Why buy an icon in a dream? The mystery of the past dream. Why do you usually dream about an icon?


Deesis, centerpiece, folding, reliquary, Tablet, Banner, Tanka, Image, goalkeeper, arguer, wrangler

Icon in Freud's Dream Book:

  • If you dreamed of an icon, it means that you consider your relationship with your partner to be sinful, incorrect, and not the way it is “supposed” to be. Have you ever thought about what exactly they should be and why you should be guided by some rules when starting a relationship?
  • Interpretation in Esoteric dream book sleep icon:

  • With a dark, bad face - temptation. You think you are doing great things, but in reality you are indulging in personal pride and ambition.
  • With a good face - to good luck. You have been blessed by a higher power.
  • Faceless - you worship the “colossus with feet of clay”, change your priorities.
  • Why do you dream about the Icon? Ukrainian dream book?

  • If you dream of icons (images), then this is a good omen. Icons - angels. Icons, images are a treasure; image. A mother handing over an icon to her daughter in a dream means a wedding.
  • IN Modern dream book, if you dream about an Icon:

  • If you dreamed that you were standing in front of an icon of the Mother of God, then in reality you are not sure that you will have the strength to cope with all the hardships of life and provide your family with a decent existence. However, after such a dream everything should go smoothly. For the young women a dream in which she sees icons foreshadows an imminent marriage. If in a dream you see an icon come to life, then in real life you tend to believe in the supernatural and this belief sometimes helps you achieve your goals.
  • If you dream about an Icon? IN Loff's Dream Book:

  • Is the experience somehow related to icon images related to sacred or supernatural phenomena that took place in your life?
  • Dreams about icons often reflect either POWER or unity. You want to feel unity with the Universe, and icons are the right link to make this unity possible. Sometimes you may dream of a situation in which you need supernatural power to resolve a conflict. Icons in this case will serve as a guide or symbol of such power.
  • In your dream, do other people honor these icons or neglect them? How do you feel about this?
  • There are a huge number of icon images available to all people. The ones you find in your dreams will also be relevant to your life experiences. (For example, crucifix, full MOON, Star of David, Stonehenge, Buddha).
  • Interpretation of the dream Icon Azar's Dream Book:

  • icon - patience, prosperity, protection from temptation
  • Seeing an icon in a dream Lunar dream book:

    Icons - the coming temptation will be overcome.

    What does it mean to see an icon in a dream? Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus?

  • The icon is a symbol of spirituality, prophecy, repentance.
  • If in a dream you hold an icon in your hands, in reality you will receive the long-awaited news.
  • A dream in which you pray in front of an icon means that you pay too much attention to material problems and forget about spiritual ones.
  • A fallen icon is a symbol of a fatal mistake.
  • To see in a dream how you place a candle in front of an icon means to experience remorse due to past mistakes.
  • Seeing a crying icon in a dream is a bad omen.
  • What does an Icon mean in a dream? Vanga's dream book?

  • If you dreamed of icons in a church, then this means that your only salvation in difficult times will be faith, and even if you are not a very religious person, you will come to church like the prodigal son, and God will not turn away from you.
  • Removing icons from the wall - such a dream suggests that a crisis of faith will come when people stop living according to the laws of God, and this will cost them dearly, they will punish themselves.
  • Seeing icons in a house in a dream - such a dream predicts that a religious conflict will break out in your country, resulting in casualties and great damage. It will take years for peace to be restored.
  • Icon in a dream The newest dream book:

  • To the blessing of a good civic act.
  • Seeing an icon in a dream. IN Tsvetkov's Dream Book:

    What does Icon mean? Noble dream book:

  • Seeing an icon means joy / removal from temptation / remembering the sin.
  • Seeing an Icon in a dream. IN Schiller's Dream Book:

  • tolerate.
  • What does the Icon mean? Dream Book of the Wanderer:

  • Icon – help, protection.
  • What does an Icon mean in a dream, in Old Russian dream book?

  • well-being, protection from temptation.
  • Modern dream book

    Why do you dream about an icon:

    An icon seen in a dream foreshadows favorable opportunities for establishing relationships with the right people and establishing business contacts. You will be able to benefit from the business you have started under the most difficult circumstances.
    If you dream that you are praying in front of an icon, your business partners will offer you support.
    Buying an icon in a dream foretells that your friends will refuse to help you. You may lose your job or family through your own fault.
    If you look at an icon in a church, you will soon make the right choice.
    For a young girl, such a dream promises a successful marriage. She will never regret that she married this man.

    Loff's Dream Book

    Seeing an icon in a dream means:

    Dreams about icons often reflect either POWER or unity. You want to feel unity with the Universe, and icons are the right link to make this unity possible. Sometimes you may dream of a situation in which you need supernatural power to resolve a conflict. Icons in this case will serve as a guide or symbol of such power.
    There are a huge number of icon images available to all people. The ones you find in your dreams will also be relevant to your life experiences. (For example, crucifix, full MOON, Star of David, Stonehenge, Buddha).
    Is the experience somehow related to icon images related to sacred or supernatural phenomena that took place in your life?
    In your dream, do other people honor these icons or neglect them? How do you feel about this?

    Vanga's Dream Book

    A dream with an icon in the dream book is interpreted as:

    Seeing icons in a house in a dream - such a dream predicts that a religious conflict will break out in your country, resulting in casualties and great damage. It will take years for peace to be restored.
    Removing icons from the wall - such a dream suggests that a crisis of faith will come when people stop living according to the laws of God, and this will cost them dearly, they will punish themselves.
    If you dreamed of icons in a church, then this means that your only salvation in difficult times will be faith, and even if you are not a very religious person, you will come to church like the prodigal son, and God will not turn away from you.

    Dream book of the 21st century

    Dreaming with an icon means:

    Seeing an icon in a dream is a good sign; the dream promises you good health, family well-being, and good luck in work.
    The appearance of an icon in a dream means that providence is watching you and it depends on you which path to follow - goodness and blessings, or vice versa.
    Seeing many icons in a dream means fun; falling to an icon in a dream means joy; seeing yourself praying with prostrations to the ground means possible loss in the house; those praying on their knees - to the fulfillment of desires; if a mother gives icons to her daughter - for the wedding.

    Wanderer's Dream Book

    Meaning of sleep icon:

    Small dream book

    What does it mean if you dream about an icon:

    If you dreamed that you were standing in front of an icon of the Mother of God, then in reality you are not sure that you will have the strength to cope with all the hardships of life and provide your family with a decent existence. However, after such a dream everything should go smoothly. For a young woman, a dream in which she sees icons foreshadows an imminent marriage. If in a dream you see an icon come to life, then in real life you tend to believe in the supernatural and this belief sometimes helps you achieve your goals.

    Old Russian dream book

    What can an icon mean in a dream:

    Miller's Dream Book

    An icon in a dream means:

    Seeing - favorable opportunities for establishing relationships with the right people, for establishing business contacts; under the most difficult circumstances, you will be able to benefit from the business you have started;
    pray in front of the icon - your business partners will offer you support;
    buy - your friends will refuse to help you, you may lose your job or family through your own fault;
    look at the icon in the church - you will soon make the right choice;
    for a young girl - a successful marriage; you will never regret that you married this particular person.
    Also see Prayer, Church.

    Ukrainian dream book

    If you dream about an icon, it means:

    Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

    ABC of dream interpretation

    Icon in a dream from dream book of Nostradamus

    The icon is a symbol of spirituality, prophecy, repentance.
    A dream in which you pray in front of an icon means that you pay too much attention to material problems and forget about spiritual ones.
    Seeing a crying icon in a dream is a bad omen.
    If in a dream you hold an icon in your hands, in reality you will receive the long-awaited news.
    To see in a dream how you place a candle in front of an icon means to experience remorse due to past mistakes.
    A fallen icon is a symbol of a fatal mistake.

    Icon in a dream from Correct dream book

    Icon in a dream from Dream Interpretation by Grishina

    Icon in a dream from Dream Interpretation for a Bitch

    Icon in a dream from Dream Interpretation for a Bitch

    Icon in a dream from Esoteric dream book

    With a good face - to good luck. You have been blessed by a higher power. With a dark, bad face - temptation. You think you are doing great things, but in reality you are indulging in personal pride and ambition. Faceless - you worship the “colossus with feet of clay”, change your priorities.

    Icon in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

    It is probably not surprising if a believer dreams of holy images. But why does someone dream of an icon who rarely goes to church even on major holidays for everyday worries? Dream books say that holy images are a sign of the protection and patronage of heaven, and it is not by chance that they appear in our dreams.

    If a person goes to church, he cares which saint he prays to. Also, an icon in a dream can show the sleeper different images, on which the interpretation of the dream will depend. To understand what your vision symbolizes, it’s worth remembering its details:

    • What kind of image did you see in your dreams?
    • In what condition?
    • Where exactly did you see this cult object?
    • What happened in your dream with the man-made face of the saint?
    • What actions did you take yourself?

    If you do not remember these details, but only remember that you had to see an icon in a dream, dream books say that this is a favorable sign. As interpreted, for example, by the Modern Dream Book, an icon in a dream promises successful development of affairs even in very difficult circumstances. This symbol also promises acquaintance with the right people and their patronage.

    Holy Family and other images

    If you dreamed of an icon of the Mother of God, the vision suggests that in reality you need the support and help of friends and relatives. The image of the Virgin Mary in a dream suggests that you are not too confident in your abilities, although in reality you can accomplish much more than you currently have to your credit.

    You may also dream of the painted face of the Mother of God when fate gives you a sign: right now you will succeed, so don’t be afraid of anything and act. Even if things are not going well for you now, the image of the Mother of God appears to inspire further action - you have enough strength to cope with all sorts of obstacles. The face of the Virgin Mary and Child, dreamed by a girl or young woman, foreshadows an imminent marriage.

    Why do you dream about an icon with the image of Jesus Christ? Such an icon, says the Noble Dream Book, is an omen: right now you can do what you want. But, having seen the image of Jesus Christ in a dream, it is worth remembering that for all your actions you will be rewarded quite quickly, and therefore you should think about what exactly your desires are to fulfill.

    According to the Universal Dream Book, icons with the image of Jesus Christ are dreamed of when a person is haunted by various troubles in reality, to suggest: you should not lose heart, it is within your power to correct the situation. Also, the face of Jesus Christ can appear in a dream to remind of some not the best deeds in a person’s life, to urge to correct the consequences of the dreamer’s own indiscretion.

    Business success, upcoming success and reward for honest work - this is what the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker dreams about. Also, the image of Nicholas the Wonderworker foreshadows family well-being and favorable circumstances in life - after all, in life it is believed that this saint patronizes those who work honestly.

    Travelers also pray for the patronage of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. This means that your path after the dream in which you saw St. Nicholas the Wonderworker will be successful and calm. You can safely hit the road.

    If in a dream the icon bore the image of the Matrona of Moscow, fate tells you that you are her darling and have recently escaped great danger. The image of Matrona suggests that you need to be grateful for what you have.

    Also, a sick person may dream of the face of Matrona of Moscow to inform him of a speedy recovery. For a young married woman, such a dream means an early pregnancy. As a rule, they ask Saint Matrona for health and family well-being, and in a dream her image also symbolizes positive progress in these directions.

    Images of other saints are dreamed of when a person himself will have to turn to an influential person for help in order to successfully complete a task. The faces of saints are a favorable sign: they promise that the sleeper will be able to enlist such support.

    At home and in church

    If icons in a dream are in, and you know for sure that they are not there, such a vision, according to Vanga’s dream book, suggests that you should be more tolerant of other people’s views. Otherwise, serious conflicts cannot be ruled out. But if there is a desire to find a compromise and establish at least a “bad peace”, which, as we know, is better than a “good quarrel”, then the conflict will be overcome - albeit not immediately.

    You dream of icons that you remove from the wall in your house - this symbolizes that this is a difficult stage in your life. You have stopped believing in your previous ideals, and have not yet found new ones. A dream about icons in the house says that you have serious spiritual work to do, but at the same time you will be accompanied by peace and harmony in the family - in order not to destroy the harmony, you do not need to refuse the support of loved ones.

    If a board with the image of a saint has fallen in your vision, such a dream urges you to be more careful: perhaps you are already guessing that someone from your environment may not be entirely honest towards you. And the sleeper should be prepared for such a development of events. An icon fell in a man’s dream - he should make an effort to take control of the situation.

    A prophetic dream is considered to be a vision in which the painted face of a saint tells the dreamer something. The words spoken can be a very important message that will have an impact on your life. When the icon in your dream is lit, this is a sign: the probability of a serious mistake is very high, you must be extremely careful not to make it.

    If you dream of icons in front of which you pray or kiss, this is a favorable sign. Such a dream indicates that you are behaving correctly and fate is protecting you. If at the same time the images of saints glow from within, the dream foretells that in reality you will avoid a great temptation. If a daughter dreams that her mother is giving her an icon, this means a quick marriage.

    / Dream Interpretation, dream about an icon.

    An icon is a religious symbol with which people can turn to heavenly patrons. Prayer before images establishes a connection between man and God. Why do you dream about an icon? It is believed that such a dream communicates the need for moral purification. Moreover, both a believer and a convinced atheist can see a sacred image in a dream. The icon also represents hope for the best: we must remember that higher powers protect us, and not fall into despair even in the face of the most terrible suffering.

    Miller's Dream Book: I dreamed about an icon

    • According to the psychologist, a dreamed religious image indicates that fate favors concluding new business contracts, as well as establishing friendly ties with the right people. This is indeed a very good time to advance in business, since even the most difficult circumstances will not be able to prevent you from increasing profits and benefiting.
    • If a person prays in front of an icon in a dream, then his partners will support him in his entrepreneurial activities.
    • A bad sign is buying a prayer icon in a dream. In reality, friends will refuse to help the sleeping person when he turns to them. As a result, the dreamer may lose his job. Failures also await in your personal life: separation from your family is possible.
    • When you dream of an icon in a church, this is a hint from above that the dreamer has made the right choice. If a young lady sees such a dream, then in the near future she will get married, and the marriage will be happy.

    Why do you dream about an icon according to Vanga’s dream book?

    The fortuneteller believes that the dream about the primordial predicts the onset of difficult times. So, if in a dream the sleeper sees an icon in his own home, this is an indicator that a conflict on religious grounds will occur in the country. It will end badly: there will be many casualties, and the economy will decline. It will take years to restore peace in the state.
    Seeing yourself in a dream removing icons from the wall is a sign that a crisis of faith will occur when the inhabitants of the Earth cease to obey the will of God and observe the laws of the Creator. Such disobedience will cost dearly: people will punish themselves.
    Dreaming of icons in the walls of a church foretells that for someone sleeping in difficult times, the only salvation will be faith. And although the dreamer does not consider himself a religious person, he, like the prodigal son, will return to church and ask the Lord for help, and he will not turn away.

    Freud's dream book: a dream about icons

    The psychologist even interprets the prayer image, focusing on the sexual sphere. In his opinion, if a person dreams of an icon, then in life he suffers because of his love relationships, because he considers them wrong and sinful. In such a situation, Uncle Freud advises to calm down and stop worrying, because there are no rules that people should follow when entering into a relationship, which means any union has the right to exist.

    Dreaming icon according to the dream book of Nostradamus

    According to the astrologer, the prayer image is a symbol of repentance and spirituality.

    • A dreamed myrrh-streaming icon does not promise anything good, but foreshadows a worldwide catastrophe and the death of hundreds of thousands of inhabitants of the planet.
    • If a person sleeping in a dream prays to a holy image, then in reality he is too concerned about his financial well-being and completely forgets about spirituality.
    • Holding an icon in your hands in a dream means good news.
    • When the dreamer sees himself in church lighting candles in front of the image of the Mother of God, this is a symbol of repentance and remorse.
    • To see an icon falling to the floor in a dream means making a fatal mistake.

    The dream book interprets the appearance of an icon in your dream as a good sign. Your wishes will come true, and the implementation of the plans you have set for yourself will be simple and pleasant. It is considered particularly lucky to see an icon streaming myrrh in a dream. After such a dream, you should definitely start making your wildest dreams come true.

    Be careful if in a dream you burned or desecrated icons. Such a dream is intended to alert you - your enemies are weaving intrigues and spreading rumors among your loved ones and relatives. If in a dream an image on an icon spoke to you, then you should pay close attention to this dream - the words can be both a warning and a parting word for you.

    If you see an icon come to life during a dream, then most likely in reality you are inclined to believe in the supernatural, and such a religion sometimes helps you achieve your goals.

    Lighting a candle or lamp in front of an icon in a dream means you will have to endure poverty and humiliation.

    Seeing many icons at once during sleep means that in real life you will experience fun with your family.

    If you dream that you are standing in front of an icon of the Mother of God, then in real life you are not sure that you will have the strength to overcome all life’s problems and provide your family with a decent life. But after such a dream everything should go smoothly.

    A dream where you see an icon is a symbol of providence, which will put you to the test, whether you will choose a dishonest lifestyle that promises you material benefits, or whether you will prefer a clear conscience to easy money.

    If you look at an icon in a church, you will soon make the right choice. For a young girl, such a dream promises a successful marriage. She will never regret that she married this man.

    An icon is a symbol of a person’s spiritual life. Why do you dream about icons? Such dreams may be a subconscious reflection of faith in the future, attempts to find the necessary information that you lack in order to decide to take this or that step. A dream book will help you understand the meaning of such dreams in more detail.

    An icon in a dream can mean help from higher powers, admiration for them. Such dreams come to a person in the most difficult moments of life, when he loses faith in himself and his strength. It is of great importance which icon you saw in your night dreams:

    • The Seven Shot icon is a sign that in reality you have stepped on a dangerous path. Your thoughts of revenge and possible bad deeds will lead to dire consequences. Before it’s too late, get rid of evil thoughts, and your life will improve;
    • The icon of the Savior is a symbol of the fact that you have committed a wrong act and are aware of it. You are tormented by remorse. To find peace of mind, you need to repent of what you have done and free your soul from negativity;
    • inverted icons - to serious illnesses, fatal mistakes or death;
    • a broken icon is a symbol of the fact that you have turned away from your true path;
    • burning icon - to adversity, trials and troubles on your life path;
    • an ancient icon is a symbol of the fact that you need the help of your blood relatives;
    • gold icons are a symbol that you have strong faith that will help you cope with all adversity;
    • The icon of the Kazan Mother of God is a sign of a fateful meeting for single women, a happy marriage for those who are getting married, and a new addition to the family for married people.

    The meaning of the dream also changes depending on what you did with the icon in the dream:

    • they gave you an icon - a symbol of the fact that you will soon have to help your loved ones;
    • wiping icons - to the opportunity to correct your mistakes;
    • finding an icon is a symbol of the fact that you are in too much of a hurry. Stop, and you can achieve what you want and solve all your problems;
    • hiding an icon is a sign that you are losing faith or are ashamed of your religious views;
    • kissing an icon means great luck, the fulfillment of your desires, the acquisition of benefits that you so desperately needed;
    • holding an icon in your hands means a near solution to your problems. Soon you will receive advice that will help correct the current situation.

    Icons in a dream that were in your house promise you misfortunes on a large scale. If you dreamed of an icon in the sky, then soon chaos and turmoil, difficult times await you. If you dreamed of icons in water, then soon changes will occur in your life, for which you asked for higher powers.

    Interpretation of different dream books

    According to Miller's dream book

    This dream book offers several interpretations of dreams with icons:

    • kneeling in front of the icon is a symbol of the fact that in reality you have practically lost your strength; you do not have the patience to cope with the troubles that have arisen in life. You should ask your family and friends for help, because you won’t be able to cope without them;
    • seeing the icon of the Mother of God means a happy marriage and a strong family;
    • a crying icon is a symbol of your faith in something supernatural, in a higher power.

    According to the dream book of Nostradamus

    This dream book interprets the appearance of an icon in a dream as identification with the spiritual state of the dreamer, his views on life, possible repentance or faith in a better future. If in a dream you prayed to an icon, then in reality you forget about your soul, strive only for material values, forgetting about spiritual development.

    A myrrh-streaming icon in a dream is a bad symbol that predicts some kind of global catastrophe, the death of people. If you held an icon in your hands in a dream, then soon you will receive good and good news. Icons together with candles in night dreams mean remorse and repentance.

    According to Vanga's dream book

    The famous seer interpreted the image of the icon in dreams as a warning that a conflict on a national scale was brewing among people. The dream represents a crisis of faith among all humanity, the destruction of temples in the future, and the suffering of many people.

    If in a dream you stood in front of the images and read a prayer, then everything in your life is natural and in the most difficult times your faith will save you. A dream with icons can also tell the dreamer about the feeling of guilt that he is tormented by in reality. You should overcome your fear and admit your mistakes and repent of them. Then your destiny will change for the better.

    According to Loff's dream book

    This dream book has several interpretations of dreams with icons:

    • a large icon is a symbol of the swinging scales between spirituality and material values. You should think about what matters most in your life. Perhaps you are too fixated on material goods and forget about more important feelings: compassion, sincerity, helping loved ones, love, and so on.

    According to the dream book Juno

    This dream book presents several options for the meanings of dreams with icons:

    • an icon in a church is a sign that in a certain situation you have reached a dead end, but you will soon be able to find the right way out;
    • finding an icon is a symbol of the fact that there are true friends in your life who will always come to you in difficult times;
    • a large icon - to great joy in the family, good events;
    • kissing icons in church is a symbol of the fact that you are a strong-willed person who can withstand any temptations and difficulties in life;
    • selling icons is a sign that you are forgetting about your values, succumbing to the temptations of material wealth;
    • an inverted icon - to misfortunes and troubles in the future;
    • a broken icon means illness or death of people close to you.