Time is like a sparrow: if you miss it, you won’t catch it.

What happened has passed away.

One today is better than two tomorrow.

It doesn't happen day after day.

Everything passed as if burned by fire.

It’s too late for a pike in a frying pan to remember about water.

If you miss a minute, you'll lose an hour.

You can’t catch up with yesterday, and you can’t escape tomorrow.

What has been lived and what has been spilled cannot be turned back.

The day is the same, but the year is not the same.

Every vegetable has its time.

Night is the womb: get enough sleep - everything is smooth.

Time will teach everything.

Everything has its time.

Better late than never.

Time is behind us, time is before us, but it is not with us.

Time chisels even stones.

Time passes - like a bird carries,

Time paints, but timelessness dries.

Time is the best healer. time

Time will teach you what to do.

Time is not money, if you lose it you won’t find it.

Time doesn't wait.

Time is not a seed; a tribe will not produce.

Years are like water.

Business has time, but fun has time.

The money is gone - you can still make some money; Time is gone - you can't get it back.

Think in the evening and do in the morning.

It is not the person who drives, but time.

The biggest waste is a waste of time.

Don't leave your morning work until the evening.

Without time - without plan.

You can't turn back time.

Every thing has its time.

I grabbed my hat and my head was gone.

Proverbs about time

Feed me when I'm hungry.

Praise the slide as soon as you get over it.

He will heal everything, teach me everything.

Wait for the cancer to whistle on the mountain.

And the rooster knows his watch.

Not by day - by hour.

An hour is precious not because it is long, but because it is short.

The week is red for days.

Every time has its own songs.

Laughter at the right time is not a sin, but without time, prayer is useless, change is temporary, and evildoers are common. you can't turn me around.

Time is more valuable than gold.

Everything for the time being.

Other days - other dreams.

It’s not always Shrovetide for cats and sometimes it’s Lent.

Three days is not three years.

Time has awakened us, and now we give it no rest.

The year is quiet, but the hour is turbulent.

Time gives reason.

At one time the pine is red, but time will pass and the beauty will subside.

They gave nuts to the squirrel when it lost its teeth.

The day passed, I took everything with me.

Search for yesterday.

Both from morning and until evening.

When the Volga flows up.

He who begins a lot finishes little.

For next autumn - in about eight years.

It's not always a wedding, and it's not always Maslenitsa.

The week has rolled around and it hasn't caught on anywhere.

There is no day without night.

To spend a night is not to live forever.

At night all roads are smooth.

At night you can’t see whether it’s cold or warm.

After undressing, go to the bathhouse, and when dressed, go to the cold.

The early bird cleans the sock, and the late bird opens the peephole.

Harness first, and then urge.

It’s not the comb that scratches your head, but time.

A grain of gold can be found, a grain of time - never.

Every time he gathers his friends.

Red and faded; smart, but shabby.

Chickens are counted in the fall.

Proverbs about time: folk wisdom that saves the clock

Managing your time successfully is a goal many people set for themselves. But not everyone is able to truly achieve it. Often a person notices that he did not manage to do even half of what he had planned for the whole day - “time has flown by like sand.” How does this happen and how not to waste it? To do this, you need to listen to the wisdom expressed in folk proverbs and sayings.

How time really goes

Proverbs about time are best textbook on time management. Weighty volumes on this discipline offer hundreds of solutions, but in folk wisdom its ideas are expressed most succinctly. “If you miss a minute, you will lose hours,” says one of the proverbs. What does this mean? Everyone has probably noticed how quickly time passes while shopping, talking on the phone, or simply surfing the Internet. It seems that all you have to do is visit the page social network, as it turns out, you’ve already been sitting there for several hours. The same is true for visiting stores in major cities. People spend precious weekends on them, spending days browsing shelves with an endless selection of products.

And sometimes even such a simple action as “drinking tea” is stretched out for half an hour instead of the allotted ten minutes. Other proverbs about time also warn people against such wasteful waste: “The day is passing - you can’t tie it by the fence”, “Time is not a bird - you can’t catch it by the tail.”

How to deal with temporary losses?

Here, again, you can open any manual on time management. Or you can listen to proverbs. “Know the value of minutes, the count of seconds,” says folk wisdom. Often proverbs about time reflect modern concepts time management. This, for example, is modern idea timekeeping: careful tracking of all time expenses. To use this time management tool, you just need to keep a notebook and throughout the day write down what hours of the current day were spent on.

There are also expressions that have come from time immemorial that can give hope to the desperate. For example, such a proverb is the following: “No matter how long the night is, the dawn will come.” Sometimes it seems that negative events in life will never end - the black streak never gives way to white. And usually a person stops noticing even the slightest good events in life when he finds himself under a pile of problems. But such a proverb can encourage and inspire hope. Indeed, the night seems longest before dawn - when it seems that the darkness will never recede.

What does the wisdom of other peoples say about time?

Proverbs about time are also very interesting different nations. For example, an analogue of the Russian proverb “Time heals” is the English Time cures all things - “Time heals all things (events).” And the British also like to say: Time is a great healer, - “Time is the greatest doctor.”

There are also analogues of Russian proverbs in German. For example, this is Besser spät als nie - “Better late than never.” Proverbs about time can warn about unnecessary actions and, conversely, warn a person against weak will and laziness.

The ancient Greeks said: “Idleness in youth means poverty in old age.” Proverbs about free time are also useful in this regard. For example, the well-known Russian proverb “There is time for business, but there is an hour for fun.” People who constantly waste precious minutes of their lives on unnecessary conversations, activities, and worries will never be able to return the lost days for the right thing. Therefore, by “fun” every adult can mean anything: gossip, worries, and wasting time watching TV.