Kidney tea - instructions for use. Composition of the herbal preparation for the kidneys, properties and indications for use. Beneficial properties and instructions for use of kidney tea for cystitis, pyelonephritis, and other diseases of the kidneys and bladder


Orthosiphon bud tea is the dried leaves and stems of the plant. Decoctions from the product are used to treat kidney diseases, diabetes, and a number of cardiovascular pathologies. The medicine has a powerful diuretic effect, promotes the dissolution of uric acid, from which stones are formed.

Prepare the infusion correctly and adhere to the dosage. The remedy is a medication; before using it, read the instructions carefully, even herbal medicine can cause side effects if used incorrectly.

pharmachologic effect

The staminate orthosiphon has the second name “cat’s whisker”. The plant has been widely used by healers for a long time as a treatment for various diseases. The remedy was recognized as modern traditional medicine only in the 50s of the last century on the initiative of the leadership of the USSR. Since the 60s, the medication has been prescribed to patients as part of complex therapy for urinary tract diseases.

An infusion of kidney tea leaves has a diuretic and antispasmodic effect. The active components of the drug have choleretic properties and increase the secretory function of the patient’s gastric mucosa. The diuretic effect promotes the excretion of urea and uric acid.

Effect and release form

Orthosiphon bud tea is a powder made from a mixture of stems and leaves of the plant. The color of the product is green, grayish-green, with purple inclusions. The smell of the medicine is weak, the taste of the brewed tea is slightly bitter, slightly astringent.

The medication is produced in filter bags containing 1.5 grams of medicinal powder each. A cardboard pack contains 10 or 20 bags. Many manufacturers put instructions on the cardboard packaging of tea.

The product has a positive effect by replenishing useful elements in the patient’s body:

  • fatty oils, various esters;
  • magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium;
  • chromium, cobalt, manganese, zinc, palladium, selenium;
  • tannins;
  • alkaloids, flavonoids;
  • mesoinositol, ash;
  • glycoside orthosiphonin and others.

Indications for use

Orthosiphon stamen has an analgesic, diuretic, and diuretic effect. The product also relieves spasms of varying severity.

The medicine is prescribed for the treatment of:

  • diseases of the kidneys, urinary, gall bladder. Orthosiphon promotes treatment, prevents the reappearance of stones (by ridding the body of chlorides and other metabolites, for example, uric acid);
  • gastritis, cholecystitis, edema, diathesis;
  • sugar diabetes;
  • elimination of poor circulation, cardiovascular diseases;
  • gout;

Orthosiphon promotes the secretion of secretions from the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, improves appetite, and has a beneficial effect on the smooth muscles of organs, relieving spasms of varying severity.


The product is not recommended for use if you are hypersensitive to the components of the medication. In most cases, Orthosiphon is well tolerated; if allergic reactions or other signs of illness occur, consult a doctor and stop using the drug.

Instructions for preparation and use

How to cook:

  • Place two bags in an enamel bowl or glass jar, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for a quarter of an hour;
  • squeeze out the contents of the filter bags, dilute the resulting volume with warm water (200 ml).

Take the finished product warm, half a glass twice a day, half an hour before meals. The duration of therapy is three weeks. If necessary, repeat treatment a month after consultation with the doctor. Shake the medication before drinking medicinal tea.

Important! Do not refuse drug treatment if you are taking Orthosiphon kidney tea; combine two methods of therapy to quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms and eliminate inflammatory processes in the organs of the urinary system.

Orthosiphon stamen during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a difficult period in the life of every member of the fair sex. Right now there is a high probability of exacerbation of pathologies of the genitourinary system; ailments may also arise for the first time. Is it possible to use Orthosiphon while pregnant?

For many years, tea was not only approved for use in an interesting situation, but was also prescribed as an adjuvant therapy. The product perfectly helps to cope with the hardships of pregnancy and ease the process of urination during the hot season. Orthosiphon eliminates swelling of the legs, bags under the eyes, and also helps maintain a woman’s normal condition until childbirth without the use of potent medications.

At the moment, some experts are discouraging women from taking the drug, which is due to the sale of various mixtures of herbs under the guise of “kidney tea”. Careful study of the composition of the product or independent preparation of a healing decoction based on Orthosiphon tea will help you avoid negative consequences.

Cost and storage conditions

Store the tea in a place protected from light, drink the finished infusion throughout the day. Keep the product away from children. The shelf life of Orthosiphon is 4 years. Do not use the medicine after the expiration date of the medicine.

Orthosiphon tea has a very reasonable price - 110 rubles per package of 50 grams. Depending on the pharmacy chain and city of purchase, the specific cost may vary.

The medicine is very popular among patients with various ailments. Acceptable pricing policy and ease of use are the main advantages of the product.

Orthosiphon is often used in the complex treatment of urinary tract diseases. The product copes well with pain, helps remove stones, and normalizes the patient’s condition. Before starting therapy, consult your doctor, follow the dosage.

Find out more useful information about Orthosiphon stamen bud tea from the following video:

For pathologies of the kidneys and urinary system, in addition to traditionally used pharmaceuticals, folk recipes based on medicinal herbs that have diuretic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects can be used as part of complex therapy. Today on the shelves of pharmacies you can find various herbal teas called “kidney tea”, packaged in filter bags convenient for brewing.

The main component of these collections are the leaves of the orthosiphon staminate plant, popularly known as cat's whisker or kidney tea. In folk medicine, this evergreen shrub with beautiful pale purple flowers has long been used to treat gout, kidney disease, heart disease, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis. Over the past decades, its healing properties have been recognized by official medicine.

Types and compositions of ready-made kidney teas

Kidney tea is intended for the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and urinary system (pyelonephritis, chronic glomerulonephritis, urethritis, cystitis, urolithiasis), as well as some diseases of the body caused by metabolic disorders (gout, diabetes mellitus, uric acid diathesis).

It helps cleanse the body of toxins, remove sand, normalize the urinary system, and has a diuretic, decongestant, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antiseptic effect. Of the kidney teas produced, the most popular are the following herbal infusions:

  • “Nephrophyte” consists of chamomile flowers, black currant leaves, orthosiphon staminate, lingonberry, rhizomes and roots of calamus, knotweed grass;
  • “Urophyton”, contains birch, bearberry and plantain leaves, licorice root, calendula flowers, St. John's wort and horsetail;
  • “Phytonephrol” consists of bearberry and peppermint leaves, fragrant dill fruits, calendula flowers, roots and rhizomes of Eleutherococcus senticosus;
  • “Nefron” is a collection of St. John’s wort, horsetail, knotweed and goldenrod, lingonberry leaves, nettle and peppermint, calendula flowers, corn silk, calamus rhizomes;
  • "Kidney tea" contains leaves of Orthosiphon staminate.
“Kidney tea” contains only one medicinal plant - Orthosiphon staminate. However, if you take it together with the leaves of lingonberry, bearberry, birch buds and other herbs that have similar healing properties, then the therapeutic effect of such a drink will significantly increase.

Description and chemical composition of the orthosiphon staminate

Orthosiphon staminate belongs to the Lamiaceae family. It is a perennial subshrub, reaching 1 - 1.5 m. At the tops of the tetrahedral, highly branched stems in the axils of the leaves there are racemose pyramidal inflorescences 15 cm high of pale lilac flowers. The plant blooms from July to August, and it is at this time that it is harvested. The leaves are arranged oppositely, on short petioles, and have a diamond-shaped or oblong shape.

Orthosiphon staminate is a tropical plant and is found naturally in Australia, America and the countries of Southeast Asia. In the Caucasus, Crimea, Georgia and other regions, it is specially cultivated to obtain medicinal raw materials.

Interesting: Orthosiphon flowers have four very long stamens, somewhat reminiscent of cat whiskers, for which the plant received the popular name “cat’s whisker”.

Leaves and shoot tips, including two pairs of leaves, are suitable as medicinal raw materials. They contain:

  • macro- (Ca, K, Mg,) and microelements (Fe, Mn, Zn, Co, Al, Se, B, Pd, Ba);
  • fixed oils;
  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • flavonoids;
  • saponins;
  • organic acids (tartaric, rosemary, citric, phenolcarboxylic);
  • essential oils;
  • phytosterols (betasitosterol);
  • vitamin-like substances (mesoinositol);
  • glycoside orthosiphonin.

Medicinal properties of orthosiphon staminate

Kidney tea or orthosiphon stamen is very effective for various pathologies of the urinary system. It has a diuretic effect, improves tubular function, increases glomerular filtration, promotes the removal from the body of toxic substances, end products of protein metabolism (urea and uric acid), chlorides, and relieves pain when urinating during the inflammatory process in the urinary tract. Orthosiphon stamen also has an antiseptic and antispasmodic effect, relaxes the smooth muscles of the internal organs and thereby relieves pain caused by spasms.

When taking tea for the kidneys from Orthosiphon stamen, there is a shift in urine pH to the alkaline region, increased secretion of gastric juice and bile secretion, increased appetite, decreased levels of leukocytes and mucus in the bile. It can be used in the treatment of gastritis with low acidity, cholecystitis, and some liver diseases.

Teas, decoctions and infusions based on the plant are taken for edema caused by cardiovascular failure, urinary incontinence, hypertensive nephropathy, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract, stones and sand in the kidneys, gall bladder or bile ducts. Kidney tea helps as part of the complex treatment of atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, uric acid diathesis and gout.

Kidney tea can be taken not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of acute and chronic diseases of the urinary system. It is included in some weight loss preparations and helps to remove extra pounds caused by stagnation of fluid in the body due to an imbalance of water-salt balance.

Kidney tea during pregnancy

Pregnancy is not an easy period for a woman’s body, since at this time it has to work in an intensive mode. A special burden falls on the kidneys, whose function is to filter the blood, regulate the water-salt balance, and remove excess fluid and harmful substances. By the beginning of the third trimester, the total volume of circulating blood in the body of a pregnant woman increases by about 30%. In addition, as the uterus grows, it begins to compress all the organs surrounding it, which to some extent complicates their work. As a result, most pregnant women develop swelling in the legs and bags under the eyes in the later stages, while the list of pharmaceuticals and herbs that can help with this problem is very limited due to their unsafety for the fetus.

Unlike many other medicinal herbs, orthosiphon staminate is approved for use during pregnancy if indicated. This kidney tea is prescribed for edema in women in the last months of pregnancy. The course of treatment should not exceed three weeks of continuous use.

Kidney tea during pregnancy can be used not only to eliminate edema, but also to treat inflammatory pathologies of the urinary system, the likelihood of which increases due to a general decrease in immunity. It also helps in the complex treatment of gestosis, in which there is a risk of intrauterine hypoxia in the fetus. In some cases, it is prescribed during pregnancy to women suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases of the urinary system to prevent exacerbations.

Important: Before drinking Orthosiphon stamen tea, you should carefully study the composition given on the package. It should not contain any other medicinal herbs that are contraindicated during pregnancy.

If prescribed by a doctor, kidney tea from Orthosiphon stamineus can be used by women during breastfeeding in case of insufficient breast milk production.

Methods of application

Orthosiphon stamen is produced in the form of dry medicinal raw materials, packaged in 50 g per package, or in the form of filter bags for brewing tea, 20 pieces per package. It is available in pharmacies without a prescription.

The easiest way to use it is to use ready-made filter bags. To obtain a medicinal drink, you need to pour 1 sachet with 100 ml of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, cover with a lid, then carefully squeeze out the sachet and dilute the finished infusion 2 times with warm boiled water. Adults are usually recommended to drink this tea twice a day, 100 ml half an hour before meals.


Dry leaves of Orthosiphon staminate (3 g) are crushed, placed in a cup or glass, and 200 ml of boiling water is added. Leave for 20 minutes. Filter and then bring the volume to the original volume with boiled water. Take 100 ml warm twice a day before meals for urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, gout, rheumatism, cystitis and cholecystitis.


Dried orthosiphon leaves are crushed. Place 5 g of the resulting mass in a small saucepan, add 200 ml of boiling water, cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Allow to cool slowly and brew for 3 hours, then filter. Drink 100 ml morning and evening half an hour before meals for renal and heart failure, inflammatory processes in the urinary system, the first symptoms of hypertension and coronary artery disease.

Remedy for acute cystitis

To 1 tsp. orthosiphon leaves add the same amount of bearberry leaves. The resulting mixture is poured into ¼ liter of water, left for 10 hours and filtered. Drink the prepared kidney tea in warm small sips 2 times a day.


The peculiarity of Orthosiphon stamen is that despite the large number of beneficial properties of this kidney tea, it has very few contraindications and side effects. Before starting treatment, it is recommended to consult a doctor, this is especially important if a person has severe pathologies of the heart and kidneys.

Kidney tea is a herbal tea used to treat diseases of the urinary organs.

Its action is based on the diuretic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect provided by the medicinal plants included in the composition.

How to take kidney tea correctly - we will study the instructions for phytotherapeutic treatment of the kidneys.


Most medicinal mixtures consist of diuretic herbs (cat's whisker, lingonberry and bearberry leaves), antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory ingredients. Real kidney tea is called orthosiphon stamen and its leaves or cat's whisker - a mild plant diuretic from the Lamiaceae family.

The herb is used according to indications:

  • chronic and acute inflammation of the kidneys;
  • urethritis;
  • cystitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • edema associated with cardiovascular pathologies, hypertension;
  • swelling in pregnant women.

Orthosiphon helps normalize urodynamics, improving glomerular filtration and tubular functioning; promotes the removal of excess salts and the dissolution of urate and oxalate stones due to alkalization of urine; the separation of fluid in the body doubles, flushing the kidneys and urinary tract.

The antispastic effect of the plant is used to relieve pain in renal colic. The monocomponent herbal medicine Orthosiphon is produced based on cat's whiskers.

You can get other ready-made kidney preparations at the pharmacy:

  1. Urophyton: bearberry, birch, plantain leaves, horsetail and St. John's wort herbs, calendula flowers, licorice root. Herbal tea acts as a diuretic uroseptic, promotes the dissolution of sand, and destroys fungal infections in the urinary tract. Taking Urophyton relieves swelling, reduces allergic manifestations, and has a sedative effect.
  2. Phytonephrol is a urological collection of bearberry and peppermint leaves, marigold inflorescences, dill seeds, and Eleutherococcus roots. It is used in the complex treatment of nephropathologies and urological diseases as an antiseptic, antispasmodic and diuretic.
  3. Nephron is a kidney tea with uroseptic and diuretic effects, normalizes water-salt metabolism. The medicine contains: lingonberry leaves, St. John's wort, knotweed, goldenrod, calendula, nettle, peppermint, horsetail, corn silk, calamus root, hop cones.

Instructions for taking renal fees

Methods of using kidney tea depend on the disease:

  1. Orthosiphon herb is brewed and drunk for chronic inflammation and for preventive purposes at the rate of 2 - 3 tablespoons of raw material per glass of boiling water. A single dose of tea is half or a third of a glass before each meal. Courses last 30 days with weekly breaks for 6 – 8 months.
  2. For inflammation in the bladder, urethra, kidneys, hypertension and mild swelling, add 5 grams. herbs into a saucepan with 250 ml of hot water, place the container in a water bath for 5 minutes. Remove the broth from the stove, leave for 3 hours, drain through cheesecloth. Take half a glass of tea before meals twice a day.
  3. Cystitis and kidney stones are treated with tea brewed in this way: 3 g. Leave the herbs in a glass of boiling water for 20 minutes, then filter and add hot water to the top. Take in the same way as the previous recipe.
  4. Brew the kidney collection in a thermos overnight (2 tablespoons of raw material per 2 cups of boiling water). Drink 150 ml of strained tea before meals. This method of preparing a decoction is suitable for high blood pressure, uric acid diathesis, stone deposits in the kidneys, and inflammation of the urinary system.
  5. Urinary retention and painful sensations can be relieved by infusing cat's whisker grass (1 tbsp) in cold water (250 ml) for 12 hours. Brew cool tea and drink 1 glass per meal - 2 times a day.
  6. Urophyton herbal tea is sold in filter bags. 1-2 bags of the mixture should be brewed in a glass of water 30-35 minutes before meals and drunk at the time of eating. Per day – 2 doses.
  7. Nephron kidney tea is infused a little less - 10 - 15 minutes, taken in the same way as Urophyton.
  8. The Phytonephron collection (2 tbsp) is poured into an enamel bowl with a glass of boiled water and left for about half an hour in a water bath. After 10 minutes of cooling, the broth is filtered, the raw materials remaining in the gauze are squeezed out. The volume of liquid is adjusted by diluting with water to 200 ml. A glass of medicine is divided into 3 doses.

Want to know other ways Read about modern methods of kidney cleansing.

In you will find everything about the symptoms of urolithiasis in women.

Do you know if you can drink kidney tea if you find sand in your kidneys? Here is a complete overview of possible treatment options, including herbal recipes for removing sand from the urinary system.

Contraindications for use

Kidney teas are a good therapeutic and prophylactic remedy for kidney problems.

Their ingredients are safe, but each herbal medicine has its own contraindications.

The instructions for urological collections describe few restrictions and side effects, but they cannot be ignored:

  • a reaction may occur to plants in the collection if the patient is allergic;
  • It is not allowed to give kidney tea to children under 12 years of age;
  • diuretics are contraindicated in patients with severe renal and heart failure;
  • if there are stones in the pelvis, agents with diuretic activity can cause the movement of stones and blockage of the ureters;
  • It is forbidden to drink kidney teas if you have urinary retention;
  • almost all renal herbs, except for the herb orthosiphon, are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

Use during pregnancy

Despite the fact that pregnancy is one of the contraindications to treatment with diuretic herbs, herbal teas are often prescribed to expectant mothers to combat edema and improve kidney function.

Doctors believe that natural diuretics are gentler than chemical drugs, and therefore more harmless for a pregnant woman.

During the gestation period, the use of Orthosiphon kidney tea is allowed, but it is important to follow the dosage indicated in the instructions.

The decoction is drunk throughout the day in small portions (a third of a cup) 3 to 4 times a day. The course of treatment is up to a month, as prescribed by the doctor.

Kidney tea during pregnancy helps reduce edema, normalize blood pressure, removes excess uric acid from the body, and serves as a prevention of nephropathy.

In the treatment of cystitis

It is difficult to imagine treating an inflamed bladder without the use of herbal infusions.

How kidney tea works

Kidney tea for cystitis has a complex effect: eliminates stagnation of urine, flushes out infection from the bladder and urethra, prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microbes and their migration towards the kidneys.

For cystitis, you can drink any herbal infusion with a diuretic and antiseptic effect; tea for the kidneys based on lingonberry and bearberry leaves is especially useful.

The medicinal effect of tea occurs due to the content of useful natural substances in it: saponins, orthosiphonin glycoside (which causes the bitter taste of tea), essential oil. Orthosiphon contains many other biologically active substances: tannins, potassium.

What are the contraindications to taking kidney tea?

Contraindications are kept to a minimum; these include pregnancy and children under 12 years of age, as well as individual intolerance. With caution - for persons with heart and kidney failure.

Orthosiphon tea has no side effects, is not poisonous, and has a mild effect as a diuretic. Like any medicine, tea should be taken as prescribed by the doctor; exceeding the dosage is unacceptable.

The pharmaceutical preparation is a package with filter bags of 1.5 g each, which contain crushed leaves and stems of a plant of predominantly greenish and gray color. The smell is almost indistinguishable. The prepared tea tastes slightly bitter and astringent.

Orthosiphon plant in nature: distribution area

Distributed wild in the tropical climate of Indonesia, Java, and Australia. The plant is harvested four times a year. Leaves and stems are cut and dried. In finished form, medicinal raw materials have a moisture content of about 10%. In our country, orthosiphon is artificially cultivated on the Black Sea coast, in the Caucasian regions. But under these conditions the plant does not produce seeds.

Medicinal effect of kidney tea from orthosiphon

Properly prepared tea, decoction, infusion from the leaves of the plant:

  1. It will serve as a natural mild diuretic, freeing the kidneys from harmful salts, chlorides, and urea.
  2. Relieves smooth muscle spasms and eliminates pain.
  3. It will have a choleretic effect.
  4. Increases the secretion of the gastric mucosa.

How to use Orthosiphon kidney tea: instructions

Orthosiphon, due to its excellent diuretic effect, has gained great popularity as a medicinal tea.

Kidney tea purchased at a pharmacy contains instructions that tell you step by step how to prepare the medicinal drink.

Orthosiphon leaves are used for medicinal purposes in the form of tea, infusion or decoction in the following cases:

  • kidney disease;
  • swelling;
  • salt deposits;
  • hypertension;
  • uric acid diathesis;
  • problems with the gallbladder (with stagnation of bile);
  • liver diseases;
  • gastritis due to low acidity;
  • inflammatory diseases of the bladder;
  • the presence of sand and kidney stones.

It has been proven that drinking medicinal tea helps to alkalize urine, reduces stone formation, and removes excess fluid from the body.

When taken regularly in patients with chronic cholecystitis and cholelithiasis, tea reduces pain and has a beneficial effect on the secretory function of the stomach.

Recipe for making kidney tea from dry orthosiphon herb:

  1. Take 1 tablespoon of dry crushed herb.
  2. Add 50 ml of cold boiled water.
  3. Set for 12 hours, stirring occasionally.
  4. Before drinking, warm up the tea and take it warm.
  5. The daily dose is 2-3 cups.

If you add bearberry leaves to the prepared drink, the tea will acquire disinfectant functions. This drink will perfectly cleanse the urinary tract and bladder of harmful microorganisms and bacteria. A mixture of herbs is taken in the same proportion - 25 g each. Add cold boiled water and leave for 12 hours. The mixture must be slightly warmed before use.

Rules for preparing the infusion

Place half a teaspoon of crushed orthosiphon leaves in a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil and leave to brew for half an hour. Strain, add boiling water to a full glass. Use a warm infusion in an amount of 100 ml 30 minutes before meals twice a day. Take daily for one and a half months.

Preparing the decoction

The decoction is prepared in a water bath: take 3 tablespoons of dry raw materials per glass of boiling water, place in an enamel bowl and heat for 15 minutes. Leave for 45 minutes, strain, add boiling water to the volume of a glass.

Take 2-3 times a day, 50-100 ml for 30 minutes. before meals.

Thanks to its mild medicinal effect, orthosiphon stamen in the form of kidney tea has become extremely popular in the world. The product has been used in European countries since the middle of the last century.

Orthosiphon tea is prescribed even to pregnant women suffering from edema, in the treatment of inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system. Despite the fact that pregnancy is often indicated on tea packages as a contraindication, most doctors insist that tea, in the absence of foreign impurities, has only a beneficial effect due to its natural composition and has no side effects.

Orthosiphon leaf tea is an excellent product, but like any medicine, it must be prescribed by a doctor.

Among the variety of medicinal herbs on the pharmacy display, you may notice a box with the words “Kidney Tea” written on it. The thought immediately arises that this remedy is probably used for kidney diseases. Let's figure out what's in the box, what properties it has, and what it's intended for.

Description of the plant

Kidney tea (also known as orthosiphon staminate or cat's whisker) is a perennial evergreen subshrub that grows wild in northern Australia, Southeast Asia, the tropics of America, and on the island of Java. In Russia, it is successfully cultivated in the Caucasus and Crimea. Its height is from 100 to 150 cm. The stem is tetrahedral and branches well. It is purple at the bottom and green at the top. On it, ovate-lanceolate leaves are arranged oppositely on short petioles, the shape of which resembles an elongated rhombus. The edge of the leaf is jagged. The length of the leaf plate is about five to six centimeters, and the width is from one to two centimeters. Pale purple (or lilac) flowers are located in the axils of the leaves at the top of the branches. The result is a racemose inflorescence of a pyramidal shape. And the plant was popularly called the cat's whisker, probably due to the fact that each flower has four long stamens, similar to the whiskers of cats. The fruits are oval or round nuts. Flowering time is July-August. Harvesting is carried out during the summer season in several stages; leaves or flushes are collected (these are the leafy apical parts of the shoots). The dried and crushed raw materials are then packaged in pharmaceutical packaging. A large bag may contain 50 grams of raw material, or there may be 30 (or 20) small filter bags.

Composition and medicinal properties

The following were discovered in the orthosiphon:

Glycoside orthosiphonin is one of the main active ingredients;
rosemary, citric, tartaric and phenolcarboxylic acids;
triterpene saponins, flavonoids, alkaloids;
essential oils, mesoinoside;
fatty acids, beta-sitosterol;
manganese, selenium, boron, zinc, cobalt, aluminum;
potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium.

Orthosiphon staminate is a good diuretic medicinal plant used in the treatment of various diseases of the kidneys and excretory organs, and urinary retention. In Europe, it began to be used in 1927, since then it has been included in various herbal preparations and ready-made preparations, for example, for the so-called “wrinkled kidney” as a diuretic tea that helps remove chlorides, uric acid, and urea from the body. Glomerular filtration increases and tubular function improves. The tea also has a slight antispasmodic and analgesic effect, while it does not have any irritating effect on the kidney tissue.

It has been revealed that orthosiphon is capable of exhibiting antispastic (relaxing) properties on organs with smooth muscles. It enhances the secretion of bile, stimulates the production of gastric juice, and improves appetite.

And one more positive quality of this plant is that it can saturate the body with potassium salts and other macro- and microelements.

How is kidney tea used?

Orthosiphon stamen is recommended for the treatment of the following diseases:

Pathologies of the kidneys and other organs of the urinary system, gall bladder;
urinary incontinence;
hypertension, edema;
pathologies of the cardiovascular system, poor circulation;
heart failure (together with cardiac glycosides);
diabetes mellitus;
gallstones or kidney stones;
atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels.

There are several options for preparing dosage forms from Orthosiphon stamen. PoMedicine will tell readers the following methods:

  • In the evening, pour 2 tablespoons of raw material (orthosiphon leaves) into a thermos, pour two full glasses (that is, only 500 ml) of boiled water into it. By the next morning the infusion will be ready, all you have to do is strain it and drink 150 ml three times a day. This tea will be useful for kidney ailments (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis), as well as urethritis, cystitis, cholecystitis, diathesis, gout. The so-called cold infusion. Place a heaping spoonful of crushed orthosiphon leaves into a mug. Use a tablespoon when measuring this. Pour 250 ml of cold (previously boiled) water there. Stir this product occasionally. Infusion is carried out for 8-12 hours. Drink this remedy one or two glasses a day, warmed. This drug is recommended to “flush” the urinary system in case of inflammatory diseases, the presence of stones or sand in the kidneys.
  • Using a water bath. Place 4 grams of orthosiphon (crushed leaves) in a small enameled container, pour 250 ml of boiling water over them, and cover with a lid. Now put everything in a water bath for 15 minutes. After this, leave the composition at room temperature for 45 minutes, during which time the extraction of active substances from plant materials will continue. Drink the strained infusion three times a day, 50-70 milliliters before meals.
There is evidence that drinking kidney tea increases milk production in breastfeeding women.

To increase the therapeutic effect, doctors prescribe taking orthosiphon stamen together with other medicinal herbs endowed with anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties, for example, with birch leaves or buds, lingonberry leaves, bearberry, and horsetail grass.

This collection can be used to treat acute cystitis. First, mix the crushed raw materials: 25 grams each of bearberry leaves and kidney tea. In the evening, measure 2 teaspoons of this mixture into a mug, pour 250 ml of cool water into it, which you previously boiled. Mix everything and leave to infuse cold for 10 hours. The next day, drink this tea after straining it, dividing it into two portions and heating it before using.

And here is a recipe for preparing an infusion from two components: lingonberry leaves and orthosiphon. Measure a tablespoon of lingonberry leaf and a teaspoon of orthosiphon leaves into a mug. Pour the raw material with boiled water (250 ml). Cover with a lid and let it sit for 60 minutes. Dosage: 100 ml twice a day 20 minutes before meals.

Some gynecologists prescribe kidney tea to women during pregnancy if they are concerned about swelling, hypertension, or have hypertonicity of the uterus.