The latest investigation of the deceased Ilona Novoselova and other secrets of the project “Psychics: Battle of the Strongest. TNT showed the latest investigation of Ilona Novoselova in the show “Psychics. Battle of the strongest Battle of psychics special issue about Elena Novoselova


" This episode attracted special attention fans of the show, because for Ilona Novoselova, one of the most bright participants"Battle", he became the last. Filming took place in the spring, and on June 13, 2017, Ilona died. During her last filming, Novoselova behaved defiantly and had a row with other project participants. The finalist of the seventh season of the “Battle of Psychics” was not shy in her expressions. Both the white witch Nicole Kuznetsova and the medium Alexander Sheps got it from the black witch.

The first to investigate was Nicole, who explained to the young widow whose husband had hanged himself and the women who came with her that there was a curse on their family. Kuznetsova was able to impress those who came to the show’s editorial office for help. However, then the women met Ilona. She told everything in great detail about Ian's death, down to what the guy who committed suicide was wearing, but then shocked the four women by declaring that Nicole and Sheps would not be able to lift the curse. Someone tried to stop Novoselova. film crew, since the psychic used obscene language and insulted Kuznetsova, but it was difficult to stop the witch. A girl from the film crew asked Ilona: “Let’s help people...” In response, the witch said: “I’ll help... I was just put on film with bastards, that’s why I’m evil...”

During the break, Ilona generally stated that her “colleagues in the magic workshop”, if they have any abilities, then they have dust, while she has everything. It turns out that from the very beginning of filming the witch had Bad mood, when she found out who she would have to film with: “No, well, this is absolutely outrageous! Sheps... I really hate him. And this redhead... What kind of stone did she climb out of?..” What was the reason for such hatred, Ilona did not say.

Ilona Novoselova staged the show “Psychics. Battle of the Strongest" scandal

Sheps responded to Novoselova’s negativity with a smile, and Nicole noted in bewilderment that she didn’t understand why it would get personal. By the way, Alexander, unlike Ilona and Nicole, told the women who came for help that there was no curse. And what the medium said, in the opinion of the mother and her daughters, was the most accurate. Moreover, after communicating with Sheps, everyone said that they felt much better.

By the way, viewers of the TNT channel will see another episode of the show “Psychics. Battle of the Strongest" in a week, September 9. Then the channel’s management decided to show a special show dedicated to Ilona Novoselova. The release date is set for September 16, 2017, right before the start of the 18th season of "Battle of Psychics".

Psychics are investigating, season 6, episode 12 (09/02/2017)

They went through the “Battle of Psychics” and emerged victorious. Now the competition is over. Harsh reality has set in. The best psychics all seasons are investigating real cases that law enforcement agencies are powerless to solve.

Psychics are investigating 2017 season 4 episode (16 09 2017)

The best participants in the show “Battle of Psychics” search for missing people, investigate mysterious murders and find out the true motives of the crimes. When the police are powerless, the relatives of the victims are in despair, and the most experienced investigators are at a dead end, people whose superpowers can shed light on the secrets of the past, present and future take on the case.

In this episode of the show “Psychics Are Investigating”: a special episode dedicated to one of the most unusual and amazing psychics who visited the show, Ilona Novoselova. We will remember the supernatural and high-profile investigations in which Ilona took part. We'll show you something that hasn't aired before. Let's reveal the secret of her sudden death. Ilona’s mother and boyfriend will talk about how the last minutes of the psychic’s life on earth passed and how this tragedy happened. We will tell you where the witch's ashes are buried and why relatives do not want to talk about it to strangers.

Psychics are investigating 2017 issue 09/16/2017 watch

Watch online Psychics are investigating 2017 all episodes on any mobile device(tablet, smartphone or phone). Regardless of the installed OS, be it Android or iOS on iPad or iPhone. Open the series on your phone or tablet and immediately watch online good quality HD 720 and absolutely free.

The finalist of the popular TV show “Battle of Psychics” Ilona Novoselova was found dead on June 13 at about 5 pm - a 30-year-old participant in the show fell from the window of the 6th floor of the house where she lived with her boyfriend. Ilona often called herself a “black witch.” In each episode of the “Battle of Psychics,” the girl happily caused damage and performed rituals in cemeteries. What is hidden behind the death of a popular psychic? Watch the episode Let Them Talk - Boomerang of Ilona Novoselova’s curses: what killed the psychic? 06/20/2017

Today in the “Let Them Talk” program we will discuss a number of questions: what price do people pay when they establish contact with otherworldly forces? What makes people go to magicians and psychics? Why does magic often not help the sorcerers and witches themselves? And what killed the sorceress from the “Battle of Psychics” Ilona Novoselova?

Let them talk - Boomerang of Ilona Novoselova’s curses: what killed the psychic?

In the studio of the talk show “Let Them Talk” is one of the famous magicians Vlad Kadoni. How did the man react to information in the media about the death of Ilona Novoselova?

“Unlike many people, I take this calmly, because I am sure that Ilona foresaw her death and spoke about it more than once. Recently, she posted a post on the social network Instagram where she threatened her ill-wishers, but all this is shocking, which is aimed at teenagers. I'm talking about serious things. She just chose a certain style in public. IN real life she took magic more seriously.

— They say that she has 5 apartments in Moscow, but this is the first time I’ve heard about it. I know that she had one apartment, which she earned money for. IN lately severe persecution began against her: people began to criticize her activities and question her psychic abilities.

- I'm not her friend at all. We have been at odds with her for over 6 years. But the man is gone and we must look at things objectively today.

Ilona Novoselova died, details of the tragedy in Let Them Talk

Elena Novoselova, Ilona’s mother, comes out to the Let Them Talk studio:

— We were together in the kitchen. Then I went into the room and heard a blow and a scream... She always told me that she would live a long time.

— It happened at 5 pm. Besides me, Artem, her boyfriend, was also in the apartment. They fought often. She was out of this world. At first she told the girls fortunes, but she began to succeed. Then I went to the “Battle of Psychics,” and they took her right away.

Guests of the program: deputy Vladimir Petrov, psychologist Dmitry Soroka, psychotherapist Vladimir Fainzilberg, magician Sergei Safronov, psychic from Ufa Irina Bogdanova, Ilona’s friends Rita Kim and Alex Petrova, boyfriend Artem, etc. Watch online for free the episode Let Them Talk - Boomerang of Curses by Ilona Novoselova: what killed the psychic?, broadcast on June 20, 2017 (06/20/2017).

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In the new special issue “Psychics Are Investigating” dated September 16, 2017, editors mystical show has prepared a program that will tell about what happened to Ilona Novoselova. Already now you can find out the secrets of the life and death of a witch and, together with the participants of the show, try to understand why one of the most powerful witches in all seasons died.

Ilona Novoselova was one of the strongest and brightest participants in the project. She was a finalist in season 7, but she failed to win - the prize went to Dmitry Volokhov.

But her real talent was revealed in numerous investigations of the “Battle of the Strongest”. She was often invited to broadcasts, and Ilona helped people a lot, but sometimes it was very difficult to work with her due to the specific nature of the witch.

Ilona's death on June 13 shocked the whole country, because the black witch jumped out of the window own apartment. For a long time, fans of the clairvoyant could not believe that she really committed suicide. As the relatives of the deceased and eyewitnesses said, on that day Ilona had a strong quarrel with her boyfriend Artem Besov, who planned to go home to Chelyabinsk. Obviously, Ilona wanted to scare him and climbed onto the window, but could not resist and fell.

Why did this happen to the strongest witch for all seasons? Psychics told why this could happen.

The difficult life of a black witch who foresaw her early death and played with dark forces, touched viewers to the depths of their souls. The releases of the “Battle of Psychics” will not be so bright without Ilona Novoselova!

Watch online Psychics are investigating special issue dated September 16, 2017

Battle the strongest psychics episode about Ilona Novoselova, season 6 (issue 114)

The television project “Battle of Psychics” gave viewers an acquaintance with many extraordinary and bright personalities. They are all very different, and attracting attention to themselves, they evoke mixed feelings.

One of these memorable and shocking participants in the project was Ilona Novoselova. This girl had a very demonic appearance. And her character really corresponded to ideas about witches.

Her appearance on the project made a strong impression on everyone. She either aroused admiration or sharp hostility. But it was impossible to be indifferent to her.

Special issue of the battle of psychics about Ilona Novoselova: an unpredictable witch on the project

Ilona Novoselova first came to the project in the sixth season of “Battle of Psychics.” She successfully passed all the tests and amazed even the famous skeptics of the Safronov brothers with her abilities. But after she became one of the participants, she unexpectedly decided to give it up.

But she returned next season. And this return became spectacular and memorable. She almost became the winner of the show. But second place is still second. And, despite the fact that Ilona tried to demonstrate her indifference, it was clear that the witch was hurt.

But participation in the project brought her popularity. She had many admirers and many ill-wishers. And this is precisely what one day brought a terrible event into her life.

This event was the kidnapping of Ilona for ransom. She had to spend three days as a hostage. For an already unbalanced girl, this was a very strong emotional blow. But even when everything was behind her, new challenges awaited her. Her abduction caused a very strong wave of discussion.

All the skeptical commentators reveled in the fact that such a powerful witch could not predict events in her own life. Journalists also arranged real hunt on witches

It got to the point that a police squad burst into her apartment. She was handcuffed, but no charges were ever brought against her. But these terrible few months shocked and turned the life of the witch upside down.

Special issue of the battle of psychics about Ilona Novoselova: the little girl inside the witch

Very often, when discussing and condemning someone's life, people do not think that behind the external aggressiveness and number of floors there may be hidden a very vulnerable and trembling soul. And this soul just wants to protect itself.

And Ilona, ​​who seemed rude and cynical, perhaps just wanted to hide the little girl inside herself. A girl who had a difficult childhood, who had many internal problems and fears. She tried her best to cope with it.

Her relatives and the psychics with whom she worked talk about this. And although many of them had to fully experience the power of her unpredictable emotions, they all say only good things about her.

The creators of the “Battle of Psychics” tried to convey all this to the audience. They dedicated a special issue to her. In this program, the viewer will be able to learn more about this interesting girl. Learn about her life and try to understand what led her to such a tragic end.

Special issue of the battle of psychics about Ilona Novoselova: reasons for her tragic departure

Death is always a tragedy. Death of a Thirty Years Old famous woman a tragedy that has attracted a lot of attention. There is a lot of gossip and speculation surrounding the life and death of Ilona Novoselova.

to his special issue The TNT channel not only honored the memory of one of the most prominent participants in the “Battle of Psychics” project, but also talked about her as a person.

After all, people who have extraordinary capabilities are not omnipotent monsters, but ordinary people. People who see and feel more and more acutely than others.

And this gift has a very high price. Helping some while punishing others is a very big responsibility. And often this responsibility becomes an unbearable burden. Which not everyone even has the extrasensory powers to cope with.