Wash the floors in a dream. In a dream, you wash the floors in someone else’s house, in your own, in the entrance, in your parents’ house, in a store. Dreaming of washing dirty floors in an old house


The image of cleaning, seen in night fantasies, always raises a lot of questions in dreamers, because this everyday activity in dreams is unnatural. However, the meaning of such a dream is very important. Why do you dream about washing floors? The answers are given by the dream book.

The image of cleaning, seen in night fantasies, always raises a lot of questions in dreamers

In most cases, the dream book gives a positive meaning to dreams, mainly in which there was cleaning.

But sometimes such dreams carry a warning for the dreamer. Here are some meanings of such dreams:

  1. If a person had to wash wooden floors in a dream, this means that in real life he will have financial difficulties. The dream book recommends using available money more rationally, otherwise it may run out and a person will lose his livelihood.
  2. Mine (I dreamed that I was washing the floors) - to peace. The dreamer will experience long-awaited peace in his soul.
  3. If a person dreams that he is walking on a slippery surface, he will face failure at work. If he slipped and fell, hurting himself, he might be fired from his job. Such a dream means the need to be more careful.
  4. Seeing someone else cleaning the floor means having a conflict with him in the future. If the action takes place at the dreamer’s work, then an ill-wisher clearly wants to cross his path.
  5. If people wash the floor covering, but nothing comes of it, this means that one of the dreamer’s family members (or he himself) will be sick for a long time. The more efforts people make to clean up, the more difficult it will be to recover from an illness.
  6. A washed floor in a dream symbolizes the dreamer’s peace of mind. His thoughts are transparent and his conscience is clear.
  7. Dirty floor coverings in dreams speak of troubles that a person will soon encounter. Dreams in which any contamination was present always have a negative interpretation. This is one of the most important dreams that should be given meaning.

If there was a lot of soap on the floor, this is good and fortunate.

Washing floors in a dream (video)

Why do you dream about washing floors in your own or someone else’s house, apartment, hospital, or at work?

  • If the dreamer dreamed that he was helping someone with wet cleaning of his house, he should expect quarrels with his loved ones. There is a high probability that the conflict will arise due to jealousy.
  • But a dream in which cleaning takes place in the dreamer’s house has a very good interpretation. If a person carefully rubs linoleum until it shines, he will receive a promotion. If the washing process takes place in the living room, his salary will be increased, and if in the bedroom, the dreamer will be in high spirits for a long time.

If the dreamer dreamed that he was helping someone with wet cleaning of his house - you should expect swearing with your loved ones

A dream in which a person is trying to clean the floor under a bed or sofa means that he will soon go on a trip.

  • Cleaning your apartment means living a life full of various events. And if the dreamer, in his nightly fantasies, decided to work as a cleaner and tidy up the apartment of a famous person, he can begin to prepare for starting a family. If he has not yet met his soulmate, then the likelihood that this will happen very soon is high.
  • Ease and ease in relationships with colleagues await those who clean the floors at work. If a person cleaned up well and was satisfied with the result, he will have a great vacation, perhaps he will go on vacation to the islands. Well, if during this process the dreamer was “caught” by his superiors, he won’t have to wait for a vacation.

If the dreamer has polished the flooring in the corridor of the work office, family harmony awaits him.

Getting rid of all ailments awaits the dreamer who washed the floors in the hospital. The meaning of such a dream is very symbolic: a person did a good deed for the temple of health and received goodness in return: he was cured.

Washing the floor with your hands in a dream: what does this mean?

  1. If a person has a dream in which he carefully washes the floor covering with his hands, this means that he will be able to put all his work and household affairs in order. The meaning of manual cleaning in dreams is symbolic: the dreamer makes efforts to achieve the desired result. Peace and comfort will reign in his home, his family members will be happy and contented.
  2. But if the dreamer observed dirty spots or stains after cleaning, there is a high probability that his significant other is having an affair.
  3. Using a mop during wet cleaning means taking part in some large-scale event. Perhaps the dreamer will receive an invitation to a wedding ceremony.

The meaning of manual cleaning in dreams is symbolic: the dreamer makes efforts to achieve the desired result

Washing the floor with a mop in a dream means making repairs in your house in reality.

Washing very dirty floors in a dream: what is this for?

  • If a person dreams of very dirty floors, this means that he will have a misunderstanding with his loved one. The dreamer's impulsive behavior during a conflict can lead to a break in the relationship. The dream book recommends behaving more restrainedly and not provoking your significant other to anger.
  • The water that was used in night dreams for cleaning is directly related to the dreamer’s financial affairs. If it was dirty, almost black, this is an alarming sign foreshadowing bankruptcy. However, this can be avoided if you use money more rationally.
  • A dream in which a person accidentally knocked over a bucket of dirty water promises him long-term financial difficulties.

If a person dreams of very dirty floors, this means that he will have a misunderstanding with his loved one

If the dreamer was twisting a dirty black rag in his dreams, this means that he will soon be asked to borrow a fairly large sum of money. Is it worth agreeing to this? The dream book advises paying attention to whether the entire floor in the room has been washed. If yes, you can borrow, since the money will return to the dreamer, possibly even with interest. If the cleaning was not completed, the person will not repay the debt.

Dream details about cleaning

  1. The dreamer is expected to move to a new place of residence if in his dream he was cleaning the floors in the entrance.
  2. Drying floor coverings in a toilet or bathroom means quarrels with work colleagues. Probably, several people at once, including the dreamer, will want to get a promotion. As a result, competition will arise between them.
  3. A person will have a positive attitude if a small child helped him finish the wet cleaning.
  4. If while washing the floors the dreamer finds a valuable stone, his most cherished wish will come true.

The dreamer is expected to move to a new place of residence if in his dream he was cleaning the floors in the entrance

What does this image mean in Loff’s dream book?

The human subconscious interprets the image of cleaning as family well-being. That is, when cleaning in a dream, a person feels comfortable with his family in reality.

  • A wet floor in dreams is a bad sign. It portends separation, quarrel and loneliness.
  • Anyone who, in their dreams, decided to repaint a previously washed floor should prepare for drastic life changes.
  • The desire to tidy up means a pleasant time with good people.
  • Someone decided to help the dreamer with washing the floors - the dreamer’s loved one may soon leave him.
  • The dreamer's family may face a serious threat if, in his night dreams, there is water left on the floor after cleaning.
  • Chopping or cutting a clean floor means ruining a relationship with one of your relatives.

Why do you dream about cleaning (video)

Timely turning to a dream book for an interpretation of your dream will help you prepare for upcoming events, as well as avoid making mistakes in the future.

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Decoding dreams in which floor washing took place most often boils down to the fact that your job position is about to change. And it will change upward.

Wash the floor in a dream- this is to be ready for career growth, and this event should be expected in the near future. In any case, this dream signals you about changes in life. It is important that the water was clean.

If washing the floors occurs in your home, then changes will happen to you; in addition to changes at work, these may be changes in your personal life.

Cleaning the floor in someone else's house

You washed the floor in someone else's house, such a dream means that your actions will lead to changes in the lives of other people on whom you have influence and are an authority.

Wash the floor at work in a dream

The floor that you washed in the dream was with you At work- this means you do not receive moral satisfaction from your activities, you can be a resigned performer, onto whom all the thankless work falls, although your employer is satisfied with this state of affairs.

If instead of washing you chose to sweep the floor, it follows from such a dream that you are not performing your duties well.

A woman had a dream

A woman’s dream like this symbolizes that she would like more comfort and warmth in the house, improved family relationships; you want spiritual closeness and trust with your household.

Not the whole floor, just a spot

If you do not wash the entire floor, but scrub a stain, including a bloody one, then this dream exposes you in insincerity, you are not pretending to be who you really are, you are trying to appear better.

A stranger was washing the floor

In your dream, someone else was washing the floor - be careful, intrigues are woven around you, and you may lose your place at work.

Wash a clean floor in a dream

In addition, you must remember that if you washed a clean floor in a dream, then such a dream is a good sign, while washing a dirty floor portends trouble or illness. , with which you washed the floor? It foretells troubles caused by colleagues out of envy; be careful, do not make mistakes, otherwise your career growth will not happen as quickly as you want.

In your home

Wash the floor in your house - to success in business. You will be very lucky in the business you are working on at this moment in time. It promises successful completion and good profits. The main thing is not to rush, try to conduct things measuredly and clearly so that there are no doubts during the work process.

At school

Floors in school - to promotion on the career ladder, significant success in study/work. This dream promises positive changes in the dreamer’s fate and predicts financial encouragement from his superiors and managers.

If you washed the floor in the entrance

Towards the emergence of desire improve your living conditions. Soon you will want to move to a new apartment or even a house and will start saving money for this purpose. Unfortunately, it is not destined to come true soon.

Floor in mother-in-law's house

See mother in law, with which you washed the floor - to the appearance in your life of a large number of unpleasant people from whom there will be no way to hide. You will be haunted by irritation and anger due to the intrusiveness and unscrupulousness of the environment that is constantly nearby.

Wash to the doorstep

At the threshold- such a dream says that now you need support. A lot of bad things happened in the past that I would like to forget and not remember about these troubles anymore. Although this is a negative experience, it will definitely serve its purpose when needed.

At a deceased grandmother's

They are waiting for you family conflicts. There will be a discord where, in fact, there will be no culprits, but at the same time each of the family members will harbor a grudge against the other. To prevent this from happening, all controversial situations must be clarified immediately, on the spot, without delay even for a day.

Outdoor floors

On the street- to grief, worries. A loved one will experience some kind of misfortune that will not leave you indifferent. You have to direct all your strength to help this friend, pay special attention to ensuring that he does not withdraw from communication.

Kitchen floor

On which the floor was washed - to quick changes in love relationships. You are about to meet a person who you will instantly fall in love. This passion will consume both of you completely, so much so that you will begin to lose your head and do unthinkable things for the sake of your lover.

If a dream has alarmed you in some way, you should not immediately get upset and panic; perhaps its interpretation has the opposite meaning.

Why dream of washing floors? It's worth looking into.

Why dream of washing floors - basic interpretation

Not everyone likes to clean. But what if you dreamed about how you washed the floors? What is the significance of such a dream? If you dream that you are washing the floors in the morning, what is the meaning of such a dream? It means your new beginning, a new business that you have long dreamed of.

But how to correctly and completely interpret a dream?

It is necessary to take into account all its details:

Do you wash the floors in your house?

Are they dirty?

Are you able to wash them?

Who else washes the floors with you;

How do you feel after cleaning?

If you wake up and experience inexplicable fear after a dream about how you wash floors, such a dream means that you are afraid to change something in your life. You are afraid to take responsibility for all possible changes. It’s easier for you to sit back, do nothing, but also not take risks.

Even if the risk is not justified, the dream book indicates that huge prospects will soon open up before you and if you don’t try now, don’t try your luck, you will regret it for a long time. A dream in which you wash the floors all night indicates the difficulty of making a decision. You will worry and doubt and will not be able to accept it.

Try to think ahead about all your future actions and don’t worry if something doesn’t work out for you, try again and again. A dream in which you wash the floor of blood speaks of some terrible events that will soon happen to you. Be prepared for difficulties.

If you dream that you are washing a wooden floor, such a dream suggests that in reality you will encounter a number of unforeseen circumstances and resistance. They will not be objective and dependent only on you. Such circumstances will directly depend on the influence of strangers on your life.

If you wash a wooden floor in a dream and after that it heaves, such a dream means that unexpected expenses will soon await you. Your wallet will be empty and you won't be able to do anything about it. You will try to minimize costs, but you will not be able to do this. Try to set aside some money in advance, which you can then spend on your own needs. Do not rush to purchase expensive valuables. Now you don't have the opportunity to spend that much money.

A dream in which you wash a concrete floor suggests that your hopes for a favorable combination of circumstances will not be crowned with success. You will really want a new development in your life, but it will not happen. Your hopes will be empty both in your personal life and in the professional sphere. You should not count on success in advance if you are cleaning a concrete floor from dirt after rain.

Traces that you washed away appear again? Then you should seriously think about whether you did the right thing with your loved ones. Someone is reaching out to you, someone wants love from you, constantly reminds you of yourself, but you always deny the person attention. The dream book says that you are acting recklessly and incorrectly. There is no need to bring resentment to the forefront. You need to learn to forgive, then unpleasant situations will stop bothering you.

If you wash the floor in a dream and it falls apart under your feet, cracks and holes appear in it - such a dream means that you will soon have troubles in your personal life. You will lose your support and hope, you may even stop enjoying life. But these difficulties will be temporary. Don't worry too much about them.

If in a dream you wash the floor with green water - such a dream speaks of stagnation in your affairs and no matter how much you want to change the situation - you will still face the same recurring problems. It is important not to retreat in front of them, not to be afraid of stagnation, but to use this time for good.

For example, you can effectively do something else while it's stagnant. It is important to understand that you have taken on too much and now you may not have time to deal with the accumulated matters.

A dream in which someone else is washing the floors means that someone else will take on responsibilities for something important to you. Don't worry about this. You do your job well. And if someone volunteered to help you, you can only thank the person.

A dream in which you are preparing equipment for cleaning the floor speaks of your preparation for something very important. You have long dreamed of realizing yourself in this business, and you have finally come close to solving this issue.

Try not to put off what you have planned if you are polishing the floor until it shines. Your decision will concern something new and unique. You will need this so much that you will happily decide to make every effort both to improve your financial situation and to improve your life in general.

Why dream of washing floors according to Freud’s dream book

Freud's dream book says that washing floors in a dream means worries and suffering regarding your personal life in reality. You are very worried about how your personal life will turn out. You practically don’t give yourself the opportunity to restore the relationship. It is difficult for you to live for someone if your floors are not washed in a dream.

You are most likely not ready to sacrifice personal time and space for the sake of someone else, which is why in your dream you get tired while mopping the floors. Seeing yourself washing the floors in a huge, luxurious house means a change in relationship to a more productive one. If you see that you are washing the floors in a shopping center, you should think about whether you value yourself and your relationships too much, perhaps you do not attach due importance to them.

A dream in which a man washes the floors for you means that in reality he will take care of you and show attention to you. But you should not abuse his attention and disposition towards you. It’s better to try to reciprocate, then the relationship will reach a new level.

If a pregnant woman dreams of washing the floors, such a dream means that she will suffer due to unrequited feelings. It may seem to her that no one loves, everyone has abandoned her, no one expects love from her and is not ready to give it to her. But in reality this is not the case. Everything in her life is still ahead.

Why dream of washing floors according to the Esoteric Dream Book

The Esoteric Dream Book says why you dream of washing floors. Such a dream means a streak of bad luck and failure. If you try to wipe the dirt off the floor, you will be denigrated and slandered. You will not be able to fully restore your reputation. You will have to prove your worth for a long time.

If you see that you are washing away some inscriptions from the floor, it is important to listen and take a closer look at the little things. They will make your life complete and beautiful. Try to be more attentive to your colleagues if in a dream you are washing floors at work. Such a dream speaks of possible troubles with them. They will create discomfort and trouble for you. A dream in which you wash floors with dirty water means that you will be fixated on the same issue for a long time. To understand it, it is important to look inside yourself.

If you see someone else washing the floors in your house, remember who it was. A lot in your life depends on this person. You will be increasingly inclined to believe that it was the influence of ill-wishers on your life that led to stagnation in business.

Why dream of washing floors according to other dream books

In Grishina’s dream book it is said that washing floors is a dream associated with indignation and hard work. Perhaps you yourself know where and what you were wrong, but you don’t want to admit it. Try not to contradict yourself so actively. The more you contradict and resist life, the more problems you will have. This is indicated by a dream in which you wash the floor too hard.

Aesop's dream book says that if you wash the floors of an unfamiliar woman, you are subconsciously afraid of betrayal. You are afraid that a loved one will betray you. And the sooner you stop being afraid, the faster you will get a healthy, cheerful relationship.

If in a dream you see yourself washing the floor in a cafe, in reality you will have such a good rest that you will have to be ashamed of your actions and words. Try to worry less about this and devote yourself more to work. Your results in your work will soon be colossal. Especially if you dreamed about how you washed the floors until they shine. Whatever the dream, listen to your intuition.

Sometimes we see dreams where we have to do housework: washing, cleaning, cooking.

Why do you dream about washing floors? What do dreams about this habitual activity mean?

Not always ordinary things in a dream mean nothing! If you remember the dream, if you experienced vivid emotions, be sure to remember all the nuances of the dream and decipher what you saw in the dream book!

Do house cleaning

If you dreamed that you were washing the floors in your apartment, expect pleasant events. Doing this in the kitchen means a new position; in the living room - for a bonus; in the bedroom - to a good mood.

If you wipe the linoleum, you yourself will achieve the desired result. Parquet flooring indicates that good friends will help you.

And if, in order to wash the floor, you removed the carpets, then an exciting journey awaits you, which you will remember for a long time.

  • Using a mop means a significant event in life.
  • Cleaning the house under the bed means a long road.
  • A very dirty floor in a dream means a misunderstanding in a relationship with a loved one.
  • Using a rag when cleaning means meeting an old friend.
  • If you can’t wash the stain, this means an interesting acquaintance.

If you wash the floor at home and fall under it, it means that in your heart you dream of a generous gentleman. And slipping while cleaning means falling unrequitedly in love.

If in a dream you saw footprints on a clean floor, then get ready to receive guests. And a floor that doesn’t dry out for a very long time indicates your reluctance to communicate with people.

Be a cleaner at work

Washing the floor around your workplace promises ease and ease in relationships with colleagues. And washing the entire room means quarrels and gossip.

If you volunteer to do the cleaning, then in reality you will have a fun vacation. And if your boss forced you, then you will have to work a lot during your vacation.

  • Cleaning up your former job means minor expenses.
  • Washing your boss means an expensive purchase.
  • Finding a jewel while washing means realizing your plans.
  • Spill water - to visit the doctor.
  • Cleaning the hallway at work means harmony and peace in the family.

Other dreams

If you dreamed that you were washing the floor in someone else’s house, get ready for a showdown with a loved one.

If the house you cleaned belongs to someone you know, then the conversation will not be long. And if the owner of the home is a person you don’t know, then you will spend a long time trying to sort things out and to no avail.

Washing the floors in the apartment of a famous person means being ready to start a family. If a celebrity pays you money for cleaning in a dream, then you will soon meet a worthy person.

And if you did it selflessly, then a marriage proposal will come to you from an unloved person.

  • Washing the floors on the train means moving to a new place of residence.
  • Cleaning the bathroom or toilet means competition at work.
  • Someone else's child helps you with cleaning - to get rid of negativity and anger.
  • If a mop breaks in a dream, it means repairs in the house.

As the dream book says, washing floors with dirty water means financial reward. And if you spilled this water in a dream, then you will quickly spend the money on useful things.

Clean, clear water after rinsing a dirty rag is a sign that you will soon be asked to borrow a large amount. If in a dream you wash the entire floor, then you can safely borrow money. If you were cleaning in a dream, be sure to remember where and how it happened. After all, the interpretation of dreams depends precisely on small, seemingly insignificant details. Author: Vera Drobnaya

Dream interpretation of washing floors in the house

Cleaning represents adjustment, the removal of everything that interferes with life, starting with a new leaf.

The significance of symbols in dreams

Dream solving is done on the basis of symbolism. After all, images are veiled signs of symbols that are sent from heaven. Why do you dream about washing the house?

What popular interpreters say

When interpreting dreams, some scientists start from comparing signs with dream images, while others base their reasoning on psychoanalysis of the dreamer’s characters. Let's look through the works of professionals.

Miller's Dream Book

For a person washing a floor in a dream, the dream foretells a successful career. However, one is destined to create it alone, observing numerous conventions, and unquestioningly obeying superiors. But in the end you will be satisfied morally and financially. Your career, rapidly developing, will change your life for the better.

If other people do this, and in bad faith, then you really don’t expect a prestigious position and decent financial reward for your work. In order to achieve this, we are destined to start everything from scratch. Moreover, double speed. The result will be amazing.

If you dream of washing the floor not in your apartment, there is a different interpretation. These are empty hopes of achieving a goal. The post that the sleeper planned to receive will be taken by a more successful colleague.

I dreamed of a dead man washing windows, dishes, and wiping dust in the house, which means the past will somehow touch your reality. You may have to pay off debts for it.

If you dreamed that the floors were washed

Vanga's Dream Book

The seer's opinion about dreams in which the plot involves washing the house echoes Miller's opinion. It predicts upward movement in the career field, subject to patience and leniency in relation to management's comments.

When, during wet cleaning of a house in a dream, the floor moves apart, forming a huge gap, this warns of ill-wishers seeking to interfere with the dreamer’s success.

As the dream book indicates, washing a house with dirty water means in reality bringing shame on yourself with your immoral actions.

Loff's Dream Book

The pastor believes that washing the floors in his chambers associates well-being with regard to the health of all household members. When the sleeper was about to wash it, and then changed his mind and swept it up instead, this signals unexpected news and an uninvited, very unpleasant, guest.

Why do you dream that before you wash it, you decide to paint the floors? This predicts global changes in your life. However, in which direction, you will understand by thinking logically. When everything was going well, a string of failures is likely to come. On the contrary, if it was bad, the desired success will come.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Washing dishes in dreams speaks of upcoming troubles regarding the holiday.

I dreamed that the deceased washed the windows and dishes with water alone, and they became even dirtier; this foreshadows illness.

Need details

When interpreting night vision, it is very important to take into account the substance from which the flooring is made, the location of the action and other nuances. Let's see why you dream of washing the floor covering in the following situations:

Why dream of washing a floor made of wood? This is evidence that in the sleeping family, relationships are based on respect and true love.

A washed stone covering in a dream will tell you about financial benefits. She dominates and determines the composition of the requirements of family ties.

When a smooth and polished parquet flooring was washed in a dream, it promises constancy for the family, an idyll in everything - inside and outside the house.

Shaky and dirty floor coverings accentuate the instability of the situation. The vision calls for reconsidering current problems and thinking about how to eliminate them.

Slippery flooring calls for vigilance. Do not rush to agree to proposals without making sure that they are factual.

Cracks in the covering warn of gaps in the connections between household members, due to which the happiness and peace of the family hearth may be destroyed, leaving behind only losses.

Why see the flooring in a dream being washed with a mop in someone else's house by hand? The dreamer will have to change his place of activity. But it’s not a fact that another place will be better. The work is voluminous, and the remuneration is not commensurate with these operating conditions.

It’s a bad sign when you dream about how the sleeper washes his hands. Because he prophesies shame and infamy, which, by the way, are deserved.

Be critical of your actions; you probably made a deliberate mistake somewhere.

What was this process like in the office? No need to worry. This is a sign indicating that the sleeper is in excellent standing with his superiors. They find you a valuable employee and ask about your promotion or salary increase.

You dreamed of a dead person washing dishes in the office; this indicates a person who secretly cares about your safety.

Washing dishes in the room from which the deceased was taken foreshadows litigation.

Did you dream of a dead man, who is alive in reality, washing dishes? This is a warning about your comrade being seriously poisoned. He will be on the verge of death. But the body will be strong and will overcome the disease.

Washing dishes at a party means taking on someone else's responsibilities.

If you also washed the dishes

If you dreamed about how the dreamer washed the floors in a cluttered apartment that was not his own, it meant cleaning up other people’s holes that would tarnish his reputation.

The meaning of dreams where you dreamed of cleaning a staircase guarantees a quick move to a new place of residence.

Why do we dream of a process in church premises? This reflects the desire of the sleeper to atone for sin and live righteously.

If a sleeper washes windows in a dream, it means he will be given insight. You will find a way out of the difficult current situation.

The sleeper washes clean windows, which means he will avoid losses.

The windows were plastic or plexiglass, which means the feelings of an intimate partner are false.

When the dreamer washes the flooring, she predicts success in business. If such a process is performed by another person, in a foreign place, it personifies your competitor, who is trying to discredit you in order to curry favor with management and take the warm place intended for you.

Additional details

Sometimes I have dreams, the scenarios of which do not appear very often during the hour of slumber. Although in reality these actions are quite standard and adequate.

Rare stories

Not in every source you will find details of interpretations of rare situations. But they also need interpretation.

  • The dream predicts trouble for those who have washed the clean flooring. The owner of the vision needs to wash gossip and chatter out of real life. The process will be gradual and will take enough time and physical effort. But the reputation will be revived, the gossips will be punished.
  • In the dream, the dreamer did not wash it alone. A friend soaps in pairs, this is a guarantee of sincere companionship. A man washes in pairs - to the desired meeting. But the meaning of such a dream has a nuance - when the flooring is hard, the partner will also become strong and reliable. But, if they were shaky, creaking, then the relationship, at one stage, will outlive its usefulness and become false. Be thorough, do not allow yourself to be humiliated. It makes more sense to leave first.
  • The wet cleaning performed by the deceased promises the return of the good name that you lost through stupidity in the eyes of your friends; the double meaning of a dream when a deceased person washes windows: firstly, you will inquire about your friend’s betrayal, and secondly, having understood the motive of his action, forgive him; if the deceased washed clean windows, this portends illness.

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