Why do I like to read fairy tales? Why do I love fairy tales? Essay on the topic I love fairy tales because they


A man who believes in fairy tales

one day he falls into it because he has a heart.

S. Korolev

What do Russian folk tales teach us?

What books are read to children almost from the cradle? These are, of course, fairy tales - smart, kind and funny. And the choice is not accidental. It is in fairy tales that the main principle of existence is laid down: good is always stronger than evil. Good will win, but the path to this victory is not easy. But, no matter what, you need to believe in yourself and your strength.

The beauty of Russian folk tales is also that this meaning does not lie on the surface. Everything is allegorical, allegorical. Like Pushkin: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!” Growing up, we reread fairy tales, and each time we get something new: a new vision, a new shade of feelings and emotions.

A fairy tale is a special type of oral folk art. They came to us from the distant past. This is how our ancestors expressed their attitude to reality, to the world around them, and tried to explain the main laws of life. Reality changed, fairy tales changed, but the main meaning always remained: unbridled faith in goodness, in the strength of spirit, in love.

Conventionally, Russian folk tales are divided into three groups: everyday tales, tales about animals and fairy tales. And each has its own characteristics. Households, for example, teach that happiness is not measured in money. And real happiness is family, work, love. It is no coincidence that a poor peasant is always smarter and happier than a rich master.

Tales about animals are a real chronicle of human relationships. Each animal is endowed with special features. The bear is always good-natured and strong, the wolf is strong, but stupid and rude, the fox is the embodiment of female cunning and resourcefulness, the hare is “their guy,” but is cowardly and defenseless. How often in everyday life we ​​are surrounded by such “hares” and “foxes”, “wolves” and “bears”!

As for fairy tales, this is a huge layer of poetic embodiment of the most important law of life: good always triumphs over evil. Heroes are traditional: the main character is necessarily smart, strong and brave, the heroine is certainly a beauty and a needlewoman. And they are opposed by a whole “army of evil”: Baba Yaga, Koschey the Immortal, Dashing One-Eyed, Serpent Gorynych, Swamp Kikimora. But the main character will always win because he is brave and generous, because he is ready to sacrifice himself. The path to victory is not easy. The hero must overcome the “test”.

For example, in the fairy tale “The Frog Princess,” the main character sets out on a long and difficult journey to save his bride. In the fairy tale "Morozko", poor Nastenka was destined to freeze in a deep forest, but her kindness and sacrifice were rewarded. And this is, perhaps, the most important lesson that we learn from fairy tales: those who are not lazy, who are kind to others and are ready to fight for their happiness will be happy in life.

Fairy tales are also a magnificent embodiment of the true poetry of Russian speech. A. S. Pushkin wrote: “What a delight these fairy tales are! Each is a poem.” It is no coincidence that so many poets and writers, musicians and artists turned to this source of wisdom and purity, melodiousness and beauty. Reading fairy tales, we become familiar with the great Russian word, the culture of speech, and the wise folk experience.

Thus, fairy tales are a huge world, with its laws and customs, it is a powerful layer of folk culture, in which the age-old wisdom of the people is embodied. Fairy tales teach us goodness and humanity, teach us to be strong, brave, teach us to believe that evil will definitely be punished and good will win. For us, people of the 21st century, a fairy tale is not only a “legend of deep antiquity,” but also a kind mentor, a wise educator. I believe that if adults read Russian folk tales more often, the world will become a much kinder place.

Everyone loves fairy tales. It doesn’t matter how old you are, whether you’re a boy or a girl, what you’re wearing or where you live. But a fairy tale is something that came to you at such an early age, when perhaps you didn’t even remember yourself. And your mother has already told you fairy tales. Or grandma.

About a bun and two stupid mice. About a simple-minded and cunning fox. About the turnip and the straw bull. And then, growing up, you taught yourself to read, and sat up in the evenings reading stories about the seven underground kings or the little girl Ellie, who fought with evil sorceresses. A fairy tale is something that will stay with you throughout your life.

And here's what's interesting. Fairy tales (legends) have existed since time immemorial, as soon as man learned to speak and human speech appeared. Hundreds of centuries ago, even when there was not a single book on the entire planet, but people already knew how to speak, every mother told her baby a fairy tale. After all, fairy tales are different. Now thousands of authors write stories and publish interesting books with colorful illustrations. And before, stories were retold, “told” - that’s why “skaz”, “legend”, “fairy tale”. They passed from mouth to mouth, acquired new details, improved, and were passed on from generation to generation.

We all love fairy tales, because a fairy tale is magic, a miracle. A fairy tale is a victory of good over evil. Magic stories in which fictional characters live, which means they can be endowed with any character traits and abilities. These can be people, animals, and even incredible creatures from human fantasy.

Almost all fairy tales end well, and in them good always triumphs over evil.
In a fairy tale, you can feel like a beautiful princess or a brave knight, you can invent the country of Frukland and meet the charming Alf. In a fairy tale, something happens that would never happen in life. In fairy tales, all dreams and fantasies come true.

So many fairy tales, even those that live among us now, have no author. Because they were composed by many people, even entire generations of people, over many centuries. So many fairy tales have existed for hundreds, thousands of years. Moreover, many fairy tales are based on events that actually happened. The storytellers simply added something of their own, new, fictitious details to these stories. If we compare the tales of many nations, we will find a lot in common, even if the people who wrote these stories lived on different continents. And this suggests that all people on Earth have a lot in common. They dream of the same thing: that in life good will always triumph over evil and there will always be a place for real miracles.

Why do we love fairy tales? The answer to this question is very simple. Our ordinary reality lacks miracles and magic. In pursuit of material values, we drown in routine, begin to slowly go crazy from monotony, constantly experience stress and dream of escaping for at least an hour to a place where fantasy can paint a world different from the usual one, where dreams come true, and good certainly triumphs over evil.

However, all this applies mainly to adult readers - fantasy fans. If we talk about children, then miracles and magic are as real for them as another deadline at work or a morning traffic jam is for us. They not only believe in them, they are convinced that the world is woven from magic. And fairy tales confirm this confidence. Therefore, reading fairy tales for children is not escapism at all (an attempt to escape from reality into a fictional universe). This is a continuation of what they see around them. And the task of a modern storyteller is to make sure that, on the one hand, the dream is not killed, and on the other hand, to fill his work with realism: eternal values, real rules, understanding of current events, and a description of the surrounding reality. In a word, you need to combine business with pleasure, and in no case should you violate the correct proportions between the main ingredients. After all, if there is too much reality, the fairy tale will lose its magic. If it is not enough, the work will turn out to be empty and will lose its main meaning: to teach and pass on accumulated experience from one generation to another.

Fairy tales appeared long before modern civilization. Once upon a time, ancient people told them to each other around the fire, often composing them on the go. In an allegorical manner, they shared their observations, conclusions, and mistakes. In this way, the kids had fun and learned their first life lessons, which are perhaps more important than all school activities combined. Fairy tales contain not only entertaining and educational components, but also an educational base. They are bright, beautiful and are stored in memory along with all the morality that they contain. And our ancestors understood this very well.

The traditions were continued by the author's stories. Over time, the world and the problems that the storytellers addressed changed. It should be noted that works from the past often seem gloomy to contemporaries, and the ideas expressed in them can traumatize the psyche of prosperous children of the twenty-first century. Therefore, very often classic books are modified, abridged and even rewritten. Is this correct? A question whose answer can be debated for a very long time. But if you want to avoid controversy and read an original book to your children, it would be safer to take the work of a modern writer who understands our realities and the mental characteristics of girls and boys of the new generation.

An author whose work deserves close attention is Natalia Mosina. Her book “How Katenka and Mashenka went into a fairy tale,” which was published in May of this year by the Union of Writers publishing house, is very sweet, kind, and magical. It is full of magic and adventure, there is a dream to strive for, and hope that leads forward, like a saving light of a lighthouse in the night. The characters turned out to be charming and similar to young readers. They know how to love, make friends, and have respect for elders. Natalia Mosina presents the highest human values, tested by time, to the public. And at the same time, her work is dynamic and colorful in modern traditions.

What is this book about? About two sisters who loved to listen to fairy tales. And then one day they themselves decided to find the way to the world of miracles, the door to which does not open to everyone. They met a good fairy, met a wise Storyteller and went to their own Fairy Tale, where discoveries, adventures and, of course, danger await them.

Buy the book for children “How Katenka and Mashenka went to a fairy tale” in the online stores “#Book” and “Book for Children”.

The wonderful world of a fairy tale... I remember well when my grandmother, still very little, invited me to him with her gentle voice. And I traveled through that beautiful and unique world. I imagined myself in the place of the main character or next to him. I rooted for Vasilisa the Wise, admired the beauty of Lyudmila and the courage of Ruslan, as well as the fairy-tale cat who walked along the chain. And this is probably why I respect my grandmother’s mischievous black cat, believing that he is from A. Pushkin’s fairy tale. And it’s a gift that the cat doesn’t walk on a chain at all, but walks on its own. And the boys who surround me do not always behave like knights.

For example, in the famous fairy tale “Cinderella,” the girl was always offended by her stepmother and sisters. Between the hard work and daily hassles, she never dreamed of happiness. But for her kind heart and patience, Cinderella received a reward that we all know about.

And in the fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty,” the stepmother-queen was very beautiful. However, she constantly sought to harm her stepdaughter. Therefore, while reading the fairy tale, I did not perceive the beauty of the queen. It seemed to me that it would suit her to be an old nun, which she temporarily turned into for the sake of evil.

Many such examples can be given. Reading fairy tales, I learn to recognize cruelty, selfishness under the guise of servility, to distinguish between good and evil. After all, each of us will have to face all this in life. Therefore, let us be armed thanks to the wisdom, goodness and beauty of the fairy tale.

Let's remember our first stories, which we, of course, loved very much in childhood and love even now. These are fairy tales. Every fairy tale always teaches us something. Using the example of heroes, we understand what we can do and what we shouldn’t do. It doesn't matter what you look like or what you're wearing. Are you a boy or a girl?

The fairy tale came to each of us at a very early age, when we ourselves could not read at all. Getting ready for bed, we asked our mother, grandmother or father, and indeed any relatives to read them to us, a story about a kolobok or about animals that lived in the little house. We love fairy tales because they contain miracles and magic. She teaches us to be kind and shows by example the victory of good over evil. Many stories don’t even have an author, but nevertheless we love them for some special moment that we remember.

Fairy tales by famous authors are no less interesting. The writer wrote from the heart and wanted to convey his fictional story on paper, and then convey to the reader his feelings, thoughts, and the whole wonderful plot that he himself invented. We love fairy tales mainly, of course, because they gave us a wonderful childhood and taught us to believe in magic and miracles. Perhaps any of us, having learned to read, read fairy tales. Hence the conclusion that a fairy tale is our childhood and that’s why we love it.

Essay on the topic I love fairy tales because they...

Every person has read fairy tales at some point. Someone has one beloved, who at 10 years old and at 30 and at 40 remains her. Our parents read them to us, trying to put us to bed, later we read them ourselves in order to return to that wonderful time, and now we simply re-read our favorite works with childish joy.

Fairy tales are a world where goodness and peace reign. By reading such literature, you can immerse yourself in the lives of the characters and share all their experiences. Princesses or knights, happy heroes and difficult situations are built in almost every one of them.

I love fairy tales for many reasons. They are filled with deep meaning, which in many ways repeat life situations. By reading them, I can relax as much as possible and immerse myself in new experiences. Fairy tales have the power to awaken the deepest parts of a person.

Writers are like artists who create their own picture of the world, which completely absorbs a person. Fairy tales, they are so simple, but at the same time so complex...

Thanks to fairy tales, each of us can experience those emotions that in life we ​​may not have the opportunity to experience. Their most magical thing is precisely the parallel reality and the opportunity to feel all his experiences together with the hero of the fairy tale.

A book is a very important part of life for me. Since childhood, my parents instilled in me a love for it, and I am glad that now I have my own library of books.

All children want a fairy tale in their lives, which is easy to organize thanks to just one book, after reading which you can build yourself a whole world of magic. You can feel like a prince or princess, experience wonderful feelings and then share your impressions. Modern literature has a huge range of books, genres and trends. If you wish, you can find anything, choose a book to your liking and enjoy reading.

3rd grade, 5th grade

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